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​2025 Stats πŸ“ˆ
Results prior to this episode:
-$19,667 + $6,399 WIN πŸ€ last episode
= -$13,268 YTD

YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$1,612
EJ +$4,615
WBG -$7,298
W2Jesus $ +$716
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300

To see our complete 2025 stats and results join our Discord πŸ‘‰ https://discord.gg/vegasmatt


00:00Very exciting day today. The four final slot machines. We are going to fire it in there.
00:06I tell you, I really feel good about my pick, Dracula. We got Mo Mo Mo Mummy.
00:11We got Grand Legends and we got one more that I forgot.
00:15It's right behind you.
00:16Just told me. Oh yeah, this. How could I forget that one? Buffalo Lightning Link.
00:20So that's going to be exciting. And after that winner is determined and I am paid my $1,500,
00:27I am going to fire it in there because it is Friday. Let's enjoy this, please.
00:32Buffalo Lightning Link. This is my last chance here with Buffalo Lightning Link.
00:37Let me just pop up the amazing graphic real quick.
00:40Who are you up against?
00:41Mo Mo Mo Mummy, W2Jesus, and then your Dracula is up against Grand Legends.
00:47Also W2Jesus.
00:48What do I have?
00:49You're out of the tournament.
00:51Yeah, so $2,000 in the inage is the inage. $50 a spin. One bonus.
00:55You're in the showers.
00:56Thanks, buddy.
01:01Well, good luck, EJ.
01:02Thank you. I need it.
01:03I'm going to be cheering from the sidelines. I'm not sure.
01:09I want to find a way to side bet on one of these teams.
01:12A good sport, as always.
01:14Who are you cheering for?
01:16Oh, come on. I need it quick against, actually, Mo Mo Mo Mummy.
01:21That could be a big result in either direction.
01:25I've heard it's capable of first spin double pops.
01:30Hopefully you can do that again.
01:32Wait a second. Let's just root for me here.
01:37All I want is you guys to win and then Dracula to be the number one.
01:47I really am rooting for a big school hold and spin.
01:52That would be nice.
01:55Oh, there it is.
01:57Oh, we had it.
02:00Do you prefer the coins or the hold and spin here, EJ?
02:03I prefer the hold and spin.
02:05Just because it's kind of solid. It's a solid double, right?
02:08The coins could be a home run. It could be a strikeout.
02:11Yeah, especially now that I'm down a little bit.
02:14If I got it early, maybe I would take the coins.
02:18So any changes to the rules for the final round?
02:21No, so I think our plan is to play out the tournament
02:24and then fire it in there a little bit afterwards.
02:27Well, it is fire it in there Friday.
02:29And we've been slacking on that theme, but our concept now is
02:32every Friday, a minimum of $100 spin.
02:36Yeah, so we're going to really fire it in there.
02:38Maybe not the whole time, but we'll do one fire it in there session on Friday.
02:41Is that the idea?
02:42At the conclusion of the tournament.
02:44I think fire it in there the whole time at least $100.
02:47Well, we can't do that today because the max bet on Dracula is $50.
02:51Right, no, I'm saying on a standard non-tournament Friday.
02:56Once again, these things have been planned well in advance.
02:59I mean, in the moment.
03:01There have been a number of meetings. We brought up some consultants.
03:04Yeah, we had the board with the yarn and the thumbtacks.
03:07Yes, yes.
03:09Where we piece things together 100%.
03:11You got wrecked, DJ.
03:13Well, it's not over. I still have $3,000 more.
03:15That's true.
03:16Lucky chance.
03:19Oh, you got it.
03:24$3,000 is the image.
03:28Yeah, $3,000 more.
03:29You need a minor here.
03:30I do.
03:31$5,000 minor will do the trick. Here we go.
03:34But we don't know how the other competitor is going to play.
03:36It could be that if you end up with just $3,000 or $4,000 of the $5,000,
03:40you might lose less than Moe Moe Moe Mummy.
03:44Obviously, I hope that doesn't happen.
03:49You're hoping he doesn't lose less than Moe Moe Moe Mummy?
03:52I hope that I win a lot. I don't know what else I care about.
03:56Let's go.
03:58This thing needs to warm up.
04:04Oh, a checkmark.
04:05A checkmark. Yeah, that might help.
04:08A little nepotism there.
04:10Wait for me.
04:12Oh, I don't care on this match.
04:14I just want a net win for the league.
04:18There's going to be budget cuts.
04:22Yeah, the health of the league is most important.
04:24Players might go on strike if you cut the budget too much.
04:27Yeah, well, I got to keep that in mind.
04:31All right, let's go.
04:32Big, beautiful buffalo spin.
04:35Or an absolute nothingness.
04:38Hold on, let me see some of these.
04:40Oh, he's breaking out an advanced move here.
04:43Mix it up.
04:45Change up the juju.
04:46You think the machine picked up the blitz?
04:49Oh, that would have helped.
04:51That would have helped a lot.
04:55Tens is...
04:58All right.
05:00All right.
05:07Very, very quiet.
05:09The crowd is not enjoying this game at all.
05:13Did you give your players a good pregame talk?
05:15It doesn't even feel like they showed up to play.
05:17Oh, yeah!
05:18What did you say about that?
05:20About my players?
05:21Don't touch the button.
05:23You want to enjoy this?
05:24I want to enjoy it.
05:25My players came to play.
05:26They heard the smack talk from the sideline.
05:28That's a lot of money.
05:29You needed more in this one.
05:31No, it's really good.
05:32Oh, yeah?
05:33Is he on front street?
05:34Oh, yeah.
05:35A little bit.
05:36How much are you in?
05:38Oh, okay, yeah.
05:39It's a little bit front street.
05:40I think probably $2,000.
05:41Oh, man!
05:42A lot!
05:43Look at this guy.
05:44That's not even a bonus, though.
05:45You've got to keep going.
05:47$71,000, $18,000.
05:48Well, that changed the texture of this matchup.
05:50Big time, fella.
05:51You never know what can happen all of a sudden in this.
05:53You're never out of it in this game.
05:55That's why it's such a good contender.
05:57I'll tell you one thing.
05:58That woke up the crowd.
05:59Oh, yeah.
06:00Everyone's on their feet now, screaming.
06:02Hey, I happen to be the crowd.
06:04This is like Hoosiers right now.
06:07Or Rudy.
06:08I kind of wish I had picked this instead of a Dragon League.
06:11This year, just a terrible performance in the big game.
06:14What's your favorite sports movie?
06:16Like Rudy, Hoosiers, Field of Dreams?
06:18I like Rudy a lot.
06:19Mighty Ducks.
06:20Mighty Ducks.
06:21That's a great film.
06:23No one's taking Ladybugs?
06:26Oh, Bad News Bears.
06:27We're kind of like the Bad News Bears.
06:29How about Air Bud?
06:30The Sandlot?
06:31Oh, Sandlot, yeah.
06:32You're killing me, Smalls.
06:34Sandlot is one that I was thinking of but couldn't think of the name.
06:37Oh, yes.
06:38Benchwarmers is a great movie.
06:41Waterboy is a really good one.
06:43Those aren't really good.
06:44But Rudy's like a good motivational one.
06:49Bad News Bears is us.
06:51You want to hear something interesting?
06:52Go ahead.
06:54Coach Z is friends with Rudy's brother.
06:59I think he was his trainer.
07:01There's some connection to the real Rudy.
07:04Rudy Rudiger?
07:05I don't know.
07:06That is interesting.
07:07We'll have to ask him about it next time he's with us.
07:09What was that show Coach Z was on again?
07:11Hard Knocks?
07:12Hard Knocks.
07:13That's kind of cool to be on a show.
07:17You call this a show?
07:19Yeah, I do.
07:20It is a show.
07:21Is it cool?
07:22It's getting there.
07:23It's getting there.
07:25I'm interviewing some new characters.
07:32Some people with some wide variety of question-asking skills.
07:36Oh, yeah?
07:37Put them in the A-team?
07:38Oh, yeah.
07:39Some people with bigger vocabularies.
07:40There's a lot of potential room for growth in the show.
07:43People who prefer winning to losing?
07:45Come on!
07:47EJ, now listen.
07:48You've got to get a bonus here, okay?
07:49I'm listening.
07:50Who prefers losing?
07:52Historically, WBG.
07:54I definitely do not like losing.
07:55That's part of the WBG character.
07:57Definitely not.
07:58Yeah, but it's not to be real life.
07:59It's part of a show.
08:00See, understand?
08:01The character in the show likes to lose, but you in real life don't like to lose.
08:06Even the character.
08:07I am the character.
08:08Oh, then you don't like to lose?
08:10That's a misunderstanding.
08:13What he certainly doesn't like is people telling him that he likes to lose.
08:17Or people talking about him in any way, shape, or form.
08:19It's not just his favorite thing either.
08:20Come on!
08:21Let's get a bonus here.
08:22I'll talk to the writers.
08:24All right, let's go.
08:25Come on, quit screwing around, you guys.
08:26Maybe we could have like a Gilligan's Island thing where he gets hit in the head by a coconut
08:30and then after that he likes winning.
08:32Can we have a ginger?
08:34Yeah, he gets furiously mad when we lose.
08:39I like it.
08:40I don't get mad.
08:41No, I know, but you're compared to him.
08:42No, but if you get hit in the head with a coconut, you would suck.
08:47Right on Front Street.
08:50All right.
08:51We need a somewhat of a performance here.
08:53These can be a Sando.
08:55I hope you get the Holden Spin.
08:59Do you really?
09:00Yeah, get the Super Grand.
09:02This is totally out of contention here.
09:05Uh-oh, looks like a Super Sando so far.
09:09It's not over.
09:10Here comes some coins.
09:11You're never out of it.
09:12This could be a zero bonus.
09:17It's a zero bonus.
09:19Wait, coin?
09:20No way!
09:21Total disaster.
09:23It is a winner, though.
09:24You are ahead.
09:26You won $316.50.
09:28No, the $0.50 was in there.
09:30Oh, that's true.
09:31Moe, Moe, Moe, Moe Me.
09:32What's the nom would you like?
09:33I'd like to start with $50.
09:34Whatever the nom that works with.
09:36$0.10, I believe, is the $50 one.
09:40Oh, you can do it right there.
09:41That's $50.
09:42Fire it in there.
09:45Oh, I thought you had another First Spin Johnson.
09:47Oh, First Spin Johnson.
09:48That's good.
09:49Wow, you're the hot gate ball here.
09:50Can we change the credits?
09:52Gotta be very strategic here.
09:53You have a $316.50 floor.
09:56So I basically need to get to like $5,700, give or take?
10:00Yeah, to win.
10:02A little less, I think.
10:07You got the Moe Rose up there.
10:10You can do it.
10:11I think so.
10:13I hope not.
10:14I hope you break even.
10:15I hope you break even.
10:16So the standings are...
10:19This is your last...
10:20That was your last...
10:22My game, yeah.
10:23Vegas Matt and I both have one team.
10:26And W2 has two teams in this.
10:28So he can afford to lose this match.
10:31And I think he should.
10:32I was hoping for an old W2 final where I win both of the next rounds.
10:36The fans don't really want that.
10:37Yeah, I mean, do you really think people want to watch you...
10:40Play with yourself?
10:42I think some people do.
10:43I think some people do.
10:45You've got a very diverse fan group.
10:47A lot of people watch, you know?
10:49Takes all kinds, Matt.
10:50Yeah, I know.
10:51I feel you.
10:52We should zone.
10:53You're in a safe zone of sorts right now.
10:55Where if you get the bonus, I'm in trouble.
10:57We need you to draw down quite a bit more from here.
11:00Yeah, there really aren't $200 bonuses on this game.
11:03I was going to pick this game.
11:07Well, my picks were going to be this game, High Rise,
11:11which I'm glad I didn't get.
11:14Is this part of your concession speech, or...?
11:17No, I'm just saying.
11:18I didn't get a chance to get this game.
11:20I picked it previously when we did a competition,
11:22and I don't know if you guys remember, but I won.
11:24I do.
11:25I think this is a good choice.
11:28Well, that remains to be seen, folks.
11:31I'd like to see you guys tie exactly,
11:33because I like both of those games.
11:34I'd like to see them both again.
11:36No one stands a chance against I Am Dracula.
11:39Dracula is...
11:40I think that the Grand Legends Dracula is a good match-up.
11:44It could have been the finals in a different...
11:46the way the brackets could have been drawn up differently.
11:48But they both, I think, have tighter results
11:52than Buffalo Link vs. Mo Mo Mummy,
11:55which have more dramatic results.
11:57That was surely good that we got that big, beautiful buffalo spinner.
12:00You'd have been in real trouble.
12:02And who was the seating committee, by the way?
12:04I just did it randomly on a piece of receipt paper.
12:08I was going to do it seated,
12:09but then W2 had a match-up against himself,
12:12so on and so forth,
12:13so I had to put everyone in opposite ends.
12:15Sounds like he's into that.
12:17Well, he's hoping to play with himself here later today.
12:19I think I will.
12:22It's not looking great for you so far.
12:24It was looking bad for me, too,
12:25although in this, there's no line pace.
12:27That's correct.
12:30Oh, the luck has arrived, Matt Graham!
12:32Dang it!
12:33Come on, double.
12:34Come on, just blue.
12:35Only blue.
12:36Only blue.
12:37Oh, no, this doesn't look good.
12:38All right, come on.
12:39Something else.
12:45I am victorious.
12:48I'm declaring victory early.
12:49You need more than 2,000 here.
12:52Count my chickens before they hatch, EJ.
12:55You don't have the moros.
12:57And this is quarters, don't forget.
13:01So how much is that, 125 bucks?
13:03No gems.
13:04No gems.
13:05No gems.
13:06We got this.
13:09That's a tough spin for you right there.
13:11Oh, that's...
13:12Oh, that's...
13:13Oh, okay.
13:15You got one.
13:18I think I'm in trouble.
13:21So you need about, what, 400?
13:22Oh, I may be in trouble.
13:23I'm at 200.
13:24He needs 8,000 credits.
13:258,000 quarters, yeah.
13:32Yeah, that's a complete disaster.
13:35That hurts.
13:37I mean, one spin.
13:38No, four spins left.
13:39You need to whiff everything here.
13:40Yeah, I just need, what, 8,000?
13:43A little bit better than 8,000.
13:44Wow, that...
13:45Oh my goodness, it's...
13:46You're right there.
13:50There it is.
13:51Oh, you got it.
13:52Okay, all right.
13:53Win a lot.
13:54Win a lot.
13:55Now we're all on the same team.
13:56Yes, win a lot.
13:58Come on.
13:59Oh, I don't want a close match.
14:01Let's go.
14:02Oh, look at that!
14:03Sandola there for a second, too.
14:06We need one more here.
14:09This mummy's very familiar with sand.
14:10He's not going to let the sand out.
14:11Mission critical spin here.
14:12Come on!
14:13We need a diamond.
14:16What the...
14:19That stinks.
14:28Well, good match, TJ.
14:30In the nick of a fight.
14:35Ah, that was lots of fun.
14:36Congratulations, W-2 Jesus.
14:39EJ, I hate to see you get knocked out, you know,
14:42but hey, may the best man win.
14:45So now we're moving on to Grand Legends versus Dracula,
14:49and the winner of this match will go up against
14:52Moe Moe Moe Mummy, is that correct?
14:55In the absolute finals.
14:56So I'm happy with the league's performance so far.
14:59We've booked two wins, two exciting games,
15:01a lot of fans, incredible times.
15:03I'm holding EJ's receipt paper here.
15:05What I'm looking for out of Grand Legends is a drawdown,
15:10then a bonus that's a bit of a sand-o,
15:13and then Dracula to have an incredible performance,
15:16because we do not, nobody wants to see W-2 Jesus
15:19play with himself.
15:20So, because he's got two teams in it,
15:22so we need him to lose here.
15:24Come on.
15:25Root me on.
15:26I am Dracula.
15:29As WBG was saying, I got very unlucky.
15:31I was winning when I got my bonus.
15:33I assume you want to bet 50?
15:35Yeah, let's bet 50.
15:37Flags would be a real strong performance here.
15:40I'd have to think about which way I'd go if I got the flags, though.
15:43You've got a choice there.
15:45The great bonus and the less volatile one.
15:47It seems like if you're winning, you take the less volatile.
15:52If you're losing, you take, that's five aces.
15:55Yeah, if you're losing a lot, you've got to go for the more volatile,
15:57you've got to take a shot, right?
15:58Now, what did he start with?
16:00We've got it notated, I'll look.
16:03360, you got my paper?
16:05I think it was 6,700-ish.
16:07No, I think it was 6,000.
16:09Just over 6,000.
16:10It was 6,300, or 5,300 after Buffalo Lake,
16:13and then about 700 more.
16:15Yeah, it's 5,000 plus 316 plus 763.
16:18Oh, flags!
16:20Just under 6,100.
16:22Those flags should work.
16:24All right.
16:26I'm a little torn here because I would like to win,
16:28but I also want to win the side bet.
16:30Envied back-to-back champion, a two-peat,
16:34I could be looking at here.
16:36My plan here is to get a big feature, but no hold and spam.
16:40So I get up like 5,000 and then get the flags.
16:43Oh, that would be really good.
16:46So far, all you're getting is a Sando.
16:49Oh, they always give you that one that kind of looks like that one.
16:52Have you ever noticed that?
16:55Yeah, I don't think they look alike at all.
16:57Well, the same color palette.
17:01Don't be talking trash.
17:04I think we can all agree they should be wild.
17:06Yes, everything should be wild.
17:08Flags? Absolutely. I'm surprised they're not.
17:10Oh, that would have been good.
17:12Oh, look at that.
17:16Queens, five of a kind. How much does that pay?
17:19Not enough.
17:21Wow, not a lot of first-row Johnsons there.
17:24Oh, my lanta!
17:27Look at that.
17:29We've gotten that before.
17:31Yeah, well, I wish we had just gotten it right there.
17:33I would have conceded the tournament for 12-5.
17:35That was like a half-court shot that went in and out.
17:38Yeah, off the rim.
17:42What's everyone's favorite sport?
17:44Like, basketball is bad.
17:46Who likes basketball versus football versus baseball versus other?
17:51What do you guys like to watch or play or all of the above?
17:54Is gambling a sport?
17:58It is now, but it's the Merch Madness tournament.
18:01Oh, speaking of Merch Madness,
18:04my beautiful rainbow Let's Enjoy This hoodies
18:07have been discontinued, sold out,
18:09and that just builds a case for
18:11when you see something you like, you buy it,
18:14because we always do limited-edition runs on things,
18:17and so now would be a good time to buy your favorite thing
18:20at 16% off, a very sweet discount.
18:25That goes for another 24 hours, right?
18:28Until tomorrow's video comes out.
18:30Merch Madness.
18:32Wow, W2, I'm liking Dracula's chances here.
18:35This is highly irregular to go this long
18:38without a bonus on this game.
18:40The gambling gods are smiling down upon me.
18:43As the commissioner of the league, I'm very happy with this.
18:46If I could have fixed it, I would have had Grand Legends lose
18:49so we could have an exciting final.
18:52You don't think Grand Legends is that exciting?
18:54No, no, I just don't want there to be
18:56two people playing with themselves.
18:58Oh, I gotcha.
18:59Nobody wants to see that.
19:01Well, if you have two people playing with themselves,
19:03they can just play with each other all the time.
19:05Now you were hoping no hold and spin.
19:07Unfortunately, hold and spin time.
19:10I need some big balls or I'm in trouble here.
19:12Looks like a small school.
19:13You might break even.
19:14I don't like your chances.
19:15No, he needs 1,700.
19:17Can I get a rainbow warrior in there?
19:19No, you need it.
19:20Let's get a rainbow.
19:21Oh, idiot.
19:22I accidentally fast spun you there.
19:24I think you did that trying to catch smaller balls.
19:26Oh, yeah.
19:28Oh, look at that.
19:29They're going to give me the old one ball deal?
19:31Oh, boy.
19:32Oh, man, that's like one guy.
19:33Can I touch you there, legend?
19:34I do.
19:35All right, 250.
19:38What do you know?
19:41So you lost about 1,000 clams.
19:49WBG, the silent chuckle there.
19:52No one knows what he was laughing about.
19:54Sometimes I just think funny things.
19:56Oh, yeah?
19:57All right, so we move on to the Dracula.
20:02So Grand Legends lost $1,060.
20:06Vegas match Dracula.
20:08Has to win.
20:09I wonder if I was the last person to play it.
20:11You just have to end at 3,960 or higher.
20:143,960 or higher ending number.
20:16Let's go.
20:17I checked with the bookmakers.
20:20And you are a prohibitive favorite this round.
20:23Three games.
20:25Get lots of hearts, too.
20:26I know.
20:27I need some hearts.
20:28What kind of odds are we getting on that line?
20:31I don't know.
20:32Like minus 160.
20:33Oh, you call that prohibitive?
20:35Well, as soon as I realized that you wanted to bet it,
20:39here we go.
20:40Did they just change?
20:42Yeah, the end game wide, it's locked right now.
20:44I am Dracula.
20:45Yes, Dracula.
20:48All right, come on, I am Dracula.
20:51Oh, jackpot.
20:52No, 100.
20:54All right.
20:57Power it up.
20:58Power jackpot.
21:01Fire it in there.
21:02Oh, power it up.
21:04And then they give you the 50, right?
21:07Oh, 100.
21:09A non-powered up 100.
21:11Yeah, I would take Dracula at the beginning of this.
21:15At the beginning of Dracula.
21:17It all matters.
21:18Every 200 bucks matters.
21:20Yeah, this is a tense moment here.
21:24Come on, Dracula.
21:25Well, here's the thing.
21:26I mean, you expect to lose on all slot machines, right?
21:28Of course, yeah.
21:29So, like, losing 1,000, I don't feel like I'm totally out of it.
21:32I don't love it.
21:33No, you're not.
21:34You're not out of it.
21:35Because it might take a minute to get this bonus.
21:37You never know.
21:39But not now.
21:40But you're not going to have, like, a $0 bonus, very likely.
21:43Not in this game.
21:44You're going to get something.
21:45It's pretty good.
21:46The bonus when you get it is very good.
21:47Oh, that looked like a lot.
21:49How you do along the way and how long it takes.
21:51Yeah, can you hang on?
21:52Well, I'm already down 1,000, right?
21:54Not quite yet.
21:55Oh, here we go.
21:56Here we are.
21:57And you are Dracula.
21:58I want to be Dracula.
21:59Come on.
22:00What the heck?
22:01You're not Dracula.
22:02Oh, wait.
22:03I am Dracula.
22:04That's cheating.
22:05That's not allowed to do that.
22:06I am Dracula.
22:07Wolf has arrived.
22:10How many Draculas are I?
22:13Two Draculas.
22:14I am Dracula twice.
22:17Oh, power it up.
22:20150 times a lot.
22:26Let's go.
22:27All right, cut in big.
22:29Power it up.
22:32Fired in there on the 80.
22:33Oh, and a jackpot.
22:34Wow, look at that.
22:36Give him a jackpot.
22:40That's kind of a sando, but I got ammo.
22:43The live lion has it at a pick-em-right-mouth.
22:49Should bet the other way for an emotional hedge.
22:53Oh, yeah.
22:58I am Dracula.
22:59I am Dracula.
23:06Wait a minute.
23:07I thought I had 241,000.
23:10Very close.
23:12Oh, yeah.
23:15Let's go.
23:17I like that 500.
23:18Power it up.
23:21I'm very competitive.
23:22I like winning.
23:23Come on.
23:24Do you have thoughts about losing?
23:25Not a big fan.
23:29Live lion minus 180.
23:34Oh, another power-up.
23:35Is it going to minus 182 with the power-up?
23:42How many?
23:44All right, I'll take it.
23:46Can I count that as a bonus?
23:50Nice hit.
23:53A lot of people are saying that's a great hit, Matt.
23:56I agree with them wholeheartedly.
23:58Good performance so far.
23:59Just need to get across the goal line with a bonus.
24:01You know, Dracula is always a steady performer.
24:04It's just a question of getting those free games, you know?
24:07But the hearts keep him alive.
24:12I am Dracula.
24:14I am free games.
24:19You are Vegas, Matt.
24:21I like this Dracula guy.
24:23Come on, Dracula.
24:29Is he going to be Dracula?
24:31He better be.
24:35I think he's Dracula whether he tells you or not.
24:38I thought I was going to get a luck has arrived Dracula there.
24:44All right.
24:45Come on.
24:47Game over.
24:49Game over.
24:52Wow, Dracula advances.
24:53I love it.
24:54Wow, that makes me weirdly happy.
24:58It's minus 5,000 if anybody wants to...
25:02I like this bonus, too.
25:04Oh, yeah.
25:05We have to go down here first.
25:07All right, hearts.
25:09Oh, I need hearts.
25:11Okay, there we go.
25:12Heads now.
25:15Give me heads.
25:16All right.
25:17One head.
25:18A few power-ups on this spin.
25:20I am Dracula.
25:22I am Dracula.
25:24Okay, 500.
25:25That's better than a power-up, I think.
25:27Yeah, that powers me up.
25:30Wait a minute.
25:33Come on, Dracky.
25:35I call him Dracky.
25:37We're getting to be a nickname basis.
25:40Because he's your homie.
25:41Give him a nickname for him.
25:42Lucky Dracula.
25:45Come on, Lucky D.
25:49All right, come on.
25:59What a bad bonus.
26:02That's a complete disaster.
26:04Thank goodness I won anyway.
26:05Yeah, you got the job done.
26:07Yeah, but very disappointing result.
26:10Good thing I wasn't down 2,000 when that happened.
26:13I would have been very annoyed.
26:14You were winning, actually.
26:15All right.
26:17Well, here we are, the long-awaited announcer voice.
26:21All right, then.
26:22So, it's the finals, and I'm in it.
26:25Not a surprise.
26:26I like the live-line stuff.
26:27I like it.
26:28Yeah, that was fun.
26:29Minus 5,000, I got it when there was no chance.
26:31I wonder if anyone would ever bet something that was impossible to win on.
26:34I don't know, but you always see that, right?
26:36Like in the UFC fight, the guy's basically...
26:37Yeah, he's unconscious, but...
26:39Yeah, and it's an eight count.
26:40Yeah, it's like, you can still bet.
26:42The live-line.
26:43All right, so here's what we got going.
26:44Moe, Moe, Moe, Mummy for W2Jesus versus I am Dracula.
26:50So, yeah, we're rooting for here, of course, never a slaughter.
26:54We don't want to lose money for the league.
26:56We want him to draw down a couple grand, then get a couple grand bonus, and then meet a win.
27:01That's, you know, essentially how everyone would like to see it play out.
27:04But you never know with slot machines.
27:06Moe, Moe, Moe, Mummy has a $41,000 grand, all kinds of other options.
27:11EJ, anything you'd like to add?
27:12Let's go.
27:13All right.
27:14Ready to fire it in there.
27:15Let's go.
27:16W2, how much would you like to bet?
27:18Let's start with 50.
27:19All right.
27:20Do you like your quarter denom?
27:22You know, I trust you to pick a good denom for me, Matt.
27:25Well, it worked last time for you.
27:27You're kind of the denom master in my book.
27:29I really am.
27:30Now, you've got some decent perceived progression, nothing overwhelming up there.
27:35We're playing on a different machine because, you know, the other one just paid, so you want to go on a new one.
27:41Anything else I can say about this?
27:43Oh, interesting.
27:44Did you intentionally choose a different cabinet just because the other one had already paid?
27:49Actually, there was a really loud machine being played behind the other one, and we did not want to do that.
27:55So fate steered us this direction.
27:58That really loud machine is one of my favorites.
28:00Maybe we could fire it in there later on that, too.
28:02Railroad riches?
28:04I remember some wins.
28:05I'm sure we've gotten wrecked on it, too, though.
28:08Does it have $100?
28:10That one only has $3,750, 10 cent denom.
28:13I like it.
28:14That's the most it has in high limits?
28:15I said we were going to fire it in there after this.
28:17We'll fire it in there, then.
28:18I'm just saying, that's an option.
28:21What about a very rare four-diamonder?
28:24You know, I think that Moe Mummy is the kind of game that needs the help of a question of the day,
28:29and that's the kind of competitor that I am.
28:31I would say you can get the question of the day for this machine.
28:34Why don't we just save the question of the day for when we fire it in there after this?
28:37I kind of like the idea that we did it during my part of the competition, DJ.
28:41Just FYI, for those playing along at home, $859 is the floor.
28:47Yeah, $859.
28:50Not asking any questions, talking about what your floor is.
28:53So when W2 loses, $5,000.
28:57Oh, I'm happy. You want me to find it now?
28:59I think it's fair to save it for after.
29:02I don't even think of that.
29:03I mean, we could save it for fire it in there Friday when we're betting $100.
29:07I don't know. I mean, well, I would like to win that $1,500 beautiful side bet pool.
29:15It very rarely triggers on the old random, huh?
29:18The prize pool is $2,000.
29:20Well, but I mean $500 is mine, so $1,500 of net profit.
29:24But a $2,000 prize pool, I think that sounds better.
29:27When you play a poker tournament, you don't say, oh, it's a $1,000,000 prize pool.
29:30It's only $990,000 because I paid $1,000.
29:33I'm with WBG on this.
29:34No, I say that.
29:35No, you don't.
29:36You wouldn't say I won $1,000 on this slot machine except I bet $50,000, so I won $950,000.
29:41Right, exactly.
29:42I would say that.
29:43How about net?
29:44Yeah, you would because when you cash out, you'd have $1,950,000, let's say.
29:48I only deal in net.
29:50And high water marks.
29:51Oh, look at you.
29:52Double pop.
29:59I'm down to one real.
30:00I guess I'm rooting to not get it at that point because I want the double pop so much more.
30:05The bonuses are so good, even the single pops.
30:07So when the mummy runs across, it's for sure.
30:09Sorry to interrupt you, but I thought you had it for sure there.
30:12That's the one where you don't have it for sure.
30:16I think if you can get any bonus early on this game, you're going to be in really good shape.
30:21Oh, look at that.
30:23So far, it's not doing much.
30:25I need this machine to come back from the dead here.
30:27Come to life.
30:28Like a mummy?
30:30How long have mummies been dead for?
30:32Depends on which mummy.
30:34I guess they're mummified so they last forever.
30:36Is that the idea?
30:38I think that's the principle, yeah.
30:41Like King Tut?
30:43Is he a mummy?
30:44He was mummified.
30:46I mean, I don't think he started out as a mummy.
30:48Could I get mummified?
30:49Should you?
30:50I mean, is that something that they offer?
30:53I'm just wondering.
30:54Like, I always said I'd like to have...
30:56Hang on a second.
30:57Did you want to use valuable player points or did you pay cash?
31:00And this is something, EJ, you may remember this.
31:02I've always said, I've always wanted to get stuffed and have me, like, standing in the corner of the house.
31:07Like a taxidermy.
31:08Like a taxidermy thing.
31:10That seems a little backwards.
31:11Can you do... Is that leaf...
31:12Like, I mean, could you...
31:13It's like, oh no, is this dying?
31:15He wants to be stuffed and, like, posted up in the corner.
31:17He hit the ground, he had a heart attack, but we got him stuffed.
31:20Yeah, it's like, I want to be propped up in the corner.
31:22With your chain on.
31:25Someone robs your chain.
31:26You're kind of like Willy the Wimp.
31:27The grandkids come over, it's like, well, there's grandpa, you know, it's like...
31:30Standing there with his...
31:31Don't touch him!
31:32You guys don't realize how deep of a pull I just threw out.
31:35What was it?
31:36Willy the Wimp?
31:37Oh my God.
31:38I don't know who that is.
31:39I have no idea who you're talking about.
31:41Internet legend.
31:42I'm still blown away by the idea that Matt has such a big ego that even after he dies,
31:46he wants to be sitting in the corner with his arms crossed and sunglasses on and as a mummy
31:51and have the future generations admire him.
31:53I don't want to miss anything.
31:56Stevie Ray Vaughan did a song called Willy the Wimp, about Willy the Wimp.
32:01And who's Willy the Wimp?
32:03Willy the Wimp is a character, a person.
32:06Did he get stuffed?
32:08Real quick, can we get a $75, please?
32:12Let's see here.
32:13How do you do that?
32:1450 cents times...
32:15I don't know, you can't do that.
32:17That's 60.
32:1860 the biggest we can do?
32:19What can we do on dimeses?
32:21I think 80 or 40.
32:23We're out of luck.
32:24Do the 60, then.
32:25On 50 cents?
32:28Alright, yeah, you need some help here.
32:31I can just see you in the corner, though.
32:33Okay, so what was Willy the Wimp's story about?
32:36I'm going to leave that for the audience to look up.
32:39It's interesting, yeah.
32:40Wait, wait, I do want to be stuffed.
32:42And I am not...
32:43I mean, can you do that?
32:44You want to be stuffed, huh?
32:45Well, yeah, that's you.
32:47The more you know.
32:50On my...
32:51Like, I don't want to be cremated.
32:52That seems like it would really hurt.
32:54Have you ever thought about getting in that business?
32:57Where you provided that service?
32:59You know, when I...
33:00I dealt with, like, a mortician place, you know,
33:02when my dad died, and I ended up...
33:04Shocker, because I tend to get really mad at people
33:07when I don't get the kind of service that I'm looking for.
33:10I have, like, these Larry David moments, but...
33:12Yeah, I definitely had a fascinating interaction
33:16with the mortician place.
33:18And, like, I didn't like the customer service at all.
33:23Well, maybe this guy will give you his mortician's number.
33:26Maybe he will.
33:28I think I'm going to go Neptune Society.
33:30Very old seed.
33:32Well, your chances of winning this tournament
33:34need to be buried pretty soon.
33:36You're going to need a mortician.
33:38I know, I was the big favorite coming into the day, too.
33:40It's really hard to beat the main marquee,
33:43you know, player of the tournament.
33:45The name players?
33:46Yeah, the name player.
33:47I mean, that's, you know, like...
33:49Wait a minute.
33:50That did sound a little egotistical.
33:52It's kind of like...
33:53Holy kidding, it's a f***ing slot machine.
33:55It's luck.
33:56It's kind of like being beaten by Steph Curry,
33:59being up against Steph Curry here.
34:01I mean, is he going to go down with, like, LeBron
34:04and Kobe and them as, like, one of the best ever?
34:08All right, we got a shot.
34:15Man, that's not good.
34:17You sound so upset, man.
34:19No, I am, because, like, I know I'm going to win,
34:22but now I'm going to lose five grand in the process,
34:25so it kind of takes a little bit of...
34:28I said I wanted, like, a small loser here,
34:31not just an absolute, you know, just beatdown.
34:35I don't know if this applies to Steph Curry,
34:37but it certainly seems to me to be the case
34:39that he just seems like the kind of person
34:41who, what he might lack in natural talent or height
34:45or whatever, he just works and works and works
34:47and practices and practices,
34:49and I guess that's true of all those guys,
34:51LeBron and Kobe.
34:53If not Rodman, we'd be out drinking
34:55until, like, 5 in the morning,
34:56and then he'd have to go to practice.
34:57Well, maybe he was just naturally talented.
34:58Yeah, he never... he didn't care.
35:00He would, like, literally go to games totally hungover.
35:03He was hanging out with Madonna.
35:05Yeah, I don't know about that.
35:07But that was back in Chicago, the crazy times.
35:11What a disappointment this is.
35:13Yeah, this is tragic.
35:14It's not over yet, W2.
35:15It's pretty close.
35:16Yeah, it's getting there.
35:17How much is this for?
35:21Come on.
35:22I don't want to lose this much money.
35:25Luck has arrived or something, please?
35:29Somebody should come behind us and play this machine.
35:34Come on.
35:36Triple pop!
35:37Triple pop.
35:38Get one early.
35:43Early and often.
35:44One more!
35:45Oh, no.
35:49It's going to be tough.
35:51It's an uphill battle.
35:53At least you don't have to forfeit.
35:55Yeah, it's not over.
35:56No, not by any...
35:58That's true.
35:59He could lose, too, I guess.
36:00That was, like, on the buzzer.
36:02Not on his fourth quarter.
36:03That was on the buzzer.
36:04Need some diamonds.
36:05Oh, wait.
36:06Come on.
36:08Not a good start.
36:12Oh, what a disaster.
36:18Is it over now, WBT?
36:23What on earth is this?
36:26We've never seen four diamonds.
36:29That was absolutely tragic right there.
36:34I could win if you get a forfeit.
36:36That's the only way I can win.
36:38Have you ever seen a $300 bonus on a $60 bet on this game?
36:42No, not until my $2,000 prize was on the line.
36:45Then, of course.
36:46What a complete disaster.
36:48MoMoMoMummy loses 45-40.
36:52Now, I don't want to get cocked overconfident,
36:54because this could take a minute to get the bonus.
36:56As you notice, we just got it.
36:58No one's played it since.
37:01Wait a minute.
37:02Should I play a different machine, or should I just play this one?
37:06Oh, I made a decision.
37:07It didn't work out too well for W2.
37:09Switching machines.
37:11So, you probably want to take it.
37:13Oh, come on.
37:15Dang it.
37:16It's over.
37:17Vegas Matt wins it all.
37:19Before we play the bonus, let's pay the man.
37:22Okay, I'll pay the man.
37:23That was such a big favor coming into the day.
37:25Oh, man.
37:26Cinderella story.
37:28I love winning.
37:29Have I mentioned that?
37:30It's $500.
37:31I really hate to take your money, guys.
37:33Oh, yeah.
37:36Oh, thank you, WBG.
37:38Congratulations, you son of a gun.
37:40A great group of sportsmen.
37:41All right, now we need a $4,000 bonus here.
37:43Yeah, agreed.
37:45To be even on the day.
37:46So, the image on the day is 5,000?
37:485,000, yeah.
37:49Okay, let's just book a win as well.
37:51A little sweet cherry on top.
37:52I'm just putting my super-duper gold money clip.
37:55Okay, that's a good start.
37:57Come on, Dracula.
37:58Come on, Dracula.
38:00Oh, a triple Dracula.
38:03I am Dracula.
38:05Love this bonus.
38:08We haven't had one of those in a minute.
38:10Oh, power it up.
38:11Power-ups are really good at the bonus.
38:13Power up there.
38:14Come on.
38:15A lot of power-ups.
38:16Power it up again.
38:19Just keep them coming.
38:20Rack them and stack them.
38:23Oh, get out of my hair.
38:28Come on.
38:34Yeah, boom, boom, boom.
38:36Oh, what a sando.
38:38It's only the first heart.
38:40I bet you with three hearts.
38:42All right, let's go.
38:44Oh, no heart there.
38:45I heart hearts.
38:49With Dracula's, I mean.
38:54I am Dracula.
38:56Yes, you are.
39:00Oh, man.
39:01Close again.
39:06Close again.
39:08Don't they know I need to win four grand?
39:14Come on.
39:16What am I looking for here?
39:18Just hearts?
39:19All right.
39:20Lot of Draculas.
39:22Lot of Draculas.
39:24No, not one.
39:25Okay, three.
39:26I like it.
39:27I am Dracula.
39:29Yes, you are.
39:34Oh, gosh.
39:40This is like the small school in Buffalo, Link, huh?
39:46More jackpots.
39:48More jackpot.
39:54I am sando, you lot.
39:56I can't believe I'm losing to this.
39:59Yeah, it's, well.
40:04Lot of them.
40:05Lot of them.
40:07Lot more.
40:10I am Dracula.
40:15Come on, Dracula.
40:20Oh, boy.
40:21Just dodged the hand pay at this point.
40:24Good job.
40:25I dodged it.
40:27All right, well.
40:30I won $1,500 and lost $3,000.
40:34Congratulations, Vegas, Matt.
40:36Well deserved.
40:37That was fun.
40:38All right, Halftime Report.
40:39That was a lot of fun.
40:40I really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did making it.
40:43Good competition.
40:45You know, you can get together with your friends and have your own competition.
40:48And be sure to watch this.
40:50I know I mentioned this yesterday, but be sure to watch the one that we did online.
40:53Because if you're lucky enough to be in one of the states where FanDuel Casino is,
40:56you can do your own competitions.
40:58At home.
40:59From the comfort of your home.
41:00With your bunny slippers on.
41:02But anyway.
41:03The winner, Dracula.
41:04You know, it's funny.
41:05I give about as much thought to things as, like, what I was going to say right there.
41:10I gave it no thought.
41:11I started saying it without even giving it thought.
41:13I picked Dragon Link because that's kind of the thing.
41:15I like Dragon Link.
41:16And then, like they said, pick a game.
41:18And I was just trying to think of a game that I could remember that was in the casino.
41:21And I remembered Dracula.
41:23And that I liked it.
41:24And we got a good bonus on it.
41:25And lucky enough, it ended up being the tournament champion.
41:28Putting $1,500 in the pocket.
41:30On the series, or on the whole tournament, the league has done pretty well.
41:35But it's not over.
41:36We're about ready to do a Fire It In There Friday episode here for you.
41:40So, we're going to start with a Get Even or Get Even Worse with $3,000.
41:44Haven't decided yet if it's one hand or we'll do a session.
41:46But the games continue.
41:48But thanks for watching the very, very, very sweet competition that we put together.
41:53The 8 down to 4 down to 1.
41:56Dracula, the winner.
41:58Merch Madness.
41:59Get your merch.
42:00Again, this one discontinued.
42:02You can't get it.
42:03Don't let that happen to you again.
42:05And you get 16% off for the next 24 hours if you go to this.
42:09Everything's 16% off.
42:10Don't need a code or anything.
42:11Just go to vegasmad.shop and buy something.
42:14Get your Get Even or Get Even Worse.
42:15Get your Fire It In There.
42:16Get your Gamble.
42:17Hoodies galore.
42:18The softest.
42:19Okay, that's enough from our sponsors.
42:21Let's win.
42:22All right, so what do we got?
42:233,000 here.
42:25A couple of Fire It In There stickers.
42:26Oh, one hand.
42:27I like it.
42:28Oh, I didn't know that.
42:29Oh, boy.
42:30Ready there, Daryl?
42:31World famous Daryl.
42:32That's my man.
42:34I mean, sorry, Daryl.
42:35Not you.
42:36Daryl's not an idiot.
42:37No, not Daryl.
42:38Daryl and I are friends.
42:39The result is an idiot.
42:40Yeah, the result, you would agree Daryl is an idiot.
42:41Yes, sir.
42:42You're confident I was not calling you an idiot.
42:43That would be very bad form.
42:457 or 8.
42:47All right, Daryl, you can redeem yourself with an 8.
42:50We've heard you.
42:51I said 8.
42:52How about 7?
42:54Wow, he can't move his hair.
42:56Let's see.
42:572, 3, 5, 6.
42:58What do we got here?
42:596 or 16.
43:00All right.
43:01I, too, like to live danger.
43:03What if I stayed?
43:04No, hit, hit, hit.
43:06Oh, for crying out sakes.
43:08Now, did we get rid of all the little cards?
43:10Should we try the no bust method for once?
43:15You're in charge.
43:16I don't know.
43:17What do you think he has?
43:18That's how you decide this.
43:19What do you think he has?
43:21Well, I don't know.
43:22Probably a 7 or an 8 or a 6 or a 5 or a 4.
43:27Those would all be good.
43:29Well, I mean, how many cards are there that he has a 9, 10?
43:34All right, so what you're saying is you're going to take a hit.
43:37He has a 9, 10, or 11.
43:38He wins, right?
43:40And then if not, he has a chance of busting.
43:43There's about a 115% chance that I'm going to bust if I hit here.
43:48I mean, okay, I know I have to hit.
43:50Can anyone want to take a side bet with me that we're going to bust?
43:55What odds do you want?
43:56Oh, I don't know.
43:57What are the odds of busting?
43:58Because there's 5 cards that don't bust me, and there's 8 cards that bust me, right?
44:02Or something like that?
44:03Or 6?
44:04I don't know how to do that.
44:05I will lay 8 to your 5.
44:06Or no, it's the other way, right?
44:08You'd have to lay 8 to my 5.
44:10Yeah, see that?
44:11Okay, Darryl, just can I have aβ€”what do I need, a 5?
44:15All right, or a 4.
44:16All right, or a 4.
44:17How about that?
44:18Or a 3.
44:19One time.
44:20No, idiot.
44:21I told you.
44:22I absolutely told you.
44:23Ah, we were screwed.
44:24We were screwed anyway.
44:26Oh, well.
44:27Firing it in there.
44:28$100 spins on Panda Magic.
44:29We're only down 8,000.
44:32So the imageβ€”well, the image is actually 10,000.
44:34Oh, is it?
44:36Oh, image, okay.
44:37Yeah, because we were down 3, and then we lost 3.
44:40W2, how are you feeling?
44:42Making it to the finals.
44:43Getting so far.
44:45I'm not trying to needle you.
44:46I'm just trying to have an interview here.
44:47I am extremely competitive, and I don't even care about the money.
44:51I just wanted to beat my friends here, and it didn't work out.
44:54And I'm disappointed, because I had like a 50-50 chance coming into the day.
44:58Made the finals, and then just a complete non-performance.
45:02Almost anticlimactic, because my guys didn't show up to play.
45:05That is unfortunate.
45:06I apologize.
45:08I was bummed, too.
45:09WBG, are you ready?
45:11Because we need a bonus here.
45:12Yeah, I found the question.
45:13But I want to say, it was really exciting watching this tournament as a spectator.
45:17I mean, I don't rememberβ€”I mean, I know I participated, but that was so brief.
45:23Merch Madness, what a great name.
45:25Did you come up with that, WBG?
45:26Who came up with that?
45:27It was some of our other contributors, I think.
45:29Was it you?
45:30Or was it one of the other two people?
45:34No, I thinkβ€”
45:37It doesn't matter.
45:39It was you, EJ.
45:40Yeah, okay, good.
45:43All right, soβ€”
45:44Yeah, hurry.
45:45I have located the WBG's Question of the Day from the YouTube comments,
45:48and since we have the casino manager here, Adam, the casino manager,
45:53Casino Manager Adam.
45:54The world-famous Adam.
45:55The world-famous, yes.
45:57Since he was kind enough to host this tournament,
46:00I'd like him to answer this question.
46:02And as is myβ€”
46:06β€”tradition, if you're readyβ€”
46:08Don't drag it out.
46:09I'll read it.
46:10I'm ready.
46:11What was this about me dragging it out?
46:12You were dragging it out.
46:13Listen, I have a method.
46:14You're a method actor.
46:15All right, and that's a good school, too.
46:16You're damn right it is.
46:17Let's go.
46:18Come on.
46:19Any word.
46:20Any word.
46:21Even a not-so-mini $2,500 mini would be great.
46:22Come on.
46:23Come on.
46:24Come on.
46:25Come on.
46:26Come on.
46:27Come on.
46:28Come on.
46:29Come on.
46:30Come on.
46:31Come on.
46:32Come on.
46:33Come on.
46:34Come on.
46:35Come on.
46:36Come on.
46:37Come on.
46:38Come on.
46:39Come on.
46:41All right.
46:42Three more spins.
46:43We've got one, two, three, we've got five spots left.
46:46Most likely only four of them are live.
46:48Come on now.
46:49Oh, not another hundred.
46:50Oh, not another hundred.
46:51Before you press that, I can actually ask the question now.
46:54It actually relates to the situation.
46:56OK, go ahead.
46:57Adam, while we're waiting.
46:58So, a question for the esteemed casino manager.
47:00What would happen if somebody got a bonus and never started it or were in the middle of
47:04it and never did anything with it?
47:06What would happen?
47:07So, it's actually happened before.
47:09It happened on Top Dollar about three months ago.
47:12And someone got the Top Dollar bonus on the new version of Top Dollar and walked away
47:16from it on a $20 bet.
47:18And what happened?
47:19We ran back to camera and found them and they were a hotel guest.
47:23And so, I called their room and they came down and got paid.
47:26Did they start the bonus?
47:27I think it was a significant jackpot.
47:29Did you play the bonus for them or did they request it?
47:31No, no, no.
47:32Put it out of service.
47:34Surveillance tracked them to their room.
47:35I called them and said, hey, you have a bonus waiting for you down here.
47:38And they came down.
47:39It was crazy.
47:40I have a related story of the fine folks at El Cortez.
47:43One time, we got a bonus or we bought a bonus and then the machine malfunctioned.
47:50And then we came back like a few days later and you gave us like a couple thousand bucks
47:55and you said, oh, we played the bonus and we turned the machine back on and you guys
47:59won a lot.
48:00All right, come on.
48:04Oh, could you imagine if we won $107,000?
48:11Well, I don't think we're going to.
48:15It's always a long shot.
48:18Even if we do, I'll probably still get grief.
48:21All right, we'll take it.
48:24How much is this?
48:25A lot.
48:34All right.
48:35We need to get to what?
48:37How much is the image altogether?
48:39Ten, okay.
48:41That's a start.
48:42That's $4,000 of winning on this machine.
48:47What a question of the day.
48:52Ah, what a day.
48:53All right, we're going to end on a high note there.
48:55I think that $4,000 is as good a bonus the Panda is going to spit out today.
48:59It was a net $4,000 loser.
49:01Wish we would have won that blackjack hand, but like my dad used to say,
49:05if the rabbit didn't stop to take a shit, the fox wouldn't have caught him.
49:08It's the kind of stuff he said.
49:09I was like six years old, he said stuff like that.
49:11And look what it did.
49:12Made me a nutcase when I was older.
49:14But it all seemed to have worked out well.
49:16Rest in peace there, Pops.
49:18Who was funnier than your grandpa, EJ?
49:20Anyone that you ever met?
49:23No, Grandpa was the funniest.
49:24WBG's hilarious.
49:26Yeah, but all right.
49:27Well, this is last year's winner.
49:30Dracula, this year's winner.
49:32Who knows what's going to happen next year?
49:34Merch Madness, a lot of fun.
49:36Great concept.
49:37Another beautiful day.
49:38Thanks, everybody, for watching.
49:40How come I'm in such a good mood and I lost $4,000?
49:43Oh, yeah, because I won some beautiful $1,500 of side bet money.
49:48And since you're not going to do it to yourself,
49:50congratulations on winning the big annual tournament here at Vegas, Matt.
49:54Back to back.
49:55Back to back.
49:56Next year is going to be the three-peat.
49:57I got a two-peat going.
49:58Is a two-peat a thing?
50:00It's back to back.
50:02You got to get a two-peat before you get a three-peat.
50:04All right, a three-peat, maybe a four-peat.
50:05Who knows how many years I'll be around doing this.
50:08It's a little stressful.
50:09Need to work on my arteries or something.
50:11But anyway, what the hell am I talking about?
50:14Sometimes I feel like I'm talking and I just can't stop.
50:16It's like word salad coming out.
50:17EJ, what?
50:18You're looking at me like.
50:19I was stretching my neck.
50:20Oh, you were stretching your neck.
50:21I thought you were looking like, would you shut the hell up?
50:23All right, everybody.
50:24Well, as much as I hate to do it, I'm going to say goodbye until tomorrow.
50:27I hope you're watching.
50:29Yep, subscribe if you haven't.
50:30I mean, for crying out loud.
50:31Oh, we've got some big celebrations coming up.
50:331.1 million.
50:34We're almost to 1.1 million, and this is going to come as a complete nutter shock to you.
50:38We're going to fire it in there big at 1.1 million.
50:41Can you imagine when we get to 2 million what we're going to do?
50:43I can't.
50:44But I'll bet you by the time we get there, we'll have thought of something brilliant.
50:47See you tomorrow.
