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2025 Stats 📈
Results prior to this episode:
-$13,268 - $15,004 LOSS 😩 last episode
= -$32,144 YTD
YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$2912
EJ +$3915
WBG -$7198
W2Jesus $ +$16
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300
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2025 Stats 📈
Results prior to this episode:
-$13,268 - $15,004 LOSS 😩 last episode
= -$32,144 YTD
YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$2912
EJ +$3915
WBG -$7198
W2Jesus $ +$16
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$800
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300
To see our complete 2025 stats and results join our Discord 👉
00:00Well, another great day in Vegas. We found three machines together in the corner of the casino.
00:05We're going to get bonuses on all three, and then we're going to save the bonuses and then play all the bonuses.
00:11We're going to win so much money, you'll be tickled pink.
00:16Dragon Trio.
00:17A trio of Dragon Trios.
00:19It's been a while since we've played this game.
00:22I'm usually the one that steals your jokes, WB.
00:24I was the one that thought of trio of Dragon Trios.
00:27Oh, you did?
00:28Yeah, but I couldn't not get credit for it.
00:30Well, what if I call it a triumvirate of Dragon Trios?
00:34Then nobody would know what you're talking about.
00:36Oh, somebody would know.
00:38So, do we like this game? I know we've played it before.
00:41Oh, yeah. It's a good game.
00:42I love it. It's a great game.
00:44A lot of people are saying one of the better games.
00:45And not just because it has dragons, which are obviously very sick, bro.
00:49It has Luck Has Arrived as an animation. It has a dragon that scares you sometimes.
00:54It has the actual Luck Has Arrived. It says Luck Has Arrived.
00:58Oh, they stole that from us.
01:00Oh, yeah. It's not a bootleg of Luck Has Arrived.
01:03We are progressing.
01:06Accidental pass.
01:072,000 is the image.
01:09Hoping we don't need much more than that for this.
01:14So, we're very likely to get different bonuses on each machine.
01:19Some will be double pass.
01:20We could have a side bet of which of the machines,
01:23this one being the far right, then middle, then left,
01:25which machine will get the biggest bonus.
01:28I like it.
01:30I will abstain if you guys want to make that bet.
01:33All right. I was going to offer to abstain.
01:36I've been getting kind of wrecked on the side bets lately.
01:39I think I've been doing pretty well.
01:41Well, yeah. You won the 1,500.
01:43That was good for the stats, I bet.
01:46WBG is getting wrecked. You're down like 7 grand.
01:49I looked the other day.
01:51You're saying that with such glee.
01:53Wasn't that mostly buying bonuses and maybe paying a little more than maybe you should have?
01:58Listen, I will win by the end of the year.
02:00I will be in the plus column.
02:02All right. Well, we've got to do another buying bonuses thing again soon
02:05that will give you a chance to have a big swing.
02:08So, do we want to have that bet on which machine gets the biggest bonus?
02:11Let's do it.
02:12Which machine do you want?
02:13I want the middle machine.
02:14All right. I'll sit out. Yeah.
02:16I'll take the top left machine.
02:18All right. So, I got this one?
02:20All right. Well, let's hurry up and get a bonus on it then.
02:22Well, it doesn't matter how long it takes.
02:24It just matters that you get one.
02:26I see.
02:27So, first spin Johnson would not help you much in this competition.
02:31I just need to remember not to push the button when we get the bonus, right?
02:34Yeah. I'll remind you.
02:36Are we only betting 100 or do we want a little bit of a bigger pile?
02:39We can bet more. I got ground to cover, you know?
02:42How about 200 each? What do you think, Vegas Matt?
02:44Sounds good to me.
02:45All right. Let's go.
02:46Let's do it.
02:47Plus, EJ has to pay 200 to the winner, too, even though he doesn't have a shot at winning.
02:51I like that idea.
02:53A free roll?
02:54It's kind of like me and the bracket competition a few days ago.
02:59Yeah, you were already done and you had to pay.
03:08So, what's new with you guys?
03:10Oh, you know.
03:11Anybody have any fun today?
03:13So much going on, I can't even keep up with it all. It's crazy.
03:16Look at these progressions on these trees. They're almost full grown.
03:22Well, we needed that.
03:24I notice that you've done a few accidentals here, Vegas Matt.
03:27I think it's a sticky button or something.
03:31All right.
03:31We got wrecked.
03:324,000 of an inch now.
03:36Let's get 4,000 of winnage.
03:38What are those, pheasants?
03:40Oh, that was a good start.
03:43Which, remind me, EJ, which one do we like the best?
03:45Jackpot, for sure.
03:48It's the one where you can get the blank coins and then you get the progressives.
03:52Oh, yeah.
04:00A lot of people are in town for the basketball.
04:04Oh, yeah.
04:05It's very busy.
04:06Yeah, the whole tournament, they're here the whole month.
04:09It's crazy. People just sit there all day and the sports books and the different venues and watch.
04:16Well, there's more than one tournament going on.
04:18There's just a lot of extra sports stuff happening.
04:24I wish I cared more about sports.
04:26That seems like something to do.
04:29There are people in the comments that say we should never talk about sports.
04:33No, that we do it a disservice.
04:34Because we don't know anything.
04:35And we know so little about sports.
04:37Well, we like attending sporting events.
04:39We just don't have time to follow it all.
04:42I would say we're pretty average with our sports knowledge.
04:46Oh, I know I'm way below average.
04:48I think there's just a certain group of people that know a lot about it, but I think that's a very small group.
04:57And then there's, I don't know, we're in that 70% range.
05:02We're at full You're Getting Wrecked progression here, by the way.
05:06Maybe we should have Coach Zeon more to talk about sports.
05:09He knows sports.
05:10He does.
05:13Maybe we're overbetting the machine since we're betting the max allowable.
05:17And a $12,000 grand is the biggest prize you can get.
05:21What do you think about my overbetting the machine feeling?
05:24Is there any ratios or a formula where you can figure that out?
05:26I just go with my gut.
05:28I see.
05:29You know it when you see it, even though you can't necessarily describe it.
05:32Yeah, it feels like an overbet.
05:36Hopefully we don't get gored.
05:37You never know.
05:38All of a sudden we could win.
05:43Maybe we'll have to come back to this machine and let it warm up or something.
05:47That'd be a good idea.
05:48I guess we'll just burn this ticket first or what?
05:53Well, let's just try to get a bonus on this ticket.
05:56Yeah, this machine seems to be in take mode.
06:02I'm firing off all my superstitions.
06:05Where's the checkmark?
06:07Give me that.
06:08There you go.
06:09Let's see if that helps.
06:13Man, alive.
06:15We should have a Vegas mom with us.
06:17She probably has a green thumb.
06:18She's probably better with the trees.
06:22You have fruit trees, don't you?
06:23Yeah, we got them.
06:25Do you have any coin trees?
06:26They're bearing fruit.
06:27No coin trees, I wish.
06:30What a beatdown.
06:34Last spin, Johnson.
06:35All right, we'll be back to this machine.
06:39Lost the wager saver too.
06:41The middle machine is going to have to be better to us here.
06:45Well, I don't think it could be worse.
06:47So this is 6k total image on the day?
06:51These trees are small.
06:54This holding the bonus thing worked better on Dragon Cat.
07:00They're little sap legs at the moment.
07:05You know, I was in the mood to win too.
07:07I didn't really want to lose a bunch of money today.
07:12I was in a winning mood.
07:14Well, it can still turn around.
07:15Oh, yeah.
07:17Anything can happen.
07:19It usually does.
07:21Something usually does.
07:37Is there a trick to telling when we get it on this machine?
07:40Like there's a buffer over there?
07:41It's obvious, yeah.
07:42No, it's obvious?
07:43It's not.
07:46I'd like to see some obviousness here.
07:49It's interesting how the trees get like a force field around them when they're fully extended.
07:58Come on.
08:00Come on.
08:03You ever been into gardening, Matt?
08:06I don't really do things that require patience.
08:10Oh, right.
08:11It takes months to see the fruit of your work.
08:15What about waiting for bonuses?
08:17Not big on that either.
08:23This is pretty bad.
08:25Is this a popular game?
08:27I think so.
08:2890 more.
08:32Maybe popular with casino owners.
08:36Yeah, I remember we've gotten bonuses, but this is pretty bad when you go...
08:41I thought the bonus frequency was actually alright on this.
08:44I think so.
08:45I think it is.
08:46I think we're just running bad.
08:47I mean, this one we're just starting out.
08:48Oh, yeah.
08:49We're 2,000.
08:50Is it 2,000 in this already?
08:53It's craziness.
08:54Come on.
08:59I know we've done well on it.
09:01Double bonus.
09:02Are you sure their bonuses are turned on?
09:06I thought we had it there for a second.
09:08That was aggressive.
09:10That's your favorite, the aggressive progression.
09:13I feel like they're making it a little too aggressive, though.
09:16You think you actually got it.
09:17It's very disappointing.
09:18Alright, let's go do something else.
09:20Let's try to go win it back on Blackjack or something.
09:23Yeah, this is not working out well.
09:25Alright, the total inage is 10,000.
09:28That's a lot.
09:29We're working with how much here?
09:32A $6,000 get even or get even worse just seems a little too aggressive.
09:35I say we pair the loss and then maybe do it.
09:40Get even or get even worse session.
09:42Good to go.
09:44You're saying...
09:45I see what you're saying.
09:46Yeah, let's get it where it's a more reasonable risk.
09:50Oh, wow.
09:51That's a good start.
09:52Needed it.
09:53Needed it.
09:54That's a good push.
09:55Very good.
10:00No draw.
10:03Couple lucky pushes in a row.
10:05It's a pushing table here.
10:12How about that?
10:14Very lucky.
10:16We're winning $300.
10:19Well, we only need to win about 20 more of those in a row or something.
10:23We can do it.
10:24We're going to do it.
10:25Exactly 20 in a row would make us even.
10:27Oh, I like the way this is shaping up.
10:30Face down.
10:31Let's go.
10:32Another three.
10:35How about a seven?
10:38We've got to win the other one.
10:39Pair of eights for you.
10:40Oh, a 19.
10:41That's going to be tough.
10:45It's looking so promising.
10:48Getting those white chips.
10:49It really was.
10:51Oh boy.
10:52Bad judgment.
10:53Oh, come on.
10:54This should be easy.
11:08There it is.
11:09There it is.
11:10Good judgment.
11:11You had a vibe coming there.
11:13Very lucky.
11:14I like when blackjack runs good, it runs good.
11:29Oh, a lot of nines left in the deck.
11:31A lot of sevens left.
11:33There you go.
11:34There you go.
11:35Called it.
11:36If he had pulled an eight there, I probably might have...
11:38We got a lot of the eights.
11:39I would have had a nervous breakdown.
11:41What's a nervous breakdown?
11:43I guess you get so nervous you break down or what?
11:46Oh, I thought that was an eleven.
11:52That's tough to beat against an ace.
11:54Oh, a push.
11:56No, it's a push.
11:58I like when they stay on soft 17.
12:02Can you stay on soft 17 if we ask nicely?
12:08You don't make the rules?
12:12How much do we have?
12:13Three of ten, huh?
12:16Three of ten.
12:22Wild card.
12:23Eighteen should be good.
12:27We're down 800 bucks.
12:30I have these two, so we'll start with that.
12:32This is going to be the shoe.
12:34The shoe for you.
12:37Would you ever split those?
12:38No, right?
12:41Sixteen, huh?
12:43Oh, the seven was one late.
12:47How would a split have worked out there, I wonder?
13:00Come on, ace.
13:01Oh, another 15, weird.
13:05Alright, this is where the tide turns.
13:07I can feel it.
13:08Oh, yeah.
13:09Remember the other day?
13:10We were down to our last thousand.
13:11We're headed into 9,000.
13:12Let's do that.
13:15Just stay, right?
13:16Or hit?
13:17Stay or hit?
13:18What do I do?
13:19Stay or double.
13:20Stay or double, yeah.
13:21I'm going to do double?
13:23I wouldn't hate seeing a double here.
13:25We've got to win one once in a while.
13:32Hey, we did it.
13:33Good double.
13:34The tide is turning, gentlemen.
13:35Well, we've got to give WBG credit when he makes the good decisions,
13:38not just bust his chops when we don't like the result.
13:41Alright, here we go.
13:43Flip it.
13:46Can I get blacks?
13:51What do you think about just, like, you bet, like, X amount
13:54and then just double it and try to win five in a row and get it all?
13:58Aggressive progression?
13:59Like 3-6-12-24-48 or something?
14:01I love that strategy, although it never works.
14:03I've seen you try it.
14:06There we go.
14:08So you say stack it up?
14:09Is that what you're saying?
14:10I mean, that's what I was going to suggest,
14:12but maybe, you never know, it might work.
14:15Or we might keep getting 15s every hand.
14:18It's not over.
14:20That strategy does not work, by the way.
14:22Okay, well, let's not do that again.
14:32I like that strategy.
14:34That strategy worked.
14:53Just a hit?
14:54Just a hit, yeah.
14:59Too many.
15:02I'm starting to really see why people love this game so much.
15:05It's the best game, right?
15:06A lot of people are saying it.
15:07I mean, universally popular with casino owners.
15:14But we have had some good runs lately.
15:16I think that's the...
15:18There we go, double it.
15:19Is it?
15:26Alright, here we go.
15:27Comeback story.
15:29Cinderella story.
15:34That is...
15:37Let's get a blackjack.
15:42We got a blackjack.
15:48Alright, here we go.
15:49The roll starts now.
15:50We're going to start stacking it up.
15:54There we go.
15:56My doubling strategy would be working that time.
16:00Let's win them all.
16:01Every hand in this shoe, we're going to win.
16:03If he can do it, we can do it.
16:08Oh, jeez.
16:14Let's win this.
16:17I almost bet a thousand, too.
16:19Oh, look at that.
16:20Another blackjack.
16:30Big one, there we go.
16:33Alright, we're hanging in there.
16:34Come on.
16:35Rally time.
16:36Rally time.
16:37Let's go.
16:38We've got alligator blood.
16:44There we go.
16:46What is it?
16:48Tiger of blood?
16:49Is that Charlie Sheen?
16:50Come on!
16:51Oh, look at that!
16:53I'll take another eight.
16:57Oh, who's better than us now, all of a sudden?
17:00Look at that.
17:01He still can't bust, but we're starting to win.
17:04Really go for it?
17:05Really go for it, you think?
17:07The three chips?
17:10Come on.
17:11Oh, look at that.
17:12Alright, eight, baby.
17:17No, I knew it!
17:20How many were you going to bet?
17:21I was going to drop it to one.
17:22Oh, okay.
17:26So I'm only two-thirds responsible.
17:33Alright, eighteen.
17:34Seven under.
17:35Try so hard, it doesn't matter.
17:37Alright, that's enough flak, Jack.
17:40No, we're going to win three hats in a row here.
17:43How do you win ten thousand real quick?
17:46There we go.
17:47Alright, we got two of ten.
17:49Here we go.
17:50Come on.
17:51I lied.
17:52One more shoe.
17:53Oh, come on, EJ.
17:54You lied?
17:57I think you always split those, don't you?
17:59Yeah, you have to.
18:00It's a law?
18:01Nineteen's pretty good, huh?
18:02Yes, ten.
18:03Eighteen's pretty good.
18:08Oh, this is our shoe.
18:09I can feel it.
18:10It's coming.
18:15Oh, there we go.
18:18Let's go!
18:20Good call to play another.
18:22I say we bet the two-fifty this time.
18:24Keep the white chips.
18:28Oh, yeah, here.
18:38Good save, WBG.
18:39I just had a bad feeling.
18:42We have three thousand, er, thirty-five hundred of four on Wack Jack.
18:48That was a very quick turnaround.
18:53It comes fast.
18:54Back to business as usual.
18:55But it comes and goes fast, right?
18:58Look at that.
18:59Nice hash.
19:03Shocked that wasn't an eight.
19:07This is for even on Wack Jack.
19:12Alright, seven under.
19:13Seven under.
19:14Oh, eight under.
19:16A lot of pushes today.
19:17Yeah, this guy's very pushy.
19:18You know what they say.
19:19A push is better than a shove.
19:23Oh, that was supposed to be a ten or an ace.
19:33Nineteen's a good hand.
19:36Except if he gets a nineteen.
19:43Let's go.
19:45Come on!
19:51Let's go!
19:53Let's do it.
19:55That was an almost score-perching level let's go, but I like it.
19:58I like it.
19:59I tried to aim my voice away from you.
20:01You have a very powerful voice.
20:02Even on Wack Jack.
20:03A lot of...
20:04Please no, because this is such a big spot.
20:06A lot of W2Jesus fans out there.
20:09Alright, let's go.
20:10Very wise people.
20:17We were doing so good.
20:20That is really disappointing.
20:22Yeah, that was a turning point right there.
20:28Not bad.
20:33That's sixteen.
20:34That's sixteen.
20:36I like the way you think though.
20:39Heart's in the right blade.
20:41Here comes a five.
20:42Hey, alright.
20:43He knew what was coming.
20:45Time to get aggressive.
20:47We gotta get back to the slot machines.
20:49We gotta either win or lose here.
20:51Enough agony.
20:52So it's time to fire it in there is what you're saying.
20:55Oh, another not twenty.
20:57Come on, eight.
20:58Oh my goodness.
21:02There wasn't a way to win that.
21:04Five hundred or a thousand.
21:05What do you guys think?
21:06A thousand.
21:07Fifteen hundred.
21:09Just tear the band-aid off.
21:11There you go.
21:14How do you win?
21:15Let's go.
21:16Back to slots.
21:18There you go.
21:19When in doubt, drag in cash.
21:20Is that what they say?
21:21I think so.
21:22Two dollar to nom.
21:24Yeah, we really have had a rough start today.
21:28Total NH-12.
21:29Five all day.
21:31That's brutal.
21:32I guess we gotta go for a bigger major.
21:34What is the major on...
21:37There we go.
21:39Get that.
21:42That shouldn't be that hard.
21:46Yeah, that was a brutal blackjack and a brutal start on another game.
21:50It totally screwed up our idea to get the bonuses.
21:53Yeah, we kind of abandoned that idea.
21:55Six thousand dollars and nothing.
21:57I mean, that's very common.
22:00That's why they call it gambling.
22:05But it is much more fun when you win.
22:09Or at least you get something along the way, right?
22:12When nothing happens, it's discouraging.
22:14The blackjack is rough, man.
22:16I tell you.
22:17I mean, we did have two pretty good wins recently.
22:19But it seems that we sure do get 13, 14, 15, and 16 a lot.
22:26We did get even for a second.
22:28Yeah, and then we had that huge double.
22:31That was unfortunate.
22:35Okay, here we go.
22:36How many lines are we working with here?
22:39We need five across.
22:41Well, that can produce some big wins.
22:43Oh, yeah.
22:45Some of the biggest wins.
22:46Look at that.
22:47Look at that.
22:48Oh, three-pointer.
22:50That should be more.
22:53All right.
22:54How about a five-pot?
23:15Anyone want to wager on pots versus balls?
23:17Yeah, sure.
23:18Pick a side and I'll bet you $200.
23:21I'll take balls.
23:22All right.
23:23You got it.
23:24All right.
23:25Let's trigger.
23:27I thought I insta-won.
23:28How much are we betting?
23:35All right, I'm going to start looking for a question.
23:37I think we need it more than ever.
23:38Oh, my gosh.
23:39We need it.
23:40We certainly do.
23:41But we're going to get a nice big jackpot here and turn it around.
23:51Or continue to get wrecked and then be grumpy.
23:54So those are our options.
23:55Folks, come on.
23:56Let's get something.
23:58I like the first one better.
24:00Question of the day should help.
24:02Yeah, I found one.
24:04Fire it in there.
24:05It's about winning big jackpots, and I know we're going to win a big jackpot,
24:09so I think it's going to be relevant.
24:12Well, then that sounds like a good question.
24:14I think so.
24:17$60 there.
24:19So lanho8337 says,
24:24please consider this for the WBG question of the day.
24:28My question to you all is,
24:32when you win a big jackpot and take cash over a check,
24:36do you ever feel unsafe having that much cash on you?
24:40Walking out of the casino is stressful with that much cash.
24:42Do you find it to be stressful?
24:45I mean, obviously we're not idiots.
24:51There would be big surprises for anyone that tried to mess with this crew.
24:56Well, first of all, we don't take cash, big jackpots.
24:59Yeah, I mean, you can also just put it back on deposit,
25:02places we play at frequently.
25:05Yeah, but I don't know.
25:06I would not recommend that other people do that for sure.
25:09I mean, it's a sad, sad, sad state of affairs in the world
25:13that there's so much evil.
25:17Let's not make this be evil where we lose our money.
25:20No, we're not gonna.
25:21All right, well.
25:29That took a minute.
25:31But I was just saying,
25:32people just really just need to be nice and mellow out
25:35and all the craziness in the world is just so annoying.
25:39It's not just at a casino or when you get a big jackpot.
25:42I mean, I was driving down the street the other day
25:44and I pulled off of the freeway
25:46and there was one of those guys holding a sign
25:49and he just decided to lose his mind
25:52and started attacking me and my car on the side of the road.
25:58Unfortunately, there's bad people everywhere.
26:00You gotta keep your eyes and ears open.
26:03But yeah, I wouldn't walk out with a bunch of cash.
26:04I'd just take a check or deposit it to your markers or whatever.
26:08I think a big benefit to it also is it's harder to lose it back, right?
26:11You get all that money.
26:12It doesn't seem as real,
26:14but when you put the check in your bank account,
26:17then you can actually do something with it.
26:19You can pay your car payment or mortgage.
26:22Take a vacation.
26:24Well, let's see.
26:25For $15,000, there's a lot of things we could do
26:27and the good news is we're not gonna have to worry about that
26:30because we don't have any money left on us.
26:32And come on.
26:34So we better win.
26:35Come on.
26:36I want to have that problem.
26:37You're just a minor ball away from being back in it.
26:40Oh, yeah.
26:41Anything can happen.
26:46What do you think, EJ?
26:48I think it's really frustrating when you get crushed at Blackjack
26:51and you get zero bonuses on slots and you're down $15,000.
26:56Well, that happens.
26:58I, I, yeah.
27:00You do have bad days.
27:02No bonuses at all today, right?
27:06Nobody told me there'd be days like this.
27:10Shit days indeed.
27:12I guess Matt told me there'd be days like this.
27:15But I've also heard that sometimes you get wrecked a lot before you win a lot.
27:19Oh, yeah. I heard that.
27:20So there's hope.
27:21My great-grandfather used to say that.
27:24That's kind of like a family credo.
27:27Do you have one of those plaques on the wall?
27:30Like with the family crest?
27:31It's part of the crest.
27:33Can you, do you know it in Latin?
27:34Can you say that expression in Latin?
27:35No, can you?
27:38I only know pig Latin.
27:40My parents used to talk, speak in pig Latin when I was a kid.
27:44Oh, yeah?
27:45Oh, yeah.
27:46They didn't want us to know what was going on.
27:50Your parents do that, EJ?
27:56What'd you just say?
27:57What do you want to do?
28:01I'm pretty fluent in pig Latin.
28:03I'm actually kind of proud of myself, you know,
28:04because a lot of people say I don't know anything,
28:06and I do know pig Latin.
28:08So you're bilingual?
28:10Now that I think about it, I put a little pep in my step.
28:13That was impressive.
28:14Is that on your resume?
28:15I'm going to add it.
28:16Yeah, you have to, right?
28:17Yeah, because after this, I'm going to probably need a job.
28:22Fluent in pig Latin.
28:26I wonder if there's a job where that would come in useful.
28:29Maybe acting?
28:31Maybe, yeah.
28:34All right, this is a...
28:39This is unfortunate.
28:41Yeah, that's an au pair, right?
28:44So you talk to the parents without the kids knowing?
28:51The thing is, is the kids eventually figure it out.
28:55This game is not making me happy or prosperous right now.
28:59No, we should have played the pandas.
29:03But now you tell us.
29:06Oh, it was right there.
29:12I wonder how much you could possibly lose in a day before you get a bonus.
29:15Like, what do you think the world record is?
29:17Should we try to set it?
29:19I think we are kind of in the process of it right now.
29:28I wonder what game's going to pay us.
29:30Obviously, this is a complete disaster.
29:32Let's go.
29:33Everybody knows it.
29:37It would be a good day for a grand.
29:40Yeah, I don't see it happening, though.
29:42There you go.
29:44I can't believe even the Quest of the Day funded a game.
29:50All right, well, we're getting wrecked.
29:51And I just figured I'd take a minute.
29:53It's halftime report here, by the way.
29:54We haven't given up.
29:57You know, to say, that can happen.
29:59You know, so be careful.
30:00And don't just fire it in there and then just lose all your money.
30:03And then, you know, that's not good.
30:05Like, gamble responsibly because the bonus doesn't have to come.
30:10You could go forever without getting a bonus.
30:12Who knows?
30:13I mean, I wonder if we were over on those Lion Link machines.
30:16Or what was it?
30:17Not Lion Link.
30:18Dragon Trios.
30:19You know, I mean, we could have been down whatever.
30:21And we couldn't win on Blackjack.
30:22You know, and this.
30:23And even Dragon Link isn't paying today.
30:25So, anyway, we took a little break.
30:27We shook it off.
30:29Coming back.
30:30Fresh energy.
30:31And now we're going to win on Dancing Drums.
30:33Let's go.
30:3417,000 is the image.
30:36Is that all?
30:385280 is the bet.
30:39Let's see if we can get a bonus today.
30:41Remember that time we were way down and we won a lot of money on this game?
30:46Yeah, W2Jesus had suggested this game earlier in the day.
30:49And then I remembered that exact story.
30:52Go ahead.
30:53No, you go ahead.
30:54It's a very volatile game.
30:56You can get some really big wins.
30:59It's a classic.
31:00I think it's a good call for a day like today.
31:04We can get the mini.
31:05That'll be fun.
31:06We'll have side bets on that.
31:07We're definitely going to get more than the mini.
31:09If the pot closes.
31:11Even money?
31:12Even money?
31:14Even mini.
31:18So we just need three drums.
31:21I'm being hopeful.
31:25Yeah, you need drums or wilds in 1, 2, 3.
31:29Yeah, three of those things.
31:31Is it just 1, 2, and 3?
31:32I guess it is.
31:35Yeah, at least 1, 2, and 3.
31:37Maybe four.
31:40I haven't seen a lot of drums yet, so they must be...
31:42Oh, there's one.
31:46Or we could get a lot of those raw dogs.
31:48Wilds are arguably better.
31:53Like, all raw dogs would be good.
31:55That's decent, huh?
31:58A little bit of play, which is good.
32:01We play golden drums a lot, but not dancing drums.
32:04This is far more volatile than dancing drums.
32:08Well, we need something big.
32:10We should maybe take some small swings at a few really volatile games
32:16and see if we can jack one out of the park.
32:19It's our only hope, I guess, at this point in time.
32:23Hopefully we can just hang out long enough to get the bonus.
32:30That would be great.
32:32That will be great.
32:33I mean, look at how full that pot is.
32:35That thing's got to be bound to hit.
32:37Oh, that's not going to do us much good.
32:39Oh, you don't think so?
32:40The pot?
32:43Well, if we got the major or the grand, it would.
32:46Two things that we've never gotten before, or 300 bucks.
32:52Well, so we're due.
32:54Come on.
32:55There it is.
32:58I thought we had it.
32:59That's the closest we've come to a bonus all day right there.
33:02First and third.
33:07Yeah, sometimes it doesn't seem possible.
33:10I know everybody's rooting for us.
33:11Come on.
33:12We've had Cinderella comebacks before.
33:15Oh, there it is.
33:17It sounded good.
33:20Man, two out of three ain't bad.
33:22It ain't good.
33:26Well, oh boy.
33:35Oh, raw dogs.
33:36We needed them.
33:38All right, flowers.
33:41A little something something right there.
33:46And we are getting low on fumes and altitude here.
33:55And that's all wrote.
33:59Multi win seven.
34:01These guys were saying dollar streak is going to have to be the option.
34:05I love this game.
34:06We've come back from worse, gentlemen.
34:09Let's see, probably 20 lines is my guess.
34:12So what is that?
34:15Is that 60?
34:17Dollar streak.
34:18It's a little harder to get the bonus on this than some of the other games on this box.
34:22But it's so good.
34:23What about that, what's the middle one called again?
34:27Grand Dragon?
34:28Grand Dragon.
34:29I was close.
34:30I was going to say Golden Dragon.
34:32Dragons are pretty sick.
34:36I think this has the best potential for a ginormous win.
34:42Is that a real word, ginormous?
34:43Oh, yeah.
34:46Is it in the dictionary?
34:49It's a combination of gigantic and enormous.
34:55What's the word for that?
34:56Portmandeu, is that the word?
34:58It is.
35:01That's where I'm going to.
35:02What did we put in here, EJ?
35:04A thousand.
35:05It does sound like a place you'd go on a Caribbean cruise.
35:08Yeah, we're going to Bimini and then Portmandeu.
35:10There's a song about that, right?
35:13Oh, Catmandeu.
35:24Is that good?
35:25Oh, I thought that was a 500 pounds.
35:39420 left.
35:40I feel like the gambling gods are punishing us for something.
35:43Did I do something wrong?
35:45They're not punishing us.
35:46The gambling gods came through.
35:47This is our first bonus of the day.
35:49I have a suggestion.
35:50Let's enjoy this.
35:51Let's enjoy it?
35:52Let's enjoy this.
35:54I am very prepared to enjoy this.
35:57I want it to be like 7,000 and then you start firing big to make it come back.
36:04That's a very good start.
36:05It is?
36:07Oh, did two and four only expand?
36:09It's only two and four.
36:10But we got the cards a couple times.
36:13Oh, they don't stay?
36:15No, they expand.
36:16They're not sticky.
36:19Come on, dollar signs.
36:25Come on, do it again.
36:26Let's go.
36:32That's decent.
36:33Plane's the best symbol.
36:36I want a plane.
36:39That's why it's the best symbol when you play.
36:41One more.
36:42Last spin, Johnson.
36:44Very good.
36:45I like it.
36:46Come back.
36:4718,000 advantage?
36:49All right.
36:50Well, that was a mood changer.
36:51I had a couple of backup spins.
36:53Then maybe try Grand Dragon.
36:55We got to turn this into a big win.
36:57What did you call it before?
36:58Golden Dragon?
36:59Or whatever it is.
37:02Let's see if there's another bonus in this thing right away.
37:06Oh, I thought that middle one was going to expand.
37:08That's why I screamed.
37:09Yeah, no.
37:10It was...
37:12It was still great.
37:13It's still 3,000, just that spin.
37:20Oh, it's got another one.
37:21The backup spins.
37:22I like it.
37:23You were working with a 5,000 floor there, too, weren't you?
37:25How'd you know?
37:26How'd you know?
37:27So, in a way, this is the last spin, Johnson.
37:29He would have done one more.
37:30He would have done one more.
37:31He would have done one more.
37:32He would have done one more.
37:34He would have done one more.
37:37Oh, we needed it.
37:38Is that a lot?
37:39It would have been if we got the dollar signs in four.
37:43Oh, very rare re-trigger in this game.
37:46Come on.
37:47Dollar sign, baby, dollar sign.
37:51Come on.
37:52We need more.
37:54Come on.
37:57Is that any good?
37:58No, that's terrible.
38:00That should have been something.
38:03Here we go.
38:04Oh, here we don't go.
38:06Yeah, we don't want the bonus symbol unless we get three of them.
38:09One more spin.
38:11Come on.
38:12Complete disaster.
38:14Do you want to try Grand Dragon or do you want more?
38:16Yeah, I think Grand Dragon.
38:18I mean, that one just kind of feels like it gave us enough.
38:25This one is one of those ones you get some really big bonuses on, too, right?
38:28Oh, yeah.
38:30Gives you double lines as a bonus.
38:33And three of those yin-yang symbols as the bonus.
38:38That one?
38:40And the pennants.
38:50Nothing really exciting up there to keep note of, but you never know.
38:56I think it starts at 7,000, so it's fresh.
39:01It's unlike us to play a fresh one of these, but maybe that'll be when we reverse-psychologize it.
39:12You say 18 of total image?
39:15All right.
39:16All right.
39:23The trick is to parlay that win, not give it back.
39:26Come on.
39:27There we go.
39:28There we go.
39:29There we don't go.
39:30The dragons are wild, though, so that's a reasonable spin.
39:33And they count as re-trigger symbols in the bonus, too.
39:36Have you ever gotten the five re-trigger?
39:38Oh, yes.
39:39We had the four a few times.
39:42It flew right by.
39:43It's easier to get with the five, and it pays double in the bonus, so it's very valuable.
39:51Would you say it's worth twice as much?
39:53Yes, because they double the number of lines in the bonus.
40:07Oh, that's not a four of a kind balloons.
40:12Those lanterns?
40:14Loft balloons.
40:1599 of them.
40:16Come on.
40:17Let's go.
40:19All right.
40:20Oh, two of them.
40:29They're cheering for you in advance.
40:34A 4,000 floor was in my mind.
40:37Thundercash or a different game completely?
40:40Maybe a different game completely.
40:42Speaking of volatile games, Diamond Queen.
40:45Let's give that a shot.
40:48Let's see here.
40:50Looking for some winnability.
40:53Turn it all the way up.
40:54It's loud in here.
40:55We need it.
40:56Very loud.
40:57Someone's on a very loud Dragon Cash bonus.
40:59Oh, on the machine that we were playing, we couldn't get one of those.
41:02$5 bet.
41:05Wow, that would have been good on a $60 bet.
41:08Would have been almost 12 times as much.
41:10Just about.
41:12We need three of these, right?
41:14Average on this machine, 4,000.
41:16Average on the day, 18,000.
41:24All right, one big Diamond Queen bonus, huh?
41:27Yes, please.
41:28It's hard for these bonuses not to be big.
41:32Yeah, even a bad Diamond Queen bonus is still pretty good.
41:37Well, let's get one.
41:39Oh, we need three of those.
41:40Yeah, that's the trick.
41:42And this has your favorite, the close bonus.
41:44Oh, yeah, because you get two, you get the scatter.
41:47What is it?
41:48Pay two bets?
41:49Oh, let's see.
41:50Yeah, two bets.
41:53Shave and a haircut, two bets.
41:55Hey, now.
41:56We're getting a shave and a haircut today, that's for sure.
42:00Oh, Harry Potter's for the win.
42:07That'd be so awesome if we got this bonus.
42:09When we get it, to quote EJ.
42:11I'd like it.
42:13Four aces?
42:14You know what?
42:15I was talking to somebody on the phone today, I can't remember who,
42:18but it's like an older person, older than you.
42:22And they said, oh, that's a really good shout.
42:24And I was like, what, are you EJ?
42:27That's English.
42:28Good shout.
42:33You're such a trendsetter.
42:36I don't know about that.
42:38I'm almost thinking a $3,000 floor.
42:43And then this $15,000 haircut.
42:45I don't know.
42:47But we'll see what happens when we get there.
42:51Oh, see, three of those dogs, come on.
42:58You got a least expected, I think.
43:01Please get the bonus.
43:04Oh, we were a third of the way there.
43:12Come on.
43:14Oh, we got the close bonus.
43:17We got the close bonus.
43:22I really want to see a bonus here.
43:25I hope we get it.
43:27I do too.
43:29We went under the floor.
43:34We're in the sub-floor right now.
43:42Well, Diamond Queen, come on.
43:48What are you thinking, EJ?
43:50Oh, I don't know.
43:53I have come to terms with the loss.
43:57I'm going to try to fire it in there really big on something to get extraordinarily lucky or book it.
44:03Those are our options.
44:04Well, how much ammo do you want to take into that process?
44:08Sure, $2,000.
44:09We had $3,000 a minute ago.
44:11Let's see if we can run it up or call it on Diamond Queen.
44:14She doesn't want to pay today.
44:16We had $4,000 to start this game.
44:18Well, I mean, a minute ago I had said $3,000.
44:23Five aces.
44:34Hanging in there.
44:36Let's just get it here.
44:39Yeah, that would be good.
44:47I just know today hasn't been our day.
44:49That was nice, though.
44:50I like that bonus we got on Dollar Streak.
44:54There is something a little funny about a group of middle-aged men
44:57huddled around a game with tiaras and princesses and diamonds.
45:02Yes, what is that?
45:03Is EJ middle-aged?
45:05I mean, he's 30.
45:07Are you middle-aged?
45:08You are getting up there.
45:09I'm old.
45:10What are you doing here?
45:11Oh, idiot. Sorry.
45:12Million-dollar dragon link.
45:14Lucky $75 bet just to try to save the day here.
45:18All right, save the day.
45:19Is our side bet still going?
45:21Yeah, I had pots, correct?
45:25Now, this is a different version.
45:26This is the million.
45:27Let's just hit the million.
45:28That would be a good way to end it.
45:29Somebody has to.
45:32Why not us?
45:33Why not?
45:34That's what they say.
45:35Come on. Oh, there we are.
45:37There we aren't.
45:38Come on.
45:39I hope you hit it in a pots bonus.
45:41Why not just a major?
45:42Just to change the mood.
45:44Major would be beautiful.
45:47Has anybody hit the major on the million-dollar one here?
45:51Not yet here, I don't think.
45:53Yeah, these are kind of new here.
45:56So it's due.
46:00They don't seem to be falling yet.
46:02Let's go.
46:04That ain't going to do us any good.
46:05There we go.
46:06Oh, that would have been nice.
46:10That would have done it.
46:12Oh, that would be good, too.
46:14Oh, that would be good, too.
46:16All right, maybe they're starting to come.
46:26All right.
46:32Does it feel like we have hope when we get those three?
46:34It doesn't feel like anybody's believing it.
46:36It's very rare.
46:38We got some nines there.
46:41Come on.
46:42There we go.
46:43Come on.
46:44Oh, that was our chance.
46:46Can you imagine five?
46:48Yeah, first two.
46:49Seem to get that a lot.
46:51All right.
46:52Feels like this should always connect.
46:54Still alive.
46:56One more spin.
47:04Well, that's fitting.
47:08Well, folks, what can you say about a Caterpillar?
47:13That's a line from Mork and Mindy a long, long time ago.
47:16Great guy, that Robin Williams.
47:18Anyway, I digress.
47:20I'm not chasing it any further.
47:26That's what can happen.
47:27Be careful.
47:28It's like playing with matches.
47:30You're going to get burned every now and again.
47:32You know, sometimes when just the vibe isn't right and you're not feeling it,
47:36I sometimes think, ah, you know what, maybe it's not our day.
47:39Today was one of those days.
47:41It was a very bad vibes day.
47:43We lost on just about everything except for dollar streak.
47:47Had a little shot there but didn't rally.
47:50So, anyway, thanks for playing along with us.
47:53I appreciate each and every one of you.
47:55So many cool people I met today and every day.
47:58And I just picture all of you watching and you're like, wow, that sucked.
48:03I agree.
48:04You know what we're going to do, though?
48:05We're going to fire it in there again tomorrow.
48:07All right, then.
48:08Thanks, everybody.