• 17 hours ago
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00:00So we're here. We're live. We got the raid today
00:03Hopefully servers are stable and we clear up. Hopefully we don't die
00:07So peekaboo, you didn't do anything when it came to getting world buffs after your stream or after raid yesterday
00:12Why I saved what I had I've got an hour left. We should be good
00:17Huh an hour left of just two buffs four buffs five buffs actually
00:22So you didn't get a single world buff after raid not one you just carried the ones over
00:28Well, there was no layers up Pico you're such a slacker I'm sure he's doing a lot of other really important things
00:33Hey dropped. Yeah. No, I they dropped
00:36Yesterday and you guys open up after raid as well at roll call
00:40They dropped like four rents like you back to back to back at roll call
00:45Yes, big bug because so even a roll call. I don't know you were not you don't even have your fire fucking buff
00:51I like your repo. Yeah, then I'm watching you play a liver rend whenever in the guilds
00:57What do you do all day?
00:59What do you mean? I was in the gym last night
01:01I'm eating food and I'm on the tech packs. You want to put someone else on tech packs and see what happened?
01:04Okay, what's up? Yes, we can we can rattle eating food
01:07Okay, doesn't ever it is your excuse
01:10What did you do all day? I got world buffs and he shook
01:15What is that really?
01:25Everyone else to save us when we DC
01:27Okay, but why are you with eating food? You could just be like, yeah
01:30Well, you didn't work out but you said I ate food like no one else fucking eats food. I can cook
01:35What's the last time?
01:51Did you beat that game yes
01:57You did log back in
02:01Yeah, I saw it you did beat up
02:04I was
02:06Practicing, but you didn't get your fucking world buffs. I've got an hour
02:11Well, you should have hours and your excuses. I had to eat
02:21You are just you're in a hole right now you're in a hole
02:26Rolls right there. We need to focus up as long as he doesn't get to roll any loot. I think we're fine
02:31Yeah, it's not a big deal
02:36All right, I do want kicks so we'll have
02:40Quinn your job is to make sure that flamestrike never goes off on moon. Okay, take a flamestrike. All right, go ahead pull it
02:52Okay, here we go, this is the scary pull guys one out here comes
02:56Make sure we're LOSing be scared peekaboo. You're handling the technicians when you're comfortable with them, man
03:01I'm sure I know let's
03:03Make sure we get instant dispels
03:07Try to get some kicks on this warlock here, I cannot kick them. Oh, okay. Well
03:14Get shit on as long as we're on the technician here
03:24I'm on the kill spellbinder here killing moon killing moon
03:27Range you are okay. The technicians are everywhere right now finish them off try and get rain of fires and stuff over there
03:33Here we got the tech. We're good. All right, we're gonna kill square next technician should be dead
03:40Do not stand in front of square back up max range melee that was so sketchy
03:46All right. There we go. There he goes. All right, let's do some hunter pulls. How you doing?
03:52You're pulling skull to me. Yes, Geronimo. You're pulling X to Mary sun glitters. You're pulling square to gunner. Okay
03:59Cop them. All right
04:02Light hunters. Yep, just light threat just pulling it an arcane shot. It's fine. Whatever the fuck
04:07I'll just step up on certain range. It should be like
04:10Here right here. Don't go past me
04:12All right, pull it in three two one pull it
04:17Ranged if you apps on poles apps now they do that soon real soon
04:21You're ready to let the range if you pull
04:25There we go, this is fine, it's just funny
04:31Away stay away from Mary. No DPS on X
04:36Steepy a skull here
04:40Shadow will be axed. It's crazy. You want me to taunt off you? Yeah
04:48It's okay, all right skulls down
04:51All right, we're killing X
04:55Killing X killing X shield on gunner assuming it is
05:06All right, we're killing square next don't stand in front of the boss whoo, I just see
05:12Hey, we got lags going on here not ideal gunner DC. Ooh
05:18All right, you're okay heels on gunner
05:26Everything is dead. Don't worry about your characters
05:35Got Ringo's boots though
05:41Try to log in or no, I would you're the closest to their end. Yeah, you can try
05:47Oh my god another
05:50You died Grayson, but everyone else is good
05:53All right, good rate guys, you're not like wait, this is really fun. I'm in the like a mess
05:59All right
06:00Everyone hit a button that is easy tell me if anyone has a delay on anything and he lag in that sense
06:05Each person is still standing in place. Yeah, pretty laggy. It's pretty like yeah
06:11We'll wait for a second. We'll try and pull still just not yet
06:14We'll wait for everyone to be good and things to calm down dude. Imagine sobbing see Frostmage
06:19Nathan 73 peak
06:23It's got to be an Alice angle. It's Alice
06:26Ready checking everyone get in position. How you doing move up get ready to pull make sure your cloaks are equipped
06:32If you have a cloak, it should be equipped
06:35Simple as that. All right
06:37Guys don't know. Oh, go ahead. Do I pop a wreck on this guys?
06:42All right, here he comes dude. I didn't get my own friend. I'll be pulling the position here. It's on me wreck for sure then
06:50All right, here he is he's on me yep, he'll on P big kills on P
07:00All right, he's on he's on out course again Mary you're taunting in about three seconds
07:08I'm big lag
07:12Okay, it's back on of course keep playing
07:19I just connected stop piping
07:23Channel flames going out
07:26It's on on P
07:32Here you got ten seconds until wing I
07:35Taunted it. Oh, I thought I'm dumb. It's on on P. It's on on P. Very when you can
07:40Very haunted Mary taught it
07:51Okay, it's on taunting it it's on soda or outcourse
07:59It's on on P I
08:03Can't believe I forgot world buffs guys keep playing. Holy crap. You see this as well. I do see it as well gunner
08:07Can you take my position? I got okay Gordon
08:11Very taunt Mary
08:15Listen to me listen to me Gunnar stand on me jumping. I'm DCing as well
08:24Am I so am I taking this yep, you're okay
08:28Fighting keep fighting keep fighting
08:31Go go go I'm DCing go
08:34It's on gunner now
08:38Keep playing keep playing Gordon. Oh, yeah
08:42Gordon talk Gordon talk interview girl
08:48I'll try it Wayne Buffett soon Barry now. Okay. I'm Tom. I'm fully DC
08:56Turn it away a little bit
08:59Back on a MP
09:02Nice any melee has
09:12It's healing so much. I need a second tank IDC. I'm busy reverse the seed ID seed ID seed
09:21It's fucked I think everyone you see what do we do? Yeah, we die
09:26Again, just ten seconds ago. So maybe you might just try
09:31Healing ice face in the raid fuck guys. Get out. Get out. It's on you
09:37Is it get out called is it a leaf faulty seed? I would say save yourself, honestly
09:46I think we're just DC. Yeah, I can't move. Yeah, I'm logging back in. I'm logging back in
09:52I'm just spamming you
09:55We're in
10:00Should we should we hurt?
10:03I'm shielding. I'm shielding Mary said everyone
10:08Just keep playing if you can don't
10:12I can't move
10:16You see it again
10:18Yeah, I'm on a loading screen guys is if if you get in try and save your character I guess Wow
10:25Maybe you don't
10:32Maybe everyone
10:35Seconds. Oh, is it anyone not GC? Can anyone actually see what happened?
10:46They started yelling at like 25 30% we almost killed him and he just started healing off himself
10:51All right. No, do we do we log in or no?
10:56Again bro, I'm in the login server. Yeah, I can't either don't log in. Well
11:04Yeah, I don't know to say like that sucks
11:08Man I don't I don't think blizzard would do
11:14That was miserable that's a terrible way to go out. Yeah
11:18Well, that was doing everything
11:26Same I'm in
11:35You are not out you're not oh you're just standing there
11:43I don't know
11:46Try character unstuck. I got back in guys. I'm dead Dracula. You're dead. I'm just killing people in the lair right now
11:52Simon is your dad? I'm opening your stream
11:58I'm in and I'm just loading. I got my heart. I'm dead
12:05And I got and I got snap teleported back to the boss like a mile away and insta-killed
12:11Okay, so clearly
12:14Well, this sucks. So we're not able to raid. We're clearly being targeted which sucks
12:19I don't know what this means on the horizon if we're able to just we're not able to play
12:27We tried yesterday. We canceled it. We tried today
12:31Immediately got you know fucked on the first boss pool. So long term guys. I don't know what this means
12:39I'll talk to people here and there and see if there's like a long-term fix here and there but already how long do I wait?
12:49Just do not feel bad about it because the first heart they didn't call to leave so I did I canceled it the second one
12:56They called to Liam. I can die. You're open with my back straight
13:05Everyone who died, I'm sorry
13:07We could have you know in hindsight realized to just call it during that first like spike
13:11But I didn't think we would get completely rinsed that hard
13:14Not to mention it's like do we just not ride do their raid, you know?
13:19I don't know. I don't know what to do
13:21I don't think any of us know what to do about this in the situation
13:23But clearly our raid is canceled for the rest of the day
13:27Are you alive soda? That's I?
13:29Don't know. Am I am I like coping if I could say like blizzard might would do a roll black. They probably
13:43The one thing is the one thing is this like do they value this at all because if if they do
13:49There is no way to ever do this event if this is allowed to happen
13:53Nothing like this can ever happen again
13:57No, they have they have
14:01What was the reason I just don't want to give no
14:04I just I don't want a random individual who DDoS is to have the power to be able to stop things like this
14:10I agree the entire event can't happen
14:12I mean, it's like one idiot with a credit card gets gets to shut down in terror
14:16A lot of
14:18There's a lot of moving parts of blizzard
14:20We don't know about and also like they may just not want to do that. Who knows whatever
14:23I don't know. Everything's up in the air. I'll ask I'll tell you guys what can and can't won't happen
14:30When I find out but for now raids canceled terrible way to go out if this is the end
14:37My expectations have clearly been surpassed. I wish we got a full BW all clear, but
14:41Good job. My son feels
14:45So much
14:57Years, this is my favorite meta. Thank you. So this is
15:05Me too
15:07It's technically my first tattoo
15:10It is
15:13I'll type up an announcement in the discord to find out what we're gonna be doing. GG's everyone. GG's. GG's. So now he's everybody
15:24Fuck Grayson, that's it guys. I'm dead. It's we're all dead. We're all dead
15:33Sucks sucks to go out that way man. It really sucks you out that way out of all ways to die dying to a disconnect
15:40Always the worst
15:41I'm sorry. Sucks. Sucks. I yeah, I
15:46Mean at least it wasn't you know, what at least it wasn't just a DC on my end
15:50And I died to like a level 7 wolf or something. It was like we all died together at least
15:56Server rollback. It's not happening. There's no way because servers crashed yesterday and hundreds of people died and they didn't roll back those
16:04Servers crashed today and hundreds more died. There's no way they're just I do I can't believe I died to the I had the hearthstone off
16:13You guys saw me casting the hearthstone. I was like 500 yards away. I got I thought I got out
16:19I got a target dummy down. How did I die? I was casting hearth on the DC. Yo
16:25Dude, as you make it out. Are you a lot? Are you alive? I have no idea
16:30I I actually could have Roche though. I casted like 40 extra Frostbolts and then when I was fully DC'd I tried to hearth
16:38So I have no idea if I'm dead or not, bro. I
16:41Logged I got fully DC'd and I logged in and I saw Mary die
16:45And then the dragon was just loose and everyone was just running for their lives. It was chaos and then
16:52And then I I put a target dummy down and booked it and I started casting her and my hearth was at like 60%
16:58Back for you guys and I was like, I'm good and then and then I DC'd again and then I logged in dead. I
17:08Haven't logged in. I haven't even tried. I'm trying to use the unstuck feature. Dude. These guys DDoS the unstuck feature
17:15How are you kidding me the unstuck feature is stuck
17:20Dad, yeah, I would 100%
17:23wait for that to
17:25Come back up before logging in
17:27Cuz I saw I would have done that like I think a lot of people should everyone should just not log in and wait for
17:34If you go to the login server, like not actually log in but your character screen, does it say ghost?
17:38I don't know. Should I even try to get there? I
17:41Mean not like that count as logging in. I mean, yo chat. What do you guys think?
17:45I mean logging I mean logging in a character screen should be fine
17:49Everyone's like don't even go there. Okay. I don't know. I feel like no one's really experienced this to this degree
17:54This is that was such a weird the dragon started running for people way back like the warlocks. They're like a hundred yards to me
18:00I have no idea if my hearth caught up or anything
18:03Did you start her thing when you were?
18:05No, I was really deep. I was like deeply DC'd when I tried to hearth
18:09I casted your only chances of survival are that if the dragon didn't hit you for 60 seconds if you live 60 seconds
18:17You're offline and your body disappears
18:19So it's like did you live that 60 seconds or not is the question?
18:23Okay, I see you you're right here you're you're alive
18:27You're right there. You're still alive. I'm casting hearth
18:32Can't tell you're still alive at all do that. Oh, they're a bit rocks coming to the warlocks. That's what I'm saying
18:38They went he went far. I was right on the rail. Hey
18:43Wait Sun glitters hurts out but didn't Sun glitters say she dies cuz look she hurts out right there
18:48I think everything is really off. I can't tell on who's dead or who's not
18:54That's weird. Do you know one thing though? Did it did nobody roach? I don't know if anybody actually roached out
19:00I think everyone just sat there. I tried my best to roach, but like I couldn't
19:07But I logged in everyone everything was fried already I
19:12Was there I didn't I actually had so many chances to leave I just kept attacking but
19:17I literally tried to roach dude. I'm completely fine here. I'm casting hearth. Let me see. I'm pulling you up right now
19:23Look, I was going on. I'm out of the group. Oh
19:28Dude, you're so far back. I'm sure and look look look. So this is this is my whole pop. I log in here. Oh
19:36My gosh you walk back in after DC. Yeah. Yeah, which was stupid
19:40I think I should have stayed loud. I might have still been alive. But this is I saw everything bro
19:44Everyone's running in place. I saw Mary die and I'm like crap. I got a run or maybe I guess this is a
19:50When I logged in my hearth was on cooldown. So my hearth actually went off
19:56That is fried your hearth went off and you died anyways, apparently when I logged in my hearth was on cooldown, is that actually true a
20:06Lot of people were trying to run I'm looking at I was right there
20:08Dang dude, oh people were got far a lot of people got far. Oh, my hearth is on cooldown when I logged in
20:15My hearth actually went off and I died. Anyway, oh, that's so true
20:21You try risk it right now log in and see just as character character select just character select. I'd say send it
20:27I don't see how going to character select changes any outcome. I think logging in
20:32is kind of troll though, I
20:36Don't even think we can get the character select by the way
20:39Mine says login servers are pull our full position in queue 19 twitch primes, huh?
20:46I'm gonna be doing too much damage. So you have it linked. This is Simon eyes is Bob. I just got it from the chat
20:51Let me look
20:53I'm just trying to log in. I just still can't dude. Everyone just has the same reaction. It's just like are you kidding?
20:59Oh, I'm dead right here
21:01But it's here right now I'm pulling it up what this is me dying. Oh
21:06No, dude. I'm about to see you. I I die here
21:11Bro, I'm dead
21:14Hold on. I'm gonna keep watching this pause, dude. You're alive
21:19Because you on in this clip go offline. Your body is alive and you dude you're alive
21:23You're a hundred percent alive in this clip. It confirms it you go offline
21:28You don't die you disconnect here
21:31I'm gonna see to
21:34118 just keep watching and you're you go offline without dying
21:39Dude, I shouldn't have logged back in. What was I?
21:41I don't even know if that's accurate dude, cuz this guy's thing is lagging like we're cool
21:45It looks like he tanked 50 hits from the boss
21:51Are they gonna try to kill the boss, what are they doing? Oh
21:58Maybe it's like survivors guilt. Like he just wants he's just like I'm done to this anyway
22:02Is this it? He's gonna just sacrifice right here
22:06No way
22:08Don't do it. I think there's enough to have another at least one more guilt raid
22:13So you guys can clear PWL like the people that survived?
22:18There might be like it was like half and half I did did so to live or no, do we know we don't we don't know
22:23but I think I
22:27Think there's Savick's is full group plus the survivors of today
22:31So next week there could still be another group that clears it all and make it so that like we at least have an only
22:36Thing is clear. Wait, wait, I log in on my character screen. I'm still alive, dude, dude. You're good. Then mine said dead
22:43Why I've seen people I've seen this happen to that guy in BWO and he died the second he logged in
22:47So, okay, so don't log in definitely wait for unstuck. Definitely don't log in don't log in bro
22:52Don't log in wait for unstuck for sure. It literally happened to that guy in the BWO clip. He logged in he died instantly
22:58Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely just unstuck
23:03Dude I can't believe this
23:08Should I just send the login dude Oh beat is dead, too
23:13Everyone's just saying to do it. I mean that's kind of I
23:18Mean if you're dead we could have a little party at the graveyard or something
23:24Mean I just send it dude. No way. Are you actually I'm gonna send it right now. That's it. All right, here we go
23:29I'm what dude I'm watching good luck
23:32350 levels right here. We've got a DC
23:35Be so we go out like that. All right, I'm going here we go enter
23:39I'm gonna spam ice block spamming ice block. I mean, I don't know
23:43All right
23:50Okay, W man you survived let's go holy crap
24:01That's huge
24:05Dude what if my target dummy saved you, you know, I'm saying I swear you did
24:11And rock cool
24:13Coolest saved ever. Wait a minute. Is that what I'd be with my untamed blade
24:17That's my sword. I gave him it. It looks like it good thing. I gave it to him because it would have been useless
24:24Actually, of course it those guys shut down. So it is alive. So they're just logged in right now. Wait, where is he?
24:29He just logged in and he's he's alive. Oh
24:32my god
24:36Is the main tank like that is
24:40How does that happen so you guys for sure have enough people to raid next week I
24:46Don't know someone said he would just kill his character instantly
24:49No, no, no, no, no, that would be stupid. Like you guys you guys have enough players to clear PWL
24:55It can still happen like oh my gosh, bro. It's two months. Well, look at my paw of everyone here. Yeah exactly
25:01months of gameplay
25:03We're all just oh, oh my everyone's actually disbelief
25:10Dude everyone's roasting me. My unboot is immortalized now. Everyone's gonna know I
25:19Got him I woke up early this morning was up to like six something just like I was like, all right
25:24I need to get lock in and get all my stuff for the raid
25:26I went to got a fresh song flower rally and cry everything and then I
25:30Forgot to press unboon. I I'm unbooting and the boss pulls puts me in combat and it cancels the unboon when you're in combat
25:38Apparently, there's a new discord announced. Yeah, wait, let's see right now. Okay, what's the announcement?
25:44Do you want me to read it out loud or you when you want to read it out loud for us?
25:46I'm pulling it out. I mean, which we just both read it to our people. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I'll meet up
25:52Yeah, not confuse everyone. All right. All right guys. This is the this is the discord announcement right here from soda just now
26:01So clearly the DDoS attacks are centered on us I've reached out for a potential rollback, but it's highly unlikely
26:07And I wouldn't hope for it
26:09So many of us died, but we still have people that can play regardless though
26:13I don't feel comfortable dragging people through getting world boss flasks and consumes
26:17Just to rate at the anxiety and probably the actuality of just being DDoS again and dying
26:22So with that I'd expect only things is over
26:25But I just got the chills. It's it's done
26:29Got the chills again to chills if your character is still alive. You are welcome to join a new guild
26:38Or if you guys want to do in-house
26:40Rating still you're welcome with a smaller spotlight. The DDoS is are less likely to happen
26:44It's a terrible ending IMO, but that's the ending we got on a positive note
26:49That's the beginning of only things was so long ago
26:51I think a lot of us forgot how awesome the entire event was and I want to say thank you all for being a part
26:55Of it y'all. Thanks to soda. This was like a half a year of dedication and
27:01Probably the biggest event I've personally ever been a part of in my entire life
27:04The overall hours each of us individually put in probably racked up to literally multiple lifetimes
27:11That's probably true
27:12Thank you all for being there at the beginning and especially a big
27:15Thank you for the ones who stuck it out to the end until only things three or other games. I see you guys in G
27:24F'ing GG's if we get a rollback or I hear some solid like DDoS protection ignore this
27:30But yeah, it's probably F'ed because I don't think I don't think that's gonna happen
27:34Wanted to see wanted to give you guys an update as soon as possible where my heads at
27:49That's it that's only things two until next year only things three potentially that's that's the end of it
28:01People are gonna join new guilds and go from there
28:05Man, I wish I didn't die. Oh, I would I would have kept raiding with the with the viewer guild solo
28:12Heartened solo that would have been fun on my Jedi. I could G quit and join solo. Maybe maybe I will
28:18I'm so I still plan to level my Jedi. Obviously, it's way less hype, but I still plan to do it
28:22I could quit. Yeah, I could quit Horde and play Alliance. I've been wanting to do that
28:27Dude, is it cuz I wore my momentum or E.T. Today? No, that's not on me
28:32Growl said actually an insane series of events where I think Zaryu saves at least four or five people
28:38He somehow is able to mash reconnect back when everyone else is DC'd runs over to the boss and target dummies
28:44To stall for Akula and runs out for the raid
28:47Runs out of the raid and comes back dead
28:50It probably means he made the boss run all the way out of the room down the stairs to get him before he went back
28:55Down. That's what I was saying
28:57That's what I was saying. I think the Tark like the login target dummy might have saved some people's lives
29:03Yeah, so basically I get DC'd
29:07My first gut reaction is almost everyone's still online and the boss is at 39% So my gut reaction is log back in
29:15Obviously, right like I want to log in and then by the time I log in everyone in the discords freaking out and I see
29:20my the raid group now is everyone's offline and
29:23Then I see Mary and I'm like, dude, and I see the boss half-life and like in my head when I'm logging in
29:28I'm thinking dude, we can still kill this boss and then right when I get in I'm like, nope. Never mind boss is not gonna die
29:37Like we're screwed
29:39We start to kite it out. Mary we see Mary die first thing
29:44I do leave raid group. I think I'd leave raid group. I tried to hearth, but I'm lagging crap
29:50Leave party boss comes straight for Akula. So I target dummy, but the target tell me like lags
29:57Target tell me goes off there. I wonder if I would have kept running. I
30:04Just try to like line of sight hearth
30:07Ampy explained why you died
30:10There's a there's a it's like step one. You press hearthstone
30:14Okay, step two. Okay, you finish your hearthstone
30:22Okay, and step three it has to port you
30:32If you're lagging
30:34Then each interval adds additional lag to it
30:38So in order to hearthstone first, it takes let's say there's 10 seconds of lag
30:44So it adds 10 seconds and then it'll start it and then after it finishes it needs 10 more seconds
30:51Before it triggers the port and then it needs 10 seconds to get you out of the port
30:55So I was screwed. Yeah, so
30:57He probably died here
31:02Yeah, I'm probably
31:03Anytime there's like a launch or anything. This is always like
31:06Like Pika found your body. No way really? Oh, I'm out here dude. We've got your body in the end
31:13It just showed up. Holy. I just poured it out there
31:16Damn, I look sick
31:20Yeah, you're super dead here. I mean
31:22Look like you tried to run when you died. I thought you don't die like this
31:25Yeah, no, I'm all I'm looking at is that Lionheart helmet just like stole it from some guy outside org
31:34Now you're dead
31:36Yeah, you know what use it now, huh? Yeah, I guess I don't I was pumping at least in a die a month ago
31:43Thanks for good content these past months. What do you think about announcing you? So this is the end of only things emoji
31:49This is this is the end of only things. Yeah, that's it. I
31:52Mean dude, honestly, it has been such a good year pro last year. We did only things it lasted 45 days
32:00like 45 days
32:02Literally start to end it was like a month and a half or something and it was over this year
32:07It's just like dude. This has been how many months been like four months five months
32:14Almost four months. I think no, it's been longer right? Cuz it's almost
32:18It's almost oh, I guess I and we started I started
32:22Was it beginning of November? I started November 26. Yeah, this felt like a lifetime. I feel like I've aged
32:27Yeah, so much has changed for me do that personally lately change. Yeah, dude. This is yeah completely changed the game
32:36I think for a lot of people it's just like oh my gosh, there's so much like content and like fun to be had
32:43Instead of just queuing all day. Okay. I don't know. Let's do the queue and all day. I don't even know what's next or
32:50Or what is happening? What are all the I still haven't heard too much about what other people are thinking or what their plans are
32:54I don't even know if I'm logging on hardcore anymore
32:57All right. Are you gonna are you gonna raid BWL next week if they have it?
33:01If they invite me, I'll go I think yeah. Yeah, why not right? I'm already here
33:06So it's like and if we get DDoS again, or we all die then don't be it
33:10I mean, I think it like if I'm an only thing shoes, I think
33:15like they should definitely keep raiding until you know as much as you can and then
33:22Yeah, I don't see why not. That's the ending. We got a positive note. The beginning of only thing was so long ago
33:27I think a lot of us forgot how awesome the entire event was. That's true. I think all of you
33:40Dude, a lot of people are getting emotional with this cuz it's been it's been pretty amazing man. It's been a good
33:47It's been a really really fun event garage door. Hi. It's true. It's been so nice. I
33:56Dude I honestly think this is gonna be something like an entire event like this
33:59It's gonna be something we look back on like five years from now and just be like damn
34:04That was sick, I
34:07What what is the future of this though?
34:14Is is like I I don't know I don't know enough about tech to like understand
34:20the intricacies of DDoS like I can is this is
34:23Something like this preventable or do you just kind of always have to take it if someone wants if someone wants you down you're going
34:28down, you know what I mean, I
34:31Feel like you can go so far, but I feel like at some point it just happens, you know, what's good?
34:38Just reminiscing about the journey last four months of my life. What's happened? What's changed? Nothing 320 levels. Yeah. Oh
34:46Dude, yeah. Yeah, dude, every everything has changed. It's like I was just saying that too
34:50Like it's been it's been a life-changing couple of months for sure
34:54I think a lot of people are getting super emotional about it too. It's like
34:58Damn are we gonna have something like this again? These are the coolest event ever man
35:03That's all I'm saying. I don't know if this could ever happen ever again, especially to cuz it's my first time playing ever
35:09Like heart like classic Wow to this degree and I'm doing it as an adult. I'm like playing my childhood game
35:15That I love that that I've spent my whole life playing and I'm doing it now
35:20With all these people around while streaming it and it's like the coolest thing ever. Yeah. Yeah, it's just like a childhood dream
35:27That's come true. Yeah, it's an actual one. I
35:32Do think bro, like so my first hardcore character
35:36Was my 60 mage and that was two years ago to be honest. That's still my favorite character. I've ever done
35:42So I don't think there'll ever be a character that feels like the same as your first time playing hardcore
35:48But this year's only things for me, even though it's like my 10th character or whatever like 20th was still so fun
35:55So I think if they do it next year, it's not gonna be like that
35:58You're the first but it's still gonna be sick. It's gonna be amazing
36:02So, I don't know I think like six months off eight months off your people are gonna start craving it again
36:08Well, at least that's what happened last time and then it's like dude
36:11I just want to play like he just started thinking like like the way it happened for me is like I just want to play
36:15Hardcore, I just want to play hardcore like for months
36:17I was like, I just want to play and then I didn't I didn't like play yet
36:20Cuz I knew only things was coming. So I wanted to like wait
36:23so there might be like a
36:25dormant period and then where it's just like
36:28Super fun again down the road a bit. The most fun was for sure at the start when everything felt so much like
36:35Everyone was way more involved and way more locked in and everything just mattered so much more
36:40Tomorrow is Monday guys. I raided through the weekend Saturday and Sunday, so I'm gonna take off Monday for sure
36:47We'll be back Tuesday. I think cuz we have our sod raid Tuesday
36:50And then I'll be streaming Wednesday Thursday like normal and then we'll be gone Friday be in SoCal for a few days
36:56And then we'll be back next week of the week after starting and started fresh
37:00so I think until then we'll do a combo of last Jedi and
37:04in sod and
37:06Kind of kind of go from there and I think that's I think that's pretty much all we can do
37:10Yeah, and then and then we'll sprinkle in some variety. We'll try some stuff. We'll be back. We'll be back Tuesday
37:15We'll touch some grass tomorrow and kind of reset mentally and kind of figure out what's what's happened
37:19You guys enjoyed the stream at the follow button and thanks for the crazy support for the love
37:24For a good season of only things
37:26Of course only things we back next year and hardcore is not going anywhere
37:30Well, we'll level up the Jedi and if I if I die on the Jedi
37:33I'll likely make an Alliance character to be honest, so I'll still be sprinkling it in so we'll see what happens
37:38Thanks for watching guys. I'm out here. Have a good weekend
