• 17 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 8


00:00Previously on The Rookie.
00:02I know about you and Nolan.
00:04When this gets out, and it will get out, it'll brand her.
00:06So if you care about her like you say you do, you wouldn't even put her in this position.
00:09Are you breaking up with me?
00:11Yeah, Lucy, I am.
00:13I was just notified that detectives made a drug bust.
00:15It's your wife.
00:16Isabel isn't a dealer.
00:17Raff and Isabel were rookies together.
00:19So she's a cop.
00:21Undercover narcotics.
00:22Who's Carson Holland?
00:23Carson stashed a kilo of heroin in my heating unit.
00:26You're facing 10 to 20.
00:28I'm sorry.
00:317 out of 15.
00:32Circularly in progress.
00:33609 Hollywood Boulevard.
01:077 out of 15 in pursuit of a 459 suspect.
01:09Requesting backup.
01:10Dispatch, do you copy?
01:12These old concrete buildings can block signal.
01:30Show me your hands!
01:31Do it now!
01:32Against the wall.
01:35Backpack down.
01:36Give me your right hand.
01:37Hold up.
01:39Where the hell are we?
01:41This door is locked.
01:42No other doors.
01:43No windows.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:49I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:51I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:53I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:55I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:57I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
01:59No windows.
02:00What's that?
02:03You've got to be kidding me.
02:06This is an escape room.
02:09A what?
02:10Where hipsters pay to be locked in a room filled with puzzles that they have to solve to get out.
02:14Oh, yes!
02:17Oh, that sounds like fun.
02:18Yeah, maybe on a day off, not after a long shift.
02:22No signal.
02:23Guess we're gonna have to solve the puzzles now.
02:27Oh, sorry.
02:28Looks like this one requires three or more people.
02:33Forget it.
02:34The quicker we get out of here, the quicker I go to jail.
02:36So I'm happy to spend the night.
02:39That's okay.
02:40You wouldn't have been of much use anyway.
02:42What's that supposed to mean?
02:43Don't worry.
02:44We can just wait until they open up again in the morning.
02:46I mean, eight hours would just fly by.
02:49Absolutely not.
02:50It's a cipher.
02:52Maybe a Caesar shift.
02:54Caesar what?
02:55Didn't you take Whitman's extra credit class at the academy?
02:57No, I was gonna, but I...
02:58The first step towards freedom lies in the last step from captivity.
03:05What are you, some kind of secret genius?
03:07Oh, it's not a secret.
03:14Harble Down.
03:15Harble Down.
03:25The Litta Morse April.
03:28Is that another code?
03:29It's Latin.
03:31Pale death knocks with the same tempo upon the huts of the poor and the towers of kings.
03:39Catholic school.
03:42Towers of kings.
03:50The skeleton's missing a root.
04:10You are still under arrest.
04:21You're holding back.
04:22I wish I was.
04:31I could watch this all day, and now I can't.
04:34Are you recording this?
04:35Yeah, just for teaching purposes.
04:37All right.
04:38Now focus.
04:44Oh, there you go!
04:45Nice takedown, Nolan!
04:48Lucky move.
04:51I don't know what to say.
04:53You've worked really hard for this.
04:54You deserve it.
04:56I'll sign up for the detective's exam today.
04:58You should thank Wolf and Bestry.
05:00They're pulling for you.
05:06I got the tap.
05:07I heard.
05:09Don't forget about us when you get your detective's badge.
05:11I'm sorry, do I know you?
05:12Inseparable already.
05:13You'll fit right in.
05:14Hey, I mean, it's not a done deal yet.
05:16I still have to take the exam.
05:17Well, we both know that if the detectives want you, you're in.
05:20Hey, are we good?
05:22I know you wanted it, too.
05:24Of course.
05:26I'm happy for you.
05:27What's going on?
05:28Talia just got the tap.
05:31No kidding.
05:32That's great.
05:36What is she doing back here?
05:42What the hell's going on?
05:43They're supposed to hand her to the DA for prosecution.
05:45Your wife made a deal to be a confidential informant.
05:49She has a lot of contacts on the street.
05:51Because she's a drug addict.
05:52With police training.
05:53Which will get her killed if someone finds out.
05:55They won't let that happen.
05:56At least this way she stays out of prison.
06:09I heard, Talia got the tap.
06:10You okay?
06:11I'm fine.
06:12She's my friend.
06:13I'm happy for her.
06:16Yeah, baby.
06:17Come on.
06:18She's coming around the outside.
06:19Go on.
06:20All right.
06:21Race is over.
06:22Get off.
06:24Did I win?
06:26Have you been drinking, ma'am?
06:29I'm high.
06:31You're under arrest.
06:33I paid for this ride.
06:35Get down.
06:40What the hell is that?
06:42What the hell is that?
06:44Looks like a foot.
06:45The real question is why?
06:47Why what?
06:48Why do you have a dead foot?
06:50It fell off.
06:51Of who?
06:53My boyfriend.
06:54He had gangrene.
06:56And you're keeping it because it reminds you of him?
06:59I thought I could sell it.
07:00All right.
07:01Come on.
07:02Grab the foot.
07:06You're not going to puke on me, are you, boo?
07:09No, ma'am.
07:12All right.
07:14I'm glad my discomfort is cheering you up.
07:16Me too.
07:20Dispatch, show us code six and on location.
07:23How many times has this alarm gone off in the last month?
07:26Six for that, six.
07:30We'll check the premises and advise.
07:32You going to miss all this when you're a fancy detective?
07:33Not at all.
07:34What about me?
07:35Even less.
07:37Don't you move.
07:39Dispatch, 7-9-15.
07:41We have a woman with a gun requesting backup.
07:43Who wants to try me?
07:46Don't move.
07:48Put the gun down.
07:49They tried to rob me.
07:50Drop the gun now.
07:54Take the one on the left.
07:59Get down.
08:00There's nowhere to go.
08:09Drop the gun.
08:12You're under arrest.
08:22Where are your keys?
08:23I need a car.
08:26Drop the gun.
08:27Put it down.
08:32Get out of the house.
08:33Get outside.
08:34Go, go, go.
08:38Go, go, go.
08:48Drop the gun.
08:50Don't move.
08:52Drop the gun.
08:53Drop the gun.
09:09Shots fired.
09:10One suspect down.
09:11Requesting RA and a supervisor.
09:15Starting Code 3 Fire and Ambulance.
09:25Negative on the ambulance.
09:26Suspect is deceased.
09:28Notify the watch commander.
09:31Time of death?
09:32Final step, 0-9-55 Allen.
09:39He pulled a gun.
09:40We can't talk about this until after we're both questioned.
09:43You could compromise the investigation.
09:45Right, of course.
09:47So, what's next?
09:49It's a homicide.
09:51I'll secure the scene.
09:53Preserve the evidence.
09:54Homicide, right?
09:57What should I do?
10:00You're the suspect.
10:06Wait in the hall.
10:12You did the right thing.
10:14Letting them find Isabel's drugs.
10:17They weren't hers.
10:19She's in this situation because she let herself get taken advantage of.
10:24Do you really believe that?
10:29This officer involved shooting.
10:32It's Nolan.
10:44Officer Nolan.
10:47Officer Nolan.
10:51How many shots?
10:53From which direction?
10:57You were standing over there, I was here.
10:59I'm only able to ask two questions at this time.
11:02How many shots?
11:03From which direction?
11:12That way.
11:13Your companion, officer.
11:17To guide you through the process.
11:18Anyone you want.
11:20It's your choice.
11:23I want Grey.
11:25Is that alright?
11:26It's perfect.
11:27He'll take you to the station.
11:32Do I get the foot back?
11:35I still have the other one.
11:44Hey, what's up?
11:45Booking's closed.
11:46We got a bus in the garage to take everyone to county.
11:48Why? What's going on?
11:52There was a shooting.
12:03Things feel really strange.
12:05Time is all over the place.
12:08That's a common response to a traumatic event.
12:11You'll feel better after you've slept.
12:14So what now?
12:15Now you meet with your lawyer, put together your written statement.
12:18Union rep is on his way.
12:19He wants to go over a few things.
12:21Then there's the interview.
12:22Conducted by Internal Affairs.
12:25With the lead homicide detective, district attorney,
12:28and the independent police auditor in attendance.
12:31A lot of people.
12:32Just tell the truth to the best of your ability.
12:35You'll be fine.
12:39End of shift?
12:42They're here to answer some questions.
12:45About you.
12:46About you.
12:48How would you characterize Officer Nolan?
12:51Officer Nolan is one of the finest people I've ever known.
12:54Back at the academy when everyone was gunning for each other.
12:57He'd stay up late and help you study.
13:00Even if I meant bombing the test himself.
13:02Is he on any medication?
13:05Not that I know of.
13:07I think he has allergies.
13:10Has Officer Nolan ever talked about wanting to use force?
13:13Wanting to?
13:16Is he going through anything in his personal life?
13:19I mean, isn't everyone?
13:22Anything traumatic?
13:24Death of a parent?
13:26Interpersonal conflict?
13:32Where's my brother? Why isn't he here?
13:34Your brother was involved in a shooting.
13:36Is he in the hospital?
13:40I'm afraid that's all I can tell you at this time.
13:41No, no, no. Is he dead?
13:43Is he dead?
13:45Come on.
13:55You okay?
13:57How's Nolan?
13:58Hasn't really hit him yet.
14:00Have you ever?
14:01Taken a life?
14:04Me either.
14:07Thanks for looking out for him.
14:08You should go home.
14:10And do what?
14:12Watch TV? Order in?
14:14I need to get to work. I need to focus on something else.
14:17Alright. In that case, report the vestry and wolf.
14:20They're working a big case and you need to get your feet wet if you're going to take the detective's exam.
14:25Yes, sir.
14:32Commander West. Please, come in.
14:37It's good to see you again.
14:38You too.
14:39Anything I should know as the investigation begins?
14:41Officer Nolan and his T.O. responded to a 211 at a convenience store.
14:44He pursued an armed robber into an occupied house and fired one shot.
14:49Hopefully, it's as straightforward as it sounds.
14:52Is this the first officer under your command to take a life?
14:57But you've been through the process yourself.
15:00You read my file, Commander.
15:02Back when my son was assigned here.
15:05I understand that he and Nolan are pretty tight.
15:07Officer Nolan's pretty close to both of his fellow rookies.
15:10You like him?
15:13I admire what he's trying to do.
15:17I'll keep you updated about the investigation.
15:23When I got the call about your station, I was worried it was you.
15:27I'm okay. If it hadn't been me, I'd handle it.
15:31You know, Nolan's a great officer. I'm sure it's a good shoot.
15:34That's what I'm here to do.
15:35I'm sure it's a good shoot.
15:37That's what I'm here to determine.
15:46You all know who to call?
15:50Can it wait?
15:53The PIO will be briefing the press soon.
15:57You don't want your family to hear about this on the news.
16:01Who can handle a call like this?
16:05Sarah, my ex-wife.
16:21Sarah, it's me.
16:22Hey, I've been meaning to call. Did you look at Henry's coursework next semester?
16:25Yeah, listen...
16:26I'm worried he's overextending himself.
16:29It's not the number of credits, it's the difficulty.
16:32Sarah, you're gonna see some things on the news. I want you to know I'm fine.
16:37And tell Henry I'm fine.
16:39John, what's going on?
16:43I killed someone.
16:45On the job.
16:48I killed someone.
16:51Civil liability is covered up to two million under your plan.
16:55I'm sorry, I don't... I'm a little...
16:59Who are you?
17:02Simon Page.
17:04You're a union rep?
17:06If you don't remember, say you don't remember. Under no circumstances do you express guilt.
17:12But I feel terrible.
17:13Guilt implies you did something wrong.
17:15Now, they're gonna tell you your statement can't be used against you in a murder trial.
17:18Technically true, but it can and will be used against you in any civil proceeding.
17:25You were saying...
17:26I bought a civil trial. Is that likely?
17:29Quaint, if liability exceeds two million, your wages will be garnished pursuing...
17:35To subdivision F of California Government Code Section 3303 or as otherwise required by law.
17:43You're Jackson's dad.
17:46We met at graduation.
17:47Yes, we did, but right now I'm the head of internal affairs and you're being interviewed about a shooting that happened earlier today.
17:55Right. Yes, sir. Sorry.
17:56Now, do you understand your rights as I've described them?
18:02Only civilians have the right to remain silent. If you choose not to answer any of my questions, you will no longer be a cop. Understand?
18:11I understand.
18:13Let's begin.
18:16Did you have any less than lethal weapons available? Taser, pepper spray?
18:22Did you attempt to use any of these less than lethal weapons?
18:25Why not?
18:28I'm not sure. I didn't have time.
18:30You're not sure or you didn't have time?
18:35I didn't have time. My hand was on my gun and I couldn't reach for my taser.
18:40Did you have cover or concealment?
18:43Did the suspect discharge his firearm?
18:47How many rounds did you fire?
18:50What were you aiming at?
18:51Him. His chest, center mass, like we were trying...
18:55Did you hit what you were aiming at?
18:57Describe what he did or what you saw to make you think you struck the suspect.
19:05There was blood. He fell.
19:09Finally, appreciating that police work involves rapidly changing and dangerous fluid environments, is there anything you would have done differently?
19:26What are you doing here?
19:28I'm helping out the detectives today.
19:30You got the top?
19:32Congratulations. I know how much you wanted it.
19:36Look, I know this is weird. I was at your wedding.
19:40Officer Bishop, thanks for joining us.
19:42Thanks for having confidence in me.
19:43You're all caught up to speed on the case?
19:45Our CI's boyfriend, Carson, is a low-level dealer. He gets his drugs from Marcus Vance. We've been trying to get eyes on him for years.
19:50This is our opportunity. When's the next time Carson plans on meeting with Vance?
19:55Tomorrow night at some motel. He's going to buy another kilo.
19:59You get him to take you along?
20:00What? You want me to wear a wire? I thought you wanted information.
20:06What's the best way to get information?
20:08I've never gone with him on a buy before. I can't just ask out of the blue. It'll look suspicious.
20:12So, be convincing.
20:14Maybe we should start slower.
20:15Setting her into a buy to make her certified reliable. It's as slow as it gets.
20:19You don't understand. Carson's paranoid. He'll know something's up.
20:23Then we'll have to get him to think it was his idea.
20:28I can't imagine what Nolan's going through.
20:31Can you?
20:33Yeah. My second year as a T.O., a prisoner transport went sideways.
20:39My boot didn't search the suspect properly. Lost your gun.
20:44Guy would have killed us both if I hadn't pulled the trigger.
20:47What happened to the boot?
20:48I don't know. She wasn't a cop after that.
20:54Is there anything anyone said or did that helped you through it?
20:59No. I just had to make my peace with it.
21:06Don't leave town. You must be available for questioning within an hour of notification.
21:11And remember, you can talk to your fellow officers, but they could be called in to testify about anything you say.
21:16So, think about whether you want to drag them into this.
21:20I understand, sir.
21:26Hey, are you alright?
21:28Yeah. I feel like I haven't seen you in years.
21:34Is there anything you need?
21:38Ready to go?
21:52Everybody do their jobs. I'm sure it'll be over shortly.
21:55Just go get some sleep.
22:05Why'd you choose me to be your companion, officer?
22:09The rest of them would have told me I did the right thing whether I did or not.
22:13If I asked you, you'd tell me the truth.
22:17So, why have you asked me?
22:21I don't think I'm ready to hear the answer.
22:27He had a gun on you.
22:29He refused repeated orders to surrender.
22:33I would have done exactly what you did.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:54Get outside!
22:55Go, go, go!
22:56Don't move!
23:00Suspect is deceased.
23:01What should I do?
23:02You're the suspect.
23:03Is there anything you would have done differently?
23:17That's Isabel's boyfriend?
23:19The girl's fallen off a long way since Bradford.
23:22Come on.
23:26Carson Miller.
23:29I know you.
23:32I know you.
23:33Come on, let's go.
23:36Hands on the car.
23:37Why? I didn't do anything.
23:38You're on parole, Carson. We can search you whenever we want.
23:45Hope you don't have plans today.
23:53Do you have a minute?
23:54Of course. Come in.
23:55Get to the door.
24:00How are you doing?
24:03No, that's not true at all.
24:06There's something I was hoping you could help me with.
24:11I wanted to see my body cam footage of the event.
24:16If that's okay.
24:18You have a right to see it.
24:20But honestly, I don't think you should.
24:24Look, I've been where you are now.
24:27It was an alley instead of a bedroom.
24:30A rapist instead of a robber, but the results were the same.
24:35I understand that you want answers.
24:37Watching the body cam footage,
24:39I don't think you're ready for how traumatic that can be.
24:45I need to see it.
24:58Check the gun!
24:59Put it down!
25:04Get out of the car! Get outside! Go, go, go!
25:08Go, go, go!
25:18Drop the gun!
25:20Go back!
25:21Drop the gun!
25:28He was scared.
25:31Maybe he wasn't going to pull the trigger.
25:33Maybe I could have talked him down another way.
25:37It's not what I saw.
25:40You think he was going to kill me?
25:43I think he did exactly what we trained you to do
25:45when you saw that your life was in jeopardy.
25:53One more thing.
25:57The other robber, Kyle Montgomery, posted bail this morning.
26:00He gave an interview stating that you killed his brother in cold blood.
26:03Now, obviously, you know that the facts don't match his version.
26:08John, I want you to know that the department has your back.
26:12One hundred percent.
26:23Hey. It's me.
26:25We got trouble.
26:26What happened?
26:27I got pinched with drugs on me.
26:29A lot?
26:30Enough to keep me from meeting Vance tonight.
26:33Can you reschedule?
26:34No, you don't reschedule with a man like that.
26:36God, you're an idiot.
26:37Okay, fine. I got it.
26:39Hey, is there someone else you trust to go instead?
26:43You know, maybe Rusty?
26:45Rusty's an even bigger idiot than you.
26:49You're going to have to do it.
26:50No way.
26:51If I don't pay Vance back, I'm dead.
26:54So you're going to do this.
26:59Yeah, fine. Okay.
27:01I'll do it.
27:08You can work.
27:10We'll get you out of here once we take your boyfriend to the courthouse.
27:21Are you sure you're up for tonight?
27:24No, but I can't go to prison, so I guess I have to be.
27:34Have you heard from Nolan?
27:36Not since yesterday. You?
27:41I didn't know if I should call.
27:43Maybe he needs us to reach out. I don't know.
27:45He'll tell us what he needs.
27:46You didn't.
27:47That was different, okay? I was ashamed.
27:52Maybe he is, too.
27:54The Ricks were asking how they can help Nolan.
27:56I found heavy drinking really helped knock out the nightmares.
27:58Maybe keep that to yourself.
28:01Detective Talia graces us with her presence.
28:03Yeah, it breaks my heart to see you out of uniform.
28:06You seem shorter.
28:09I need to talk to you.
28:15Come on, boo.
28:22How is she?
28:23Not good. I can only imagine how you've been handled.
28:26I don't need to commiserate. I need to know what's going on.
28:28The detectives know I revealed anything about the operation.
28:31Then don't.
28:32They want Isabel to wear a wire to a drug deal.
28:44A wire? Why don't they just shoot her in the head and be done with it?
28:46It'd be a hell of a lot quicker.
28:48Excuse us.
28:53You enter my office again without knocking, I will put you on admin leave without pay.
28:57Is that understood?
28:58You can't let them do this.
29:00Alright, she's an ex-cop. As if being an informant wasn't enough.
29:02Now they want her to buy a kilo of heroin wearing a wire?
29:05I looked at her file.
29:06She took part in dozens of drug busts when she was a narcotics detective.
29:09This is different.
29:10Explain to me how it is that you know the details of their operation.
29:13You don't know her like I do.
29:15Okay, you've read her file. You know who she was.
29:18I know who she is now.
29:20And the Isabel in that file is gone.
29:23I'm sorry.
29:25All I can do now is put you in rescue detail.
29:28If the deal goes south, you will be the first in the door.
29:39I'm sorry I barged in.
29:41It won't happen again.
30:00How long have you been standing here? People are staring.
30:08Yeah, I get that a lot.
30:11Tell me what's going on.
30:12I can't. If I talk to you about it, they could call you to testify.
30:16Then I'll testify you're one of the best people I know.
30:23I can't stop thinking about it.
30:27I still am.
30:29Chasing that guy and then he turned and he was dead.
30:38If I can't get past this, Lewis, well, I won't ever do the job again.
30:51You know what? I'm sorry. I should go.
30:53Hey, no.
30:57Come with me.
31:02Done with the investigation?
31:04For now.
31:05Don't suppose you could tell me anything?
31:07No, I can't.
31:12Can I, um, take you to dinner?
31:15I told your mother I'd take her.
31:17I mean, we both can come.
31:23I don't think she's ready for that.
31:30See you at church.
31:32Looking forward to it.
31:42What are we doing here?
31:51I can't imagine what you're going through.
31:54And maybe if I was in the same place, I'd think about quitting too, but.
31:59They're alive because you did your job.
32:01You put your own life at risk to protect them and if you're ever in that position again, I know you'll do the same thing.
32:38Thank you very much for the ride and therapy session.
32:43Of course.
32:46Can I make you a drink?
32:48I can, uh, whoop you up a cappuccino.
32:54I don't know how to work the machine.
32:56I hate it.
32:57I'm a little scared of it.
32:59Maybe next time.
33:01Of course.
33:02I'm sure you have someplace to be.
33:05I should, um.
33:17I cannot swim.
33:20When the tide of love, when the tide of love is coming in.
33:29I cannot swim.
33:47I cannot swim.
33:55We'll be right here.
33:56Anything goes wrong, we'll be inside in a heartbeat.
34:02We can call this off.
34:03I'm fine.
34:05No, you're not.
34:07This will help.
34:13Hey, um.
34:14What, what happened after tonight?
34:16They want to arrest Vance immediately.
34:19I want to watch him for a while, make cases against the rest of his crew.
34:21His lieutenant, his supplier, the supplier's supplier.
34:26This is never going to end, is it?
34:31What are you doing?
34:33I want to remember this.
34:34Come on, this is our last day as fun, carefree, single people.
34:38Oh, only boredom and drudgery from here on out.
34:41I'm afraid so.
34:55What are you doing here?
34:56Are you kidding?
34:57Hanging out near the airport is a normal Tuesday night for me.
35:01You'd be right here if the situations were reversed.
35:04And I brought fries.
35:12You don't need to have to be in an actual relationship for the situation to be reversed.
35:16Are you my mother?
35:28Okay, here we go.
35:35Who are you?
35:36Carson sent me.
35:37She's nervous.
35:38She's fine, she's done stuff like this before.
35:40Get out of here, Chuck.
35:43Hey, I have the money that Carson owes Vance.
35:46Does he want it or not?
35:53Hey, Vance.
35:55You got my money?
36:07Your money's not here.
36:14How fast can you move that?
36:17A couple of weeks.
36:19Tell Carson, next time he sends you to do his work for him, I'll assume you're in charge and put him in the ground.
36:29It's done.
36:30Just take the brick and go.
36:35Hey, wait.
36:37We could move more than this.
36:39What the hell is she doing?
36:40Another kilo at least.
36:44Because Carson always said no to that much weight.
36:48What is she doing?
36:49If he sends for another kilo, we can follow his guys to their source.
36:52She wants to end this.
36:53That's smart.
36:54I'm desperate.
36:55I'm going to make him suspicious.
37:02I'll get you another kilo.
37:04But you'll have to wait.
37:09I got no place else to be.
37:13This place got a minibar?
37:16We should go in now.
37:18We wait for the drop.
37:22That was...
37:24A mistake.
37:26A fun, never going to happen again, mistake.
37:44I know you from some place.
37:46I don't think so.
37:47I do.
37:48You look really familiar.
37:51I'm an addict and you're a dealer, so I'm sure we've crossed paths or something.
37:56He's on to her. He knows she was a cop.
37:57It's a big city. He could have seen her anyway.
37:59Or she busted one of his friends back in the day.
38:01Could be.
38:03Maybe you just have one of those faces.
38:09Yeah, I...
38:11I get that all the time.
38:17What happened?
38:18We lost signal.
38:20Lost her.
38:21No, no, no, no, no. It's probably just a glitch.
38:22Or he's on to her. We need to go in.
38:24All units, hold position.
38:25He's on to her. I'm going in.
38:26No, it's just a glitch, Tim. Hold position. All units, hold.
38:32Go, go, go.
38:33Go, go, go.
39:04They must have gone out the back.
39:09You did this!
39:10Hey, hey!
39:11You did this!
39:14Come here!
39:15Calm down! Calm down!
39:20What if it wasn't a mistake?
39:25I'm going to make something to eat. Do you want something?
39:28No, that's for me. Thank you.
40:40You know who I am?
40:42You're Kyle Montgomery, you're Alex's brother.
40:44No, no, no, no, no.
40:45I don't got a brother no more.
40:47You killed him.
40:49I didn't have a choice. He was going to shoot you.
40:51You're a liar!
40:53He wouldn't have hurt anybody.
40:54You can't know that. You weren't in the room.