• 2 days ago
BREAKING #news - Bernie Sanders WALKS OUT of interview


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00:00You're out there with AOC today. Do you see her as a future of the progressive?
00:04We have one of the untold stories of what's going on in current American politics,
00:10is that in the House of Representatives, you have dozens and dozens of strong, smart,
00:18disciplined, hardworking young people in the progressive caucus. And way back when,
00:24when I first came to the Congress and the House, I helped form the progressive caucus.
00:29We had five people at that time. Now they got close to 100. So you got a whole lot of good
00:33people. Alexandria is extraordinary. I am so impressed by her work in Congress and her,
00:40just she inspires young people all over the country.
00:42Would you like to see her join in the Senate?
00:45Right now, we have, as I said, just a whole lot of people in the Congress. Okay, Jonathan,
00:49Wait, I got one more. I got one more. This is important.
00:51Well, I asked you, okay, you want to do nonsense, do nonsense.
00:56I don't want to talk about inside the beltway stuff. I got 32,000 people.
00:59I was just asking you about AOC because she was out there with you.
01:01Well, fine, but I don't want to talk about this. What was the last question?
01:04I was just going to ask you one more question about you. I mean, that's all.
01:06I was literally your last-
01:07What is your question?
01:09I mean, it's easier if you sit.
01:14I mean, I want to ask you about your future. This is the biggest crowd. You said you ran
01:18for president twice. This is the biggest crowd you've ever seen. Are we going to see you run
01:23again? What's your future?
01:24Right now, I am very proud that the people of the state of Vermont sent me back to the Senate
01:30with 63% of the vote. Right now, I'm a Vermont senator. That's what I do, and I'm very happy
01:35to do it. I am 83 years of age, and I'm tired.
01:40Here's what I hope we can take out of not just this interview, but this political era.
01:44Americans are tired of watching our media focus on the horse race of politics instead
01:49of the implications of it. The reason that Bernie Sanders is doing this massively successful
01:54stop-oligarchy tour is not because he wants to fuel speculation about a 2028 run, but quite
01:59literally to stop oligarchy. It is right there in the title. And yet when given the opportunity
02:04to speak with Senator Sanders, the fact that the media cannot shake its old habits is a
02:09testament to the fact that they are not willing to meet this moment with the urgency it deserves.
02:14So if you're wondering why we're in this mess in the first place, if you're wondering why
02:17Republicans and their oligarchs like Elon Musk have been able to skate by with such a broad
02:21sense of impunity, it's because our media, the folks who are supposed to be holding them
02:26to account, are so focused on the ESPNification of politics as opposed to the impact that those
02:32politics have on regular people. We're tired about hearing who may or may not run at some
02:37untold point in the future. We want to hear why. We want to know about the impacts of the policies
02:42on the people who are in power. We want to know how what's happening is going to affect our lives.
02:47The media shouldn't just be a megaphone for the party's mouthpieces. It should be the
02:51arbiter of what is true or not, and it should do so fearlessly. And yet more and more often,
02:56these news outlets have proven themselves wholly unwilling to step up. John Carl's own network,
03:01ABC News, settled a frivolous lawsuit with Donald Trump himself for 15 million dollars.
03:07They handed the guy 15 million bucks rather than fight it in court because they either
03:12didn't want to lose access or worse, they wanted to curry favor. And these are the people we're
03:17supposed to trust to report without fear or favor? This is the esteemed fourth estate literally
03:22heaping millions of dollars of cash onto a wannabe autocrat? If you're wondering why Americans are
03:28flocking away from legacy media, this is why. And look, this should go without saying, but Bernie is
03:3483 years old. He is not running for president, but he rightfully recognizes the anguish that
03:38is so present out there. He recognizes the need for leadership. He recognizes that Americans are
03:43looking for someone to fight, and he's answering the call. I'm less interested in questions about
03:48his political ambitions and more interested in other Democrats seeing what he's doing and meeting
03:53the moment with the same urgency that an 83 year old Bernie Sanders is. If you are half of Bernie's
03:58age and you're not going out there and holding town halls in your district, or better yet,
04:02holding town halls in Republican districts where they refuse to show up, then what are you doing?
04:07If you want to meet this moment, this is how you do it. You give people something and someone to
04:12believe in when they are desperate for something or someone to believe in. I had the privilege of
04:17interviewing Bernie just a couple of weeks back about exactly this topic, the dangers of oligarchy,
04:22and this is what he had to say. Because Brian, we are in literally an unprecedented moment
04:27in modern American history. When we look at Mr. Musk, everybody has got to understand this is
04:33the wealthiest guy in the world right now with over $400 billion. You talk about Trump's getting
04:42elected and inaugurated. Musk put over $270 million into Trump's campaign and guess what?
04:50He's now the most important person in government. What does that sound like to you? Does it sound
04:54like a democracy, a government of the people, by the people, or for the people, or is it really an
05:00oligarchy doing the bidding of the richest people? That's number one. Number two, what concerns me
05:05very much is the move toward authoritarianism in this country. You have Trump circumventing and
05:13bypassing Congress, deciding, hey, it doesn't matter what Congress did. Congress put money
05:17into this project. We're going to do away with it. I don't want to spend that money. It's gone.
05:21And that means programs for low-income, working-class people, it's going to be gone.
05:27Fortunately, the courts are beginning to put a stop to what he's doing, but that is what he wants
05:32to do. Well, you don't have a democracy if you circumvent the legislative body. And then he's
05:39going after the courts. You heard J.D. Vance saying, well, the courts don't have a right to
05:43stop what the president is doing. No, really? I mean, that's what 100 plus years of American
05:49jurisprudence has been about. So you got oligarchy, and then you have this movement
05:56toward authoritarianism. Now, to answer your question, what is the goal? What is the end
06:00goal here? The end goal of oligarchy is to make the richest people who are already phenomenally
06:05rich even richer. So how do you do that? Well, you do that through massive tax breaks.
06:11Well, where do you get the money to provide trillions of dollars in tax breaks? You cut
06:15programs that working people need. Just today, the House brought forth their budget reconciliation
06:23bill, an outline of it, talking about huge tax breaks, the very richest people, while they're
06:28cutting Medicaid very significantly, and I suspect other programs as well. So you're asking me, are
06:34they going to cut costs for working people? No, they're not. They're going to give tax breaks
06:39to the rich, and they're going to make massive cuts in programs that working families desperately
06:44need. Now, I should note for posterity that I managed to get through the entire interview
06:48without asking whether or not he's going to run for president in 2028. Why? Because this isn't
06:53sports. It is real life with serious implications for people in this country. And look, I get that
06:58we can walk and chew gum at the same time, but Republicans are right now stripping away Medicare
07:03from the more than 70 million Americans who rely on it. They're stripping away food stamps from the
07:07more than 40 million Americans who rely on it. They're in the process of firing people from the
07:10Social Security Administration in an effort to dismantle that agency and therefore give themselves
07:15a pretense to be able to privatize it. They're firing tens of thousands of federal employees,
07:20people who are experts in their fields and yet work for less money than they would make if they
07:24were working in the private sector, all the while making them out to be little more than
07:28government waste. That's what people need to know. That is what impacts people's lives.
07:32And until they know what's happening in 2025, they won't be able to make an informed decision
07:37about 2026 or 2028. And that's what's missing in our political coverage. There is so much focus
07:43on the horse race and so little focus on the impact on regular Americans. So I would immodestly
07:49request that if you want to watch coverage that focuses on what's most important, which is how our
07:53politics actually impacts you, then please subscribe to this channel and support any
07:57independent media that prioritizes people over horse race coverage, because the first step in
08:02a more informed electorate is bolstering new sources that actually inform. Before you go,
08:09first, if you enjoy this content and you want to see more and support independent media,
08:13please subscribe to this channel. The subscribe button will be right here on the screen.
08:17But second, the reality is that we're now in a political environment where this administration
08:21can lean on any of the social media platforms to suppress certain voices if they don't like
08:25critical coverage. That means my longevity here is in the hands of a few tech billionaires who
08:30are already making it clear that they're willing to cater to this White House. To that end,
08:34signing up for my newsletter is a great way for me to be able to reach you directly if that ever
08:38becomes necessary. I'll put the link on the screen as well, so please sign up. It's completely free,
08:43but there's also an option to do a paid subscription if you'd like to support my work.
08:46I really appreciate it. Thanks so much for watching.
