• 2 days ago
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Welcome to Minecraft Misadventures, a new Minecraft SMP where we will be building up our very own D&D inspired world. We've got new mechanics, Dungeons, NPCs and more.

Avid - https://www.youtube.com/@AvidMc
Cambam - https://www.youtube.com/@cambam010gaming
Fwhip - https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip
Infinitedrift - https://www.youtube.com/@InfiniteDrift
JoeyGraceffa - https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames
Jojosolos - https://www.youtube.com/@jojosolos
Katherine Elizabeth - https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_
LDShadowlady - https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady
Martyn InTheLittleWood - https://www.youtube.com/@martyn
Mattranger - https://www.youtube.com/@MrMattRanger
Mogswamp - https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp
MythicalSausage - https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage
Oli TheOrionsound - https://www.youtube.com/@TheOrionSound
PearlescentMoon - https://youtube.com/@pearlescentmoon
Pixlriffs - https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs
Rendog - https://www.youtube.com/@rendog
Seapeekay - https://www.youtube.com/@SeaPeeKay
Shubble - https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble
Smajor - https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname
Smallishbeans - https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans
Solidarity - https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming
SoupforEloise - https://www.youtube.com/@soupforeloise
Sunnysev - https://www.youtube.com/@SunnySevMC
Taneesha - https://www.youtube.com/@Taneeshahogan
ZombieCleo - https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo

More info: https://land-of-misadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Land_of_Misadventures_Wiki

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LDShadowLady
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LDShadowLadyFB
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ldshadowlady
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ldshadowlady

Check out Joel's gaming channel:
00:00Hey guys, what's up? LDShadowLady here and welcome to Misadventures, a new Minecraft
00:12SMP where we'll be building up our very own D&D inspired world. Right now the world is
00:17pretty empty, but over time all of the players on this server will build up the world and
00:27bring it to life. NPCs will appear, secrets will be uncovered, there'll be dungeons to
00:35explore and new ways to gather resources. But as with every good D&D campaign, it wasn't
00:44long before things went horribly wrong. I've gathered you here today to begin our misadventures.
00:50You must all choose one of six stars that will determine where your misadventure begins.
00:56So choose wisely everybody. Good luck!
01:11Now that the justice has settled, it's finally time for me to begin my own adventure. And
01:16all I have to do is pick one of these exits to determine where I start. So begin your
01:21adventure in a little bustling town with NPCs, shops and a hidden dungeon lurking somewhere
01:26nearby. Or perhaps begin your adventure deep in an abandoned iron mine and fight your way
01:31out to the surface to escape. Now that sounds like my kind of place. Let's go!
01:38The abandoned iron mine. This might actually be kind of a good place to start because look
01:46at the walls here. They are covered in iron ore. Like this right here for the taking.
01:52And if I can find a furnace and maybe some coal in here, I can smelt it and I can start
01:56making myself some really good gear. But first I must descend a little bit. Oh gosh! Oh my
02:02gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It was dangerous in here. There's danger. They came out of
02:09nowhere. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for that. Oh no I can hear footsteps. There's
02:15something coming for me. Wait, is it above? Oh thank goodness zombies can't use ladders.
02:22OK well I seem to be safer down here than I was up there. So let's just carry on grabbing
02:27some iron. There's so much of it. And I'm not going to go in there because I have a
02:35feeling that that is not a safe place to be. So let's stay away from the cobwebs and keep
02:43exploring with my sword out. Wait I hear something. Hello? Ollie? Ollie I can hear
02:58you through the mines. How long have you been here in this shaft? Do you need some help?
03:12OK let me see if I can get to you. Hang on. OK do you need the song to keep going to find
03:17me? Probably you do right? Yeah I found a ladder. Wait. Maybe you're up here. Follow
03:23the sound of my dulcet tones. Hey. Oh hello. So you've just been sat here have you? Oh
03:32no I've been trying really hard to get out. You've got some iron as well. Oh I got ten
03:38And then I tried walking in there to cook it and that happened. And it's been really
03:42bad. It's been really bad since then. Wait can we smelt the iron? Well this is what I
03:48came in here to test yeah. Wait where did you get the coal? It was in the walls. So
03:52I think anything we find in here is fair game. I think this is honestly the best starting
03:57zone we could have got. I think so. We're going to be so geared up. Assuming we get
04:02out of the mine which is my worry. But now you're here I feel better about it. Yeah we'll
04:05find our way out don't you worry. OK I want to craft an iron pick but I think we need
04:10to get sticks first. Can we take the wood? Is that allowed? What wood? No. But I think
04:19I saw some dead bushes. Maybe we can get some sticks from dead bushes. Bushes? Bushes! I
04:27found a stick. There. OK I'm going to make a pickaxe. Woah. I might make armor actually.
04:36I'm going to make one. That's a good idea. One chest plate. It's everywhere. It's abundant.
04:45We do need to find our way out though because there's no point having all this iron if we
04:49can't do anything with it. And this is exactly where I spawned in so I've gone in a huge
04:55circle. Should we go down? Careful. There are mobs down there. Yeah I know. There they
05:00are. There's a sick one. Ow. Oh my god he's trying to escape. What? Where's he at? Right
05:09I don't think we should go that way. Unless you want to. We could split up and look for
05:14clues. Yeah let's split up and look for clues. Oh my god a spider. I knew that was going
05:20to happen. The abandoned iron mine is starting to look not very abandoned now. But am I getting
05:28closer to the exit? Yes I've never seen this place before. Ollie? Wait have I gone in a
05:34circle again? Oh for goodness sake. Oh my gosh I'm going to die. No it's fine. I'm panicking
05:44now. No no panicking. If you've gone in circles twice there is nothing down here. No there
05:49must be. There must be another way. I'm sure of it. I'm certain. No it's starting to look
05:57like a giant circle again. I think mines just look a little bit like that because it's all
06:02just walls. I should have made a sword. That would have been more helpful than a pickaxe
06:06I fear. Maybe yeah. My sword is about to run out. Is this where we came? Wait this looks
06:13different. Yeah? This is not where we were before. Hard to tell but I'll believe you.
06:21Yeah look at that. Oh it looks stalagmite or stalactite. I don't know the difference. Oh
06:26my gosh if I die tell my husband I love him. Okay. Never mind that was a bit overly dramatic
06:31because it didn't happen. But I'll tell you already the last time I saw him he was going
06:33in a cave with Jim so he might have already moved on. I'll be real. I'll be real. Oh my
06:39sword is so close to gone. Yeah mine is almost kaput. We're in trouble. We're in trouble.
06:46No you're not. Yes we're in trouble. Because I'm going to crack shot with the bow. Nice.
06:49I have a bow too. Aha. Oh. Headshot. Boom. Bang. Oh I've run out of arrows. I've got
06:59something left. Wait is this the exit? No. It looks like it. Wait. Ah. Oh my gosh no.
07:09Okay that is kind of embarrassing. And I lost my only friend in the world. I just hope he
07:14made it out alive. But now I am here. In Merryport. A town of my own creation. Yes I named it
07:22after my dog. I actually built this place before we launched the server so that we could
07:28have a place to gather and try out some of the features of this mod pack. So this is
07:33the Copper Golem Tavern. And this is where we begin our tour. As you can see it's not
07:39exactly popping in here is it? But I know exactly how we can inject a little life into
07:43this place. If I go over to here to the jukebox this will play a little music. And it also
07:49tells me my current misadventure XP level. Right now I'm level one. But I did kill a
07:55few mobs down in the mine so I've earned a little bit of XP towards level two. And
08:00as you can see we also have a couple of NPCs hidden all over the place. Like this guy over
08:05here in the corner. And you can actually type to them in the chat. Hey Sly. What brings
08:11you to a place like this? Just drowning my sorrows misadventurer. Got no place else to
08:17go these days. Okay. Well as you can see some of the NPCs are very angsty. So I'll just
08:23leave him to it and we will continue with our tour of the town. As you can see there's
08:27a lot going on here. Hey hello. What are you up to? I am now a proud homeowner in Maryport.
08:35Oh congratulations. Hey do you want to see something really cool? I've got kind of a
08:39lot of influence here in this town you know. Yeah check this out. You see that guy over
08:43there? The one at the market stall? Yeah the barrel guy. Yeah go ask him who his favourite
08:48customer is. His favourite most loyal customer. This guy? Oh I've fallen in the pond. Yeah
08:54that guy. Hey Hornsworth. Tell me who your first. Favourite. Favourite customer. Favourite
09:00customer. Yeah yeah yeah. Favourite customer. Honey vendor in China. No! No no no. You were
09:09supposed to say me. Hornsworth don't you remember me? I created you. Woah please calm down.
09:18Remember me? First and favourite most loyal customer. I'm afraid I don't have a collar
09:29in Canada. This is so embarrassing Hornsworth. Hornsworth you didn't have to do me like that.
09:39That was incredibly embarrassing. I built this place don't you know. Now as you can
09:44tell we players are not able to make any changes to this world and we can't break anything
09:50or place anything down unless you own the place. So the first thing I need to do is
09:56buy myself a little property to live in. A place to put down some roots. And by roots
10:01I mean blocks. Now unfortunately a lot of the houses around here have already been snapped
10:05up but my favourite is this one. Market View. And luckily it's still for sale. So I think
10:12I'm going to take the plunge into home ownership and purchase my very first home. Ta-da!
10:20And it was only 80 coins. At least now I can make some changes to this place. Like opening
10:26the shutters so I can see. OK I know what this looks like but I promise you I am not
10:33obsessed with that man. It just so happens that I bought the house that overlooks his
10:38stupid barrel shop. This is just one of those really funny coincidences. Now I can put down
10:43some blocks and stuff but I don't currently have any blocks. So I'm going to need to take
10:48a trip to the resource world where I can get myself some basic materials. So if I type
10:53RW we're off. And this is the worst place in the world that I possibly could have spawned.
11:01What the heck? Oh my gosh wait. Oh it's kind of cute that it's snowing though. But luckily
11:06here in the resource world you can break anything and we can take it home with us back
11:10to the land of misadventures. So let's grab some wood. Oh wait what am I doing? I forgot
11:21how to play Minecraft. I was just punching trees for the past ten minutes. I can make
11:26myself an axe. Oh that is much better. Now it's getting a bit dark so this is probably
11:33a good time to leave because mobs do spawn here in the resource world. So we'll go back
11:38to the overworld and we pop out here which is just around the corner from my humble abode.
11:44Now at least I can make a chest like so. And I can start storing all of my valuables in
11:50here. OK so I don't really have a lot of valuables. You know what maybe it is time to upgrade
11:55these stone tools. So I'm going to go back to the iron mine but this time I'm prepared.
12:01I can't believe I'm already coming back to this place but this is the best possible way
12:06to get iron. And if I can find my old gravestone then I already have an iron pick. I don't
12:13oh no. OK I really need to find my stuff. So oh wait whose is that? That's not where
12:20I died. Looks like this mine is extremely dangerous. I could have sworn I died. Ah yep
12:27that's where I died. Well at least all my stuff is still here. Although I may have destroyed
12:33the...ah! Goodness. Ah! Oh my gosh! OK now I'm remembering how I died. I need to find
12:40a crafting table. Maybe outside? Aha! Let's make an iron axe and a couple of shields.
12:50Just in case. And now that I've got all my safety equipment I'm as prepared as I'll ever
12:55be. Until I can get some iron armour. Aha! Whoa your aim is terrible. Aha! And I can
13:06just go around collecting all of this iron. Now you might be wondering what is going on
13:15when I'm mining the iron and it turns into cobblestone. Well these iron blocks are actually
13:20regenerating iron ore so after a little while they will come back which means this mine
13:26is an unlimited supply of iron. If you have a shield and you can brave the mobs this mine
13:32will supply all the iron you could ever need forever and ever. And with these conveniently
13:37located smelting stations I was able to make iron armour in no time. Then all I had to
13:42do was find my way out again. Oh no! Wait a second. They're killing each other. Maybe
13:52I should just leave them to it. No I want the XP! Hey let me get in there! Let me get
13:57involved! Yes! Yes! Yeah! And who knows maybe I'm almost at level two. OK it's so easy to
14:05get iron I might actually have too much iron now. Now let's get out of here. I made it
14:11out alive and we made it back in one piece. Welcome to Mary Pot. Good day watchmaster.
14:20Lovely brisk evening. Not today. OK. Maybe tomorrow then. OK. Why has Jimmy replied?
14:31Well at least somebody replied for me. OK now that we're home again I can make myself,
14:36I can't make myself a furnace. Because I don't have any cobble. So we need to go to
14:41the resource world. Oh where it's a lovely bright day. Oh my gosh wait there's some flowers
14:48over there. OK you know what we have to do. This is exactly what the resource world is
14:55for guys. Yes one of everything please. Thank you. Don't worry because the resource world
15:02resets every day with a brand new seed. So these would be gone tomorrow anyway so it's
15:06kind of a good job that I'm here to secure them and take them safely back to the land
15:10of misadventures. I don't even need all of these flowers but they're just right here.
15:15Now I haven't forgotten that I came here to get some stone and that was all I came for.
15:20So I must make sure not to leave without it. OK my inventory is already full so let's go
15:29back where I can start crafting a furnace to smelt all this leftover iron. Now I can craft
15:37the final piece of armour. That is much better. Now I think I'm ready. Ready for what you ask?
15:44A dungeon. Yes that's right. There are a couple of dungeons lurking around this world
15:50ready to be delved in. Now of course since I've had a hand in building them I kind of know
15:55my way around so I thought it would be fun to take somebody else with me instead. Just so that
16:01I can trick them into going in all of the traps. And I have the perfect victim. But he does live
16:06a little far away so I've got a lot of running to do. Out of the town and across the bridge,
16:11past Molly's old sheep farm, beyond this community land where a few players have already built
16:17some very impressive houses in a very short amount of time. How they manage that I don't know.
16:23You'll have to go and watch their videos. Meanwhile I'm still here in the iron armour trenches
16:28trying to claw my way up to level 2. But now we are getting close to my victim. He lives here
16:35in this lovely enchanted forest. Joey! Hi. I feel a strange tingling sensation.
16:46You feel one? I do. That means it's working. This is going to become my wizard tower place.
16:56Oh you're a wizard. Well I think a wizard should at least have a little dungeon experience
17:02don't you? Oh my god I haven't done one yet. Have you? When you say done one I mean...
17:09OK. You're level 1 too? OK I'm not the only noob here. We need to complete a dungeon now.
17:16Let's try it. I know exactly where to find one of these dungeons. Follow me. OK what is it?
17:21What's the dungeon? It's called the lost crypt. Wait that sounds scary. Of course it's going
17:26to be scary Joey, it's a dungeon. Oh my gosh. OK we really need to get some horses because
17:31this is a long walk. We're here. Behold the lost crypt. I really should have brought you
17:42here at night for more dramatic effect. Are you ready? No but we're going to do it anyways.
17:47Yeah we're ready. OK let's go in. We must descend into the darkness. Here it is. Oh
17:56my gosh it's so big. You see this is crazy. Joey you've seen nothing yet. Really? OK why
18:02don't you go ahead. Oh also mobs will spawn. OK this will be really embarrassing if I don't
18:11make it out of here alive. I'm supposed to be the dungeon party leader. What are we supposed
18:16to do? Just explore? Kill the mobs! Kill the mobs! Protect your leader! Protect your leader!
18:24Joey! Sorry I got distracted by money. Oh yeah. So there are some coin piles around
18:34like this over here. And it's kind of a race to whoever collects them first. Oh between
18:41you and me? Yeah why don't we have a competition to see who can collect the most coins. Oh
18:46OK. Oh I lost Joey. OK I kind of want Joey to walk in there because it will trap him
18:53in. So there was a pot over here. OK I'm going to tell you right now you're not the
19:00first person to do that. So don't feel bad. What did you lose? Just my sword. Show me
19:09the pot. OK we can get it back look. So if it ever happens again make sure you have a
19:19bow handy. Oh no we're locked in here. Lizzy! Lizzy! I can't help you! I can't help you
19:29Joey! You have to kill them Joey! Get them! I can't help you! How could this have happened?
19:38I had no idea this would happen Joey. Honestly I'm like doing OK. OK that's great. I'll just
19:45be here. Don't you mind me. Oh I thought he was fine. He was not fine. Maybe that was
19:56a little evil of me. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. But it's too late now. I've lost
20:01him. I lost Joey. I guess I need to get out of here now and go get him again. But luckily
20:08because I helped build this place I do know all the shortcuts. So let me just grab all
20:14the coins along the way. Now let's get out of here and go and apologise to Joey. Hey
20:21Joey. Lizzy. I made it out. Wait you beat the dungeon? Yeah I beat the dungeon. Level
20:28one. Level one beat the dungeon. Unless... Joey I'm level two! Oh! Wow. You traitor.
20:38We were supposed to do this together. Should we get you back in there? Shall we? I think
20:43we should. OK take two. This time I'm not going to let you die. Joey where are you going?
20:50Joey help! That little scoundrel ran off to collect all the coins and left me to kill
20:57all the skeletons. I see how it is. Well two can play at that game Joey. I actually happen
21:02to know where all of the coins are hidden. Oh my gosh. Joey! Are you just collecting
21:13all the coins Joey? Did you get the loot chest already? Nope. Oh it's a fresh one. I'm getting
21:22it! It's a sword! What kind? Let me see. Oh I'm going to die. Oh my gosh Joey. I'll protect
21:31you. Oh my gosh I'm so covered in arrows. Oh my gosh it's looting three fire aspect
21:41two. OK next one's yours. I'm so lost. Now I'm going to warn you before we go in there.
21:50Something's going to spawn. Do you want to take on the wolf or the guy? I'll take on
21:55the wolf. OK you take the left side I'll take the right side. OK ready? Go. Get it!
22:02How's it going? Did you get it? Oh no. Oh OK. Phew. That wasn't too bad. Look at all
22:15this money in here. Yeah there's money and we can get it. See if you can figure it out.
22:21The warrior's companion. OK so what we need to do is probably shoot this button up here.
22:29That's not a button. Wait it is! Stay back wench! Gladly. Oh two diamonds! You tricked
22:43me yet again! Oh I did. But I'm here to let you out this time. Yeah I got a little bit
22:50of gold but not as much as you. Do you know what? There's two chests in the spider room.
22:54Maybe if we both went in together we can take them on together. Yeah we definitely can.
22:59OK we have to run in at the same time. Ready? Go! OK get them all. I'll set them all on
23:06fire. That should weaken them. Oh good idea. Oh there's so much fire and so many spiders.
23:12Are they dying? Watch out! Joey! There! It's released us. OK do you want to get that one?
23:24I'll get this one. Oh I got a skeleton skull. I got like three of those already. Oh my god
23:34I am obsessed with this. This is so fun. A big room. I'm scared. OK I don't see any
23:41things. Woah this is big Lizzie. Something bad's coming. Do you think? I think it's just
23:47parkour. But what do I know? I bet I can do it first time. You know I've kind of been
23:51practicing this. I'm not the best at parkour. Look at me go. I did it! I made it. OK you
24:08know what? I'll meet you there. OK there is a shortcut. See if you can find it. I'm going
24:13to take the parkour. Oh I've fallen. Well it looks like I'll be taking the shortcut
24:20too. OK. Wait! How did that open? Secret shortcut Joey. OK now that we're in here this is the
24:30final room. And the way this dungeon works is that a lever will spawn in one of these
24:36tombs and it will open the exit. But we need to find which tomb it is in. And it's random
24:42every time. So shall we split up? Yeah. And I'll get all the coins. Don't worry. I'll
24:48pick those up. Where exactly is the lever? In one of these tombs. Check the tombs. Check
24:56the tombs. I found it! I found it! Wow that was quick. I'm pulling it. Joey? Where'd
25:07he go? Joey? There he is! Oh my gosh! He's going to get to the exit! And he's going to
25:14take all the loot! Oh my goodness. This is the treasure room? Yeah. Do you want the last
25:20loot chest? Let's see what is that? Oh it's a sword! Oh now you have one too. OK so unfortunately
25:26we actually didn't unlock all of the treasure because we didn't do all of the secret things
25:31in the dungeon. But guess what? I'm not going to tell you how to do that because I am a
25:35tour guide not a charity. Goodbye! Success! I made it out alive! And I have a load of
25:43goodies I can take back home. I just need to get all the way home first. I really need
25:49to get myself a horse or some other kind of creature to ride. It's going to speed up this
25:55travel time a little bit. Ah home sweet home in Merryport. I think I'm going to celebrate
26:03by buying a pumpkin from Ginny's market stall for 100 coins. Oh I left my coin purse at
26:09home. One second. Shouldn't leave the house without this thing. Right there we go. 100
26:15coins in a pouch and now I can trade this for a decorative pumpkin head and we can start
26:21decorating my little house. Oh I even have some of these pottery shards that I looted
26:26from the dungeon so I can make myself this antique decorated pot. There. It's not much
26:33but it's a good start. I think next episode I will go around the world finding all kinds
26:38of cute decorations for this place so let me know if you have any ideas and I will see
26:42you next time.
