• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 1


00:00Previously on The Rookie.
00:01No sign of infection!
00:03Your murder victim is part of a homegrown terror cell.
00:05What type of virus are we talking about?
00:06A weaponized strain of hemorrhagic fever.
00:09It's gonna be okay.
00:10I'm not going out the way my man Pete here just did.
00:13I'm coming out.
00:13Show me those hands!
00:14Don't shoot!
00:16What the hell?
00:16He was reaching.
00:17I don't think he was reaching for a weapon.
00:18So either she does it, trust me, or she's a liar.
00:22He's back.
00:307 out of 15, escorting CDC ambulance to Shaw Memorial,
00:33heading east on South Bend.
00:34I need a clear path.
00:35Copy that.
00:367 out of 15, CHP is en route to the cell.
00:39Tim better make it.
00:40He will.
00:43Is it the virus?
00:44There's no bleeding.
00:44Looks like he's having a severe reaction to the shot we gave him.
00:47He's going into anaphylactic shock.
00:49Get me a binocular!
00:55So the CDC finally gave the all-clear to search Jimmy Roskin's body.
00:58We found a burner phone.
00:59I'm not gonna like where this is going, am I?
01:01He made a call before I shot him to another burner.
01:04You think there's a third terrorist out there?
01:06And we just killed his friends.
01:21Can you get some help over here?
01:23Here they are, right now!
01:367 out of 15, shot fired opposite the Shaw Memorial.
01:42Taking right!
02:00Right behind you! Right behind you! Right behind you!
02:44Suspect in custody!
02:48I need some help over here!
02:50I got it!
02:57You okay?
02:59I should've...
03:01...reloaded on the move.
03:04I should've taken yesterday off.
03:20When you said date night, I thought you meant...
03:23...wine and romance.
03:24Oh, there's wine and...
03:28I have processed crime scenes that felt more romantic.
03:32What? Come on, that's...
03:33Well, that's acumen.
03:34Look, your new place, it's gonna be great when you're done.
03:37And, uh, you definitely, you seem happy working on it.
03:41I haven't felt this much like me since...
03:45...well, since I loaded up a U-Haul, drove across the country and became a cop.
03:49And, uh, tomorrow you are back at work being a cop.
03:52Administrative leave is over.
03:54Yeah, you didn't take one, though.
03:55No, no, no, no, no. DHS is different.
03:58With a clean shoot, it's just right back at work.
04:02Are you sure you're ready to hit the streets?
04:04Yes, yes. I just...
04:06...well, it's not gonna be quite the same without Talia.
04:08Taking that job over at ATF was smart.
04:11You know, she was never gonna have the career that she wanted over at LAPD.
04:13I mean, not after she lied about her brother.
04:16At least she waited until after I took the exam.
04:18And if I passed, six more months of training, I'm no longer the oldest rookie.
04:22Well, you will always be the oldest rookie to me.
04:27Wait, what?
04:28Okay, yeah. I'm gonna go.
04:35Did it bother you at all?
04:38Shooting Raskin like that.
04:42Have you been wondering this for the last two weeks?
04:45Well, you just never said anything, and then I didn't see anything, so I...
04:53Right, um...
04:54The truth is, things like that affect you a lot less...
04:59...the longer that you're on the job.
05:02It's just human nature.
05:21Oh, hey.
05:22Sorry, I, um, can't find my shirt.
05:25You want me to help?
05:27Nope. I have a system.
05:30Don't say anything.
05:33I wasn't going to.
05:36Oh, found it.
05:46Nothing. Just...
05:48It's a little messier...
05:50...since I moved in.
05:51Uh, we were dating before, so I spent two hours cleaning up every time you came over.
05:56Now you moved in, so you get to see the real me.
05:59Is that a problem?
06:00No, I wouldn't want it any other way.
06:07Uh, when did you make a grilled cheese?
06:09Uh, last night after my shift. You were sleeping.
06:18How are you feeling?
06:19Ready to get back to it.
06:21Did you get the food I sent over?
06:22I did.
06:24You shouldn't have done that.
06:25Well, I wanted to.
06:27And eating well is crucial for a fast recovery.
06:29Y'all right?
06:30Shake off the rust and grab a seat.
06:37Anyone want to guess what these numbers represent?
06:41Those are the scores to our six-month exams.
06:43That is correct, Officer Nolan.
06:44Oh, we all passed.
06:46Technically, yes, but that 81 is ugly.
06:49Given that an 80 is basically an F.
06:52Who got the low mark?
06:53Clearly not West.
06:54I could tell you.
06:55But self-reflection is necessary for your success as a patrol officer.
06:59So, I want your guesses as to which score is yours by the end of shift.
07:04Why not get them now?
07:05We mess with our heads.
07:06Are you saying you so easily sabotage, Officer Nolan?
07:09No, sir. I was speaking for Officer Chen.
07:13Sir, will there be consequences for the officer with a low score?
07:16Officer Lopez, you want to take that?
07:18At a minimum, a low score means merciless taunting for months.
07:22But you three did pass, so there's good news.
07:25You can now wear short sleeves.
07:32Sir, who will I be riding with today?
07:35I was thinking...
07:39How's that sound?
07:43All right.
07:45I know I did better than an 81, didn't I?
07:47And the oral exam is the X-factor.
07:49He's right. Chief Williams can ding us on the tiniest of mistakes,
07:52which I'm sure he did with me.
07:53And Gray knows that, so he's going to spend the day torturing me.
07:55Or he knows you pulled the high score and plans to torture you anyway.
07:59You're lucky you don't have to worry.
08:00Who says I'm not worried?
08:02You look worried.
08:03I've never had a rookie score that low on the exam.
08:05There's a first time for everything.
08:07No. Officer Chen is a natural-born test taker.
08:10Nolan didn't even finish college.
08:11Plus, Chen had me for her T.O.
08:13Nolan had Bishop.
08:15Really? You're going to smack-talk her when she's not here to defend herself?
08:18You're right. It's not the same.
08:19Even if she was here, you'd still be fighting for second place.
08:22What are you doing?
08:24My rookies wear long sleeves and ties until the last day of probation.
08:27Yeah, but Sergeant Gray said—
08:28Gray is not your training officer.
08:30I have complete discretion over the training in my boot.
08:32And that includes uniform.
08:34Okay? So go change back into your long sleeves.
08:36And don't forget the tie.
08:39Now! Boot.
08:44Where are you going?
08:45To change back.
08:48Can I ask you a personal question?
08:49If you think it's wise.
08:51Do things bother you less now?
08:52No, you're just as annoying as you were before.
08:55Very funny. I mean, the job.
08:57My first six months have been a lot to process.
09:00You know, it's like a raw nerve.
09:02And all the feelings, as my son's fond of saying.
09:05Does that get easier?
09:08Look, a cop has a decision to make in the first few years.
09:11It's how much can I handle, how much I'm going to let the job affect me.
09:15If I had the input control, where would I set it to?
09:18Some cops set it to seven.
09:20They take a lot in.
09:21Some set it to three health, some set it to zero.
09:25Anybody keep it at ten?
09:26Can't be done.
09:29Let me see your hand.
09:31You've been demoing your house for about a week.
09:35And you already got calluses growing.
09:37Your body does that to protect itself.
09:39Your mind does the same thing.
09:42Whether you want it to or not.
09:447 Adam 15, 5-0-7 at Sunset Plaza. Code 2.
09:487 Adam 15, copy.
09:50Look, I'm a Wesley on this.
09:52A shower is definitely a beverage-only zone.
09:54And a soap dish is not a plate.
09:55Says who?
09:56Common decency, actually.
09:58Give me a break.
09:59He's right.
10:00I live under an overpass, and even I think it's gross.
10:03Hey, nobody asked you.
10:07Stop pouting.
10:08I'm not pouting.
10:10What are we doing here?
10:11You thought it was going to get easier after you passed the exam.
10:13But you were wrong.
10:15What was that?
10:17If recent events have taught us anything,
10:19it's that we need to remain ever vigilant.
10:22You probably think you know everything about policing.
10:24But you don't.
10:25For example, what's the most important thing you need on the street?
10:28Is this a trick question?
10:32Okay, well, the easy answer is my gun,
10:34but I know that's not right, so...
10:37My mind?
10:38No, that's too esoteric for you.
10:40You threw not answering my question.
10:42My judgment?
10:44Yeah, my judgment.
10:45Your eyes.
10:47Cop eyes.
10:48Stop crime and save lives.
10:50Did you study explosive devices in the academy?
10:52What? Yeah, I mean, a little.
10:55I hope you paid attention, because I had a buddy from the bomb squad
10:58mock up an IED and hide it somewhere here in this park.
11:03You got ten minutes to find it,
11:04or I'm adding the duty hat to your standard uniform.
11:11That's ten seconds.
11:14All right, all right, what's the problem here?
11:16The problem is this guy trying to sell me a colon-cleaning start-up
11:19while I'm eating lamb chops.
11:21The colon glow is patent pending.
11:22Make it sublime where the sun don't shine.
11:24You can get it on the ground floor for only a hundred K.
11:26Do you get this sort of thing a lot?
11:27You have no idea.
11:28Sir, sir, sir, sir.
11:29I admire your passion,
11:31but you need to leave Mr. Cuban alone.
11:33If we get another complaint,
11:34we're gonna book you for public nuisance, okay?
11:38Mr. Cuban!
11:40Nolan, let's go.
11:41Yes, sir.
11:42Actually, when I was in construction,
11:43I invented my own sort of a fast binder,
11:45but the difference is the heat sink...
11:48You know what? Never mind.
11:49You have a nice day.
12:12Oh, my God!
12:32I found it.
12:36I found...
12:38And you're dead.
12:40Because radio frequency energy can trigger a bomb.
12:44You gonna forget that lesson, boot?
12:50Go get cleaned up.
12:59You're supposed to carry an extra uniformed shirt
13:01in your war back.
13:02Oh, yes, sir.
13:03I didn't expect to be in short sleeves yet this morning.
13:06Yes, sir. I didn't expect to be in short sleeves yet.
13:08This is the only one I own.
13:13We have a new set of dress blues last week.
13:15See if they're in?
13:16Uh, yeah.
13:17I can go look them back.
13:18Frank, um, usually checks the computer.
13:22Is he around?
13:28Everything good?
13:29Yeah, it's great.
13:30How long you been working here?
13:32Couple weeks.
13:33What's your name?
13:34Uh, Justin.
13:35He's headin' for the alley.
13:36I'll cover him off.
14:062-11 at top.
14:07Cop uniforms.
14:08Three suspects escaping on motorcycles
14:10heading north, south, and east.
14:12Send backup and airship.
14:16What'd they steal?
14:17Police uniforms.
14:25How many uniforms did they take?
14:27About 20.
14:28That's a lot of potential fake cops,
14:29which is why you called Homeland Security.
14:31Should I call the police?
14:33Actually, you called Homeland Security.
14:34Should I call you as a courtesy?
14:36In most cases, stolen uniforms are used for drug rips.
14:38Well, that's a lot of risk,
14:39just to rob a few drug dealers,
14:41which is why we're going to be treating this
14:43as a potential high-threat-level event.
14:45Like an 09 with a bus?
14:46Oh, God, here we go.
14:47Just this first year with the FBI LAPD task force,
14:50she convinced us that a missing school bus
14:52was a prelude to a terror attack.
14:54And it wasn't?
14:55A third grader didn't want to take a test,
14:57so he stole the bus so he wouldn't have to go to school.
14:59She had half a LAPD hunting a nine-year-old.
15:01Hey, overtime pay for my Disney World vacation.
15:03I'm not complaining.
15:04You know what?
15:05You picked the one time that I was wrong.
15:06The one time?
15:07Was there body cam footage of the man inside the store?
15:10The cams weren't on.
15:11I will put him with an artist.
15:12We'll send you a sketch.
15:13How about that?
15:15Look, I hope you're right about this being small time,
15:17but I don't think it is.
15:19Can you walk me out?
15:22Uh, is everything okay?
15:24Yeah, why?
15:25Well, you know, I mean, it's the first day back.
15:27Already chasing bad guys.
15:28Yes, well, chasing, not catching.
15:31Much like you're a nine-year-old.
15:33Oh, I caught him.
15:34He will not fool me again.
15:36I'm sorry, you're still keeping tabs on him?
15:39Uh, Benjamin Smith is a sophomore at USC,
15:41and if he ever steps back over the line,
15:43I'll be there.
15:46You terrify me.
15:51Missed a spot.
15:59Thank God.
16:00My wife's missing.
16:01She never came home from work last night.
16:02She always comes home.
16:03I texted and called her friends, and nobody's...
16:05Okay, sir, can you please slow down?
16:07It's important I get the report right for the detectives.
16:09What's your wife's name?
16:12She's a clerk at the courthouse downtown.
16:14We're trying to have a baby,
16:16and she was supposed to come straight home to,
16:18you know...
16:19Yes, sir.
16:20Do you have a picture?
16:21Uh, yeah.
16:22No hard copies preferable.
16:24Of course.
16:26Hold on.
16:28Poor guy.
16:32Cop eyes.
16:33Wait, you think the husband did something?
16:35You always assume the husband did something.
16:37Officer Bradford's first rule of domestics?
16:39This isn't a joke, boot.
16:41You don't have the experience to evaluate people yet,
16:43so your default should be suspicion, not compassion.
16:50Have I told you how sexy you look in that uniform?
16:52No, most of your compliments come after I take it off.
16:56Nothing, just a little love.
16:58You couldn't just be in the moment?
16:59You had to point that out?
17:01You just had a little something on your shirt.
17:02I just...
17:03Hey, ready to roll?
17:05I'll see you at home tonight.
17:07Can't wait.
17:10Hey, is everything all right?
17:15I thought living together would be more fun.
17:17Officer West.
17:19Meet you in the shop.
17:22You were in the cadet program in high school, right?
17:24Yes, sir.
17:25Cadet leader all four years.
17:26And in college, too.
17:29They're sending the group over tomorrow morning.
17:30I want you to talk to them.
17:31Yes, sir.
17:32Happy to do it.
17:33Very thin lips.
17:35And two gold teeth right here.
17:37Gold teeth, gotcha.
17:38This is so cool.
17:39I've never actually sat with a sketch artist before.
17:41Yeah, my first time, too.
17:42I just got hired.
17:45Okay, that should do it.
17:47What do you think?
17:52You drew me.
17:54No, I drew what you told me.
17:56Yeah, except you didn't.
17:58May I?
17:59If you just...
18:00Yeah, so I said he had...
18:02Yeah, his hair dropped down a little more.
18:05And I said he had deep set eyes, right?
18:08Very thin lips.
18:15Yeah, I used to draw a lot for my old job.
18:18Gotta go.
18:19They found the bikes.
18:20Wait one minute.
18:26Oh, yeah, that's...
18:27Those are definitely the motorcycles from the robbery.
18:30We're not gonna get any forensics off them now, though.
18:33There's a body.
18:35How can you tell?
18:36The smell.
18:38Burning bodies are unmistakable.
18:50That's him.
18:51I see the teeth.
18:52That's definitely the guy from the uniforms.
18:53Not on the crime scene.
18:54Go, go.
18:597-9-15, change our call to our homicide.
19:02Send detectives and the forensics team.
19:05And alert Jessica Russo at DHS.
19:09They must have met up here after they got away, but...
19:12His crew killed him?
19:17Because we saw him.
19:24Stay here.
19:26How's it going?
19:27He threw up.
19:28I couldn't help it.
19:30It was the worst thing I've ever seen.
19:32And smelled.
19:33Well, no one can blame you.
19:34Uh, actually...
19:36Never mind.
19:37I got a low score on the test, and now I puke in front of Gray?
19:40I'm gonna get bounced before the other ship.
19:42Don't be so sure about that low score.
19:44Tim spent the entire day making me feel like I don't know anything.
19:46Hey, I heard you got him.
19:48Yeah, he puked.
19:49Stop telling people that.
19:51It happens.
19:52Do you?
19:53I'm gonna go talk to him.
19:55I'm gonna go talk to Gray.
19:57And my mortification is complete.
19:59Still think they stole the uniforms to rob drug dealers?
20:02Can I skip the I told you so's, please?
20:04What'd your intel say?
20:05Print from the store got a positive ID on our corpse.
20:07Trevor Travis, 28.
20:09Spent 18 months in Nevada State Prison for armed robbery.
20:12Known associates?
20:13Too many to name, but none in Southern California.
20:15Well, whoever his new crew is, they're ruthless enough to come on their own to stop our investigation.
20:19And whatever they're planning, no one's gonna see it coming because they're all dressed as cops.
20:24Hell, they could be working this scene right now.
20:26So we'll implement new identity verification protocols.
20:29I'll call my guys.
20:30Have them start an interagency task force.
20:32We've got to get out in front of this.
20:34We need to get in on this.
20:36Not gonna happen.
20:37We're stuck on perimeter duty until end of shift.
20:39Away from the action.
20:40Trust me.
20:42This is exactly where you want to be.
20:54Um, what are you doing?
20:56Clocking out and heading home.
20:57Rio Bravo's on cable.
20:58No, no.
20:59Why are you treating me like it's day one all over again?
21:02Because it is.
21:03Today was day one of stage two of your training.
21:05So what?
21:06Does that mean I've lost all the respect that I earned?
21:08You lost that when you lied on a report.
21:11I read your account of what happened at the quarantine house.
21:14When I thought I was infected, I told you I'd rather take my life than bleed out.
21:18You failed to report it.
21:19That's what this is about.
21:20Suicide ideations by a law enforcement officer are extremely serious.
21:23You should have been reported immediately.
21:24I was trying to protect you.
21:25They would have put you on leave for required therapy.
21:27You weren't even actually suicidal.
21:29Not your call.
21:30You should have detailed everything, regardless of the consequences.
21:32Oh, yeah?
21:33Like I should have filed a report detailing everything you've done to protect Isabel?
21:38You know what?
21:39You want to rake me over the coals for the next six months?
21:41You go ahead.
21:42But don't pretend like it's because you've got some code.
21:51This is gonna sound weird, but if you see any cops at the courthouse, check their credentials, okay?
21:55Yeah, they sent an email around. What's going on?
21:57I can't really say.
22:00What's the timer for?
22:01Well, I wanted to discuss something, and I figured this would be a controlled way to do it.
22:08We're gonna fight using a timer?
22:15I spent an hour looking for the remote when I got home.
22:18Found it under the bed.
22:20So, the TV's in the living room.
22:22Look, I've been here a week, and I've found coffee cups, bras, pop-tarts inside of, on top of, and underneath almost every surface in this house.
22:30Now, I'm super glad that you feel comfortable enough with me to be yourself, but I-
22:33You'd rather I was someone else?
22:35No. Not at all.
22:38I just think that it's important to set ground rules.
22:40Ground rules?
22:41Uh, use the timer.
22:44You think I'm a slob.
22:47I'm not a slob. I work my ass off in an incredibly controlled environment, and when I get home, I just want to relax.
22:51You might be anal-retentive and fold your underwear in a triangle, which is weird, by the way, but that's not me.
22:58Folding your underwear is not weird, and an orderly space helps me relax.
23:02If there's enough chaos in the world, I'd rather not live in it.
23:04You think this is chaos?
23:06No, screw the timer.
23:07This is how I live. I'm sorry if it upsets your delicate sensibilities.
23:09Wait, Angela, I didn't-
23:10You think I'm overreacting?
23:12You know what? I've had a long day.
23:14I'm going to bed.
23:15You should sleep on the couch.
23:19I would if I could find it.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:51Good morning.
23:52What's good about it?
23:53Uh-oh. It's like somebody's stressed about their test scores.
23:55Yeah, well, we both think we got the 91.
23:57Which means one of us got the 81.
23:59All right, take your seats.
24:01As expected, the stolen uniforms caused a bit of paranoia out there.
24:05Overnight, there was a lot of confusion.
24:07I'm sorry.
24:08It's okay.
24:09It's okay.
24:10It's okay.
24:11It's okay.
24:12It's okay.
24:13It's okay.
24:14It's okay.
24:15It's okay.
24:16It's okay.
24:17It's okay.
24:18It's okay.
24:19It's okay.
24:21Overnight, there were two fights and a near shooting
24:24because two officers didn't recognize each other.
24:26All right, that being said, it is vital that we remain vigilant.
24:31Now, to your exam scores.
24:33You all submitted your guesses last night.
24:35And none of you guessed right.
24:48Nolan, I'm sorry.
24:50Save your concern, Officer Chin.
24:52Officer Nolan got the highest score, not the lowest.
24:58That honor goes to...
25:03Officer West.
25:04That's not possible.
25:05I've seen a lot of strange things in my 20 years.
25:07But never would I have imagined that the golden boy would tank his test.
25:13Hey, but there's, um...
25:16Looks like Gray broke your rookie.
25:18Shut up.
25:20Hi, Agent Russo.
25:22You looking for me?
25:23No, actually, Officer Nolan.
25:25Can you spare him for the morning?
25:26I need his help running down a lead.
25:30All right, let's go back to work.
25:33Why didn't you call me back?
25:36I left you a message last night.
25:37Oh, well, I went to bed early.
25:39Okay, and then this morning?
25:41Did you have Sergeant Gray assign me to you just so you could ask me about this?
25:45Figured I'd kill two birds while we're out running down leads.
25:47So why didn't you call me?
25:49Are you okay?
25:51Yeah, fine.
25:53It's not like it's the first time I didn't get the highest score.
25:59Come on.
26:00After the terrorists on the bus,
26:02I just needed a little bit of time off.
26:04Figured I knew this stuff backwards and forwards,
26:06but clearly that was a mistake.
26:08Clearly I should have kept studying.
26:11Look, I let everyone down.
26:13West, your cadets are here.
26:17Sorry to make you wait.
26:19I am Officer Jackson West.
26:21I am currently a rookie patrol officer.
26:23Although, with the score I just got,
26:25I could be mall security in my future.
26:34Good morning.
26:36Good morning, sir!
26:42Good morning.
26:48My whole life,
26:50the only thing I ever wanted to be was a cop.
26:52Every class I took,
26:54every sport I played,
26:56were all meant to make me the best of...
27:04You know what?
27:10You are looking at a cautionary tale.
27:14All out singular focus.
27:16You were told your entire life
27:18to study hard, stay in school.
27:21Look, I am living proof
27:23that you need to skip school.
27:27Stop worrying about overachieving
27:29and acing every single test.
27:31You know where the safest place to be is?
27:33The safest place to be?
27:37The middle.
27:43Start living.
27:51That was unexpected.
27:57Look, I'm sorry about the test.
28:01Tim had it made for Lucy.
28:03But now, you gotta wear it.
28:07Seems fair.
28:09Hold that, please.
28:11Oh, yeah.
28:15Yeah, no problem.
28:39Hey, are you looking for something?
28:41Um, yeah. Um, my wallet.
28:56Did you find it?
28:58Yeah, thanks.
29:02What are you doing with that radio?
29:04Hey, stop!
29:06Seven out of nineteen chasing a fake cop in the garage
29:09I need backup!
29:25Hey, stop!
29:37You jumped from here?
29:39Yes, sir.
29:41Are you okay?
29:45Went right over after him.
29:47Of course she did. I trained her.
29:49You saying this guy stole the radio?
29:51Uh, yes, sir. Out of car 26.
29:53Actually, he wasn't wearing gloves.
29:55Well, you're gonna have to tell me at some point.
29:57I was just tired.
29:59And you were...
30:01You were laughing over a burned body.
30:05Last night at the crime scene.
30:07And after Roskin, you now think I'm heartless?
30:09No. By no means, no. Not at all.
30:11I get it. You're a cop.
30:13And you've seen a lot of bad things.
30:15But nothing has ever made me feel more like...
30:17a rookie.
30:21Ray wants us to go to channel nine.
30:24Go for 7-Adam-15?
30:26We have a suspect ID'd, Thomas Bernhardt.
30:28Four possible addresses.
30:30Sending one for you to check.
30:32And stay off the main channel.
30:34Bernhardt just stole a radio.
30:36Copy that.
30:38Steal a radio? You can listen to dispatch from an app on your phone.
30:40Because with the radio, they can broadcast as well as listen.
30:42They can feed us bad intel,
30:44have us running all over the city,
30:46while they do...
30:48Whatever it is they're planning on doing.
30:52That's the house.
30:56Wait just one second.
30:58What are you doing?
31:00Just want to run the plates of the cars on the street.
31:02Be nice to know if Bernhardt has any company.
31:04That's hot. Thank you.
31:06Oh, that's weird.
31:10That green car belongs to a missing person.
31:12Tim and Lucy are on the case.
31:147-Adam-15 to 7-Adam-19.
31:16We have eyes on a car belonging to Susanna Brown.
31:18Parked in front of the fake cop's house?
31:20That's correct. Who is she?
31:22She's a clerk at the criminal courthouse.
31:24Didn't come home last night.
31:26No idea how she could be connected to our uniform scene.
31:28Do you need backup?
31:30Negative, but we'll keep you posted.
31:34Husband always did it, huh?
31:38Do you have any surveillance gear in your war bag?
31:43Now we can look and listen.
31:45Now we can look and listen.
32:16It's time.
32:187-Adam-15 requesting backup
32:20and SWAT at 9701 St. Andrew's Place
32:22for a hostage situation.
32:24Not for public broadcast.
32:26Hello, this is Susanna Brown
32:28from Fultz Criminal Court.
32:30Security code Apple 52142.
32:32I have an urgent situation.
32:34Judge Crawford granted
32:36an unexpected appeal
32:38in a homicide case.
32:40And the evidence is on your truck.
32:42I need you to divert from the scene.
32:44I need you to divert from the route.
32:46An escort will meet you there.
32:48What is she talking about?
32:50Every three months, evidence from adjudicated trials
32:52is destroyed in a bonded demolition facility
32:54up in Lancaster.
32:56This is Overwatch. Road clear ahead.
32:58Drugs, counterfeit money, a huge cache of weapons
33:00are all transported there by police caravan.
33:02That truck is driving into an ambush.
33:04The escort that meets it will be full of fake cops.
33:06They won't hesitate to kill that driver.
33:08Truck 3 is diverting. Copy that.
33:10SWAT will remain with the convoy
33:12Hey, it's me. They're planning to hijack the Lancaster convoy.
33:16Okay, copy that.
33:18Please, I did what you asked. Please just let me go.
33:20Not until they make contact with the truck.
33:22As soon as that happens,
33:24they're gonna kill her. We gotta get in there.
33:26He's in a room in the middle of the house.
33:28If we breach either door, he's gonna shoot her first
33:30and then come for us.
33:32Raised foundation. That means there's a crawl space
33:34under the house. I can use that. Come up through one of the heating vents.
33:36John, John, this is way too dangerous.
33:38Can't we wait and then leave?
33:40I've escaped with my son.
33:45There it is.
34:09Fake escort's already got him.
34:11We can't warn the truck driver
34:13because our heist crew's jamming the signal with their stolen radio.
34:15Shouldn't we wait for backup?
34:17We are the backup.
34:23Please let me go.
34:25Shut up. Not until they make contact with the truck
34:27and call back.
34:31Please don't hurt me. Shut up.
34:37Sweet. I'll meet you at the rendezvous.
34:43They got the truck.
34:45Which means you're a loose end.
35:23Okay, you're safe now.
35:31It's not gonna hurt you anymore.
35:39Okay, get ready.
35:41Remember, they don't know that we know.
35:53What's the problem?
35:55Radios are down. We were sent to escort the truck back to the courthouse.
35:57Must be a mistake.
35:59We're the escort, so get out of the way.
36:01No problem.
36:03We were headed to lunch when we got the call.
36:07Yeah, I see it.
36:10One last thing before we go.
36:12Real cops wear their vests under their shirt.
36:40Get out of the car!
36:42Face down on the ground!
36:48Drop your weapon right now!
36:50Down on the ground! Feet down! Hands apart!
36:55Don't you move.
37:09You wanted to see me, sir?
37:13So, how is the golden boy
37:15dealing with almost
37:17failing out of field training?
37:21You heard about the cadets?
37:25I'm sorry about that, sir.
37:27But you told us that
37:29self-reflection was a necessary skill for an LAPD officer.
37:33And I've just had a pretty powerful dose of it.
37:35My whole life has been about
37:37getting here, and
37:39now that I'm in uniform, I realize that
37:41I'll never make it if I, uh...
37:43I don't find some balance.
37:45Even if that means
37:47getting an 81 on a test or two.
37:49And, uh...
37:51I can live with that.
37:53That's admirable, Officer West.
37:59I'm not here to help
38:01you find balance.
38:03My job is to make sure
38:06you keep your head in the game at all times.
38:08Because lives are at stake.
38:12So I'm extending you in the program.
38:14Tomorrow you're back in long sleeves
38:16and your T.O. will continue to write
38:18daily evaluations.
38:20For how long?
38:26Until I can trust you in front of a roomful of cadets again.
38:30You're dismissed.
38:58What's wrong?
39:06This is only gonna work if we talk to each other.
39:08You know that, right?
39:16I've never lived with anyone before.
39:20I've never been in love like this.
39:26I'm scared I'm gonna screw it up.
39:28You won't.
39:30I won't let you.
39:32You won't.
39:34I won't let you.
39:36Good, because we're getting a maid.
39:52I'm glad you're here.
39:54I'm glad you called.
39:56Can I, um...
39:58get you something to drink?
40:00No, no, I'm good, thank you.
40:02I just kind of, um, just want to talk about
40:04whatever it is that's bothering you.
40:06Fair enough.
40:08The last six months
40:10have been the most intense in my life.
40:14I killed a man in the line of duty.
40:16I watched my captain die.
40:18I fought for my own life.
40:20More times than I can count.
40:22And I felt every second of it.
40:24Yesterday you told me
40:26I would feel less
40:28the longer I did the job.
40:30And a part of me wanted that so badly.
40:32But I can't
40:34go numb.
40:36It's not who I am
40:38and it's definitely
40:40not who I want to be.
40:42So if I'm going to do this job,
40:44I have to feel
40:46all of it.
40:48No matter
40:50what it does to me.
40:54Damn it.
40:57I just, uh, I just
41:01fell in love with you
41:03a little.
41:07Is that a bad thing?
41:09I don't know yet.
41:11I think now's a good time.
41:13I'm going to come right in for it.
41:19Do you want to, um...
41:23Do you want to pull around?
41:27Yes, I do.
41:35Where are you going?
41:39my place.
41:41I'm not taking my clothes off here.
41:43But you know what? You can choose your house
41:45over me if you want.
41:57Come on!
42:26Damn it.