• 12 hours ago
Gentex Commanders All Synchronized
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, this is SystemTest2 with all Gentex devices.
00:06And I also made some changes, so we're going to go and head into it.
00:30Before we talk about any of this, I want to get into this.
00:37I have this new little storage shelf container here.
00:41This is where all the alarms will be stored, and as you can see, they're all labeled as
00:46Up here, I have some extra stuff.
00:47My toolbox, which has all my parts and tools and all that stuff in there.
00:54And there's some batteries, because why not?
00:56You'll see that somewhere else eventually.
00:58Some extra stuff on top.
01:00And also, what's sitting below it, or sitting below all these stuff, is this Notifier AFP100
01:07addressable panel.
01:08You might recognize this from that little unboxing video I did from that YouTube short.
01:15I still have yet to set it up or really actually do much with it.
01:19I do have to move it away from the wall so I could plug in the thing, which it's actually
01:26not currently on right now.
01:27And also, something else that's different, I did remove all those drawings that I made.
01:31I moved them over here because they were rather obnoxious.
01:36So yeah, that's that.
01:38So I'll start off with the panel.
01:40You can see these tags up here, those are all just kind of fake.
01:42They came with that panel because that was recently installed in a natural building for
01:46a natural system, yet a family member gave it to me, along with a bunch of other addressable
01:53pole stations and detectors and relays and all that, which are down in this drawer.
01:59But yeah, that little sticker and that tag were on there.
02:04But I just moved them on here because why not?
02:06Same panel, bunch of troubles, even though it's not currently on right now.
02:11I did kind of clean it out.
02:12Yes, I do need to get batteries.
02:14But really, other than that, everything is kind of the same.
02:17And up here, we have a white Gentex Commander III.
02:21I don't know Gentex model numbers very well, but it's white Commander III horn strobe.
02:26Pretty basic, pretty common.
02:28And all of these, or at least these three, are all set on their regular Code 3 tone,
02:35their most known tone.
02:37I can't remember what it's called, but it's a Code 3 tone.
02:42And also, all of these strobes are set on 15 Candela, except for this right here.
02:47This is a Commander II.
02:49It's red and it's an outdoor version, which is why it looks a bit different.
02:53It is also a bit crooked.
02:55I don't know why, but I don't care.
02:58So you can't adjust the Candela because it's usually right here.
03:01This is an unmarked white one with a blue strobe lens.
03:06And it's the same exact thing as this, just for a different purpose.
03:10And then we have this red Commander strobe.
03:13This one you might recognize from System Test 1.
03:16I think it was originally right here, or no, like...
03:19No, it's right here, I think.
03:20But I did move it down since it's a two-wire horn, or strobe, I mean.
03:27We've got the keys hanging right there.
03:30And now we'll get into these zones.
03:32Right here we have an Edwards 270 SPO.
03:36This one's an older version.
03:38You can see it has the older logo and the paint's a bit chipped on top.
03:42They're kind of damaged, but it still works just fine.
03:47Yeah, not too much to say about it.
03:48Right here we have the same Silent Night SD500PS.
03:53It's right here in System Test 1.
03:56And actually, nothing changed.
03:57I did take it off, like, once or twice.
04:00But I just decided to leave it up here.
04:03Even though this does go with the Commanders pretty well,
04:07this really doesn't because it's obviously an older Edwards.
04:10And these are newer Gentechs, so they don't go together.
04:14But whatever, I kind of just wanted to put it up.
04:18And up here, we also...
04:19Another thing that I used in System Test 1, the FCIM S6.
04:26It was originally here in Zone 4.
04:29But I did put it underneath the cover.
04:31And also, I do want to say this cover won't be here in every System Test
04:35because it is rather obnoxious.
04:36But for some reason, I left it up here.
04:39And I'm actually not going to be testing this today
04:41because these three horns are loud.
04:43And I do have neighbors, so I don't want to get called in for anything.
04:47So I'm only going to be testing these three.
04:50For our fourth spot, System Sensor i3, or 2W-B, but more commonly known as an i3.
04:58And that's just about it.
05:00So I think we'll just cut the crap and get into the test.
05:04So we will start off with the Silent Knight SD500PS.
05:13That is crazy loud for three of them.
05:32Or at least three horns.
05:36We'll go ahead and reset everything now.
05:44Now, we'll test Zone 1 with the 270 SPO.
06:04I'm pretty sure a neighbor is going to call this in.
06:06Now, we'll go ahead and reset it with the screwdriver.
06:13And now, we'll use this Allen wrench and stick it in this little thing in the i3.
06:43It's weird to hear three of them go off at the same time,
06:55but it's really nice that it has this Gentex strobe and horn sync thing.
07:00Well, ladies and gentlemen, that was System Test 2 with all Gentex horn strobe devices.
07:07Thank you guys for watching, I guess.
07:08And please subscribe or something.
07:11And I will...
07:15Um, bye.
