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​2025 Stats 📈
Results prior to this episode:
-$13,268 - $3,872 LOSS 🏀 last episode
= -$17,140 YTD

YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$3,112
EJ +$4,115
WBG -$7,798
W2Jesus $ +$216
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300

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00:00Lanterns of the Dragon. We're gonna win huge. We've played this before. It's gonna
00:06be spectacular. Isn't that what you said to say, EJ? Something like that. All right,
00:09well, and then we're gonna play some other stuff, and we're gonna win huge on
00:12that, and that too will be spectacular. Did you say that part too? I think I did,
00:17yeah. The word of the day is spectacular. Let's go. Lanterns of the Dragon, 52
00:24something on 20 senses. 20 senses? I've played this before. Yeah, you remember it?
00:33Yeah, those things float up. As you remember. Hopefully we light this one up.
00:40Are you serious you did there with the light it up? This one always reminds me of
00:44the Wizard of Oz, I always say. I don't really understand that. Because at the
00:50end they like float off in balloons or whatever, remember that? Yeah, that's pretty good. Oh, because they float off?
00:56Kind of like the blue girl, the one who chews the Everlasting Gobstop or
01:02something, and she floats up? That's Willy Wonka. What did you say? Wizard of Oz.
01:06Yeah, you got it! I did that without even trying. I wasn't even paying attention.
01:13Go ahead. I least expected it.
01:18Is that good? You need two for the double-up feature. Idiot.
01:26Let's get that. Yeah, it'd be bad if you didn't. Now there's row two. Here we go.
01:33Wow, we blazed it almost. Plenty of time left.
01:40Seems like a small school.
01:45Oh, Atlanta. This is not looking very promising. Here we go, we got it.
01:53Guaranteed. Spins.
01:56I want the feature. What's the feature? Oh yeah, there you go.
02:01Hey, we got all those dead spins back. It's a feature.
02:05Yeah, what's the dragon thingamajig? A feature. Oh yeah, duh.
02:15Fired it back in there. Money or spins. Money or spins. Money or spins.
02:21Oh wow, that's great. Oh yeah.
02:27That's still a very good result for that one. Very.
02:34I like what I'm seeing so far.
02:44Can we get it naturally without the fire thing? I was wondering.
02:48You have to fire it in there. You have to fire thing it in there.
02:53Oh, we did it without fire thing it in there. Yeah, I like how it like immediately
02:57proved you wrong. It's like, oh, you think you need the fire thingy? Let me show you.
03:01That was not as fiery of a result though.
03:09All right, fiery thing it in there one more time.
03:13It's the first game we played that has a cowbell of poverty as a symbol.
03:19Oh, that's a feature.
03:30I want that. I want a new baloomba. I want a new baloomba now, daddy.
03:38Is that why you like, think this game is the same as that? Yeah.
03:43Not bad at all. Eight. Very lucky too. A lot of eights.
03:4718, 80, 80, 80. Winner. Can't eight on that.
03:50Smart non-top. I liked it. Oops. See what I mean? The cowbell of poverty.
03:56Yeah, that's good. We don't want that.
04:00Uh, no. How much is the maxi? Oh, come on.
04:04Three Gs.
04:09Thank you very much.
04:12All right. That was a good start. Yep. What's the image? 3,000? Yes, sir.
04:18Oh, what's the dragon prize? What's that? A feature.
04:21Ah, is that Joe Gold yet? No, I never. I like all the jokes.
04:28Hey, are they still trying to figure out what the dragon prize is?
04:31It's a feature. Yeah, we knew before we even hit it, I think.
04:34Hey Vegas Matt, have you ever got the dragon prize? I think so.
04:37Oh, you have? How much were you betting? Don't remember.
04:40Yeah, I don't even remember that. Do you know what it paid?
04:43Uh, no. Hopefully. Oh, blazes. You know what that makes me
04:46think of? Blue pigs. No, it didn't, but now that you mention it,
04:51have you ever got a full screen of blue pigs? Oh, yeah.
04:54What did it remind you of, if not the blue pigs? Oh, it was definitely the blue
04:58pigs. Okay, I thought so. WBG has a good memory
05:02for these things. Do you remember hitting the dragon prize? I feel like we got it,
05:05but that's all I remember. Yeah, we got it. It's like the dragon
05:09train thing. I think it was in Reno. It was.
05:14I don't like a little Holden spin. Yeah, it's a little Holden spin. You fill all
05:18the holes, you get something. We didn't fill all the holes. I mean,
05:22that's the way it should be. Kind of like the Hot Pots. Yeah.
05:28Blue. Side bet anyone or no? Absolutely. All right, who wants to go first? I do.
05:35All right, go ahead. I would like double or triple pop. You got it.
05:38I wish I could have gotten action that that's what you were going to say.
05:42Why do you think that's what I wanted? I just know you.
05:45I'm going to go with ultra spins because I think the machine wants to flip us the
05:48bird. I'd like to have a side bet on what
05:50biggest man picks. You don't know me. You think he's got big
05:54double coins because it's got more perceived progression? Yeah.
05:57I do too. I'll take double coins because it has more perceived progression.
06:01All right, I got double up. We know it's possible. I've won a lot of
06:05money betting on double up on this game actually.
06:08Do you remember double up gum? No. Double mint?
06:12Oh, isn't there double up gum too? No, that's double mint. Oh, that's what gamblers chew.
06:17Oh yeah. Double up to ketchup? Is this a joke or?
06:20Well, arguably. That's a question on a lot of the things he says.
06:27So it's 100 each I'm assuming? Yeah. How about double bubble gum?
06:31Oh, dragon prize. I just remember double mint gum had a whole
06:34ad campaign with twins doing things like skiing together or synchronized swimming.
06:39Susie Chappie, I remember that was Chappie. Those twins watch this or their nephew does
06:43or something. We've talked about this before. The double mint twins. Yeah.
06:47Oh, really? Yeah, we've had that in the comments and
06:49they said, yeah, that's my aunt or I don't remember, but something.
06:53Well, I bet you they'll tell us again maybe. Oh, we got it. WBG wins.
06:59The double mint twins bonus for WBG. I think this is going to be a good one too.
07:07Yeah, I think the double pop was a favorite. I like how since we got these new money clips,
07:12every time we have to pay a side bet, they're just going to hear a snap, snap, snap.
07:16I like these money clips. I hope we get the feature.
07:23That's the snap. Let me put my 300 away.
07:31Let's get the fire it in there feature.
07:36We've got the ultra sando so far. Come on.
07:40Oh, there we go. There we go. There we go. There we don't go. There we go. There we don't go.
07:48Ultra. The bird.
07:59All right. Fire it in there.
08:04Oh, we needed that.
08:08Three more spins.
08:12What's the name of?
08:13What's our nation?
08:15Oh, boy, disappointing for a double pop. Yes, this is a complete disaster.
08:19An absolute disaster.
08:31That sucked.
08:34Should we write back? I will go last.
08:37All right. I'll stick with double up.
08:46Wait, how come it didn't double up?
08:48We didn't have the double up bonus.
08:50We're not in the free games.
08:51Oh, idiots.
08:52So which one are you taking, biggest man?
08:54Oh, I don't know. I'll take double or triple pop.
08:58All right. I'm going to take a double coin.
09:02All right. Good luck.
09:03What does that leave WBG with?
09:07All right. Let's go double pop. That last double pop was a complete disaster.
09:11Yes, it was.
09:13A lot of people are saying it.
09:16Is there a superhero named Ultraman?
09:18Yes, it was an old, very good show on Saturday mornings that I watched
09:23incessantly when I was a kid.
09:25Really? You've watched this show?
09:27Oh, Ultraman. Yeah, great show.
09:28What was his superpower or fatal flaw? What was interesting about it?
09:32I mean, he flew, I remember.
09:35Wait a second. He had a run of the mill for his superpower.
09:39Well, that should have been a bonus.
09:41So all of a sudden we're allowed to talk about superpowers?
09:46Only once.
09:46I thought it was for a boat.
09:48Yeah, it was. Well, just because it was a duplicate.
09:54A lot of people took exception to the double question.
09:57More people took Vegas Matt's side than I was expecting.
10:02A lot of people are nicer to me than you people.
10:04Oh, let's go. We got it.
10:09Nope, we don't got it.
10:10We don't got it.
10:11We're hanging in there.
10:13Speaking of which, we have to find the I Don't God game again.
10:16We might have to go back to Southern California to play it.
10:18That game is fun.
10:20I know that a lot of people are going to be very happy if we play this game over here to our left.
10:24Oh, I'll be happy.
10:27That game?
10:27And I think, you know what, I think it would be kismet if we did.
10:32Some of us don't love that game.
10:35Yeah, I don't love it.
10:36That one over there?
10:37I've only ever seen this game rekt on us.
10:38No, not the Huff and Four Puff.
10:39That's a complete disaster.
10:41The what game?
10:43The Karma Cat, Kismet Cat thing.
10:45I've never heard of it.
10:47Never heard of it. You've played it before.
10:49Oh, really?
10:53Well, did we win?
10:56Uh, not much, I don't think.
10:58We won the first time we played it and then we played it again
11:02in California right around Halloween and we did not like it at all.
11:09Not at all.
11:11But it's been a while, so I say we revisit.
11:13I say we give the cat game another chance at some point.
11:19You don't hear much about jingles anymore.
11:21I think we pretty much decided that...
11:23I think we gave up hope.
11:24Yeah, we gave up hope.
11:25Maybe you guys gave up hope.
11:27We waited the first 30 years and then after about a month and a half of us talking about it,
11:31that was too much.
11:32I think you guys are... I think you need to be more positive.
11:37I think you need to be a little more realistic.
11:42Jingles is my cat that ran away.
11:45Hopefully he returns one day.
11:47Jingles is WBG's childhood cat.
11:50And I would... I mean WBG is not a super young man anymore,
11:55so there's no chance his cat's alive.
11:57That cat was at least 40 years ago
12:01and the world's longest living cat was probably in the 20-year range.
12:05Yeah, Jingles' grandchildren may not even be with us.
12:11You never know.
12:12I'd like a bonus, please.
12:15And a double pop.
12:17Let's go.
12:17Or a triple pop.
12:21Wow, that's hard to get.
12:27If we get the double pop and I lose to that and it includes double coins,
12:31I'll be a little disappointed.
12:33If we get the triple pop, I'll be all right with it, though.
12:36I think we should have gotten the triple pop.
12:38We should have gotten the triple pop there.
12:40Are we going to keep pursuing another thing here
12:44or are we going to give this game a $900 more chance?
12:50I feel like...
12:52You know what, as soon as you guys started naysaying about Jingles,
12:55it went all downhill.
12:57Just keep that in mind.
12:58No, it went downhill when we had a complete disaster double pop.
13:00The bad bonus.
13:02Just give us two coins one more time before we've run out of money.
13:10Just give us a triple pop and then we win it all back and then some.
13:12How about that?
13:13That'd be good, too.
13:15I think this room was the first place I ever played...
13:19What was that game?
13:20Mo' Mummy.
13:21Yeah, Mo' Mummy, thanks.
13:23That was memorable.
13:24Yeah, we played with Billy.
13:25That's right.
13:26We played with Billy.
13:27That's right.
13:28Yeah, we played with Billy.
13:30That's right.
13:32That was fun and we crushed.
13:34We did.
13:35Yeah, well, we got the green bonus twice in an instant.
13:37It was like right here in this cabinet, I think, maybe even.
13:40You know what?
13:42That should be the video that you link at the end of this one.
13:44Okay, I'll link that, yeah.
13:46That was such a fun day.
13:48We got wrecked.
13:48EJ was right about the $900.
13:51We just wasted $900.
13:52He often is.
13:53Like complete idiots.
13:54I don't think I was right about anything.
13:56Well, you knew we were going to get wrecked.
13:58I mean, you could just feel the nothingness going on.
14:03The integer is $4,500 now.
14:04We're going to bet $60 a spin.
14:09And this is the Karma Cat.
14:10Karma Cat.
14:13Looks familiar.
14:17Oh, you remember now?
14:18Is it cash?
14:19Re-spin's the best?
14:22Uh, I think so.
14:23But you have to get the ball values and they have like, there's like a collect symbol,
14:27if I recall correctly.
14:27It's an eye that comes in column one.
14:32And this game's very volatile, is the thing about it.
14:35Oh, another volatile game, huh?
14:38It's volatile and it plays fast.
14:43Well, that sounds like a deadly combination.
14:45It's a triple potter, that's why.
14:46If you're in the mood to lose money.
14:51Why don't we just surprise ourselves and get a grand or something?
14:55Oh, those things are wild, huh?
15:00Oh, I guess so.
15:01Oh, yeah.
15:03I think some progression has been perceived.
15:10More perception.
15:16Oh, what happens there?
15:18Oh, you got it.
15:19I did?
15:20Just aggressive progression.
15:21Very aggressive.
15:25What does the eye thing do?
15:27You collect those values, but it's kind of like Grand Legends.
15:29You need them in all the columns.
15:32But you could collect just one if you got it the eye and then one in number two, right?
15:42That's what I remember about this game.
15:43It's tough.
15:44Complete beatdown.
15:47Yeah, but he's right.
15:47It is a tough game.
15:49Which generally means you can hit something a massive.
15:52Yeah, but I don't think you can really.
15:55I think it takes your money.
15:56I think it just holds 70% or something.
15:58It's just, I mean, I'm sure there is, but it's just that was $1,500 in less than two minutes.
16:05I don't like it.
16:06$6,000 in now.
16:08Let's see if we can experience a good side of this game.
16:12I'd like that.
16:13I tell you what, I believe in this game so much that I have found a question of the day.
16:19Go ahead.
16:20And I know it will summon a bonus.
16:22I do.
16:22I just know it.
16:23I agree.
16:23You better get to it.
16:26Hey, look at that.
16:27You summoned 450 20 cents.
16:30This is nice.
16:32It's a start.
16:33All right, here we go.
16:33So Steve Smithson 5444 WBG's question of the day.
16:41Hi from the UK.
16:42I've been watching for over a year now and every day it feels like gambling with friends.
16:47My question is, do you believe in karma with your gambling?
16:51Like if you do good things, you're more likely to win.
16:54Thanks, Steve.
16:56I like that.
16:59I like to say, by the way, we have a lot of cool fans from the UK.
17:03I meet people every day from the UK that are coming over to Vegas.
17:07You guys like coming to Vegas and I like the way you talk.
17:11And I would also like to say that like I have a handicap sticker for parking
17:20and that was your mom's.
17:23And I mean, I would never use it, but sometimes I consider using it.
17:27And then my wife says that's bad karma and you'll lose.
17:31And so I've always been scared to use that sticker, even though it's all still in my car.
17:38But like, so that's I kind of do believe in karma, you know, because you.
17:43So I don't know what I did bad today, but obviously I must have some really bad karma
17:48coming my way because we're getting wrecked on Karma Cat.
17:52We did try on this game.
17:53We gave it a shot.
17:55Well, three thousand dollars.
17:56I think that's a shot in anybody's book.
17:59Oh, wait a minute.
18:02Why couldn't we have gotten that?
18:04So do you believe the opposite is also true that if you do good, it will.
18:10And that's why I've been so blessed in my life because I do so much good all the time.
18:16And so good things happen.
18:18Or maybe I did it in the past life.
18:20I'm not sure, but I've been pretty lucky.
18:22We're down six thousand dollars.
18:24Yeah, we're getting wrecked.
18:26No lucky chance either.
18:28All right.
18:29The image is now ten thousand.
18:32We're going to do a video poker game to get even worse on a very fun game where you can
18:36double up your wins.
18:38Oh, the old double up, huh?
18:40Hey, look at that right out of the gate there.
18:42So we need a seven or a jack.
18:44Let's get it.
18:45And anytime you have a win, it gives you the option.
18:48So if it's not you, do the honors.
18:50It's a 50 50 double up.
18:52Oh, I bet you you win.
18:54All right.
18:54So you have to get a higher card than the dealers, too.
18:58I won.
18:58All right.
18:58So then we collect that win.
19:03So we got whatever 20 times 25 is.
19:06That's good.
19:07Almost 500.
19:08Yeah, it's right there.
19:09Easy game.
19:12Oh, oh, I like that.
19:14Should we see if we can win two double ups in a row?
19:16We can try that.
19:16Yeah, this one because it's not huge.
19:18Let's try to double it up twice.
19:19Vegas, Matt, you want to do it?
19:22You can be six.
19:23Did it again.
19:23Try it again.
19:24No, I like.
19:26Oh, you want to try two in a row?
19:27If you don't want to, hit no.
19:29When you're feeling it, we do it.
19:31All right.
19:32I think you just want to get greedy.
19:33You know what I mean?
19:34Take the win.
19:40We're betting 525 dollars.
19:43Figure out how many double ups we have to win to get even.
19:45Oh, this is going to be hard.
19:47Oh, better than me.
19:50I think that one we should double up because we already mentally lost it.
19:55So it's found money.
19:56Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot.
19:59Shouldn't have done it.
20:03I don't know, like three or five probably.
20:07Depends on how much money we start with, right?
20:10Do you think it allows like that many double ups in a row
20:13or it thinks you're an idiot if you do it?
20:14On a regular win.
20:16Should we do this one?
20:18I don't care.
20:19250 double into 500.
20:20Should we just try to keep doubling it until we win?
20:23You want to double up to a thousand?
20:26How much is this so far?
20:28Up to 40.
20:29Let's try to double up to a thousand.
20:30All right.
20:32Ace again.
20:33No way.
20:33You got smoked.
20:34King to deuce.
20:36That was bad.
20:37Yeah, that wasn't good.
20:43Oh boy.
20:46And so this is just standard video poker.
20:48Yeah, it's not like Ultimate X or anything.
20:51Oh, you didn't want to double that up?
20:53Oh, I didn't realize we had a win.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:55Well, it's a push.
20:57Seemed like a win to me.
20:59So are we always going to go with the-
21:01God dang it.
21:02Oh, push.
21:03Is that what happens there?
21:05Dang it.
21:06Any other card.
21:08Well, we always take the one on the end, I guess.
21:10So do you think it's going to start-
21:11We got to start taking some wins here
21:12or else we're just going to be broke too quickly.
21:14Oh, it'll be just like a slot machine.
21:16I want to get a full house and double it up.
21:19That would be good.
21:21Oh, so let's have a minimum?
21:26All right, you do the honors.
21:27You want to double it or keep it?
21:28Chips are better?
21:28I mean, that's not even really a win.
21:31Let's try it.
21:32Oh, you're screwed.
21:33For God's sakes.
21:40What were you saying, WBG?
21:42The next time we win a hand.
21:45So what if we get a royal?
21:47Uh, double it.
21:48Oh, straight.
21:50Oh, that would be crazy.
21:51It'd be funny if we did it.
21:53I wonder if it'll let you.
21:54What do you think, WBG?
21:56Oh, I think so.
22:01I'm sure they would let you.
22:02They'd also say you're an idiot.
22:05Oh, look at that.
22:06Unless you won, then they owe you $200.
22:08Okay, so do you want to double it or give it to the casino?
22:11Yeah, that's the options.
22:12What do you mean?
22:13We gotta double this one.
22:14Come on.
22:17Dang it.
22:18All right, we are just getting-
22:21It seems like one of those days where you get completely wrecked so far.
22:24I mean, we just have like an absolute nothing burger going on here.
22:27Let's turn it around.
22:28Fill it up, EJ.
22:31No, fill it up.
22:33Get there the old-fashioned way with the double up.
22:36Wow, that was an absolute disaster.
22:40Okay, royal.
22:41Double it up.
22:44How much would that have been?
22:45A lot.
22:46A hundred thousand.
22:48Oh, that'd be so sick.
22:50I don't see anything there.
22:51It's not ultimate X.
22:54Last time we played this double up game, we did a lot better.
22:57Go ahead.
22:59Let's say queen again.
23:01Oh my gosh.
23:02Every time queen.
23:05I don't like this.
23:07You don't like it?
23:08I don't like losing.
23:11Three jacks.
23:15Double it up.
23:16I mean, we've lost so many in a row.
23:17We got to win one.
23:19Ten only.
23:21All right, take it.
23:22Book it.
23:25I wanted four to win that one, Matt, but you wisely picked the correct card.
23:29Oh, yeah.
23:31I had it.
23:41It was a small one, at least.
23:49Days where you just get wrecked are not fun.
23:51I do not like these days.
23:54Nobody told me there'd be days like these.
23:57Well, they should have.
23:59Your mama didn't tell you there'd be days like this?
24:01Nobody told me.
24:03Strange days indeed, though.
24:05Let me tell you.
24:07Make it 750.
24:11So what are we, like, one for six on those?
24:14Not good.
24:16We did okay at first.
24:20Oh, my goodness.
24:21Oh, come on.
24:22Get a four of a kind, at least.
24:24There's three of them.
24:25Ten and a nine.
24:28Keep it or double it up?
24:29I mean, what good does that do us?
24:31Keeping it?
24:32Yeah, I mean, what good is keeping it do us?
24:34All right.
24:37Stop it a little bit.
24:39There it is.
24:41All right.
24:43Ten grand.
24:47Can't lose another one, can we?
24:51I knew it.
24:56How much is that?
24:58You have 60.
24:59We need the ammo.
25:03Oh, hand peg.
25:05Well, that was good.
25:06Yeah, that was helpful.
25:08Restored my faith in humanity.
25:10Oh, look at that.
25:12Let's go.
25:12Come on.
25:13We're hot.
25:15Like Hansel.
25:17No, let's take this one.
25:18What do you think, Vegas, man?
25:20Yeah, you know, I don't know.
25:21I mean, I'm not trying to be difficult.
25:22I mean.
25:23Well, no, it's up to you.
25:24Would you take it or would you double it?
25:26It's 750.
25:27I like 750.
25:28All right.
25:29Maybe a little ammo.
25:30Get a good royal flush or something.
25:31Win 100 grand.
25:33Oh, that would be so cool.
25:35That would really change the texture of the day if we won 100 grand.
25:39There's two to the royal, but also fours.
25:44Six is to the royal.
25:48Two to the royal.
25:49Six is to the royal.
25:51All right, now we have a big decision here.
25:52How much is this?
25:53A lot.
25:54Seven and a quarter?
25:55What do you guys think?
25:56I think we should double.
25:57But if we lose, it's going to suck.
26:01Up to you, Vegas, man.
26:02Why do I always have to make all the hard decisions?
26:04Your name's on the thing.
26:05Oh, WBG has pressed the double up.
26:11You beat us to it!
26:14If you're scared, call the police.
26:17WBG is always ever the gambler.
26:20No, I did notice on that, EJ.
26:22You just insta went and hit the no.
26:23You didn't even want any discussion of redoubling.
26:25Oh, are you crazy?
26:26Here we go.
26:27Big draw.
26:29Oh, I thought we had it.
26:29We almost had it.
26:34Oh, four aces.
26:36How much is that?
26:36So we're winning on video poker.
26:39All right.
26:40I'm going to go for three here.
26:41Oh, got it.
26:44You're supposed to pick this one every time.
26:46People get mad at me for picking the same one.
26:48No, you pick the same one every time.
26:49And that way you get a consistent result.
26:51It's a 50-50 shot.
26:52All right.
26:52Do you want to go for three again?
26:55See, now, look, obviously.
26:57Now that we got that out of our system.
26:59Now we got that out of our system.
27:00Come on.
27:01You're really pushing your luck there, kid.
27:04You should have picked that one.
27:07I was supposed to switch.
27:16We got to get three.
27:16Should we get three?
27:17I don't know if it's possible.
27:19It's possible.
27:21It wasn't possible to win there.
27:22It's going to be possible.
27:25Oh, bofa.
27:28Double it up.
27:29Well, this time we can go for two.
27:31Oh, we got that.
27:33Why am I an idiot?
27:34You pick.
27:35Your hubris brought you down there, EJ.
27:37You're too confident.
27:38What's hubris?
27:40Excessive self-confidence or pride, isn't it?
27:43Oh, I've got that.
27:46No, thank you.
27:48Oh, look at that.
27:49All right, Vegas, Matt, you go.
27:50Watch, hubris.
27:52Oh, that's not humorous.
27:54Yeah, you should have picked that one.
27:58What's wrong with me?
28:04Three in a row?
28:05Three in a row.
28:06Oh, you're screwed.
28:08Oh, I had a tie.
28:10Oh, man.
28:15All right, let's get a royal.
28:16Crying out six.
28:20Oh, queens.
28:22Three in a row?
28:24You got this.
28:26You got it.
28:28Okay, you got it.
28:30All right, easy buck.
28:30You got it.
28:33And is that a lot?
28:36How much is that?
28:36I don't know.
28:40Oh, it wasn't a hand pay either.
28:41That was unfortunate.
28:43I wanted to win a lot.
28:44Four, five, seven.
28:45Oh, idiot.
28:51Three in a row?
28:52What about just one this time?
28:55Should have gone with the middle one.
28:59Do you think it matters which one you pick or is it predetermined?
29:02I think it is the cards it's showing you.
29:05But, I mean, you have no way of knowing what they are, right?
29:08Yeah, it reveals whatever the card actually is.
29:11Dang it.
29:13Who's better than you?
29:13We're hot.
29:15Dang it.
29:15Got hot on lousy cards.
29:23A lot of red cards.
29:24I have an idea.
29:25What are you using for equipment?
29:27Let's have a side bet where the highest card is.
29:30Should we do one hand of 50 or 100, EJ?
29:34Let's get the ammo for it though real quick.
29:40So, wait.
29:41Well, go ahead.
29:42I mean, you can do that.
29:42Yeah, all right.
29:45EJ, give it a second.
29:48Oh, wait, that's enough.
29:50All right, we got the ammo.
29:51All right, we'll do the side bet after this.
29:53So, we'll do the side bet here.
29:54We'll do one of these.
29:55$500 hand.
29:56$500 hand.
29:57Come on.
29:58Oh, yeah!
30:01Double it up.
30:02Well, that's just like a coin flip, huh?
30:04All right.
30:04So, we all bet where the highest card is.
30:06This is $500.
30:08There's four of them.
30:09$100 each.
30:10Whether we win the...
30:11I take this one.
30:13I'll take the one next to it.
30:15Second from the right.
30:15I'll take the very middle one.
30:16I want the top left.
30:17All right, you got it.
30:18Okay, so, wait.
30:19It's $100 each and whoever has the highest card?
30:22And then, I guess, which one do we pick though for the game?
30:25Far right.
30:26Yeah, it doesn't matter.
30:26We're going to see.
30:27So, we're doubling it up.
30:32The WBG wins.
30:35We should have used your card.
30:37I agree.
30:39That felt like I just lost a lot right there.
30:41Congratulations, WBG.
30:43Thank you, guys.
30:44Use it in good health.
30:45That was unfortunate.
30:46Very unfortunate.
30:49All right.
30:50$200,000 royal on this bet.
30:53Oh, you bet 50?
30:55All right.
30:55Now, 25.
30:56Are you...
30:57I don't know.
30:57Back to 25.
30:58Yeah, that was...
30:59That seemed like a lot.
31:00We only have $4,000 of $10,000 to work with.
31:03Oh, that looked really good.
31:06Come on.
31:06Are we doing the set?
31:08Oh, tie!
31:08Tie goes to the runner.
31:10I don't want to do the side bet again.
31:11That could get really wrecked.
31:16God, that was the only loser card.
31:19So, you guys don't agree with...
31:21You don't agree with my pick the same card every time theory or what?
31:24I don't care.
31:25I don't think it matters.
31:25Nines or open and straight?
31:29Oh, boy.
31:34Come on, royal.
31:35Oh, I thought that was a dealt straight or something.
31:38Green row.
31:40You got it.
31:42Pretty easy.
31:42You want to go again?
31:43Couldn't lose on that one.
31:44Easy bust.
31:46Yeah, you got it.
31:48All right.
31:48Is that enough?
31:49I think so.
31:50All right.
31:50Take the ammo.
31:521,000 bucks.
31:53No, 500.
31:54How much?
31:5620 quarters.
32:07Ah, dang it.
32:09There was...
32:09How do you win?
32:10One time.
32:15Oh, all right.
32:16We have a decision here.
32:18I think there's no decision to be made.
32:19We've got to double it.
32:20I'm saying the decision is which card to pick.
32:22Oh, nice.
32:23You want to double it or?
32:24I don't care.
32:26Let's make it 2,250.
32:27I'm not doing it.
32:30I shall do it.
32:34So dumb.
32:35That was an $1,100 loser right there.
32:39Oh, well.
32:40All right, we got to get that back now.
32:44Two pair.
32:48Fill it up.
32:53Dang it.
32:53This is a complete disaster.
32:58No Force.
33:02Jack King.
33:10We're getting crushed now.
33:14We got this.
33:15Complete disaster.
33:18How about just like a four of a kind?
33:19We get a four of a kind.
33:20We're right back in this thing.
33:21Oh, all right, let's go.
33:23You called it.
33:24A full house.
33:25All right, we're back here.
33:25We're back where we...
33:27We're due on these.
33:28All right, let's get this one.
33:30Go ahead, Vegas Matt.
33:33All right, double it again.
33:34No, no, no.
33:35How much is it right now?
33:36$2,250, right?
33:43All right, are we still doing this?
33:45Yeah, let's get maybe like a little bit of a bankroll for a Dragon Cash gate.
33:50Oh, I like that.
33:52I've heard of Dragon Cash.
33:53Is it all four like that?
33:55Oh, yeah.
33:56Fire him in there.
33:57Oh, look at that.
34:02Another ace.
34:07I don't know if I trust that far right card anymore.
34:12We need a Royal for $100,000.
34:15What are you thinking?
34:17Oh, Bofa.
34:20Double trouble.
34:24Okay, one more time.
34:27Oh, no.
34:28I said I didn't trust that far right card.
34:30Oh, my God.
34:31I didn't even listen.
34:33Complete idiot.
34:35Who loses to a three?
34:36A man with no pride.
34:38That's who loses.
34:39I mean, who loses to a two?
34:40Does he look like a man that's beaten by jacks?
34:43All right, that's enough.
34:45I mean, I don't know if it's enough, but it's...
34:46It's a lot.
34:47It's never enough.
34:49That's true.
34:50That double full house was big, though.
34:52Yeah, we needed that.
34:53Yeah, we're not doing terrible.
34:56Imagine if we got the full house on the $100 single line.
35:04I'm imagining.
35:06Oh, aces.
35:08All right, two pair.
35:11Ah, nine is tough.
35:13Very tough.
35:13Yeah, especially when you get a deuce.
35:14Yeah, two is sucks.
35:15There's a lot of twos you get.
35:17I don't trust this thing.
35:20You think it's trustworthy?
35:21How do they determine?
35:23I don't get it.
35:24Is it an RNG thing?
35:26Nine jack queen.
35:27Straight flush, homie.
35:28I think it just deals five cards the same way it does
35:31when you're playing the regular game.
35:32Oh, yeah?
35:35We need to get pays here.
35:37We're going downhill.
35:38Right here.
35:43Come on.
35:44Come on.
35:45There you go.
35:49Fill it up.
35:52Double up.
35:53You can beat a seven Vegas, Matt, I believe.
35:56That's that far right card.
35:58I'm telling you, it's a sando.
35:59Let's go away from it next time.
36:01You know there'll be an ace in the far.
36:04Do we stick with it or do we go away from it?
36:07Do we need ammo right now?
36:09Double up.
36:10We need ammo big time.
36:12I'm not doing it.
36:15Call the police.
36:15Oh, four.
36:19What are you doing?
36:21What is wrong with you?
36:22We had a system.
36:23That was really dumb.
36:24WBG is eliminated from pressing the buttons.
36:26What are you talking about?
36:27I did one.
36:28You drew the two.
36:28You pushed the wrong button.
36:29We always play the right one.
36:31We would have won.
36:32Oh, that's idiotic.
36:34Oh, that was bad.
36:35Everybody knows you don't pick the far left one.
36:37I never.
36:38You guys, we're going to go broke.
36:41There's 4,000 and I...
36:43We're going to go broke.
36:43We're not even...
36:44Oh, here we go.
36:45All right, I got this.
36:48All right, let's hear you scream about how you're...
36:50Well, I mean, there was no winning run there.
36:53All right, look, come on.
36:54Come on.
36:55Oh, all right.
36:57Oh, shoot.
36:59But you picked the right one at least.
37:00Yeah, well, I mean, you can't...
37:01I'm just drawing dead to an ace.
37:03At least I didn't lose to a four.
37:04Don't try to change the subject.
37:05You totally screwed the pooch for us there.
37:07Oh my goodness.
37:09All right, we're dead.
37:10$10,000 of loss.
37:11Oh my gosh.
37:12At least you picked the right one.
37:13Complete disaster.
37:21All right, we need to really go on a run here.
37:28No way to win.
37:29How do you win?
37:30Queen has been a killer for us.
37:32Oh, come on.
37:33Four of a kind.
37:34Oh, idiot.
37:35Gotta get this.
37:37Come on, Vegas Matt.
37:40There was not a winner there.
37:41That was the highest card in fairness to me.
37:43We don't even have enough for another hand.
37:45That's a complete disaster.
37:47It's not over.
37:48Oh, the Germans are circling.
37:51They're not circling nothing.
37:53Yeah, they bombed.
37:55Dragon Cash.
37:56Our only hope.
37:57Oh, a maxed out major.
37:58Genghis Khan.
37:59$5,000, $100 a spin.
38:02Get even or get even worse.
38:03And if we don't win, I'm calling it a day, huh?
38:05Let's enjoy this.
38:06Let's enjoy this.
38:07Updated image 15, right?
38:09Is that what you said?
38:09We need a big win.
38:10This machine owes us, doesn't it?
38:13Yeah, I mean, we got the 50k up there.
38:15We could get that.
38:16We could get a big times twos pay.
38:19A big beautiful Buffalo spin.
38:21Are there any machines that you owe?
38:23That what?
38:24That you owe.
38:26You said this one owes us.
38:27I mean, are there any that we're in?
38:29No, I think they all owe me now that I think about it.
38:32Very good point.
38:35This one in particular.
38:38What do you suggest here?
38:40Enjoying it.
38:42Least expecting it, I think, would be helpful too.
38:4625 lines we're working with.
38:47I'm surprised you varied from the lucky $75 denomination.
38:53Maybe we should go to that.
38:54Yeah, I think so because we need to win.
38:59Ooh, a double noise.
39:00We always need to win.
39:03Not always.
39:04Sometimes we're winning so much we don't need to win.
39:06But today, the WBG picking the wrong square.
39:12Right, everything hinges on that.
39:14If I hadn't have done that, oh my goodness.
39:16Think about the turnaround we would have had there.
39:18That was the turning point.
39:20I'm glad we pinpointed the issue.
39:23Come on, let's get something here.
39:24Yeah, we really had some momentum and then WBG picked the wrong chord.
39:28Exactly right.
39:30Well, I thought we had a strategy that we were pretty clear on.
39:35Always pick that one.
39:37You know, we'll have to talk about this over Thanksgiving dinner.
39:40Yeah, what's your favorite dish there?
39:42What do you think we'll be eating that day?
39:43Two more.
39:44Probably all our favorites.
39:45Humble pie, crow.
39:48Probably it'd be at a shelter if this keeps up.
39:58Come on, please just give us a bonus.
40:01Give us a chance.
40:03Give us that Maxtown Major.
40:07Well, all right, let's go.
40:09That's enough of this nonsense.
40:12Oh, two $75 balls.
40:14That's exciting.
40:15Come on.
40:16Oh, look at that.
40:20Do you guys believe in like energy?
40:25Like this is a low energy.
40:27Yeah, karma cat.
40:29The day is a sando.
40:31Come on, make me wrong.
40:32I love being wrong.
40:34This day is a complete disaster.
40:39I don't know.
40:40I'll tell you what.
40:41I don't like losing.
40:43As everybody knows.
40:46But I mean, any day you can kind of hang out with your buddies and gamble and have some fun
40:50and yuck around.
40:51It's a pretty good day.
40:52But we do that every day.
40:54Yeah, so take that for granted.
40:56I don't know.
40:59Well, I'd like to take a win for granted.
41:03Would you think you'd like gambling in the hypothetical world where you just won every
41:08Would it still be exciting and fun, you think?
41:10Oh, yes, I would.
41:11I would never leave.
41:14I'd have a sleeping bag.
41:17Do you ever see the Twilight Zone episode about the gambler?
41:21Turns out he was in hell because he always won the casino, right?
41:26That sounds like a good episode.
41:28I'd like to live that.
41:31Vegas man in the Twilight Zone.
41:34Come on.
41:37Very volatile bonus on this one, right?
41:40Free games is for sure.
41:42Is it the middle or the multipliers?
41:44No, Dragon Cash doesn't have a middle deal.
41:46I don't think.
41:48That's right.
41:48Franklin, a slavish student, is chasing him down the hotel corridor, right?
41:53Yeah, Franklin.
41:55I don't know anything about Genghis Khan because I've never gotten a bonus on it, I don't think.
42:03Man, you sure get five a lot.
42:06Come on, please.
42:16Is that what he said?
42:17Come on.
42:18Here he is.
42:21Just give us a chance.
42:22I'll take the Andor on this getting a bonus.
42:25Well, you'd be a favorite now.
42:34Come on.
42:35Not gonna stop us from trying.
42:36I should have stayed in bed.
42:38Let's get some revenue this week.
42:43All right, come on.
42:48Come on, I think you can do it.
42:52Where's all the symbols?
42:54Put on.
42:55Oops, sorry.
43:01Come on, baby.
43:02Don't say maybe.
43:04Come on.
43:05That was a $15 maybe.
43:08We can what?
43:09It said maybe.
43:12Come off it.
43:20Oh boy.
43:20We need some hope here.
43:23That helps.
43:24A little hope.
43:32If only I would have picked the right cards.
43:34I know, because you think about that.
43:35Would have made a big difference.
43:36It's not like we were losing before that.
43:38You just changed the whole tenor of the day.
43:40Two more.
43:42Oh, look at that.
43:43It's the last King Johnson right there.
43:47It's the blame WBG story of the day.
43:52Major, and it's a great day.
43:56We don't get a major.
43:56It's a terrible day.
43:57Come on.
43:58A lot of pressure on you, machine.
44:04All right.
44:05I'll put a word.
44:06I don't see him.
44:10I didn't see that $7.50 yet.
44:12It's good.
44:14That was on the come out.
44:21Well, nine bucks left, and we hit it.
44:24How about that?
44:25It's a start.
44:28Do you think the machine knows when you're about to run out of money,
44:31and it wants you to keep playing?
44:33There's actually a patent on that technology that they have.
44:42All right.
44:44Good year.
44:45Well, it's not over just yet.
44:47Very close.
44:49It was close to being over, but that was the start of the comeback.
44:53We finally shook off picking the wrong card over the double up game.
44:57Yeah, that gave us that money back.
44:59It is.
45:01Who's to blame here?
45:04Now, do we still like this Denom?
45:06You want to change it?
45:07I don't know.
45:08I'm just asking.
45:10Are you asking yourself?
45:11I mean, it's just like, do we go to 50?
45:13You know, if we wanted more ammo, or we could go to-
45:15All right, let's try that.
45:17There you go.
45:19Probably look behind those chicks.
45:22Oh, look at that.
45:24Is it?
45:2525 watts.
45:27That was good.
45:27I like it.
45:29Oh, that should have been three balls at the end.
45:32Yeah, that would have been really good.
45:33That should have been three balls at the end.
45:35Okay, that should be three balls at the end.
45:39Let's get the free games.
45:40You really ended this three ball up here.
45:42If you could get three balls at the end every time, you'd be really winning.
45:47All right, you guys ready to win?
45:48I'm born ready to win.
45:50I would like a major, please.
45:52$50,000, that's all we need.
45:58Is it?
45:59Is that asking too much?
46:02That's asking a lot, but we've done it before.
46:05I seem to remember getting majors in the past.
46:07I know it's possible.
46:08Oh, good.
46:11No idea what he says.
46:15Didn't go.
46:16Probably something about me picking the wrong card.
46:18Oh, yeah.
46:19Probably something about me picking the wrong card.
46:21Oh, yeah.
46:22We're just starting to shake that.
46:24Well, I mean, that's why he brought it up.
46:26He didn't want you to forget.
46:28How could we?
46:29That was a major error.
46:31I mean, it was only, what, $4,000?
46:35No big deal.
46:37There it is.
46:39There it isn't.
46:43Come on.
46:4612 bucks.
46:49Do you guys think we're going to get balls or free games?
46:51Free games.
46:53Free games would give us a good chance.
46:55I'm confident.
46:56If we get a bonus, it'll be free games.
46:58When we get a bonus.
47:03What's that?
47:06Oh, we sure get two a lot.
47:12On the edge of my seat here.
47:16We were down to $9 before.
47:18Yeah, we've done it before.
47:23Oh, three of those chicks.
47:2528 bucks worth.
47:28She's obviously not very valuable.
47:37Oh, gosh.
47:40That was close.
47:42I wish close counted.
47:50We need something here.
47:52You think?
47:5720 bucks and nines.
48:0110 bucks of that.
48:09Wow, that would have been it.
48:12That would have been it.
48:15Major, just drop on us.
48:18All right.
48:19Oh, that looks like a wild.
48:22That should be wild.
48:28Complete disaster.
48:37Well, if yesterday was fire in there Friday, today was sando Saturday.
48:42What a complete disaster.
48:43Mostly WBG pushing the wrong button.
48:46The Karma cat just awful.
48:48Goes fast.
48:49No bonuses.
48:52What was that other one?
48:52Little loft balloons deal.
48:55Well, that was a complete disaster.
48:57Double pop.
48:57But you know what?
48:58I remember not much, but I do remember some things.
49:01And some days are like this.
49:03You know, you have them.
49:04And it's usually when EJ didn't get enough to eat that day.
49:06And he gets a little on the grumpy side.
49:08And then it just goes off a cliff.
49:11And we just went off a cliff like Thelma and Louise.
49:13You know what I mean?
49:13And we were just all screaming the W's EJ.
49:16I just like a casino pile up like a like, you know, those when the roads are all frozen
49:23and the trucks are running into the cars and stuff that reminds me of today.
49:28Those videos are interesting, though.
49:29But you got to be careful.
49:30I mean, could you imagine you get out of your car and some truck slides into you and you
49:33just like squashed like a bug?
49:36Don't do that.
49:37That's how I feel today.
49:38All right.
49:39That is what I have to say about that.
49:41And what else?
49:43I don't know.
49:44When I was flossing this morning, I was thinking, you know, you've got to floss because you
49:48talk about it a lot.
49:50Be kind of hypocritical if I didn't.
49:51So EJ has given me the old wrap it up sign.
49:56So I'll probably try to drag it out a little longer to annoy him.
50:01Oh, I see what you're saying.
50:02All right, then.
50:04See you tomorrow.