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Steve Spangler is a bestselling author, STEM educator and Emmy award-winning television personality with more than 2,100 television appearances to his credit. Steve appeared as a regular guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show from 2007-2022 (27 appearances).

Learn more about Steve at https://stevespangler.com

The SICK Science® series was created by Steve Spangler in 2008. For licensing inquiries, contact +1-855-228-8780 or steve@stevespangler.com

© 2006 - 2025 Steve Spangler, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


00:00Welcome back.
00:00I'm Steve Spangler.
00:01Now, you don't have to use just compressed air for our
00:04soda bottle rocket.
00:05We could actually have a reaction that takes place in
00:08the bottle using rocket fuel.
00:15So we're going to use some of our volatile fuel here.
00:18It's going to go into the bottle.
00:21Do I need to remind you, don't try this at home.
00:24And now, we're going to get the fuel
00:26spread around like this.
00:29All right, here's what we want to have happen.
00:32We want the reaction to take place inside the bottle.
00:35We want the energy of the reaction to propel out the
00:39bottle here so that this bottle moves in this
00:42direction over here.
00:44And the way to do it is with this.
00:47All right, let's take off the lights.
00:49Watch this.
00:55Do you see why you can't do this?
00:58It throws rocket fuel everywhere, which leads me to
01:11think that maybe we need to attach that to a string.
01:15Here we go.
01:17Watch out.
