• 2 hours ago
Welcome back guys!!! Where should we visit next?

Snapchat: Kalogerassunday
TikTok: @sundaykalogeras
Instagram: @sundaykalogeras

Snapchat: Demitrakalog
TikTok: @demitrakalogeras
Instagram: @demitrakalogeras

Snapchat: ElianaKalogeras
TikTok: @eliana.kalogeras
Instagram: @eliana.kalogeras

ALL BUSINESS: Kalogeras@night.co


00:00It's my birthday!
00:01And we're in the Cayman Islands!
00:03We surprised Dimitra with a trip.
00:05We went to the Cayman Islands.
00:07It's our very first time being here.
00:08It is f***ing hot, guys.
00:10It is so hot and windy.
00:12We went from minus 36 degrees Celsius to this.
00:15I hope my pasty whiteness goes away.
00:17Same. We're trying to get a tan.
00:19The UV right now is like 8.
00:21Look at Noah. Look how pale Noah is.
00:22What the f***?
00:23He is pasty.
00:25We're gonna go to the Seven Mile Beach,
00:27which is apparently the most beautiful beach in the world.
00:30Okay, guys. Where are we going?
00:32We're going to the Seven Mile...
00:34Or what is it called?
00:35Seven Mile.
00:36How about we saw black chickens yesterday?
00:38Now, it's like, guys, those are just birds.
00:40Oh, my God.
00:41There are so many chickens here.
00:42And they go...
00:43No, they always go...
00:48Oh, no!
00:48Is that one yours?
00:52What the f*** was that?
00:54Hey, baby. Oh, yeah. You can fly too.
00:55What the...
00:56What are you doing?
00:58She's taking a piss.
00:59Oh, my God.
01:02What's up?
01:02What did you find?
01:04I'm trying not to get burnt.
01:06That's why I have a t-shirt on.
01:07I'm not interested in burning myself.
01:10First challenge.
01:14Beside getting out of the water.
01:15First challenge is we're doing a sandcastle.
01:20This is gonna be difficult, actually.
01:22Are you trying to build a sandcastle in the water?
01:24Yeah, dude.
01:25Yeah, Kayla's trying to build a sandcastle in the water.
01:27Yeah, what the f***?
01:28Does my face look really white?
01:29Always stay...
01:33Both ways.
01:34Sunscreen and condom.
01:37Trying to get a lookie at my cookie.
01:39They did do a video going to a naked beach.
01:41Why do you have so much sunscreen on?
01:43You look like a ghost.
01:44Because you can tan through sunscreen,
01:46but you can't burn through sunscreen.
01:48Watch Noah drop the camera.
01:50Guys, I just took a piss.
01:51Wait, can you tell us...
01:53Can you tell us...
01:55I was following you.
01:56I'm gonna shit in the pool.
01:57Oh, it's not a pool, it's the ocean.
02:00I'm gonna shit in the ocean.
02:01That's even better.
02:02How much percentage of the ocean do you think this little thing is?
02:07I would actually go to say negative.
02:08Negative infinity?
02:09Negative infinity.
02:10Oh, that's wrong.
02:11Wait, no, that doesn't work because...
02:13It can't be negative because then this plus this is negative.
02:16Then there would be negative ocean.
02:17Oh, wait, yeah.
02:18It's positive.
02:19Yeah, but I'm guessing...
02:20Okay, how about this much ocean?
02:22Wait, wait.
02:23This much ocean.
02:24I would say that's probably the...
02:25How about the amount of...
02:26No one's balls underwater feel so light.
02:29Why do you have Vaseline in your mouth?
02:31Because it was in my pocket.
02:32Why did you...
02:33Why would you bring Vaseline into the ocean?
02:36Because my lips are dry, bro.
02:36Whoever can catch a fish with their bare hands wins.
02:39Give me goggles!
02:40Let's try to make waves in the ocean.
02:45My shoe!
02:45My shoe!
02:46Ow, my eyes are burning.
02:48I can't see.
02:50I cut myself.
02:51Can I dunk you?
02:52No, no, no.
02:53Can I dunk you?
02:55You ready?
02:55You ready?
02:57Oh, my God!
02:58It's like you just drowned me.
03:01You literally just said yes.
03:03I'm all like that.
03:04It's like I'm baptizing you again.
03:08That was not necessary.
03:10If I would've helped you, I would've died.
03:12You guys are...
03:12I would've...
03:13Shit, it's not like I'm a fucking shit.
03:14Oh, my God!
03:15Give me your...
03:15My nose.
03:17You're swimming in the ocean.
03:19Sunday thinks she looks like a mermaid.
03:21Noah, your nips are out.
03:22Nipping, nipping.
03:23Ninnies in the glass.
03:24Ninnies in the glass.
03:24Ninnies in the glass.
03:25Okay, should we just let these float away?
03:28Yeah, just...
03:29Mia, do I look okay?
03:32Way too dark.
03:33I'm gonna pop an eye.
03:33Your hair is in front of Lily.
03:36Where are the fish at?
03:38Where are the fish at?
03:39Where are the fish at?
03:40Where are the fish at?
03:41Where are the fish at?
03:43Where are the fish at?
03:46Do you see it?
03:47Where are the fish at?
03:55Ali, you look like how you did when you were a baby.
03:58Remember when that...
03:59When I failed my swimming lessons and I was like...
04:01Oh, yeah.
04:01When Ali failed her swimming lessons, she...
04:04I was...
04:05Ruben's not too big, but like medium-sized.
04:07I'm... I'm literally peeing right now.
04:10Guys, I have to be honest.
04:12No, guys.
04:13Guys, you guys gotta...
04:13I just took a piss.
04:15I just took a piss.
04:16You gotta get away from me.
04:17You're about to walk into my piss.
04:20There's three right here.
04:23It's like a new world down there.
04:26I feel good.
04:29What the...
04:33Come here.
04:34Look at this big...
04:35If you go around the corals, there's like big fish that go into pockets.
04:38Look at her swimming.
04:40I almost drowned.
04:42I almost drowned.
04:43I tried to cast the fish.
04:44Oh, it's stuck.
04:45Oh, hurry.
04:45I don't know how to make these dry.
04:47Oh, f**k off.
04:47You don't.
04:48Mine are professional goggles.
04:49F**k you.
04:50You took the professional goggles.
04:51You're a f**king kiddie ass f**k.
04:54There's a whole bunch.
04:55There's a whole bunch right here.
04:57Don't f**k up my video, Davey.
05:00You know when you feel it and you want to follow it.
05:02I can't see.
05:03And then you run out of breath.
05:06I don't think we're meant for this.
05:08I want to go scuba diving.
05:10Kayla, can we switch goggles?
05:13F**k you, b**ch.
05:17Oh, that was straight f**k.
05:19I'm so sorry, Noah.
05:20It's fine.
05:20It's fine.
05:21It's fine.
05:23I poured it and I saw bubbles.
05:25Whoa, that's gross.
05:26You pissed around me.
05:27Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:28Yeah, you literally pissed literally next to me.
05:30Yeah, let me not be a hypocrite, actually.
05:32Ah, this just touched my f**king butt.
05:33You look like a completely different person.
05:37Okay, I'm just going to carry Ellie around.
05:38I see a fish.
05:41If I was a fish, I'd want to be a really big fish.
05:43If you were a fish, you had a fat ass as a fish.
05:48Can we switch goggles?
05:50Okay, I'll be back in ten.
05:51Where are you going?
05:52Guys, if I'm not up the water after ten minutes, just come find me.
05:57Okay, where though?
05:58Where is she going?
05:59Can we switch for five minutes?
06:01Why not?
06:03Because I haven't even seen in the ocean yet.
06:07No, please, Ellie.
06:09Ellie, just five minutes.
06:10I promise.
06:11How about just so I can see once?
06:13I'm going inside.
06:15I can't breathe.
06:16Can you just hold my ear back?
06:17Water got in my ears.
06:18There's so many fish down here.
06:20I just flashed Kealia.
06:22We found a Dory fish.
06:25I found Elphaba underwater.
06:27How'd you do that?
06:29Kealia, get up.
06:31There's a fish that looks like Dory in there.
06:33What is going on?
06:35I almost broke my back.
06:36Guys, I actually understand why cave divers do this shit.
06:39This is fun.
06:39I promise I'm going to be an ocean diver.
06:41Out your back, make it clap.
06:42This is not cave diving.
06:43Calligraphy is just going to forbidden cave hole.
06:46Yeah, calligraphy is really fun.
06:47Guys, we should be called cave divers for a day.
06:50I'm like, I'm going to dive into your ass.
06:53Stay away from the underwear.
06:53Holy shit.
06:54I just saw the life cycle occur.
06:57There's another fish.
06:59We got the-
07:01I just gave her an underwater wedgie.
07:04I'm going to give Noah underwater float.
07:08I wish I could breathe underwater.
07:09I can do it.
07:10You know, when I was younger, I used to be able to.
07:12I lost my ability growing up.
07:13I'm sure you could.
07:14Is your name awful?
07:15Look at his weight.
07:15Ride the weight.
07:17I think I just saw a fish fucking a fish.
07:19Noah, if you see a shark.
07:21All right.
07:22I'll let you know.
07:23Yeah, looks like she's drowning.
07:27I'm injured.
07:28I'm glad the camera's not falling in the water yet.
07:35I'm so scared of sharks, eh?
07:37I saw one.
07:40It was a hammerhead.
07:42Big fish.
07:42Big fish.
07:43Someone just elbowed me.
07:45Elbowed me.
07:46I just did a backflip accidentally.
07:47What are they doing?
07:48Who taught these girls how to swim?
07:50All right, so update.
07:50When I tried to fall, I at least fell in the water.
07:52I got cut really bad, and my whole leg is bleeding.
07:56That's what happens when you're 6'7", right?
07:57You're not.
07:58No, it's okay.
07:59Let's go.
08:00I accidentally said I look urethral instead of-
08:04I look- Instead of urethra.
08:05That's funny, eh?
08:06Instead of urethra.
08:07So we just came back from-
08:10The ocean.
08:10The ocean.
08:11And we actually put our hair in.
08:13So I don't know how our hair looks okay.
08:15I don't know either.
08:15Your hair looks so amazing.
08:17Your hair looks good, too.
08:18Look how long our hair looks compared to you.
08:20Wait, guys.
08:20Like, this is crazy.
08:23My hair doesn't look the best.
08:24What would you guys do if you watched it back and I was twerking?
08:26My hair feels so soft.
08:28So I always had this thing that ocean water was bad for your hair.
08:32But then I switched it up today, and apparently it's really good for your hair.
08:35So we're going to get supper.
08:37Pop our- Oh.
08:38I thought we were going to dance.
08:40And we're going swimming again tonight.
08:42It's too dark.
08:43It's way too dark.
08:44No, I'm going to get-
08:44That's the plan.
08:46Madden, you want to get-
08:46I'm going to get prime rib.
08:48God forbid.
08:51Hey, guys.
08:52So we've eaten here now, I think, like, twice, and the food is fire.
08:56It's so good.
08:56Like, everything that we've eaten-
08:59We should get entrees.
09:00I mean, appetizers, bruh.
09:01And Noah would just be videotaping us the whole time.
09:04Oh, yeah.
09:05So we're at an all-inclusive resort right now.
09:07So, like, we prepaid for everything.
09:08So basically, every time we go to eat, we eat, like, monsters.
09:12Okay, I'm going to get the ceviche, the lobster, the shrimp,
09:16the octopus, the wreath salad, the burrata and prosciutto.
09:21Maybe I should show.
09:22Like an actual place.
09:24Very good.
09:25Oh, I was like, what's going on?
09:26We got lobster soup, lobster bisque.
09:29I don't think I've ever left the house and had food like this.
09:34This good, okay?
09:35Me neither.
09:36Let me talk to the chef.
09:38Ali and I, we used to have an ongoing joke whenever we'd eat something
09:41that's really good, that we would need to, like, bend the chef over.
09:45I know it sounds really inappropriate, but, like...
09:47May I?
09:48May I?
09:49Well, I mean, your thing is already in there, so you gotta do it.
09:52Wow, I just burned the f*** out of my mouth.
09:54So, guys, the reason why Noah's not talking...
09:57The reason why you can't hear any bitch-ass remarks behind the camera...
10:00For real.
10:00...is you were just cross-eyed when you were talking to me.
10:03You're like, shit, I need to go home.
10:04I promise.
10:05Shit, I need to go home.
10:05Okay, I was...
10:06I promise.
10:06She's like, shit, I need to go.
10:09Okay, my eyes hurt.
10:10Why are people scared about escargots?
10:12Because they're snails.
10:13So what?
10:13I don't know.
10:14People will eat a cow's ass, and then they won't eat escargot.
10:17I promise you.
10:18People will be like, chicken kosi?
10:22This is bussin'.
10:23We will never, ever stop saying bussin'.
10:25I don't know who made it up.
10:27I don't know when the trend was, but that's a forever word for us.
10:30Honeymoons are for bangin', right?
10:34Yeah, so then you can have a... become pregnant.
10:37What did Ali say?
10:38Honeymoon is whenever you want it.
10:39No, Ali asked, are honeymoons after your marriage?
10:41Yes, Ali, honeymoons are after your marriage.
10:44And this is what really gets me thinking.
10:45No one can have a honeymoon right now.
10:47No, you can't.
10:47No, that's not a honeymoon.
10:48That's not a honeymoon.
10:48It's just a date or a vacation.
10:50I can call it whatever the fuck I want.
10:51No, but you can't, though.
10:52You can't call it a honeymoon, because that's not what a honeymoon...
10:53Yeah, legally, you're allowed to.
10:55I can call this a honeymoon right now.
10:58This is the type of stuff that makes me think, where have you been my whole life?
11:02I feel like I've known...
11:03I feel like I knew...
11:05Listen, I feel like I knew that a honeymoon was after marriage, like, since I was four years old.
11:09After marriage or before?
11:11After, Ali.
11:12Five seconds ago, like...
11:15Five seconds ago, Kayla, and I said, we can leave right now, we wouldn't be hungry.
11:18And now, look at us.
11:19I didn't know we were going to have dessert.
11:20Oh, 100%.
11:22Oh, Noah.
11:23I've never had mashed potatoes that good in my life.
11:26Who's the chef?
11:28We were just joking around, because Ali said that every time Noah makes an unfunny joke,
11:32she looks at him with a straight face until she laughs at her own joke.
11:35Growing up, Ali would always laugh at her own jokes when we were playing Try Not To Laugh,
11:39so we're going to try not to laugh right now and see who laughs first.
11:41Okay, okay, until we laugh.
11:46Am I lost?
11:46You said, look at me, so I'm just going to...
11:47Okay, I laughed.
11:48No, no, no, no more. Go.
11:51And whoever wins this one gets to go against me, the beef.
11:55It's going to take a while.
11:56If you go against me, it won't.
12:00I laughed at Ali, though.
12:01Now, you and me.
12:04Wait, I didn't realize we could make emotes.
12:08You made me laugh.
12:08Here, we do it, we do it.
12:14No, no, no, no.
12:20Why'd you laugh so loud, though?
12:22I told you she makes herself laugh.
12:24Give me a turn.
12:25Here you go.
12:29This is how it works.
12:30You go up and you just say, I'm not even, this isn't even funny, this is stupid.
12:33Like we're laughing at each other.
12:34Okay, okay, okay, let's go.
12:38She laughed first.
12:39No, because I wasn't thinking that.
12:41I actually can't laugh if I say mom and dad are going to die.
12:44Talk for a bit.
12:45But you laugh every time.
12:50Were you thinking?
12:52Were you thinking?
12:53No, no, no, not in that moment.
12:54Okay, are we going to go against each other?
12:56Don't think that.
12:58Okay, ready, two, one, go.
13:00Don't think that.
13:08Don't think that.
13:09I wasn't thinking that at that time.
13:11Can I try again though?
13:12No, I don't want to play this game anymore.
13:14We said we will finish our food and we did.
13:19Don't look now, but what?
13:20You're making us do things.
13:23Just tell me and I won't look, I promise.
13:25Right corner.
13:28We're not there, remember?
13:29Wait, where's my right?
13:31Okay guys, round 10.
13:33Entree number 10.
13:33Honestly, I don't, I'm freaking out.
13:35I think we're done, I think we're done counting rounds.
13:38Or I'm just pretending I'm postpartum, pre-partum.
13:43Why so fancy, bro?
13:46Natal surgery.
13:47Eating for three.
13:48She says every time she gets bloated, she just leaves it open and then folds it and acts like she's pregnant.
13:52Yeah, yeah, I thought that.
13:53That's low-key smart.
13:54But then what if you saw her on TikTok and then you saw her in person?
13:57He literally spilled the water all over him.
13:59Oh, on his balls.
14:01It went right on my balls.
14:02Noah shut it off, but when he shut it off, he dropped all the water on his balls.
14:07I had water dripping down my ass.
14:10You're so sexy.
14:11Wipe the chair.
14:12The chair, no.
14:13And then your balls.
14:15No, Ali, I mean Mia, it's actually Mia.
14:19I'm Ali.
14:20It's actually Dimitra.
14:22Okay, you're blinding me.
14:29Noah, you're distracting with the light.
14:32Noah, no.
14:33Noah, no.
14:34Why would he even do that?
14:34Guys, how do we know if it has rabies?
14:36It probably does, but we don't care.
14:39Keele, your whole underwear is out, you dumbass.
14:41Don't scare it, guys.
14:41It's going to run on the road.
14:42All right, let's get the f**k out of here.
14:43Okay, guys, story time.
14:45What a f**king b**ch are you guys?
14:46Story time.
14:46You don't want me.
14:48Listen, guys, we kept saying it for the show.
14:51Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:51Keep stuttering.
14:52It's like if I walked onto the road and got hit by a car.
14:55Okay, good.
14:56Let's tell the story about Noah fell down the flight of stairs walking out of the restaurant.
15:01Two seconds ago.
15:02Mia was like, Ali, what would you do if I pushed Noah down the stairs and he died?
15:05And I was like, what the f**k?
15:06Noah continues to f**king trip so bad.
15:10He goes flying, breaks the microphone, breaks our camera.
15:13Everybody was like this.
15:15Are you okay?
15:16And we were on the floor laughing.
15:18Not because of anything else, but the fact that Mia just said it.
15:20Yeah, like we obviously are concerned for Noah's safety.
15:23But we didn't ask if he was okay.
15:25Yeah, we did not.
15:25Because I couldn't get it out.
15:26We realized we should ask after five people asked him.
15:29And then we were like, are you okay?
15:31I tried to like pick up his s**t for him.
15:33There was like 40 people there and everybody ran to help him.
15:36And we couldn't stop laughing.
15:38Guys, so we have a new thing.
15:39It's saying compliments to the chef.
15:40You say blow a kiss to the chef.
15:41Blow a kiss to the chef.
15:42So basically you want to go back.
15:43It's pretty self-explanatory.
15:44Yeah, we're not going to explain it.
15:46Oh my lord.
15:46Oh my.
15:47Getting me away.
15:49Mia, I'm not eating lunch today.
15:50I'm done.
15:51Guys, I'm actually sturdy after that meal.
15:53I think we made up for lunch first.
15:54Guys, I'm not feeling like this.
15:56You know what?
15:57Yeah, f**k away from me.
15:59I promise.
15:59You're scaring me.
16:01Guys, next to her, we're more scared.
16:03Is it because Galea looks like a mermaid right now?
16:07Don't wave your trident to us after that.
16:11Let's go on the beach.
16:12It's kind of scary.
16:13No, let's not go on the beach because of my shoes.
16:15F**k your shoes.
16:15Let's go to the beach.
16:16You have one drop.
16:17Take your shoes off.
16:18You need sand in them.
16:19Not at this start?
16:20Yeah, at this start.
16:21Yeah, but we like picturing it.
16:23Actually, I'm going to take off my shoes too.
16:25Like I'm scared to do it right now.
16:27Guys, it's dark there.
16:28Guys, he left his socks on.
16:31Oh my god.
16:33Someone's stupid.
16:35Don't shoot her.
16:38Wait, guys, I'm wrapped.
16:40We'll fight her.
16:42No, no, no.
16:42Be serious.
16:43Please, I don't want sand on any crevice of my body.
16:45Oh my god.
16:46Are you taking a piss?
16:48My labia touched down.
16:49I was going to say today I took my pants off and I had a labia full of sand.
16:53Complete sandcastle, bro.
16:54I'm calling it a sandcastle.
16:57You guys are like...
17:01Why would you do that?
17:03Now I have an ass full of sand.
17:06I can see your ass.
17:07This went straight for Kaylea.
17:08Okay, now there's a sad heat between my ass cheeks.
17:11Trust me, you'll see it when you take a piss.
17:13Hey guys, what's the f***ing story that we have to tell?
17:15We have 10 stories.
17:1710, 9, 8.
17:19I would love to be one.
17:20Stop doing that.
17:21I don't like that Noah's walking around with sand on his socks.
17:23Like I feel like he should get executed.
17:24Like pull it down.
17:26Guys, can you see my face?
17:27Move your f***ing shoe.
17:29Those are my shoes.
17:30Oh yeah.
17:30I would say I look like a marine right now.
17:32But I ate so much food I would sink if I went in the water.
17:34Wait, does it look like that when it hits me?
17:40Oh, are you okay?
17:41It actually does, I promise.
17:42Guys, don't get taken by the water.
17:43I promise.
17:44Stay away.
17:44My feet were chafing so bad in my f***ing sandals.
17:49Show it.
17:50Yeah, show her chafing.
17:52Right there.
17:52Go, go, go.
17:53My legs don't know what I'm eating.
17:54Oh, guys.
17:54We got so sunburned today.
17:56Let's show Noah sunburned.
18:00That was in the matter of three hours.
18:03Like for real, three hours.
18:04Oh, you guys are cute.
18:06All the people on this island who think Noah's our brother are going crazy right now.
18:10Look at my burn.
18:11That was three hours.
18:13You know what I'm going to do tomorrow morning?
18:15Plop in the ocean.
18:16Let the ocean do my hair for me.
18:18Bro, you're not f***ing Moana.
18:19Bro, this is the ocean styling my hair.
18:21I already know Mia's not going to wake up until 10 a.m. tomorrow.
18:25Do you know what's a weird quirk?
18:27Or like a weird thing I find attractive?
18:29Men who wake up really early.
18:31Why are you waking up so early?
18:32Like, that's hot.
18:33Imagine if you wake up early because you have to shit every morning at 5 a.m.
18:36I'm like, that's sexy.
18:38What would you do if we were separated at birth?
18:40I would hunt you down.
18:41Find you.
18:42Do you think you would find me?
18:43No, I wouldn't find you.
18:45Yeah, because it's like we would have social media.
18:47Ally, do you think you would find me if we were separated at birth?
18:50Did I know we were separated?
18:52So then how the f*** would I know to find you?
18:54Okay, yeah.
18:55You knew.
18:56No, I wouldn't care.
18:57F*** you, bro.
18:58I don't care.
18:59Are we going to form this connection after five years?
19:02Yeah, we are.
19:03Stop doing that dance!
19:04You know what's crazy?
19:06There's nobody in the world who we feel comfortable enough to make the jokes that we make with each other.
19:11But we post them on social media so everybody can see it.
19:14Yeah, that's true.
19:15Like, we should just not care.
19:17We should just make ass-eating jokes in front of like normal people.
19:20We can't because then they wouldn't laugh and then it's awkward.
19:22Who f***ing cares?
19:23Oh my god, is that a mermaid?
19:24I swear on my life.
19:25Did you just ask if it was a mermaid?
19:27Are you f***ing stupid?
19:29Okay, so all the food that doesn't get eaten on the resort gets fed to the fish over here
19:33so that it basically eats them in here.
19:36Look, look, look, look!
19:37Oh my god!
19:41I'd be scared to be in there when they're looking for food.
19:42I wouldn't.
19:43I feel like they would eat like my ass or something.
19:46Could you imagine if they were like, be careful if you go in there, there might be shrimp.
19:50And I dove in my own fish.
19:52Look how big they are!
19:53No one saw the fish.
19:54I don't think we've seen them for a mile.
19:55Look at that one guy!
19:56Which guy?
19:57Got him.
19:58No, Bob is 30 pounds.
19:59So they said apparently that they have a really big fish house named Bob.
20:03A 30 pound fish named Bob.
20:04And he can eat a whole loaf of bread.
20:0530 or 50?
20:07And he eats loaves of bread.
20:08Like a whole loaf.
20:09You guys want to try some?
20:12I don't.
20:13I don't.
20:14Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
20:16Oh my goodness.
20:17This is so cute.
20:18What type of fish is this?
20:19Do you know?
20:20Um, gray guys or chubs.
20:22Chub chubs?
20:23That's crazy.
20:24I would actually be really offended to be called chub chub.
20:25You know what yellow guys are very dangerous?
20:26They're called snappers.
20:27Oh, snappers.
20:28I think I ate a snapper.
20:29That actually makes me really sad.
20:30Okay guys, so it's official.
20:31I burnt the shit out of myself.
20:32We went swimming today and I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:33Look how big they are!
20:34The Canadians told us two things.
20:35They said wear lots of sunscreen and wear a shirt when you go in the water.
20:36When your chest is in the water.
20:37Yeah, so your arms don't get burnt.
20:38And I wore a shirt and I wore so many layers of sunscreen.
20:39And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:40I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:41And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:42And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:43And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:45And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:46And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:47And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:48And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:49And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:50And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:51And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:52And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:53And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:54And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:55And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:56And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:57And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:58And I didn't put on sunscreen.
20:59And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:00And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:01And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:02And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:03And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:04And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:05And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:06And I didn't put on sunscreen.
21:08Nothing will beat this though.
21:09Nothing is beating this.
21:10Nothing is beating this.
21:11Turn around.
21:12But like his isn't splotchy.
21:13Because he put his sunscreen on so bad.
21:14Because he put his sunscreen on so bad.
21:15You look like Rudolph.
21:16You look like Rudolph.
21:17I was a dumbass and I had my things on.
21:18I was a dumbass and I had my things on.
21:19I was a dumbass and I had my things on.
21:20So now look, I have a sunburn.
21:21So now look, I have a sunburn.
21:22If you guys question my dedication,
21:23If you guys question my dedication,
21:24look at my Air Force is insane.
21:25look at my Air Force is insane.
21:26I do it again.
21:27I do it again.
21:28I do it again.
21:29I do it again.
21:30I do it again.
21:31I do it again.
21:32I do it again.
21:33I do it again.
21:34I do it again.
21:35I do it again.
21:36I do it again.
21:37I do it again.
21:38I do it again.
21:39I do it again.
21:40I do it again.
21:41I do it again.
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21:43I do it again.
21:44I do it again.
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25:06I do it again.
25:07I do it again.
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25:09I do it again.
25:10I do it again.
25:11I do it again.
25:12I do it again.
25:13I do it again.
25:14I do it again.
25:15I do it again.
25:16I do it again.
25:17I do it again.
25:18I do it again.
25:19I do it again.
25:20I do it again.
25:21I do it again.
25:22I do it again.
25:23I do it again.
25:24The worst part is we had to drive back to the gas station after all the employees saw
25:29Interview Johnny with the flashlights.
25:30No, he's driving.
25:31Dad, why'd you do that?
25:32I was testing the water.
25:34Johnny wanted to make sure that his brakes worked.
25:35Am I getting bit or is it just in my head?
25:36It's just in your head.
25:37Lots of things are in your head.
25:38What is this bumping night like?
25:39Guys, hold me back.
25:40Who's working on this?
25:41It's me.
25:42It's me.
25:43It's me.
25:44It's me.
25:45It's me.
25:46It's me.
25:47It's me.
25:48It's me.
25:49It's me.
25:50It's me.
25:51It's me.
25:52It's me.
25:53Who's working on me?
25:54Amusement at the pizza patch.
25:55I have a boyfriend.
25:56I'll be told.
25:57This is officially our last day on the resort.
25:58Guys, let's get out of here.
25:59It's too bumping.
26:00The music is just too lit for Ellie.
26:01Guys, we came to this resort.
26:02How much money do you guys go for diving right now?
26:03F***ing kill me now.
26:04Guys, I can't even move.
26:05We ate so much this trip that I need like...
26:06Ellie, how much money?
26:07Shark attack.
26:08Our next video's going to be Kelly Gary's sister's going on a diet.
26:09I'm Chris Lee.
26:10I'm Chris Lee.
26:11I'm Chris Lee.
26:12I'm Chris Lee.
26:13I'm Chris Lee.
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29:19I'm Chris Lee.
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29:21I'm Chris Lee.
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29:23I'm Chris Lee.
29:24I'm Chris Lee.
29:25I'm Chris Lee.
29:26I'm Chris Lee.
29:27I'm Chris Lee.
29:28I'm Chris Lee.
29:29I'm Chris Lee.
29:30I'm Chris Lee.
29:31I'm Chris Lee.
29:32I'm Chris Lee.
29:33I'm Chris Lee.
29:34I'm Chris Lee.
29:35I'm Chris Lee.
29:36I'm Chris Lee.
29:37I'm Chris Lee.
29:38I'm Chris Lee.
29:39I'm Chris Lee.
29:41It's your turn.
29:46I can't do that.
29:48My knees will blow out.
29:49I promise.
29:52She doesn't blow on her back, she blows at her knees.
29:55I let go lighten your score, Chris.
29:57Wait, I'm at nine, right?
30:00I'm 19.
30:05Let's go catch a pigeon.
30:08They don't have pigeons here, they have chickens.
30:08Why do we always look so bad in our YouTube videos? I don't know because we're ugly
30:13God forbid today's video. I saw a video. I just like we're ugly. No, it's a go-for-bid. Please. Oh, no
30:19That's how good the nightlife is. We do a disclaimer that Kayla is not on any substances
30:26She's on is five apple pies and three matcha. Do we get three matcha? Yeah, I have a mom kept calling it mochi
30:32Yeah, you need to stop on the mochi. I'm done. Say it if you're done. I'm done. Okay. Good night
30:37Cuz it sucks, you know, it sucks
30:43She just ball grabbed him and ran look at her now she's working Ali stopped working that girl just watched me
30:53Know what know what somebody just saw your girl to work. Why are you trying so embarrassed? Are you touring for?
31:02I'm not I
31:04Can pretend I'm bumping it and you guys put in non-copyrighted music
31:11My birthday trip, how do you guys wait the resort? How do you guys?
31:15Like I've raided everything a part of me. Okay, do we have another story to tell? No. Yeah the story of bedtime
31:21Okay, you could tell me a bit. I want you to dance. Why does Ali get her own edit?
31:29Should I hold you back or somebody?
31:34That's he doesn't he doesn't know I'm done
31:40Hey bedtime, bro, why did she keep on that?
31:45Why would I listen to your commands and that's you call me mama
31:48I know my dad's mom my dad's my biggest fear is overhearing and Noah call Ali mommy. I promise I would never allow that
31:56Mommy milky snow. Okay, she's all done before
32:02Tweaking on balls to
32:05That guy right at the front saw me twerking in the parking lot
32:11We just walked by this group of people and I said good night and they didn't say anything to Sally's response
32:17Listen here, buddy. Oh
32:19Unless you don't know you better wish my sister here. Happy birthday. Was you getting up that way?
32:38And I'm so burnt I am gonna go pee in the ocean
32:43It's right there. I don't even care about I love being ocean
32:47Do you think we're gonna get copyright from the bird chirping?
32:50No YouTube. Yeah, that's low-key. They're they're like you look up. Yeah. I y'all good night
32:57Wait, let me go again. I probably looked really happy. Say happy birthday to me in the chat
33:02You look ugly both time. No promise on my life
33:06She puts it on your life, bro. See ours. Happy birthday to me in the shower. So you're getting another sandwich
33:13Yeah, I know okay who put on Noah's sunscreen
