• 6 hours ago
25 Minecraft Stereotypes

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Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina

Builds showcased in thumbnail:

Player heads come from NameMC!

Produced by Jonah Walters
Research by Devon
Edited by BBelle
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
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00:0026 Minecraft stereotypes you'll encounter on any server.
00:03These are the players, good and bad,
00:04that you might've seen when you hit the tab key,
00:06starting with the cheater.
00:07And I'm not just talking about on your spouse,
00:09though I wouldn't be surprised
00:10if there was a give command for an affair.
00:14But there's people who will just,
00:16yeah, well, I went mining, you were at lunch.
00:18Okay, well, you went mining and you got blocks
00:21that weren't possible to grab right now.
00:23I don't know how you went from having no silk touch
00:25and wooden tools to now all of a sudden
00:27having the dragon egg and all of these diamond doors
00:31inside of your base.
00:32At least this is a better building job
00:33than most cheaters would do.
00:35Yeah, using command blocks and stuff to build.
00:37And I think the problem with cheating
00:39is that it just instantly ruins the fun of not only you,
00:42but also other people on the server.
00:44If there's no stakes,
00:45then what's the point of playing survival?
00:47Let's just go into creative.
00:48Kills the fun.
00:50Observers allowed to cheat.
00:51An open relationship for observers cheating.
00:55The unemployed.
00:56So, hey man, I'm starving.
00:58Could you do some farming?
01:00Heard that you needed bread.
01:01And then all of a sudden they've just gone
01:03and spent all of their time
01:05placing every single crop imaginable.
01:08These are the people you know who set up every single farm.
01:10They never log off.
01:12They're always playing on the server.
01:13And at a certain point, it just gets hard to catch up.
01:16If someone's able to put in this much time,
01:18you just get outworked.
01:19You can't even build without having to step
01:21on some next big project that they have.
01:24It feels more like you're a guest
01:25in their single player world
01:26than playing a multiplayer server together.
01:28And I'll admit, this is one I've definitely been guilty of
01:31because while my friends were in college
01:33and I was younger than them
01:34and I was still in regular school,
01:36I had a lot of free time.
01:37The assassin.
01:38Now this is the friend who's always trying to kill you
01:40in some way, shape, or form.
01:41I mean, free stuff real, that seems fine.
01:43The skull through the grass, maybe not so much.
01:47And then there you go.
01:48You open this up, you've got the secret trap.
01:50I mean, granted, writing in blood,
01:52that might've tipped me off,
01:54but I'm not always trying to play
01:55with a friend who's trying to kill me.
01:56And while you can turn on friendly fire,
01:58a trap like this doesn't use any friendly fire.
02:01It just uses bad will.
02:03So it's annoying when someone just wants
02:05to always go out of their way to kill you.
02:07Makes you want to move away from spawn.
02:08And then you're not really playing multiplayer.
02:10You're just playing single player
02:12while you've got a monster living in your house.
02:15Yeah, now I'm going to go stay over here
02:16and I guess you have spawn now.
02:18The red stoner.
02:19Now this is someone who will go through
02:21all of this insane effort.
02:22You've got the melon and pumpkin farms
02:24all the way down to the roots.
02:26You've got all these in complex redstone doors.
02:29Everything is automated.
02:31Everything is the best optimal way possible.
02:34I mean, you're literally redstone component.
02:38Redstone is great, but everything gets automated.
02:41And then what do you do?
02:42And this is one,
02:43I also feel like I'm pretty guilty of trying.
02:46I like to have the game get as efficient as possible.
02:49But whenever I'd suggest to my girlfriend,
02:52hey, why don't we try building this farm?
02:54She's like, I just kind of like going through
02:55and harvesting my crops.
02:57And I can't falter for that
02:58because there it's definitely an important way
03:01of just zoning out with the game.
03:02There's no right way to play.
03:04There's optimized ways to play,
03:05but that's only right for some people.
03:07The day one-er.
03:08This is someone who shows up to server as soon as it starts
03:11and then never shows up again.
03:13We like to call this person Sandiction where I'm from.
03:15Yeah, days since online,
03:17203,018,058 days since they logged on.
03:22So any minute now,
03:24just takes one message on Discord and there'll be online.
03:27What we've got here is just the person who only shows up,
03:30gets really excited.
03:32They don't even give you the full two week binge.
03:34They're gone forever.
03:35Hey man, I built this really cool thing.
03:36You want to try it?
03:37Oh yeah, I'll get on.
03:39Now this person we're going to call the Steam Punk,
03:41which is the punk who wants to play any other game
03:44on Steam versus this.
03:45So every message that you get,
03:47can we play something else?
03:48Dude, just stop.
03:49Well, Terraria is better.
03:50How does the warden ever drop loot?
03:52All they're ever doing is complaining
03:53whenever you boot up Minecraft
03:55that they want to play something different.
03:56I get overjoyed to play other games.
03:58That's why we have Skippy Tea as a channel
03:59to mess around on.
04:00If you agree to play Minecraft,
04:02let's just play Minecraft.
04:03It's what the group's doing.
04:04You can find your own fun.
04:05This one is the Parkour Master.
04:07Now we're not going to give them any kind of special boots
04:09or anything,
04:10but this is the person who just knows how to do
04:12every single jump in the game.
04:13All their time is parkour.
04:15Maybe they're even reading off Reddit posts.
04:17I don't know.
04:17Okay, I got a comment that someone was like,
04:19does Skip's space bar have a delay?
04:22No, my brain has a delay and my body pays the price.
04:26Hey, for the beef and the chicken.
04:29The Exploiter.
04:30Now through very legitimate means of gameplay,
04:32we're going to show off how with just this simple setup
04:36and some silk touch,
04:37you can get infinite TNT.
04:39Now I know what I would call this.
04:40I know what Mojang would call this,
04:42and I'm not even necessarily opposed to it.
04:45There's a lot worse exploits than this.
04:46Let's just say that.
04:47I would say that sand farming is more cheaty than this.
04:50And then I would say the duplication glitches,
04:53such as anything that gets you shulker box duplication
04:56or anything like that, obviously the most.
04:59But much like the cheater,
05:00they just remove a lot of the fun from the game.
05:02TNT farming, at least you could put this into something
05:04like getting netherite.
05:06And then the ancient debris scraps,
05:07you have to go down there and fly to get.
05:09Use your pickaxe, use an elytra,
05:11use the fire resistance potions.
05:13Use your best judgment when it comes to exploits,
05:15but there's always that one person
05:16who loves to show them off.
05:18And you know what?
05:19Honestly, guilty as charged.
05:19It is fun to point that out.
05:20Now this one's the miner with an E.
05:23So the miners, yeah, you're in for the mines.
05:26And we have all got that one friend
05:28who will just go and do mining all the time, always.
05:31And you know, when you live next to the miner,
05:33because all of a sudden you'll be going around
05:36trying to build a basement
05:37and you just find these weird cheese grids
05:39throughout your base.
05:40They're just making their strip mines
05:42and you run into them.
05:44For one, cannot be structurally safe,
05:46but having to live next to this is just the worst.
05:49Technically I did this not the optimal way.
05:51You're supposed to leave a two block gap.
05:52And this is definitely my go-to
05:53whenever I have to podcast or something.
05:55It's a nice mindless activity,
05:57especially when you have efficiency five,
05:59but it also means that the whole world
06:01ends up looking really weird.
06:03This is the content creator.
06:05This is your friend who will always record
06:07every single session, which that much is fine.
06:10Not letting you know that they're recording,
06:12that's a whole lot worse.
06:13Oh, look at us, me and Observer on the green screen.
06:16Yeah, we're doing this like a cringy Minecraft intro.
06:18I do love this player head though.
06:20Look at it, it's got a little TV screen.
06:22I will say that in the end,
06:23when you get to look back and see all the server documented,
06:26that's pretty nice.
06:27I mean, that's how we have some of my favorite clips
06:30in Minecraft history.
06:31The speed runner.
06:32In my friend group, it's just rec rap.
06:34But this is the person who beats the ender dragon
06:36on day one.
06:37And even if you do set up a rule,
06:39like the end is blocked off until everyone's ready,
06:42they'll only ever join as soon as it goes.
06:44And then as soon as they get the end city loot
06:46that they want, like the elytra,
06:48they grab that and they're done playing.
06:50For them, the game has no more meaning past that.
06:53Well, thanks Observer.
06:55That gives you the most of a body I've ever seen.
06:58I mean, speed running techniques could definitely help.
07:00I think there's some stuff that's worth knowing
07:02just in general,
07:03which is why we've made videos taking speed run techniques
07:05and trying to apply them to base survival game.
07:07But you live everything in the fast lane,
07:09you miss a lot on these sides.
07:11The doomed.
07:12This is the person on the server
07:13who always has the highest death count.
07:15Ah, there you go.
07:16Yep, that sounds about right.
07:18Honestly, pretty low for him at this point.
07:19Good for him.
07:20I don't know about you,
07:21but I have a friend who will die to things
07:23that I never thought was possible.
07:24Anytime that we get to,
07:26oh God, that's horrific.
07:27I've got this one friend who,
07:29anytime that he joins the server,
07:31he's fine all the way up until the nether.
07:33The nether is his kryptonite.
07:35He'll always find the quickest way to die.
07:38So that one's for you, dispenser.
07:39The encyclopedia.
07:41And this is the person who knows everything about Minecraft.
07:43And if you have a question about some random trivia,
07:46they always have an answer.
07:47Now this might sound like me,
07:49but I gotta be honest, folks.
07:51It's really Observer.
07:52Observer is the person I know
07:53who knows the most about Minecraft knowledge.
07:56Observer is the most technical player that I know.
07:58I truly wouldn't be able to make these videos
08:00without Observer's knowledge and know-how.
08:02And we also have other great people on the team
08:04who've known a lot about the game.
08:07I just know how to say words.
08:08The role player.
08:09Here, we've got the sword and the stone.
08:11Well, I can try to lift it out.
08:13So I'm gonna give it to the King of England.
08:15Oh, Observer got it.
08:16Look at you, King Observer.
08:17But this is the person who,
08:19they have a story that they're going to be acting out
08:21on the server while you're playing.
08:23But for some reason,
08:24they don't make the rest of us privy to it.
08:25So you're just kind of wondering why they're acting weird.
08:28And it'd be particularly uncomfortable
08:30if there's someone who wants to role play
08:32as a villain or a jerk character.
08:34And now he just wears chain mail like this.
08:36I don't understand.
08:37He never takes it off.
08:38It's permalocked.
08:40Curse of binding to this story.
08:43It's gold doubloons.
08:44The admin.
08:45And this one gives us a funny hat.
08:47Yeah, that's pretty funny.
08:48Oh no, Observer, what happened to your head?
08:50That is kind of eerie.
08:51Just having you float around as a puffer fish.
08:56The admin's the person who runs the server
08:57and they keep everything from falling apart.
08:59But you rarely ever get a glimpse of them
09:01because they're just flying through the sky
09:03at some random thing.
09:05It's like seeing Ho-Oh at the beginning of your journey.
09:06Yep, see ya.
09:07All right, well, I trust that the server's in good hands
09:09or where pans would be if you had them.
09:12Here's where the admin comes in
09:14and usually they could be a force for good.
09:17The farmer.
09:18Now this is the person, much like my girlfriend,
09:20who loves manually farming crops.
09:22It doesn't matter if they could do it so much faster
09:24or get better returns or automate anything.
09:27They don't care.
09:27Because in the end, just going through
09:29and punching a few things, planting them where you will,
09:31it's a good way to develop your Minecraft thing.
09:33This feels like someone who would have rather
09:35been playing Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing instead.
09:38Just having a routine in Minecraft, very nice.
09:41Now don't pay attention to the other chores
09:42that are slacking off.
09:43At least the crops are maintained.
09:45That's not a slight of my girlfriend.
09:46Sorry, I know she's gonna watch this.
09:49That's not a slight.
09:49There are dishes in the sink, though.
09:51Just the alpha wolf.
09:53So this is your friend who goes through
09:54and tames every single wolf as if they were Pokemon.
09:57As if you were playing Pixelmon
09:58and the only ever Pokemon that they ever got was the hound.
10:01And now at least it's a little better
10:03because there's so many different types of wolves
10:05that they can go tame.
10:07This being one of the rarer ones.
10:08But the idea of just only ever having a bunch of wolves
10:11and it means that you can never actually play them
10:14in a game of tag because one punch and it's done.
10:16Even they can't tell apart their own dogs.
10:18It's gotten that bad.
10:19I was a little guilty of this in July series, though.
10:21I wanted to make sure that I got all the wolves.
10:23So I just kept going through ad nauseum.
10:25Most of the time they just sit at home
10:27because the idea of losing one of their many wolves
10:29is too dark to them.
10:30So they never actually get to go see the world or anything.
10:33They're just collected like trophies.
10:35Oh, there you go.
10:37Sick them, boys.
10:38The fisherman.
10:39This is someone who just likes to set up a fishing dock
10:41and then just fish to their heart's content.
10:43Which don't get me wrong,
10:44is a great way to spend your time, but is this it?
10:47You know what I mean?
10:48Like, is this all I'm ever gonna be doing?
10:50You know, you can set up the podcast,
10:52hang out in the Discord call.
10:53It's a solid way to do it.
10:55And sometimes you can even invite your friends
10:56for a fishing contest.
10:57Doing this, never going around and helping out
11:01with any of the other projects, only ever fishing.
11:02Gets a little boring, at least for me.
11:04Let me not be mean.
11:05It gets a little boring to me, but clearly it could be fun.
11:08Let me not just go and rain on someone's parade,
11:10even though I just literally got rain on mine.
11:13The bad builder.
11:14Now I've had friends like this.
11:15I don't want to say them out loud to protect the innocent.
11:18I honestly might fall into this camp too,
11:20but this will be the person who goes in,
11:22builds the most ugly base imaginable.
11:24And for some reason they tend to build it
11:26just a little too close to what you were planning.
11:28And unfortunately Minecraft doesn't have any zoning laws.
11:32So now you've just got this real eyesore
11:34looking like someone griefed next to your base.
11:37And oh my gosh, the amount of people I've seen recently
11:39who they're using wood in the floors,
11:42but then they will just like get the orientation wrong.
11:45That's pretty gnarly.
11:46The trophy collector.
11:48This is the person who gets every single rare item
11:50in Minecraft and then just puts them on display
11:52because literally what else are you supposed to do?
11:54The dragon egg, nothing.
11:56The thing banner pattern, put it on a shield.
11:59It looks worse.
12:00The tall grass and large fern items,
12:01which you can only find inside of certain village chests.
12:04Are they rare?
12:05Are they useful?
12:07So there is just certain things where it's like, okay,
12:10well if they got netherite, that's cool at least.
12:12They're maybe a pro then.
12:13But the other rare items,
12:15especially if they're wanting to steal the dragon egg,
12:17just that no one else on the server can get it.
12:19That feels a little like they're taking it away.
12:22These are just things that everyone's
12:23going to get at some point.
12:24That's a banner pattern I would pay for.
12:26The skull and crossbones of the observer, that rocks.
12:30Put that on my shield.
12:31The programmer.
12:32Now this is your friend who likes to make Minecraft mods
12:35and always tries to convince the admin
12:36to install their work.
12:38But most of the time calling it work
12:40is a bit of an overstatement.
12:41Saying that a lot of these work is rare at best.
12:45And then when the admin finally agrees
12:47and does actually install the mod,
12:48there's a 50% chance that it's a troll mod.
12:50And the other 50% chance is that it's a troll mod
12:53that didn't work.
12:53The nomad.
12:54Now this is the friend who never wants
12:56to actually build a base, despite how rich they might be.
12:59All of it is just inside of this ender chest.
13:01There might be all the riches in the world
13:03that you can imagine in here, but you'll never know
13:05because they never actually use any of that wealth
13:07to set up things.
13:08Of any of these, this might be what I'm guilty of the most.
13:11Genuinely, because I have so often gone and built farms
13:15before I ever built a base.
13:16Because I'm actually kind of self-conscious about building,
13:19but the idea of just doing something simple, that works.
13:21Even this is cuter than most things I would build.
13:25I've played on multiple servers
13:26where all I have is a chest monster, a furnace array,
13:28and a couple of farms to my name, and six beacons.
13:31Just a modest lifestyle, really.
13:33The Riddler.
13:34This is the person who likes to make secret bases
13:36everywhere throughout the world.
13:38So using this torch key, I can then go sneak through here,
13:41secret base, and what's even worse is when these people
13:44go and make secret bases inside of your bases.
13:47I mean, guilty as charged on that one.
13:48At least it's a mini game to go do,
13:52but at a certain point it does get a little old.
13:54This one is the AFK-er, who's always there,
13:57but they're never really there.
13:58They're always just eerily hanging out.
14:00Gets even worse when you have that vanilla tweaks thing
14:02that makes their name gray out.
14:04Just like, hey, everything all right?
14:06Cool, thanks man, glad I'm using bandwidth for you.
14:10Just for them to keep some farm active
14:12that they're never using.
14:13You can either call them the noob,
14:15or if you're feeling a little bit more charitable,
14:17this is the person you want to help out.
14:19This is the person who always needs help on the server.
14:21Doesn't matter what the situation is,
14:23they always just lost their items.
14:24They don't know anything about Minecraft.
14:26They always need something.
14:27You give them all the stuff and then they never use it.
14:30They die immediately with it.
14:31Who knows?
14:32Just consider it a lost cause.
14:34That's pretty much all I keep from End City loot
14:36is just for when I have friends join
14:38and they ask for free stuff.
14:39Otherwise, I'm never really using
14:40all the enchanted iron things anyway.
14:42If I want to give it to someone else
14:43so that they can clear it out of my chest, fine.
14:47Hey there, buddy.
14:47This is the person who loves explosives.
14:49And you're always going to be a little unsure
14:51of why they have more TNT
14:52than everyone else on the server.
14:54They got multiple creeper farms.
14:55They don't have an elytra.
14:57And you hope it's just fireworks.
14:59It's never just fireworks.
15:01All right, observer.
15:02What are we thinking?
15:03Send one off like the pyrotechnic?
15:04It was a pleasure knowing you, sir.
15:08And with that, folks,
15:11YouTube thinks that you might like this video.
15:13So see if they're right and have a good one.
15:15All right.
