• 2 days ago
Let's see what a real Italian thinks about the iconic American shopping center, Walmart! Are the groceries any good? How's the quality of the food and produce? What does he think about the low prices and large quantities? Plus, get Alessio's reaction to all of the crazy things you can buy in Walmart- baby supplies, ties, car parts, hunting and fishing gear, jewelry and more!

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00:00that's right guys we're at walmart one of the most iconic brands that even people in italy
00:05have heard of right yes so now we're gonna examine walmart yes it's gonna be like lesio's
00:11experience when he first stepped foot inside these sacred halls all the secrets
00:17it's huge right oh yeah but you know what is the funny thing if there's a person right here
00:30they're gonna tell us welcome to walmart you see and bye to walmart so in europe we keep in europe
00:39we don't have that much money to hire somebody to say hey welcome to walmart and it's just their
00:45only job is to greet and say bye yeah so i remember when you first stepped in walmart you thought that
00:51was the craziest thing you've ever seen that somebody was like hello i learned from the
00:55simpsons really the simpsons they show all the time like this i didn't know i don't watch the
01:01simpsons well uh this is a great thing point time's up for america for this because increase
01:08giving jobs to people you know it's important what they should do is hire two one to say goodbye and
01:15one to say hello
01:24fresh what do you feel i wanted to uh grocery store in walmart you came here to buy grocery
01:31store very rarely and i never bought produce here i don't know if it's good or bad i really have
01:37don't know i've never given it a shot i mean i'm surprised because it's really stocked like
01:42our grocery store never has this much stuff so here it's more cheap
01:47respect other places like uh whole foods or other things but
01:54i don't know if i'm gonna buy a zucchino like this kind of looks yellow but i don't know
01:58why a wrap you know i remember when your italian friends came to the u.s to visit one time they
02:07weren't with us they were in a different state at the time but didn't they tell you they went
02:10to walmart every single day to buy something to eat because they weren't sure the chicken
02:16where to go where to go yeah it is other places italian people uh i don't come here to go grocery
02:22but you know in italy too you have big malls with the grocery but it's different it's not
02:27inside the grocery it is by side yeah it doesn't appear to be
02:33a very good quality situation here yeah
02:44maybe you need to start hiring more people looking for the food that's gone bad
02:55so i gotta try i'm gonna buy the parmesan because a lot of american people thinking
03:02it is parmigiano-reggiano totally wrong it's totally different cheese it is totally
03:08made different cheese like the thing is i get why they do because we don't really see a lot
03:13of parmigiano-reggiano here so unless you've heard of it and you've seen the name and know
03:18the difference there's no way people are gonna know so they see parmesan and they think oh that's
03:23good so it sounds like parmigiano-reggiano it's like in english i think they did it on purpose
03:28i think no oh maybe yes i don't know because isn't parmigiano-reggiano the one that's
03:34controlled yeah so parmesan is probably like oh let's do a similar name so people confuse yeah
03:44it looks great huh why is it brown oh because it's gone no no that's for october 2025 october
03:56yes i was thinking february like italians this is a common problem we have because in europe they
04:01switch the numbers for the months and the dates so let's see how i think the dates are bad yeah
04:09you thought it was february 10th i was thinking february 10th yeah
04:15oh no never mind
04:16it's the american daily american daily do like this
04:29like what do you mean they come here to buy like when you buy prosciutto
04:33turkey oh the deli the deli okay you said daily okay the american daily american deli yeah
04:42and so you ask for how many slices or how many pounds you want of this meat
04:46yeah pizza oh wow so ten dollars for uh a large pizza
04:56not the price good price good price but nothing can come in to me like oh i need to buy it are
05:02you sure you don't want the savory breakfast biscuit crust pizza that's not jumping out to you
05:09no no are you sure yeah sure this is american planet so italian bread is this one wow one
05:19dollar this is a great deal says it's baked in the store daily yeah this is great deal for
05:28i never see something in america cost like a dollar so right because in italy that's what
05:34the pricing for the bread is right 55 cents 52 cents for but uh depend how much you how much
05:42bread you buy but yeah this is what usually typical americans buy for eating like hot
05:49hot bread like this you know french rolls this is what you look like the bakery section is giant
05:59look at all that triage
06:04right you're doing oh yeah for like breakfast toasts yeah american people eating like this
06:10i think one thing that europeans would find shocking about walmart is that it definitely
06:15has the stereotype that the united states has where it's huge and there's a lot of everything
06:22yeah yeah like so many rolls so many cookies so many options everything you have bakies everything
06:29this is just the grocery section guys yeah okay sorry but we have to talk about the pistachio
06:36color here because this is like that same artificial green that they try and do in the
06:41gelato in italy for the pistachio gelato and that is not real pistachio it should not look like that
06:46no pistachio coloring is more brownie not not baby right great so yeah
06:54in the meat section you can buy a big meat you know look at this like 2.25 pounds how much cost
07:03of 11 11 right yeah and but what is surprised me america all the time
07:11oh my lord this is meat guys but can you see how how they packaging wow like i don't know
07:23that that's crazy i guess you would buy that and freeze it or if you're having a party you
07:27would have that much i mean we need to say something in walmart you find a big big stuff
07:33because not everybody in united states that have grocery store close by that's true so when they
07:40need to come here to buy they buy big bags quantity that will last but to me what surprised
07:47me how the packaging instead to have a package like this that my brain can understand understand
07:55this it looks like a tube it's a big tube you still do so so that is what shocked me i mean
08:04that is a shocking uh yeah container shocking presentation yeah really shocking right wow
08:15what is that beef brisket oh my gosh wow i mean
08:24that's it's amazing how people can come here do a party and find this large quantities
08:31so they can cooking you know i mean that's insane i don't think i've ever seen a giant
08:35brisket like that for sale in a grocery store yeah me either amazing
08:41i don't think it's almost a hundred dollars hundred dollars 85
08:48wow maybe it's cheap i probably is for that much yeah one thing america is good is in marketing so
08:57if you want to buy at this jar the mayonnaise you know it's eight dollars a small like this
09:04is six so what are you gonna do makes more sense to buy the big one but then you're not gonna use
09:11all and you're gonna toss it i mean if you're not a big family right i just say if first two people
09:18you're gonna spend that extra dollar or have that big one or what well i hate i hate mayonnaise so
09:26i'm not buying on ketchup it's the same thing with any single product i always buy the small ones
09:35always doesn't matter if it costs a little bit more but let me know guys do you buy the big one
09:41or the small one just for know what is you're gonna use it for
09:49so in america guys nutella cost ten dollars oh lord i feel like that's more expensive than i
09:55remember it was uh nine eight dollars eight something no eight no nine like 8 90 something
10:02like nine dollars could be it go up the price wow but the one ticket they don't have here is
10:08nutella in glass they're all in plastic yeah i remember we did a short video about that and
10:14everybody from europe was shocked that they we sell nutella in plastic jar yeah because in europe
10:20it's like always in glass and then we have our names in italy like alessio jessica so you worth
10:26marketing that too but if you if you like me i was going with pinabara if i see it
10:35something somehow oh it's right there
10:40i love peanut butter i like organic stuff maybe i was going to
10:47i like how you say peanut butter i say peanut butter but you say peanut butter
10:53peanut butter peanut butter we are in the bread section so it is busy
11:10it's really really hard to find coffee real coffee
11:13so americans love this instant coffee dunkin for folders folders folders
11:28i'm surprised we do not have flavazza yeah i'm actually surprised here they have every
11:33single store that flavazza at least uh qualità rossa no they have something i'm surprised
11:44when it was a little what was your coffee um i think my parents got folders folders but they
11:50would do it instant so get this so sometimes i would make coffee for my dad i put a cup of
11:56like a mug of water in the microwave yeah two minutes then take the powder and stir it in
12:01and then it makes the coffee oh nice i remember doing like the nesquik that would horrify you
12:08no no no like nesquik yeah yeah i think we have something like that in italy too
12:14like something like that instant latte i bet it has like uh powdered milk inside so it's
12:22automatically a latte i actually think this sounds good and these are your favorite snacks they used
12:30to be and you ruined it because you now i taste the chemicals yes you taste the chemicals huh this
12:38was my go-to guys this is my favorite one and now zero never again never again
12:46one thing positive in america it is you have international aisle but because you have a lot
12:52of people coming in the united states you know you have multiple cultures so because you have
12:58multiple cultures you have multiple food in the in the shelves you have the korean japanese you
13:05can find everything in italy i don't remember to find an international aisle where you can find
13:11mexican i've looked at zero right it was just italian so because italians eating italian so
13:18that is a negative thing and uh yeah bring some spiciness right in there guys yeah well it is
13:27because you have multicultural so this is positive for america because you can eat whatever you want
13:35like we said
13:40that's really i need that like we said a lot of people in united states they don't have opportunity
13:46to go grocery all the time and so they need to go by driving maybe 30 minutes that they're
13:51gonna buy in book so that's why in walmart you find the big things i think it's not a bad thing
13:56even companies i guess i'm not sure but even companies right yeah i guess so yeah so that
14:02is another plus having big options because like like we said if we are in an italian grocery store
14:09i noticed even buying flour for baking and stuff making bread the bags are tiny like the bags of
14:17flour are this big yes but you need to think about italy every little small town have the grocery
14:24store small grocery store here no it's not working like that yeah it is all big if you are not big
14:32you are not american we arrived to the past style well we know this is good lasagna we always buy
14:40this good lasagna the color is ivory rather than yellow yellow yeah you don't want yellow guys
14:48i don't even go close here like this i know i know
14:52now for pasta snubs sorry no so when do you remember so it has to do with so when in the
15:02beginning the hard relationship when we can afford that much we were going to still going to buy a
15:09good quality pasta because we eating 80 grams per per thing so in one box it is divided by four but
15:17um for eating a big family i don't know we'll see that's the thing i need to describe that so for
15:23example in one box is 454 grams so the correct portion like lester said is 80 grams per person
15:31so it would last us longer even if we bought a little bit more expensive box for what you're
15:36trying to say yeah for two people it is but if you have a family of four or more it's tricky
15:41yeah it's tricky don't you think i'm shocked in america it is when you buy a pasta you know
15:47in italy you find even a good price pasta you know a good high quality like with pasta a long
15:54time ago was cost 52 cents per per package yeah yeah so here uh with two dollars you don't find a
16:04good pasta that is what is that's true because you don't have to spend very much in italy to
16:08get a good quality but here the good quality pasta is like eight or ten dollars a bag i mean
16:13no need to be made in italy you can use your brain and do your pasta you know but just dry
16:18it properly properly and do you can do it but maybe it's not business wise i don't know good question
16:25okay this ragazzi
16:35don't buy this because this is not cheese it is wood wood wood wood so this is a big no
16:45actually all this is a big no even down below you is a big no oh my goodness that is a huge big no
16:56look amore chef boyardee yes your favorite yeah
17:04oh wow chento hey they have a lot of chento
17:12i wish they had smoothies you know this i never tried it looks like it's good it's in a nice box
17:25a nice colorful
17:31in italy your biggest aisle is for pasta here in the u.s our biggest aisle is for cereal
17:38all this
17:47look how many different kinds different flavors different brands keeps going it keeps going
17:56keeps going any type of cereal you could dream up
18:02yeah you go crazy so what i would buy here honestly it is no one no one of this i would buy
18:12this oil one thing is totally different it is the beverage between europe and america so here
18:21when you buy it you need to buy all the whole package all the package in italy you can broken
18:29you can broken up like this and take one bar and then pay but in america they already
18:36storage for you if you want to want yeah all big all big so psa to europeans if you're ever
18:44shopping in the u.s don't come here and break open the bag the bag because i think it's even
18:50like that in europe other european countries other european countries i don't know if i have
18:54everybody so for example they'd come here and be like oh let me grab us some pellegrino
19:00no we destroy the package like and we take it like this perfect example we pick it and they
19:08sell it individually i feel like that one's been because somebody drank it yeah goodness so when
19:14you first came to walmart and bought and you saw the grocery section what was your initial
19:18impression i was so amazed how big it is i take so much video sent to my mom because she's american
19:23i know she was missing this stuff in italy we have big stuff like this too here's for the
19:28surprises all right in my beginning adventure in america this is what i was buying all the time
19:34now i go in this direction with a cardboard or whatever so yeah instead of the plastic
19:39maybe instead of plastic but most americans they drink milk for dinner too oh yeah like they love
19:46here the milk like i never see so so much people drinking milk so you have to in this direction
19:54yeah that was a big shock for you how much milk people drink here so much so in america the eggs
20:00it is only in the refrigerator because the conservation in different way the europe
20:04europe it is upside you know without refrigeration america have refrigeration because they clean
20:11the egg in america so they need to refrigeration
20:14in europe they don't clean the egg so it need to be a temperature
20:24i want to just show a price for the italians
20:30pasteurized it is 7 11 here is the cheapest if you're going somewhere else they discuss you
20:41eleven dollars or ten dollars this brand
20:46one thing walmart is known for is the huge variety of products yeah so you can buy baby stuff
20:55and you've got so many options so many
21:02you can buy silk flowers you know i don't think i've seen anything like that in italy
21:08i don't remember no big like this no you can't buy stuff like that i don't remember
21:16so you can buy crafts you can buy silk flowers like huge stuff
21:24one thing positive it is you can buy everything like for any project that you want it is in one
21:31place that's true you don't have to go searching around and you find everything yeah
21:37oh we need to show them the big screens of tvs playing yeah
21:59tvs you can buy a tv and toilet paper in the same trip
22:12okay how much cost 65 policy um 500
22:22wow this is a great deal
22:26wow ragazzi this is amazing
22:34long time ago the tvs cost so much in america but 400 400
22:41798 86 inches 86 this is it
22:53we don't have space for a tv no like that no but it's a absolutely amazing
23:08you know home things like light bulbs toilets because it's right there yeah fixing things
23:15cleaning supplies yeah painting wood it is all this yeah it's spray paint wood stain bubble wrap
23:27the famous necessary vacuum cleaner yeah you can buy your tires you can buy the tires
23:39and any like oil batteries i think we've gotten some car batteries here
23:44yeah yeah and now we're getting close to the outdoor stuff so you've got camping supplies
23:52fishing supplies okay come here
24:00hunting supplies yeah so you can buy everything is it shocking to you about it
24:08okay you can't go buy a gun yeah in the grocery store
24:15what do you think one thing that was shocking in america
24:18it is uh i would try to teaching people to do soccer like a goalkeeper teaching yeah i would
24:23try to go like volunteer but they told me no i need to have a big uh i need to go school i need
24:29to have this uh paper okay just to teach soccer just this soccer but you can buy a gun to the
24:35grocery store wow
24:40so a gun here cost 354 dollars nothing some some 259 yeah how much are they in italy
24:50no i was expecting a thousands like no like hunting is not uh
24:59uh sport like uh expensive sport seriously you can buy everything here if you need to come get
25:07floaties boats everything if you have a desire you might as well check walmart first yeah
25:18then you can buy bicycles oh yeah nice so here are now sports and toys so you have all the toys
25:27look how beautiful they are huh oh i love it i have a lot of good choice the toys like
25:34yeah some of these are classics oh i loved this one
25:37hi ho cherry oh that was my favorite game
25:48then you enter you have a passion for legos look here wow two two whole sides
25:57i don't know sometimes i buy the legacy to bring my niece in italy you know because i feel like
26:04here i found so much you know and so beautiful because i say well i always buy i put in my
26:10suitcase and go but because you have so much variety for toys yeah there's some really unique
26:16ones unique ones they told me it's different uh because in america you have the packages because
26:22it's all with numbers package number one two so you go a section in europe it's all a mix so
26:28because it's all a mix you need looking the pieces better it's more challenging it's more
26:33challenging yeah here is you build a section and you can buy barbecues
26:48look how beautiful
26:52so it's not yet season no it's still wintry but you can find this place
27:02packed with plants yeah and vegetables yeah so amazing
27:14you have even the pharmacy here if you need to take some pharmacy
27:22you can buy even expensive jewelries
27:30yeah one thing you can also love about the u.s is self-checkout yeah and
27:38be careful here is the cameras like watching you well what do you need to be careful for
27:45oh like holding in your hand two items at one time because they think you're going to throw
27:59both of them in the bag yeah i got it so i was totally wrong uh now the sensors it is like you
28:06cannot have you need the one important one important if not they beep beep beep yeah i
28:10scared one time do you have anything like self-checkout in italy
28:14yes you do have self-checkout big big grocery stores yeah we have and you also have other
28:22things at walmart like this coffee shop a salon or a lash studio this sells gadgets for electronics
28:32and little dogs
28:37you also have a vision center where you can not only buy glasses and sunglasses
28:44but you can actually get your vision tested at walmart too
28:51one thing you can have in europe oh you can get your taxes done
28:56the the gift card you don't have gift cards in europe
29:00no like this but you can give up 25 gift cards to buy playstation to go to the grocery store
29:06to go to the restaurants because here you have olive garden oh so you have pizza place i've
29:11never even noticed that you didn't have gift cards and i have gift cards that this is the
29:15great thing when you want to go to that's true because i love a good gift card yeah gift cards
29:20you can find everywhere but uh in big stores you can find every specific store so it's great
29:28i just have to show one more thing because i really like it
29:36disco easter bunny amazing all right what do you think about walmart and american icon
29:46so i think it's a great store and i was coming here to do grocery in my opinion but for buy
29:52everything else yes like supply for the house tvs games it's really good cheap price so yeah
30:00and you really can find everything if you have a last minute need of something random like you
30:06gotta go to walmart walmart walmart you approve but not the grocery
