• 17 hours ago
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00:00Hardcore moments 171. Let's lock it in guys. Let's watch people die in HC before playing ourselves. All right, here we go
00:13Okay, hello, it's that underground area, right? Yeah
00:19It's like oh my god, oh my goodness. Yeah, these guys net to
00:23Nice bubble. Nice. He's gonna get netted though, man. I do where I'm going
00:27Dude turn around run in the BRD. Oh, he's lost
00:32Always a lot. He doesn't know where he is
00:35What can I do for you? Now? You're so dead. Homie. You can nade them. You can throw a grenade
00:40Here you're you're so oh nice great lay on hands. Oh
00:46Great nice nice. No, no grenade grenade. No, no, no, no
00:52Hodge hodge hodge hodge hodge hodge hodge hodge press hammer of justice
00:57No, oh that net almost went off
01:00Okay, wait, he lives
01:04Let's go I'm assuming he lives to one click
01:12There it is the actual hardcore challenge
01:16Hmm, I dare you leveling one to sixty with your girlfriend for the first time who has never played anything but sims
01:22It's like going to IKEA
01:25For two weeks straight. No, just one long IKEA test. No, that is the true challenge my friends
01:32Wait, he's just he hit 60. It is basically roast sir
01:36Just roast her like you suck
01:47Nice bro grats on 60 grats on serious and congratulations first
01:53First character ever to 60
01:57Better than Tyler one even oh my fucking Jesus. Oh, did that really just happen? Oh
02:06He charges and then oh
02:10All the camera angle Z like the mob got pulled as the charge went in
02:15So it flipped his camera when he pressed. Oh, that's actually super troll
02:19Are you sure we can't jump down and help dude? You are I mean, can we kill this bitch?
02:27You're screwed I
02:30Can't get away from no way that goes off the target tummy's gonna die
02:40Dude the the people of top got aggro after the dummy because of the heel directors. Oh, you're still dead
02:49No, yo, yo kill it kill it lock in and kill
02:57Never mind, never mind then
03:08That's that's that's like a peekaboo a we pull right there. Yeah, I don't know thought he had some level 60s helping him or something
03:17Mean dad
03:22Did somebody just die in your group
03:25He's feigned an afk if he ain't given six minutes he's dead
03:33If he does I will laugh my fucking ass off though level 60 is with a lot of gear to
03:46This is a chat he died
03:50By trade I'm trying to trade all either has died. Yeah, I can't trade him says he's dead. Oh
03:58Bro, okay
03:59Got guys if you play a hunter and you and you press feign death and you let that timer that six-minute timer hit zero
04:07Your character actually dies
04:09So you have to move or like cancel the feign death before the six-minute timer runs out
04:17That that's just how feign death works that's that's like like feign feign death
04:24classic Wow like
04:31Feign death which may trick someone into ignoring you lots of the six doesn't not say it in the tooltip. I
04:37Thought it said it in the tooltip
04:43Maybe it doesn't say it but it does
04:46Yeah, pretty sure. Yeah, it just does it just does even though it doesn't say it. It's so so yeah, that's how that works
04:56Solid so we need for solids big heels big heels on me
05:07So, okay
05:14Bro running into the last tick of Baron get in that's some straight peekaboo energy right there
05:20Just runs in and before you even get one hit you're just instantly dead. Oh
05:25my goodness
05:27of some
05:29Yes, one. Oh, no books it up. That's crazy. Oh
05:35Oh, oh they messed up a bomb to pump a see you know
05:40Binding Oh
05:44Like how they're already checking the loot
05:49The flesh, oh no the flesh didn't I did he
05:53He's naked trying to do this quest you are oh my god, there's more there's more there's more we got more
05:58Yeah, they're screwed. They're so dead
06:02Oh my god, there's too many he's looting. Yeah, we got a run
06:08We might run I'm following you
06:11The flesh is completely nude here
06:15Yeah, good fear good fear. We got oh my there's oh my gosh what he's gonna sprint pot. Oh
06:22My gosh, he's gonna sprint pot
06:25He's naked bro
06:28No way he makes it out press hamstring dude, don't get days. Oh my gosh, bro
06:36Target dummy target dummy target dummy right there
06:42Target dummy, please target on you. How is he so we don't when he's nude
06:54The heel comes in clutch, okay now he's gonna target dummy, okay
07:05They're good now they're good now, holy crap, I thought they were screwed I
07:09Thought they were completely screwed. Oh set. What's good. Good to see you the Chapman
07:14All right dead mines, it's a classic double fiery, okay full nutty, bro
07:35Oh man gouge
07:37How do you have so many buttons at level 20, what are all these key binds calm Pat poke
07:51Run sit spit taunt follow go belch rasp
08:02Boom wait beg
08:08You blow
08:23Anyway, we're okay dead mines 22 is dead
08:27You know jump off and hurt if this fails just jump off and hurt. Oh, you're fine. Anyway, he's gone. Oh
08:36My god, what just happened
08:44Forgot to bubble dot died to giant dead whole group wipe
08:54Damn archmage our goal, okay
09:01Health warning
09:04Where's the heels? I just got fucking tapped. Oh the priest is healing himself on accident
09:11I mean we have potion. I mean we have potion and evasion
09:17Like yeah, the healer probably messed up whatever this that but like bro, we have a full pot and evasion. Oh
09:25I just and a vanish and a vanish
09:29Like the healer mess up sure that's fine, but like bro
09:40Too dead
09:44Gosh that's brutal
09:49Heals came from this fucking healer, but was still trying to fucking heal the tank. My god
09:56Tank my god, I was
10:27Oh my god
10:29Goon too fast. Is this Pika offline or something? Unbelievable?
10:36They named themselves a goon too soon goon too late and goon too fast
10:48Bro, oh, yeah, you're dead escape artist
10:54Yeah pot pot dude
11:03Bunch of gooners man, unbelievable. Oh my gosh
11:13Okay, we're completely out of mana
11:16We got sticky glue mana pot health pot
11:19Pet is dead probably just feign death, huh?
11:24Where's feign death just probably just press it
11:27It resists. Okay. Um
11:29Well, what class you want to make next you can do another hunter if you wanted you could do I could change it up
11:35and do like a rogue
11:38Swap it up to something completely different like a mage
11:45I mean shop could do a shaman
11:49Damn oh
11:53Oh, he misses the frost bolt, so he's not gonna have enough aggro track turns around. Oh, no
12:02Track is oh no. Oh the nightmare, bro
12:10Someone already left group. Oh, no, this could get bloody. Oh, everyone's leaving group
12:19What is this rogue doing? Oh, okay Petri
12:29Wait only one person died
12:30I guess everyone has Petri's bro
12:33If that was an only fans group, we would all be dead like maybe besides the rogue vanishing like everyone would have just died there
12:42Hello mon
12:44Okay, okay, so let's we pull down below they have a notice
12:53Run run run take a roach
12:55It was not a road to road. Yeah, good. Okay, if I've had moved a jump
12:58Yeah, just jump in earth jump in earth everyone jump in earth. Good call
13:01I was actually gonna think to just run out but yeah jump earth is hurt hurt hurt
13:07Start her thing probably
13:09Start her thing
13:14Makara 25 one utility
13:39Think the mage has this
13:43No way, yeah, the mage should have this
13:49Slumber sand bandage probably a decent idea
13:54Okay, go with me completely reset again
14:01Homage blinks. I don't know about that blank fire blast. I don't know about that either
14:13He's gonna just run in don't let him reself bro, do not let him reself there it is
14:20All right, it's over. It's over
14:22It's over
14:25Resist no way to major loses this. Come on wand. Oh
14:30Oh, he takes his hands off the keyboard. Let's go baby. Nice work
14:39Okay, dude, okay. Oh my god
14:45This is the run out a classic right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the respawn
14:52Yeah, yeah, ooh fear fear fear
14:59Fear press fear press fear. Oh
15:08She'd like
15:12Well, that's that's the worst time to lag that's the worst time to lag
15:18That sucks, yeah, that's the worst time to lag for sure. Oh, I don't know
15:26Maybe the fear maybe
15:33Hunter is just dead
15:43I've seen this guy before I've seen clips of I remember this guy
15:46Before I've seen clips of I remember this setup a hundred percent. I've seen this seen this man perform
15:53World of Warcraft
15:55Stands in poison. Oh, no. Oh my god. Another rogue died. This is insane to rogue deaths in one day
16:05What the fuck F okay, we're in dire mall West
16:14Is the sketchy one
16:16We have a pally healer and questionable, but oh my goodness, dude, everyone's dying. I
16:24Mean we're spamming heals, but everyone's dying. He heals himself first
16:28Mages, oh no, we have a pat. We got a pat in the back. Oh
16:34Petra of it Petri flask tank Petri's
16:38Oh, yes, you dad
16:41completely screwed
16:42Yeah, sir. Oh, she's also dead guys. Yep dire mall
16:50Dire mall is so scary
16:55Mage gets knocked up ice blocks death wishes up. So he's immune to fear
17:03This looks fine
17:12One shot 80% 90% 60%
17:20That happened
17:23That happened so fast, bro. Okay, we die. What is happening? Why can I do anything?
17:33Blizzard on the mob. I mean, that's yeah, I could work. No. Oh, whoa. That was close. Did we just sprint pot?
17:42Oh, he wants to kite it out. Yeah, I don't know about sprint pot. Hold on
17:48No, we have Tom. I think I think I think okay. Nice. Nice run back run back run back
17:58Nice nice. Yeah, this is gonna be door hood always scary man
18:05Okay, we have another uber's
18:09Double elite guards is drop out track comes back too early. Oh
18:15Crap tank picks it up. Well done
18:24They recover this I'm pretty impressed
18:35Yeah one dead Petri
18:41Dude he Petri's out. Oh another dead. I
18:47Mean he didn't get a heal for so long. It's hard to blame him, but that sucks. Oh
18:52Mine controls killing someone here for sure
19:00Really that's that's a macro that you're gonna make
19:04All right. All right. All right
19:07All right
19:08Right there
19:13MC Wow one shot him in the MC
19:22I'm always so spooked. That's gonna happen. I think to stop this from happening
19:29You kill the profit first instead of second and then also
19:36There's a team up right here
19:39That has one second left so, you know, it's gonna expire in one second, right?
19:44So, you know the debuffs coming off and I'm season now
19:47So you do not want to be near him when that expires
19:49I think those are like the cues, but if you don't know that boom one shot like you'll die instantly just insta death
19:55It's just it's literally just a knowledge check. Like do you know this or not? If you don't you're gonna get literally one shot
20:11Okay, hey we're chillin
20:17We're chillin
20:19No way we died to this no way we died to this no way
20:29My gosh, bro, that's salt flat scavenger went hard in the paint this guy clutched up
20:35Oh my god, you got clutched up hard
20:3980% held in a 1v1. He know this guy's actually in a 1v2 because the pet
20:55Thank you for watching and until next time that scavenger just went so hard bro. That's brutal
21:01Yeah, those execute 240
21:03seven life left
21:08Like that Makarai you lost yo mods can we clean up the chat what's going on there?
