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We played Border Hoarder again and saw how many more items we could find..

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00:00Welcome back to a Minecraft map we are playing called Border Hoarder.
00:04Our challenge is to collect every single unique item in the game,
00:07and there's over a thousand of them.
00:09But the twist is, we're stuck inside of this border.
00:12Every time we collect an item, it expands.
00:14I'm joined by my lovely friends LDShadowLady, Smallishbeans, and Orion Sound.
00:18We have over 630 items collected, and let's see how many we can collect today.
00:23He's gagging for the blocks.
00:32Guys, welcome back to episode three of Border Hoarder.
00:36We have collected 633 items.
00:40We're 60% the way through.
00:42We did aim for 630 and we got 630.
00:45How are we ever going to unlock the whole thing if we've got 60% blocks
00:48but only unlocked 36% of the map?
00:51Surely we should have unlocked 60% of the map.
00:52This makes no sense.
00:54Well, if every time it goes out by one block, it gets exponentially larger every time.
01:04This is doing girl math, I think.
01:05This is girl math right here.
01:07I think so.
01:08This is actual math, Jimmy, sorry.
01:09It's regular math, Jim.
01:11All right, can we go?
01:12Can we go, Jim?
01:12Wait, wait, wait a second.
01:14Wait a second.
01:16Yes, you've got 380.
01:18You're not allowed any blocks this week.
01:20Right, this is what we're going to do.
01:22You've got a challenge.
01:23You've got to stick with me and therefore it's going to slow you down.
01:27This might not be possible, but I think we should aim for 750.
01:32No way.
01:34We could try it.
01:35It's not doable.
01:36I think we aim for 100 this episode.
01:41730, right.
01:44We're going to do a group nether trip.
01:45But firstly, let's get this honey back to spawn, all right?
01:48Put your hands in, everybody.
01:49Oh, sorry.
01:50I got a bee.
01:52And let's go.
01:53Let's get out of here.
01:55Wait, why?
01:56Oh, hey.
01:58Lizzie, I have no idea why I'm here.
01:59Um, to get the bees with me.
02:01I don't know why.
02:04I don't know how you got here, but welcome to bee area.
02:06So what we need to do is shear the hive.
02:10And now, honeycomb.
02:12There it is.
02:13And now I can craft a bee hive.
02:17There it is.
02:18And now we just need to get the bees back to the area.
02:21So if I just could...
02:24Oh, if we had a lead.
02:25If we had a lead, that would have been amazing.
02:27And then we'd also unlock a lead at the same time.
02:28Should we take the flowers?
02:30Uh, yeah.
02:30Let's take the flowers.
02:31I'll pick up any of these I see along the way.
02:33I'll take the crafting table.
02:35There is one over here somewhere.
02:36Oh, it's getting dark.
02:37All right.
02:38Let's kill some spiders because we can make a dispenser.
02:42I was checking the chest beforehand.
02:44Oh, wait.
02:44We've got the string.
02:45Never mind.
02:46I can do it now.
02:46Do I have redstone?
02:47I do have redstone.
02:49So we can make a bow and therefore a...
02:53Oh, we haven't got any cobblestone.
02:54And therefore, sorry, a dispenser.
03:00Pop that there.
03:03I got the carrot from that zombie.
03:04Huge, huge, huge, huge dispenser.
03:08He's already going.
03:10Oh, gosh.
03:13Those kind of techie ones I can do.
03:15I can do those.
03:15We have the redstone.
03:17I have redstone.
03:18I might go back to the spawn bit and have a look, you see.
03:21I'm also going to steal some bread.
03:22Oh, my God.
03:23A skeleton.
03:24Oh, my God.
03:32Oh, wait.
03:32We're cut.
03:37Where did Lizzie go?
03:41Jimmy, help.
03:42Oh, man.
03:44Oh, geez.
03:47Don't be annoyed.
03:55Don't be annoyed.
03:56Don't be annoyed.
03:56Don't be annoyed.
03:57Don't be annoyed.
03:57Don't be annoyed.
03:58It's all good.
03:59Everything's great.
04:06Caesar, play just a snippet of it.
04:08Just a snip.
04:16All right, we're back.
04:17Lizzie, do you see soul campfire?
04:21You've lost your bees?
04:23No way.
04:23Where did she go?
04:25I was fighting.
04:27Where did all my bees go?
04:28Where are they?
04:30There's one.
04:31Oh, my gosh.
04:31Come back.
04:32Oh, my gosh.
04:33Get away from the water, please.
04:35Stupid, stupid bees.
04:37I've lost this one.
04:39Oh, there's one.
04:40Oh, geez.
04:40By the way, guys, do apologize.
04:42I am a little bit poorly today.
04:44Still recovering.
04:45So do mind my sniffles and my coughs, all right?
04:49Oh, there he is.
04:52You said it was straight ahead and to the left.
04:54Oh, sorry.
04:55I meant.
04:56Is it straight ahead and to the right?
04:57Yeah, literally.
04:58If you go past that soul campfire, there's the spawn.
05:02Right, okay.
05:03You nearly lost the bees, did you?
05:04Yeah, I did actually lose the bees at one point, yes.
05:07Yes, literally.
05:08That's where I killed Joel.
05:09Oh, was it?
05:10Your old stomping grounds.
05:12Yes, Ollie.
05:13Yes, Ollie.
05:15You got three items already.
05:16How did you get so much?
05:18Call me the prismarine guy.
05:21I don't have a song for it anymore, though.
05:22I deleted the song.
05:24That's all we got.
05:25All right.
05:25I mean, this is good.
05:26If I've got two now, that's like a great start.
05:28And Jim died.
05:29Okay, so we got this block.
05:30What else can we craft?
05:33Let's do a crumb of this.
05:35Gonna make slabs.
05:36Let's stonecutter.
05:37Prismarine, we can make wall, stair.
05:40That's those two.
05:42Yeah, I'm kind of gaming.
05:43Do we got a milky bucket?
05:46Ask him if he's waxed.
05:47Ollie, are you waxed?
05:50Because you're about to be.
05:52Oh, I heard him.
05:54I'm not waxed, but I'd love to be waxed.
05:56I'd love to be waxed.
05:57Oh, baby, we're gonna wax you.
06:00Get ready to get waxed.
06:01Look at these little fellas.
06:02Do not hit the bees.
06:04Do not hit the bees.
06:05I'm backing away.
06:06Dude, we can do so much with this, Ollie.
06:08Candles, copper, right?
06:09We're about to catch right now.
06:10Candles, wax the copper.
06:13What else was it, Lizzie?
06:14You said?
06:15Other things.
06:15Other things we can do with the honeycomb.
06:19Lots of things.
06:19Candles, honeycomb.
06:21How do you make honeycomb?
06:22Oh, I might need to make some stone tools.
06:24You ain't got stone tools, man.
06:26Yeah, dude, I ain't got any iron.
06:28I thought you were him.
06:30Stop, I am him.
06:32But we need to space them out to get them to get oxidized.
06:38Have we done the full stage?
06:39Have we?
06:40I think.
06:40That one over there is fully blue.
06:42Yeah, I think.
06:43I don't know if we fully.
06:45I think we have.
06:46I'm not sure.
06:46I can't remember.
06:47Oh, dude, split that into eight.
06:50Go to the stone cutter.
06:52I want a wall.
06:53Not a wall.
06:54I want a stair and a slab of that, please.
06:56How can I do that with two?
06:57And it was only one.
06:58Oh, yeah, you might be able to take it to four of the cut copper.
07:01Four cut copper.
07:03And then make the slab.
07:04And then stair slab.
07:06It only makes one.
07:06Oh, it doesn't make four cut copper.
07:08Oh, yeah.
07:08Did it?
07:10And then and then stare it and then slab it.
07:12Oh, my God, dude.
07:14Oh, yeah.
07:16Oh, my gosh.
07:17Is someone else playing?
07:18Oi, leave it out.
07:20That was good.
07:22This is the first one that I've not had to make any music for.
07:24Get some more.
07:25And Joel's just waiting by the nether portal.
07:28Let's just get all the blocks right now.
07:29Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:30Get them all.
07:31Gonna make me feel so stupid.
07:36Let's rock and roll, guys.
07:3872, 672.
07:39Wait, hang on.
07:40I can make something.
07:41Watch this.
07:45Go on.
07:45Go on.
07:48All right.
07:50Wait, is that not the recipe?
07:52She's gave it.
07:52I like the noises she's making.
07:54She's gave it.
07:54What is this?
07:56I'm really like excited by this.
07:58It better be good.
07:59You must never break the chain.
08:01I've done it wrong, guys.
08:02You're trying to make a grindstone, aren't you?
08:04Someone's already made a chain.
08:06This is so embarrassing.
08:07It sticks.
08:09I thought it was a stick slab, but it turns out it's just a normal.
08:13It's just a boring normal one.
08:16Coming now.
08:17Right, let's go.
08:17Let's go.
08:18Let's do this.
08:18No, hold on.
08:19Hold on.
08:19I don't have a pickaxe.
08:20Where's it gone?
08:22We go directly east.
08:23Lizzie, come to me.
08:26We've gone too far over.
08:27I'm not leaving you in charge of the directions.
08:30No, sorry.
08:31It was just me being silly.
08:33Hey, where are you?
08:35I'm here.
08:38I don't know.
08:40I don't know what we've done here.
08:41I don't know what we've done.
08:44Right, Joel, we're here for your magical adventure.
08:47Any iron that I could have because I've nothing.
08:52You can have, do you want my pants?
08:55What am I going to do with seven nuggets?
08:56You have my pants.
08:57There's my pants.
08:58Thanks, man.
09:00Oh, I fell in.
09:01All right.
09:01Let's find these bows.
09:03Or should I say the whip?
09:05No, he's not here.
09:09What in the world is that?
09:10I don't have a shield either.
09:11No, that block there.
09:13I've never seen that.
09:14Oh, I made it probably.
09:17I'll make a lot of blocks.
09:18All right, well, Ollie's off in that direction.
09:20I'm going to go in this direction.
09:21That's a good idea.
09:22I'll go with Ollie.
09:23Jim, do you want to come this way?
09:24Yeah, I'll follow you.
09:25There's a never fortress here.
09:27They idiots.
09:27Where do they think they're going?
09:29Look at this.
09:30Have you been in there?
09:31Oh, mushrooms.
09:32I think we need mushrooms.
09:33I'm going to grab some.
09:35I think we've got mushrooms too, I think.
09:38No, we haven't.
09:39So I've already been in this fortress.
09:41Yeah, do we need to go in then?
09:42I don't think there's anything we could really get.
09:45Maybe in Witherskill Head, maybe?
09:47I don't know.
09:48Oh, my sweet heavens.
09:49He can't get to us.
09:52You're clever.
09:53You are so clever.
09:54Oh, imagine if it dropped.
09:56I made those fences.
09:57I actually picked them up.
09:58I didn't make them.
10:00Oh, Lizzie's already died.
10:02Oh, we should have put a bed outside the portal.
10:05Oh, we should have.
10:06I don't have a bed.
10:07Oh, well.
10:13I should probably get some iron.
10:15I'm sort of back to square one.
10:17So what do I even do?
10:19I've forgotten how to play Minecraft.
10:21My pants.
10:22Oh, my stupid pants.
10:24Oh, Jim's pants are gone.
10:25This is rubbish.
10:26How do I get out?
10:27Yeah, let's get out of here.
10:28Let's get out of this popsicle stain.
10:30Oh, iron, gold.
10:31Oh, oh, iron horse armor.
10:34Oh, we needed that.
10:36And then I couldn't do this as well.
10:38Watch this.
10:40Oh, that was on my list.
10:42It just speed ran straight to a bastion or something.
10:44What is happening right now?
10:46This is horrible.
10:48Oh, crimson wood.
10:49Crimson wood.
10:51Shut up, ghast.
10:52I'm busy.
10:53And then we get stripped wood and we go back.
10:57Like that.
10:57And we get normal wood and we go back like that.
11:00And then we go, we go crimson planks like that.
11:02Okay, I'm on a crazy roll.
11:03I'm on a crazy roll.
11:06Away with you now.
11:09Oh, my God.
11:10Oh, my God.
11:10My crafting bed.
11:11I'm just trying to mine, man.
11:12Maybe until we got full.
11:13Okay, we got slabs.
11:15We don't need a chain.
11:16We got some roots.
11:17We got some, we got some vines.
11:20Check it, Jim.
11:21Look at me now.
11:23Look at me now.
11:24I'm ahead.
11:25I'm back ahead.
11:25Let's go.
11:27I'm the best.
11:28Oh, gosh.
11:29Oh, no.
11:29I am.
11:31Oh, that blaze is right there, dude.
11:34Yeah, I'm getting quite a lot of damage right now.
11:36I need to get out of it.
11:37I'm going this way.
11:38I'm running.
11:39Don't leave.
11:40Oh, I'm dead.
11:40I'm going to die.
11:41I'm going to put myself in this hole.
11:44I'm dead.
11:48Joel, get my stuff, please.
11:51Oh, that is awful.
11:53That is awful, my dude.
11:55I don't even think I'm going to make it back.
11:58Right, let's try anyway.
12:00Let's do this.
12:00Ollie is, Ollie's finding some crimson stuff.
12:03It's amazing.
12:04He's finding blocks.
12:05Ollie's having a great time.
12:06Ollie's getting all this stuff.
12:08All right, let's make a chest for Jimmy's stuff.
12:10Where did he die?
12:13Oh, there's like two wither skeletons.
12:15Oh, gosh.
12:16This is not good.
12:17Oh, gosh.
12:18Oh, gosh.
12:19Oh, gosh.
12:20Let me up.
12:21Let me up.
12:21Let me up.
12:24What the heck was that blaze?
12:26Oh, my gosh.
12:26Ollie is popping off.
12:28Oh, Joel died.
12:32I'm going to die.
12:34Don't do it.
12:36I can't do it.
12:37I'm just dying.
12:42I've been killed by a trident, fella.
12:50Okay, now back to the forest.
12:51We had good, we had good stuff in the forest.
12:54Yeah, don't worry about him.
12:55He's not a problem.
12:56He's not even looking at me.
12:57He's super chill.
12:58Oh, my God.
12:58I killed him.
13:00And you've stolen my tears.
13:03Well, I gave you the iron pit.
13:04Yeah, that's fair.
13:04I mean, ultimately, me staying alive got me all the stuff that was in the crimson forest.
13:08So now I'm ahead of Jim by six.
13:10It's been a crazy run.
13:11Do you have any stuff?
13:11Because I bet you can make more.
13:13Uh, I've done all of the stuff with the wood, I think.
13:16No, there's no way.
13:18Except for I think I've not done the fence gate.
13:19But you turned up just as I was getting more wood.
13:21So let's go back.
13:22We've gone the wrong way.
13:23No, it's over here.
13:24Nope, over here.
13:26Oh, gosh.
13:27Why are there so many Wither Skeletons?
13:29Why am I stuck in this hole?
13:31Oh, gosh.
13:32Wait, where is our stuff?
13:33Oh, gosh.
13:34It's like over there.
13:35Oh, no, I'm gonna die again.
13:37I've got two hearts.
13:38It's gonna be close.
13:39Oh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it across there without dying.
13:41One heart.
13:42Oh, gosh.
13:43My stuff's down there.
13:45I don't think I can make it unless I get this dirt and don't die right now.
13:52This could be clutch.
13:54Half a heart.
13:55Oh, my gosh.
13:56I did it.
13:57I'm such a gamer.
13:58I'm such a gamer.
13:59Oh, my gosh.
14:00All right.
14:01Get that on.
14:01Get that on.
14:02Where's my shield?
14:03Get that on.
14:04Where's my shield?
14:05There it is.
14:06All right.
14:07Got that.
14:07Got that.
14:08Oh, gosh.
14:09Ow, ow, ow, ow.
14:10Have I got many blocks?
14:11Can I get Jimmy's stuff?
14:13Jimmy's stuff is up there.
14:14Stupid blazes.
14:15Go away.
14:16Where's the skeleton?
14:17Oh, he's below me.
14:19Can I get Jimmy's stuff?
14:21Let's find out.
14:22Oh, it's all gone.
14:23Jimmy's stuff's despawned.
14:24All right.
14:25We're just gonna have to continue on this adventure alone.
14:27I just want to get away from this Never Fortress.
14:29Because there's bloomin' Wither Skeletons everywhere, man.
14:32Oh, gosh.
14:33Oh, I can't remember the way.
14:36Oh, my sweet heavens.
14:38Maybe it's this way?
14:41Oh, no.
14:43Well, that's fun.
14:45That is fun.
14:47That, that hits the spot, dudes.
14:50That hits the spot.
14:51I'm bringing a bed.
14:52Oh, my gosh.
14:53They're going.
14:54They're going.
14:54They're going.
14:55Come along.
14:56We've got many things to see.
14:58And to do.
14:58We need to find a new biome.
15:00But this one's nice.
15:02I feel safe here.
15:03I think the more gold we get, the better we'll.
15:05Oh, Oglid.
15:07Oglid, man on.
15:07Kill it.
15:15Oh, I'm good.
15:17This way.
15:18Did you not die again?
15:19Oh, Jimmy's stuff's gone.
15:20He's, he's struggling out there.
15:22He should have stuck with us.
15:23He should have known that Joel would never look after him the way that we look after him.
15:26Yeah, Joel's actually just kind of like every man for himself.
15:29He's playing for his own win.
15:30I'm playing for the team and to look better on the scoreboard.
15:33And with Jimmy dying, I'm now in third, which is all I wanted to be in today.
15:36My stuff's gone.
15:40Jumpers coming off.
15:42Time to get, time to get serious.
15:44Time to get serious in this challenge.
15:46I'm a loser.
15:47Ollie's 10 ahead.
15:49It's blurring.
15:49That's how much of a loser I am.
15:51Ollie's 10 ahead.
15:52Man, let's do this.
15:54Let's go.
15:55Do you know what?
15:55I'm not going to go back that way.
15:57I'm going to try find a warped forest.
15:59If I find a warped forest, I can get so many.
16:02Let's do this.
16:03Oh, look, they went that way.
16:04I can see they've made, they've, they've bridged across here.
16:06Oh, look, here's the crimson.
16:08Is crimson.
16:09This is where they were.
16:10Can I do the...
16:12Yeah, there it is.
16:15That's what I'm talking about.
16:17At least I got one.
16:19I got one.
16:19I unlocked one.
16:21Dude, if I find the warped forest, I am so back as they say.
16:26Oh, Ollie's just died.
16:27He is going to be so gutted.
16:29There is so much gold in there.
16:31Oh my God.
16:32It's like an open bastion.
16:33This is sick.
16:33I'm going to die.
16:34One hit and I'm dead.
16:36Well, don't, don't be.
16:37I can't solo this.
16:38Oh my God.
16:38Oh my God.
16:40Come off the top.
16:41Climb up.
16:42I hate a man.
16:44I had so much stuff.
16:45Oh, I'm so mad.
16:46I'm so mad.
16:47It was such good stuff.
16:51I can hear you.
16:52Where are you, Joel?
16:54I heard Joel for a second.
16:56Oh, wait.
16:57He found a warped.
16:59Maybe he's found warped.
17:01He's at the big leagues, everybody.
17:03He's done it.
17:03There it is.
17:04There it is.
17:05Hey, you leave me some.
17:07You leave me some.
17:09Oh, here we go, baby.
17:12Can make that as well.
17:14Put it down.
17:15Strip it.
17:16Turn it into planks.
17:18Turn it all into planks.
17:20Then we can do this, this, this.
17:24Give me more.
17:25Give me more.
17:29Hey, lad.
17:30You leave me some.
17:32I'm racing.
17:33I'm racing.
17:35What else can I do?
17:36I could do fences.
17:38I'm grabbing some.
17:39I could do pressure plate.
17:41Whoa, where'd this fella come from?
17:43Have you done the stripped one?
17:44Yeah, I've done the stripped ones.
17:46Both versions.
17:46Sorry, lad.
17:47It's all right.
17:48There must have been something you ain't done.
17:50Let's get the crafting table down.
17:52I know something you ain't done.
17:53What's that then, lad?
17:55Oh, I've not done that.
17:56But I've not done this either.
17:58I literally just made it.
18:00Oh, looky.
18:01What about this, lad?
18:03What about, what about this?
18:04Oh, no, you made that.
18:06I think you made it all.
18:07Oh, I'm gonna die.
18:08I'm dead.
18:09All my stuff's gone.
18:11Yo, what the heck?
18:14That's so annoying.
18:16That is so annoying.
18:18Ah, I've lost everything.
18:19I've lost everything.
18:21You win some, you lose some, I guess.
18:22Um, right.
18:25There's gotta be something.
18:26Wait, I'm gonna go lobby real quick.
18:28Well, I've lost everything.
18:29Stop, guys, stop.
18:30We're all here.
18:32I've lost everything.
18:33Wait, how many we on?
18:34We're on good progress.
18:34We're on 690.
18:36Dude, 750, it's possible.
18:38Is, yeah, we can aim for 750 then.
18:40That's fine.
18:41We said 730, but we, yeah, we'll see.
18:43We'll see.
18:43I'll try to get your stuff back, but I might die.
18:45If you can at least save the diamond tools, that'd be good.
18:47You've got diamond tools?
18:48Oh my god.
18:51Oh, jeez.
18:52I'm sorry.
18:55Okay, got the stuff.
18:56The stuff is got.
18:58I've saved the day, you could say.
19:00Pretty sure we have.
19:0114 deaths.
19:02Holy moly.
19:04It takes you back out the nether.
19:08Well, I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna get stair.
19:10But that's a stair right there.
19:11Why are you saying we haven't got stairs when stairs are right there?
19:14Let me go in and get.
19:15I'm just gonna get quartz.
19:16Jim's had an okay run in the time I've been dead.
19:18But I don't know.
19:19I'm pretty, I'm confident.
19:20I'm a confident man.
19:22And I think we, I don't know.
19:23We're in a good spot in the nether right now.
19:24I just, I shouldn't have fought that guy.
19:26It was a bit laggy, to be fair.
19:28There was some, there was some lag.
19:29There was some errors.
19:31I mean, it must have been a glitch.
19:32I wouldn't die otherwise.
19:33So I should say 185 minus 407.
19:36I went down here.
19:37I did this.
19:38I did this.
19:39So like that way.
19:54That's good.
19:55That's really great.
19:58That's, yeah.
19:59This is gonna be a hard journey without my armour.
20:02Because I had some really good armour.
20:03That's the thing.
20:04I was, I was built up.
20:06I had armour as well, Ollie.
20:07I lost absolutely everything.
20:10Like, I had a buried treasure map.
20:13Oh, sad.
20:14Lizzie's got most of mine.
20:15We're just gonna get back to it.
20:16I think if both of us go to the nether, it's more likely we'll survive.
20:19I'm not going back in there.
20:21I'm, I don't want to.
20:22You've got to go back in there, Joel.
20:23No, I don't want to.
20:25We've got everything pretty much.
20:26We've got everything.
20:26But there's nothing else here in the overworld.
20:28There is.
20:29I'm gonna look for it.
20:30I'm gonna find that treasure map without, no, it's pretty impossible.
20:33Hi, Jim.
20:35Do you know where I was?
20:36You were over there.
20:37What, which way?
20:38That way.
20:39This way.
20:40No, I recall now.
20:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:42See ya.
20:43See ya.
20:43Wait, do you have any food?
20:45Uh, no.
20:46All right.
20:47I have one steak, but it's for me.
20:49Now, I know there's a cheeky little biome that will open now,
20:54because we've got enough stuff.
20:55And that's the snow biome, which means I can go get some cheeky snow.
21:00What I'd like to do, if I can not die, I can get a cheeky, um,
21:04I can make a fishing rod with a warp thing on it as well.
21:06That'd be great.
21:08Don't die, Jim.
21:10I'm pretty sure that no one has got this.
21:13They did fish and rob with a carrot.
21:15Joel did.
21:16Someone had already done it.
21:17That's really annoying.
21:20Oh, it was just late!
21:22What can I go grab?
21:23I kind of don't want to go back to the nether, to be honest.
21:25Have you got a bucket?
21:26I think we've nethered out.
21:27If we have any iron, did we get the other type of fungus?
21:31The other wood?
21:31We got them both, right?
21:32Yeah, man.
21:33Yeah, I reckon we're nethered out at the moment.
21:35We're good.
21:36In which case, I mean, we've just expanded everything by about 20 blocks.
21:39It might be worth a sail to the ish.
21:40I'm going to the snow mountain.
21:42You're going to the snow mountain.
21:44Would you like to join me?
21:46On an adventure, is it?
21:48Through time and space.
21:49Yeah, I could be, I could be tempted.
21:50Well, not time and space, but the mountain.
21:52We do need a bucket.
21:53Yeah, I don't have any iron anywhere because it all burnt, so.
21:57Maybe we find, we quickly find one.
21:58Wait, all your iron was there?
22:00Wait, all your iron was there?
22:02You took all your iron to the nether?
22:04My prismarine was there.
22:06Wait, when you said all your iron, do you mean you had like a stack of it or what?
22:09I had three irons.
22:10Right, okay.
22:11You know when I asked if anyone had any iron and everybody said no?
22:15Remember that?
22:15Did you get any quartz, did you bring any quartz back?
22:17Do you have any gold?
22:19Uh, no, I traded it all to the piglins and they gave me a fire charge and some gravel.
22:23Hold on, hold on, hold on.
22:24There's a bit of gold there.
22:25Wait, what can you make?
22:26Tell me.
22:26No, no, no, no, no, no.
22:27Tell me, I want to make it because I've got quartz.
22:30No, I've got quartz.
22:31No, I've got quartz.
22:31You're going to make a daylight sensor, aren't you?
22:33I am going to make a daylight sensor, but I need some sand.
22:35How do you make it?
22:35I'm not going to tell you.
22:37You need glass.
22:38Don't tell him.
22:40Oh, no, I haven't got that.
22:41I've turned all into blocks.
22:43There's 22 glass in this box.
22:44Oh, I've turned it all into blocks.
22:47Only take what you need because I need that to make the rest of the glass that I'm missing.
22:50Oh, I'm stupid.
22:51Yeah, you must feel really silly right now.
22:53I'm feeling so silly.
22:55Because you're watching as I get one more score on the ball.
22:58You, I am.
22:59You know, it wasn't a competition until you beat me.
23:02That's right.
23:03It's been a competition this whole time.
23:04You may want to look at the scoreboard, Jim, recently because there's been a change in the standard.
23:07I know.
23:08I'm all the way down there looking up.
23:12What can I do with a honey bottle?
23:14What can I, what's this for?
23:16Uh, wait, why have you got it?
23:18I need it.
23:19Wait, what?
23:19No, you didn't just take the honey, did you?
23:21Oh, you, you stupid, stupid, stupid.
23:26Give me the honey bottle now.
23:27Rule one.
23:28You can't use the honey bottle on a bee.
23:30I don't know why you keep thinking that you can't.
23:32Drop that.
23:33I didn't use it on a bee.
23:33I used it on a hive.
23:34I used it on a hive.
23:35I don't think I've been messing with the bees.
23:37Rule one.
23:38Don't mess with the bees.
23:40All right.
23:43Right, dude, we need to find a bucket before we go to that mountain.
23:46Because we need powdered snow.
23:47So let's just get three iron from somewhere.
23:49Well, do we not have any stone we can take with us so we can make a furnace?
23:52Or do we just take this furnace because we have spare ones?
23:54Take that.
23:55Let's go to boat together.
23:56We're inundated with too many boats.
23:58Right, let's do this.
23:59Oh, wait.
24:00But yeah, let's go with the one without the chest.
24:02Let me drive.
24:03I think I have to get in first, dude.
24:04No, no, you can drive.
24:05I'm just reversing it out.
24:06So it's easy for you, man.
24:06I appreciate that.
24:07There it is.
24:08You still passed your test yet.
24:09So I don't trust you with, like, manoeuvres.
24:11I'm actually all right.
24:11I'm, like, over 20 hours in.
24:13Lizzie, we'll see you in a little bit.
24:14Bye, Lizzie.
24:16Someone told me 20 hours doesn't compete with six years of driving.
24:19Yeah, it doesn't.
24:20But yeah.
24:21So, just seeing you.
24:22So how are you feeling about this whole, like, boarding, hoarding kind of thing?
24:25You know what?
24:25It's going pretty well.
24:27I'm a bit nervous.
24:28I don't know.
24:28I saw you die earlier, man.
24:29Hey, guys.
24:31I'm very sad.
24:32I've lost everything.
24:33I've lost motivation.
24:35He lost motivation.
24:36He lost his station.
24:37He lost his iron.
24:38He lost his fire.
24:40Lost his burning desire.
24:41He's Joe.
24:43He's just Joe.
24:45Oh, he's just Joe.
24:48He's been sat on 333 for quite a while now.
24:53Haven't seen that number move.
24:56He's just Joe.
25:00He's just Joe.
25:02He's just Joe.
25:04Some would say he looks like a little guy.
25:07He would say the opposite.
25:08But I don't know why.
25:10He's just Joe.
25:12He's just Joe.
25:13That's weird.
25:15That's weird.
25:16He's just Joe.
25:17He's just Joe.
25:21By the way, I think it...
25:21I hope it's this way.
25:23I was trusting you.
25:24I'm not even looking at the screen, mate.
25:26I'm looking at piano keys, but...
25:27Yeah, we haven't learned how to read satnavs and driving yet.
25:30No, no.
25:31I mean, no one ever teaches that.
25:33Oh, I thought that was coming up.
25:37Well, at least we're going to know what's out here.
25:40I think it was this way.
25:40Are we not near the temple?
25:42We could maybe go and get more prismarine.
25:43Because I lost all mine in the nether now.
25:45It's literally...
25:46Wait, is that it?
25:47No, my eyes are deceiving me.
25:49Right, we'll follow this board around.
25:51Because I'm pretty sure...
25:53I'm pretty sure probably the mountain's this way.
25:55So we'll see.
25:56We need silk touch.
25:57We do.
25:59As soon as we get silk touch, there is so much we can get.
26:02Now, I've not checked over this way in a while.
26:05Have we unlocked the acacia biome yet?
26:07Have we unlocked the badlands or whatever it's called?
26:10Let's find out.
26:12Oh, it's an azalea tree.
26:13I got excited for no reason.
26:16Wait a second.
26:17Wait a second.
26:21I've done it, guys.
26:22I've done it.
26:23Oh, there's so many acacia trees.
26:26Wait, are they within the border?
26:28Oh my gosh, some of them aren't.
26:29I'm going to climb up this stupid thing.
26:32Oh, and there's a village.
26:34Oh my gosh, this is huge.
26:36All right, okay.
26:36Let's climb up here and get these acacia trees.
26:40Wow, they're high up.
26:41I think we've gone to the exact opposite side from where the mountain is.
26:44No, no, no, we haven't.
26:45We haven't.
26:45We run.
26:47Well, please don't.
26:48I hope not.
26:49But let's just run across the border.
26:51Because I know I've seen a mountain where Joel was,
26:53and it was on the other side where the jungle is.
26:55No, don't say that.
26:56I think it's down here.
26:57We run down here.
26:59A beehive.
27:00If we had a...
27:00Am I allowed to...
27:01Can I milk this one?
27:03I don't think it's got anything in it.
27:04It's a milk.
27:05I don't know, it's dripping.
27:06No, no drips there.
27:08We need a bucket as well.
27:09We can't...
27:09Oh, no, wait.
27:10You need a bottle, don't you, for that, I think.
27:12You need a...
27:13I wish I had one, but I had to give it back.
27:16Wait, we're so close to...
27:18We're so close to...
27:19It's not past it.
27:20How many do we need?
27:21Like another 10.
27:23Oh, wait.
27:24Is there a bit of snow on the edge?
27:25There's snow on the edge.
27:30Wait, can I get a block?
27:32I got it.
27:33Oh, you sick man.
27:35You sick man.
27:37I'm the most least sick man you know.
27:39I'm super healthy.
27:41Have you...
27:47Wait a second, because...
27:49Oh, you made...
27:49You made snow, you...
27:52Oh, I took all the glass.
27:57Is there any powdered snow around here?
27:59Because you took all the glass.
28:03Yeah, I took all the glass, Jim.
28:04I took all the glass.
28:05Obviously, I took all the glass.
28:07Why would I not take all the glass?
28:08You silly man.
28:10Wait, Jimmy got the snowball.
28:11That must mean the snowball's open.
28:13Wait, no.
28:13Something's shooting at me.
28:15Stop shooting at me.
28:17I want to get me acacia.
28:18Where the heck is it?
28:19Why is it so high up?
28:20What is this blooming terrain?
28:22There it is.
28:23There it is.
28:24Oh, yes.
28:25There's a few.
28:26Oh, gosh.
28:26There's a blooming thingy.
28:27Oh, and there's some iron here as well.
28:30Let's make a little base.
28:31Loads of iron.
28:33All right.
28:34And then we can do this.
28:36Get that.
28:37And that.
28:42Look at this.
28:43All this.
28:44Very nice.
28:45Very nice.
28:46Very nice.
28:47Very nice.
28:48Very nice.
28:49So we can do all of them.
28:58We can do the door.
28:59We can do trap door.
29:01We can do pressure plate.
29:02We can do button.
29:04Oh, wait.
29:04I need...
29:05Oh, I can use my iron, actually, to make some shears.
29:10And then I can do leaves.
29:14And there's more iron up here.
29:15So I'm going to grab this as well.
29:17Oh, dude.
29:18Joel's found Acacia.
29:19That's bad for us.
29:20He's going to win.
29:21You found it.
29:23You fouled man.
29:26Oh, yeah.
29:27He's going to get so much free stuff from that.
29:30Stuff that he doesn't even deserve.
29:32We made a whole song on him that he wasn't moving.
29:35And now look at him.
29:36Oh, my God.
29:38Do you know what?
29:39Our song gave him motivation.
29:41I think so.
29:41He's almost got double Izzy now.
29:43And with this, I finish off all of the glass colours.
29:50That's it.
29:51No more glass.
29:53All the glass is done.
29:54You better get back to me if you want to see the snow get put in this bucket.
29:57Where are you?
29:57I'm at the entrance.
29:59Let me...
29:59I'm going to get back up.
30:00Can we do a rock, paper, scissors?
30:01Well, I see what you're saying.
30:03But I've got the iron in the bucket.
30:05I've got iron though.
30:06So I could have done it.
30:08You couldn't have done it because I've got the bucket in hand and I've waited for you.
30:11No, but what if...
30:13I will do rock, paper, scissors.
30:14But if I lose the first one, we get to do a best of three.
30:16Let me work my way back up.
30:18Give me a sec.
30:19All right.
30:19So do you have axe, pickaxe, shovel?
30:22Axe, pickaxe, shovel.
30:24So axe beats pickaxe.
30:26Pickaxe beats shovel.
30:27Should we just say pickaxe is rock and axe is scissors.
30:32Shovel is paper.
30:34And we're both going to throw it on a side of this.
30:38After one.
30:39So three, two, one.
30:41No, I think drop it on your side of the thing and then we'll both go to the side and see
30:44what we've dropped.
30:46It's going to work really well.
30:47You ready?
30:50Three, two, one.
30:52One, go.
30:56I got scissors.
30:57What beats what?
30:57Wait, scissors beats paper.
31:00Best of three though because I had the other bucket.
31:05All right.
31:06All right.
31:07I've won one.
31:08Three, two, one.
31:11What did you throw?
31:14Oh, wait.
31:17Oh, wait.
31:18We go once more.
31:19Once more.
31:19I beat you.
31:21Three, two, one.
31:23Wait, let me stand here.
31:24Three, two, one.
31:29That was me.
31:30Oh, you won.
31:31Two, one.
31:31Two, one.
31:31Two, one.
31:32Two, one.
31:33Three, two, one.
31:40Mine was paper.
31:41Mine was paper.
31:42No, I don't believe you.
31:44It was paper.
31:45We can go again if you want.
31:46I didn't go again.
31:47Yeah, go again.
31:48All right.
31:48Let's go.
31:49Three, two, one.
31:55Yeah, baby.
31:58Throw me that bucket.
31:59Throw me that bucket.
32:01I worked so hard for it.
32:02I could go down before you even get it anyway.
32:03The bombs are going to kill me.
32:04No, they're not.
32:05It's bright as a daisy out here.
32:08Oh, baby.
32:10I'm so cross.
32:11Where is it?
32:12Is this it here?
32:15Hey, do you want the bucket back?
32:16Do you want it back?
32:17Because then you can, if we find a cow, you can milk it.
32:20Let's head to the village.
32:21See what's down there.
32:22Can I jump off into the water without dying?
32:24I think I can.
32:26Don't hit that.
32:28Gamers, what's going on in here?
32:30Have they got anything in the chest though?
32:33Wheat and cacti.
32:34Oh, wait, is this new?
32:38Oh, has anyone made one of these yet?
32:41Oh, they probably have.
32:42Can't see anything else interesting in here, unfortunately.
32:45But there's a mangrove swamp there.
32:47Oh my gosh, that's close.
32:48Is any of it in the biome?
32:50Oh, it doesn't look like it is.
32:51It looks like it's just out.
32:53But we're close.
32:53We're so close.
32:56Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
32:58Part of it is we can get the leaves.
33:01Oh my gosh.
33:02Wait, and this.
33:04And then it should give us mangrove wood.
33:06Oh my gosh.
33:08Lizzie wants it though.
33:10I'll give it to Lizzie because I'm a kind guy.
33:12I'm competitive, but she is my wife.
33:16Oh my god.
33:18If I could kill him, I could have his dirt block.
33:21Watch this.
33:25Where did he go?
33:25Where did he go?
33:26Where did he go?
33:26I need to get my stuff back also.
33:28But this might be more important.
33:30Where is he?
33:30Where did he go?
33:31Oh my god, no.
33:32Where did he go?
33:34There he is, there he is, there he is.
33:36You, get in that bucket.
33:39Give me that grass block.
33:43Wait, did somebody already do it?
33:45For goodness sake.
33:46Oh, go get my stuff off the ground.
33:48Dude, he's in mangrove now.
33:50See ya.
33:51Hi there.
33:52There we go.
33:53I've lived to see another day.
33:54No, I haven't.
33:55I'm trying to live.
33:56I can't live.
33:57I'm going to die.
34:00Are you killing me?
34:02You're killing me.
34:03I'm a one-off.
34:04Oh gosh.
34:05I can't aim it.
34:06I can't aim it.
34:07There we go, there we go.
34:08I'm on one heart.
34:09This is insane.
34:11I wonder what happened there.
34:12Who could say?
34:13I don't know.
34:14Oh, see ya.
34:16Have we got, is there spruce?
34:17Oh no, has spruce been done?
34:18Dude, no spruce is right there.
34:19We can get some spruce.
34:20Where's spruce?
34:21Where have you seen spruce?
34:21Literally right there.
34:22Oh yeah.
34:23Wait, is it spruce?
34:24It looks like a spruce, but it's shaped like a bird.
34:25Yeah man, it's spruce.
34:27Oh brother.
34:28This is bad.
34:30Scoot, no, please.
34:34I love this game, I'm mad.
34:36I've got nothing.
34:37I don't want to step on it because I feel like I'm going to die.
34:39I got it.
34:40I'm winning.
34:42Oh my.
34:42I'll leave you some of the plank related things.
34:44I've not made any planks yet.
34:45Have you done the spruce wood?
34:47I've done spruce wood and the four block one.
34:48Yeah, yeah, yeah.
34:49Should I, I'll quickly lobby real quick and I'll see how many, um.
34:52Oh wait, how has the spruce door already been done?
34:54Oh wait, because Lizzie did the stuff with the boat, right?
34:55Lizzie did, let me, let me quickly go see.
34:57All right.
34:57I'm one off 100.
35:00I'm going to win.
35:01I'm going.
35:02Where did he log out?
35:03Where did he, where did he log?
35:04He logged there?
35:05Where did he go?
35:06Wait, sapling, sapling, sapling, sapling, sapling.
35:12Where is it?
35:12It's somewhere.
35:14I literally saw it with my eyes.
35:16It's all dark oak, my dude.
35:17Watch this.
35:21What were you going to do?
35:21Pick up that.
35:23I'm so sorry.
35:25It was about to push me into 100.
35:27It's going to push me into 100, Jim.
35:29I'm one off, Jim.
35:30I'm one off.
35:31Wait, are you on 99?
35:32Oh, that was what you, and I just walked into it.
35:35Willy nilly.
35:35Oh, that was good.
35:36And you took my moment.
35:38Oh man.
35:39Right, let's, let's slightly start walking back.
35:41I need food so desperately and I don't really want to die with everything on me.
35:44Hello, my love.
35:47Here's your logs.
35:48There's 35 there.
35:50Oh, that's plenty.
35:52I'm heading back.
35:53Where are you going?
35:54Wait, actually, do we have a lectern here?
35:56Yeah, I think so.
35:57Do you know where it is?
36:00What do you need a lectern for?
36:02I'm going to try and get a silk touch book.
36:05Look at her go.
36:06She's going to get to 200 of all that probably before Ollie gets to 100.
36:12Jimmy now last.
36:13Feels bad.
36:14It's his video.
36:15Oh, I need leather for the silk.
36:19Maybe I can buy a bookshelf from a villager.
36:21One more and she's got 200.
36:23Go on, Lizzie.
36:24Do it.
36:24Do it.
36:25A chest boat.
36:27Plop that bad boy down.
36:29What else?
36:30I might need to go and consult a board to make traps.
36:33Oh, a door and a trap door.
36:35Oh, a sign.
36:37I'm doing it!
36:39OK, what am I missing?
36:41Oh, OK.
36:42So now that I have the honeycomb, I can wax that, collect it, turn it into waxed cut copper,
36:53turn that into slabs and stairs.
36:58We got some waxed stuff now.
37:01Where are they?
37:02I can see bamboo over there.
37:05Oh, copper.
37:06She's coppering.
37:07She's going to get all the wax.
37:08She's waxing.
37:09That's what I was trying to do when I milked the hive.
37:12I didn't realise that's what it did.
37:13And then she got so cross.
37:14She was crazy, wasn't she, Jim?
37:16She was crazy.
37:17She was crazy.
37:18She's telling me she was out of her mind.
37:20Out of her mind.
37:21I'll be crazy lady.
37:23Sorry, I almost placed a bit of snow on you.
37:25Oh, I'm starving to death, Jim.
37:28There's a world where you hook up a puffer fish and it insta-kills us.
37:31No, no.
37:33No, that can't happen.
37:34No, no, no, no.
37:36It's more the time.
37:37Have you got a furnace?
37:38There's a world where you fall one step forward and land on this.
37:40Don't, don't, don't, don't.
37:42Have you got a furnace?
37:43Yeah, because if I fish it up, I'll give it to you.
37:46You insta-smelt.
37:47I have a little thing going on.
37:48A little bit of a conveyor belt system.
37:50Like chef.
37:51I'll plate up.
37:53Yeah, chef up.
37:54There you go.
37:55One fish.
37:55Okay, one fish coming up.
37:57This could take so long.
37:59No, no.
38:00Come on.
38:01Give me silk touch.
38:03I get mending before silk touch.
38:04You joking me?
38:06Five diamonds.
38:08Let's go.
38:10Huge, huge, huge.
38:12Now I need an anvil.
38:14So I've got to kill a lot of golems.
38:16Silly golems stuck in the water.
38:17Not so silly golems.
38:22I'm back home.
38:23Luckily we're so far away.
38:24I don't think anyone was there.
38:26So I can get my stuff.
38:27Shouldn't have called him a silly golem.
38:29Oh, we got it.
38:30You got silk touch.
38:31Let's go.
38:32Go to work.
38:35Work king.
38:36He is about to get silk touch.
38:37Do not lose it.
38:39He can get grass block.
38:40He can get any type of like stone.
38:42Dude, we need all the ores as silk touch.
38:44We need all the coral as silk touch.
38:46There's so many other little things.
38:48If he loses it though.
38:49We'll get it ourselves.
38:50We'll do it ourselves.
38:51We don't need it.
38:52Oh my sweet heavens.
38:55Oh my.
38:58He better run.
39:01Did he try and just do the iron golem thing and die?
39:03That's crazy.
39:04He wouldn't have.
39:04He wouldn't have tried that.
39:05Surely not.
39:06It's not even hard.
39:07How's he failed it?
39:08Oh my gosh.
39:09I'm very disappointed in him.
39:11Very disappointed.
39:13Disappointment to the max.
39:14Yeah, don't die and lose everything again, Joel.
39:17That would be silly.
39:20Are you kidding me?
39:21No, he didn't.
39:23Oh no, he will have respawned at his bed.
39:25He's fine.
39:26He's fine.
39:26He's got this.
39:27He's playing us.
39:29He's not a noob.
39:30Okay, hopefully the iron golem's not still angry at me.
39:32It's my bed here just in case.
39:34It is.
39:34Set my spawn.
39:36All my stuff.
39:38Oh gosh, he's still mad.
39:39He's still mad.
39:41We got him.
39:42All right, let's go see if we can find any iron.
39:44There's probably some on this thing, isn't there?
39:46Aha, yes.
39:47Give me loads.
39:48Not just one.
39:49Stupid game.
39:50Stupid game.
39:51Oh yes.
39:52More candles.
39:53Time for more candles.
39:56Now we make a whole new set of colours.
39:58So we'll do yellow, brown and purple.
40:05And then of course, put them around for decoration.
40:08Let's get to the top of it.
40:09We'll go lobby.
40:10We've definitely got over what we set out for.
40:12Oh 100%.
40:13We went back on what I said.
40:14I said 750.
40:16People said no, couldn't do it.
40:17I said 730.
40:19I reckon we're close.
40:20I said 760.
40:20I think we've done more.
40:21We might be at 762.
40:24Now I reckon, I reckon we're at 754.
40:28That's my final guess.
40:30Oh sweet heavens.
40:32It's a child.
40:33There we go.
40:34It is dead.
40:35There's no skull.
40:35Oh my gosh, he's getting so...
40:37Oh my gosh, he's getting so many corals.
40:39I knew he'd get the wreath.
40:41That was my wreath.
40:43I found...
40:44Wait down, look.
40:45Oh my gosh.
40:46Till next time.
40:47Till next time.
40:48Till next time.
40:50And now we do slash trigger.
40:51Get in the lobby.
40:53And here we are.
40:54Oh my gosh.
40:55Holy moly, dude.
40:57Right, let's get them.
40:58He's making, making all his coral.
41:01Wait, what are we on?
41:02What are we on?
41:03I told you, man.
41:04To be fair, Joel did just get like 15.
41:07Holy moly, dude.
41:09Hey guys.
41:10Gosh, you are so handsome.
41:12Somebody's got himself a silter, don't they?
41:15Oh my gosh.
41:17Dude, everything is on you now.
41:19There's so many silk touch.
41:21Was it a villager, by the way?
41:23It was a villager.
41:23I went and got it.
41:24So we could technically all get silk touch pickaxes.
41:27Yeah, he's in the village.
41:29We could, yeah.
41:30We'll make sure we do that.
41:32What are we at?
41:33Lizzie, it just made me really upset that you got one more.
41:36We got 790?
41:37Yeah, we went crazy on this session.
41:39That was huge.
41:40You were at 222.
41:40If you add mine and Lizzie's up together, by the way.
41:43If we add mine and Lizzie's up, we have exactly 600.
41:46And you guys, if you add it up, have exactly 100.
41:49And 90.
41:51Isn't that nice?
41:52Big numbers.
41:53Girl, my heart.
41:53I was one off 100, and I was about to get the stuff in the minecart.
41:57You're still one off 100.
41:59Yeah, because I was about to do two minecart things, and then somebody didn't keep them together.
42:02Wait, what are the other minecart things?
42:04You were about to make a hopper?
42:05I was about to do the hopper underground.
42:06I just made the hopper.
42:07Yeah, yeah.
42:09I don't think you're in the wrong.
42:11I think he's in the wrong for reminding you that minecarts...
42:13No, I did it out of the goodness of my heart.
42:15Guys, we said 750.
42:18You said...
42:19Can't do that.
42:20You said 730.
42:23Look at us go.
42:25Look at how we went to the nether, though.
42:26Look at those deaths.
42:27Oh, yeah.
42:28Yeah, that's big.
42:29We started on five, I think.
42:30Deaths, I think.
42:32But there it is.
42:33I died a lot.
42:34We're making progress.
42:35Big progress today.
42:37Soon, I'm going to have all the candles.
42:39All the candles.
42:41Wait, you guys didn't get spruce leaves, but you went to the spruce farm?
42:43You idiots.
42:44We didn't have the...
42:45Joel, don't be so rude.
42:46Stop being so rude, man.
42:48Anyway, I'm going to depart now because I'm on a time limit.
42:51You guys can finish the busy work.
42:52All right, bye.
42:53Well, we'll just end it here.
42:55Guys, love you.
42:56See you, guys.
42:57See ya.
