• 16 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 11


00:00Talking about this high
00:11Two firearms for two gift cards. Thanks for making our streets a little safer
00:16So we're just gonna destroy these what if one was used in a crime?
00:20No questions asked means just that and it's the best way to get people to turn in their unregistered weapons that $100 gift cards
00:32Let me help you with those. Oh, thank you
00:35Officer Nolan. Yeah, then you are. I'm Alma. Nice to meet you. Are all these yours? Oh, no
00:41No, they were they were my father's he was a paratrooper back in World War two
00:47And when he came back from the war, he brought all this with him
00:50I've been carrying it with me since he passed in 74. Oh
00:57This is in good condition you could get real money for this. Oh, no, I wouldn't know where to start
01:02Besides I'm moving in with my son's family. I don't want these around my grandkids. Well, we are here to help
01:08Oh, those were his pistols
01:11He brought them from Germany to San Francisco and that one there is Jenny
01:19Alma is that a landmine? Yes
01:22Claymore I think from his time in Vietnam. Oh, can we get a bomb squad to the front lobby now?
01:28Well, I'm so glad you brought this in because these are extremely unstable. Tell you what?
01:32I'm gonna stay here to dispose of this officer Chen is gonna get you to a safe distance and then we'll get you those
01:37Gift cards we talked about. Oh
01:39What about the ones in my trunk?
01:56No, no, no, I'm not upset I'm just surprised at how fast it happened
02:00All right, text me when you get back to campus. Love you, too. Bye
02:05Hey, hey. Oh, you know, I know I said Sedona had some easy hikes, but you should at least put on shoes
02:10Sarah just accepted an offer on the house. That's my girl
02:14Well, it's a seller's market besides not like you're going back to Foxburg
02:20The house was your safety net in case this didn't pan out. No, I just always imagined Henry raising his own kids there
02:27You know mark their height on the same door jamb and camping in the backyard like we did. Oh, that's sweet. Mr
02:33Cleaver, but Henry's 18 like the last thing he's thinking about is inheriting your house. He's out there
02:40Starting a new life
02:42As are you?
02:44So go get dressed we have quite a venture head. Yes, we do
02:51Mandatory emergency call back for all patrol. Oh, I mean means we're having different adventures today
03:00Thank you for coming in on your day off the vice president is making an unscheduled visit to our city so it's all hands on deck
03:08Agent Amherst Thank You captain as always the Secret Service appreciates the LAPD's assistance in clearing and securing Redwoods route
03:16These are your operation plan manuals
03:18Each officer's name has been listed under a specific quadrant and stone along with your responsibilities
03:24Your watch commander will liaison with me throughout the day as issues arise. Come on
03:30I'm sorry officer West
03:32Is there something you want to share with the group? I'm no sir
03:37I'm sorry. I just had plans. I needed to cancel so that everyone here yet. They're paying attention
03:44Yes, sir. These assignments are your sole priority today. You will not build calls from dispatch
03:51Let the day shift deal with that
03:53Captain must you know the drill for our rookies today is going to be ugly
04:00Everything we do to ensure the safety of Redwood will create gridlock
04:04It's important to be patient and vigilance, that's all
04:09Bishop Nolan agent Danvers has a special assignment for you
04:15We've got a class to threat we need chased down class to
04:20Class one is someone who's made overthreatening statements
04:23But may know over action class two are individuals who had a history of assaulted behaviors toward authority figures in class three
04:30Had agents on their doorsteps the second we learned of this visit
04:33Stanley not guys made repeated threats against the VP over the last few years nothing actionable
04:38But he's got previous assault charges against a host of supervisors. I need you to make sure he's not planning anything
04:44Happy to do it, ma'am. Great
04:47Call me if you need any assistance
04:50Happy to do what nothing? I just never heard you use that word before I don't get all the fuss
04:56Seems like we're getting a day of overtime just to close roads and hang signs
05:00It's like saying being drawn and quartered is fun time with horses. We're literally creating traffic jams during rush hour on purpose
05:07Everything we do today is gonna piss someone off
05:10Quadrant one quadrant two we deal with angry people every ship
05:14But a day of OT means I can finally fix the air conditioning on my god
05:21Air conditioning makes you soft you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable. That's the job
05:26Is he serious as a heart attack boot?
05:28Which I gotta say you almost gave the watch commander back seriously playing with your phone during a briefing is a cardinal sin
05:33Yep, I lost focus. I only hope you're canceling something important because gray won't forget that for a while
05:38Just uh breakfast with my mom
05:42Is that all for us
05:45Extra road flares to the uptick in accidents extra ticket books for the increase in idiots extra crime-scene tape for blocking sidewalks and cones for closing
05:53What I've done yet
05:54That's a bat tactical helmets and 42-inch batons for riot control along with heavy-duty vest if things get ugly
06:00And my personal favorite the 40 millimeter tear gas launcher for when democracy gets real, but hey at least you'll be able to ride in comfort
06:27Think our class to threat is actually a threat maybe maybe writing hate letters to the beep is just this way of blowing off steam
06:36Did you just glass half full our suspect who are you and what have you done with my to you look
06:41I'm trying a much more positive approach
06:44But if you'd rather I'd go back to yesterday's attitude. Oh, no, no, no. No. No, no, it's a bigger fan of positive to me
06:56Cannot be right problem. Oh, sorry. My ex is selling our house. I
07:02Largely stayed out of it because honestly I didn't want her to but just so the price is getting the place is doubled in value
07:07It sounds like a good thing to me officer positive. No, it is. Yes
07:11I was just thinking about trying to buy her out, you know, keep me in the family, but I
07:16Can't match our price
07:17There's our guy
07:19Hey Stanley, can we talk to you for a minute?
07:22What do you want? Haven't you heard your friends in town? What friend? I don't have a friend vice president
07:28So what so what's in the bag Stanley?
07:32Nothing show us. Oh, we're not asking we have probable cause based on your prior actions and clear distress
07:47Come on
07:52Weapon it's just a flare gun. I don't need a license. I looked up online
07:57Were you planning on putting that flare gun at the vice president today Stanley? He needs to be stopped
08:02Sounds like a yes to me. You're under arrest Stanley. We just foiled a real-life assassination attempt
08:07He's a nut with a flare gun wrapped in underpants not Jason Bourne
08:12But we just might have prevented a tragedy
08:29Officer West we're about to walk into a volatile crowd and you're answering your phone. No, ma'am. I'm sorry. It's just my mom
08:35Now is not the time for personal calls
08:43Have a right to free speech this is public property. It's not this is the hotel's property and blocking the entrance is a fire hazard
08:55I'm officer Jackson West
08:57I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly and in the name of the people of the state of California
09:03Command all those assembled to immediately disperse. You heard him break it up or go to jail. Who has the key for the handcuffs?
09:12Notify the mobile field force what's wrong? He's choking
09:32All right, listen up
09:35Till tomorrow at 3 p.m. The stretch of vine between Melrose and Franklin will be off-limits
09:42Sanitation services will be arriving in 20 minutes. You'll have until then to pack up
09:46Rub off the block make sure everyone moves off
09:57Sir, I'm gonna need you to start packing up. All right
10:03Bitch those are my sneakers
10:25Jen stop don't move
10:47Didn't see it. I mean it was just on the ground. It's okay. I need to pull the needle out
11:06What's the procedure when an officer is exposed on duty
11:10But focus what do we do now
11:17Collect the evidence
11:18bring the officer and the item to the nearest hospital to
11:22Test for infections and diseases that may have been transmitted. Where's the nearest hospital?
11:28Shaw Memorial
11:31Make sure an officer posts up here until V passes through
11:41Hey mom, it's me. Sorry about this morning. Just call me back. Okay, I need to
11:48Just just call me back, okay
11:52You gonna tell me what's going on nothing just family stuff I can't believe I have to wear this bulky vest all day
11:58That's why you always carry an extra uniform on days like today, I know I just forgot
12:04Get it together officer West. You can't afford to lose focus out here
12:14Which side of the building faces the street to the right
12:18Should we really be penalizing these people for their civic engagement Supreme Court ruled that displaying anatomically impossible pictures qualifies as obscene
12:25So hanging erotic banners of the VP in ten windows of an apartment building definitely isn't protected by the First Amendment
12:31Just saying the guy should be flattered
12:34Police open up
12:41You have an obscene banner hanging in your window it needs to come down
12:44Okay. Sorry. My neighbor offered me a hundred bucks to put that there. Well, it's illegal
12:49No problem. I'll make sure to give
12:52Sir, is there something inside? You don't want us to see
12:57Step back hands where I can see him
13:00What the hell is this sir, how many people live here not many pat him down
13:14Yeah, what is the element of surprise okay, we're not here for them
13:30Go get the banner
13:33What do you charge these people
13:35$500 a month times 20 that's taking advantage of people too afraid to call the police on your ass. Got it
13:41We have to call ice. No, LA is a sanctuary city. Our job is to police the streets not check status
13:46We're not letting this go get his driver's license and do an FI
13:51We'll be back tomorrow with code enforcement
14:01Need to get my blood tested I got stuck with a used hypodermic needle. Oh one sec
14:12You can fill this out have a seat in the waiting room and we'll be right with you you must be new
14:17There's no experienced nurse. Let's an armed cop sit with civilians. What do you think happens if someone attempts to grab her weapon?
14:23Hospital protocol dictates that an armed officer be seen immediately. So set her up in a room right now and find a doctor
14:30Yes, sir
14:33Right this way
14:38And a rookies get a step increase in pay not until you're off probation just about the house
14:44Yeah, thinking about buying it as an investment. I'm sure Sarah will sell it to me if I can just match the offer
14:49It's not an investment if you can't afford it I have some savings
14:53Maybe Ben will give me a loan. The only thing worse than going into debt is doing it with a friend. I get it
14:59it's just I
15:00Built that house from the ground up, you know everything the tree house in the backyard
15:06Son's whole life was at that place
15:10Sounds nice it was
15:14Never really talked about where you're from. Let's just say it didn't have a tree house
15:19It's a good job on the class to as a reward you get another assignment. Look, it's not so special
15:25Every job is an opportunity, sir
15:28Is she feeling okay being positive positive good because I'm assigning you both to Rover duty
15:34What's that LAPD version of a gopher?
15:37You'll spend the rest of your shift assisting officers all over the city bringing them food and water giving them bathroom breaks
15:43There's a backlog of requests get to it
15:48Well, it's an opportunity to support our fellow officers, okay, I'm just gonna stay it's starting to freak me out
16:00Can I help you officers ma'am, there's an obscene banner hanging in your window we need you to remove it
16:06I'm sorry, but I can't do that. We know your neighbor paid you but it's a violation of penal code
16:11415.5 we can arrest you for having it up. I need that money ma'am. It's only $100 only
16:19Have you ever been broke officer
16:21Because I'm on the edge of living on the street and that hundred dollars is the difference between me being able to pay my rent
16:26This month and getting evicted. I'm very sorry to hear that but you have to take the banner down
16:35But we just became aware of major code violations in one of these apartments
16:39I see no reason why forgiving your rent for a few months can be part of the building owners penalty
16:46Really now go take down that banner
16:57Observes let us know if you need anything else
17:01What's with the positive attitude? Do I need a reason? No, it's just four months together
17:06It's the first day you rolled in with it figured something must be up
17:12Now how the hell did you not see me you cut in front of me you wouldn't let me in yeah
17:16Yeah, let her drive man
17:23Drop the gun put the gun on the ground right now
17:27As behind your head interlace your fingers do not move I was just trying to scare him
17:40Know it control that 15. We have a gunshot victim female adult shotgun wound to the chest. We need fire and ambulance ETA
17:48Help me get out of the car. You need to stop the bleeding. I got you. I got you
17:58I didn't mean to hurt her shut up
18:00Look away
18:02Stay with us. We're gonna get you to a hospital. It's a chest wound. It sounds like her lungs collapsed put pressure on it
18:08We're gonna need to put something in the wound keep her alive till EMTs get here
18:13Officer Bishop get the kid back. There's got to be something there we can use Talia. She's gone
18:39Okay, what do you think sorry some dumb question
18:51Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you
18:54Therapist is trying to get me to be more positive
18:59Asshole I was acting differently today. No, I just I didn't know you went no reason you should
19:04Cuz the job frowns on it cuz it's nobody's business
19:09But yeah
19:10It is looked at as a weakness amongst the boys in blue. Well, that's stupid
19:16But a stressful stuff we deal with what we just went through this unhealthy not to talk about it
19:22Does that mean you see someone
19:24Sarah and I used to go to couples counseling
19:27And I used to look down on I was like paying someone to be your friend, but I was wrong
19:32It's helpful
19:33Just in our case not helpful enough
19:40So what you think less than me now no
19:44the opposite
19:45Anyone brave enough to confront their problems head-on deserves respect
19:58She's all set
19:59We're gonna put a rush on the tests. We should have results in a few hours
20:04Sorry about earlier. I
20:07Didn't know
20:08It's okay
20:22Falling down the web MD rabbit hole isn't gonna change your results
20:27HIV is three times more prevalent in the homeless community than it is in the general population
20:32Hepatitis is five times cows kill more people here than sharks the facts or whatever you make them
20:36What what if I get hep C from this needle and one day I get shot and you're trying to stop the bleeding and you
20:42Forget that, you know, you have a you have a cut on your hand or worse
20:44A kid gets shot and I'm the one with the cut then you'll be a cop with hep C and a cut
20:50You signed up to put your life on the line. That means your health to
20:55focusing on fear
20:57Isn't gonna change the outcome
21:01That results are gonna take hours
21:03you want to
21:05Hang out in the worst-case scenario panic room. We want to get back to work
21:09Get that air conditioning fixed. I thought air conditioning made me soft
21:15Well, it does but I can't stop all your problems today
21:21Go splash some water in your face. Let's get back out there
21:39Just this apartment and we're done
21:47Can kick it down legal, right? Let's check with the neighbor first
22:03Guess we're kicking it
22:08Ma'am ma'am, I'm officer Angela Lopez. I'm with the LAPD. Can you open the front door?
22:18Please man, it would really help us out
22:24Kick it down
22:30Take care of her I'll clear the apartment
22:35I'm off to Jackson West. Can you tell me your name, please?
22:40Okay, Ruth, I'm gonna get you out of these you just stay calm for me
22:46Stay here
22:49Who's Luke man, he's my son
22:54Okay, what's going on
22:56What happened to my door? Oh
22:58Are you Luke? Yeah, you did this to your mother so she won't hurt herself. She's in the early stages of dementia
23:05I had a job interview. I couldn't take her with me
23:07I got stuck in traffic getting back the DMV peak if your mother has health issues
23:12Then you need to get her a caretaker or a neighbor to watch her
23:15You know how much that costs I do the best I can with what I got. But this is your mother
23:19What kind of garbage treats his mom like?
23:23You're under arrest for elder abuse
23:33It's okay man
23:53Sorry, I didn't really someone else was in here
24:11It's just
24:14My brother
24:17It was in a car accident
24:19I'm sorry
24:22It's gonna be okay
25:04What are you doing this is what he wants stop
25:12Seven out of nineteen a to beat him. I need you room one one three
25:16Hey, hey, look just put down the needle. Okay, you don't need to do this. Yes, I do
25:20My brother wouldn't want this he ran triathlons
25:24Being stuck in bed brain dead hooked up to machines forever. That's his idea of hell. Okay, listen to me
25:29Look, I know you're in pain
25:31This is not your decision to make page a trauma surgeon and get an OR and stand by incoming gunshot wound
25:39Mike never had a chance to sign a DNR. He and my sister-in-law got married six months ago
25:43She's his medical proxy, but she can't let him go. She doesn't see that
25:47She's hurting him and you think that injecting him with bleach is better
25:51Listen, you've no right to decide if he lives or dies
25:55What you're talking about is murder
25:58Hey, hey put the needle down put it down. Hey, look at me right here
26:16She pushed the plunger no can't leave you alone for a minute
26:33Am reattaching you to the motorcade detail 7 out of 15 copy
26:39Turn around you got to go to Wilshire and Western you're changing the vice president's route
26:44So what does that mean? We have to do put out cones block off streets check the area for any suspicious activity
26:50Isn't that what the department's been doing all day?
26:53But this is what happens when the vice president decides to stop at Philippe's for a French dip and photo op
26:57So basically you're saying we have to clear out a whole new section of town because he wants to stop for a second. Yep
27:05You know, I've always liked when politicians stop at these little mom-and-pop shops it makes them seem more human but now
27:13Not so much
27:21Do any track down the guy that paid to have him put up? No situations been remedied detectives will follow up
27:27You want to really tell me what's going on?
27:30You've been distracted all day losing control. That's not like you
27:35My mom and I haven't spoken since before I started the Academy
27:40Breakfast is gonna be my chance to change that
27:43Was up all night worrying about it and finally got in the right headspace only to get called into work
27:48She's been married to a cop for 30 years. She should know how the job works. She does but um, this is different
27:57It's just this
28:00Look, I know what it's like to have family drama
28:02But you have to keep it in check when you're at work in some ways
28:06It's even harder than not bringing this mess home with you after shift
28:09Being distracted on the job will get you killed
28:14Understand won't happen again
28:17Officer Lopez West. Yes, you're being reassigned to counter-assault detail
28:22Redwood has decided to make a stop at the restaurant across the street. So we have to clear every apartment with a view
28:31Grace call me back to the station. Okay, should I come with you? No, I stay here wait for your results
28:37I'll be back when I'm done
28:47For what do my job
29:02How much time to the motorcade passes through 20 minutes 7 Adam 15 new route appears to be clear standby for final confirmation
29:18Nolan take a glance to your right. Tell me what you see
29:22Car single male occupant sitting behind the wheel engine running. What else?
29:27It's behind the weed dispensary and was that dispensary opener closed when we drove past it a minute ago closed good
29:33So why is a lone male sitting in a running vehicle behind a closed business that deals in cash?
29:39Stores being robbed
29:45Step 915 we have possible four or five nine in progress behind the ganja garden dispensary requesting backup
30:00The driver's gonna be checking his mirror so stay low in the blind spot
30:03We need to get to him before he can alert his friends
30:09Let's get behind the dumpster
30:29Get the driver
30:40Please give me your cell phone
30:43Turn off the car give me your keys
30:47What's your name Freddy you trying to rob this place Freddy you got friends inside
30:56I'm about to pull you out of this car. Do not attempt to warn them
31:07Hands up
31:17How many are inside your best shot of leniency is to help us right now
31:25There's three people inside are they hardened felons, are they just a bunch of stoners
31:29Come on, Tariq. I've done time only been in there five minutes. They say to be fast
31:33You just grab the cash and go here we go
31:52Got him in the neck ready looks bad. There's first aid in the shop
32:10Eight minutes is a lifetime right around the corner agent Danvers. We're getting a distress call from one of our units
32:16Do you have anyone that can cover us? No, the vice president's motorcade is passing through soon
32:20You've got every window in this building secured. We're redundant standing around a hallway. Our people are in a gunfight
32:25They need help. I don't care. I need you to stay at your post
32:42Remind me to never do that again, not good
33:03I'm good. He's bleeding out. We need to get into a hospital
33:37Come back inside we go in there for them. No
33:43Let shop Memorial know that we are five minutes away juvenile male gunshots the neck
33:50We're still five out at least you ready? Yep
34:04Get on the ground towards the sound of my voice keep your hands where I can see them
34:17How's he doing losing consciousness pulse is increasing eyes already dialing
34:24Elevators like monitors breathing. Oh, what's going on? The traffic stopped in the motorcade. I can't get through
34:45You can't move
34:46I'm gonna reverse the car on Kuwenga. That's the opposite direction. There's no time like he's bleeding out just a block away
34:53Hang on
35:02You wanted a shock a minute ago
35:24What are you doing here? I got stuck with a hypodermic needle this morning. So now I'm just
35:31I'm waiting
35:38Can wait with you
35:48Thanks, yeah
35:53Sergeant gray a word, of course
35:57Yes, Redwood wills up. Yeah heading back to DC now look earlier today
36:02I gave a direct order to two of your officers. That was disregarded. So I'm aware and I support that decision
36:10They abandoned a post that had a direct line of fire on the vice president and you had snipers with long guns set on that post
36:18So I trained my people to make educated decisions regarding threat assessment. My guys were in the fire
36:23Your guy was going for a sandwich
36:26It's a no-brainer
36:41Been here before waiting for news
36:48Before we started the Academy my brother Marshall was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy
36:53If kidney disease, I'm sorry
36:57See, okay. Yeah now
37:00But at the time it looked like he needed a kidney transplant and I was the only one in my family that was a match
37:08That is a lot to carry and I was not ready for it
37:14I've been counting the days until I could start the Academy and suddenly I was facing the idea of putting it all on hold. I
37:23Agonized over it
37:25But Marshall said that he could wait that it really wasn't that serious so I
37:32Took the app
37:34He was looking out for you
37:37He suffered acute renal failure
37:41Two months after we started
37:43You almost died. Why didn't you tell us? Yeah, I was ashamed. I mean it was my fault
37:51Luckily the hospital found another donor and
37:54He got the transplant, but my mom still hasn't forgiven me
37:58Which is why missing brunch was such a big deal
38:03And in her mind I chose the job for family again
38:09It's not the same it's not
38:14Deep down she knows that's true
38:20Have you told her how heartbroken you are about all of this
38:26She hasn't really given me the chance
38:28But then take it
38:31Trust me as unpleasant as it's gonna be the waiting is so much worse
38:40Officer Chen, yeah
38:43I have the results of your test. So if you come with me, we can set you up in a room
38:48Can you just tell me now
39:02So your initial test came back negative for any viral infections like HIV or hepatitis
39:14Your blood work indicated the presence of a staff infection, what does that mean?
39:19We need to get you started on intravenous antibiotics immediately some strains of staff are drug-resistant
39:26So we'll monitor the wound for any abscesses or cellulitis
39:32Go hello, I'll call Tim. I'll be here for you when you come out. Thank you for staying with me
39:49Dispatch is sending another unit to watch our suspect when he gets out of surgery
39:53Looks like getting puked on saved your life
39:56You don't put on that tactical vest that shot to the shoulder goes through your heart
40:02Come a long way officer West guess I have thanks to you
40:14Hey good job today, are you being for real or are you just being positive real?
40:20Thanks. What did you decide about the loan from your rich friend? Oh that you were right money and friendships. Just don't mix
40:28Look, your son is never gonna forget that house. I moved around so much
40:32I never had a place that was special like that, but it's not about the place
40:36It's about what happened there. You own those memories
40:40it's actually
40:41an excellent perspective
40:44I'll send you a bill
40:54All done all done
40:56The house is now in the hands of a lovely young couple their kids and a French bulldog
41:01Well, I'm sure they'll take good care of it. Yeah
41:09Wait till the president comes
41:11Here's twice as bad. That's not possible. What you missed all the drama altogether. I got stuck with a dirty needle
41:19Yes, that's right. I forgot. Tell me is it too soon to make jokes about that a little of course my bad
41:24How about now?
41:27Hey guys, sorry, I'm late. Hey, it's got off the flight from Sedona. You know, I found this outside the gate. Thanks for you
41:33From Henry you would
41:43It's the door Jim
41:44From his room where I marked his height every year. This is this is the best. Oh
41:50My god, I could tear a door jam down right here and I can install this
41:53Um, did I mention that this house is featured an architectural digest master John? No
41:59How about just a shadow box?
42:02To put it in
42:39Damn it