• 12 hours ago
We try and use the aimbot hacks in this game where everyone can cheat!

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @PatP_

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

#gaming #gaming #funny

Thanks for watching!
00:00So boys welcome to a brand new game. This is called cheaters cheetahs something
00:05So what we're gonna do we're gonna play three different rounds
00:07The first one is legit with wall hacks
00:10The next one is where we have wall hacks and aim bot and then the last one we're gonna do a raid boss
00:16I'm gonna be the one hacking while they're the ones playing legit. Are you boys ready?
00:21What is wrong with you people? All right, boys, let's do it. Here's the arena
00:25So like I said the first round we have wall hacks. I can see where they're
00:29Oh, hi
00:30That isn't it's me zon in sigils versus those dumb idiot dumb dumbs. You guys are going down
00:35Oh, yeah this first game. This is uh, capture the flag
00:40What take this? Oh
00:42How did you know that was me? Oh, you can see my name
00:45They flanked us. How did I not know that? Wait? What is this buff back here? Hold on i'm getting the buff
00:50Extra ammo. I have infinite ammo. I don't have a flag. Oh
00:56Stop it. I can see through the wall
00:59Sunday stop it. Wait, it's my host though. I'm hosting so you can't you can't host like that. It's not that's not cool, bro
01:06Hey, he's in our spawn. I died. So i'm gonna kill sunday right now. He's in
01:10Stop it. You ugly. Okay, so I can also get uh, an uh sniper. Do we want to do snipers only soon?
01:18I'm already sniping dude. All right, if you guys didn't know you can get banned if you don't hit the like button
01:24Like button hit subscribe button. Let's go hack. That's it. I'm pushing you i'm pushing you come here
01:29not pushing
01:32I'm pulling it. Wait, how did you know I was there? Uh, I had this thing called wallhacks. Don't tell anyone
01:41Stop it
01:46I got a score boys
01:50Get out stop it. I have 20 hit points
01:55I'm going to the sniper soon. Uh, you can't go sniper. Howie. I'm going to sniper. Wait, if we return one more we win
02:02Oh, no, you don't. No, you do not. No, you can't be part of that
02:07Boys push them
02:12No, they have a flag they have a flag they have a flag in the shield bubble somebody help me I can't shoot through the
02:18I went away
02:20Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Niko. Get out of my face. Ow
02:27Why don't you pick it out nico, huh? Why aren't you uh, because i'm scared
02:33We hit both stop it
02:39Stop it. There's fire stop throwing fire. That's cheating fire. What is my team doing pat pat out out bhop bhop
02:46He's bhopping from us
02:52What did I do I got it I scored
02:56I'm a wiener
02:57So I got speed hacks. What I got speed hacks. See you boys. I am gonna wall jump
03:07You can't shoot through the walls you're not allowed to have wallhacks that's cheating
03:15Stop him. Stop him. Stop him
03:20Nah boy, we gotta get this boys. Do you see how close I was? Oh my
03:27Biffle take stop him stop him. I got him. I got him because I had his shield on or he would have died
03:32I got a nice little shoot. No
03:38I hate this actually. Oh, I'll cover you. Oh
03:41Biffle you did not style on me like that
03:47Don't let him style on us
03:49Hey boys, if I cross this line right here, it's all over
03:54Let me let me just get a little close to you. Let me get a little closer
03:56Okay, you can get close. Come on. Come on kill your entire team and let me get over there. Okay. Yeah, calm down
04:00Come on, sonny. Do not play with your food
04:04All right, so next round we're gonna do rage mode we're all gonna have wall hacks and aim hacks
04:10Oh, yeah, also we have ban hammers
04:16All right, uh, let's go to round two we won round one that's fun
04:19All right, king of the hill rage mode on the new map the next map the neon
04:23All right, this is gonna be interesting. Where's king of the hill? Is it gonna be in the middle right there?
04:29Wait, are we spinning? Why are we spinning? Why are we oh it's because we have the aim hack on. Oh my god
04:36Hold on. Hold on. I gotta I gotta I gotta fix my my thingy
04:40So you see that little circle anything inside that circle will auto
04:44Trigger on them. They just died in me. Oh, you click middle mouse button to go back to first person. Oh my gosh
04:49Um, wait, they know where we are. That's cheating. You can't do that. Stop cheating. Wait. Hey
04:54What's the boy hit pat?
04:56I don't even know where i'm dying from
05:00Get on the point i'm in the bubble we're in the ball
05:03Get on the point he's in the bubble
05:10How is that not hitting you now, we're okay, that's a grenade there's a grenade there's a grenade there's a grenade
05:17I do not want to turn this corner. I literally think you shot your bullet around the corner
05:22What where did you come from? I didn't see you you guys are cheating
05:27Oh, it's six minutes we gotta switch the sniper. That's the rules. All right
05:47No, I hit those i'm really good at shot shooting
05:53I haven't died yet. I haven't died yet. I gotta you gotta kill me
05:55I don't get that. I don't get it until I get the until I die. I'm going to snipe you right here
06:00Just turn that corner. You're dead. I died. Dang it. All right, they're going to sniper. I'm going to the sniper
06:05There we go. I'm in the sniper. Okay, what does this sniper do? How does this sniper work?
06:08I haven't used it on aim hacks yet. I'm gonna spin hack you almost
06:13Oh, never mind. I'm not doing anything. I'm
06:18Do you have the scope or not, how did I not hit you?
06:22Where did I get shot from? I don't know dude
06:25How i'm missing I think if you jump it messes with your thingy, oh
06:29How is getting all these kills?
06:31I got him. I got him. I got him, but you can't wait. Do you want to hit through the wall?
06:36Yeah, oh, can you stop hitting me through that wall? Ow
06:41Guys, we gotta get the point. Oh, yeah, we're losing. We're losing. We're losing. We're losing. We're losing. We're losing. Yeah
06:48I'm, turning my cheats off so I can play legitness
06:53Pat what happened? All right, my cheats are off
06:56Yeah, my cheats are off too killstreak boost. How do I use the killstreak boost? How are you shooting me?
07:03I'm better than you. Oh nico
07:05How do you know where you were? They're winning
07:09We're only winning a little bit. No
07:12How you shot me through the wall
07:16How did you hit that why would you shoot when I jumped you're ugly gotta go sunny, please don't do six
07:22I'm on fire boys and girls
07:25Cats and squirrels. That was not me. Tell me go, please. That was you. It's just
07:32I said my fire. We're winning the point. I'm in it. We got this point. We got the point
07:35Stop, we have to stop them. We have to stop them. We have to stop them. We have to stop them
07:37Something is our point. Why did the fire go up there?
07:42That's not a sniper
07:45Yeah, ow, is that hitting you was that hitting you cheating? Yeah, I i'm using cheats
07:52That would happen
07:55Where's my team right here
07:58You're trying to snipe for an hour
08:02You ugly you ugly you ugly you ugly you ugly you ugly push
08:06How did that not hit I literally jump shot you
08:09And gg, okay next round wait, we get the band hammer
08:13So next round it's gonna be all of you versus me and i'm gonna hack and you're not gonna hack
08:18I think we could take them. Yeah, this is gonna be fun
08:21All right, boys. I am
08:29I uh, I got a I got a special gun here that I can use. What does that mean? I don't know
08:36Stop using stop you only get one bullet
08:40Oh, okay, cool guys, what you do after you've used your one bullet we can't cheat against them
08:46Wait, you have only one bullet
08:51This is like one in the quiver, bro. Oh, I got this boys. I got this
08:55Wait, uh, oh, I think we could I think we could take them without cheats. I think we got this
09:00What are you doing your shields use your shields?
09:06No, wait, what thing is
09:12Wait, what do you have to get you have to get five of something the flag I think that's you you get the flag
09:17Oh, I get the flag. Oh
09:19Dude no, I missed no use your grenades
09:26That's not a good sign I said
09:33I got infinite ammo now. What? Okay. Why were you back there? You gotta think like a cheetah
09:40Guys switch to the double shield class
09:43There we go. Grenade out. Stop it boys. He's so scared. What are you doing? There's a grenade there
09:47Okay, you guys you guys have wall hacks, right?
09:49Guys, that's right. Oh, yeah, we only have walls
09:52I don't I don't have walls on wait what happened?
09:55How'd I miss? Oh look at the kill feed in the top, right? Don't let him get it boys go push them boys push up
10:03No, where is he? Oh my god
10:06We're just getting
10:09The flags
10:28I'm having fun. Use your dome shield. Oh, they threw a grenade. How'd you know I was there? I don't know
10:33How'd you know I was there?
10:39Stop it, where is he? Stop it
10:43Stop it
10:44Get him boys. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go. I guess he clicked one for more
10:51You said stop
10:53It's cheap. I gotta go. I gotta go cheat menu. Get him. Get him. Get him get him get him
10:57I missed it with my one. He has the flag. It's over. We know it's not we got it. There we go
11:02Okay, I gotta swear you guys gotta kill me. I gotta switch my gun soon
11:06Yeah, i'm trying i'm trying
11:09Dome shield everyone use your dome should admit
11:12Stop it
11:14No, oh
11:16Okay, I just peed for a second
11:18You threw a dome shield at him. Is this fun for you?
11:22Stop it. You missed your shot
11:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
11:31No, okay, you know what you want to do that i'm unlocking my final form
11:36Your final form, what does that mean? Uh, i'm slow. What do you mean? You're slow? Oh, he's a minigun. Oh my god
11:45What is that
11:50Why is he why do you have a minigun no
11:54Okay, well hacks are not fun, okay miniguns kind of broken I like that that's fun for me it's not fun for us
11:58What do you mean?
11:59Can you stop throwing grenades?
12:02What else do you want us to do?
12:04Nico just gave up
12:07I was waiting for you to turn the corner and what's up? I got a bubble shield. What's up?
12:12Yeah, you do
12:17That was not fun for me stop it, okay that the the minigun makes me slow though. I don't like that. Yeah
12:23Stop it. Stop it. Oh, I got a speed hack. Stop throwing grenades. That's cheating. We all missed
12:29We did all miss our one shot, bro
12:31What happened?
12:35You hit these you hit these
12:41What other cheats does this guy have
12:44Who just threw a grenade at five minutes we got this oh dab dab dab dab on your dad
12:49Hi, hi
12:52Hi, he ran into my globe
12:54Hey, what's up? What's up? What's up? Oh, how about bibble? How about bibble? All right, fine hop out
13:01I called the money. He called me. I call him. What's up?
13:05Four minutes I can do this. I know I stopped throwing the grenades. I forgot I couldn't move
13:10I got locked on the wall. Why are you in my face? I was pre-nading your spawn
13:17Bro i'm a bully when he has a spitting minigun attack
13:21What do you mean what do you want me to do
13:28I can't do it. We figured him out. We figured him out. I gotta switch guns
13:33He has 67 kills. Oh gosh. Oh my gosh feels like 167. Hold on. I have an idea. What if I do that?
13:39He gets to get three more carries in four minutes
13:47What you gonna do what you gonna do
13:50Whatever I gotta do whatever I gotta do, man. I'm b-hopping over there
13:55Calling i'm stalling bro. You're hearing a's at him. He's weak
13:59It doesn't matter it does
14:03All right, I gotta go to the other gun the other gun is better I can run faster at the other gun
14:06I gotta go. I gotta go
14:08I gotta say you were doing this is so difficult
14:11Is it? Yeah
14:17No, i'm trying to get behind him stop it stop it gotta go I missed
14:21Those guys he's getting there. You're gonna get around him. Get him boys
14:25We hit those
14:27You don't hit those we hit those true. No, we hit those. Yeah, why is he saying we hit those we hit those
14:32We hit those we have to get I had to push you back, you know, you have to get the flag to win, right?
14:40You have to get a flag every minute right now to win
14:43You can't make fun for not having the flag when he has the flag
14:47Oh, stop it
14:49Stop it
14:50He captured that that's cheating
14:54Okay, I have crazy aim
14:58Yeah, you're like really good at this
15:01Guys, that was my first kill. Okay. I'm, sorry. I had to get one good job
15:03Oh, we gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go. How'd you hit those like you're so cracked. I know call you a crack
15:11How many kills on us like why is he so good what do you mean how what do you mean how
15:16Guys we killed him 12 times. Okay, that should make yeah, that's not a lot of us. That's not
15:31I have such good aim. This is insane. How do you
15:39Okay, that was cheating
15:45I want a refund on that truck. What you doing?
15:59Okay, i'm turning it off I just turned it off wait, he turned him off he turned on it for sure
16:03No, I turned him off
16:04He turned him
16:06Hey, don't come in here. Don't come in here. You don't want this
16:09I just gotta keep spinning spinning to winning spinning and winning spinning and winning
16:13Stop stabbing me. I have a minute. I have a minute
16:17Okay, I gotta switch devil killed two of us. Let's see. Sorry. Wait people killed us. Yeah. Sorry killstreak boost. He's on the left
16:34Yeah, he's too slow he can't get in a minute he's about to eliminate us
17:01No, no the grenade no
17:08I didn't even know insane get him boys. Okay
17:13Oh, well, I don't think it's gonna matter. He's still kind of cracked what you're gonna do. No, are you gonna?
17:17You're gonna come out of your little bubble. You're gonna come out of your little bubble
17:22Stop it. This is not okay
17:26I gotta go. I gotta go fast 10 9
17:32No, stop it
17:35Oh, he has 114 kills
17:41You know what that's fine I got how many kills did I get
17:53Hit the like button hit the subscribe button, oh that was close
