Why Grown Men Struggle to Make Friends
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00:00How did you find the men that you would call your close friends?
00:09Like, what did you look for in those people?
00:12I tried to find people that I could add value to.
00:16And I tried to always keep in check this sense that I'm not worthy to be in this conversation.
00:25So I know there's a common Instagram-y thing, like, find the 10 guys that you want to be
00:30one day, and you go see what you can learn from them.
00:34I think that turns every human interaction into an ROI, into a 401k.
00:38I'm going to put this in, and hopefully I get this out of it.
00:41And I think that's the death of true relationships.
00:44So the joke around here that's not a joke was, I had an 18-month ramp-up plan for this
00:52new job.
00:53I'd never been on the radio, I'd never been on podcast, I didn't know anything about this.
00:58I joined here late January 2020, the world melts down in March.
01:03And then just a few months later, Dave Ramsey's like, I hired you to help hurting people,
01:07everybody's hurting, we're going to figure this out on the air.
01:11So my first time on the radio was on the second largest radio show in America, okay?
01:18The very first episode, maybe the second one, he said something, and I don't remember what
01:22it was about, but I remember saying, that's not right.
01:26And you could feel the, and I didn't know enough to know, you don't tell Dave Ramsey
01:32on the Dave Ramsey show, that's not right.
01:34It started a great conversation, he loved it, the audience was like, who's this guy?
01:39But here's the most important thing, I wanted to add value to what I was doing, that's what
01:46I thought I got hired to do.
01:49And I didn't put my self worth into whether this other guy likes me, my wife likes me
01:56and my friends like me and my kids like me.
01:58And so I think when you are trying to find other men in your life, other women in your
02:03life, those that we want to hang out with feel the globbiness of, you know what I mean?
02:11They feel it instead of, nice shoes, man.
02:16And you might get some, but there will be a guy that's like, dude, that guy, like, that's
02:22my guy.
02:23Does that make sense?
02:25And so I think, where can I add value to something?
02:27Like, hey, let me help you with your yard, or I've got a neighbor who's doing a thing
02:31like, hey, let me watch your house while you're gone.
02:34He doesn't know me, right?
02:36But now he knows, oh, you're the kind of guy that offers to watch my house when I'm gone,
02:41Like, you're creepy, but also you're probably my guy, right?
02:42And so I think it's, how can you add value to somebody's life?
02:45And maybe the other way to say it is, just be a good person, right?
02:48But then the other thing is, you've got to just go be weird.
02:50Yeah, you've got to be friendly and then figure out, who do I actually want to be friends
02:55All right.
02:56I'll put you on the spot, okay?
02:57Just describe, doesn't have to be fancy, what do you want from another guy friend?
03:04What do you want the experience to be when you're hanging out with them?
03:08So I've thought about this a good bit.
03:10I would describe good friends are friends that are going to risk the relationship for
03:14the good of the relationship.
03:16And the way that would play out is someone who's willing to make me feel uncomfortable
03:21for my good.
03:22Because at any point, if they make me uncomfortable, I can just up and leave and don't have to
03:28address it.
03:30But a lot of times it's those friends that are willing to do that, that I know are true,
03:34like very good friends.
03:37It's like friends that do that are rare, because not many people want to have those conversations
03:42that are going to make you good as a person or make you better.
03:45But the times that I have had friends do that for me, that in the moment, not appreciative
03:51of it, later on.
03:52Well, I'll just say real quick to that, the reason I asked that question is because now
03:56you know what you need.
03:58So now you know what you're looking for.
04:00And those friends are going to be very rare because you need a truth teller, someone who's
04:04very blunt.
04:05It's still true.
04:06But not everybody's comfortable with confrontation, because confrontation doesn't require anger.
04:10Confrontation is just simply, I'm going to confront what I see and what I hear, and I'm
04:14going to throw my point of view at it.
04:17So not everybody's comfortable with that.
04:19So as you begin to navigate relationships with other men out there, you ask enough questions,
04:25you're so inquisitive that you figure out pretty quickly, oh, this guy, he's not that.
04:30So if you're needing somebody like that in your life, you got to search them out.
04:33But the way you do it is not walk around going, hey, what's your level of confrontation?
04:37How do you feel about that?
04:39No, it's just, you're finding out, okay, where would some of those men be, by the way?
04:44But I also think you have to be the guy, you got to have the reputation of the guy that
04:50will tell the truth.
04:51Like I tell the truth.
04:53That's right, because you'll attract, I get what you're saying.
04:55Not like, I'm going to call out, I'm a guy who calls out.
04:58No, I'm just a guy that tells the truth.
05:00If I say something dumb, Ken will be like, that's absurd.
05:04And not because Ken's a guy that calls out friends, but it's like, Ken just tells the
05:08truth, which is why I love Ken.
05:09I know he's going to tell me the truth, even if it's different than what I think, right?
05:14But that's who you are out in the world.
05:15That's fair.
05:16So I think that idea there, it's-
05:18Yeah, and I just add one thing, sounds like you've done this before, but vulnerability
05:23and honesty is an attractive quality, and it's kind of getting to what you were saying,
05:27where you have to search out those people and have real relationships to find people
05:31that are honest.
05:34Vulnerability is honesty.
05:35That's right.
05:36But I think you have to flip that, and I got to go first.
05:40I got to go first.
05:41A hundred percent.
05:42I wrote that down.
05:43I can't say that enough.
05:44And you got to do it enough.
05:45Not just go first, but keep showing up.
05:48So let's take someone as well-known and famous and powerful, if you will, as Dave is.
05:54My dad loves me.
05:56My wife loves me.
05:57I don't need that from him.
05:59What I need is a trustworthy boss, a trustworthy leader who's going to lead the company, and
06:04I need someone to teach me the ropes.
06:06I don't know how to play guitar, and now I'm all of a sudden on stage and he handed me
06:09a guitar.
06:10I don't know how to do this.
06:11And also, I happen to be by one of the most well-known financial minds of the world, so
06:15he's my-
06:17And he needs me to tell him the truth.
06:18If he calls something on the radio, I'm like, I don't think that's right.
06:21And so there's this...
06:23I'm not afraid to be like, dude, I don't even know what you just said.
06:27And I didn't know enough.
06:28He would go through this long explanation of a mutual fund on air, and I'd be like,
06:31hey, could you say that?
06:33This is on air.
06:34Could you say that like I was a fourth grader?
06:37Because I don't really understand what you just said.
06:39Then they're like, dude, the audience loves that.
06:40Because sometimes it...
06:42And so I'm not scared to look dumb in front of him, because I haven't outsourced, please
06:46tell me that I've got value.
06:48That's not his job in my life, right?
06:50Which allows us to get closer and closer and closer.
06:52And now I consider him a great friend, and he's wise, and he's helped me with some really
06:55gnarly stuff in my personal life.
06:58But it's because I'm not scared to look dumb, right?
07:00But it's that going back to going first.
07:02But all of it works on a dominoes, that's because this stuff at home is okay.
07:06And that allows me to go out and be like, yeah.