• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 3


00:00Control, 7 Adam 7 shows at a vehicle stop on Olympic and Avon.
00:06You got this.
00:11Sir, driver's license and registration please.
00:13What's the problem?
00:14You were doing 50 in a school zone.
00:17What's that sound?
00:18My bees.
00:19Your what?
00:20Bees. I'm a beekeeper.
00:22I don't know if I'll be able to control them if you give me a ticket.
00:25Sir, threatening an officer is a crime.
00:27Alright, step out of the car.
00:39You okay?
00:40Yeah, you?
00:41I'm sure I'm missing my long sleeves.
00:43Can we go after him?
00:47All units be on the lookout for a blue minivan.
00:49Look out.
00:51Bullet bees!
01:10Well, hello.
01:13Well, hello to you too.
01:15I was talking to the coffee.
01:17It's too early for dad jokes.
01:19I woke up this morning with an amazing idea for the layout of the master closet.
01:26Tell me what you think.
01:34I mean, I was married for 20 years.
01:37Nothing usually means a whole lot of something.
01:39Well, I mean, you don't even have, like, a built-in shoe rack.
01:44Oh, well, I got, what, two pairs of shoes?
01:47Yeah, but I have a lot more.
01:52Oh, yeah, right.
01:54Well, I mean, obviously, yeah.
01:55I mean, we haven't even talked about the...
01:59It's fine.
02:00It's good.
02:01I'm kidding.
02:04I'm gonna, um, I'm gonna get dressed.
02:19I'm gonna lose it.
02:22Did you forget something?
02:23My car won't start again.
02:26You need a new one.
02:27I need a healthier bank account.
02:29Uh, I can get you to work, but you're on your own to get home.
02:33What are you doing tonight?
02:35I mean, that thing.
02:36I told you.
02:37What thing?
02:38At my mother's.
02:41The mother I haven't met yet?
02:44No, you definitely didn't tell me about that.
02:46Well, you probably had a lot on your mind.
02:50Do you want to go?
02:51Do you want me to go?
02:53Of course.
02:58Today is problem day.
03:00So you know what that means.
03:02Actually, sir, I don't.
03:03Problem spots on your patrol route.
03:05Locations that attract crime like a felonious magnet.
03:09Businesses used as a cover for criminal activity.
03:11Motel, motels, massage parlors, dive bars.
03:14Or anywhere that ex-cons gather to plan their next adventure.
03:17Spots you see every day.
03:19And you vow to take them down if you have the time,
03:22but we never have the time, so.
03:25Is there a problem, Smitty?
03:27Oh, no, sir.
03:28I love playing whack-a-mole.
03:31Knock down a problem spot, it can pop back up anywhere.
03:34But that's the job, right?
03:36And since you're so excited about doing it,
03:38I think you should share your excitement
03:40with Officer West out there today.
03:44Yeah, seriously.
03:45That means, Lopez, you're with Nolan.
03:48And you're with me.
03:50And you're with me.
03:52Lopez, you're with Nolan.
03:54Happy hunting out there.
03:59Look, I know you're probably still mad about me not rooming with you, but...
04:02Don't flatter yourself, sunshine.
04:07So, uh, what's our problem spot?
04:09You'll see when we get there.
04:13So, what'd you do last night?
04:16Gym, dinner, study.
04:18Rinse, wash, repeat.
04:20What's that supposed to mean?
04:28You know, it's just been a while since the divorce.
04:31You wanna jog behind the shop all day, boot?
04:33No, no.
04:34No, sir.
04:35Shutting up.
04:39It's just a big step, and it's never come up.
04:41I wasn't prepared, and now she's mad.
04:43Why do relationships have to be so complicated?
04:45There's some things you just shouldn't spring on someone
04:47before they've even had their morning coffee.
04:49If we can't be honest with each other, then why even be together?
04:53And now I'm sitting here wondering why Wesley doesn't want me to meet his mom.
04:56Wait, what?
04:57I thought we were talking about my thing.
04:58I thought we were talking about my thing.
05:01Wesley said he didn't want you to meet his mom.
05:03He actually said that.
05:04He didn't have to.
05:13Problem spot's my ass.
05:15What is that smell?
05:17Like sweat socks and licorice.
05:19This whole city's a problem spot.
05:21Sean John Cologne in desperation.
05:24Pull over at that burger joint.
05:26Seriously? You just ate a burrito.
05:29That's the problem spot.
05:37Place has been a haven to shady ex-cons since I was a boot.
05:40Ain't never gonna change.
05:42So what do we do?
05:44We sit here.
05:47For what?
05:48End of shift.
05:49Problem spot.
05:52So you want us to chill here in your rank-ass shop?
05:56Y'all think you can change the world.
06:11This is our problem spot?
06:13What do you see?
06:18Guy waiting for the bus.
06:19Drug dealer.
06:21This corner's a mecca for upper-class dopers.
06:23Oxy, molly, benzos, vikes.
06:25Anything a well-off suburbanite can choke down with a kombucha spritzer.
06:30And right on cue.
06:36You gonna bust that dealer?
06:39Dealers are a dime a dozen.
06:40We want to scare the clients away, so business takes a big hit.
06:43Let's go.
06:54Take the lead on this one.
06:58Morning, sir.
06:59What is the problem, officer?
07:02Is it illegal to ask for directions now?
07:04Well, you better lock me up.
07:07License and registration, please.
07:09My partner and I witnessed you exchange money for a baggie.
07:11Want to show us what you bought?
07:12No idea what you're talking about.
07:14What's this?
07:16Oops. How'd that get there?
07:18You work for Councilwoman Langston?
07:19I'm her right hand.
07:21Sometimes her left, if you feel me.
07:25Look, Officer, uh, Nolan.
07:28You got a job to do.
07:29I get it, believe me.
07:30Nobody appreciates the boys and girls in blue more than me.
07:33It's just...
07:35You see, Langston, she needed me to find her some, uh, sleep aids.
07:39Oh, yeah.
07:40Just hand over the baggie.
07:43No big deal.
07:45Now you, uh, let me off with a warning.
07:47You win yourself some pretty powerful friends down at City Hall.
07:50Oh, sounds like quite an offer.
07:53Councilwoman Langston's office.
07:55But I'm doing okay in the friend department.
07:57No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:58I'm sorry, the pills, they're mine.
08:00Please hang up, please.
08:04I just need something to take the edge off.
08:06You can't imagine what I go through every day.
08:08The wife, boss, the constant pressure.
08:10It's just...
08:11Jump out of the car, we're locking you up.
08:16Come over here, put your hands on the car.
08:17Yes, sir.
08:20Are we gonna be here a while?
08:23Then I need to arrange child care.
08:25Sure, you get one call once we're done processing you.
08:31Hey, I know you're gonna say no, but I think I can help.
08:37With what?
08:38You know, I know how hard it is to meet people in L.A.
08:40It's what keeps them in business.
08:47You wanna set me up?
08:50Forget it.
08:51Even if this wasn't your dumbest idea yet,
08:53there is no way you'd be able to pick someone right for me.
08:58I bet I can.
09:00I'm serious, if I can fix you up on one good date, just one,
09:04I get to...
09:06I get to wear short sleeves.
09:16But you're paying.
09:18And if you lose, you're gonna do 50 push-ups after every call we take.
09:35Okay, new plan.
09:36You drink your soda, and I'm gonna go do some police things.
09:41Here they come.
09:42Keep cool.
09:46Morning, officer.
09:47Boys, my partner here is a newbie who wants to learn about problem spots in town,
09:52so here we are.
09:54I'm just eating.
09:55Sure you are.
09:56Danny Dozier.
09:57You just did four years in Chino.
09:59Arms robbery, was it?
10:02And you.
10:03Weren't you the wheelman for Larry Marks?
10:05Think of this as a low-life employment agency.
10:08Each of these dirtbags has a set of illicit skills,
10:11and they're just itching for a chance to use them.
10:15Last time I checked, associating with felons was a no-no for parolees.
10:18Raise your hand if you're on parole.
10:21Look, don't make me run you through the system.
10:23It'll just piss me off.
10:26There we go.
10:27That's more like it.
10:28Everybody grab some oil.
10:30Come on.
10:31Right this way.
10:33Speed it up.
10:38What are you doing?
10:39Just kick them loose with the warning.
10:41Tell them not to come back.
10:42Problem spot handled.
10:44They break the law, they go in.
10:52Go, kid.
10:57Foot pursuit, white male, black male.
11:00Foot pursuit, white male, gray shirt and blue jeans.
11:03Heading north on Fillmore.
11:29Let's go.
11:52Watch your own, huh?
11:53Stand up.
11:57Spread your feet.
12:00Where's the gun?
12:01I don't got one.
12:02I just like bullets.
12:03That ain't no crime, is it?
12:05He must have dumped the gun somewhere between here and the burger joint.
12:09Somebody please help me!
12:10I need help!
12:11Please, somebody!
12:12Calvin, please.
12:15Give me the gun, baby.
12:16Baby, please, give me the gun.
12:19Hey, Calvin.
12:20Hey, buddy.
12:21It's not a toy, okay?
12:22Please put the gun down.
12:23Calvin, give me the gun!
12:24Hey, buddy.
12:25Please put the gun down.
12:26Calvin, give me the gun!
12:27It's not a toy.
12:29Come on.
12:30Come on.
12:32Gunshot wound to the upper right chest.
12:48You did this.
12:49I didn't do nothing.
12:50It was your gun!
12:52Prove it.
13:03Look at you!
13:05All official!
13:08You were the talk of the reunion tonight.
13:10I was bummed I couldn't go.
13:11What are you doing here?
13:12Oh, just trying to cut through some red tape.
13:15So far, my scissors haven't been sharp enough.
13:17Oh, problems in child services?
13:19Yeah, civil standbys.
13:21LAPD needs a faster response time.
13:23I've had four go sideways in the last month.
13:26Hey, maybe you can help me.
13:29I wish I could, but I am below bottom of the food chain here.
13:34Boot, get a move on.
13:35No lunch until you finish those reports.
13:38Who's that?
13:39That is my training officer.
13:41I should probably go.
13:46Hey, you're single, right?
13:49Would you want to go out with him?
13:51Uh, he's hot.
13:54He's hot, but I made a vow.
13:57No more jerks.
13:58Let's go, Boot.
14:01Okay, so you don't date jerks.
14:03But how would you like to help me win a bet against one?
14:12Let's go.
14:13We gotta take this dirtbag back to the station, get him processed.
14:20You all right?
14:24Look, I...
14:26I should've tackled the kid.
14:29I'm taking the bullet myself.
14:34It's a no-win situation.
14:36Had you reacted differently, maybe the kid would've shot himself instead.
14:44You did the right thing.
14:47Yeah, well, that wasn't enough.
14:50Hey, Jess. It's me.
14:52Just trying you again?
14:55Call me back.
14:57Okay, she was definitely mad at me and ducking my call.
15:04What time is dinner with Mom?
15:08Oh, um, at eight, I think.
15:10You know, there is no world in which Wesley is embarrassed by you.
15:15If that was what you were worried about.
15:17It's not.
15:20I'm not charging him.
15:21You're kidding me. Why not?
15:23You never saw the gun in his possession, and his prints weren't on it.
15:25All you got was a pocket full of bullets. There's no crime in that.
15:28Bullets are the same caliber as a gun.
15:30It's a nine millimeter. Most common handgun there is.
15:32He tossed the gun while I was chasing him, and a child picked it up.
15:36But you didn't see it.
15:37That kid could've killed himself.
15:38As it is, his mother almost died. The kid is traumatized.
15:41So how in the hell can you kick this guy loose?
15:43It's not a case that we can win. I'm sorry.
15:45I have to get back to court.
15:55Don't call her again. When she's ready, she'll call you.
15:58You're right.
16:04Turn around.
16:06There's a guy back there being chased.
16:09Patrol seven out of fifteen.
16:10Suspicious search on fifth and Bodger. Requesting backup.
16:13Back up. Back up. Move your vehicle.
16:16Come on. Come on, damn it.
16:28You see them?
16:34You see them?
16:37You see them?
16:39You see them?
16:41You see them?
16:59Taxi clear.
17:00Taxi clear.
17:01So where'd they go?
17:03Head upstairs.
17:12Out of the way.
17:15What do we have?
17:16Patient suffering a fractured leg, femur, possibly internal bleeding and head trauma.
17:20Stable. They gave him two liters of saline on the way over.
17:24What happened to him? Car accident?
17:25No, no. He got dropped off a footbridge.
17:27Landed on top of a car right in front of us.
17:28Do you know his name?
17:29Uh, yeah. Driver's license says he's Cesar Ojeda.
17:31Okay. We need a CT scan. Alert the OR. He's jumping the line.
17:34Not before I talk to him.
17:36Jessica Russo, DHS.
17:38That's not possible.
17:39Well, make it possible.
17:41He's unconscious and probably bleeding internally.
17:43If we delay surgery, he could die. Is that what you want?
17:45Nobody wants that, right?
17:47No. Fine, fine. I just need to talk to him as soon as he wakes up.
17:50Of course. Let's move.
17:56So, who was that guy and why did you have to talk to him so bad?
17:59I can't really tell you that.
18:01Can't or won't.
18:02I ran the plates in the car that chased him.
18:04It was reported stolen last week.
18:06What about the guys inside?
18:07They were gone by the time backup cleared the building.
18:09What's your interest?
18:12His real name is Alejandro Mejia.
18:15He's undercover DHS.
18:17He disappeared about six weeks ago during an infiltration
18:20and I was alerted when you ran his cover ID through the system.
18:23Wow. So, what was he into?
18:25I'm not clear to tell you that.
18:27So, DHS is taking this over?
18:29Yes, but I would really appreciate it if you could provide some extra security until my guys got here.
18:34Of course.
18:35Excuse me.
18:36Yes, sir.
18:38Yeah, she's definitely mad at you.
18:40Yes, he's, um, he's unconscious.
18:43She's a social worker.
18:45You say that like it's equivalent to being a serial killer.
18:48Well, social workers do valuable work.
18:50Coddling criminals.
18:52Look, if you're not even going to try...
18:53Hold your water, boo.
18:54I'm just getting the lay of the land on my date.
18:56So, where are you taking her?
18:58That sounds expensive.
19:00Oh, it is.
19:02They've got a $100 filet.
19:04It just melts in your mouth.
19:06And they're wineless.
19:07Oh, it's exceptional.
19:08Well, good.
19:09It seems like a really romantic place.
19:13You're going to have to do so many push-ups.
19:16Anyway, this is Rachel.
19:24West, where's Schmitty?
19:26Probably watching Judge Judy in the break room.
19:28Sir, was pairing us up meant to be added punishment?
19:30Think of it more as a kick in the pants.
19:32No way you're advancing back to short sleeves until I see the fire back in your eyes.
19:36You called in a guy named Gleason Dunn earlier, right?
19:40You ship him downtown yet?
19:41No, he's being processed out.
19:43ADA told me to kick him.
19:45Ballistics came back on the gun the kid fired.
19:47It was used in the unsolved murder last year.
19:52They pulled a DNA sample from the scene, but there was no match in the system.
19:55But Dunn's DNA isn't in the system.
19:57We don't have it.
19:58Well, we need to get a sample.
20:07I guess he keeps saying that.
20:12Excuse me.
20:15Gleason Dunn. Where is he?
20:17Released. About ten minutes ago.
20:23Okay, I'm on my way in.
20:30Just about this morning.
20:31Oh, this is not the right time.
20:35And also, I mean, it's not a big deal.
20:37So we're good.
20:40Why wouldn't we be?
20:43I brought Grant to speed.
20:44He said he'd give you whatever you need.
20:45Oh, great.
20:46Any chance you got more clearance to tell us about Mahir?
20:50He's a forensic accountant.
20:51An expert in cryptocurrency.
20:53We put him inside an illegal arms operation where he was supposed to target their financials,
20:58and then neutralize their access.
21:00By what? Changing all their passwords?
21:02Basically, yeah.
21:03The downside of digital money.
21:05Then Mahir went silent. What'd you say, about six weeks ago?
21:08So we presumed he was either dead or...
21:11No wonder you need to talk to him.
21:13Look, I've got to go brief my boss.
21:15DHS is going to be mobilizing some agents to come stand watch.
21:18Are you good until they arrive?
21:20Like Ray said, anything you need.
21:25All right, I'm going to take the shop.
21:26Dispatch will arrange pickup once you're replaced.
21:28You're leaving?
21:29I've got to get dressed for dinner.
21:30The great thing about you being a phase three now is I don't have to supervise you 24-7.
21:34So have fun on guard duty.
21:35Good luck with Mommy Dearest.
21:43I briefed my buddies on midnight shift about Gleason.
21:46They'll get him.
21:51You know, it's not too late.
21:53For what?
21:54Scale of one to ten, how sure are you the gun belonged to Gleason?
21:59Then maybe you need to revise your statement to the ADA.
22:02You're a rookie.
22:03His vision got blurry in the fog of war.
22:06But now you're clear.
22:07And you did see him toss the weapon.
22:10Write it up like that and I'll back you.
22:23I'd be lying.
22:26Kid, you're in the honeymoon period of being a cop.
22:30Full of piss and righteous vinegar.
22:32But it's not a black and white world.
22:34It never has been.
22:35Look, right and wrong matter.
22:37Otherwise, why bother pinning on the badge?
22:39It's not about right and wrong.
22:41It's about getting the bad guys off the street.
22:43How are you going to feel if we can't pin Gleason down?
22:46It hurts more people.
22:48Or worse.
22:49It can't be worse than today.
22:51Oh, it can always get worse.
22:58Okay, thanks.
23:03The mom died on the operating table.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:19I'm so glad she wore that dress.
23:22She didn't want to look too sexy.
23:23But Mama needs to get into some short sleeves.
23:29Yo, where did you go?
23:33I can't stop thinking about my guy.
23:35He killed someone and I just let him walk.
23:38Dude, you did what the ADA told you to do.
23:40And now you're trying to fix it.
23:42Night shift is on the hunt.
23:45Head in the game.
23:46Let's go.
23:47This is so weird.
23:48Uh-huh. Yep, yep, yep.
23:51So, you've, uh...
23:53You've known Chen since...
23:55I mean, Lucy since college?
23:57Yeah, we were in psych class together.
24:00Bet she hasn't changed a bit.
24:03Always playing matchmaking.
24:05Well, this is my favorite place.
24:07Best filet in town.
24:08Oh, I don't eat red meat.
24:10Sea bass is great, too.
24:12Nothing that had a face.
24:14I'm on a raw food diet, actually.
24:17You know, reduce my imprint.
24:21Oh, wait.
24:24What happened?
24:25They stopped talking.
24:27This is like watching a nature documentary.
24:30You're just waiting for the gazelle to get eaten by the jaguar.
24:37Oh, my God.
24:38I'm gonna lose this bet.
24:42Look, you seem nice and all,
24:44so I probably should just tell you the truth.
24:46I let Lucy set us up tonight.
24:49Because she made me a bet.
24:51And, um, you want her to lose.
24:53No, I want me to win.
24:56Being here with me isn't a win?
25:02Maybe a little.
25:07You know what would be a win for me?
25:12If you could get me...
25:15a direct line to your watch commander
25:18so I could talk to him about civil standoffs.
25:30I could do that.
25:34And what would you want in return?
25:46I'm gonna be in long sleeves forever.
25:55Where am I?
25:57You're in the hospital, Mr. Mejia.
25:59You just underwent surgery.
26:01You know my name?
26:02Yes, I do.
26:03I'm working with DHS.
26:04Jessica Russo, she told us about your undercover op.
26:07Seems like you have quite a tale to tell.
26:09I need to get out of here.
26:11Not just yet.
26:12You've been through a great deal.
26:14The men who were chasing you, can you I.D. them?
26:18Why, did they throw you off the bridge?
26:20They didn't.
26:21I jumped.
26:23Seemed necessary at the time.
26:25Were they trying to kill you?
26:28What do you mean by that?
26:31Mr. Mejia.
26:35Come on.
26:36We gotta get to my mom's party.
26:39Not until you admit you never mentioned this thing with your mom before.
26:43I thought I did.
26:48Okay, fine, I didn't.
26:49I knew it, you didn't want her to meet me.
26:52Is it because I'm spirited?
26:55You got us a chess clock to mediate our arguments.
26:57I know, but that's not what this is about.
26:58And I can be a little feral when I eat sometimes, but.
27:04This wasn't about you.
27:07What does that mean?
27:10Look, I have to tell you something.
27:13But I don't want you to freak out.
27:19You're rich.
27:20Well, wealth is relative.
27:23Yeah, super rich.
27:25Oh, look who decided to grace us with his presence.
27:29Hello, darling.
27:30Hello, my dear.
27:32Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you.
27:35You are simply stunning.
27:39You are too, Mrs. Evers and this beautiful house.
27:41Come on, let's get you a drink.
27:48So what made you decide to become a police officer?
27:51Well, I love my city and wanted to give back.
27:53Getting kick-ass helped too.
27:56Well, I for one thank you for your service.
27:59You know, you put him in jail and my son tries to get him out.
28:04Why do you keep calling me mother?
28:06Like this is Downton Abbey.
28:08Insufferable, isn't he?
28:09Definitely, but he's cute.
28:10You know, his grandfather founded the biggest law firm in Beverly Hills.
28:14But Wesley insists on working pro bono over a restaurant that serves $5.99 buffets.
28:24Well, I just want to give you a helping hand from time to time, but you slap it away.
28:28Well, I do fine on my own.
28:29But you could do so much more.
28:31Can we not talk about this right now in front of Angela?
28:34But you're living together.
28:36She's family.
28:38And you know there's never really a good time to talk with you.
28:41I know you want to do it all on your own and not touch your trust fund.
28:44Trust fund?
28:45But the fact that you seem mad at me about it, that is just messed up.
28:50How's your wine?
28:52Yeah, I picked it up at a spa retreat in Tuscany.
28:54I'm going again in March.
28:56You should come.
28:57Wesley, you two should come.
28:59100% yes.
29:01You know what?
29:02I'm going to take an Uber home.
29:04Two of you just enjoy each other.
29:08Come on, Wesley.
29:09Always with the drama.
29:11I should go after him.
29:13Oh, nonsense.
29:14He's a grown man.
29:15Besides, I want you to taste the stew.
29:18It's my own recipe.
29:21It does smell good.
29:28I'm here to transfer the patient to the ICU for some serial exams.
29:31Check for any internal bleeding.
29:34Susan Taylor.
29:35How long have you worked here, Susan?
29:36A lot of fives.
29:38Five months in the ICU, five years at the hospital, and since five this morning.
29:42Five-thirty, actually.
29:44Okay, well, I'm going to need to accompany you.
29:46No problem.
29:48Why do I do this?
29:49Do what?
29:50Infiltrate myself into everything.
29:52I'm like a virus.
29:53You're not a virus.
29:54Yes, I am.
29:56Why do I care if Tim dates?
29:57Why do I care why anyone does anything?
30:00Okay, you just want everyone to be happy.
30:01That's a good quality.
30:02No, you know what I want?
30:03To get drunk.
30:04Let's get a buttload of tequila, get up on the roof of our building, and listen to music from the Hollywood Bowl.
30:09That's what I want.
30:16Thank you for letting me know.
30:17What was that?
30:18Night shift still hasn't found Gleason.
30:20Bastard's still walking around out there.
30:22It's a given time.
30:25What are you doing?
30:26Getting my car and going for a ride.
30:27And going for a ride up the PCH with a little bit of sad music or a little off-duty action?
30:32Okay, I'll drive.
30:34Hey, Jess.
30:36Oh, yeah.
30:37Well, no.
30:38He was awake for a minute and now he's unconscious again.
30:40They're just transferring him to ICU.
30:44I'll see you in a few.
30:47How's it going?
30:49Yeah, good.
30:50Jessica's on her way here to question him.
30:52It seems like you know her pretty well.
30:55Well, we're dating.
31:00She's a little intense.
31:02Oh, that's just work, Jessica.
31:04Yeah, she's different at home.
31:09She just doesn't really seem like your type.
31:11My type?
31:12Never mind.
31:13You know what?
31:14I'm going to shut up.
31:15People can change a lot in 20 years.
31:18What are you doing outside the ICU?
31:20Oh, the nurse transferred Mejia here from post-op.
31:23They needed to run some tests.
31:25But I spoke with the surgeon.
31:26He didn't want to move Mejia yet.
31:27He was going to do the exams in post-op.
31:43I need this hospital put on immediate lockdown.
31:45Nobody in or out.
31:467 out of 15.
31:47207 at Shaw Memorial.
31:48I need backup.
31:49Unknown number of suspects.
31:50Possibly armed.
31:51Code 3.
31:58Remember me?
31:59Smitty's rookie?
32:01Had you dead to rights on a parole violation?
32:04What do you want?
32:05Your boy, Gleason Dunn.
32:07Tell me where he is and these officers might just let you go.
32:10He's not my boy.
32:11He destroyed a family today.
32:13Dumped a gun for a child to find.
32:15Life's full of tragedy.
32:17But you want your life to become one?
32:19Because I'm hoping for a couple more decades on the job.
32:22Years I will spend making your life a living hell
32:24if you don't come clean.
32:25Is that really something you want to sign up for?
32:27Because it seems smarter to just give the guy up and go home.
32:35Hey, police!
33:55Get down!
34:27I start taking off ears.
34:29I don't know them off the top of my head, man.
34:31I got them stored back at my place.
34:33Face track.
34:35I guess I'm taking some pieces off to get the truth.
34:37I'm telling you the truth!
34:38I swear!
34:39Come on!
34:41Drop the saw.
34:42Stand up.
34:43Right now.
34:44Or I will shoot you.
34:45Do not test me.
34:48Okay, you got me.
34:49Let go.
34:50Hands behind your head and release your fingers.
34:51No problem, officer, but I got a bad shoulder.
34:53Shut up.
34:54Turn around.
34:57I don't know if I can...
34:59Stay right there.
35:16Did you see where he went?
35:17No, I didn't see where he went.
35:18Can you get this damn saw away from me?
35:22Can you walk?
35:23I don't think so.
35:24Stay right there.
35:25I don't think I have a choice.
35:26Give me your backup.
35:27Come on, man.
35:28I need a weapon.
35:31Got it.
35:46I need a weapon.
36:04You're under arrest.
36:17Well, I ain't no old dog,
36:20but I got a trick or two, baby.
36:24It ain't what I wanted,
36:27but I gotta give it to you, baby.
36:31You've been on my mind.
36:35Well, then, Officer West.
36:37You don't need no textbook.
36:40Baby, I can teach it to you right now.
36:43I can teach it to you right now.
36:46If you're willing to try.
36:51I'm sorry.
36:52Just every time I go to my mother's house,
36:54I turn into this person I don't want to be.
36:56Why? Your mom is great.
36:58And don't give me that you don't really know her spiel.
37:00She has nothing but a deep and genuine love for you.
37:03So why do you keep turning your back on her?
37:04It's just all that excess.
37:06Always hated that.
37:07I need to make it on my own.
37:11Only a rich person would think
37:13turning down money is a noble idea.
37:16I wore my brother's hat me down since I was 15.
37:19My mom worked two jobs,
37:20and so did we once we reached high school.
37:22So you think less of me?
37:24Are you kidding?
37:26Your mom and I already started planning the wedding.
37:29California is a no-fault divorce state,
37:30so have you ever felt like doing me a solid?
37:37Love your mom while you have her.
37:40Take that money and do something good with it.
37:42Like fix your car, maybe?
37:43I was thinking more like feed the homeless,
37:45but I wouldn't say no to a Porsche.
37:47Oh, really?
37:48Or we could just get a chauffeur.
37:51Come on, trust me.
38:01Two hours, so we're back on shift.
38:03It's gonna be a long day.
38:05Think you can get a power nap in?
38:07I'm just gonna clap or gorge it.
38:12Hey, come on.
38:13Gleason's behind bars.
38:14You gotta feel good about that, right?
38:18But if I wouldn't have pushed things
38:20when my problem spotted,
38:22if I would've just sat in the car like Smitty said,
38:25or let the ex-cons go with a warning,
38:27then Gleason wouldn't have run,
38:28and he wouldn't have dumped the gun,
38:30and that kid would still have a mom.
38:33What happened was not your fault.
38:35It was Gleason's,
38:36and now he's on the hook for two murders.
38:38He's gonna be locked up forever.
38:40That's all you need to take away from this.
38:42You got me?
38:45Don't start listening to Smitty.
38:46You're not that kind of cop.
38:48Yeah, I'm the kind who never got along sleeves.
38:51Excuse me?
38:53Your bet.
38:54Clearly, you won't either.
38:55Do you really think Tim's gonna make me do push-ups
38:57after every call?
38:58You know what?
38:59On the bright side,
39:00when it's over,
39:01I'm gonna have mad upper body strength.
39:04Come on.
39:05I'll drop you off at your car.
39:06We still got time to shower and change before roll call.
39:08Let's go.
39:11How's Mejia?
39:13They took him back into surgery,
39:14but, um,
39:15I think he's gonna be okay.
39:17Did you get a chance to talk to him?
39:18I got the passwords,
39:19and we seized 22 million in assets
39:21from the arms dealer,
39:22and you helped take down a pretty big operation, John.
39:25Despite the fact I almost screwed it up.
39:26Well, everyone makes a...
39:28mistake now and then.
39:30Like the one I made yesterday with you?
39:32Look, um...
39:34I-I wasn't asking to live with you.
39:37I was, uh...
39:39I was just testing the waters.
39:41And I capsized the boat.
39:43Look, Jess,
39:45I am still just figuring out who I am
39:47in this new life.
39:49It hasn't even been a year since I got divorced
39:52and got a brand-new job,
39:54entirely new city.
39:56The only thing I know for sure is...
40:00I love spending time with you.
40:03And Chirac will add value to my home,
40:06and if you have any more great ideas,
40:08I'd love to hear them.
40:15I gotta go.
40:21Look at you.
40:22Saving the world, getting the girl.
40:24Far cry from college when all you wanted
40:26was a fake ID and a password and a chem.
40:28Wasn't all I wanted.
40:31You had your charms.
40:33Hey, um...
40:35I wanted to apologize
40:37about that crack about Agent Russo
40:39and for assuming that I know your taste.
40:41I mean, 20 years is a long time.
40:43And yet you are exactly how I remember you.
40:46I'm not sure if that's a positive or a negative.
40:49Positive for sure. And this is...
40:52This has been great, seeing you again
40:54and catching up and being friends again.
40:56And I would love to go on a double date,
40:58meet your husband.
41:00I'm not really married.
41:02Oh, I...
41:03I mean, technically I am,
41:05but Simon and I, we separated over a year ago.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:09Yeah, I mean, I guess that I keep wearing the ring
41:11so I don't have to have uncomfortable conversations.
41:13Right, I get it.
41:15And I know the drill,
41:16so if you ever want to just talk, I'm...
41:18I'm around.
41:20I might just take you up on that.
41:29Lucy, what are you doing here?
41:31Sorry, I know it's early.
41:33Um, I just wanted to thank you
41:35for going out with Tim last night.
41:37Uh, Bordeaux, your favorite wine, right?
41:40That wasn't necessary.
41:45I hope it wasn't too unbearable.
41:47Oh, it was fine. It was fine.
41:49I know he can come off like this smug, hard-ass,
41:52but, you know, deep down, he has a really good heart.
41:55Anyway, I'll go.
41:57But I owe you one, big time.
42:03Hey, can I borrow your, uh...
42:10Short sleeves.
42:55Damn it.