Today we tricky @ldshadowlady into thinking i've made a fun build for her, when in fact I have made an escape room she has to try and get out of.. Leave a like, comment & Subscribe if you're new :D
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00:00Now about five years ago, I made a video where I made a fake
00:05Dimension and then managed to trap Lizzie and make her run through loads of challenges
00:10Lizzie being LDShadowLady aka my wife if you didn't know that by the way in real life not just in Minecraft
00:15I'm not a loser
00:17Although we did get married in like Minecraft once but we don't talk about that
00:19But I feel like it's been long enough where I could do this again. I could do this again, but better
00:26I reckon now better where she can't cheat her way through it like she did last time
00:31So that's what we're going to do today. And once again, we're gonna make it look like it's something nice something lovely
00:37And that's what we're gonna start out with some building today
00:40We're gonna make something that Lizzie would like so I guess we should get started now
00:45Luckily, thanks to mods like axiom and world edit these days. You can build crazy terrain like this very quickly
00:52This took me an hour to build which is honestly not that bad as most of the hours spent
00:57Just try to remember how to use the mod
00:58We also went in and did some bits by hand as well slash with world edit as you can see here
01:03I'm messing around trying to get some flowers in trying to get some
01:07Waterfalls in and a bit of a river to make it look pretty so the idea is she will spawn in here
01:12Walk along this lovely path. Maybe we'll have some stuff on the way
01:16Not sure just yet, but walk along get to this point here
01:21which is can you know the center of the area and this is where we're going to have a bridge going across and
01:28Then we're gonna build something here didn't go too crazy
01:32Unlike the detailing on this stuff because it's not gonna be seen for long
01:36It's just you know a start a bit even though this did take us two hours
01:40But that's mainly because I've used axiom in a while to do terrain and it was pretty awful
01:45Just taking my anger out as I forgot everything, but this part. We're gonna do mostly by hand
01:54This part we're gonna do mostly by hand and we're gonna build something lovely
01:58Let's get to work and when I say my hands. I mean with world edit as well
02:03I used a lot of world edit here
02:04We started out just using some walls to get the shapes down of this place as you can see we're adding in some hearts copy
02:10Pasting stuff around making it look all nice, and then once we've done all the wool parts
02:15We got working on the detailing and actually making it look nice
02:19We're using a bit of like pink and like quartz and calcite stuff
02:22Just very like bright vibrant colors because you know it's a castle for Lizzie. It's a lovely castle
02:28We've got the love hearts in there lots of pink concrete lots of like magentas as well
02:33And I think it turned out quite nice. Did I complete the back well?
02:38Let's just say yes, we did do the back. We're just not gonna go round there, okay?
02:44We're not gonna look round there
02:46But you guys have to trust me and I would never lie because I'm a youtuber and you can always trust youtubers right guys
02:53Right now you please don't don't trust anybody. Yeah, this is a castle here, and I'm pretty happy with this
03:01It's it's a pretty fun design. It looks rather nice in fact. Let's just you know get a nice perspective
03:07Down here through the trees lovely or look at that. Yeah cinematic. Did you say shaders?
03:14Well there you go shaders. It looks pretty do you say another kind of shaders? Well there you go
03:20It looks not as good. Did you say a third set of shaders? Yeah, and I still prefer the first one
03:26Oh, he went for a fourth and actually really like this one this one looks nice
03:30But I'm happy with it without shaders because it looks really cool still so we built our lovely little section here
03:36This is gonna be you know where we're gonna just lie to my wife
03:41But that's fine because what we are going to do is we are going to place some black
03:47Concrete here in the doorway with some pressure plates
03:50And we're gonna use those to teleport Lizzie to somewhere else. That's not here
03:57I was thinking it could be fun to just copy all of this
04:01But then change all the block types if that makes sense
04:06Gosh, this looks awful from just around there
04:08So let me see if I can world edit this without crashing my minecraft because I'm pretty sure it's gonna be like 16
04:15Billion blocks how the back of this looks really good. Not sure what's going on there, but let's
04:22copy this nearly
04:2427 million blocks
04:28Slash slash paste and
04:31now we wait for like probably
04:3415 minutes for this to actually paste it. Oh my god. It's done
04:37I will put on the screen how long it took but generally I
04:42Reckon it's more than like two or three minutes
04:45So that was just me standing around waiting, but I've pasted we got two identical things here
04:50And I was thinking maybe we could just make this look awful by using a few world edit commands like
04:58Replace moss with puzzle. Oh gosh. It's gonna lag again, isn't it?
05:02That looks horrible replace stone with magenta glazed terracotta. Oh, there we go
05:10And then let's just choose like a load of random blocks to replace everything else with
05:14Imagine to change the puzzle to mycelium as well as I think that'll just look a bit worse. Yeah
05:19Oh, I think I've ruined it, but that was kind of the point
05:24Why does it kind of look still kind of cool, I don't know I
05:29Doesn't but yeah, let's see if we can do this as well with this work. I was just gonna mess up. Oh, no
05:35Oh, oh, yeah, it's messed up a bit there, but that's fine. Yeah, I'm just gonna leave these bits as they were but
05:42It's truly awful. Oh gosh, but that was what we're going for. Oh my gosh. What is this?
05:50I might actually turn all of this into the arrow block because it truly is the worst block in the game
05:56There we go. That is that is worse. Yeah, that's worse. Oh my gosh
06:01I love it, and I hate it
06:04I need to go back cross to this one for a bit to just relax
06:07Ah much better, but now it's time for me to get all the command blocks and everything set up
06:13We've done the building basically we must do a little bit more, but I'm not gonna show any more instead
06:18We're gonna cut to Lizzie's perspective where she will be running through it
06:21I'll be there also, of course, but might have a slight skin change in Minecraft not real life
06:27That'd be crazy, right? It was going to cut to that. But guys, I've messed up accidentally made a command block
06:33That will just kill me over and over again. I didn't mean to do it. It's a chain command block
06:39I've never used them before and I messed up. I don't know how to fix this. Oh
06:44Good look into this server files
06:48Welcome Lizzie to the the game God see me
06:52I'm in a spectator mode at the moment because this map I've built especially for you my lovely wife
06:59You've trapped me in a box I have I have I love it. I love my bar you like your box
07:04Well wait, so you see much. It's such a nice view. Wait. Do you see the rest of it?
07:09One second the rest of it. Yeah, BAM. You are free. Oh
07:18You're in adventure mode get rid of it. Okay. All right, pink. Let me just I'm doing the command. Okay, so
07:26It's up for you to adventure out and get started because I've also made you a little
07:31Escape room, I guess you could call it a lovely cute one. It's not that way
07:37Oh, I didn't notice that. Okay, let's forget about that because that was definitely not axiom did that was all placed manually
07:45I love this natural terrain. Thank you. Thank you. I do a pink house. I see in the background
07:51Is it a pink castle? I built you a castle my love. I built you a castle. Do you like it?
07:56Yeah, it's much better than my box
07:59Well, yeah, obviously this that box was just to keep you contained at the start
08:06Yeah, because you know, it's a lovely castle I like the moat to keep it out bad people
08:12Oh, yeah, keep them out. Yeah, keep them out. Anyway, do you want to start?
08:16Start. Yeah, you can so you see those pressure plates there. Yeah, you can stand on that and it'll tell what's inside the castle
08:23Thank you inside the castle. There's nothing lovely castle, isn't it? It's a lovely it's all lovely. We wouldn't do don't do anything
08:31Just kidding just kidding. Oh
08:35Hello there Lizzie welcome
08:38It's me. You may remember me
08:44Five years ago
08:44I made a dimension and I trapped you in it and it's been long enough that I thought you might have forgotten
08:49So I'm gonna run you through some tests again. Are you ready?
08:53You remember?
08:55She does but let's just move on. Do you remember this skin? Yeah, unfortunately
09:00gosh, you like it or
09:03Cool all right. Okay. So as you can see if you look around
09:08You've transformed
09:11I've learned my lesson. There's nothing you can do to escape. No, there's no way out
09:16No, I there's no way out Lizzy. I promise you
09:23Consider I would do this. I did not but still you've not I can't get out that way
09:29I'm sorry Lizzy, but there's no way out. You're gonna have to go through my test. What are you doing?
09:40Well, it's this exactly the same except the blocks have slightly changed like you don't like this red sandstone and amethyst trees
09:49Okay, that's good, that's good
09:53Yeah, you fortunately you can't because there's barriers everywhere what's this escape button? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not gonna click that I
10:00This way you can't you sure you don't want to try the escape button. No, what about oh
10:06No, no, because it's a trick, isn't it?
10:08What happens when I click the escape button Joel click the escape button and find out I guess you don't gonna kill me
10:12No, I wouldn't do that. You you promise? No, right
10:19Okay, well don't click it and if you don't want to
10:33No, you're back, sorry, I'm sorry, why did you not say those pressure plates better set your spawn point with
10:40Okay, so we've got the first question over here Lizzie, where you going
10:43You're gonna have to answer it. Who does Mary love more if you get it wrong, the cats will slowly die
10:49Yeah, well, I wouldn't want the cats to get wrong
10:52Mary obviously loves me more. So that's a shame, isn't it?
10:57You've got it wrong the cats, you know, the cats are dying Lizzie wait, they're still alive good
11:04No, the cats died on you. You've done that. That was you I didn't kill the cat. You killed the cats answer the question correctly
11:14Stop killing the cats Liz you getting it wrong
11:21Adventure mode is out now five years ago adventure mode didn't exist. So you can't change it
11:25You're gonna have to
11:31Why is this cat still alive that's not okay
11:36What are you doing why am I dying so slowly
11:41Help stop doing that. I'm sorry, but you can't do that
11:45Okay, fine
11:50Okay, so
11:53No, do you think I'm stupid enough to let you do that
11:57Come on. All right. There's a little bit of a challenge here
12:00This is actually kind of like an escape room one. If you look there's a button to exit
12:04Okay, but what's the button say?
12:07Button to exit only works if wearing full leather armor. Hmm. How would you get some leather armor get the horses?
12:14Yeah, and then but you got to choose your weapon. This is my weapon. No, one of them's got looting on it
12:21This is my weapon
12:26I might go make a cup of tea then because you're probably gonna take a few hours next horse, please
12:31Are you seriously gonna punch them all?
12:36Yeah, I've got three pieces now I only need what like 20 something more so it's eight plus five
12:44Plus seven plus four. So what's that? I thought you'd enjoy this
12:49well, yeah, but
12:51It would really speed things up if you use the sword with looting on it. There's two of them. I made you two
12:58Yeah, I've chosen my weapon. Okay, this is have you got you followed the side?
13:03I followed the instructions on the side choose your weapon and I did
13:06Okay. Well, okay. Let's just check there's gonna be enough. There should be enough horse spawn eggs in there
13:14Yeah, so are we are we are we gonna cave and you know use the looting sword or
13:23Cool. So yeah, I mean I'm enjoying this. This is very good for me. Did you think this dimension was my personal hell?
13:30I've actually yeah your personal hell. No, it's not cuz I love hearing this sound. I just didn't think you would
13:43Yeah, we've used the sword they died quicker yeah, but I've chosen my weapon Joel, okay
13:48Well, you can always choose another weapon if you want. No, that's not what the sign said, is it not I
13:54Think it does say that actually
13:57Don't worry. I've got seven now. So I've got almost that's pants. Oh a gray one. That's fun, isn't it? Yeah
14:06I'm almost halfway there. Don't worry. Cool. We've already been here. What few minutes now, but you love killing horses
14:13I thought you'd want to drag this out for as long as possible for as much enjoyment as possible
14:17I guess I guess that's true
14:19halfway, so
14:21Just another 20 minutes. Oh, there's another piece one extra. Yeah, what's that?
14:28I was not gonna do anything
14:30That's awesome thing in your hand did you how many left what you on now
14:34Just another ten to get just another ten. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Yeah, so probably another ten horses also. Yeah
14:40This one's a cute one. It is isn't it? Sorry
14:44That won't go. Okay
14:46I'll kill this one instead
14:50Sorry, none of them escape
14:54Yeah, it's quite long this isn't it you could speed it if you want to but if you work you're doing this then that's
14:58Fine as well. I'm perfectly fine with this
15:01That's a shame
15:07No leather again, oh, that's a shame. Yeah, that's super annoying. We're gonna be here all day
15:21Four more it's nice because the fall sort of gets them started
15:25With a bit of damage, yeah, it's good for you. Yeah makes it not take as long because I'm really trying to be time efficient
15:32Yeah, any from that?
15:34Nope, that's a shame. I hope that there's more fun to come there is
15:41Maybe you should try one of the weapons like the looting one for the last one just to you know
15:44See if it feels any different
15:46I think I'll feel much better with my face. I'll feel much better about myself if I do this all with my own
15:53Okay, good. Good. Good. Good. Yeah, keep it natural
15:56I hope there's more things like this so I have more opportunities to pick the least convenient way possible to do everything
16:03Me too, as long as it keeps you here longer. Oh
16:10So I'm just gonna ask a question quickly, why did you punch all his horses death there's a barrel up my gosh
16:15What look what I can make
16:18Don't know Lizzie you got to tell you them before you could put a horse Abba on them. Oh my gosh
16:33Kind of cool now kill it. Yeah. Yeah
16:47What if the horse only has to be wearing the armor, how about that?
16:53That's not the case
16:54I'm sorry only works if wearing full of their armor
16:56Maybe I have to be right I have to be in full of the armor and also the horse
16:59We know the horse doesn't how many right how much lever you got you gonna have to make the rest of the armor
17:04I'm missing a little bit, but you said something
17:09Like there's a chest. Where is it? Yeah
17:17I'll take that. Yeah, there was full leather. I'm in there. You didn't have to actually kill any horses. Oh
17:23But I enjoyed it so much Joel. Thank you for the pleasure of doing that. No worries. No worries
17:28You click the button now if you want. Yeah
17:30Hey, there we go. Now. We got some questions. Okay, who is the bestest? It's you. Oh
17:37Thank you, who is the cutest it's you know, it's you you're the cutest
17:52Teleport to you by accident
17:54Look, I'm gonna make it out. No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not
17:58No, you're not
17:59What if I can see the flat world on the other side? Oh, there's wall the mountains are made of wall. Oh
18:06You the cutest wait around it's not me it is you
18:15Hey, I'm in survival mode now
18:18Sorry, Lizzie, no
18:20So you have to this one's actually a bit of a challenge
18:23You see those candles through that little hole in the wall. If you look in the hole in the wall
18:27There's a hole in the wall
18:28That's you. Yeah, you got a light light those candles and then it'll open the door
18:33I still had my horse. No, you don't but there's some barrels with some stuff
18:39Lava oh gosh, is that gonna work? I was gonna break the candles. Okay, wait
18:49Yes, what's else is in the barrels you can craft stuff remember
18:53Where you going? No, no. No. No, how did you get through?
18:56Stop it. Stop it
19:06Try to escape
19:10Okay, okay try do it properly
19:14Right. We're gonna block this off. Do I get points? Do I get points for escaping? You get a point? Yeah. Well done
19:22Devil oh for goodness sake. I forgot you could just do that
19:34Okay, yeah, I could do this
19:40No, you can use
19:45Come back into adventure mode. Yeah, I can't
19:50There you go, thank you
19:52What are you making arrows nice and then
19:59and then I
20:00Put the lava
20:02There's something else you can use other than lava as well. What else is in there?
20:08I didn't for some reason comprehend that you could just make a trapdoor to escape a
20:14Trapdoor not trapdoor pressure plate a pressure plate. There are so many ways to escape in this world y'all
20:21Do that I probably should have looked at where the candles were Oh close
20:27Well done well done back to adventure mode for you now we've got some questions
20:32No, you can't do that. I'm sorry, but I thought about that you can't do that. Are you going?
20:38No, that's the I don't know. You're just trying everything. Yeah. Okay. Well, how about you try the questions?
20:43I'm just you know last time you tricked me with that barrel. So now I've got to check everywhere
20:47No, these are just questions hiding it up your trousers. No, please stop looking at my trousers trousers trousers
20:54How many episodes of Empire's season one did Joel do? Yeah. Good question, isn't it?
21:01All right, so you got a shift through the snow the pound of snow
21:05Is it correct? Oh, it's wrong
21:1036 oh
21:11It's wrong again
21:13Well, guess what? I may have been wrong once but I'll never be wrong again. How old is Joel's YouTube channel?
21:22Don't cheat you devil
21:30Wow, how did you know that? All right, which MCC did Joel finish first in individually? Oh
21:37Scuffed yeah. Well, don't you knew that one? Yeah. I'm a big fan. It's Joel handsome. Yeah
21:45Yeah, well done you got that one, right what the heck is this in
21:491851 the Great Exhibition took place in London Hyde Park
21:52It was held in a temporary glass structure called the Crystal Palace
21:55The exhibition featured over a hundred thousand objects from around the world including art musical instruments and precious jewels
22:02But how many people visited the exhibition? It was six million. Do you know that?
22:07Yeah, everybody knows about the Grand Exhibition
22:14Do you still like me do you still like me? Yeah that that decides my answer I do
22:21That one any of the answer will have been done. Well done Lizzie. You win. Yeah, but what does this do?
22:26Teleports you I don't want to leave I want to stay here forever. No, you teleport you to somewhere nice go
22:32No, I want to stay here with you
22:35I'll come with you to that white place. I'll come with you. You go first then. Okay, you go first
22:41Ha no, I have this place all to myself
22:46that other pressure plate
22:48Okay. Hey, well done
22:50Beat it
22:52If you want to there by standing on that pressure plate and then have a look around
22:56I like escaping in survival. Okay, it's more fun. Well, it's not to escape. This is just you know, it's just nice
23:02You can have a look around. Yes. Oh my gosh, but always want to see one of these
23:08See what?
23:11What's over there
23:12Don't know. Should we run off together and find out? Yeah
23:16How fun maybe I'll change my skin along the way I won't hope you enjoyed sorry for trapping you again
23:25We can get we can go further faster if you keep doing that am I going the right way did I get turned around
23:31The distance there's literally nothing it's an empty world. No, there's something here that I like
23:42I'm in creative. That's awkward