Minecraft But You Can Break EVERY Block? ⛏️ What happens when you mine Air!
✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today's video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w
#Firelight #Minecraft
✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today's video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w
#Firelight #Minecraft
00:00I can mine literally anything in Minecraft, from lava to lightning and even the sky itself.
00:08Now I need to use the power they gave me to defeat this hacker, who's taken over my server.
00:15Ah, what a lovely day it is to be on the server-
00:18Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what was that?
00:20Don't fly on my server, young man!
00:24He just mined my entire house?
00:29I need to stop this guy and-
00:31Wait, what is that thing?
00:34The hacker pickaxe?
00:36What does this even do?
00:37Is that how he was able to mine my house?
00:39Wait, guys, are you seeing this?
00:41I get a hitbox outline on water?
00:43There's no way, right?
00:45What in the cursed Minecraft?
00:48How is this even possible?
00:50Wait, if I can mine water, does that also mean-
00:54The power is mine!
00:57There's no way, right?
00:59Okay, my mine is blown three times in a row.
01:02I can literally craft anything.
01:03You're telling me Minecraft has secret crafting recipes?
01:06Wait, it actually does stuff too?
01:08It does damage?
01:10Oh, nah, bro, this is crazy.
01:13Imagine what else I could mine and craft.
01:15Oh, we gotta test this thing out.
01:17Okay, we know we can mine cursed blocks, but what about mobs?
01:21Hey there, business business gang, how you doing?
01:25I'm gonna mine you!
01:26Oh my go-
01:28Wait, what?
01:29Guys, are my eyes going crazy, or did I just mine an entire villager?
01:33What is this?
01:34Oh, this is actually cursed Minecraft.
01:36I can literally just mine anything in the world.
01:39What if they're villagers to craft though?
01:41A baby villager?
01:43Wait, it didn't consume them.
01:44I literally have infinite baby villager farm.
01:48Oh, um, brothers, infinite babies.
01:51Are you serious?
01:52Actually, guys, speaking of, comment down below.
01:54What is the cutest baby mob in Minecraft?
01:56Because I know villagers ain't it, bro.
01:59Wait, the hacker mined my entire house, right?
02:02Can I also mine entire structures?
02:05Ain't no way!
02:06I literally have a villager house!
02:08Is this even doing anything?
02:09Can I place it back down?
02:12What did that even do?
02:13It consumed my villager, and now it's consuming the baby villagers, bro.
02:17This is sick!
02:18Bam, villagers everywhere!
02:20Also, can we just talk about the fact that I now have infinite emeralds, dude?
02:24This is all good and fun, but I have a hacker at large,
02:27who is also able to do all of this on my server.
02:30We need to find this fool and take him down!
02:34Where is this man?
02:34Oh, speaking of, hey, you finally came to surrender, huh?
02:38Didn't anyone teach you not to take things that aren't yours?
02:41Bro, you literally dropped it.
02:42This is your fool, bro.
02:43It's a skill issue.
02:45Ah, he's so close to me!
02:46I'm not trying to risk this fool up!
02:48Wait, where did he put me?
02:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:52He's going away!
02:53I'm inside, like, barriers or something.
02:55Target not found.
02:56Wait, I can't mine these barriers?
02:58I thought this pickaxe could mine anything!
03:00How am I supposed to get out of this, bro?
03:03Wait, empty map.
03:05Okay, this might be a long shot, guys, but I kind of have a plan.
03:08What if we use the pickaxe to mine our own cursor?
03:14No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:16There's no shot!
03:18I'm literally gone from the map now.
03:19Oh, we're about to play some GeoGuessr out here.
03:21Okay, so where should I put myself now?
03:23What's a safe spot?
03:24No way!
03:26That actually worked?
03:27Dude, I can do anything!
03:29I'm about to take down this hacker!
03:30He thought he could mess with me.
03:32Not on my watch, boy!
03:34Because the hacker can fly, we need to be fast to catch him.
03:37And what's faster than flipping lightning, people?
03:40It's literally light speed,
03:41which is exactly why I'm about to craft myself a lightning rod.
03:44Here we go.
03:45Now put this one down.
03:47Okay, now we just have to wait for the lightning.
03:49Come on, come on.
03:51And mine it!
03:53There's no way.
03:54There's no...
03:55I just got lightning?
03:57This is insane.
03:58Okay, I'm getting too hyped right now.
04:00We need to create something with this.
04:01Can we create like lightning armor?
04:04Oh my gosh, we can!
04:06Get this trash out of here, bro.
04:08I literally have speed boots now.
04:11Wait, because we can mine like intangible stuff,
04:14you don't think that we could mine the sun?
04:17Target too strong?
04:19Upgrade pickaxe with bed?
04:21Okay, that's fine.
04:22Let's just go ahead and get ourselves a beautiful lot of bedrock.
04:26All right, we got a nice little mine over here.
04:27It's time to get ourselves some bedrock.
04:31Oh yeah, baby.
04:32This is literally a one-hit mine.
04:34How is this fair?
04:36Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
04:39Why are we in a deep dark?
04:40I think I see a warden.
04:42Guys, this is not ideal!
04:45Guys, I have a hacker pickaxe.
04:47Why am I so scared, bro?
04:48Let's just get around him quickly, guys.
04:50Quickly mine him.
04:51Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!
04:53We got a warden?
04:55Wait, wardens have like this little gap in their chest, right?
04:58Can we combine that with something?
05:00Okay, bear with me, guys.
05:02Remember before we were able to mine a map?
05:04What if I go ahead and...
05:07If YouTube has a clipping feature, please clip that!
05:10So with these two things,
05:12we can combine them to create something magnificent!
05:15Friendly warden?
05:17A friendly warden?
05:18Wait, this guy is chonky!
05:20Bro's got cake!
05:21What does this guy even do, bro?
05:22Let's keep this full.
05:24Enter name for friend.
05:26Warren the warden, bro.
05:28That'll do.
05:28Warren is our warden friend.
05:30This is my pet now!
05:33A hacker pickaxe literally let me befriend a warden.
05:36Guys, imagine what the hacker's doing with it.
05:37Then he could have befriended like the ender dragon
05:39or the wither or worse!
05:41This is exactly why we need to get the sun, guys.
05:43We need a weapon that can take down a hacker.
05:45So of course, we need some bedrock to mine that stuff there.
05:48This is not some normal human being stuff!
05:51I'm mining bedrock, people!
05:52And with one hit too!
05:54Ain't no way, boy.
05:55Okay, we got to make sure we upgrade this thing though.
05:57I want to see what happens when we upgrade the hacker pickaxe.
06:01This is how we do it?
06:02Oh, yeah.
06:03I'm about to be like a Chad with an upgraded,
06:05not beta pickaxe, I guess.
06:07Beta testing is over, boys.
06:09Wait, do I have a hitbox on that?
06:12You're not tripping!
06:13I just mined the Minecraft boy!
06:16Are my muscles that ginormous that I can just punch out anything I want?
06:20How long...
06:22I think I just mined the entire deep dark!
06:26This video just doesn't make any sense anymore.
06:28Wait, what does the void even do though?
06:31Oh my gosh!
06:32It transforms things into like nothingness, I guess.
06:35Oh, baby!
06:35But now that we have the upgraded pickaxe,
06:37we can go ahead and mine the flipping sun!
06:40It's finally time!
06:42I've had enough of your stupid big words like photosynthesis!
06:47You're going to...
06:49Um, I don't think I can reach the sun.
06:51All the way in outer space!
06:53It was easy.
06:54Just build up, get ourselves some sun.
06:56Easy W, bro.
06:57I have the aura.
06:58You can't underestimate me like this, son!
07:01Wait, where'd the sun go?
07:03You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
07:08No, okay.
07:08That's not bringing it back.
07:10What can I even mine here, bro?
07:12Am I getting hitbox on a cloud?
07:13There's no way!
07:15Wait, wait, wait, wait.
07:15We gotta try this in three, two, one!
07:18Did that do anything?
07:19Wait, what are those coming towards me?
07:21Is that cloud, bro?
07:24It's goofy!
07:25What else can we steal from the sky?
07:27I'm about to just mine the entire earth at this rate!
07:30Actually, what if I...
07:32No, no, Ethan.
07:32We're trying to save the server, not mine it.
07:35Okay, what else could I mine over here?
07:37Maybe if I...
07:39I didn't know I was phase rain right now.
07:41What is this?
07:42I literally just mined a rain block.
07:44Okay, so I have rain.
07:46I have cloud.
07:47What else could I...
07:48A bat?
07:49Where did you come from, bro?
07:50Okay, Mr. Bat.
07:52It's time to come over here.
07:53I'm gonna mine you!
07:55He's got cracks on him, guys.
07:56We can reach him from here.
07:58We did it!
07:59He's kind of just a little guy.
08:00He's a chill guy and he looks kind of cool.
08:02I can't lie.
08:03Wait, we got rain, too, and clouds.
08:05I need to be testing these things, bro.
08:06All right, bat!
08:08Didn't do anything.
08:09Maybe I can craft with it.
08:10Yo, bat wings?
08:12Come back, man!
08:15Okay, yeah, I'm getting way too into characters there.
08:17Wait, what about if maybe rain could do something
08:20or we could craft something with it?
08:21It doesn't look like it did.
08:22Wait, I can control the forecast, bro!
08:25Hire me on the news channel!
08:27Okay, wait, can I craft something with this?
08:28Maybe rain and clouds make a storm?
08:30Maybe I could like craft...
08:31Wait, what does cloud armor look like?
08:34I got myself some marshmallow fruits!
08:37Okay, uh, maybe I could do it with...
08:39The rain bat wings?
08:41Yo, ain't no way I actually have bat wings right now!
08:45Wait, do these just work like a normal Elytra
08:47or like what's happening?
08:48I'm going off!
08:49This literally defeats all the laws of Elytra in Minecraft!
08:52And I didn't take any damage.
08:54Are you telling me that the cloud boots
08:55literally mean that I don't take fall damage?
08:57Hold up, wait, no.
08:58Oh my gosh!
09:00Okay, this is my favorite item in Minecraft now.
09:02Hands down.
09:03Speaking of, I can fly upwards now.
09:05Does that mean I could actually mine the sun?
09:07Oh, but the moon is out.
09:10Well, I guess we have to make do with what we can.
09:12Let's go up, fly to the moon, and mine that fall!
09:15Please, please, no!
09:16Dude, the moon is so hard to mine.
09:18Bro, is it because it's moving so fast?
09:20I don't even know.
09:22I could reach it from here?
09:23Oh my...
09:26I just watched meteors and...
09:27Oh no.
09:28Guys, there's no moon anymore.
09:30Wait, what are those?
09:32They're like giant rocks?
09:34Are you seeing how big these are?
09:36Moon rock?
09:37Oh, that's what hit the ground.
09:38It dropped literally shards of the moon, bro.
09:41Can I craft moon rock armor or moon rock tools, guys?
09:45Imagine what a moon rock sword could do.
09:47Oh my gosh, we can.
09:49Moon boots?
09:50All right, what have we got here?
09:50Let's put this like so.
09:52I can craft, I swear, guys.
09:54But we do have a lot of resistance now.
09:56This is good.
09:56We can take down the hacker with this gear.
09:59Speaking of gear to take down the hacker,
10:01the sun is finally up!
10:03And I can turn off the rain.
10:04So not even the rain can stop me now, bro.
10:06I'm like phase rain.
10:07Let's do this thing!
10:09Okay, wait for it.
10:10Wait for it.
10:13Oh my gosh.
10:14Sorry to anything that does photosynthesis.
10:16You are now mine, buddy.
10:17So how do we craft?
10:18What can we actually do with this?
10:21A sun sword.
10:23That looks insane.
10:26I'm so hot, I'm Mr. Rizniz Biz.
10:28Okay, I gotta stop like flirting with myself, bro.
10:32Hold on a minute.
10:33I literally swing flaming swords.
10:37Yo, look at my reach.
10:38Oh my...
10:40Oh my gosh!
10:42This is the coolest item I've ever gotten.
10:44The holy sun sword.
10:47Oh, what's that?
10:48Animals in defense.
10:50Okay, yeah, look.
10:51I gotta stop terrorizing villages.
10:52I need to actually save the server from the hacker
10:55and not just a boom!
10:57Just like that.
10:58But let's just stop doing that and find this hacker.
11:00I'm ready to take him down.
11:02Is that him?
11:03That's him down there.
11:04Boy, ain't no way, boy.
11:05I've come to take you.
11:07Enough of your hacker days.
11:09I finally caught you.
11:11Your days are through.
11:13Still haven't learned your lesson, huh?
11:15I'm about to mine you.
11:16Oh, no.
11:19No, come back here!
11:21Okay, we need to deal with these tulips.
11:22Otherwise, they're going to take down the entire server.
11:24Oh my gosh, there's so many of them.
11:26Oh, what do we do, guys?
11:27What do we do?
11:27Okay, maybe we use the villager house.
11:29Boom, boom!
11:30Yeah, that's right.
11:31Bye, big boom.
11:33We need to fly.
11:34Go, go, go, go, go.
11:35Quick, I'm so scared, man.
11:37Okay, and...
11:40Yeah, that's right.
11:40Fart it in your face.
11:41Okay, no, they did not appreciate that.
11:44Warren, my warden buddy!
11:46You're here to save me!
11:48He's about to take these guys down with me.
11:49Little do they know, Warren is OP.
11:51He's a warden.
11:52Wardens are absolutely unkillable.
11:55Warren, no!
11:58R.I.P.'s in the chat for Warren.
12:00I'm gonna kill you, villagers!
12:03Bombs from the sky!
12:04Boom, boom, boom, boom!
12:06Yeah, that's right.
12:07This is what you get.
12:08That hacker's gonna pay.
12:12We won!
12:13We did it!
12:14Yeah, celebrate with me, villagers!
12:16Uh, yeah, um...
12:18Anyway, I'm taking down that hacker for Warren!
12:22How am I supposed to even find this hacker?
12:24This is a big world, homie.
12:26Wait, I'm the admin of the server.
12:29I can do anything I want to this guy.
12:30What if I just TP him here for questioning?
12:32What was his name?
12:33Yeah, okay.
12:34He literally named himself Hacker.
12:38Insubmission admin privileges to perform this command.
12:41I am the admin of the server!
12:42I own the server!
12:44He's literally taken over my server.
12:46He's taken my perm!
12:48This is good.
12:48We need to get more stuff to take this guy down,
12:50and then we actually have to find him.
12:52Sorry, spider.
12:53I'm gonna short your family's tree real quick,
12:55and take you in with me.
12:56What does this even do?
12:59Cobwebs slow things down!
13:00We can slow the hacker down!
13:02Every item I get is so useful.
13:03Dude, wait.
13:04You can use this to like, legitimately just farm wool, though, right?
13:07Like, you can mine this, get string.
13:09Ethan, it's time to shut up and get to work!
13:10Yep, you're right.
13:11Sorry, Ethan.
13:12My bad, homie.
13:13You look pretty handsome today.
13:14Oh, thanks, man!
13:14Okay, what else can we get?
13:16A rabbit?
13:16Okay, um, I guess-
13:17Come here!
13:18I want to mine you!
13:19Okay, pause.
13:20That sounds kind of weird.
13:21What does this do?
13:22Oh my!
13:23Okay, no one told me I have Super Mario bouncing powers!
13:27What is that?
13:29Oh, we can fly so fast right now, guys!
13:32We can find the hacker easy-peasy right now!
13:35What if I go ahead and try mining some more structures?
13:39Maybe there'll be some like, secrets inside.
13:42Notch temple for dev use only?
13:45The guy that created this entire game!
13:47Maybe that's how I get my admin terms back!
13:50Oh, this is good!
13:50Okay, so we need to find more temples then, I guess.
13:52What if we combine them all and that's how we create it?
13:54So we need what?
13:55An ocean temple and a jungle temple.
13:57Okay, well, we got an ocean right here.
13:59So let's go ahead and make ourselves some ocean temple!
14:02Wait, I see some fish, though.
14:03Come here, Mr. Fishy!
14:05I come to mine you with my pickaxe!
14:07Bro's helicopter!
14:09Bro is just doing 360s in my inventory!
14:12Okay, you know what?
14:13He's just gonna sit in my hand.
14:14All right, let's see.
14:14What else can we mine?
14:17Okay, what have we got in here?
14:18We got a shipwreck.
14:19I'm gonna wreck it!
14:20I guess we have a shipwreck now.
14:23Uh, what this does?
14:24Uh, nobody knows.
14:25Oh, let me up there, please.
14:27Let me cook!
14:28Does this ship move?
14:30No, it's just a ship.
14:32Let's void this thing up!
14:34We don't need this ship!
14:35There's some dolphins over here.
14:37What if we go ahead and mine some dolphins?
14:39Okay, Mr. Dolphin, please come here.
14:42I'm gonna die!
14:42Okay, no, no, no, no, no.
14:43We cannot stay under the water!
14:45Okay, man, I'm still nerfed by actual Minecraft.
14:48Wait, hold up, guys.
14:49This is about to be crazy.
14:50What if I go ahead and just mine the literal air?
14:53No way this works, right?
14:54Is this actually gonna work?
14:56I got five air blocks, guys.
14:57Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
14:58Hold on.
14:59Does this work?
15:00I can't actually tell what crafting recipe I make right now.
15:05We can make an air helmet!
15:08Now I'm an airhead!
15:09Yo, we can literally stay underwater forever.
15:12I am under the sea!
15:14Where is this pool going?
15:15Mr. Dolphin, Mr. Dolphin, why are you so far?
15:18This guy's actually making my head spin!
15:20Come here!
15:21We did it!
15:22We did it!
15:22We got the dolphin!
15:24Okay, wait, let's try this out.
15:26Oh yeah, baby!
15:27We got the dolphin speed right now!
15:30Look how fast I can swim!
15:32What if we mine a guardian to get his laser beam?
15:34Oh, this hacker is not gonna know what hit him.
15:36I'm literally assembling the Avengers in my inventory, brother.
15:39Okay, can we?
15:40We need you.
15:41We are now recruiting the guardian and we can zap guardians too!
15:46Yo, touche, brother!
15:48My laser's better.
15:49Yeah, you better run!
15:51What am I doing again?
15:52Oh yeah, ocean monument.
15:53Let's get it!
15:55Sorry, Mr. Manz.
15:56Don't mind if I slide right through your DMs.
15:58I'm about to take your ocean monument.
16:00I'm John Cena!
16:03That's a lot of guys.
16:04Okay, we need to get out of there.
16:05There's the ocean monument!
16:06Quickly grab it before they kill me!
16:08Go, go, go, go!
16:09We got it!
16:10Now we gotta get out of here!
16:11No, no, no!
16:11Where's my rabbit?
16:12Bounce me out of the ocean!
16:14Yo, we got the whole club in our hands, bro!
16:18Look at me go!
16:19One more temple to go.
16:21And I think I actually saw a jungle over this way.
16:25Oh, it's time to take this jungle temple down.
16:28Oh, brother!
16:29I do not want to have to go through the entire jungle.
16:32It's so hard to traverse.
16:33So we're gonna put on lightning boots
16:35and run like the Flash!
16:36Speed run!
16:37Wait, there's no way, right?
16:38Can I find a trick?
16:41I can't and this is massive!
16:43Wait, what does this even do?
16:4595 block reach?
16:47Okay, well, this is gonna be a long range weapon, I guess.
16:49It's like longer range than a bow.
16:51All right, let's run through this bad boy
16:53and collect some stuff.
16:54Okay, what mobs could I even mine in here
16:56that could help me fight?
16:58I mean, we have an ocelot.
16:59Bro, do not run from me, kitty.
17:01Come back, kitty, kitty.
17:02We need to talk.
17:03You've been a very bad cat and...
17:04Yeah, that's right!
17:05You're mine now, boy!
17:06What does that do?
17:07Oh my gosh, that gives me speed even without my boots.
17:10Wait, that's actually meta.
17:11Wait, we can put on the cloud boots
17:12so we don't take fall damage
17:13and we run faster now.
17:15We are absolutely overpowered now.
17:17Okay, what other mobs could I find in...
17:19We got a turtle!
17:20Okay, I do not want to become a teenage mutant ninja turtle, bro.
17:22I feel like that's going to do some wacky stuff.
17:24I'd be looking, but I don't be seeing right now.
17:28He is my parrot.
17:29Okay, I got a parrot.
17:31What does that do?
17:31I got a parrot.
17:32What does that do?
17:35Can you stop repeating me, please?
17:37Can you stop repeating me, please?
17:38What? I do not sound like that!
17:40I do not sound like that!
17:41Okay, this guy thinks he's a smarty-pant.
17:44Sorry, but you're gonna burn.
17:46What's that, sorry?
17:47I can't hear you, you stupid parrot.
17:49Bro, that got on my nerves.
17:51Never ever pick up a parrot again, homies.
17:53Okay, I just can't see this jungle temple, guys.
17:55I hate how thick these stupid forests are.
17:58Wait, creeper.
17:59That could actually work.
18:00We could maybe use that to clear out the forest.
18:02Okay, no, no.
18:02This is actually so risky.
18:04This is even more risky than the warden,
18:05because these guys attack you even if they can't see you.
18:08Okay, and come on.
18:11Now, what do we do with the creeper is what I'm asking.
18:14Wait, is it the bones?
18:16Hold up.
18:17Okay, this might actually come in mega clutch, guys.
18:20Let's just get some height real quick
18:22and figure out where we're even going.
18:23Maybe like over there's a good spot.
18:25I'm gonna clear out the forest using the creeper.
18:28This might go absolutely insane.
18:29Let's just click him with the bone meal.
18:31Oh my, we have a giant creeper.
18:35Click the creeper with the flint and steel.
18:36Come on.
18:37Yes, we did it!
18:40Okay, that was stupidly effective,
18:43and I very much appreciate it, bro.
18:45Wait, let's get a bird's eye view.
18:46Did that clear out some trees?
18:47It did!
18:48It cleared out trees right here.
18:49I can see the jungle temple.
18:51Give me my jungle temple.
18:53Oh baby, that's right.
18:55Now it's time we can craft ourselves a notch temple.
18:59What does that even look like?
19:01Oh my, we gotta place this thing right now.
19:04Get my admin powers back and take down the hacker.
19:07Wait, it's him.
19:09It's Notch.
19:11I'm such a villager to the face!
19:13Okay, yeah, I was just testing if the temple is indestructible,
19:15and it is in fact indestructible.
19:17This is amazing, guys.
19:18Look at this place.
19:19It's giant!
19:20Bro, we got a dance form about to bust a move.
19:23What is that light coming from the sky, guys?
19:26What is going on here?
19:28Do I just stand here, or like, what happened?
19:32We've been granted maximum admin privileges.
19:35That means we have the maximum riz.
19:38We can teleport to the hacker now.
19:39It's time to prepare for a fight.
19:41Let's get everything we want out.
19:43Let's get our spiders out.
19:44He's not gonna know what hit him.
19:46We're about to destroy this ball.
19:47TPA, hacker man, it's time to fight!
19:52Wait, are we in the sky?
19:55What is that?
19:56This is a base only a hacker could build.
19:58This thing's insane!
20:00And there he is.
20:02Time to finish this.
20:03That's my line, buddy.
20:04Get ready to get taken down.
20:07What does that do, bro?
20:09Ow, ow!
20:09Okay, no.
20:10This guy has OP powers.
20:11What is that thing?
20:14It's like a fireball shooting fireballs at me.
20:17What are these dream particles?
20:18Wait, there's so many of him.
20:20No, no, no.
20:20We need to burn through them.
20:23Is that the ender dragon?
20:24Guys, I called it!
20:25Subtle foreshadowing, my butt!
20:27I literally said he could have befriended the ender dragon.
20:30We need to get high ground.
20:31Go up, boing!
20:32And now we rain bombs below.
20:35Bombs away!
20:36Yeah, take my villagers to the face.
20:39Keep damaging him.
20:39Keep damaging him.
20:40We're not close enough to hit him with the sword just yet.
20:42Shoot some cobwebs at him.
20:43I'm in the water.
20:44I'm in the water.
20:44No, no, no.
20:45There's hackers all around me.
20:46Okay, and cobweb them down.
20:50Yeah, that's right.
20:50Take that cobwebs to the face!
20:53We've got to finally use the fire sword.
20:55Okay, the ender dragon hurts.
20:56Come on, take him down and boom!
20:58Oh yes.
21:00Oh my god.
21:00All of the cloned hackers don't have a name tag.
21:03You guys seeing that?
21:04Which means that's the real one.
21:06I know your game and I'm gonna take you down!
21:10Boom, boom, bam, bam, bam, ba-da-ba-boom!
21:12Combo wombo!
21:14Okay, that did not hit him.
21:15I hit him with a one-two boogaloo and it did not kill him, guys.
21:18This is not good.
21:19I spam hit him with the sword and it didn't do anything.
21:22Okay, we need to rethink this strat.
21:23None of my items are working, guys.
21:26Wait, I got it.
21:27I have a big brain strat.
21:29There he is.
21:30The real one.
21:31Use our speed boost to get in there.
21:33We mined the hacker!
21:35Get stuffed, idiot!
21:38Wait, he can talk?
21:39We're holding this guy, bro.
21:41We're little bro-ing him right now.
21:43All this man is done for.
21:45It's time to punish this guy.
21:47First and foremost, we have to remove the hacker's perm.
21:51Boom, baby!
21:52Wait, his name is NoRizNiko?
21:56My mom won't be happy, bro.
21:57I don't care what your mom says, bro.
21:59We're taking you to prison, baby.
22:02Walk to the prison.
22:04And just to make sure, you know, the hacker can't leave, of course.
22:07We are gonna make-
22:08So you can't disconnect.
22:09You can't log off.
22:10And you can't reboot.
22:12You can't do nothing, boy!
22:14You're stuck in Minecraft forever!
22:18By the way, don't tell anyone, but I did a massive dookie in your toilet in your prison cell.
22:23Enjoy the smell, buddy!