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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, today I played Magnus Carlsen in a game of chess, and you did not.
00:09So I will be sharing that game of chess with you.
00:13It was our first ever Blitz game in a tournament ever against one another.
00:18Ever ever ever.
00:19I played Magnus like seven years ago in a bullet game.
00:24We played one silly game last year in 2024 where he was wearing drunk goggles, but I've
00:30never played him in a Chess.com tournament until today.
00:34Now here's the funny thing about this game.
00:36It almost didn't happen.
00:39Well, I'm about to show you.
00:42You see, the game just before this one, this was the second round of a tournament, I was
00:49playing against a international master from Vietnam, and in this position with low time
00:56she could have taken my rook, and after she took my rook, she would promote two queens
01:00and I would lose.
01:01I would resign the game, I would have zero points, and then I would not play against
01:07But she went here.
01:10She mouse slipped.
01:12I ended up winning the game by promoting and having an extra rook.
01:15The crazy thing is that even if in this position white is winning, which is completely ridiculous
01:19but she mouse slipped.
01:21So I'm sitting there recovering from this game, when I get my next opponent, boom, it's
01:25Magnus Carlsen.
01:26Now, if you are a long time viewer of this channel, you know that sometimes I have this
01:31extension that I installed which hides my opponent's names.
01:34So I would have not known I was actually playing Magnus.
01:37I almost wish I didn't know, but I did know.
01:39The name popped up and it was like, boop, Magnus Carlsen.
01:42I was like, ooh, okay.
01:44Now if you're wondering what's going on with the back row of pieces, this is Freestyle
01:48Chess or Fisher Random.
01:49The board is shuffled randomly and obviously things look a little bit different.
01:55So I was playing with the white pieces and I opened up with the move c4.
01:58Now apparently that is just a bad move.
02:03Only in this format can you lose all of your advantage.
02:05I played c4.
02:06I thought it made sense.
02:07I was developing like this.
02:08One of the better moves is actually to move the f-pawn, to move f4, and then bring the
02:12queen and actually castle before committing anything else, which is sort of ridiculous.
02:15Anyway, Magnus played f6 on the first move, which is also a bad move.
02:19It's also, you know, it's apparently also a mistake.
02:23But he is attacking my pawn over here.
02:25Magnus did not take 46 seconds on the first move because he was intimidated by me.
02:29He was in the toilet.
02:31What can you do?
02:32I went b3.
02:33I thought nothing more of this move.
02:35d3 actually is the move that the computer significantly prefers, which I don't really
02:40understand if I'm being totally honest.
02:42But I don't understand much about this format anyway.
02:45And now Magnus plays d5, which is the best move.
02:48The point of this position is apparently if you bring out your queen quickly with black,
02:53you then reposition the queen in the center of the board, and then I guess you get a strong
02:57pawn structure.
02:58I mean, listen, Magnus plays a move against me.
02:59I'm going to respect that it's probably the better move.
03:02And I went like this, and then I developed my knight attacking the queen.
03:04I mean, I thought everything is completely reasonable.
03:08Computer wants me to play this move d3.
03:09Again, we're not going to get into the nitty-gritty here.
03:12There's no openings.
03:13So we traded.
03:14I developed my knight and attacked his queen because I thought, well, what could be more
03:18And he put his queen on the d7 square, and the position is equal.
03:21Now we have to play from here.
03:24I mean, I also thought about playing the move f3 and developing my queen and then castling.
03:33You know, in this format, and I can castle this way if all of this space is cleared.
03:38In this format, I feel like the best players know certain things.
03:41They know certain structures.
03:43They kind of have little secrets.
03:44I don't really know.
03:45I was like, to be honest with you, I don't know how to commit my pieces here.
03:49So I developed my bishop to the b2 square.
03:52I spent 32 seconds on that move, which is a lot.
03:58That is a lot of time to spend on a move.
04:00And I guess the lesson here is that I had to be aware of my opponent's pawn play.
04:03I could have maybe gone for f4 to take a little bit of space.
04:07But I played bishop b2, and Magnus plays the best move, clearly understanding the position
04:11better than me, c5.
04:14You may be wondering if that's a free pawn.
04:16It is.
04:17It's a bit much, though.
04:18I don't think you can actually take it, because I very quickly get some counterplay.
04:21So he went c5, and I was like, okay, he wants to go here.
04:24He wants to play knight c6.
04:25He wants to play bishop b7.
04:26You know, like, the thing is, I'm going to be honest, you guys have never played against
04:30Magnus Carlsen.
04:31When you play against Magnus, every move he makes, you assume is better than yours.
04:35Just like, oh, hmm, okay.
04:38So I went f3.
04:40As we've been discussing, the computer has been recommending this move actually from
04:43the very beginning.
04:44I think even on move 1, it's saying f3 or f4 is the better move.
04:46So I play f3, plays b6.
04:49Now I was thinking, like, okay, do I play bishop c2?
04:53Do I play queen f2?
04:55Do I castle?
04:56What am I doing?
04:57You know, I don't know if I want to castle quickly, if I want to castle a little bit
05:01I ended up going bishop c2, because if takes, then rook d1.
05:06And I thought, well, he'll develop, I'll go here, and then I'm going to castle, and then
05:10I'm going to have an okay position.
05:11He goes knight c6.
05:12So he's followed the protocol.
05:16I played rook d1.
05:17I finished the development of my pieces, and you know, in the future, I want to move my
05:20knight, and I'd like to open up these bishops.
05:22He can castle.
05:23There will be some potential possibilities to attack him.
05:29He did that.
05:30And I went queen f2.
05:31So we've already discussed this.
05:33Magnus decided to take in the center and then drop back with his queen.
05:36He took and then he dropped back.
05:37I slid out like this.
05:40I had a feeling here I was slightly worse, as you see from the computer.
05:44I am slightly worse.
05:45He has a very good control of a very important central square.
05:48He'll probably move this pawn here as well, and he will get a nice position.
05:52So knight d4.
05:56This however felt like an inaccuracy to me during the game.
05:59And what's funny is, it is.
06:01It actually is an inaccuracy, which is sort of hilarious.
06:06When he played it, I was like, I think he just gave me something.
06:09He gave me something.
06:10The point is that my bishop gets out of the way, it attacks the rook, and then I thought
06:14I could kick out his knight on the next move, and that would actually help me expand in
06:18the center with e3, d4.
06:19Like obviously, once I castle, I want to expand in the center, because all of my pieces are
06:23pointing at that square.
06:25So when he went knight d4, I thought, I think I'm happy, dare I say.
06:29Trust me, it's a very weird feeling when you have such an emotion when you're playing against
06:34And then I castled.
06:36So I thought, okay, he's going to go knight d6, or f5, or maybe even bishop to b7.
06:40I thought, like, I thought letting my bishop exist on this diagonal was probably a mistake.
06:46If, you know, Magnus makes those.
06:50And that's why I castled, and he went here.
06:52And so I went back to b1.
06:54In retrospect, it might have been a bit better to go to the d3 square, because it stops bishop
06:58a6 from being active, and on d3, I kind of do a nice job controlling the knight.
07:03And again, I wanted to play e3 and d4, so going to d3 did not really make sense.
07:08So I went here, and now I had a plan to kick out his knight and to play d4 pretty quickly.
07:16And maybe even knight c2.
07:17So he went here.
07:18And at this point, I was like, okay, I'm going to go e3, he's going to go here, and I'm going
07:25to try to set up the move d4.
07:27That's what I did.
07:28I played e3.
07:29I was like, okay, I'm going to move his knight.
07:32Knight c2.
07:33He'll maybe go here.
07:34I'll play rook e1.
07:35You know, he'll make some move.
07:37And then I will get d4 on the board.
07:39It's supported by 1, 2, 3, 4.
07:43That knight moves 5.
07:44Like, it's supported by everybody, right?
07:46So it's going to be good.
07:47And he went here.
07:48And I was like, hmm, I just realized that he has something.
07:56So I wanted to play knight c2, right, and go d4.
08:00And I realized there's a problem with this.
08:02If bishop a6, rook e1, he can put his bishop here.
08:06And I was like, oh, that's like really annoying.
08:09Because I can't move my d-pawn now.
08:11If I try to trade the bishop, I mean, he'll trade the bishop with me, but d4 gets a lot
08:14weaker if I don't have the support, you know, of my bishop in the corner.
08:18It's like, all right, what do I do?
08:20You're on move 13.
08:21You're playing Magnus.
08:22What do you do?
08:23Well, you know, you threaten checkmate.
08:25Maybe he'll miss it.
08:27Queen h4.
08:28And I thought, okay, this is obviously a good move.
08:31Because what's going to happen is he's going to defend himself, like f5 or g6.
08:34And then I'm going to, you know, I'm going to keep expanding and maybe create some sort
08:37of attack.
08:38I blundered something really stupid, though.
08:40Because again, the starting setup is different.
08:42The bishops are in the center, which is not where the bishops normally are.
08:46I completely forgot that on this move, I am not just not threatening anything, I'm being
08:53And now I have to move my queen again.
08:54So I lost time.
08:57At this point, I was like, oh man, that was, you know, I was actually doing kind of well.
09:01And here the position, if I go d4, is actually very nice for me.
09:05The point is that after pawn takes, pawn takes, and like some sort of knight takes, I actually
09:10get counterplay down the center line pretty quickly.
09:12I, you know, again, would I have played that against Magnus?
09:14Probably not.
09:15So f5, I went queen g3, he went f4.
09:18And originally here, I wanted to play queen h3, because it sets up this again.
09:22But I just couldn't bring myself to like get into the line of attack.
09:26I really felt like my queen was going to get trapped on the edge of the board.
09:28So I was like, ah, God, as much as it pains me to play this move, I think this is the
09:31best move.
09:32But look at my last few moves.
09:33Queen h4, queen g3, queen f2.
09:38This just does not feel like it is going in the right direction.
09:45But then Magnus made a mistake!
09:47Then Magnus made a mistake!
09:49Played knight f5, and I was like, hold on a minute.
09:56And originally what I wanted to play here, which I'm so sad I didn't play, is I wanted
09:59to play knight d3.
10:02Because that attacks a pawn.
10:03That's not the end of the story.
10:05But I was like, I didn't quite get the move knight f5 either, if I was being totally honest.
10:10Maybe he was trying to set up bishop h4 stuff.
10:13You know, he was trying to set up bishop h4, bishop h6, crisscross, kind of trap my queen.
10:17And I had a feeling I needed to do something here, and I just chose wrong.
10:23I put the wrong piece on the d3 square.
10:25Now it's fine, because the position is actually still in the balance, but after knight f5,
10:29if I had gone knight d3 attacking this pawn, he might have gone to protect it.
10:33I mean, honestly, I have a pretty nice position.
10:35I have good pressure with my knight and my bishop.
10:37My queen can come in the middle, but he played knight f5, and I did not put the right piece
10:43on that square.
10:44But I had an idea.
10:45The idea was to not allow his bishop to go to that diagonal.
10:48And maybe I will go bishop c4, put some pressure on the knight, maybe I'll play knight e4.
10:53He went here.
10:54And I was like, okay, I get it.
10:56He's trying to attack this pawn.
10:58I understand.
10:59If I take, he takes.
11:03So what did I do?
11:04I have to play a move quickly.
11:07I got rid of the knight, and then I went knight c2, but this is just a panic decision.
11:12I now have 8 seconds on the clock, which is just not enough time.
11:18What I should have done instead, seeing this pressure, I panicked because if I play knight
11:23c2, he's going to take my bishop.
11:24But what I should do is I should just go here.
11:27And if he takes, then I take the knight, and then in this position, I'm able to do this.
11:32These are all very, very subtle things.
11:34But when he attacked my pawn, and I was like, oh, well if I take, he gets in his knight,
11:38oh my gosh, I don't know.
11:40So I went like this, but now he's going to do the exact same thing I just showed you
11:46He's going to plant his bishop on that square.
11:49And I am not feeling good here.
11:51Let me tell you.
11:52I was like, I have 7 seconds versus 42.
11:55When did all of this go so wrong?
11:58When did it go so wrong?
11:59My knight is hanging, I have to move my knight, and then he goes here, I kicked out his rook,
12:05and here, the funny thing is, the funny thing about this position is I thought, I'm actually
12:10doing something.
12:11I actually thought in this position, he has to go here playing defense, I'm going to go
12:16knight c4, we're going to trade, this is going to be the position.
12:19And I played the move knight d5, creating a discovered attack on this pawn.
12:23For a brief second, I thought, I got him right where I want him.
12:26Magnus has absolutely no chance, he has no idea who I am.
12:30And then I sat there staring at the board, and I realized he can play queen d8, threatening
12:35to trap my queen.
12:39And I knew at that exact moment, if I saw the move, you're damn right, he saw the move.
12:48Because if it was a bullet game, he would have seen and probably just quickly defended
12:51his pawn.
12:52And this move appeared on the board, and I pooped my pants.
12:57I was like, I can't do anything.
12:59I'm straight up completely locked in.
13:01Look at this god of a bishop.
13:04That's why earlier, I needed to create counterplay faster.
13:07So I went rook e2, this is basically the only move, bishop h4, and I am just so cooked here.
13:13But the funny thing is, he has a couple of different ways to cook the meat, you know?
13:17He could fillet, he could sauté, he could broil, he could barbecue, you know what I'm
13:23He finds the best way, which is jumping in the knight, the only piece that has not yet
13:27Adding more pressure here, I have to give up my bishop, which is one of my most active
13:31And again, even here, accuracy is required.
13:35Would you like to know what the best move is here?
13:37Which pawn do you think you should take with for a black?
13:41Pawn takes d4, e takes, opening up the e-file for the future, that's going to come in handy.
13:46I was still like, you know, maybe Magnus is going to throw here, maybe he's going to
13:51Look at how much the evaluation actually goes away if he rushes, right?
13:53So I played knight c4, I was like, I'm going to get his bishop out, yeah, and then here
13:59he finished the game off in 1.3 seconds by playing a really, really, really, really nasty
14:05He played rook e8.
14:06And if you don't understand why that move is so good, you're about to find out why that
14:09move is so good.
14:10My position is so bad, it's actually impressive.
14:13So first of all, I'm pinned so badly, I cannot even run away from the pin, right?
14:19I can't run away.
14:20I'm completely stuck.
14:22This move pins my pawn to my queen, because my queen's going to end up there.
14:30And the knight can't be defended, and I can't move the knight because it's trapped.
14:37This dude has me wrapped up in a pretzel.
14:40So I went king h1, otherwise I was going to lose on time, and then I realized, bam,
14:44bam, bam, and that was that.
14:47So if I took the queen, I'm just simply going to be down a rook.
14:51If I didn't take the queen, I'm simply going to be down a rook, but with a queen on the
14:54board, but it's a consolation prize, and I'm simply going to lose.
14:58You know, I gotta tell you, I'm kind of disappointed that I played so terribly from around move
15:0320, but what happened in this game is I actually, I was playing pretty well, I had a pretty
15:08good stream of thought, and right here, this really set me back.
15:13When I played these three moves, queen h4, queen g3, queen f2, I felt so idiotic to even
15:19be sharing the same chessboard with Magnus Carl.
15:21I was like, oh my, what am I, I mean, this is, what have I done?
15:26This is so idiotic of me.
15:27I had a feeling some of these moves were not maybe the best way to put pressure, but I
15:32just couldn't get it back together.
15:34All of a sudden, I have nine seconds on the clock, and I'm doing stupid stuff.
15:38And yeah, he, I mean, it was very instructive.
15:41He plants the bishop on d3, and then queen d8 was so disgusting.
15:46When I played knight d5, I had a little bit of joy in my soul, and when I saw this move,
15:50and then I was like, oh, he's definitely going to see that.
15:53And in case you're confused, by the way, why I have to play here, the point is that there,
15:58I would have to go here, and the rooks come in, and yeah, I mean, he's got everything
16:01perfectly coordinated.
16:03And game review thought I played this game at 80%, so that's a very generous, I will
16:10not be crying myself to sleep over that, he thought Magnus played at 91%.
16:14I had a decent position, but sadly, it was not meant to be.
16:18Here I needed to play d4 faster, and on the next move, I needed to block up on the light
16:22squares in the center of the board, which I already showed how to do.
16:26I needed to put my knight on d3, put that knight on e4, and go for that type of a position.
16:32All right, boys and girls, we'll get them next time, you know?
16:37That's all I have for you today.
16:38I'm going on tour, May 2025 in Europe, Brussels, London, Vienna, already have announced so
16:44many awesome special guests, like Anna Kramling, Danny Wrench, Frank, for those of you that
16:49know Frank will be joining in London, Vincent Kymer, we're hoping to get, Alessia Santeramo,
16:55who is also an Italian content creator, we're hoping to get Fedor Holtz, the poker player
16:59in Vienna, Austria, it's going to be great.
17:02That's all I have for you today, and yeah, get out of here.