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00:00You're watching The Legal Breakdown. Glenn, the eyes of the nation are on Judge Boasberg's
00:04courtroom right now. Judge Boasberg demanded that Donald Trump's administration not continue
00:09to deport these Venezuelans who are accused gang members until they've actually had their due
00:14process. The Trump administration refused to comply with this court order. And so in turn,
00:19Judge Boasberg demanded that the Trump administration come back into into court
00:22to explain themselves. We now have an update as far as how that hearing went. Can you explain
00:26what happened? You know, it's pretty clear, Brian, based on the reporting that Chief Judge
00:31Jeb Boasberg, the Chief Judge of Federal District Court in Washington, D.C., when he was grilling
00:37Donald Trump's DOJ lawyers about why it appears that they may have violated his court order to
00:44turn planes around. The reporting is Boasberg was incredulous. I'm going to use a word from my
00:51Jersey days. It seems like Judge Boasberg was pissed and he has demanded more information.
00:58Here is the form that more information will take. The first thing he said when the DOJ attorneys
01:06were kind of doing the homina, homina, homina. We don't have all the details. We don't know
01:11exactly where the planes full of Venezuelans that had been snatched up by Donald Trump's thugs and
01:19put on this plane and sent where? Not to Venezuela, but to El Salvador with no court hearing,
01:27no due process, no evidentiary showing that these people were even sort of susceptible to being
01:35detained and deported. And the DOJ lawyers didn't have a lot of answers. Jeb Boasberg,
01:40Judge Boasberg was incredulous. And he said, here's what I'm ordering you to do.
01:45I want a sworn affidavit. So that sort of gets around the DOJ lawyers, you know,
01:52yammering and stammering about we don't really know what went on here. I want a sworn affidavit
01:57with a chronology. He didn't say minute by minute, but they would probably be well advised to make it
02:04a minute by minute chronology about when those planes took off, when they received notice of
02:11Judge Boasberg's order to turn the dang planes around when those planes landed. And he, Judge
02:18Boasberg said, y'all are coming back into court and we are going to drill down and see if the
02:25Trump administration intentionally violated my court order. And if he concludes that the Trump
02:31administration did intentionally and knowingly violate his court order, I think the next thing
02:38we're going to hear is the C word contempt of court. But Judge Boasberg will decide what,
02:44if any next steps should be taken, one, to address and remedy this situation. And two,
02:52to punish, to hold accountable the Trump administration in the event they did
02:57intentionally violate a federal judge's order. On the latter half of what you just spoke about,
03:02what does contempt look like for the federal government? It's not like they have to spend
03:06any of their own money, for example. So what really can judges do when you hold the federal
03:12government in contempt? There's quite a bit they can do, Brian. There are two kinds of contempt,
03:16civil contempt and criminal contempt. Civil contempt is the lesser sanction or penalty.
03:22So let's start with that. Civil contempt is designed to put usually monetary fines or
03:30other conditions in place to urge the federal government to come into compliance with court
03:36orders, to basically what we call purge the contempt, get rid of the contempt by beginning
03:42to abide by existing court orders. That's civil contempt. However, if there are Trump administration
03:50officials up to and including Donald Trump, who just intentionally defy and thumb their nose at
03:58and disobey court orders, then the judge can say, I am prepared to hold you in criminal contempt.
04:05Now, if you're going to hold somebody in criminal contempt, there has to be notice and an opportunity
04:10to be heard, basically a mini contempt trial. And here is the really good news, Brian.
04:16Ordinarily, judges cannot initiate prosecutions on their own. Why? Because prosecutions are
04:24exclusively an executive branch function and responsibility. It's the Department of Justice
04:31under the control now, indeed under the thumb of Donald Trump, that gets to make the decision
04:36whether to prosecute a case or not. That generally includes contempt charges, except when the
04:42Department of Justice refuses to prosecute a contempt charge that is based on a violation of a
04:49judge's court order. Then the judge has the opportunity to appoint an independent prosecutor
04:55and have that person prosecute the contempt charge against the federal officials. So that is good
05:02news on the procedural front. Now, let me tell you, Brian, there's some great law review articles out
05:07there that collect up all of the instances of contempt by federal government agencies and
05:14officials. And what I will say is in reading that law review article, rarely does push come to shove.
05:22Rarely do judges go all the way to criminal contempt hearings. For example, a cabinet
05:29official who just steadfastly refuses to comply with federal court orders. But importantly,
05:35the federal judges have the power and the authority to do it. And if ever that power
05:41and authority is going to be tested, it looks like it's in this lawless Trump administration.
05:47Can I drop some cold water on this theory and ask what about presidential pardon powers? I mean,
05:53doesn't Trump have carte blanche to basically issue pardons in the event that some administration
05:58official of his does get found to be in criminal contempt, that he could just issue a pardon and
06:05wipe the slate clean? Well, I'm going to be honest here, full disclosure, there is no precedent. In
06:11other words, no appellate court up to and including the Supreme Court has ever had to
06:16wrestle with that precise legal issue that you just spotted. You really have earned your law
06:21degree after nearly 500 episodes of the legal breakdown that you and I have been doing over
06:26the years. It's a great question. Let me give you my informed opinion on how a court would rule.
06:32You're absolutely right. Recently, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed just how broad and sweeping
06:38a president's pardon power is. However, just as the courts can never appoint a prosecutor except
06:48in the instance when their own authority, their own lawful constitutional authority is being defied
06:56by the executive branch, I predict the Supreme Court will say it is a natural follow on that if
07:03there is a criminal contempt conviction of a federal government official under those circumstances.
07:09Guess what? The president's pardon power doesn't extend to that. Why? Because that is an offense
07:18against the judiciary that is necessary to uphold the judiciary's separate but equal powers as a
07:26co-equal branch of government, completely untested in the courts. But I actually think that result
07:32makes a lot of sense. Glenn, as the result of this, John Roberts took the rare step of coming
07:38out and issuing a rebuke of Donald Trump because Trump logged on the truth social, surprise,
07:43surprise, demanding that Judge Boasberg actually be impeached for committing the cardinal sin of
07:49not allowing him to just, I mean, he's disappearing people who haven't even been
07:54charged with a crime or much less convicted of a crime. And so what do you make of the fact that
07:59we actually now have Supreme Court justices on this far right Supreme Court who are taking a
08:04stand against Trump's overreach? Yeah, a really important statement. And let me say that chief
08:09justices of the Supreme Court almost never speak publicly about these kind of issues or disputes.
08:17Indeed, they usually do all of their speaking through their rulings. But here is what the chief
08:23justice said after, you know, Elon Musk calls for impeachments of judges who displease, I guess,
08:31he and Donald Trump. And Donald Trump actually made some really intemperate remarks about
08:37Jeb Boasberg recently. Here is what the chief justice said. For more than two centuries,
08:43the chief justice said, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response
08:49to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for
08:56that purpose. If I can translate that from justice to English, that is basically John Roberts telling
09:03Donald Trump and Elon Musk, shut the hell up. And he's exactly right. You know, these calls that we
09:13all know endanger judges when Donald Trump begins to call them names and and Elon Musk
09:20insists that they must be impeached and removed because they issued some ruling that, you know,
09:26displeased Musk and Trump. This is dangerous. We have seen judges like Tanya Chutkin in D.C.
09:34and Juan Marchand in New York be put in harm's way. Death threats come pouring in from Trump
09:41supporters. Their homes are swatted. In other words, false reports are made to the police that
09:48a violent crime happened inside their home such that SWAT teams show up at judges homes with guns
09:55drawn. I mean, this is the kind of nonsense and garbage and dangerous, inflammatory conduct that
10:02really has to stop. And in his, you know, rather subtle way, the chief justice of the United States
10:10just told Donald Trump and Elon Musk, this has got to stop.
10:14Glenn, you you were actually quoted in an article in The Washington Post. I'll put that right here
10:20on this screen. This is about Judge Boasberg. You said that Judge Boasberg is a singularly
10:25remarkable prosecutor. I say that because he never lost a murder case and because he would never tell
10:29anybody he never lost a murder case. It wasn't in his DNA to talk about himself or his accomplishments.
10:34I don't think there's anybody better suited or better equipped to handle these challenges to
10:38the independence of the judiciary or challenges to American democracy. And so can you talk about
10:43these attacks on somebody? Look, it would be one thing if you had a judge who is as partisan as,
10:48oh, I don't know, let's say Judge Eileen Cannon down in Florida. But that's not the case with
10:53Judge Boasberg, who is deigning to defer not to Donald Trump, but to the law as it's written.
10:59Yeah. Jeb Boasberg, in my experience, and I've known him for decades, not only did I
11:05supervise him when he was a homicide prosecutor in my homicide section at the D.C. U.S. Attorney's
11:11Office, he was my trial partner. We went to court every day, stood shoulder to shoulder trying some
11:16really horrific murder cases. You want to take the measure of a man or a woman,
11:23have them as a trial partner in a really high stakes murder case. This is a man who is
11:30singularly devoted to the rule of law, to the Constitution, and applies, you know,
11:38the rules and the laws without fear or favor fairly and equally without any bias in favor or
11:46against one party or the other. I actually can sleep well at night knowing that we have somebody
11:52like Judge Boasberg litigating these most consequential issues, because regardless of
11:58how he rules, it's going to be right. It's going to be accurate in accordance with the law and the
12:04Constitution. And Brian, you know, people may not remember. They may not have known in the first
12:10instance. You know, Judge Boasberg was also the chief of the FISA Court, the Foreign Intelligence
12:16Surveillance Act Court, when that whole thing blew up with the Carter Page FISA warrant that was
12:23issued. And it had some misinformation in it. You know, Judge Boasberg took a look at what
12:29happened there. And after the Durham report came out, remember, Special Counsel John Durham
12:35investigate the investigators. Well, there was a an FBI employee who I believe was a lawyer who was
12:43caught altering an email. And that altered information, bad information, false information
12:50made its way into a FISA application. Judge Boasberg went after that so hard he banned that
12:58person from ever having anything to do with any FISA court applications moving forward. And he
13:05also put safeguards in place demanding that the the Department of Justice account for how it is
13:13these mistakes were made, making sure there were no other mistakes out there that went undiscovered
13:18and unaddressed. You know, these were things that if people looked at them, they would say,
13:24wow, that seems those seem to be pro Trump rulings, pro John Durham rulings. It didn't matter
13:33how those rulings played out, who they helped, who they hurt, who they held accountable,
13:37who they exonerated. He did the right thing under all circumstances. And that is what he will
13:45continue to do regardless of what Elon Musk or even Donald Trump says about him.
13:51Well, look, this is especially important. I mean, really, this case is kind of what we've been
13:56expecting, so to speak, in the sense that we've waited to see what happens when the Trump
14:01administration inevitably decides to discard the ruling handed down from a judge. And that's what
14:06we're seeing right now. So hopefully we will see the judge, Judge Boasberg here, take a hard line
14:12against this decision to completely ignore a lawful order. So a lot more to come on this topic
14:20in particular. For those who are watching right now, if you want to follow along and if you want
14:23to support us and independent media more broadly, the best way to do that is to subscribe to our
14:27channels. The links to both of them are right here on the screen. Glenn in particular is fast
14:31on his way to a million subscribers. So if you haven't yet subscribed, please hit the subscribe
14:36button. I'm Brian Taylor Cohen. And I'm Glenn Kirshner. You're watching The Legal Breakdown.