Today we do some interior in our mega build plus blackmail a mispelled ingredient of bread.. Leave a like and comment and subscribe if you're new :D
Kang's Mangrove Farm:
Vod channel:
Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames
Kang's Mangrove Farm:
Vod channel:
Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames
00:00I woke up today feeling great, and I thought you know what would make me feel great is to make a sad montage
00:06I don't know why I just really wanted to for this intro
00:09I made a sad montage, so please subscribe if it made you sad or if it made you happy
00:14I I don't know just just subscribe okay. Let's be sad together
00:54Hello there and welcome back to Hermitcraft season 10
00:59I'm just flying up into my base here to check no more purple
01:03Monstrosities have appeared and it looks all good at the moment, which is nice. It's looking very good actually. Oh, yeah, baby
01:09Oh, yeah now last time
01:10I promised something and that was that I would do a little bit of interior work and I've decided
01:16My method of doing this interior is going to be small steps. Okay small steps
01:22We're not gonna do it all in one go as that's just crazy. So today we're gonna work on this bit here
01:29I think we'll just make this bit look nicer
01:32Access that I think that'll be good and I might just do the floor and maybe cover up this as well
01:39Just mainly so I can access it because at the moment I've just got dirt and you know
01:44Nothing else really so, of course
01:46We're gonna need some pale oak wood lots of it as well as some quartz and some copper we can buy the copper
01:52We probably could buy the pale oak wood, but I fancy, you know, just chillin chopping some trees
01:58Let me get a few saplings out. How many go we got 40. That's plenty. We've got bone meal, right? We've got bone meal
02:05Where is it?
02:06We have bone meal, right? Where is it? Where is my bone meal place? We've got bone meal. Surely I'd have to afk my farm
02:15Okay, maybe we have to afk the farm a bit. This should be enough for now though more than enough
02:19In fact, let's turn this bad boy on while we do these pale oak trees
02:23I completely forgot by the way that I added this which you know shows the bone meal shooting off
02:28Like there's so many cool bits in this base. I think you can watch it coming across here as well. Or is it this one?
02:33Yeah, look here. There he goes. Oh, that's fun. Isn't it? Anyway, how about a nice calming time-lapse of me?
02:40Chopping loads and loads of pale oak trees. Oh, that sounds fun
02:45Doesn't it guys doesn't it? Tell me it sounds fun. Tell me you like that
02:50I want you to leave a comment saying wow, what a great pale oak chopping montage Joel leave it now
02:56Alright, let's get to work guys. We're all friendly here. We're all lovely sit back and relax as we strip some pale oak trees
03:14Got a bit distracted might have gone a bit overboard, but I don't know we got a lot of floor to fill
03:19So maybe this will do it. We'll have to see we also need some frog lights and some copper and
03:25I'm just gonna go to spawn and get that and hopefully some quartz as well
03:29Although last time I looked impulse was out of quartz. We've got a bit but not a huge amount
03:35Let's just head to spawn. We can also check if we've had any sales in our new purple shop
03:40I picked the wrong week pearls away this week so I could even mess with her a bit more. I
03:45Could think of something. I don't know though. That's going on here
03:48Wise cub got a hat on keep cub says free Jeff. Oh, it's good because Jeff was exiled
03:54Maybe as the dog had any sales
03:56No one buys purple. I think to be honest. I'm the biggest buyer purple
04:01And that's just to do the things to mess with pearl. Oh
04:05It's alright because we've got a honey though, and that's where we make all our diamonds, isn't it, honey?
04:13I'm not gonna bother checking the rest. I'm just I'm just
04:17What a permit this is why I'm sick of the permit system
04:20This is why I've got against it because nothing I sell sells apart from these do a little bit
04:26But not much XP sold a little bit as well, which is nice. Okay, that's pretty good. That's pretty good
04:32I'll have to restock that at some point. Oh and slime is actually sold a bit as well. That's very nice. Very nice
04:38But what was I here for? Oh, yes frog lights. Luckily. I play this game so much
04:42I never have to pay for frog lights with diamonds ever again
04:45This is a very cool system ifo, but when I'm buying like five stacks of frog lights
04:50It's it's not it's not a good system. It looks cool. But my gosh
04:55I must have stood in this spot or the other frog light spots
04:59For probably like an hour total now just waiting for them to all be dispensed
05:03Well, I didn't need that many but there we go any quartz in here any quartz. Oh, wait. No, we need the blocks
05:11Okay, it's any smooth quartz though
05:16Where's the smooth stuff give me the smooth stuff
05:19It doesn't like he's got any smooth stuff in keep I keep saying smooth stuff
05:24Then maybe there's some smooth stuff will appear does look like he's got a lot of stock though, which is good
05:29Okay, I guess we're just going to smelt it like self. That should be plenty surely. Oh
05:34And finally copper let me copper loader this
05:39Now let's head back home and let's get placing some floor. Wow, that sounds so boring but
05:46We need to do it. Okay, so to make my life a little bit easy
05:49I place some stone underneath and there's some dirt underneath so I could put the frog lights up right as well as the stripped pale
05:54Oak logs
05:55I then went and squirmed free with the quartz stairs and then finally added in the rest of all the logs
06:01Giving us a complete floor. Ah
06:04Lovely look at all this walking and stuff I can do now so much walking
06:10Amazing we can also use this as it was intended
06:13I can get down to this level now go in my garden out the rain really quickly. Oh very nice
06:18I want to get back up to my base
06:23Lovely obviously, it's looking a bit empty still and I want to get working on this section here
06:29But I need a lot of mangrove wood and oh my gosh
06:33I think I'm finally over the edge and I don't want to chop mangrove anymore
06:39It's such a pain. You have to use a hoe then you've got blooming, you know clear all the leaves then chop the mangrove wood
06:44I'm gonna build a farm. I'm just gonna do it. I don't care. I know other people probably have farms
06:48I want one as well. I use this word so much. How many times have I chopped this? Let's have a look
06:534,000 bits of wood I've chopped and I've placed like 2,000 of that one a place 3,000 of the stripped one
06:59I've stripped it 3,000 times or so like
07:027,000 times pretty much. I'm gonna save myself some time. I'm gonna make a mangrove farm
07:08Let's go grab the materials now. There wasn't actually that many materials to get but one of them was obsidian
07:13So here's me mining obsidian
07:15I decided to make this really long to show you how boring it is to mine obsidian now you suffer with me
07:20I also went and got some coral from the coral reef because we need some coral fans because redstone
07:26They're weird and it does weird stuff and then I went to tango shop and bought all the other components
07:30I needed which was just some target blocks and some pistons and stuff like that. And that was basically it
07:36I got some powder snow as well. But yeah, we had everything else not too many materials to get this thing built
07:41But now the question where should we build this? I was thinking maybe we could place it in here
07:47But although there is probably enough space here
07:50I just think it's a bit awkward and it could be an excuse for a new building
07:55So instead of building it in the massive tower, I think we should build it over here
08:02We can work on a building to go with it
08:05Later, maybe maybe not today, but at some point let's get building this farm
08:10Which by the way, I am copying a tutorial. This is by Kang. It's two years old
08:15I'll put a link in the description. I've used this farm before it works very well
08:19Let's get building it and here you can see me building a farm
08:24It's not too interesting because you've probably seen someone build this farm before
08:28But hey, you get to listen to the soothing tones of my voice as I tell you nothing about it
08:33Because I don't know how it works. It's got some TNT jupers
08:36It blows up the trees and it gives me mango wood. That's all I really care about
08:40Okay, and I believe with that we are done at the moment
08:44It's a bit of a mess getting into this farm. But like I said, this will be fixed in the future
08:50Let's check it works. Shall we we go in here?
08:54I forgot to place this we stand I think in this corner here
08:59We stand in this corner here aim up at this little bit of stare and hold right click and that should be it
09:05Let's see if it works
09:07Okay, ah
09:08Something's gone wrong. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool, and I don't know how to fix it. I've fixed it
09:14There was one repeater on the wrong tick now
09:17It should work hold right click sapling gets placed mango farm gets grown
09:22Very loud very annoying, but we keep going TNT blows it up mango falls on us. Lovely. Look at that. Yes
09:30all the logs and
09:32Everything else including the proper goals should fall on our head and when I'm venture gets filled up
09:38It will be placed in a chest
09:41And it seems to be working which is very nice. Love it
09:44The best thing about this farm is I can completely afk it which is amazing
09:49The worst thing about this farm is I've spawned in loads of plumbing mobs somehow now before we get anything else done today
09:55There is something important. I need to set up and that is an ender pearl chamber
10:01In fact, I'll probably set up a couple just in case I get exiled as you can use these to get back home
10:09Although I do need someone else to activate it for me, but I've got friends, right?
10:13I'm sure some will if you don't know how these things work. They're very simple you dig down
10:19Nine blocks I think is place a soul sand
10:22Oh, I need water put some water in fill it up with kelp like so to make it all source blocks
10:29Then we put a trap door in like so and all we have to do is
10:34Throw an ender pearl in I believe
10:37There we go
10:38And it's set up now when someone flicks this trap door
10:40I will teleport here and we've set it on the server so that even if you die this will still work now
10:46Obviously, I'm not gonna just set up one. I'm gonna set up for I really don't want to be exiled and to make sure we know
10:53Where they are to tell people we're gonna note the coordinates down in this book
10:56And this one is here just you know, he doesn't believe my base, but I'm not gonna show you cheeky chaps
11:02Where the other ones are I'm just gonna go set them up because I know some of you will grass on me
11:07You'll tell all those popo where they are so they can come and kill me. I ain't letting it happen
11:13Okay, I'm not being exiled and we're all
11:16Done. I've put a book in my ender chest here
11:20This is all the coordinates for every ender Potter
11:24I've placed so all I had to do when I get exiled or if I get exiled because they're gonna find me first is ask
11:30Someone to set me free and I can tell them exactly where to go
11:34Obviously, I'm gonna show you your nosy little I won't say what but I'm gonna AFK my farm a little bit here as we need
11:42Some mangrove wood for the interior of the section. We said we were gonna do which is this bit here
11:48All right about 12 minutes later. This is what we ended up with how many stacks of mangrove logs?
11:55Six and a bit so not bad. Not bad. I did run out of mangrove propagals
12:00Which was why I had to stop I was playing on doing 15 minutes. That's kind of annoying
12:04But hey, maybe we'll just go get a big supply of them
12:07I guess for the future or if there's something I've done on the farm wrong that people have seen then please let me know
12:13Hopefully this will be enough. I'm not sure it will
12:17But we'll give it a go why hello there gamers and friends of the smallest beans channel. Welcome to
12:24Building with Joel. I thought we'd do it for this little section here because you know
12:28It's just a lot of boring blocks to place. I've just left for a second. So I need some dirt. There we go
12:34That's some dirt. All right, let's get placing stuff
12:36Firstly, we are gonna be placing some waxed copper bulbs over here
12:41Some of them are going to be lit up like this one here
12:44Every other one is going to be lit up and this interior is gonna be quite cyber punky in the way it looks
12:51Wait, where did my redstone block go? Oh, it's down out here. Can I land on the tower?
12:57Yes, I can baby BAM all of them placed just like that smooth landing
13:03Okay, let's carry on on this wall here. We need some mangrove and I realized I'm actually not using many mangrove logs
13:10I'm just I'm gonna use the planks instead as it's just a lot easier
13:15But we're gonna use some mangrove logs in the middle here. Plus we're using some stripped mangrove wood
13:20I haven't actually stripped any of this yet. So I'm stripping right now. Do not make that into a horn cub. Do not
13:26There's no building currently going on guys because I'm about to drink some tea
13:32Lovely continue. Okay, we're next gonna add on some mangrove planks as well as some
13:39Acacia stairs in the middle had a bit of texture
13:44And we're gonna go up all the way around the window like so and we don't want that to happen because that's annoying instead
13:51We're just gonna go stairs all the way up to here. It makes this kind of cool pattern in the wall
13:56I was gonna use slabs and then expose the stuff behind it, but it looked awful. Lovely
14:01Those are the windows surrounded. We're gonna do a layer of red terracotta lend some more
14:07Mangrove planks and then more mangrove planks. Oh, and I realized I need
14:14Chiseled copper which we can do over here. You won't be able to see this but trust me
14:19That noise is chiseled copper being made
14:22And then we're gonna start on some stuff here like so more mangrove planks behind it as well
14:29The background of this is not that interesting
14:31We're gonna have like, you know, these chiseled copper bits coming out looking kind of like pipes
14:35We've done this on the outside of the build. I thought I'd do it on the inside as well
14:38Actually, you know what to make it more interesting. Let's grab some frog lights. Oh, no, I can't get up. Hello
14:44Can you see me? Oh, no
14:47There we go, oka frog lights like this and we'll get some waxed copper grates like so
14:54And then continue on up with these pipes and let's cut to me having this bit finished because it's very boring three two one
15:02We're gonna add some more mangrove planks
15:04Shock horror. That's why we've got our new mango farm so we can use this block more then. Let's head down here
15:10No, I've fallen behind again. What there we go. Okay, let's grab ourselves some waxed copper grates again
15:17And also some pale oak
15:20Trap doors or any pale oak stairs as well. All right, I'll grab those in a second first
15:26Let's do this bit because we're obviously gonna do a five by five of this
15:30Don't know why I said obviously it might not be obvious to you. Let's grab those stairs
15:35Yeah, and then place them like here and we're gonna make one of these like faux circles
15:42with these trap doors and
15:44Stairs always a bit of hard parkour here. Can I do this?
15:48Nope, there we go
15:50And then BAM BAM BAM and there's your little circle and we can cover the surroundings in the mangrove plank
15:56And as they say badda bing badda boom, okay another layer of mangrove planks, and then we'll use some more terracotta
16:04And then more mangrove planks, and I think I'm just gonna leave this bit blank for now
16:08I might add something onto this in the future, but I don't know how high we're gonna go here
16:12So let's just add on some mangrove planks up to
16:15Let's say here this point and with this that wall is done
16:22Okay, we're down at the bottom again as we're gonna work on this wall here first
16:26Oh, no, let's do mangrove on this side. No, it's not mangrove. Let's do mangrove on this side
16:32There we go dark oak on this side like so and then we'll do the same here. I've fallen down
16:38Luckily, there's water there. Give me a second guys. I'm back are falling straight down again. I'm back. Okay, we're back
16:45We're good. We're good. All right, there we go
16:47That's where I need the banister. Although I should really put them in the middle, but no I won't anyway the wall
16:52That's the most important part. I I need red concrete. I'm going to get some oh
16:57No, I've fallen again and I'm back baby. Okay, we're gonna grab some rad rad red concrete here, which is rad
17:04We have funny guys. We have funny and this pattern on the wall. Although looks a bit weird. I like it
17:10I'm keeping it. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab ourselves some red stained glass like so
17:17Place it around this
17:19Glowstone honey and honeycomb stuff. She's a bit awkward, but we'll get it done
17:24Also placing mangrove planks along the side because you can see through to there and leaving it open would look ugly
17:31Just a bit awkward placing this especially with this hole here, but we're getting it done
17:36I only bought myself a stack of red stained glass. Oh, it's not gonna be enough. I'm gonna run out here
17:44Have I got any more in my chest? I didn't check
17:4822 is that enough? Let's find out
17:51Should be yeah
17:53Baby, because we're now gonna add some pale oak trapdoors on the top of it
17:59You'll see why in a bit and then we're gonna add some mangrove planks in
18:04Again with a bit of red terracotta in the middle of it like so and then we're adding some trapdoors
18:10Underneath this one and then once again. Oh, we're adding on some glass this time
18:16I'm gonna die if I'm not careful
18:18We're adding orange stained glass and this is even more awkward to place and if I ran out of glass on the other one
18:24I'm definitely running out of glass on this one. Oh, it's so close. We got any orange stained glass in our chest
18:30Oh, we got loads cool. Oh
18:33Where am I?
18:35Is that all of it?
18:37Yeah, boy pale oak trapdoors on top of it and you guessed it. We're doing some mangrove planks in
18:44Terracotta again. Oh boy. How original Joel you didn't like that. You're not gonna like this more pale oak. Luckily
18:50I got about 16 stacks too many of pale oak at the start this episode
18:54So we've got plenty to make ourselves some trapdoors and what comes after yellow in the rainbow kids
19:01That's right. No, wait, what comes after orange? I mean yellow. I've ruined it. I've ruined it
19:06Exuma wants me to sleep
19:08So I'm gonna go sleep in my bed, which is hidden far away because I don't want to get exiled back in a second
19:13See if you can work out from the sound
19:17Where my bed is Wow, did you guess?
19:19Probably not BAM. It's Britney. Okay up here again. Let's get placing some yellow stained glass
19:27Now am I gonna get lucky a third time and have some yellow glass in my chest? Let's find out
19:33We've got nine I can make some it's fine. It's fine guys. Don't worry. Stop worrying
19:38Got my yellow stained glass and we're okay
19:41Do you guys want some mangrove planks because here they are and would you like some?
19:46Pale oak trapdoors on top of here because here you are. How about a bit of red terracotta to spice things up?
19:52Right. Is this dirt?
19:54Because I need to put some more mangrove planks down and we're gonna use what we already have here
20:00But I need to go get some cherry trapdoors
20:03I think and some mangrove trapdoors and also some bamboo
20:07Trapdoors just because we can cover up what we already have here and make it look a bit nicer as glowstone looks ugly
20:14I do need to add in some mushroom lights though, and then we'll place the last of our pale oak trapdoors
20:20I promise they're the last but it's not that the last of these mangrove planks, baby
20:24Lovely and that is this wall done kind of we're gonna add in a few
20:29Oh my gosh extra things we're gonna add in some more like little bits of pipe work and
20:35Yeah, we'll we'll we'll connect it up to the other wall in a second. Let's let's build the last and final
20:42Wall and wall number three of this corner here. We're gonna start off by just placing some
20:50Mangrovian planks down. He's not planks. He's a logs. That's why I'm stripping them. Don't know why I said planks
20:55And then back to the planks, these are the planks that we love
20:59Oh, you know what? Actually, I was gonna add something else here. Let me get some granite. Please tell me I've got some granite
21:05I've got loads of granite, but I only need 16 granite
21:10Because I'm gonna make a little 4x4
21:16Bit here like so that's not even 16 that's
21:1912 hiding off-screen because I can't do maths and then in the middle of this granite
21:24We're gonna add in so glazed terracotta. No, that's wrong. That looks bad. That also looks bad
21:31What's going on? Is that it? Why does this look weird? There we go
21:36We've got it terracotta messes with my mind sometimes and it's kind of like a bit of artwork
21:40So I'm gonna get some spruce where I am and we're gonna do this. I've placed that one wrong. I placed that one wrong
21:48I'll place. Oh my gosh. I'm just giving up. All right. There we go
21:51See if I can do it from down here the first time baby. I'm gonna place a little leave again
21:55Oh, we're gonna place a lever in that way and that way and then we're gonna connect them up with some end rods
22:01There we go. Perfect
22:03And now we'll continue on with the wall and we're gonna add a little bit of flare in here just above that like so and then
22:10Continue on with the mangrove planks into some terracotta. I've accidentally placed a plank here. That's meant to be terracotta
22:16There we go, and then we continue going upwards and this was quite small so it's kind of hard to add anything interesting on it
22:24I'm just gonna have a few like staircases in now and then as well as some acacia ones pretty easy stuff
22:31And while we're over here, we're gonna start working on some like wires across because it'll just look fun
22:38That's the main reason although I need to get some more
22:42Lightning rods, we're also gonna place across some end rods with chains in the middle
22:48Kind of looks like some sort of track
22:49I don't know what this track could be used for and then we're gonna carry this wall on up adding in some more
22:56acacia stairs
22:57Just to make the wall look a bit more interesting and finally, we're just gonna add some mango planks on
23:03We're also going to link up this pipe here. And that is that we're done
23:09Out and
23:11There you have it. It is done a nice
23:15Entryway to our base now, okay. There's you come up a lovely water
23:20Yeah, you got this to look at which is very nice
23:22It looks very nice when you compare it to the rest of the base with just bits of dirt
23:28Everywhere and stuff. But yeah, I'm very happy of this. I think it looks pretty cool
23:32But guys time for a serious moment because I've been lying to you
23:36Well, not lying, but I have a secret to tell I have found
23:41Some permits look at these. I'm not gonna tell you where I found them
23:46But I found them and I know exactly whose these are we got leaves and bundles
23:50We got all kelp all ice and all campfires and these are greens permits
23:57He lost him a while back and fortunately for him. I have found them or should I say?
24:03Unfortunately for him because I'm not giving these back for free
24:05he's gonna be in big trouble with the permit office because he's lost these permits the permit office want these back as
24:12Technically he is in the wrong at the moment as he's not made shops for these permits
24:17So we're gonna send him some mail except it's gonna be blackmail and we're gonna do this
24:23Anonymously the way we're gonna do this is rather stupid
24:27But you know how when they send like a blackmail or ransom notes they like hide it in like weird cutouts of fonts
24:34Well, I don't have that. So instead
24:36We're gonna use
24:38Items and a random selection of items so he doesn't know it's me
24:42So you've concocted a little post box here to send green and it says I have your
24:49permits put
24:5164 diamond blocks in chest at these coordinates by noon or
24:58I burn them now. We're not actually gonna get into noon before we burn them
25:01But yeah, let's go send this off and let's see if he responds with even the diamonds or some of a response
25:08He might want proof. I don't know, but I don't know how I'm gonna give him proof
25:11If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. But unfortunately guys, that is all we've got time for today
25:16We've done some blackmailing. We've done some building just the usual stuff here on Hermitcraft. Thank you so much for watching
25:22I hope you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you knew good. Bye