• 6 hours ago
This Is Worse Than Smoking 10 Cigarettes a Day

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00:00The U.S. Surgeon General under the Biden administration, this is a direct quote, widespread loneliness
00:10in the U.S. poses health risks as deadly as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, costing
00:18the health industry billions of dollars annually.
00:21I would also say a little bit of research would yield that there's billions of dollars
00:24of productivity being lost in American companies as well.
00:27I would say hundreds of billions.
00:30Loneliness increases the risk of premature death by nearly 30 percent.
00:35And it's revealed that poor social relationships had a greater risk of stroke and heart disease.
00:44So people that just have very, very poor relationships, meaning nonexistent or the ones that exist
00:49are very unhealthy.
00:52That's unbelievable.
00:53The greatest cause of loneliness is often considered to be a lack of meaningful social
00:59This was interesting.
01:00It went on to list several factors.
01:02I'm bringing this one up because one of them was transitions.
01:06You talk a lot about the digital stuff and the phones, and it was one of the main causes,
01:11which is, you know, we can just be distracted by all of our electronic and digital devices.
01:17But the one that stood out to me was transitions.
01:20A close buddy of mine is a psychology professor back in Texas.
01:24He asked a question one time, and it haunts me still.
01:28He said, what if we lived our lives every day like we couldn't move?
01:34What conversations would we have?
01:37How would we forgive?
01:39What little annoyances would we let fly by?
01:42But a conversation you and I have a lot, we've created this world that our bodies weren't
01:47designed to live in.
01:49We can all pack up and move.
01:51There's companies that'll come pack up and move for you, and your new company will pay
01:53them to do it.
01:56Everything's transitory.
01:57But we have to remember, dude, we have these little tiny bodies that were designed to live
02:01in small tribes forever and to go around.
02:05And if your body woke up and realized, let me say it this way, if your body recognizes
02:11you don't have anybody that you're all you've got, it would be failing you if it let you
02:15sleep all night because you're all you got.
02:18It would be failing you if it let you have a deep connected sexual moment, intimate time
02:23with your husband or wife, because it's not time for sex.
02:26It's time to not die.
02:28You don't have anybody.
02:30And then we blame, oh, you got anxiety, oh, you're not eating well, oh, you're like, all
02:38of this stuff, in my opinion, distills down to a brain that is screaming, you are all
02:44you've got.
02:45You have to be responsible for provision and security and rest and children.
02:50And your body says, we can't sleep because we're on now.
02:53And you can't do it.
02:54And one of those is you just pack up and move.
02:57That's one.
02:58So I was thinking about that.
02:59So meaningful connection, it's not happening because of a transition.
03:03So maybe you've moved across country or one state over or a county over.
03:08Then there's your kids change schools.
03:10I've been through that one.
03:12When you're a parent of a kid and you get locked into a school, there's community that
03:16you just become a part of.
03:18And then you transition.
03:19Now it's like, oh, and so Stacey and I went through that with, we had great community
03:24at our oldest son's school.
03:26Our middle son was there.
03:28He decides he wants to go to another school.
03:30He does.
03:31And I remember showing up the first couple of football games and we were just kind of
03:34like, Stacey and I together felt like, oh, I don't know anybody.
03:38We sat over here.
03:40So I'm pointing this out to say, if you're watching this or listening, and you're in
03:43a state of transition, maybe a divorce, whatever the transition is, I'm going from here to
03:53That jumped out to me, John, because I think we kind of look at the other culprits of lack
03:59of meaningful connections.
04:00That jumped out to me to make sure.
04:02You have to go first and you have to be weird and you have to treat it as serious as the
04:06pending stroke that it is.
04:08So what's that look like?
04:09Give us a real practical, pick a transition, go first.
04:13What's that look like?
04:14So I moved from Texas.
04:15I lived in Texas 40 years.
04:17And like so much so that when I told my family, my dad and my mom, and they lived a couple
04:23hours from us, so we were all pretty close, hey, I'm moving out.
04:26My dad had like a, you're moving out of Texas.
04:32I mean, it was that kind of like, hey, you know, Al Qaeda is waiting for you at the Oklahoma
04:35border and you don't leave Texas.
04:40And so when we moved here, it was priority numero uno.
04:46I have to have a couple of guys that I meet with all the time for breakfast, for going
04:53for walks, for lifting, for something.
04:54I have to have that.
04:57And I'll, here's another hot take.
04:59I don't think that's best at work because if you're best friends with the people you
05:06work with, that is so amazing until it's not.
05:11And if all of your human connection is at the workplace and one of you gets let go,
05:18one of you gets downsized, one of you gets demoted, one of you is a great friend but
05:23just can't do this particular job as it's more than you need to do it.
05:28You used to go to concerts together, you used to go to church together, your kids used to
05:32play together.
05:33Now you can't go to concerts.
05:34Now you can't go to the same church.
05:35It blows up everything.
05:36So it's good to be friends and colleagues, but you have to do the hard work of having
05:41friends outside of this place where you don't have to be on.
05:44You can say, I know it's inappropriate, but this is real funny, look at this, right?
05:49Where you can say, dude, my dad said he don't want me to come home for Thanksgiving.
05:54I remember distinctly one, two, three, four, maybe four jobs ago, having a hard conversation.
06:02I was working at a faith-based university and I was going through a gnarly season of,
06:06I don't think this is real anymore, I'm wasting my time.
06:09What I know now is a normal late 20s, early 30s guy trying to figure out what he believes.
06:16That hard conversation was honest and vulnerable and that guy told one guy, told another guy,
06:22ended up in a performance arena.
06:25And so my immature response was, I just didn't tell anybody anything for another 10 years
06:29and then I almost blew up everything in my house.
06:32So that's a dumb response.
06:33So when you go to a new place, you'll call the electrician, the electric company to turn
06:38your electricity on, you'll turn your water on.
06:40You have to then take it that serious.
06:44We got to start inviting people over.
06:45I agree.
06:46We got to go meet our neighbors.
06:47We got to go like, and right now there's a researcher out of Florida State, his name
06:51is Thomas Joyner and he is one of the most renowned suicide researchers.
06:59And he talks about a three-legged stool and there's been some debate about it, but when
07:03you're trying to do a suicide assessment, is this person actually going to hurt themselves?
07:07And we know about means, do they have an ability, do they have a bottle of pills, do they have
07:11a weapon?
07:12They have that.
07:13And there's multiple conversations, but here's the one that stuck out at me, perceived burdensomeness.
07:22When you get in your mind and in your body that those who love me would be better, the
07:27greatest gift I could give them is to not be here.
07:32Other people's lives would be better if I'm not here.
07:34And you want to go one step removed, look at the culture we've created overnight.
07:39If I called, not you, but if I called you at 11, it's like, hey, will you give me a
07:43ride to the airport real quick?
07:45Or you called me, my first thought would be to just Uber, right?
07:49I don't ask my neighbor for eggs anymore because I just Instacart it.
07:52I don't ask somebody to help me move, I just hire some guys.
07:56And so now we have created a world where we think we're a burden for everything.
08:02And that begins to weigh on, I'm not going to call him, dude, I'm not going to bother
08:07them with.
08:08Now we know the greatest gift I can give Ken is, hey, you got five seconds, can you help
08:12me think through this?
08:14The greatest gift I can get is when one of my buddies calls.
08:17If somebody calls and asks me to move, I don't want to be your friend, but other than that,
08:21that's the worst.
08:22There's got to be something.
08:23But to feel needed is like a core human need.
08:26And so we've taken that out and we have made it all a transaction.
08:29And so we're all walking around with this underlying low-level hum that we're, we bother
08:35other people.
08:36And it would be better if we just did this.
08:39And then we move.
08:40Dude, I'm not going to bother my new neighbor.
08:43You have to, or your body's going to implode on itself.
08:45It's just that simple.
