Today we build ANOTHER new building with some fun effects! Subscribe if you're new :D
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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames
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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames
00:00Welcome, Smosh Beans, to your wellness check.
00:03Thanks, I'm Ick-
00:04Please do not speak.
00:07Your outie made a character inspired by the Fast and Furious franchise.
00:13Your outie's favourite block is magenta-glazed terracotta.
00:18Your outie is married.
00:20Oh, that's nice.
00:22Please enjoy each fact equally.
00:24Your outie crafts a full set of wooden tools instead of just a wooden pickaxe to make stone ones first.
00:33Your outie begs people to subscribe to his YouTube channel.
00:36That's cringe.
00:37Your outie always digs straight down.
00:41Oh my go-
00:42Your outie makes silly intros for his videos.
00:45Uh, are they good?
00:47No, but please don't ask any more questions.
00:49Your outie dies often to fall damage.
00:53Oh my-
00:53I'm sorry, but that's one reaction too many.
00:56Your time is up.
01:00Welcome back to Hermitcraft Season 10.
01:02Oh, I just turned around.
01:03Look at that skyline.
01:06It's beautiful.
01:07It's really quite nice.
01:09There's also something appearing in the background over there, which is cool.
01:11We're over a year into this series now, I believe.
01:14And it's-
01:15It's kind of showing now.
01:17We've kind of got quite a lot to show for our time here.
01:20And yet, we still have so much floating stuff around, as you can see.
01:28Which I kind of want to work on today, along with the skyline.
01:32I just talked about it.
01:33Let me just go stand over here.
01:35As you can see at the moment, this side is quite just top-heavy.
01:39There's nothing lower down in front of this, or, you know, a bit smaller.
01:43I don't really have an excuse to build a building.
01:46Like, I don't need any farms.
01:48I don't need anything.
01:49I just want to build something for fun.
01:52And there's a thing I really, really want to try out building, which I think is going to look pretty cool and go really well with this skyline here.
02:01And I also have been doing a lot of the sort of futuristic cyberpunk-y style building recently with the tower, this.
02:10We've got, you know, our billboards.
02:11And I kind of miss doing the style we did at the beginning.
02:14This sort of style, you know?
02:16The old-school style.
02:17So I think I want to try and, you know, incorporate both into this build today.
02:22Try and make something fun out of it, as well as add in another thing, which I think is missing recently.
02:27And that is a bit of greenery, a bit of color.
02:30Like, you know, we've got the cherry tree up here.
02:32We've got a cherry tree over there.
02:34That's two cherry trees in the entire city.
02:37That's not good, guys.
02:38That's not good.
02:39Yes, there's a few out front here, but these are on the outside.
02:43These are on, like, the mountain.
02:44You know, we've got a few down here.
02:45But I want some more of the cities.
02:48So we're going to try and achieve all of those today, as well as that thing I'm excited to show you,
02:54which is probably in the thumbnail.
02:56So I don't know why I'm trying to be sneaky about it.
02:58I'm basically doing everything I can to put off doing some more interior in here.
03:03I might do this on stream because I just can't be bothered.
03:07Anyway, I think we're going to start with adding a bit more greenery, kind of like this.
03:12Maybe carry this on down here a little bit.
03:15I've got a plan.
03:16I think I know what I want to do.
03:18Well, I'm really floating quite far here.
03:20There we go.
03:20Let's go get some materials, shall we?
03:23So we don't need a huge amount of stuff for this here.
03:26Just some more cyan terracotta and deep slate, etc.
03:29We'll build it as we go along.
03:31It's also going to still be floating a little.
03:33I'm sorry.
03:35I just don't want to use up too much space for greenery.
03:37We need more skyscrapers in the future.
03:39But let's head to the time-lapse now and let's get building.
03:43So I wanted to match it up to the one at the temple above,
03:46but I decided to tear it instead.
03:48And we also did a little pathway going through it.
03:50And then finally, we added another cherry tree, the third one.
03:54It doesn't really look like much from the side here.
03:57In fact, this wall is pretty bland and boring.
04:00But if you come up the stairs here, you're in a sort of, you know, natural paradise.
04:07We've got the water flowing all the way down through this little wooden thing here.
04:11And a big gap, but we don't talk about that yet.
04:13And then a lovely cherry tree.
04:15And I think it looks rather nice.
04:16If you go on down to the street level here, have a look.
04:20You can just get rid of the bit that's invisible.
04:22But yeah, it's a nice bit of greenery, a nice bit of park life, a nice little addition.
04:27But while we were just about to start building, Pearl actually came over to us.
04:31Hungry Hermits with her, which I haven't played yet.
04:35So let's go check that out.
04:37You scared me, Pearl.
04:38I just got back to my PC.
04:39I was AFK.
04:41That's my favorite thing, is scaring Hermits by jumping up on them.
04:44Oh, sorry. You're on fire.
04:46There you go. It's fine. It's fine. Sorry about that.
04:48Have you come to look at the building?
04:51Well, I've come to actually ask if you're hungry.
04:55For what?
04:56Because apparently I've heard that someone wants to learn how to play Hungry Hermits.
05:00Oh, I do. I do. I've not played it.
05:03Are you live right now? Oh, you are. Okay.
05:05I am.
05:05I won't swear.
05:08Excuse me.
05:10Jeez, hold it back, Joel.
05:12I am holding it back. I hold it back every day, Pearl.
05:15I swear very much in real life. People don't know that.
05:17They think I'm very PG.
05:19Do you swear by that?
05:21I don't like these jokes.
05:22Wait, so can we play it now?
05:24Is that what you're saying?
05:25Do you want to or do you want to hold it for an off-camera thing?
05:27No, no. Let's do it now.
05:29I'm down. I'm down. I've never played before.
05:31Let's do it.
05:32Do you want to first come look? Have you seen the building after I transformed it?
05:35Look at this.
05:36Because I showed them the other day this, after it came out.
05:38We're like, all right, let's have a look at this up close.
05:40I mean, I've kept quite a bit of purple, I think.
05:43Like, I could have got rid of more, but I tried to make it work.
05:46I think it actually fits really well.
05:48It's like, it's one of my favorite buildings now, actually.
05:51So thank you for that.
05:52You tried to do a baddie, but you did a goodie.
05:54So you like purple?
05:55It's okay.
05:56Okay, look, but that is a constant thing I'm dealing with this season.
05:59I wouldn't say I like purple, but it's...
06:02What do you mean? It's one of your favorite buildings.
06:04You have to like purple.
06:05Yeah, but it's more the shape.
06:08It's not the color.
06:09Oh, so you like what I did?
06:10Yeah, yeah, I did.
06:11Yeah, but I'm not going to admit to liking purple.
06:14I'm going to say the purple is okay.
06:17That's all I'll say.
06:18No, it contributes.
06:19It contributes a lot.
06:21It's one of the colors you hadn't done yet.
06:23Look at that.
06:24You've made it pop.
06:25I think you can say you like purple, Joel.
06:27No, I'm just going to say it's okay.
06:28All right.
06:29My portal's down here if we want to go to spawn to play some hungry hammocks.
06:33Go on, we've got to go to the gaming district.
06:35Oh, well, can we go through the Nether?
06:38Is there a portal?
06:39We can.
06:40I like flying, though, because there's less sound in my ears.
06:43Got it.
06:44So you haven't played this at all?
06:45This is your first time?
06:46I've never played this.
06:47I've heard good, but...
06:48Oh, you nearly kicked me out of the portal.
06:49I won't take it personally.
06:52You walked in after me.
06:54That's a you problem.
06:55I think I've only been to the gaming district like once.
06:58You haven't seen or played any of this stuff?
07:00I've played like a few, but not much.
07:02Well, come over this way, mate.
07:03Oh, my gosh.
07:04There's loads.
07:05What the heck?
07:06So Tango made this, right?
07:07Just to confirm.
07:08Tango made the game.
07:09I made the exterior building.
07:11Oh, the exterior building's cool.
07:12The exterior building's very cool.
07:13It does look like one of your builds.
07:14I was thinking, this doesn't look very like a Tango build, but it looks...
07:17It's very good.
07:18Have you seen what Tango's made, though?
07:20No, I'm not saying Tango's a bad builder.
07:22I'm saying Tango's a great builder, but it just looks your style.
07:26Yeah, that's all I'm saying.
07:28Yeah, it's very vibrant.
07:29It's a very colourful building.
07:30Didn't do the interior, though, did you?
07:32All right.
07:34Let's go down here.
07:35Pearl then walked me through the game, and it took quite a while, so I'm just going to
07:38summarise it.
07:39It's a bit like Overcooked, the game, if you've ever played that, or Playtop.
07:42Basically, customers will arrive.
07:44They'll demand some food.
07:45You've got to serve them that food in a certain amount of time.
07:49If you don't, you fail the game.
07:51Pretty simple.
07:52It's a two-player game.
07:53One person is front of house, and they serve all of the customers, and the other person
07:58is at the back in the farm.
08:00There's a few things you have to do together.
08:02There'll be a flood warning occasionally, and you both have to stand on a pressure plate
08:07and then go click something, and there's also a phone that rings, and if you drop anything
08:12on the floor, rats will eat it.
08:14So, it's all about inventory management.
08:15As you can see here, we've only got two inventory spots at the start, but you can get upgrades,
08:21and those upgrades can unlock inventory spots.
08:23It'll unlock more people to come into the restaurant, and it'll unlock, like, the furnace
08:28and some other things as well.
08:30I started off as the front of house, and here is how it went.
08:34I'll stand on this side then, I guess?
08:38And it's just gonna start?
08:39And we're starting?
08:40Oh, gosh.
08:41Yep, we're going.
08:42Okay, freezer.
08:43I'm going into the freezer then.
08:44Oh, my gosh.
08:45Go for it.
08:46You let me know when you're coming out, so I can let you out.
08:48How do I get more snowballs?
08:50Just keep clicking the button?
08:51Yeah, keep clicking it.
08:53I tend to, like, click it while I'm walking up towards it still.
08:56Oh, I've got chicken by accident.
08:57So it's just getting as many as possible.
08:58Oh, wait.
08:59It's closed.
09:00Well, chicken's okay, but we don't serve it on day one.
09:01It's closed.
09:03It will open back up.
09:04It's a timer.
09:05Okay, okay.
09:06I see.
09:07So you don't actually die too quickly.
09:08No, it's alright.
09:09You can tend to get a bit more.
09:10Alright, can you let me out as well?
09:11I've got rats already.
09:12I sure can.
09:13I'm just gonna check this.
09:14Don't mind me.
09:15Don't want that.
09:17I'm dying.
09:18And we've got a flood, so I'm gonna run far.
09:19If you can hop on that pressure plate for me.
09:21Sure thing.
09:23Oh, it's this one over here.
09:24Not that one.
09:25The other one.
09:26Yeah, this one over here.
09:27My bad.
09:28Okay, there we go.
09:29That's alright.
09:30Got it.
09:32Can we kill the silverfish?
09:33You can.
09:34You can punch it.
09:35Okay, good, because I'm about to die.
09:36Oh, he's on the button.
09:39Alright, you've got a customer in there.
09:40I've got a customer.
09:41Oh, it's Cleo.
09:42Hey, Cleo.
09:43What do I know?
09:45How do I know what she wants?
09:46Okay, stand on the pressure plate, and it'll pop up on her, in front of her head.
09:47You just go away.
09:48It's a bit of a timer situation.
09:49Stand on the pressure plate.
09:50Stand on the pressure plate.
09:51Oh, carrots.
09:54And red has just appeared as well.
09:56I'm going to get you a carrot.
09:57What does he want?
09:59Carrot and a beetroot, please.
10:01We don't even have beetroot planted.
10:02Should I cook this cod?
10:03I presume it's not going to be raw.
10:06Yeah, yeah.
10:07Oh, X is here as well.
10:08Oh, my gosh.
10:09What's he want?
10:10Yeah, flooding in.
10:11Baked potato.
10:12That's all the farm items straight away, huh?
10:13Don't even get a chance.
10:14Oh, I've got a piece of paper.
10:15Where's this come from?
10:16That's trash.
10:17So, every now and again, it'll drop trash in the restaurant.
10:18So, that is to basically force the spawn of silverfish if you don't pick it up.
10:19Oh, okay.
10:20So, where do I put the trash?
10:21So, you can put it in the little pot that is in the middle of the kitchen.
10:22Oh, yeah.
10:23I see it.
10:24Just on the wall.
10:25I'll get rid of it.
10:26I've got my cod.
10:27My cooked cod.
10:28Oh, of course, we're going to flood.
10:29I'm coming back through.
10:31I'm standing on the pressure plate.
10:32Someone's cranky.
10:33That's carrot.
10:35I'll get it as I'm going past.
10:36There we go.
10:39I'm just going to serve this carrot because there is no way I'm going to get it.
10:41Oh, I pressed the button.
10:43Did I get it in time?
10:44Is that okay?
10:46See you later, idiot.
10:47I didn't.
10:48Oh, so the key is falling.
10:49I might have got it.
10:51Baked potato.
10:52I might have got it.
10:54Oh, there's a load of stuff just falling on the floor.
10:55I got it.
10:56Yes, I got it.
10:57So, I've got gunpowder and brown dye.
10:58What's that?
10:59Is that just to put in the trash as well?
11:01Yeah, you can throw that out.
11:04So, I'm going to get rid of this.
11:05I'm going to get rid of this.
11:06I'm going to get rid of this.
11:07I'm going to get rid of this.
11:08Yeah, you can throw that out.
11:10I think I clutched it.
11:11Oh, my gosh.
11:12Oh, I think one of the rats ate it.
11:15What else do I need?
11:16Okay, baked potato.
11:17Baked potato, please.
11:20What do you want?
11:21Water bottle.
11:22I can do that one, right?
11:23Yeah, that's all good.
11:24I can let you out if you want as well.
11:27Potatoes are on the campfire.
11:28Make sure to keep an eye on those.
11:29Glass bottle.
11:30Take that.
11:32The glass bottles take a while to pop out.
11:33Uh, they can.
11:35I've got it.
11:37And I just put it in his hand.
11:38That's right.
11:39Put it in the hand and then send him off with the button.
11:41Don't do it on me and press the button first.
11:42I've got it.
11:43I've got it.
11:44I've got it.
11:45Curb, what do you fancy, lad?
11:46Cooked cod.
11:47I've already got that, Curb.
11:48Here, take it.
11:49Please leave.
11:50Oh, there you go.
11:52So X has just won his baked potato, and I don't think we've got any more Q after that.
11:55So what we want to do is we leave X pretty much as long as we can until he starts to
11:56pop out.
11:58I've got it.
11:59I've got it.
12:00I've got it.
12:06When he starts getting grumpy and then you can send him off because then it gives you
12:07more time to grow stuff.
12:09What's that?
12:10Oh, that's the phone ring.
12:11I just need to answer it.
12:13Was that the phone ring?
12:14I can't hear it back here.
12:15Oh, I don't think I got it in time.
12:16I don't know.
12:18If you didn't get it in time, it will be a doo-doon-doo-doon-doo-doon as it's taken
12:19away the points.
12:20No, maybe I did get it.
12:21You're probably good.
12:22Maybe I got it.
12:24I had to eat one of the cods because I was...
12:25Oh, X is angry.
12:26X is real angry.
12:27I had to eat one of the cards. X is angry. X is real angry. He wants it.
12:33I'll let you have it.
12:35It's a bit too angry because we just lost.
12:37Wait, what? He's gone?
12:39We've lost fully? We lost the game?
12:41We lost.
12:43Oh, I didn't know that. I didn't realise it was that.
12:45You didn't give him a potato, did you?
12:47No, because you had it.
12:49No, they're on the campfire.
12:51Oh, I didn't know that.
12:53Oh, Joel.
12:55I didn't know you put them on the campfire.
12:57I told you, mate.
12:59I told you they're on the campfire.
13:03Well, you know what? That's your first time.
13:05That's alright.
13:07We'll go again.
13:09Give you an idea of how bad nine is.
13:11Perlinski's hold the current top score
13:13with like 220 something.
13:15So, yeah, not good.
13:17I had another go where I was farming
13:19this time and we did a little bit better
13:21but I did also mess up again
13:23and deleted one of our upgrades.
13:27Let's have a look. Let's double check.
13:29I accidentally clicked it. I didn't mean to do that. What was it?
13:33I didn't mean to. I went to right click the pig.
13:35What was it? Did I reject it?
13:37Was that the reject button?
13:39Yeah, that was the reject button, dude.
13:41And then we don't get something else.
13:43Oh, oops.
13:45Oh, I'm sorry.
13:47Well, guess we're back to two hot bars.
13:49You're the first
13:51person I've said that has actually
13:53done that.
13:55I'm always telling Tango, someone's gonna do
13:57that accidentally and he's like, eh?
13:59Oh, it's fine. It's fine. We'll just
14:01go again. We were doing a bit better on the next game until
14:03it hit us with two customers
14:05wanting beetroot soup, which if you don't
14:07know, requires six beetroot
14:09which is kind of tricky to grow.
14:11What do you want? A cooked pork chop?
14:13I've got that. Oh, that's it.
14:15It's over? Oh, well.
14:17Out of patience.
14:19The two beetroots in a row was rough.
14:21Let's have a look. Yeah, when it comes to farm
14:23we tend to stock up.
14:25I didn't realise beetroot soup could be a thing.
14:27Yeah, I didn't know that was going to be a thing.
14:29Alright, let's have a look at our points.
14:31Did we just throw this stuff on the floor?
14:33Rubbish, I guess.
14:35What score did we get? Let's have a look then.
14:37Do you want me to tell you or do you just want to look?
14:39I want to look, pal.
14:41Not bad.
14:43I can't work out maths, but
14:45over 100?
14:51112, right?
14:53Yeah, 112.
14:55Not bad.
14:57That is really good.
14:59You should know that over 100 was the
15:01absolute, you were aiming for that
15:03when it was first opening.
15:05Well, I need to get on with my build.
15:07That was fun. I appreciate you
15:09walking me through that, Pearl.
15:11Not the best score, but wait,
15:13what's the leaderboard? 210?
15:15You did great. That was your second game.
15:17That's pretty good. I'm excited. I'll play again
15:19in the future, for sure. The competitive part
15:21of me wants to try that again
15:23and get better, but it was good
15:25fun. Amazing redstone by Tango
15:27like usual. I'm a bit of
15:29a competitive person, as you can see
15:31here, although I have not played Frog Game
15:33this month, and there's only like five or six
15:35days left or something when I'm recording this video.
15:37Maybe we'll give it a go later, maybe
15:39not, but what I actually want to do is
15:41work on the big gap.
15:43The big gap, which is this.
15:45Look at that. We've got like
15:47our little steppy bit now, but
15:49look at all that grass under there.
15:51We don't like that. That looks cool, though.
15:53Look at that. We've, you know, the gold and the
15:55glass and the bit in the back. That looks
15:57cool. Okay, that bit looks good.
15:59We're going to cover it up, though, as I want
16:01to build a building here, and this building
16:03is the old but new
16:05building. It's going to be new on the outside
16:07and old on the inside. What does that mean?
16:09You'll see.
16:11We're going to work on the outside first,
16:13though, and we're going to need a decent amount
16:15of materials, one of which is
16:17kind of weird, but I think I can buy.
16:19I'm hoping I can. Also,
16:21no one's selling end rods anymore, so
16:23if we're going to need a lot of end rods, I might just have to
16:25buy a little purple from Pearl,
16:27and I'm not sure if anyone's selling blaze rods,
16:29but if they are, we're going to have to buy them as well.
16:31Hopefully, this doesn't cost
16:33too many diamonds. Also, the great thing
16:35about my new sorting system is I can
16:37just pop these in here, forget about them, and
16:39only have to worry about sorting the other stuff later.
16:41Lovely. Right, I thought
16:43there'd be more candles in stock. We need
16:4534 stacks of light blue
16:47candles. How many are here?
16:49Ooh. That's
16:55How do I make these again?
16:57Oh, gosh.
16:59A candle.
17:01Hmm. How much honeycomb?
17:03Okay, we might be able to...
17:05What? This is one diamond for 64?
17:07Okay. This is still not enough, but we have
17:09some ourselves,
17:11I think. But
17:13not a huge amount, as I turned it all
17:15into blocks. I also need 18 stacks
17:17of red candles?
17:19That's not going to be
17:2118 stacks, is it? No.
17:23No, that's not 18 stacks.
17:27Guess we better
17:29reactivate our honeycomb farm.
17:31Oh, this is going to take a while. This is going to
17:33take so long! Okay, thank God. We have
17:35a full shulker box. Okay, we have lots
17:37of honeycomb. We're okay. We're okay.
17:39I might re-enable this farm, though.
17:41Hopefully someone sells string.
17:43Otherwise, this is
17:45going to be interesting. Oh,
17:47bless you, Bdubs. Bless you.
17:49I also bought some dye from Pearl
17:51and got making all these candles.
17:53I went to get some blaze rods.
17:55There wasn't any, so I had to go to the Nether and kill
17:57some blazes to get them myself.
17:59I luckily managed to buy some purple from Pearl,
18:01which is all we needed. And then
18:03I got collecting all the other materials, such as
18:05some smoothstone, some stripped
18:07warped wood, which I managed to buy, luckily.
18:09And then also some spruce wood.
18:11Of course, it's just lots of wood like
18:13usual. Lots of deepslate, like
18:15everything I build. Also concrete,
18:17which I made this one myself, but I did
18:19manage to buy somewhere else later.
18:21And yeah, it wouldn't be a build without some
18:23frog lights. Skulk, though, don't really build
18:25with this very often. That's fun, isn't it?
18:27Blackstone, we've used quite a lot. Yeah.
18:29That's back to the boring stuff. Oh, and we're
18:31buying concrete. Another thing, though, that we've
18:33not used before. Tinted glass.
18:35So I went and got some tinted glass.
18:37That's a fun one. Yay! And
18:39with that, we
18:41finally have everything
18:43we need. All those
18:45candles will make sense
18:47very shortly, I promise.
18:49Not as many materials as the
18:51final build of this, but a decent
18:53amount still. About ten shulker
18:55boxes almost here. And like
18:57I said earlier, this building's going here.
18:59But we're not only finishing the building,
19:01we're going to work on the
19:03wall a little bit as well on the outside.
19:05In fact, we'll probably start with that
19:07and then work on the building next.
19:09I guess the only thing to do is build
19:11it now, so let's head to the
19:13time lapse and let's get building.
19:15So like I said, we started
19:17off with the wall, doing the same design
19:19as before. It looks a bit weird just by
19:21itself, though. I think I'm definitely going to add something
19:23in front of that in the future. We then
19:25got working on the building, and we're just
19:27going to be doing the exterior for now. And we're
19:29using a fun little trick here with the
19:31tinted glass to make this gradient.
19:33You basically put some lights at the bottom, and then
19:35you put some blocks at the top. I used
19:37wool, and here you can see
19:39it makes this sort of weird gradient.
19:41We then got working on the roof, which we used
19:43these sort of cyberpunk-y bars.
19:45And then finally, we spent
19:4746 minutes
19:49placing dirt. Just dirt
19:51for 46 minutes, as you can
19:53see here. It's a fun shape, but we
19:55still spent 46 minutes doing it. Now, I
19:57know what you're thinking. Joel,
19:59the building looks kind of cool, but why
20:01have you built a big, dirt
20:05pendulum thing? I don't
20:07really know what it is above it.
20:09That looks terrible.
20:11Why have you spent 46 minutes doing this?
20:13Why? Why? Why?
20:15Well, you know, earlier, I
20:17wanted all those candles
20:19and end rods.
20:21Well, we haven't actually used any
20:23of them yet, and
20:25we're about to now.
20:27And let me show you how candles work quickly,
20:29because otherwise, this dirt thing
20:31wouldn't need to be built. You can place a
20:33candle like that. Lovely. Place it on dirt.
20:35Lovely like that. Can you place a candle on top
20:37of each other? No.
20:39I'm shifting, clicking, right-clicking.
20:41You can't place it on top
20:43of each other. Meaning, if you
20:45do want them on top of each other,
20:47you have to do this,
20:49then destroy the block, and do
20:51that. You see where I'm getting at?
20:53You see what I'm getting at?
20:55Well, I guess
20:57we better get placing. Yes,
20:59we do have to destroy all this
21:01grass and dirt. We literally just spent
21:0345 minutes placing. And I'm feeling it's
21:05going to take longer to destroy as well, as we've
21:07got to place a lot more stuff.
21:09Let's get to work. Guess who
21:11was right? It was me. This took
21:13over an hour to place.
21:15I've set the time to night here, so you can
21:17kind of see what we're
21:19going for. But we're starting off by
21:21placing a load of end rods,
21:23and then a load of red candles
21:25for one layer. Then underneath that,
21:27a load of light blue
21:29candles. And we're doing that, like,
21:31for about seven layers, I think it is,
21:33until you get to the big layer in a
21:35second. And the way we had to do this is we could just
21:37walk in between the end rods and the candles.
21:39It wasn't too much of a struggle,
21:41but sometimes I place two by
21:43accident, and that would be a pain. But
21:45yeah, it took an hour and ten minutes
21:47to do this. Was it worth it?
21:49Well, here's the final thing.
21:51You know, when I see it at night
21:53from this angle,
21:55I think it is. This is cool.
21:57This is really cool.
21:59Let's get, like, a little zoom out quickly.
22:01I forgot to also mention I put a sign saying
22:03hi, Impy, for
22:05impulse. But look at that. It's kind of funky
22:07when you're just moving around.
22:09I wonder what it looks like with shaders.
22:11That's a shout. Is it going to look
22:13absolutely awful? Oh,
22:15definitely not. That looks kind of fun.
22:17I wanted to add in some
22:19end rods, but a bit of colour as well.
22:21That is... The frame rate
22:23looking at my base is not good.
22:25But look at that. Oh!
22:27Oh! That looks good.
22:29That looks good. The whole base looks amazing with
22:31shaders. It's been a while since I've looked at it.
22:33But yeah, I think it looks pretty cool.
22:35From, like, different angles as well, it looks
22:37different. Like, from down here, it looks kind of
22:39like, you know, a bit strange.
22:41But I'm really happy with it.
22:43I'm really, really happy with it.
22:45Especially at night time.
22:47What? What an addition.
22:49What an addition.
22:51It's made me realise how badly lit up some of
22:53this area is down here, though. Gosh, I probably
22:55should have lit up the park that I just built.
22:57I guess I'll do that another time. Wait, I do have
22:59lanterns to put under here. I forgot about
23:01putting them in. Do I have lanterns?
23:03I think I do. Yeah, there we go.
23:05That's better. But yeah, look
23:07at this thing. Look at it.
23:09It's... The FPS when I look
23:11at it, it's not great.
23:13It's just weird, isn't it?
23:15I also made sure all the end
23:17rods were, like, the same thing
23:19vertically. That's why I wanted the dirt also
23:21so it kind of looks, you know, really symmetrical
23:23rather than, you know, when they do the connecting
23:25thing over there. I thought it'd look better
23:27if they were all identical.
23:29But look at it. Look at it.
23:31Very fun. Very fun.
23:33And the interior
23:35is not done. I know I
23:37teased, you know, about saying
23:39old and new, and we're gonna do an old interior
23:41inside. You can probably guess what it's
23:43gonna be, but we're not
23:45gonna do that today as we have spent
23:47way too long on this thing. Like,
23:49getting all the materials for this, placing all
23:51the blocks. It's genuinely, like,
23:53it's not comfortable
23:55playing this much Minecraft
23:57and placing all this because it has taken
23:59so long of just constantly
24:01clicking. It's a lot of
24:03blocks, okay? It's a lot of blocks. In fact, I can probably
24:05see times used candles.
24:07Probably gonna be up here now. Where is it?
24:09Oh, there. 2,259
24:11blue candles. Wait, how many
24:13end rods have I placed? I bet that's quite high up
24:15there as well. Okay, that 3,785
24:17in this base. I've also placed
24:1926,000 dirt, but not all of that
24:21was today. 7,000
24:23frog lights have placed. Oh,
24:25but look, here's the sun's rising.
24:27You can see what it looks like in the day as well. I think
24:29it looked good in both scenarios, day
24:31and night. I'm very happy with it.
24:33It's a really fun little addition to
24:35the base. Really fun. And we have
24:37all the materials, so next time we can
24:39work on this interior really quickly.
24:41Maybe do a building with Joel. It's been a while
24:43since we've had one of those, but
24:45unfortunately, guys, that is all we've got time
24:47for today. This has been a big
24:49build. We've tried something new.
24:51I think it looks good. I hope you
24:53do as well. Let me know what you think in the comments
24:55down below. I didn't want to build something
24:57too big here in front
24:59because I want to keep, you know, the
25:01height and the storage sign
25:03there. We're probably going to build something
25:05to cover up that, but I want the
25:07SB to stand out for Smallish Beans.
25:09I love the font for XP. I think I might have to add
25:11some more words in,
25:13I guess. High MP, not so good font.
25:15But it was, we didn't have much space.
25:17Thank you so much for watching. I hope you did
25:19enjoy. Make sure to leave a like and comment. Subscribe
25:21if you're new, and I shall see you another time.
25:23Good bye!