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00:00This is Minecraft, but at different ages starting with how does somebody who is 90 years old build a nether portal?
00:06This is how I build another portal. Am I being called 90 years old? Okay. What about the 50 year old? I
00:13Don't know if that's even possible
00:16Okay, I I am the closest to 25 years old and I'm gonna tell you right now
00:21This is actually exactly how I build my nether portals every single day when I play Minecraft
00:26All right, 20 years old 15 year olds
00:28Can you please tell me if this is how you're making your portals because the real question is are you better the younger you are at?
00:35Minecraft think about it. These people are just the fastest learners 10 year olds learn so fast
00:41Oh, yeah, look at this. Like what is this? Is this?
00:45Here I am
00:48Here I am hyping up the 10 year olds and then this is a
00:51Okay, five year olds maybe this is it oh wait, this looks like the 90 year old Minecraft portal
00:57Except for the fact that it's on the outside
01:00Five year olds went how diamonds are mined at different ages. Oh, no. Okay when you're seven years old
01:05You don't know the value of a diamond, right?
01:08You're just like this derpy little being that just stumbled upon the earth like some kind of jellyfish
01:15Yeah, and you don't know how to count
01:17But you do know how to cheat yeah, yeah, you watch your older brother go into game mode
01:21You're like I know how to do that
01:22You didn't even okay the seven-year-old didn't even mind the diamond
01:25So the seven-year-old just cheats the ten-year-old is yeah getting frustrated because they're finding nothing but lapis
01:31This is like all too relatable. Are you dirty? Are you dirty the ten-year-old?
01:36This is this is a different form of cheating. This will actually get you banned if you do this on a server
01:42Don't ask me how I know see the 20 year old
01:45Okay, 20 year olds using his brain 20 olds like yeah, guess what? We can strip mine
01:48Now the only thing is I will say it it
01:5530 minutes later and we do have the diamonds but guess what at 20 years old
02:00We got integrity because we don't want to cheat. We don't want to use x-ray or game mode. Oh, but for four diamonds
02:07Get fortune on your picker. Ooh how you break bedrock at different ages. So bedrock is technically unbreakable
02:15Unless you're in creative mode, which five-year-old is probably go. Oh, no. Okay, the five-year-old is
02:22You cannot blow it up. So the five-year-old doesn't even break it. Yeah seven-year-old just gonna cheat
02:27Oh, this is what I'm talking about
02:29This is not in the game anymore to my knowledge
02:32you build this contraption on the right version of Minecraft and you time it perfectly as
02:36soon as that TNT block above the piston breaks you place down another piston and
02:43If you did this correctly underneath the piston the bedrock will be gone it's a glitch three two one
02:52Okay, so I I don't know if this actually works what is this somebody explain to me what this is oh
03:01Wait it like pistons fall and then this breaks the bedrock. I don't think that actually no
03:07Okay, hey if that works a twelve-year-old the smartest person in the planet
03:12Okay, see this like this looks just like what the ten-year-old did
03:18No, that's cap that's got to be cap how to crash Minecraft at different ages
03:23No, I mean dude, this isn't even just a five-year-old. This is like an eight-year-old
03:29They summoned an Enderman with a redstone block. Oh, this is gonna be dastardly. Yeah, my guy
03:34My guy the most frustrating sound in the world. Oh
03:39Oh wait, I think I know what happens wait, how's there so many chickens?
03:44Wait, they're breeding like it. Oh
03:46It's the XP balls all the particles from the XP and all the hearts and you're done
03:52What the heck is a lot at level? I feel like I should know what LOD means dude, but I don't know what LOD means
03:58What the heck this is that looks like Minecraft like I'm looking at a bunch of cookies
04:04Okay, Preston. Are you smarter than a twelve-year-old? Come on? Oh
04:10Not only does this crash your game, but it's also very satisfying. Yeah, but this is this really crash your game
04:16I guess it does crash your game because the sands infinitely falling. Yeah, then you're cooked
04:20How minecraft is played at different ages starting with a three-year-old, you know, when you're three years old
04:25You're not really developed a whole lot. So I don't expect them to do very good
04:29But to be honest, this is pretty good for three years old
04:33Okay, now this is see this that's what I expect for a three-year-old five-year-old is getting a little bit better
04:38Oh my gosh, wait, they built this. Oh, this is huge
04:42Wait, this is massive. Is it like
04:45Literally empty on the inside look the brains are not fully developed
04:49But now at seven years old we have now turned into we have raging hormones and we want to blow up everything
04:56You know, I thought this is supposed to be when you get to your teenage years
04:58Are you really doing this at seven years old? I 10 year old
05:01This is when the brain starts developing 10 year olds are apparently just criminals. They just want to steal beds
05:08Here we go. Come on 16 year olds. Come on. Come on
05:12This is how old I was when I started playing Minecraft. All right 20 years old now
05:16You're calm down a little bit. Maybe you're in college or university. Is this all you do you just strip mine?
05:22You don't even know you just strip mine. I did not do this when I was 20 years old
05:26That's all I'm gonna say
05:28Illegal buildings at different ages at five years old, you know, what's illegal? Okay. Okay. Well, hold on now
05:33Wait down this now. Hold on. So the five-year-old is a magician. What are you the five-year-old is David Blaine?
05:40It's David freakin boy. Oh, did you lock this kid up right now?
05:45Lock him up. Oh, how is that?
05:47You how are you how do you get more legal than what the five-year-old just did the pressures on you seven-year-old?
05:52We just have like a box
05:55Is this real or is this a mod it's gotta be a mod right five-year-old more like Oh ten-year-old
06:02Okay. Whoa. Whoa, honey. I shrunk the biome. Oh, so what the ten-year-olds like a mad scientist
06:08Hey, this isn't even illegal. This is just brilliance twelve-year-old. This is it. This is like peak years
06:15Whoa, oh, it just looks like they went into a portal, but they didn't I think the five-year-old was the most illegal
06:21Like this is impressive. This is semi-illegal, but the five-year-olds going to jail how people travel the world at different ages
06:27Okay, nine-year-old. Ah, you don't need to close the doors. Okay?
06:31Wait, why do we have an inventory full of dirt blocks? I feel like they did the nine-year-old dirty
06:37If you're what's the fifth year old doing if you're let's make it a boat. I gotta give a credit to the fifth year old
06:41I don't know if my mom who's 50 would know how to travel in Minecraft by using a boat. I
06:47See 25 year old you've graduated from college by now
06:49You're probably have your first real job and then you get stuck on a leaf block
06:55How is it this is this is not even efficient like this is slower than if you just jumped
07:00All right, 20 year old. We got some we got we I got high hopes here. Oh
07:04Well, okay there now this is gonna be either really good or really bad. Oh, but how you're not gonna die
07:09You're just good. Oh, they're gonna die. They're good
07:12No, they're gonna take no damage
07:15How do they not take damage you're not even in creative mode
07:18Yeah, okay, but how do you know what direction you're going yeah 50 here we go see finally somebody's using their brain and
07:27Elytra only bad thing is you have to make the fireworks. This is way better. Oh
07:31Yeah, ten-year-old. Okay. So ten-year-olds basically what got a command block who's giving himself speed of 100
07:37Elytra in a trident wait, does this actually work? Oh wait. No, it doesn't wait
07:42Wait, wait a second
07:44If you've tested this and it works, will you please like the video because then I don't have to waste my time
07:48Oh houses at different ages. This has me excited. The five-year-olds gotta just yeah, like take over the village
07:56They don't even know how to build a house. Oh, but this could get intense
07:59I mean, you never know dude five-year-olds sometimes can just absolutely blow your mind
08:02Are we just gonna what is this for? Is this now? This is
08:09Since we have the five-year-old conquer. All right, ten-year-old. Oh, no, don't do it. I think you're gonna do don't don't do it
08:16No, no, no. No, this is how I would build a house. Come on. I expect more of you for 10 years old
08:21Anyway, it gets the job done. All right, it gets the job done. Okay, come on. All right, 15 year old
08:27Oh wait, 15 year old is just all about efficiency
08:30This is the world's most efficient Minecraft house
08:34The zombies can't break down the doors cuz they're trap doors and then you close yourself in
08:38I feel like I'm back in Japan in a capsule hotel 18 years old. Oh
08:43Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I think at 18 years old is when I used
08:48Schematics for the first time in Minecraft. It's where you can load up any type of structure you want
08:52It's so good as big and beautiful as this is
08:54It's too big like you really can't even reach all the different areas in the game
08:58How to troll friends at different ages starting with the teenager. This is different
09:05What the heck okay, the chest isn't opening it's it's oh the chest is alive
09:12Okay, hello
09:15Hello, I mean this would terrify me imagine just coming home with all your die
09:19He's got 12 diamonds in his inventory and now he died to a chest. Okay, the ten-year-old though
09:25For my best friend. Oh, no, and you know a ten-year-old would believe that. I mean, I would kind of believe that
09:30Don't go in there. No, it's not safe. No, don't open that. Definitely. Don't open that. He's gonna be safe. He's got the chip. Oh
09:38Five year old don't stand on the golden block man
09:41See, this is what we need to be nurturing these sweet children. Don't don't be bullying them. I know
09:49They're so confused as it is
09:52This is definitely me as a dad though, but like this is so me as a dad, ah
09:57Whenever I have kids it's gonna be so fun to play video games with them cuz I'm gonna be able to mess with them
10:02So tough. I am definitely gonna be that dad
10:05What's happening? Oh, no
10:08Okay. Well, this is this is oh, yeah, that's just sad Oh cursed minecraft at different ages
10:14How is the five-year-old gonna have cursed minecraft? Oh, don't yeah, don't be breeding them chickens in them cows
10:20You know, you're not ready for that you do. Oh, well, I'm not ready for that
10:26What is this what we have we have
10:30Peepers, I do I never want to oh, that's heinous
10:34Absolutely disgusting. Oh, how does it get worse than that? Oh, no, this is though
10:39The seven-year-old has now the pig that's a creeper
10:41What's worse a pig that looks like a creeper or a creeper that looks like a pig twelve-year-old. Oh
10:48What is that? Wait, this is a golem weight of a vogler. What do you call a gilliger?
10:54It's like a golem mix to the villager. These guys are freaking units ain't nobody for a touch my emeralds
11:00Nobody touching these villagers emeralds. I'll tell you what secret rooms at different ages five-year-old secret room
11:07Oh, come on. It's got to be behind the painting, right? It's got to be behind the painting. Yeah, it's behind it
11:12I still think that these are fantastic secret rooms. Okay, ten-year-old
11:17Yeah, oh we're in the same house doesn't have the painting
11:21Lectern, how do you activate the redstone? Oh, you just go to the next page. That's I think that's dangerous
11:27Oh, that's yeah, that's okay. First of all, the ten-year-old's got less diamonds in the seven-year-old. That is still dangerous
11:33Come on. Okay, twelve-year-old. We got to protect these diamonds better. Show me how you're gonna protect these diamonds better
11:44Okay. Oh, I feel like somebody's gonna open that though, right?
11:48Like would you not open the chest if you went to somebody's house?
11:51I actually think this is worse than the ten-year-old like fifteen-year-old by now. Surely. What the heck is this? Oh
12:01Oh, wait, it's not over yet. We did it. There's not even diamonds in there. All right, eighteen-year-old surely
12:07Come on, like the older you get the smarter you're supposed to be right, right? Wait, do you hear that?
12:12Oh, it's on a timer. Oh, so you have to press the buttons within a specific amount of time
12:18Otherwise the tree doesn't open. Yeah, okay. I
12:22Think we found our winner. Uh, you know what 18 years old you're winning. Oh, but now it's like open forever
12:28Oh, no, it goes right back. Oh
12:31MLG clutches at different ages
12:34101 years old look if you're just able to play minecraft 101 years old. You're a legend. Okay, same thing for a 76 year old
12:44Y'all doing the old people dirty, huh?
12:46The 40 year old the 41 year old knows how to even do the cobweb clutch and does it successfully?
12:53Come on. I mean this is that's good for a 40 year old
12:57Uh, okay 23 year old it's gonna be the show-off boat with a chest
13:01Is this even that impressive though? Is it this easier to do then the cobweb clutch?
13:07All right, so we're we're starting from the moon and then clutching down to the earth
13:13Wait, you can use an ender wait, you can do that. Oh
13:17Wait, I'm Phil. I'm actually I just learned something new today. Oh 10 years old 10 years old. Oh, we got the bread
13:24What are you doing with the why do you have the bro?
13:27The bread is it Tim?
13:30Why is the bread the totem undying? Oh, no, how to loot a desert temple at different ages
13:35Oh, the five-year-old doesn't know any better. Like this is everybody's first time. They have no idea what to expect
13:41They're so excited
13:43Seven-year-old by now. They should know right like they've experienced this once. Yeah. Yeah. See they're gonna be smart go down on the edges
13:50Yeah, see seven-year-old big breath. That's gotta be did the rabbit just fall in the pressure plate
13:55That's gotta be the most unlucky thing I thought rabbits were supposed to be lucky not for seven-year-olds, okay ten-year-olds
14:02Surely by now. Okay. Wait, is the rabbit gonna fall see they break the pressure plate and they break the TNT
14:10How do you get better than that though, oh
14:13Okay, you can go faster. Oh now we're getting faster. Oh
14:18Whoa. Whoa. Oh
14:21Using the TNT and the pressure plate to blow up the chest
14:24But it doesn't break the items is brilliant how people of different ages die in Minecraft. Oh, I can't wait to watch this
14:31Okay, three-year-old, you know, they're just like oh look at these cute little pigs and the move
14:37They're probably calling them like moomoos. They probably don't even know what that is to be honest and they deaf
14:41Oh, they don't know what that is
14:47Okay, five-year-old tell me you know, what rule this is they guys like they gotta learn the hard way
14:52Yeah, it's always lava dude. No matter how many times I try to not do this like there's something about this
14:58Oh, okay. Ten-year-old. Oh the ten-year-old is gonna die to mobs
15:02Yeah, do you do not have enough light source? Can you put down some light? Wait, it's not it. Oh, it's suffocation
15:08Oh, are you gonna put the torch down?
15:13What are you doing here? Oh
15:15No, oh no, don't show off buddy. You got a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword. You better hit this. Oh
15:21All right. It just makes me angry when I'm watching it how to hide chests at different ages
15:27Where do you think the chest is hidden? Three two one times up
15:34Times up
15:36Oh wait under here
15:39That's actually for a five-year-old that's impressive what about the seven-year-old and
15:46Under the carpet. Okay. Yeah fair. I would not have looked under the carpet. I want to play along with y'all now
15:52I'm tired of sitting here. Ah
15:54I'm gonna say something with the barrel. Oh my don't tell me it's the item for
16:00Really I got to be smarter than a 12 year old action
16:04It's the furnace like this one is a different color. Oh, it was an item frame with a map of a furnace
16:11That's why it was so weird. That's why the color was so different. I did that. Okay, hey
16:17That's pretty good. I'm just gonna say in the water. Yeah in the water
16:23No, oh no, not. Oh, no, I know what this is. Ah
16:26Okay, this is actually so good if you just hold the grass
16:31You can like reach into the barrel
16:34Yeah, cuz with barrels you can open them
16:37Even if there's blocks on them unlike chess the 18 year olds got to be the most
16:40I think the 18 year old has to be the most insane at this age. You are intelligent you
16:47Put your diamonds in an ender chest
16:49Which only you can open and access how players hide diamonds at different ages the nine-year-old is just gonna
16:56It's just it's just oh, come on don't put it in the village chess
16:59The 50 year old should be really good at hiding their diamonds, right?
17:04Right, like they have probably kids and families that they've been taking care of their whole lives and they're putting
17:11They just put it in a barrel inside the water. You might as well put the diamonds underneath your bed at this point
17:17My 25 year olds, you know the value of diamonds at this point. Yeah, we're just gonna bury them. Oh
17:24Oh, yes, the bad thing about this. Why is there one lava block next to this tree?
17:31you would know something's up, but that's smart and
17:34The 20 year old might be even smarter the 20 year olds gonna. Oh, yeah, the 20 year olds stacking a whole thing of diamonds in there
17:42Okay, doubt. Oh, this is X marks this use the empty map and then it should show the X
17:4815 year old. Okay 15 year old
17:52This has got to be something with like a piston like some kind of secret. Yeah, I knew it. Yeah. Oh, oh
18:00Okay, but what are you gonna cover it with?
18:03Interesting. Okay
18:05Paintings on the rights the paintings are suspicious
18:10Yeah, okay. Ah, oh cuz you throw a block onto the pressure plate. That's what opens this up
18:17Is this actually a safe place to hide your diamonds?
18:19Well, we're gonna say maybe the ten-year-old can beat it
18:22Ten-year-old definitely is struggling a little bit on the zombie realm over the ten-year-old is not as diamond target acquired
18:28Yeah, go in with that. Oh, we need a fortune pickaxe that
18:33What do you what are you thinking here ten-year-old? What that? Oh, no that oh, no. Oh
18:39What okay. No, we're good. Well, what is happening?
18:43Now what don't eat the duck
18:46We're hiding our diamonds in our stomach going to school at different ages
18:50Wait, okay. How are you going to get to school? Is there school and the 16 year old goes to the school in the nether?
18:57Did the six did they just throw their homework out into the nether for it to burn?
19:01Yeah, there's throw away your homework and run away from your responsibilities. That sounds like a terrible idea either 12 year old
19:07I think will be better
19:09Well, why do you have?
19:11Okay, why is there so many magma blocks and why do you have slowness?
19:22All right, the ten-year-old they probably really enjoy school why is everybody's school in the nether
19:29There we go
19:30The seven-year-old should not be going to school in the nether
19:34Okay, why is the seven-year-old better than every other age group and going to school?
19:39We saw legal buildings earlier, but what about a legal houses at different ages? Oh
19:46It's just a boathouse
19:48That's too many boats
19:50No, five-year-old should have this many boats man. I can't tell do I love it or do I hate it? I
19:57Think I hate it. There's something about looking at all the crafting tables. It's just like oh
20:03Oh, no, don't don't oh they used they found out what a barrier block was
20:11Get it. It's cool cuz it's like invisible, but then also everybody can see inside your house and then you have no privacy. Oh
20:19Now this is gonna be okay before they open this. I already know it's gonna like go down right? It's got to go down
20:25right, oh
20:27No, good. Oh, they're literally a witch and they perform witchcraft 12 year olds are the smartest age group
20:35If you're 12, you're welcome, I just glazed you but no matter what age you are, I believe in you
20:39Thank you so much for watching
20:39You can click it there one of these videos if you want to keep watching and have a fantastic day Preston is going down