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2025 Stats 📈
Results prior to this episode:
-$4,192 - $15,475 LOSS 🤬 last episode
= -$19,667 YTD
YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$1,612
EJ +$4,615
WBG -$7,298
W2Jesus $ +$716
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300
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2025 Stats 📈
Results prior to this episode:
-$4,192 - $15,475 LOSS 🤬 last episode
= -$19,667 YTD
YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$1,612
EJ +$4,615
WBG -$7,298
W2Jesus $ +$716
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300
To see our complete 2025 stats and results join our Discord 👉
00:00Alright today's the big day the merch madness bracket competition is about to begin the four of us have picked our two teams each
00:07There's eight slots in the running and one will emerge
00:11Victorious as the slot of the year me of course reigning champion with last year's dragon link bet
00:17You never know what can happen a lot of excitement ahead. Let's get started with the merch madness. Here's the bracket
00:24We'll pop up a better graphic of that. What's wrong with that?
00:27Oh, you got homework the rules are bet for in the 40 to 75 range
00:34And how much are we betting on the side for the winner of the competition well at least 500 500 500 each all right?
00:41and then
00:42that range 40 75 max lost
00:455,000 and you're you lose the game as a slaughter rule if you lose 5,000 it's a forfeit. Yeah, it's a forfeit
00:51What happened here?
00:52All right, oh, oh, oh, I thought you had a first seed Buffalo lightning link
00:58Buffalo lightning link, so it's net results
01:02up and including a
01:05Bonus or bust out. Yes. Yes bonus or bust out
01:11Where where was that in the bonus yeah getting a big line pay along the way would be a great help to any of the
01:16team really
01:182,000 here just to clarify that's actually really that was a big major you almost just got yeah
01:24Come on. Now. Who is this this is my pick. Yeah, and who's it up against?
01:29It's up against the Buffalo ultimate stampede of WBG. Oh
01:33Buffalo versus Buffalo yeah the seating committee put a Buffalo versus Buffalo early interesting
01:39I didn't really do seating properly in the bracket
01:42I just made sure that
01:44Each of our teams were on opposite sides, so we didn't play each other in the first round or anything
01:50Vegas man, how are you at seating? I don't have the first clue
01:55I'm not a big sports guy, you know, so I think that's pretty common knowledge
02:01So, why don't we call this the merch madness slot bracket competition extraordinaire, well, it's because of our sponsor
02:09Vegas Matt merch store. Yeah
02:12Vegas Matt dog shop, we're gonna have a merch coupon code for the merch madness tournament
02:18What is that gonna be by the way merch and the RCH? Oh, no, what's the discount gonna be on the shop?
02:24What's gonna be on all items over the next it'll be a sweet discount next two days while we're doing this maybe a
02:3116% 16% all right 16% off on first madness turn
02:35I like how we plan this stuff out just on the fly every single day. Well every part of this has been documented
02:47Yeah, so you're only 300 down going into the bonus and it's a
02:52Medium school very healthy Buffalo
02:57Don't get too excited it what if okay keep it going keep it going
03:05Look at that
03:07That's the second time. I've got a major in this company often into a
03:11Commanding lead. I hope I hope WBG wins
03:18On this round
03:22That's fun. I love a good major every now and again and it's it's green. That's good. We got the green
03:29Well green is for the fun
03:32a lot
03:33Why don't you just get a grand and make it like impossible for anyone to beat you? I like it
03:38I should get a bonus for hitting a major. You should oh look at that beautiful
03:51Yeah, it's very nice nice work EJ cheers man, all right, and then we can make this one go
04:04That's a seven thousand some odd dollar
04:07Well, you just smoked the competition there. Wow, it's not over
04:14$7,000 net win
04:16Buffalo ultimate stampede for WBG
04:19I have to win $7,000 to have a shot here. Well, if you look at the official graphic, which is right here
04:26It's you have to win
04:29$6,996 and 57 cents
04:33Yeah, that shouldn't be too difficult. What are we doing for a denom max bet max bet on the machine?
04:39Is that good or bad?
04:41The maximum bet on this machine the bono meter could only be good could use a little help
04:47What what's the original image?
04:492,000 on this machine. Oh on this machine
04:55We can go back and check the tape if he has a massive way, it's 89 96
05:01Just a couple bucks shy of nine grand
05:04Now with the bonu and a bonu meter is only on B. Oh, that should be something
05:13So what is my path to victory here the grand
05:18Yeah, I mean or a
05:20Really good. We've had a big check on this exact machine before a really good bonus with maybe with the major
05:27How much is that major?
05:32You got your work cut out for you, oops, so your floor is like 3,900 boy
05:39March is always very exciting in the slot world. A lot of people are wondering who's gonna be this year's champion
05:45Very good performance by Buffalo lightning lane and last year's champion dragon link is back in the competition again
05:52They always put up a strong showing. Oh, yeah
05:55perennial favorites
05:58Some new entrance this year, they're kind of a dynasty though. A lot of people are rooting against the dragon
06:04It's like the Duke of the slot machine
06:07Isn't Gonzaga really good
06:11I've always met a lot of Gonzaga fans. They're very passionate
06:17It's always the Michigan's
06:20So, what do they do for the merch madness? Is it a code like they use it'll just be a site wide thing
06:26Just go to Vegas click on the merch option discount. What do you say 16% off? All right
06:35That's a sweet discount
06:45The end or 24 hours after tomorrow, oh that would be helpful at 48 hours from that when this video drop
06:57Come on get that 50,000 coin
07:02Yeah, was that five grand, yeah
07:06No, I'm glad good news is is no matter what this round cannot be a loser
07:11Yeah, well, I really would prefer you get a bonus me too already 1600 down
07:18I think was high-rise. Anyway, right? That was my first choice. I think this
07:23This machine feels defeated going into it, I think
07:30All right, come on the good news is this games balled on up that you have a shot WBG
07:42If you should have what went with with like a newcomer like I did last year, what was that was it
07:50Piggy bacon. Yeah, rake it. Thank you. Thank you. Oh rake and bacon put up a strong performance Cinderella story of the last
07:59It was the the golden retrievers of the tournaments remember they did a 16 seed came from nowhere that's right two years ago
08:10Getting wrecked. Come on
08:15Well, a lot of these early rounds are blowouts, you know
08:19Yeah, that's true. You put up a
08:22One seed performance there. You should oh, yeah
08:26There's a reason that's one of our favorite games, right? Absolutely
08:32Wow, we are just very quiet in the stands here today
08:40Yeah, people are filing out of the stadium, yeah, it's not over something could happen I
08:46Don't know right we forfeit before it's 3,900 is
08:54Okay, well basically
08:58Well, one of the issues is you've already lost a little bit your bonus has to be that much bigger
09:03That's a good
09:05How much is that?
09:08$1,000 you basically need like what 9800 here. I really hope you win WBG. Come on WBG
09:17Where's that 50,000 ball
09:25Real estate Oh mini how much is that hundred? Oh, that's a hundred more of minis
09:31100 more minis. Come on
09:34All right. Okay. Oh you need two coins. Yeah
09:38Come on
09:42Come on
09:45All right, staying alive one more and there's 200 more dollars
09:57We have a good spin yeah, come on get in there smack Oh
10:17Small loser
10:21Not the end of the world
10:23updated graphic
10:24WBG lost a thousand dollars and or a thousand forty five dollars
10:29Next up is dragon cash for Vegas Matt and mo mo mo mummy verse for w2
10:36Chances. Oh, you got no chance. Okay, $5.00. I'm 62 50 minor coming right up. Sounds good
10:42Let's go. Oh, look at that first spin Johnson
10:47Second spin Johnson
10:502951 is your floor, but you're not gonna come anywhere close to that
10:53I was getting concerned about your floor there for a minute. That was off to a rough start on the old Buffalo Stampede
10:59It's always that way on that game
11:01Nothing happens to get that beautiful bonus. Yeah, it was just beautiful when that thing just fired off. Come on Oh
11:08triple noiser
11:12A glimmer, I think I'm missing something right there. He was saying that maybe his bonus could have been big enough
11:18Oh, yeah, that was looking pretty good. You had a few thousand balls available. He could have dropped a 5k ball
11:26Come on Dragon Lake do your thing. I picked the pandas
11:32That's the highest highest major and I like the pandas. Oh, they're cute
11:37Let's go, they look like they're up to no good with the black area around their eyes, you know, oh, yeah raccoons
11:45All right. What do I need to do here? I was at what 86 you said I started outfielders
11:53What do I want I went to the balls or the what's your call it you want something fast? Yeah, I do want that
12:00So that probably beats balls. Let's go. Oh
12:03Let's go. Oh
12:05Five lines here, which is interesting not trying to coach him
12:10Was it one player to a hand please as they say in poker?
12:17Well a big beautiful five of a kind of a good symbol like those ships would be good
12:23Come on
12:26Okay, nice shot very rare first three, huh
12:35Crowd favorite they starting off a little slow today. Oh, I thought we had it
12:41It's a good thing. They don't have a green goddess here. Oh boy. We love that game, especially Matt
12:49Golden goddess. Oh, yeah good for bedtime
12:53Five Kings for you. How about that?
12:57Didn't even see it
12:59770 on those Kings. How am I doing so far?
13:07Well, we can't reverse engineer you're starting in oh
13:14That would have been helpful I
13:17Do think this is a good choice Matt. Well, I
13:21Hope it turns out to be no Matt
13:23Did you pick this game because this is your favorite game or are you thinking very strategically about how to win the competition?
13:29I was because my favorite game. Oh
13:36That would have been very helpful
13:39All four of a kind ships that should be something decent
13:44No, not very much
13:46Thought it was a lot
13:48Nothing there wasted pandas. You have some chances here did something big but not so many as 1250
13:54Not terribly hard to get that
13:566250 minor is what I'm shooting for
14:00You say not so many it reminds me of a story. Oh
14:06It's playing poker on a cruise one time and a
14:10very a
14:13Famous person let's just say was going around giving people nicknames
14:18And I don't know he called
14:21This one guy he called himself chopper. He's like because I don't chop he called
14:26What else he called this other but he named he gave me the name feed not so incredible Hulk
14:33Thought you're gonna say he named nicknamed everybody walkie. So and so and it was Vegas, man
14:41Okay, gosh darn it I'm kind of proud of that nickname it's a good nickname
14:46What's his floor here?
14:48Was it 29 ish?
14:50Yeah, I
14:53I need something soon, and I need something big 29 51
15:09Yeah, I need it
15:122500 for the not so many now and 12 5 for the minor
15:17Well, I mean if I'm getting so down I need a really big win and a lot of people are saying that minors even better
15:23Than the major you still have 3,000 to go
15:26Is that right? Yeah
15:30Come on
15:32Let's line those five lines up would you a
15:36Lot of people are very excited to see monopoly and how it's gonna perform in this tournament. Yeah, it's a surprising entrance
15:44What did I start with 79 79
15:4851 I got I need a big big bonus here. Come on bonus in a bonus, okay
15:57Four Tigers, that's pretty good
16:01750 not a bad start. I don't want to be in one of those lose less things
16:07Come on
16:13All right, that was beautiful as a mood changer right there
16:17Come on, let's get a not so many minor. Oh, no, no, mommy. We hardly knew you
16:23Well, I mean it's gotta be a tough break going into the tournament
16:27I mean, I don't know if I'm gonna win this one, but I'm gonna win this one
16:30I'm gonna win this one. I'm gonna win this one. I'm gonna win this one
16:32I'm gonna win this one. I'm gonna win this one. I'm gonna win this one
16:34Well, I mean it's gotta be a tough break going up against the reigning champ, you know what I mean?
16:39I know the seating committee has a lot to answer for where they put me
16:45Hey, listen, you can't be upset about who you get matched up against you got to beat them all to win the tournament anyway
16:52What about a hundred and six thousand nine hundred and ninety seven dollars and thirty eight cents grand? I enjoy that
16:57I would have difficulty beating that I think
17:00Anybody's be pretty sick. We did though. All right, man versus grand in round one
17:07The big reveal, what do you think my chances are 50-50 and less than 1% of 1% of 1%
17:15Better than that, right?
17:18pretty well
17:22Oh, yeah fire him in there, I mean, that's great I
17:27I can taste that sweet $1,500 side bed prize
17:42Very strategic decision switching to the ten ten dollar denom. You put a lot of fun into the oh, yeah, I did
17:50All right. Let's enjoy this. All right, here we go. We got games. We got games. Oh nothing. He got games
17:57Uh-oh, nothing
17:59All right
18:01W-2 has his work cut out for him dragon cash 1810 winner. How much you betting? I
18:08Guess I'd like to bet. I don't know $60. Okay, you can bet less. I think you can bet 40. That's
18:19Another color this is not good for me. That's one more color. What?
18:26Oh my god
18:32First spin double pop. I think I'm in deep trouble here. I gotta win one 1800 bucks. Congratulations
18:42I can't I can't root against a winner here. So well good news is I'm gonna put some money in your pocket at least
18:48Surprise upset of the century dragon link goes down in round one to Moe mummy
18:56They rest on their laurels after a championship
19:00Necessarily over just yet first spin Johnson on 60 bucks. I I like his chances. I'm counting my chickens
19:07I'm celebrating it's over. I would count I would be count those chickens, too
19:12You're having your cake you're eating it too. Absolutely. Is that 500 bucks so far, huh?
19:18All right. Come on
19:19There you go. There you go. 1100 bucks. You're in good shape
19:23Would you say I'm in tall cotton I would say unless you just whiff the daylights out of six spins in a row here
19:29No, it's impossible
19:31I'm gonna be very haughty about it. All right, there you go. Good job Wow first spin Johnson double pop
19:38What up? Oh look another diamond. What a it's like a trick play you pulled there
19:48Put the screws into me
19:53Wow, and I was getting kind of cocky too, so I deserve to be humbled down a peg there
20:01Mummy, I didn't doubt you for one second
20:04No, I think that was WBG. Not me. That was w1 Jesus
20:12Did we upgrade again, that's awesome. Oh wait, did you win already?
20:15Wow, we can all just root for me to win a lot of money. Yeah, let's win a lot eight spins left. Wow. Wow
20:23Right at five a lot wrong color. All right, come on
20:29All right, don't don't be Peter and Alvarez we have six spins to get three we got that is that the mummy's name
20:36Peter that's a lot of spins without any
20:42There's one and they're coming fast and furious
20:46Yeah, they were all right to get four or vice versa. Come on. Oh, you rascal
20:53With the old mummies slowing down a little bit. Here we go. Here we go. Now we got it
20:56High-water mark what happened? It feels like it's doing that thing that it does where it just stops. Yeah
21:04Yeah, where did our diamonds go
21:10Where did our diamonds go four grand though, come on double
21:24Wow, look at that now you need three how many spins only they got two spins to get three though
21:29But I got the most symbols so I could get three in one. You could you could do it
21:36Oh, I don't like your chances
21:39What could he get a very rare three, yeah
21:44Let's go diamonds
21:49Oh, well, wow, what a game almost five thousand dollars
21:56I got knocked out never in doubt
21:59Very very nice four thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars
22:03on one spin
22:06Welcome to vegas. All right halftime report doing very very well so far after a couple of rounds
22:12Uh, we're up twelve thousand five hundred which takes a little bit of the sting off w2. Jesus is surprising
22:19Victory, I thought I had it in the bag there with the dragon link
22:23But mo mo mo mummy just came through in the clutch merch madness continues
22:27Be sure to go to the vegas mat store at vegas mat shop or vegas mat com
22:32Get for example a zip-up hoodie or so many different options. That's sweet
22:3716 off and now
22:40Wbg's number one seed
22:42The latter version of puff and puff. What the hell do they call this again? High-rise edition. All right, let's fire it in there
22:48The ticket was too large to go in this machine wbg. Go ahead and select your denomination a fresh 2000
22:54So the energy is now 4 000. Yeah, and by the way, let's look at our fancy graphic here
22:59Who's uh, high-rise versus dracula? Oh, i'm i'm up again. Yeah, okay
23:04And on the day we're up about 10 000 or 8 000 plus the machine. Yeah
23:11Really analyzing the bet here taking his time 75. Yeah, he's on the high end of the spectrum
23:26I want to give dracula a chance
23:28Well, are you sure?
23:30Or you're going for a knockout blow. I can't tell I think wbg's being cagey
23:34Oh i'm being a nice guy giving him a chance. I think he's got his reasons. No
23:39Oh, no, I think I I think uh, he's trying to lose. I think dracula is a very stable kind of a game
23:45You got it. I mean you need to uh get a result here
23:50One of your machines is already out of the tournament. Oh one of you doesn't advance out of this round
23:56That's a big round here
23:59All right, we're going down to 50
24:02Oh green that would be good
24:07So does that mean uh, one of the two of us is gonna have two entrants cj
24:11Uh, yeah. No. Yeah, because we're you and I go head to head. Yeah
24:16Yeah, if one of us is eliminated that
24:19Did you box the mathematically right the thing? I think I did it pretty well
24:23Actually, i'd like to hear what people think about my bracket that I made up
24:27On a piece of receipt paper. Well, you have to do it that way. Oh
24:33That's just a big lot of nothing right there for you
24:37There's no way you could do it where that wouldn't be a possibility, right? Right, right
24:45Did you go to the stationary store for that for that bracket all of them and we get it
24:51Oh imagine that
24:53This game I tell you lover the wolf is always pretty cagey too with how many of the rows he eliminates
24:59the huff and sando franchise
25:02A crowd a lot of people are protesting this game. Uh, not a crowd favorite
25:08But I don't know it sure does get played a lot
25:11Every once in a while you must win
25:13I did see a guy at the cosmo one time win a grand went right next to me and after I had gotten
25:18Totally wrecked on the same machine or same bank
25:23Yeah, I remember that vividly
25:27As it were. Oh, look at that. I did find a question. Yeah. Oh good timing
25:33Wow, never fail i'm gonna save it for
25:36Wait two two two
25:38It might just be one full screen of blue pigs. Hopefully it pays 4 000. Oh, look at that
25:44So it was the line pay they were excited about, huh?
25:47Apparently 800 bucks. They shouldn't be allowed to do that for just 16 bucks. Oh, I thought we had a bonus there
25:53I was gonna say i'm gonna save it for for dracula. Oh, yeah, i'm trying to be very fair, huh?
25:58Oh one more very sporting of uwbg
26:01Wow sure get five a lot
26:05Actually, what? Oh, you don't get that much. All right
26:07Let's get five matt loves winning so much that he's rooting for wbg and kind of forgets that he's up against him
26:14I uh, oh matt's up 12 000 right now. So he's probably in pretty good spirits
26:20I am
26:21I like winning
26:26And how do you feel about losing not a big fan
26:31And how's breaking even
26:32Ah better than losing. What are your thoughts on a full screen of blue pigs?
26:36I like it
26:38Would be nice to get it here. Let's go
26:41Come on
26:42Well, we dodged the reload there
26:45for a brief moment
26:47I think we got it
26:49Do you think there's a chance this game could take the intended forfeit?
26:53Yeah, this game. Yeah always a chance
26:56I think it's unlikely. What do you think?
26:58I mean we've had many a five thousand dollar loser on this game. I tell you that much
27:04I'd like to see that green buzzsaw bonus for you. Oh, I wonder why it's not working
27:12Oh, all right five thousand of an inch now
27:19The whole boodle's in there
27:22Oh, yeah
27:23Oh, I thought we had it
27:25You know what I kind of like about this game is when you get the white hat I like the alarm sound
27:30They sound the alarm which is weird because normally alarm sounds in real life are very annoying. You just want them to stop
27:38It's almost like an air raid signal this alarm
27:42I want to hear it. I've never heard one in real life. Thank god, but uh, I see where you're going with that, you know, it used to be a
27:49A weekly thing every tuesday morning at 10 30 in the morning
27:53It would go off and would you have to get under your desk or something? Oh, it's always during recess
28:02Is that inch and a half of wood on your desk would save you from the air? Oh, no, no chance
28:08Oh, they could fall off the girder, right?
28:11air raid signal
28:16Wouldn't be a shame if wbg just limped out of this thing. Yeah, that would be a shame
28:21Did you remember that matt in the morning on tuesday mornings, no, yeah, okay
28:28Here you pushed your own button there for a minute wbg i'm gonna open my water
28:34I think you might have better luck if you push the button i'm gonna do my best
28:39Fates in your hand buddy five kind pigs
28:48I'm, not feeling great about my team's performance
28:54What part about it don't you like the losing yeah, and that is a bad sign well a big bonus could come in uh,
29:03A grand for 63 7 would be good. I mean had I known that I was going to be up against dracula
29:09I might not have chosen this game
29:12I'd like this game against
29:14dragon cash or momo mummy
29:18No, you don't want to have a pig up against a guy that drinks blood
29:22You know what? I mean? It's not a great matchup
29:26Oh boy, this is our first possible just complete sandow of the day. Yeah
29:35It's not we're not there yet. No, you got 1500. Oh, you got it
29:42How's he gonna get it he's got it
29:44Give him a green one
29:46You're gonna I think you're gonna have a chance at a green one here
29:49Solid green solid green solid green. Oh, it was there solid green solid green solid green. We got that one time solid green
29:57No, no green
30:00It's a standard bonus now the solid green can it drop or only comes in the spinnies
30:04If you get the solid green in the spinnies, that's the good one
30:08But it can drop but it's I think it's very rare
30:11Oh, you're still yet to see a white hat drop during the bonus we need it
30:16I'm, thankful. It's not a forfeit
30:18Yeah, me too. You got a shot
30:22I'd like to see you week out a win here somehow
30:26It'd be tough with spins like that
30:28They got to make these free throws
30:36Got some candidates now for gold
30:39Targets as ej once said
30:44Oh, yeah, I don't like that's our third little sandow spin there come on
30:51Come on oh no, you are in a world of pain wbg
31:09Over under on this
31:13Very rare coin on wood
31:22Brutal 550 bucks
31:29So, how much did you $3,000
31:35Two thousand nine hundred and thirteen twelve dollars and fifty cents. We got that big ticket broken down. We had three thousand dollar tickets. We're winning
31:44ninety six hundred
31:45Forty nine dollars and seven cents dracula the max bet's 50. So you're pretty much your only option here
31:52All right, let's max bet it up. I don't think it's impossible for you to win this
31:58You mean impossible for me to lose it or wait, no, I just I think you have a good shot
32:02Yeah, I would like that
32:04Now, what do I need? I need the free games or what and a player's card? I got it
32:08I would think free games wouldn't you say?
32:11Just the I am dracula is not enough. Is it? No. Yeah, you need the free games
32:18And I did say I saved the question, oh come on, yes
32:22Oh, man, that would have been really nice
32:27Oh, I was right there. If you'd actually been asking a question you would have gotten it. Wow. Maybe that's it
32:34Well, let's fire it in there. Let's fire that question
32:37into your ears
32:40Seeing is believing
32:41Would like to know what words did you always mispronounce?
32:46That you no longer do and how old were you when you figured it out or did you? Oh, wow
32:54That doesn't count though, huh
32:56It'd be nice if it did
32:59Hey, that's good for your overall result. I like it
33:04Big school. It's a big school. I think
33:12You think oh well so much for that theory. All right, come on big another biggin
33:19Another biggin, come on, how about a jackpot? Oh, okay
33:27One more
33:31We'll power up again like that earlier in the uh session
33:38Power up again
33:44Come on something good here. Oh another one. Wow. We're just powering things up left and right, aren't we?
33:51Powering it in there. Oh, it's powering it all over the place and here comes the 50 on the next
34:02Another one you mean this next spin this next spin 50. No way
34:0980 sorry. I misspoke. Yeah, you were way off idiot all those wasted power-ups
34:15He's denied
34:18Not bad though, it's a good start
34:25Waiting for that hand pay, but we can keep going. Let's go. Come on free games the question. What was the question?
34:30mispronounced words
34:32So I had I kind of have a story I didn't ever
34:35I didn't ever mispronounce a word. But well, I mean I probably have mispronounced many words, but my story is related to misusing the word
34:41I used to
34:43mix up
34:46Come on
34:47Condone and condemn. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well when I was very young like
34:5279 whatever I would think that when somebody said they condoned something they were against it
35:00I thought I was I probably was hearing condemned
35:04They sound very similar
35:07So the one that drove me crazy was when people would say for all intensive purposes
35:13and then also, uh
35:15Safety deposit box as opposed to safe deposit box and all intense and purposes
35:22I don't know that I ever botched it though
35:24Uh, I always knew I'm very particular on my language
35:29What happened here dracula? How many we gotta get two?
35:34All right, i'll take it that was weird kind of a luck has arrived dynamic
35:40Yeah, I don't think i've seen that in this game before more jackpot
35:44$400 i'll take that
35:48Biggins power up. Oh, here comes the 17th power
35:58Oh double power up
36:02And the 150 with no power up that's good our hand is here too, so that's nice perfect timing
36:08All right
36:09Let's go we need a bonus here. We're holding our own we're winning for all intensive purposes. I agree with you
36:15Yes for all what are some other ones? I uh, i'm just impressed that I thought of those two examples the questioner asked said
36:23He used to say bob wire
36:25Somebody said bob bob wire. Yeah, that's a good one. How about duct tape?
36:29Yeah, that's a common one
36:32But there is a brand now called duct tape. Well, I don't blame them
36:35That was clever I could care less how you pronounce that one. Oh, yeah, really? All right, you couldn't care less. Well, it's a good example
36:43Uh, I always when I was a kid, I mispronounced
36:48And coupon instead of coupon. I got I got a lot of help for that. I think those are
36:54Acceptable like coupon or coupon. I think are both acceptable
36:59That's like tomato and tomato there. Well, I know one time I
37:03took my
37:05Dog for an initial checkup at a veterinarian
37:08And she used the word supposedly
37:11supposedly and it it was uh
37:14Let's just say
37:15He did not become a client
37:18I always worry about people when they've gone through their whole life and they mispronounce something like that. It's like
37:25I don't know. I'm I'm I'm kind of a hypercritical though. No, but i'm with you
37:30It's like you're 52. How long have you been saying this the wrong way?
37:34Supposedly. All right. Here we go. Supposedly. Let's get a bonus
37:38Well, we can't get a bonus, but let's get some dracula's
37:44I think some misheard lyrics are kind of funny, too
37:47Like slow motion walter for smoke on the water. I used to now one. Here's one. I know I mispronounced wait, come on, please
37:57What was the one you mispronounced I want to know the flintstones it was like flintstones meet the flintstones
38:02They're uh, now you say they're a monasteric family
38:05Instead of a modern stone age family and my wife would always give me a hard time
38:08I thought it was monasteric family. What the hell's a monasteric family?
38:12I think you're gonna win this round. Oh, it's good. It's guaranteed
38:16Sorry, wbg. You've been mathematically eliminated. It's okay. What'd I do? What happened there?
38:23You didn't get a heart. Oh, i'm a heart. Come on
38:32What now they're they're oh, there's all the dracula's come on dracula
38:40Yeah, oh gee thanks, all right, we got three let's get that 234
38:52All right, so I booked a win
38:54Yeah, that's excellent
38:57Oh a bunch of hundred
38:59All right
39:00Still got four valuable free games left too. What are the jackpot signals? All right, 200 i'll take it
39:06They can give you 16 power. They're much more valuable in the bonus. That's right
39:11When that high-rise money back, please
39:15This is not our best bonus that we've ever gotten he's got to dig deep to do that. Come on, here we go
39:20Let's get a lot of them a lot of them. I said a lot of them. I said some
39:27Oh wait, they're giving me more or no, no, what am I thinking?
39:33Oh grand, oh
39:35All right, one game left. I think we'll get a blue heart or no
39:39I don't think so. Yes. I'm saying yes
39:42No, the sando dodged the hand pay as our only
39:46saving grace
39:48All right, but I advanced
39:50Thank you
39:53Risk of elimination and you pulled through. Oh 730
39:58All right, we'll take a look at our very fancy graphic
40:01Dracula wins 730 and now we have grand legends versus monopoly monopoly was closer to dracula
40:07So we're playing that first and this is the uh, last of the this round, huh? Yeah, i'm going $60
40:15Now one of us is going to get both of our teams to advance here. Yeah, I know and remember the green express feature does not count
40:23As discussed yesterday
40:26The one spin thing. Yeah. Yeah, I understand but if you get like a feature a feature it counts
40:32Yeah, hold and spin it counts. Are we counting? Did we decide the purple feature?
40:37Anything other than the green? I think that's what we said. Yeah, i'm fine with that
40:42I mean it can come quick. Yeah, it could be a small win that could actually be an advantage
40:48But if I get down a lot, then it would be bad
40:51I mean it's efficient
40:54You're off to a rocky start. Yeah
40:59So it's a monasteric
41:00Family monasteric family. That was uh, I went that one. I was wrong on for a long time
41:06By the way, that was a question was a winner. Please send a screenshot of your question to info at
41:13and we will send you a gift card to the merch store and if uh
41:18You do that right away you can get in time to take advantage of the merch madness discount no combining promos we like that
41:26Now you say it's a winner aren't all questions a winner we decided they were all winners
41:30But I just wanted it stated for the record that it works. Okay
41:34Yeah, because even if you didn't feel good that it works. Yeah, I know it was a good question. Yeah
41:39It was an excellent question
41:42And it did its job and triggered a bonus
41:47If only we could do that a couple times a day so the uh image on this game is three again, right? Yeah
41:57Come on now, it's gonna have to be a big bonus because grand legends will get a hold and spin before it's
42:04Bottom was a good choice for that reason. I usually don't lose too much before you get it
42:07Yeah, no, it's a great choice great bonus frequency. I like it. I commend your choice
42:12Thank you. Oh boy
42:15Oh the old baker rooney, huh, that would have changed the dynamics. Yeah
42:25Not easy to get that red red express is it
42:31Wow unusual we haven't even gotten a sandow train yet. They haven't gotten the dog to drop the wilds
42:44I'm gonna turn over my 500 to the to the committee to for safekeeping since i'm eliminated. Oh, you're completely eliminated
42:51Oh, i'm sorry to do that to you. Oh, I guess one of us was going to get completely eliminated there, huh?
42:57Oh, I didn't even know
42:59And after this ej and I between each other one of us will have a 50 50 chance of winning the whole tournament
43:08Hopefully me
43:11The jury's still out
43:15We need something here we have a blazed it left. Oh, look at that. We have a blazed it left. We had 420
43:28Monopoly looks like it's a complete disaster for you. That is unfortunate
43:36I need w2 to post a really big win on
43:40But it's not over. I mean the germans definitely haven't bombed pearl harbor yet
43:44They're getting close. Oh
43:46Wait, that was not a winner. No, it's five lines
43:50What a sandow
43:52All right, so I have a thousand dollar floor on this next ticket
43:57I thought we would have gotten at least a feature
44:00What are you betting uh 60 bucks
44:05Maybe you get a couple of like decent greens and you kind of get some ammo and get back in it
44:09I'd like that. Yeah, I think that's your path to profitability. I mean obviously the red train or four of a kind those guys
44:15That was nothing
44:18Kind of need to grind back up to even I think
44:25Red train, come on
44:27Oh, would you quit jumping up and down or you're not going to do anything you dumb red train?
44:31Did ej ever do that when he was a kid? He gerani jump up and down have him throw a fit when they wanted something
44:38Probably I don't remember does that work. I imagine ej being a pretty mellow. Oh very mellow. I can't imagine him doing that
44:46He was annoying at times. Uh, thank you. You're annoying at times. Yeah
44:51Yeah, you're fairly easy. Well, remember you the thing that was with the uh, the video games
44:55I had a hard time with the how much video games you played and that way
44:59And those hackers that when they started messing with my internet, that was the worst
45:04The wait the hackers messed with your internet slow ej down. Yeah
45:09Because you were too good at video games too good talking trash
45:17How did they do that, I don't know
45:21Those hackers are pretty crafty buggers. This is a sando now complete worse than wbg
45:34Somehow i'm gonna be oh
45:36Is that anything? No
45:38Somehow i'm gonna be eliminated, but I won't have the worst results
45:43Yeah, I mean
45:46You're 700
45:49That helped
45:53Yeah, but no this would be like 300 so you got that going for you yeah, you could get an upgrade
46:07All aboard
46:13320 dollars
46:20Well done
46:22Placed at minus 100
46:25I told you it'd be about 300. Come on red
46:33You need a really crazy red bonus here
46:45So you need six, oh that doesn't even look like it's in five in the oh you need five
46:49All right. Well, we've been getting four that makes sense
46:55Come on ej pull something out of your hat
47:00Sure get four a lot. Oh, we have oh, well, that's that
47:07Didn't that look like it should have been more I feel that way a lot
47:17Can I get near the end of the road here buddy
47:20Disappointing turnout for the old monopoly. Yeah, just a complete beating
47:26Grand legends will smoke you two more spins
47:32Last spin johnson
47:35Any chance no
47:38Exactly. Five thousand now on to what feels like a formality. Yeah, this is a layup grand legends
47:45You know, it's not impossible that we both bust out here
47:48Uh, it's just highly unlikely. It is it'd be funny if you got two first spin johnson's
47:54That would have been awesome
47:56I need to win back the five g's flags would be good. Oh, I would love that get the yeah
48:00Yeah, do that let the flags and win them put it all back. Oh, I hear that they're wild or they should be
48:05They should be wild
48:07Someone gave me a flags or wild shirt. Oh, come on. It could be over already and are we up right now?
48:12Do we put three thousand in? Yeah, we're up. Hold it. Get the hold and spin. It's over
48:23All right, now let's have a game ej I don't see any big balls in there but you never know a rainbow
48:28I'll show you big balls. Yeah, i'll be all right
48:36All right, all right maybe a miracle behind the legend's touch
48:44Oh, I saw I saw a rainbow
48:50Where was that rainbow?
48:52Come on
48:53Way up high. Hey, we got it. See what I did there
48:57I continued the lyrics. I like the brother is version of somewhere over the rainbow. Oh, yeah
49:04Israel humunga maka maka moto or whatever hit the button hit the button
49:12Ah shocker five buds not a bad result though. No, no, I mean you booked a win
49:20That round was a about a four thousand dollar loser for the league
49:24But both of my teams were very well rested going into the next round hold our starters after not many uh plays
49:30Yeah, you had two one ticketers. Yeah
49:33I like it perfect ticket. You might have done seven spins total. Yeah, two perfect ticketers
49:38So they're very well rested. I'm sure you already said that when I wasn't paying attention a second ago
49:43All right
49:44Merch madness. What an incredible competition great great, uh thing for the league great thing
49:50What was the word I was looking for the result great result for the league, thank you very much wbg
49:57$6,399 overall winner
50:01One disaster, but still in there. This is going to be an exciting matchup
50:05I can't wait till tomorrow when we back with the finals the final round. It's all coming down to the wire
50:12wbg is going to hit the showers and uh, we're all going to rest up go to the ice bath
50:18I think i'm gonna do a cold plunge. I don't know what i'm gonna do to get ready for tomorrow
50:21Dracula's got to come through. Hope he makes everyone's
50:24Blood boil. All right, just going for a blood reference there. I don't know. Uh, what do you think?
50:29Let's see. So who are our contenders? We got dracula. We got grand legends
50:34We got mo mo mo mummy and who else buffalo lightning lane buffalo lightning
50:38Oh, man, this is gonna be exciting. I think i'm gonna be able to sleep tonight waiting for tomorrow. Hope you're joining us
50:4311 45 pacific tomorrow
50:46It's all gonna go down. We did another version of this on fan duel casino for buy bonuses. That's out now
50:51Oh really? Yeah fan duel thursday
50:53Be sure to go to the fan duel casino youtube channel and watch the online version of this competition
51:00Lots going on merch madness 16 off for the next 48 hours from the release of this
51:07Go get 16 off on your favorite vegas mat merch, maybe even this good looking zip up hoodie
51:12We got the fire it in there hoodie. We got all kinds of good stuff merch madness is happening
51:18I'm excited. I'll see you guys tomorrow