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Well I guess it was bound to happen. I'm certainly going to be more careful when I'm at a property now. However, some real AMAZING things still happened while I was cleaning up this house. I can't wait for you all to see it.
I finally got a PO Box! You all are too kind, I've had many requests!
Midlife Stockman
PO Box 214077
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-9998
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Stihl Garden Pruner:
Weed Eater:
Hedge clipper (gas):
Hedge Clipper (Battery):
Trimmer line:
Trimmer head:
Safety Glasses:
Well I guess it was bound to happen. I'm certainly going to be more careful when I'm at a property now. However, some real AMAZING things still happened while I was cleaning up this house. I can't wait for you all to see it.
I finally got a PO Box! You all are too kind, I've had many requests!
Midlife Stockman
PO Box 214077
Auburn Hills, MI 48326-9998
Buy me a coffee (doesn't have to be used on coffee)
All donations go right back into the channel
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You can also reach out to me via email:
Midlife Stockman Equipment List:
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Heated Vest:
Work Boots:
Brush Knife (Ninja Star):
Power Sweep:
Chain Saw:
Stihl Garden Pruner:
Weed Eater:
Hedge clipper (gas):
Hedge Clipper (Battery):
Trimmer line:
Trimmer head:
Safety Glasses:
00:09Get it. It's like who is this strange man? Am I white man strange white? Yeah
00:30Talk to it. I'm not sure why
00:48Okay a little update here
00:51This hasn't happened to me yet, but that was taken that was definitely taken I
00:57I don't think anything else was stolen. But man, it kind of shakes you up a little bit
01:04Well, hey everyone and welcome to the channel if this is your first visit I am so glad you found me now
01:11We keep things pretty simple around here. We work hard and we do our best to love our neighbors
01:15I have found that those two things have dramatically changed my life and I am confident if you put them into practice
01:21They'll change yours as well certainly easier said than done but really in life is any of the good stuff easy
01:28I don't think so. Okay, everyone. What do I have in store for you today? I am thrilled about this video
01:34I can't wait to get into it. We are back at the abandoned house
01:37It's across the street from that playground and you all knew I was gonna head back there as soon as the ground thawed
01:42I couldn't leave it like we did I had to get it up to our standards and I am so glad we went back to
01:48that property because some amazing things happened while we were there that you're about to see and
01:53Some not so amazing things happened as well, which I'm still kind of bummed about but definitely some lessons learned in this one
01:59So this episode you're about to see is another example of what we can do together
02:03And as I've said so many times before this channel is a we not just a me you all are a huge part of what's happening
02:10Through your love through your comments
02:12Encouragements donations the list goes on and on I feel so supported by you all and I can't thank you enough
02:18And also I am seeing more comments and emails about how you all are working hard and loving your neighbors and it is so
02:26Encouraging and if I'm honest everyone that's probably the best part about all of this
02:30so keep those comments and emails coming and a quick housekeeping thing before we get into this week's episode as
02:36Always check the description for all things midlife stockman
02:39There's links in there and how you can support the channel. There's my equipment list
02:43There's ways to sign up for my newsletter. And of course, there's the merch store, which I'm constantly updating
02:48So be sure to check that out. Okay, let's get into it. Shall we do you all know what to do?
02:52I think you do let's sit back relax and enjoy this incredible transformation
03:06Well, hello everyone and welcome back to the channel, I don't think I could be happier it is 65 degrees out
03:12The Sun is shining
03:14Spring is here and guess where we are. If this doesn't look familiar to you. Take a look at this video
03:19We did a couple weeks ago
03:55Now when I was here we definitely got a lot done the front of the house is clean most of the trash is picked up
04:02There's a little bit more trash there now, but what we didn't do was edge. Check this out. Look here my friends
04:10The ground is thawed. So we are back to make sure these lines are straight and beautiful
04:15Even though this house is abandoned. We can't leave a sidewalk not edged. Come on now
04:20So we're gonna do that first, but then let me show you where the bulk of the day is going to be
04:25It's a doozy right here everyone. This is where we left off and this is gonna take some time and effort
04:31We have trash and debris everywhere. And as you can hear from across the street, there are kids playing right now on that playground
04:38It's beautiful out. It's gonna get more and more busy and this is right across the street and we just can't have that dangerous debris
04:45junk everywhere
04:47This is going to be a task. I have no idea how much we are gonna get done today
04:52But I do know we will open up the sidewalk
04:54We're gonna get as much trash up as we can and really is there anything to complain about it is absolutely gorgeous outside
05:01A perfect day to be working. This place really needs some help. In fact, it has to be bulldozed
05:06I put a call into the city, but we're gonna get this cleaned up for the neighborhood
05:09I have no idea when the city will be able to bulldoze it, but let's get it clean and safe for the neighborhood
05:14I can't wait to get started. Are you all ready? I'm ready. Let's go edge
05:19All right, everyone. Let's get started. I'm actually gonna edge this side of the sidewalk
05:23I want to see if I can't bless this neighbor a little bit. It's a tad bit upset with me last time
05:28What's that I'm not I haven't left yet, let's get going
07:26All right, that was so satisfying
07:28Satisfying so much better to do when the ground is not frozen. All right, we're gonna shovel all this up pick up the trash
07:36I'm even gonna blow all these leaves off her yard just to make it look a little nicer when she gets home
07:40Okay, let's go
07:43Actually, let's edge one more thing
07:58Okay, let's shovel no sweatshirt for the first time here we go
08:53There is no one that appreciates thawed dirt more than me
09:28Have a we fill in this hole
11:11You're welcome
11:16She was a little upset
11:21Well, yeah, I was cleaning up this property and she
11:25She was wondering what I was doing and said a few words, but that's okay
11:29But I decided I was gonna edge up her sidewalk and I'm gonna keep cleaning that backyard over there
11:36Well good tell her
11:39My name is Sean. Yes
11:41You're welcome. You know, I saw that park over there. There's kids playing. It's just super dangerous here
11:47I'm just gonna spend the day pick up all this garbage
11:52Thank you, thank you
11:55Good yeah, yeah, no one wants to walk by a house like this
12:02All right, hey, thanks for stopping
12:09All right, everyone quick break in the video to talk about today's sponsor
12:13Which is Bombas now if you've been following the channel, you know that Bombas is an amazing partner of mine
12:18I absolutely love their products and the mission behind the company which is giving which we'll get to in one minute now
12:23Bombas is mainly known for their socks, which are incredible in which I wear all the time
12:28But they have some other really great products as well
12:30I'd like to introduce you all to one of my new favorite things from Bombas and that is the Friday slide
12:36Look at this thing now as you all know
12:38I have been anxiously awaiting spring and summer and I am so thankful
12:42I can now wear these in and out of the house or really anywhere
12:46They are super light cushy grippy so easy to slide on and off and for me
12:51That's been real important because I am always in and out of the house and my wife wants me to take my shoes off
12:57Every time I mean how realistic is that Bombas now has a bunch of colors available
13:01And the best part is they now ship to over 200 countries now back to the giving real quick
13:06And what makes Bombas so unique for every purchase made they make a donation of that item and that has resulted to over
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13:36Be sure to check out Bombas because they have a whole lot more than these wonderful slides socks underwear and shirts
13:41You're not gonna regret it now. Let's get back to the video
14:03Now I just picked up all this trash, I'm not sure if it blew in here, but let's get it one more time
16:08All right, not sure if you all saw that but there was a gentleman that came out of that house next door
16:12He insisted I take $20 from him. Very very kind
16:17We're gonna see if we can't bless somebody else with this today. Very kind of him
16:20All right, we're gonna get the blower out
16:25All right, we're gonna get the blower out blow everything this way bag it all up gonna look great, here we go
16:31Alright before we use the blower, I think I'm gonna speed edge if you haven't heard of this before it's an Olympic sport
16:37Check it out. Just kidding
16:51Gold medal
18:24Okay, we're gonna break this up back this up move ourselves down the disaster side
18:31You guys ready
19:22Okay, the front of the house is done I know that wasn't a dramatic change
19:26It was from when we originally got here, but those things needed to get done
19:30Look at these lines. That is much better
19:34So much better and the bonus is we got this house as well all cleaned up all the leaves driveway edged
19:42This all looks so much better for her. So what is next you guys anxious to get in the backyard?
19:48I am I think here's what we're gonna do. We got this section to edge and shovel and
19:55Then we're gonna move down this sidewalk that is what is ahead of us folks, let's get after it
20:04Oh you do I
20:09Think so. Yeah
20:11Yeah, I was just cleaning up for the neighborhood. It was pretty rough shape. Okay. What's your name? Sean? I'm a right
20:16That's great. Nice to meet you
20:18Yeah, this one was a rack. I'm gonna hit the backyard too, but obviously it's gonna be hopefully demolished, right?
20:24I think I'll do a pavement first. Okay
20:31Okay, that was pretty cool that was someone from the city apparently they got my call and they have moved this house up on the list
20:38Dramatically so turns out next week. It's getting bulldozed. I love that
20:43Don't worry. This work was still worthwhile and we're still gonna do the sidewalks because they're not messing with the sidewalks
20:50They're just taking the house down. So we are absolutely gonna clean up this entire sidewalk
20:55But my friends we are not gonna do the backyard
20:58The plan was to do the backyard because I had no idea when they would be able to bulldoze this house down
21:04But because of the call because of the video it's at the top of the list. So that is amazing
21:09So we are gonna clean up the sidewalk
21:11So the house will be demolished and all of this will be taken care of but not this
21:16So, how about we clean up this sidewalk still get it all nice for when they demolish it
21:21Everything's walkable and safe and all the trash is up. I'm super excited that call worked and that the video got out there
21:28So great. Okay, let's get to work on this sidewalk
21:34And he said that this was gonna be it's like moved up on the list now dramatically to get bulldozed
21:41Call him the mayor of Greendale. Yeah, you met his wife Kathy. Okay long. Yes, and her husband is very
21:50Connected to the neighborhood. Yeah, so yeah. Yeah, so he said hey just same thing
21:55You said these kids are playing next door. Yeah, what do you mean?
21:58You're not gonna tear this house down blah blah blah blah blah. So they got moved up. I love it
22:02Oh, yeah, he just he'd the guy just told me that he's like, yeah, I'm coming to take pictures
22:05I want to I want to connect you with him. Okay, it's really he knows a lot about this neighborhood. Oh great
22:11Okay, if you're doing anything or want to do something else, he's a good person. That'd be great
22:16Yeah, I'll give you my name and number. Okay, you can pass it on to him. Yeah, that'll be great. That'll be great
22:21Hey, how are you Chuck?
22:25Somebody gonna build
22:35That's the way yeah, she's gonna get it yeah, and I'm glad they're knocking it down. Yeah
22:43Yeah, I was just cleaning up the goal was to get it knocked down I knew newborn lived here
22:47But I was like, it's just unsafe for the neighborhood. So I was picking really is we thank you for that
22:51Yeah, I mean so this can go man. These kids over here been see how we keep. Yeah, that's beautiful
22:57Yeah, see we keep this like yes, yeah, but this is unsafe unsafe. Yeah for sure, you know, it needs to go. Yep
23:04Nope, I agree. All right, that's me Sean. Hey, you spelled it right? Okay, you spelled it, right?
23:11Well, I love it
23:13It's I love being out in the neighborhood and and just meeting people and helping out where I can
23:17well, what I what I found too is that
23:20You know when I knock on the door people are usually hesitant but a little bit of kindness
23:24It just opens up a great conversation and knowing that no strings are attached. I'm not trying to sell you anything, right?
23:31I just want to help out, you know
23:48Yeah, but anyways we do what we can well no I
23:52I'll tell you what, so
23:54Every community that I've talked with I met with I have never been so yeah
23:59I've had a few people here and there yell at me holler at me, but I have been so well received and welcomed
24:04I think there's just a common thread of yard work. Like everyone can appreciate a clean lawn picking up trash
24:16Yeah, I say suspicious maybe
24:22We're not hateful. Yeah. Yeah, we're not a hateful. No, so whoever you know, whatever in our neighborhood
24:28We're just not that way. No, we're cautious because you know, so many things have happened. Yeah
24:36For sure
24:41Yeah, I I I get it it's like who is this strange man am I
24:46strange white man
24:52No, no heavens no
24:57Is that your house the greenhouse, oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah gray. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, it's my landlord. I'm written from him. Okay
25:07Yeah, I saw that I saw that fan oh you did okay, you know and I was single parent
25:18I'm saying in the hood is cheaper for me to stay here. Look at you working raising your kids all by I mean
25:24That's that's amazing. That's amazing. I did and I'm so grateful today. Like I said, so yeah
25:29This is the reason I do it to meet people like you
25:32That's what it's all about and you know on the online community
25:35It's really starting a movement of people just loving their neighbor because that's really what it's all about
25:41Here I am today
25:44I'll be 70 years old 70. Come on. Yeah. Come on. Yeah
25:53It's just truly a blessing a day and so in any ways that I can help
26:00When practice was just ravishing through our neighborhood my youngest daughter was growing up she had little
26:10I took care of them babies. I made sure when they came down. I took them to school every morning if they had socks
26:17Yeah, they had a good meal
26:19You know, I taught him about you know, took him to some cultural things just that exposure and one of those girls turned out
26:26To be a social worker Wow
26:29Yeah, that's amazing, you know, that's amazing that's what it's all about that's what it's all about
26:37Mr. Jarrell, I just sent your information to him and I'm sure you I love it
26:41No, I'm glad me being here cause something to move
26:48They were like, do you know he said they weren't gonna tear this down to 2026. Oh my gosh. Yeah
26:54That's he's like, oh no, you gotta give your life. Yeah. Yeah
26:58Hey, give me a hug. So it's so nice meeting you. Okay?
27:02Yes, god bless you. Thank you
27:06Keep moving stay healthy. All right. Take care. Okay. What do I even say? Oh
27:14My heart is so full what a beautiful woman great conversation
27:20So thankful that us being here has made a difference man. I could cry
27:28This is what it's all about right here
27:31Okay, let's clean this sidewalk. Thank you all for being here. We still have some work ahead of us
27:36But man, I'm filled up. I hope you are too
28:51Remember there's a big hole here
30:12Alright, let's get some trash
30:34Diaper of course always a diaper
30:49All right, of course we got section by section right this is gonna be section one small bites, here we go
31:06Top showed up not sure why
31:08Apparently, there's someone in the park that shouldn't be in the park
34:20What's that Stockman I'm right here
34:28Well, thank you so much
34:33You're welcome, it's my honor to do it
34:36Well, thank you, thank you, I'm just glad the weather's nice now, huh, I mean I've been out there freezing
34:43It's like 60 degrees. I feel lovely. So good
34:49You know what, I mean it's little by little, you know, I love it
34:59So glad you stopped. All right. Take care
35:02Those little stops like that just fill me up so much. Okay, let's finish. What were we doing?
35:10Edging we were edging. Let's finish edging
36:38Okay, I know what you guys want say it with me power sweep let's get it going
37:47That my friends is a beautiful section one, let's hit section two
41:12This is a powerful mower, I love it
41:55Okay, we're gonna tarp this pull it to the dumpster we're gonna whip all of this get the edger out
50:35It's the power sweeper
50:38Got some rubber fins on it's great for sidewalks and a bunch of stuff
50:42You like it. All right
50:44Take care
51:58Okay a little update here
52:01This hasn't happened to me yet, but my blower is gone
52:07It's funny. I was shoveling right here and I saw a Ford escape stop
52:13I had my blower right there under my trailer, you know, it's it's not gonna it's not gonna ruin the day
52:19It's not gonna ruin the day. This is still a very successful day
52:23This house is getting demolished. There's a lot to celebrate. I mean look at this sidewalk the sidewalks beautiful and clean
52:31But that was taken that was definitely taken I
52:36Don't think anything else was stolen but man it kind of shakes you up a little bit
52:44All right, well
52:48I'm going to I have my handheld blower that I use for my trailer. We're gonna use that
52:54thankfully the power sweep did a lot of this but
52:57We'll use my handheld blower to try to clean up the rest of it, I mean I've looked all around it's definitely taken
53:07That's all right, it's not gonna slow us down we're gonna keep going okay
53:16Let's get the handheld blower. Yeah, I just went through the footage
53:19I moved the camera just as the car came up to take the blower which was on the back side of the dumpster
53:26So we're gonna finish with this hey, it's okay I got my health sidewalk looks great let's finish up here
54:13This is definitely not as good oh man
54:42All right, we are done
54:45The wind is a little bit out of my sails, but I'm alright. That's actually the first time
54:50I've ever had anything stolen from me on the channel. I'll definitely be more aware of where my equipment is
54:56I always do try to keep an eye on it, but they were very fast
55:02What can you do, but we still did something really good here today. This house is gonna be demolished next week
55:08I am so thrilled because as you heard it wasn't supposed to be done until the end of next year, which is crazy
55:14So now with kids across the street in the park
55:17Which there's some playing right now if you can hear the swings going this lot will be clean and nothing to worry about
55:23And now they also have some very nice sidewalks to walk on all right this property took a number of days
55:29So let me take you back to what it looked like before we got here, and let me show you this amazing transformation
55:35Take a look
57:35All right everybody that's it for me
57:36I'm thankful you all were here with me and got to hear these great
57:39Conversations with the neighbors truly blessed and honored to be out in the neighborhood even when my stuff gets stolen as always
57:46Thank you for being here. Please check out the description if you can has all things midlife Stockman my patreon
57:53Buy me a coffee my equipment list. I appreciate all of your support
57:57Don't forget kindness is contagious love on your neighbors when you can I think you'll truly be blessed by that
58:02And that's gonna do it for me everyone have a beautiful week, and we'll see you soon