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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, I'm recording this video in the first quarter of 2025, and unless you've
00:10been living under a rock or in a place so remote it's disconnected from the rest of
00:16the world, AI has taken over, chatbots, LLMs, etc.
00:24But in chess, AI has been better than humans for 30 years, roughly.
00:30But now we have a serious problem.
00:33AI in chess now has a sense of humor.
00:39AI knows how to troll.
00:43Chess engines now have personalities.
00:45That's what I'm going to be sharing with you in this video.
00:48Absolutely horrifying, but good news for us, absolutely hilarious.
00:53Now let's get into this.
00:56This is a game played on chess.com between Torch and Lelichess Zero.
01:03Lelichess is a very powerful neural network.
01:05Torch is the computer currently being designed by a team of engineers, I think some included
01:12on chess.com, and this was a speed game played between these two computers who have a speed
01:17rating of 3,885.
01:20If you're watching this, you may have a rating 3,600 points lower than that, maybe even more.
01:26Absolutely terrifying stuff.
01:27But what I'm going to show you here is one of the most disrespectful games ever played
01:31by two AIs ever.
01:33So here we go.
01:34White opened with the move pawn to e4, all good.
01:38Lelichess responded with g6.
01:40This is called the modern defense.
01:42And the point is you control the center with a bishop from a distance.
01:46g4, bishop g7, knight c3, and knight f3.
01:50If you're watching this, whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player,
01:53this is one of the best ways to start.
01:56I mean, two pawns, two knights.
01:58If you can put two pawns in the center and two knights, it's probably the best way to play.
02:03Sometimes you can even put three pawns in the center, or even four pawns, okay?
02:07Black plays c6.
02:08This may be a little bit obscure to some of you.
02:10Black is not putting their pieces on the traditional squares.
02:13Black wants to play b5.
02:15Black actually has a long-term plan here that white might castle the king that way.
02:19So we start a preemptive attack.
02:20All of this is actually normal.
02:21It may look strange, but don't worry about it.
02:23White plays h3.
02:25That's simply preventing the bishop from ever going here.
02:27And since that bishop also cannot go to this square, black will struggle in the long run
02:31to develop the light-squared bishop.
02:33So black plays knight f6.
02:35White develops.
02:36Black castles.
02:37White castles.
02:38So far, I'm not sure that you can call this anything except a completely normal game of
02:45By the way, white's light-squared bishop is camping inside the territory.
02:49Some of you, again, who have played chess for some time are probably used to seeing
02:52the bishop on that square, particularly in the fried liver, the Italian game.
02:56You generally don't want to put your bishop on the square if it will be a target for the
03:01enemy pawns.
03:02Or, frankly, in this case, either of them.
03:04That's why the bishop is standing on d3.
03:06Anyway, both sides castle.
03:08Lila expands with this move, b5.
03:10And after torch plays rook e1, Lila continues expanding.
03:15So we have torch with the white pieces, Lila with the black pieces, and this bar on the
03:19left side of your screen is actually controlled by stockfish.
03:22So stockfish is watching its children play a chess game, basically.
03:25That's the way this works.
03:28So white is very well set up.
03:30Everything is pointed.
03:31You can develop a bishop.
03:32You can go here.
03:33White advances with this move, e5.
03:36Basically, you would like to trade pawns, and after trading the pawn, white can take
03:40with the pawn, which is the best move.
03:42But taking with the knight is also not bad.
03:43Taking with the rook looks a little...
03:46Actually, knight takes would lose a pawn, actually.
03:48I just realized.
03:49So maybe rook takes is okay.
03:50The best move, however, is to take with the pawn, not just because you are attacking the
03:54knight, although that is a nice reason.
03:56You gain space.
03:57You open up some squares for your pieces, and your pieces, you know, have a very natural
04:00progression of their next few moves.
04:02This is how good players play chess.
04:04Like what are the next three to four moves of my position?
04:07Which is why Lila actually goes back.
04:10Lila does not take.
04:11Lila prefers to be taken, at which point it will probably take back with the knight
04:14or the queen, although taking with the pawn is also not terrible.
04:17So the knight goes back to e8, and Torch just plays Qe2.
04:20Look, so far, so good, right?
04:22So far, nobody is doing anything too insane.
04:25So far, everything here is pretty understandable.
04:28Now black takes.
04:29Excuse me.
04:30White takes back.
04:32By the way, very quickly, that actually could have also happened like this.
04:37Anyway, Qe2, takes, takes, and the knight goes to c7.
04:41This is not a riddle.
04:45How do you actually play chess?
04:47Have you ever just sat there and asked yourself that question?
04:52How do you actually play?
04:54Like what is chess?
04:56You look at this position in front of you, and you're like, okay, now what?
05:02Well, obviously, we have more space.
05:06We have not developed the bishop and the rook.
05:08You ask me what we're doing here?
05:09I would like to play Bf4 or Bg5 and put my rook in the center, targeting the queen.
05:13That's pretty easy.
05:14Then you start asking yourself, what does black want?
05:17Black probably wants something like this, but then I just move my knight.
05:20Well, Torch, which is rated 3,885 in speed chess, plays a4.
05:25So it's targeting the pawns that black has presented to white, and it's a difficult situation
05:32because either black is going to advance, lose control of the light squares, meaning
05:35the bishop is going to be able to go there, or black will take, or black will leave the
05:39pawn there and get taken.
05:41B4 is the move played.
05:43Now we have Ne4.
05:44This inclusion is a benefit to white because you made the pawns come forward.
05:49Now your bishop will be able to very happily live on the c4 square.
05:53So nice utilization.
05:54An idea here by black, trading the light squared bishop on a6.
06:01Nd7, Ng5.
06:04There's another idea that white is showing.
06:07When the opponent has a limited number of defenders near the king, in this case, one,
06:12there's just one major piece, that's not a major piece, it's a minor piece, but it's
06:16the only piece defending the king.
06:19You can begin moving stuff over there, you know?
06:22You can begin, like, well, what if I had a queen over here?
06:26In general, the way you attack in chess is you think about it like, hey, what if I had
06:37a few moves in a row?
06:40And what would I be able to go here, and here, and here?
06:48That's the way you have to think of attacking in chess, okay?
06:52And that's why the move Ng5 was played in this position.
06:57Now we have Nc5.
06:58So black is targeting the pawn on a4, and the bishop on the d3 square.
07:06Now what?
07:07Now we go here.
07:09We've already talked about all of this.
07:11We've already talked about all of this.
07:14That's exactly what white wanted to do.
07:16That's why the bishop is now on the c4 square, but before that white played the move a4.
07:22So white has accomplished basically everything that they wanted, you know?
07:30Everything's good.
07:33Lila is playing defense with its horses.
07:35Bishop e3, targeting the knight, and offering this to be taken.
07:41Because after this, this is the only active piece in the black position, and then white
07:44will play Rd1 and have a very nice game.
07:47Bishop e3, Nd6.
07:49Look at this.
07:50Look at this beauty.
07:52Everything has been accomplished.
07:53Every white piece is participating in the game.
07:56Black has five pieces on the back rank.
07:58If you're a beginner, that's not how you should play.
08:00Your pieces should be out and about.
08:02They should be doing stuff.
08:03They should be active, participating in the game, etc.
08:06Queen goes to c7.
08:07Now we begin the demolition process.
08:11First we're going to back out of the position, and now we're going to start, you know, threatening
08:15We're threatening to take the knight.
08:16We're threatening to take that knight.
08:17We're threatening to put the knight on g5 and keep going for an attack.
08:19We're threatening the queen to come here, and the queen to go to the h4 square.
08:22By the way, we have backup.
08:23The rooks can also be used.
08:24The h-pawn can be used.
08:26Black plays knight back to c5, disallowing queen to e4.
08:29That was the entire idea.
08:30That is why the bishop departed, to allow the queen to go over and there.
08:34Bishop a2.
08:36And now, the only move in the position to prove an advantage here.
08:40Your knight is under attack, folks.
08:41What do you do?
08:45Most of you look at this position, you go, my knight is hanging, knight e4, then you
08:50lose your advantage.
08:54So queen c4, wow.
08:58Target my knight, I target your knight.
09:01Danger levels, right?
09:02I always like to say, you don't have to acknowledge a threat if you can make an equal or exceeding
09:06one in nature.
09:07Now black plays b3.
09:08That is a really weird move.
09:10You basically are offering the opponent a free pawn, which torch gladly accepts.
09:16And the point is that now this bishop is blocked.
09:18And Lila's arguing, well the bishop is terrible now, that's what you get.
09:22But after queen b6 in this simple trade, white is a pawn up.
09:26White just has an extra pawn.
09:27Yeah, the bishop is garbage, but maybe the bishop will come here in the future, right?
09:30So maybe white is going to be actually okay.
09:32Lila, meanwhile, activates all of its pieces and just has a fantastic looking position.
09:36I mean, Lila's a pawn down, but got a beautiful knight.
09:39Bishop strong, bishop is strong.
09:41This bishop can't even go to b1 because it's going to get taken.
09:43So what are you going to do in this position?
09:44You're going to go bishop b1 because it can get taken.
09:48Bishop takes b1, you have this move, and now we enter, right?
09:52The rook was attacking.
09:53And we're going to enter an endgame that looks like this, where white is still a pawn up.
09:57But you're about to witness something absolutely vile.
10:01Something absolutely disgusting.
10:03What torch is about to do to Lila needs to be insensitivity training videos for future
10:09games between computers against one another.
10:12Black plays rook b8, targeting the pawn.
10:14White goes bishop d4, defending the pawn.
10:15Black goes knight f4, attacking the rook.
10:16White moves the rook out of danger.
10:17How is white going to win this game?
10:19Well, in the long run, white is going to have seven pawns versus six.
10:24That's winning.
10:25But to get there, you're going to have to correctly trade pieces, and you're going to
10:28have to not lose any pawns.
10:31Knight e6.
10:36Attacks the pawn.
10:37Defends the pawn.
10:39Black just sort of sitting around because white is defending all their weaknesses.
10:44White attacks the pawn.
10:45Black defends the pawn.
10:46Chess is a very logical game.
10:48Now white makes an improvement.
10:51White's got to make some sort of progress in the position.
10:54Black goes h5.
10:55Doesn't really let white make any progress.
10:56Now we start bringing the king.
10:58Innocent, effortless improvement without making too many big commitments.
11:02Black also does nothing.
11:03White also does nothing.
11:05Both sides are just sort of moving their pieces around, preparing for the next phase
11:09of battle.
11:12White made some progress.
11:15That pawn couldn't have been taken.
11:17It looks good because rook takes pawn would have been check.
11:20Now black just defends.
11:21So how is white going to make any progress here?
11:22Look at this.
11:23The position's been totally locked.
11:26White can't go b4, and white can't go f4 without losing something.
11:29So how is white going to do anything?
11:31Black has done a very nice job.
11:33This here would probably blunder something catastrophic.
11:36Well, watch this.
11:39King g7.
11:40There it is.
11:43Beautiful repositioning.
11:44So the rook goes to f6.
11:46The bishop goes to e1.
11:48The pawn comes up, and black's pawns are going to totally fall.
11:50Wait a minute, the rook is trapped.
11:54So torch deliberately puts the rook into black's territory and sends it off to die.
12:00It's just like, you will be sacrificed, but I will break through the position.
12:04Look, it takes on g5, it takes on check, and it takes on h4.
12:08So you got a bishop, and you got both these pawns, and you had an extra pawn from before.
12:12So bishop and three pawns for a rook.
12:16Three plus one plus one plus one is six, in case you didn't know that.
12:23But how are we going to break?
12:24We still can't do anything.
12:25Look at this.
12:26Rook h8.
12:27Knight back.
12:28And black is going to...
12:34Black threatened a fork, and torch gave up both its rooks.
12:39Torch gives up both of its rooks, throws in a check, and goes here.
12:44This is crazy.
12:46What even is this?
12:48So it realized that black's position is so dominated that the bishop and the knight and
12:56the multiple extra pawns are enough to win the game.
12:59That's bananas.
13:02Black has counterplay on three lines.
13:03Black has counterplay against this pawn, black has counterplay against this pawn, and black
13:07has counterplay down the open file.
13:09But if you put the king on c2, black no longer has counterplay down the b and the d lines,
13:14and black definitely is not going to get counterplay down the g line, because white is going to
13:17go here and push black backwards.
13:22So the position doesn't look particularly appealing.
13:25Knight g8.
13:28And now knight g5.
13:29That's basically mate.
13:31That's basically checkmate.
13:32You're going to lose this, and lose everything.
13:34So you have to do this.
13:35Now this looks like a huge win.
13:38Here's the problem.
13:41This move looks very good, right?
13:44Because you're going to win this pawn, and you're going to win the rest of the...
13:46Yeah, but how are you going to defend against that?
13:49And I got news for you.
13:51This looks good.
13:52Looks like the rook is a problem.
13:53He's not.
13:54He's not a problem.
13:55He just checks.
13:56That doesn't matter.
13:57And if you go attack that pawn, I go here, you take, and then I am three squares away
14:01from queening, and you simply don't have time to stop my pawns, because I have more pawns.
14:05And then I can also bring my king and eat pawns, and my pawns are defended by my bishop,
14:09which are stopping your pawns from going up the board.
14:11So black is totally lost.
14:13But this is the most unbelievable part of this game.
14:16Black goes c5, white goes here, black goes here, and black just begins playing defense.
14:22Now we are on move 62.
14:24I told you at the beginning of this video, computers now troll.
14:28This game, from this point forward, took 109 moves to finish.
14:35109 more moves, just for one side.
14:42The sides together made 218 more moves.
14:47Isn't that crazy?
14:48But you know what the craziest part is?
14:54There's only one winning idea.
14:57It's virtually impossible to find.
15:01This is protected by this.
15:03This is protected by this.
15:07The king can't enter, and if you play b4, of course a horrible move, because after this,
15:15nothing has changed.
15:16You just gave black an advantage.
15:17So where's the win?
15:20I mean the king can't enter, the bishop can't take any pawn, g6 doesn't make any
15:24sense, because pawn takes, pawn takes, king takes, and the king cannot go help with the
15:29g-pawn advance.
15:30Like, even if you go here, the white king can't help.
15:33So what do you do?
15:35Well, torch, because torch is rated 3885, knows what to do.
15:42It knows what to do.
15:44It just refuses to do it.
15:48I'm going to keep clicking the right arrow.
15:54In case it's not clear, I've already briefed you on what's going to happen in this game.
15:58Okay, we've made 20 moves.
16:01Nothing has happened.
16:02In chess, there are two rules that would make this game end in a draw.
16:06One, three-time repetition.
16:09So if the sides did this, like you saw that?
16:11If the sides go boop boop, boop boop, boop boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, if they repeat
16:17three times, it's a draw.
16:19If they repeat a position three times, not in a row, but at any given moment, it's also
16:23a draw.
16:25But the difference is that torch keeps moving its king.
16:28Look at this.
16:30It keeps moving its king.
16:32It's moving its bishop, and then it moves its king.
16:35So it keeps threatening Leela with a draw.
16:38It keeps doing three-move repetition, and then it moves the king to a different square,
16:42and then it moves the bishop to a different square, and then it moves its bishop back,
16:45and then it moves its king to a different square, and then it moves its bishop to a
16:48new square, and then it moves its bishop back, and then it moves the bishop, and then it
16:50moves the pawn.
16:51So now, the position has reset.
16:54We can now no longer have the 50-move rule.
16:56We are 101 moves into this game.
16:59Rook goes back.
17:00Okay, now let's just do this a little bit more.
17:02Ring around the rosy.
17:03Maybe he'll hang up.
17:04Why is the king going there?
17:05Why is the king going to b2?
17:09The bot has a sense of humor.
17:11I mean, of course the king is completely useless here.
17:14But it's also useless on those squares, right?
17:16Bishop f2.
17:17It's like, ah!
17:18King a2.
17:24Where's the king move?
17:25Where's the king?
17:26There it is!
17:27It's not making the draw.
17:28It's messing with Leela.
17:29Look at this.
17:30Bishop, ah!
17:37It's just messing around.
17:38This is insane.
17:39And now, it moves the king again.
17:40Bishop f2.
17:41Bishop b1.
17:42Remember, the game, I think, would have auto-finished with the repetition.
17:48So now, the king is going to walk to the middle.
17:55We are 144 moves into this game.
17:58It's trolling.
17:59I mean, it's an engine.
18:00It knows what the winning plan is.
18:02May I present to you the winning plan.
18:05On to g6.
18:06You have to have the king and the bishop active.
18:10You have to have them pointed at the opponent's pawn.
18:13The bishop cannot, for example, be on that square.
18:14It would be, ah, maybe it's still winning, actually.
18:17No, it's a draw.
18:19So everything has to be perfectly positioned for this move to happen.
18:24But here's the point.
18:26This is why this is winning 146 moves into the game.
18:29It's not because I take on g6.
18:32It's because I play this.
18:34This is why this position is winning.
18:38Because if you take on h5, I take the pawn on c5, protect the promotion square, and you
18:44cannot take me.
18:45So you have to go here.
18:46When you do that, I take on g6.
18:48So now my pawns defend each other, and the idea is quite simple.
18:51The idea is to go promote.
18:53You can't take on g6, because then I would take on c...
19:00Still winning.
19:01It's still winning.
19:02Why is it still winning?
19:03Because the king is active.
19:05Because now you go here, attacking the pawn on a5, and then when I try to protect it,
19:11you can bring in the king.
19:13So your king has to be in the center.
19:15If the king was here, this is a draw.
19:17So Torch set everything up perfectly to time this break at the exact right moment of the
19:23positioning of the king and the bishop, and did this, and brought the king over.
19:28And now it looks like the final piece of the puzzle is there, but you take on a5.
19:33That is the point.
19:35And if the black rook runs over here to create checks, again, this is the winning idea.
19:40Now you block.
19:41The pawns advance.
19:42Black cannot stop three connected pawns.
19:43It's just not going to happen.
19:46So king c4, the rook goes to g8, the pawn has been won.
19:49Let the pawns go to work.
19:51Bishop back, a5, b4, a6, and there it is.
19:55You're going to block.
19:56You're going to check.
19:57If you take, I push, but it doesn't matter.
19:59You give up the other pawn, and now the last winning move, 163 moves into the game.
20:07The pawn is queening.
20:08This is the only way to try to defend yourself.
20:11It's not going to work.
20:12You will run out of squares.
20:15And this game ends with a checkmate, 172 moves, 172 moves.
20:26But the craziest part about this game is the fact that torch knew from this position
20:33that it was winning.
20:34It knew that sacrificing the two rooks in a totally dominant position, by the way, this
20:38is very instructive, shows you that rooks are endgame pieces, but when they are controlled
20:42by a pawn majority, and bishop and knight, they actually coordinate very, very well together.
20:47And as long as rooks don't have easy access on their open files or semi-open files with
20:52targets, they're completely useless.
20:54They are stuck on the other side, and they can very easily be outplayed by a bishop and
20:58a knight, particularly a bishop.
21:00So very, very nice job here, and it's, I mean, dude, I can't believe it trolled Lila for
21:06that long.
21:07Just absolutely ridiculous game, 172 moves, never made a three-time repetition, threatened
21:12to draw so many times, just funny stuff, just funny stuff.
21:16Torch wins a very nice game, very instructive game.
21:19Hopefully you learned a couple of things.
21:21Hopefully you smiled at the ridiculousness of this, and I can't wait until the Chess.com
21:26algorithm grants these computers a rating of 4,000, because that is just absolutely
21:31Folks, I will be in Europe, May 2025, Brussels, London, Vienna, Munich, Berlin, and Warsaw.
21:39You can get your tickets, there is a link in the description, live against the elo,
21:43special guests on stage, hoping for some big names to be announced soon, and if you want
21:48to improve your chess and beat your dad, or your kids, or spouse, or enemies, or dog
21:54or cat at chess, check out Chess.ly.
21:56That's all I have for you today.
21:58Get out of here.
