23 Cheap Minecraft Hacks To Save Your Time
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Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina
Produced by Jonah Walters
Research by Devon
Edited by Ash's Den
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
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Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina
Produced by Jonah Walters
Research by Devon
Edited by Ash's Den
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2025, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
00:0023 cheap yet easy hacks for Minecraft.
00:02And these hacks get progressively more helpful
00:04as the video goes on,
00:05starting with this new way to never get lost again.
00:08In the past, we've called the lodestone an expensive item
00:10because really it is.
00:11But now, because lodestones have changed,
00:14their crafting recipe in the latest snapshot
00:16only requiring an iron ingot
00:17instead of a netherite ingot, they're a lot cheaper.
00:19And it makes sense that they burn in lava.
00:21So if I take my compasses and I bind them to these three,
00:24now you can see it guides me to all those.
00:26And then I take my bundle, swallow those up,
00:28and now I can always see these compasses
00:31for important locations.
00:32Now, granted, I can't hover over them
00:34and see which one's which.
00:34You'd have to know the order, but isn't that pretty cool?
00:37And then I could just take out all my compasses like that.
00:39So you can have multiple different waypoints
00:41bound to your bundle.
00:42I mean, you can put a lot of them in here,
00:44up to 64 if you wanted to.
00:46That's a lot.
00:47I feel like that would start to look
00:48like the control panel on a pilot's plane.
00:50So the idea is, is that it doesn't give more resources,
00:53but we're gonna optimize what you have.
00:55So for example, coal and charcoal cook eight items.
00:59The planks cook 1.5, and logs also cook 1.5 items.
01:02So never cook with logs ever.
01:04First, you'd want to turn them into planks,
01:06and then the logs with planks to get charcoal,
01:08giving us even better returns.
01:10Also, another thing worth noting,
01:11this is a little bonus cheap hack,
01:13you can't cook with crimson blocks.
01:15If you turn those stems into planks,
01:16planks into ladders, like so,
01:19then I can spell with ladders.
01:20I mean, it's not gonna be a great return,
01:21but it certainly works.
01:23Axe math.
01:24This is the fact that the axe,
01:26regardless of which axe you're using,
01:29does the exact same attack damage.
01:30Look at this, I didn't even realize this.
01:32Now they have different attack speeds, for sure.
01:33It gets a little faster with the diamond one.
01:35The difference between an unenchanted stone axe
01:37and an unenchanted diamond axe is nothing for damage.
01:40So just craft up a stone axe,
01:42and you've already got something
01:42that's gonna be better than your diamond sword in all cases.
01:45I mean, nothing can top the king.
01:47All those axes,
01:47they're gonna be exactly the same for damage.
01:49Yeah, that was deserved.
01:51What we've got here is fence gates,
01:53because if you're selective with how you use your fence gates
01:56switching between fences and walls like so,
01:58then regardless of if we can walk through it,
02:01the pigs and other mobs cannot.
02:03Even chickens, which have a smaller hit box,
02:05you're gonna have to push them through to get them through.
02:07So the chickens themselves,
02:08if I get some like seeds or something,
02:09they're not gonna convince their way out.
02:11But if I wanted to then nudge one out in particular,
02:14say, okay, we need something for lunch.
02:16Don't worry, honey, I brought back a full roast.
02:18I mean, this is an expensive wall, but look at that.
02:20We got just for one wall, a cobblestone wall here.
02:23You can walk through, no problem.
02:24No other mobs gonna get through.
02:26Now, this is a great build hack.
02:28Gives a point to our lily pads too,
02:29because we can place lily pads on water
02:31and then place a block on top of it.
02:33That lets us start building our ship
02:34or whatever we want on top of the water
02:36without ever having to go
02:37and just build straight up from down here.
02:39I mean, the alternative, it speaks for itself, really.
02:41You just wanna place one lily pad that you can get back,
02:44or do you wanna do this whole stack
02:45just to get up to the same level?
02:46And plus it ruins the water.
02:48If you're in a very deep ocean, this gets annoying fast.
02:51Now, wooden tools, as soon as we have them,
02:53we usually just throw them away.
02:54I mean, what would be the point of keeping them along,
02:56especially when they're starting to lose the durability?
02:58But luckily for us,
02:59durability doesn't matter for smelting.
03:02So instead of getting rid of that wooden pickaxe
03:04as soon as you get the stone one,
03:05why not just smelt it
03:06with that first piece of iron that you're getting?
03:08Or use it with your wood to get charcoal.
03:10I don't think anyone makes a full set
03:11of wooden tools like this anyway.
03:12Maybe if you're using the slash kick command on a server.
03:15We at least make a wooden pickaxe.
03:16And if you want to, cook it up.
03:18Use all parts of the pickaxe,
03:20is what I always say, Observer.
03:21Here we've got the gold helmet versus the iron helmet,
03:24which is a completely pointless debate
03:25because they both give you the exact same amount of armor.
03:28Look at that, plus two armor when you wear them.
03:30So if you want to save your iron for something else,
03:32you could just wear gold.
03:33If you have gold, or if you're in like a PVP server
03:35and you're thinking that you need to upgrade,
03:37you really don't.
03:37Unless durability matters,
03:38then otherwise I would just use the gold.
03:41Ah, Marvel.
03:42See, Observer, your golden helmet looks great on you.
03:45Don't let your crown tip king.
03:47So the idea here is that you shouldn't be trying
03:49to convert your concrete
03:50before you go and use it as a building block.
03:52But instead, in places where you can,
03:54use it as something to build with.
03:56And then all you're going to have to do,
03:58save your pickaxe durability,
03:59is just flood water over the top of it.
04:00And look at that.
04:01We've built with concrete, just like so.
04:03Now this is something that you might not have noticed
04:05down in the mine shaft,
04:06but actually if you test it out,
04:07it's that rails will break the path find.
04:09Watch out, Observer.
04:10Rails will break the path finding of mobs.
04:13So even though Observer and I are in survival mode,
04:15they don't think that they can walk through this
04:17because there's a rail there.
04:18But now that it's not,
04:19they realize that they actually can walk through.
04:21And as soon as they're on it, they will walk through.
04:23But up until then, we can live just fine.
04:25I mean, just fine.
04:26I am on fire.
04:27You're already going to be coming across rails
04:28down here anyway.
04:29Might as well use them where you can.
04:31You can do this in your house too.
04:32Just put like a string of rails right here,
04:34just like that.
04:35Completely safe from any zombies that might be out here.
04:37Wait, is Observer going to be fine?
04:38Yeah, look at that.
04:39I would have personally wanted to trap him on the side
04:41with the sun, but you know,
04:43that's why you have knockback 5 billion stake.
04:46Do you know camels are good for combat, Observer?
04:47No joke.
04:48If I'm on a camel like this,
04:49then too tall mobs can't actually hit me.
04:52Now on a horse, baby mobs can't hit you,
04:54but just like this, riding on a camel,
04:56I'm completely safe.
04:58I just go and hit them off.
04:59Okay, as soon as I hit them, they get a little too tall.
05:01So that might not be good.
05:02You might want to have some knockback like Observer does.
05:04Observer, knock away these heathens.
05:07This is my bodyguard.
05:08Okay, dude, thanks.
05:09Is the heathen in the room with us now?
05:12There you go.
05:12Completely safe.
05:13And you can bring a friend.
05:14Here we've got from camel combat to creeper combat.
05:17Since the idea here is that by using just a shield,
05:19we can use the creepers to kill other mobs.
05:21Look at that.
05:22I just took down the entire wave right there.
05:24Oh, okay.
05:25And the wave took down me.
05:26Easy come, easy go, I guess.
05:28But just by using this one shield,
05:30you can keep yourself completely safe from the creeper.
05:34There we go.
05:35Yeah, knock them off into the stratosphere, Observer.
05:38Just like that.
05:39For the price of a little bit of durability,
05:41we can keep ourselves safe.
05:42And if you're in large caves, I highly recommend that.
05:44You don't even have to waste your sword.
05:45Just use a strategically placed creeper
05:47and you're all good.
05:48You know, hypothetically.
05:49Here we've got the warped fungus versus the hoglin.
05:51Just by placing down one of these singular warped fungi,
05:54we can scare off any of the hoglins that come nearby.
05:57Apparently because they think it smells bad,
05:58which I just think is just great.
06:00And just like that,
06:01that's all it's gonna take to keep ourselves safe.
06:03Because otherwise,
06:03these can be a really tough foe to go against.
06:05But just one of them, all good.
06:06It also means you can safely run back to your nether portal
06:09if you were to place down a couple of these.
06:10Now if you spawn in a crimson forest,
06:12you might want to at least bring something
06:13from the warped forest before you go any deeper.
06:16Now they're just in a corner like,
06:16man, that guy sucks.
06:17And his mushroom smells terrible.
06:20Another nether tip,
06:21killing blazes without any weapons.
06:23Because we can kill off a blaze.
06:25It's one of the few mobs that we actually can kill
06:27using exclusively snowballs.
06:29Just one of these snowballs
06:30does three damage per hit on the blaze.
06:32So if you're good with your aim, unlike me,
06:34you can kill them off pretty easily.
06:35This is embarrassing.
06:36I actually deserve to die to this blaze.
06:38I'm sorry.
06:39And that way,
06:40if you were to die and lose all your items
06:41while going in blaze hunting,
06:42really, who cares?
06:43You're just losing snowballs.
06:44And if you have a snow farm,
06:45you're all covered.
06:46So this is just kind of fun to rapid fire off at them.
06:48And if I had myself a looting three sword,
06:51then as a matter of fact,
06:52I hold this in my main hand,
06:54throw with my off hand.
06:55I even get the looting applied
06:56without using any of my sword's durability.
06:58Here we've got a point about the guardian's line of sight.
07:01So you can prevent a guardian's attack
07:03by just placing blocks.
07:04So he's going to start blasting me.
07:06Bam, completely threw off your line of sight.
07:07How about that, huh?
07:08So if you're not exactly swift swimming
07:10like I am right now,
07:11literally just a block.
07:12Oh yeah.
07:13That's the strategy right there.
07:15I feel like I'm build battling on them.
07:15Oh, I'm cranking 90's observer.
07:17Oh, I feel like I'm turning 90 with that reference.
07:19Oh, okay.
07:20This is getting a little intense.
07:21I'll just build my hidey hole
07:23and look, I'm completely safe.
07:24Not a single guardian can hit me.
07:25Yeah, yeah, you're open to join.
07:28Now you won't be able to tell this build hack
07:29unless we had the glass here.
07:31We're actually using upper half slabs
07:33as a way of making our floor.
07:35And this way we get double the amount of floor blocks
07:37and you don't lose your form at all.
07:40It all looks great.
07:41Very nice.
07:42What I personally have done in the past,
07:45it gets a little hard to clean up on,
07:46but let's say that you've got like a brewing stand
07:47or something.
07:48Then what I could do,
07:49I make both of those full blocks
07:50and then I waterlog this one.
07:52Got a hidden water source right there.
07:54So I can just get my bottles,
07:55fill up for brewing.
07:56You're none the wiser.
07:57It does make changing out the floor kind of annoying though.
07:59And now we've got an infinite water source
08:00as observer's showing.
08:01The composter house.
08:03Now it doesn't sound like the most romantic thing to live in
08:05by just going in here and flipping the lid.
08:07Now the mobs can't attack me.
08:09In fairness, my legs and head are sticking out.
08:12I'm just fine.
08:15I can scarcely believe this is working,
08:17but I'm just okay.
08:20It is a little intimidating that one trap door
08:22is all that keeps me from no less
08:24than the entire cast of The Walking Dead.
08:27Ow, ow, ow.
08:28You flipped the lid and now I'm going to flip my lid.
08:30So the idea here is that bamboo can be crafted into most,
08:33if not all of the useful wood products.
08:35And for example,
08:36we're talking about chests, barrels,
08:37our signs, sticks,
08:39anything you're talking about,
08:40pistons, doors, jukeboxes.
08:42We're starting to fall off a little bit here.
08:44Composter's not exactly useful, you know,
08:47but you can craft them with the bamboo.
08:49And it is the fastest thing to farm in the game.
08:51I mean, it just gets ridiculous going against this
08:53and just taking all of the bamboo.
08:55You can have it auto farmed with pistons
08:57and flying machines.
08:58It really gets ridiculous.
08:59But even if you're not,
09:00just go against a bamboo forest
09:02or plant out a couple of these yourself
09:03and insta-break it with a sword.
09:05But just, if you're going to do this,
09:06don't make the mistake of crafting it into mosaic bamboo.
09:09You can't use that for anything except spaghetti.
09:11Campfires will cook for free forever.
09:13No fuels needed after the crafting.
09:15So if I were to just go through
09:16and have a bunch of these,
09:18I can go hibachi style
09:19and just have all of the different pork chops
09:21I ever could want.
09:22I mean, this is just fantastic, folks.
09:23You really can't beat just having all of your food
09:25pop off exactly when it's ready.
09:27I mean, it is slower, sure,
09:28but it's also free.
09:29And I mean, come on,
09:30you don't even have to have any effort for it.
09:32It rocks.
09:33And by making lots of these,
09:34we can offset the time cost for them.
09:36And if you want to,
09:37even if I was to get rid of these,
09:39need to move space,
09:40I break one of these,
09:41I get the exact amount of charcoal
09:43that I used to craft it.
09:44So I'm actually not even wasting the wood in the process.
09:48I'm still getting charcoal.
09:49Boat name tags.
09:50Which is to say that if I were to craft a boat,
09:52I can at least craft one of these.
09:54I can't craft a name tag.
09:55I could trade for them.
09:56That husk is now never going to despawn.
09:58Meaning that if I want to have an iron farm,
10:00keep my zombies safe,
10:01I get one of these guys in there.
10:03Works great.
10:03Not going to despawn.
10:04I don't even need a name tag.
10:05Don't need villagers.
10:06Don't need nothing.
10:07And here we lured it in using these turtle eggs.
10:09And it's also just an easy way to kill them too.
10:11Or easy way for them to kill me.
10:12I did not think this through very well.
10:14Now, because of the bundles
10:14that were recently added in the most recent drop,
10:16this lets us condense our storage down
10:18into just a couple of bundles like so.
10:20Here we go with our dropper.
10:21Look at this.
10:22I can even color code them.
10:23If you don't exactly have shulker boxes in the early game,
10:26craft one of these up with some leather and string,
10:28and you're good.
10:28I mean, they changed the recipe too.
10:29It's a lot better.
10:30It only costs one leather, one string.
10:32Now I've got my valuables bundle,
10:33my seeds bundle,
10:34my fundle bundle.
10:36And I can even put them inside of a shulker box
10:38for added shulker functionality.
10:40I can't exactly add shulker boxes in shulker boxes.
10:42We've got the most storage
10:43that we've ever had in Minecraft now,
10:45thanks to bundles.
10:46You put on a couple observer?
10:48No, I'm just feeling that.
10:51Kind of just looks like potato chips
10:53that you're eating when the particles get thrown off.
10:55Just eating your lays.
10:57The trial chambers have plenty of useful loot,
10:59but some of it might not actually even come
11:01from the trial vaults.
11:02Instead, what we can get them from,
11:04a lot cheaper to just go after all the copper here.
11:07And one of the reasons that this is great
11:09is because all of these are waxed too.
11:10You don't even need honeycomb for this.
11:12You can get all the copper
11:13and all the different variants completely from this thing.
11:16But I can get my lightning rods here,
11:17copper bulbs too,
11:19at different oxidization stages,
11:21which can take a while of time as well.
11:22So getting them all
11:24just for the price of mining out this,
11:25that's nice.
11:26Alrighty, after swapping out all of the blocks
11:28inside of this trial chamber,
11:30we've got the grand totals
11:31of 123 waxed cut copper slabs,
11:354,367 copper blocks,
11:373,169 oxidized copper blocks,
11:401,324 oxidized cut copper blocks,
11:44133 chiseled copper blocks,
11:46621 copper grates,
11:48164 copper bulbs,
11:50283 oxidized cut copper stairs,
11:5383 oxidized copper grates,
11:5545,937 tough bricks,
11:594,679 polished tough,
12:0197 oxidized copper trap doors,
12:04145 chiseled tough blocks,
12:062,568 chiseled tough bricks,
12:08and exactly one wax oxidized chiseled copper,
12:12giving us the total amount of building blocks of 63,694.
12:18So keep your castle to those dimensions, I guess.
12:21Here we've got, ooh, bone meal.
12:23This is showing us how to get a free
12:25and almost unlimited supply of bone meal.
12:27Now, the reason being is that if we were to go inside
12:29a soul sand valley and start to mine away all these blocks,
12:34each one of these blocks that we're mining
12:35has given us nine things of bone meal,
12:37which then lets us fuel our farms
12:38for a really easy and cheap cost.
12:40And as soon as you're using this kind of startup bone meal,
12:43if you're putting this into a farm,
12:44then you can then use the excess seeds in a composter
12:47to give you the remaining bone meal
12:48and start to sell fuel.
12:49There you go.
12:50Think of it like startup funds.
12:52This is a small loan of a million bone meal.
12:54The villager trading treadmill.
12:56The idea here is that we're going to take our villagers
12:58with their various goals, their various jobs.
13:01The trading order is sticks to emeralds with a Fletcher.
13:04From the weaponsmith, we can get diamond tools,
13:06as well as high-level enchantments from the librarian.
13:10And then if you want, you can get into selling string
13:12with fishermen and stuff.
13:13That gets even faster.
13:14Even if they try to fix villagers in the 1.14 update,
13:17they're still even more broken than they were before.
13:19And with that, folks,
13:20YouTube thinks that you might like this video.
13:22So see if they're right and have a good one, all right?