We play Roblox Dodgeball with the most OP Powerups!
Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @PatP_
• Video Editor ► Bran
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #roblox
Thanks for watching!
Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @PatP_
• Video Editor ► Bran
• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee
• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i
#gaming #ssundee #roblox
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00:00Boys welcome back to roblox today. We're playing dodgeball with ability. So how this works, right?
00:04We all start with a dash ability and as you get more coins, you can buy more abilities. Are you boys ready?
00:11No, okay everybody on afk. So we fight
00:13So what we're gonna do as we play dodgeball you keep score of your own wins
00:19Whoever has the most wins by the time we're done dabs on your mom, you know, I'm saying let me know me Zod and Biffle
00:25All right, boys. Let's do it. Come on
00:27How this works right you see I have a red ball right if I throw this at singles I
00:34Just did 60 damage to him because it was gold I use your dash. Oh, you got wrecked idiot
00:49Yeah, I think so the different color balls are like buffs
00:55Didn't kill Nico
01:00Okay, hold on oh I let Pat I look at boys remember you're gonna have to keep score of your own wins so
01:10I had six hits decade. Okay, so I'm gonna I'm gonna on afk everybody on afk on area afk afk
01:17I'm gonna I put in some code. So I have a bunch of money. Should I get boxy block C Cola?
01:22That's the first ability, you know, I'm just gonna go in order. I'll get these abilities as they unlock
01:27There we go. So block C Cola take a sip to heal myself for 30 damage
01:32Okay, that's gonna be a guys do me a favor hit the like button below the video
01:35You don't make it turn blue, you know, I don't know just hit the like button hit the subscribe button
01:39I got some projects coming up soon. So, you know be on the lookout for some future videos. I'll let you know what it is
01:45It's gonna be pretty fun me Pat and Niko. Oh, no
01:52Wait, you can't
02:01Biffles afk and I'm killing them
02:10Wait, can you block the ball? Like if somebody's throwing it at you, can you actually block them all?
02:19Stop it Pat, you're almost okay. You can see my health in the top left. So if I drink this look at my health
02:27Stop it. Oh get dog. Stop it. You're ugly
02:35I only have one. I gotta keep my tabs on my wins cuz I only have one. I'm bad. Dumb and ugly. All right
02:41Hold on let me see here. Okay, so the Cola is kind of doo-doo-poo-poo. I don't know if I like that
02:45Um, what is this one?
02:47Summon a one-time use dodgeball out of thin air. I can double throw Oh
02:53May Patton sigil on
02:58Dodge stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. So if I do this
03:07Bounced off the wall
03:11Wait, what is this fireball? I have a fireball
03:16So the fireball
03:19The fireball it does a lot of damage. Hold on. Hey Zod stand there. Watch what happens. Watch what happens
03:24My magician is almost off cooldown. You want to watch what happened?
03:28Hurt me
03:37So I threw one and then I threw another one cuz I was a magician, okay, that's fun
03:42Wait, hold on. That's two wins. That's two wins. I'm dubbing. I'm dab-dubbing. I'm Debbie Debbie. I'm going afk
03:47I gotta buy stuff. Hold on
03:48Uh, what is this shield deploy your shield for a few seconds that lets you take one free hit
03:53I don't know coins. Can I buy coins? Oh I could buy coins. Oh
03:57All right, this is already getting expensive 2,000 real bucks cool perfect. Yay. All right. What do I get next shield?
04:04All right, we got shield. Let's use that. All right, boy. So I have two wins me sudden Biffle way
04:08How many wins do you guys have anything?
04:11Okay, what does my ability do?
04:23Why did my ball turn green
04:27I'm getting
04:42People do not die
04:45I won't die. I won't die. I promise. Yeah, you're gonna die. Oh you exploded. No, you won. Let's see
04:55Okay, the right feels pretty broken I like it no get that gold ball away from me get that gold ball
04:59How did you throw to do you have?
05:04Stuff it I jumped over it
05:15Oh stop dashing you cheater, you're ugly. Nobody likes you. Hold on
05:26Yeah, wait, it went green it turned green, oh wait those what is the green ball do
05:44I'm not what are you talking about? Um, what is this get a boost of speed and damage for a short amount of time?
05:52Adrenaline, I don't know. What do you mean me Pat and Biffle again? Okay, so Biffle you have three wins because I carried you
06:00What does adrenaline do
06:11I caught that. No, no, I died. Okay. Oh my god
06:16No, okay, that doesn't that's not fair. You guys are bad people. I really want to test out adrenaline better than that
06:22I'm down. Hold on. Let me look. Hold on. So adrenaline. I want to hit somebody with it to see how much damage it does
06:28Ninja though a stylish backflip that gives you one second of immunity to dodge ball. Okay, I'll try adrenaline one more time
06:35And then we'll get into ninja. Okay. All right, you guys ready? Let's do it. We're fighting me Pat
06:41Wait, who won the last one? It wasn't us, right?
06:59Okay, hold on I want to hit me go with adrenaline hold on let me hit with a journal hold on
07:06Hit me he hit me. I don't like this
07:09Okay, I want to see what adrenaline does. So what is it? It's supposed to like does it do anything cool?
07:1875 damage
07:21Okay, uh ninja a stylish backflip that gives you one second of immunity
07:29Got another win I got to write that down. Hold on four wins. Oh, does anybody else have four wins?
07:51The bomb came into our side I dodged it I doodle a did it
07:58Why is it 3v1
08:20Dodged it. I'm dead
08:26Stop with the bombs stop with the bombs
08:37I jumped over that
08:44Gotta kill before one at a time
09:10Okay, ninja is not that good you only have like two seconds of iframes I don't
09:16Okay, deflect what is deflect deflect the dodgeball right before it hits you
09:20Wait, so you deflect the ball and then it goes right back towards them. Okay, this will be good. This will be good
09:26Are you guys excited? This will be good. Why does it mean Patton sizzles again? Why is it always us?
09:30No, we got you guys got destroyed
09:58Okay, I'll let you hold that gold balls on right and then here's what I'll do
10:02I'll let you throw that gold ball directly at my face. Ready? Go ahead
10:25Ball master turn a normal dodgeball into a random special dodgeball
10:29Wait, I can just create special dodgeballs out of there. Hi me guys on my man
10:35Wait sigils has five wins, right? So we're tied. Yeah
10:40But you have
10:45I'm gonna use my ability ball master
10:51Okay, so it turned it green what is the green ball do
10:55If I hit you it heals me
11:01Hey everybody get a ball and let's go to the line come on ready three two one go
11:07Let me get a special ball. Let me get a special ball three two one go
11:23Hey sigils, I'm winning you're losing you're ugly. No, I'm not. Okay, Matt ball master. That was good magnet
11:28Should I do that one? What's that one do? I'll buy it now. Oh boy
11:33What do you mean? I don't know. We're gonna find out
11:36We're gonna do that and then well, I want to try ball master one more time. Oh boy
11:40We got it. We got to take down sigils. We take down
11:44Stop it. I got a blue wall
11:50I hit him with the blue ball and it slowed him down
11:58All right boys, let's get it. Let's get that get the ball get everybody get a ball everybody get a ball
12:04You guys ready
12:07One go
12:11Hey sigils the lead is getting pulled ahead
12:18What oh gosh magnet, I'm gonna see a magnet pull surrounding dodgeball towards you with a strong force. Oh
12:25Hey, whoever's on my team stick with me. I'll pull all the balls to us. All right
12:34Oh, no, hold on I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it
12:49Jumped over okay. I'm pulling I'm pulling I'm pulling I'm pulling I'm pulling
13:06I'm pulling all of them in why didn't I pull any of them in stop healing? That's cheating
13:13Let's get over here
13:15Is it just me?
13:19Give me all the balls
13:21So many balls
13:36You just have to do anything anything I killed I killed the other one
13:41Stop it. Stop it. He slowed me. He slowed me. Oh
13:53You can get headshots and that does double damage. Okay, what what what do you mean? What?
13:59He'll spell summon a large order that heals you and your teammates. Hmm. Okay. I'll try that one in a little bit first
14:06I want to do magician again magician sounds fun now that I know how to throw. Okay. Hold on
14:11I got to write down my next win. There we go. Okay
14:13I'll block the bullets work. Wait target Ian. He's rain down his next win. I'm not that's a good point
14:16I don't that's one shot. No Pat, please. Yep. That's pretty dude. So it is
14:28How did I heal let's cheat
14:43Bullied now
14:46Okay, is that rebel devil ready ready ready ready three two one go
15:01Okay, I think I think we're doing this I
15:04Biffle I have I have another ability ready. You're gonna want to be on my team team for this one
15:09Damn, I killed
15:11Summon a large aura that heals you and your teammates
15:17Hey, if you're on my team, let me know if you get low and I'll dab on you
15:30Stop it. I feel come here. I'm healing
15:37That is so much healing hello, um, I don't I don't know how I'm gonna die wait no before before you give me that
15:50Stuff it hide
16:17Died I
16:19Am a healer. All right, boys. Here's the deal. This is the last round winner. This one counts for ten wins
16:33Using Sunday come here come get close. Come get close. Come get close. I
16:38Wasn't I wasn't netted Pat in the net. I don't know
16:43That is low my heel is on half health
16:48Give me that gold ball get that gold ball. Oh
16:52I nailed hold on. Hold on. Hold on
16:57Somebody's dodged for me dodged for me
17:04I'm almost dead. I'm almost dead. I got hit in the mouth. Wait a yellow ball. There's a yellow ball
17:11Let me get the yellow ball
17:19Let's all get a ball in the air target Nico just exploded
17:27Ready let's go to the line
17:40Hey, that was ten wins, I'm gonna write down my wins I'm writing down my wins
17:43I'm writing down guys. Give me a favor. Hit the like button hit the subscribe button. We dabbed on them