• 6 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 6


00:01Look out!
00:11That work out the way you planned it, Boo?
00:25No, no, no!
00:26I got a bullet in one hand, cigar in the other, and I said to the chief, I said, you pin that medal right in the middle.
00:36Hey, hey, look at that. Officer John Nolan.
00:41Grittiest recruit I've ever trained.
00:44Only long timers allowed in here, Hawk. You know the rules.
00:47I never met a rule I didn't break, Otto.
00:49Go get your old ass over to the bar and get a drink. Come on, it's on the Hawk.
00:54Sit down, man.
00:55Some place you got here.
00:57That's a dump. My credit is so good.
01:03You're like, oh, I don't know if I got this in me.
01:05Long time ago, man.
01:09I'll tell you, my talents are being wasted at the academy.
01:12Seven years is too long to keep the Hawk cooped up.
01:16No, I need to get back out there on the street, man. I don't think a real door, you know, just throw some bullets.
01:20I thought you were trying to get assigned to Midwilshire.
01:22Oh, I was.
01:23But your captain, he didn't block me.
01:28So, enough about me. Let's talk about you.
01:30So tell me, right now, how's the real thing compared to that academy?
01:34You were right about the job. It is nothing like the academy.
01:37That's right. That's right. I never teach by the manual. Never.
01:40Well, I wouldn't have been ready if it wasn't for you.
01:43You were the only one who showed me any support at the academy.
01:46There's a whole generation of cops with the Hawk brand on them. You should be proud.
01:49Don't be blowing smoke. You know what? I don't need you to tell me how pretty I am.
01:53I'm good because I'm a terrible liar.
01:54Yes, you are. You are terrible.
01:58I gotta wrap it up. I gotta get out of here. It's a school night and I am not good enough at this job to do it all over.
02:03Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, come on, come on. You can't tap out of me tonight. No way.
02:06Tonight is too young and I am in no hurry to get back to that motel. None.
02:11A motel?
02:13Yeah. My wife, she, uh, I don't know, she kicked me out.
02:18Hey, that's no big deal.
02:21No big deal. Marriage is tough, right? You've been there.
02:26Just, I don't know, I just need to give her a little space. That's all.
02:34You know, look, I got a great couch. Why don't you crash at my place tonight?
02:37No. I'm all paid for the week and travel in.
02:41And I have got clean sheets. I got cold pizza, premium cable.
02:47Right? Hey, if that's not living the dream, my friend.
02:50Man, I don't know what is, right?
02:55God, give me this pansy.
03:03I've never seen him like that. He's usually so confident, so self-assured, so...
03:08You're always living in a motel now.
03:10That's what happens when you try to be big policeman at home. You end up on the couch.
03:14Tim rode with Hawk back in the day.
03:16Damn straight. Craziest six months of my life.
03:19Mm-hmm. Nolan hung out with them last night.
03:21Hawk and Nolan?
03:22Oh, yeah. They were tight at the academy. They bonded over their shared love of old stuff.
03:26The Beastie Boys isn't old.
03:27They formed before I was born.
03:29All right, everyone take a seat. Got some catching up to do.
03:35Let's go.
03:37First, let's congratulate Officer Chen for allowing her T.O. to finish his coffee
03:42before rolling their vehicle.
03:49I see training's working out for you.
03:52All right, more pressingly, midnight shift was filled with calls last night,
03:56and they left us with their mess.
03:58Let's get started.
04:00Our detectives are working a homicide in Larchmont Village.
04:04But there are witnesses that still need to be interviewed.
04:07Bishop and Nolan, you'll take that.
04:09And, burglary.
04:11It's got a search warrant that patrol didn't get around to.
04:14Bradford and Chen, you'll take that.
04:16Come on, why can't burglars serve their own damn warrants?
04:18Because they don't have the vim and vigor you have, Officer Bradford.
04:23This is yours.
04:25Look at all the faces. Don't worry.
04:27I have pending calls for everybody.
04:29All right, let's go knock them out.
04:31All right, let's go knock them out.
04:33And show the late shift how real police work is done.
04:38All right, we're serving a search warrant.
04:40You see door hinges?
04:42The door opens outwards, towards us.
04:44And what's the fatal funnel?
04:45The first three feet in any doorway.
04:47Not bad. Here's the real test.
04:50Of all the things burglary told us about our suspect,
04:53the Sean Halverson, what's most important?
04:57A history of fighting with police.
04:59This guy's been served seven search warrants.
05:01Spent half his life on parole.
05:03I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow.
05:05He's been searched a lot.
05:07He knows what doesn't work.
05:08So to find his stash, you'll have to think like a crook.
05:10Can you do that?
05:11Of course.
05:14You don't think I can?
05:16I think you were raised to analyze bad guys, not be one.
05:19Had to be a great cop.
05:20Gotta have a little outlaw in you.
05:23On the inside.
05:26Police! Open up, LeSean!
05:32What's an acceptable amount of time to wait before we bust in?
05:39That had to hurt.
05:41Why don't you like Huck?
05:42He's a throwback.
05:43He thinks the good old days were when the LAPD was 90% white men.
05:47Didn't strike me as that guy.
05:48I'm sure he didn't.
05:50Police department!
05:54You called last night.
05:55You said you had some information about a homicide,
05:57stabbing that happened around the corner.
05:58Oh, yeah.
05:59I was waiting so long, I fell asleep on the couch.
06:03Can you tell us what you witnessed?
06:05I'll do better than that.
06:06I'll show you.
06:09Come on.
06:14Yo, lady cop.
06:15You can search my place all day.
06:19Get a face to the wall before I snap the other eye out of your head.
06:22You need to learn some respect.
06:25Okay, come on, Officer Chen.
06:26Think like a crook.
06:27When's the last time you hit anything under a couch?
06:29Eighth grade?
06:30You know how many times I couldn't find my phone and it was under the couch the whole time?
06:33This isn't that.
06:34You ever heard of the Deer Method?
06:37There are four principles of concealment.
06:39First is deception.
06:41Deception shows you one thing that's really something else.
06:49E is for elusive.
06:50What appears to be nothing is actually something.
06:57A for accessed.
06:58Things hard to get to.
06:59High places.
07:00Low places.
07:10Which brings us to R.
07:12R is for repulsive.
07:14Toilets. Garbage.
07:15Porn collection.
07:16Anything that makes you want to puke makes a crook want to hide things there.
07:18You've got to be kidding me.
07:19Might want to glove up.
07:21Saw a box of sex toys in the master bedroom.
07:23And don't forget the toilet.
07:25Search before you flush.
07:27Why do I have to be R?
07:29I don't want to be R.
07:30I could be elusive or deceptive or something.
07:32I was cleaning the garage and this guy ran in.
07:36A guy I had never met.
07:37He was covered in blood.
07:38He had a knife.
07:40I told him, you're not going to get far dressed like that.
07:42So he wanted my shirt.
07:44Did you give it to him?
07:45Of course not.
07:47So then what happened?
07:48All those karate lessons we had.
07:50I told him to just leave it and it was over.
07:52I told him to just leave it and it was over.
07:54I told him to just leave it and it was over.
07:56I told him to just leave it and it was over.
07:58So then what happened?
07:59I told him to just leave it and it was over.
08:02The citizens paid off.
08:04The knife's on the workbench.
08:13Do I get a medal?
08:17Give us a second.
08:22So do we arrest him too?
08:24I mean, he kind of kidnapped a guy.
08:27He used reasonable force for a citizen's arrest.
08:30We can log a collar on 187.
08:33Day's off to a good start.
08:49What the hell?
08:51I've been back there for 20 minutes digging through Caligula's toy chest, and you've had
08:58this the whole time?
09:00Well, not the whole time.
09:01It took me three or four minutes.
09:03You find anything?
09:06Horrid, filthy things.
09:16What's this call again?
09:17A woman called 9-1-1 last night to report a domestic disturbance, and midnight shift
09:21never got to it.
09:22Good morning, Mrs. Mitchell.
09:26Sorry about the delay responding to your call.
09:30Is something wrong?
09:31No, honey.
09:32They're friends of your father.
09:33Jump in the car.
09:34We'll head to school in a sec.
09:35I'm sorry.
09:36I made a mistake calling you.
09:37No, you didn't.
09:38Clearly, something happened last night that made you call 9-1-1.
09:39What was it?
09:40Logan was at his grandmother's across the street, so I had to call 9-1-1.
09:41I'm sorry.
09:42I'm sorry.
09:43I'm sorry.
09:44I'm sorry.
09:45I'm sorry.
09:46I'm sorry.
09:47I'm sorry.
09:48I'm sorry.
09:49I'm sorry.
09:50I'm sorry.
09:51I'm sorry.
09:52I'm sorry.
09:53I'm sorry.
09:54I'm sorry.
09:55I'm sorry.
09:56I'm sorry.
09:57I'm sorry.
09:58I'm sorry.
09:59I'm sorry.
10:00I'm sorry.
10:01So, I had a date over, things start heating up and that's when he stormed in, drunk.
10:06He being your husband?
10:07Soon to be ex.
10:08He just filed for divorce.
10:10Usually, I can keep him calm, but when he saw Mike, he pulled out a gun, he hit him
10:16in the face, he made him leave in his underwear, said it was called walking the plank.
10:20Did your husband hurt you?
10:22No, never.
10:23It's just, he's been acting so crazy since I served papers.
10:27You told your son that we were friends of his father's.
10:30I'm guessing that means your husband's a cop?
10:32Last name Mitchell?
10:35My maiden name is Mitchell, actually.
10:38My married name is Hawk.
10:42Your husband's Jeremy Hawk?
10:44Yes. And that's why I shouldn't have called.
10:47He could lose his job over this. His pension.
10:50I understand, but what you described are crimes.
10:52Assault and battery, brandishing a firearm.
10:56Does this mean you're going to arrest him?
11:01It means we're going to call the watch commander and ask him how he wants us to proceed.
11:08Okay, down to two pending calls.
11:11Must have been nice to have a champion at the academy.
11:14I sure didn't.
11:16Hawk saw something in me.
11:17Probably because we were closer in age than most of the ruggies.
11:21Bonded over our kids.
11:23Now his was a little younger than Henry, but since I'd already been through all the terrible teenage years,
11:28I gave him some harder orders.
11:30He never took it easy on me, though.
11:32If anything, he pushed me harder.
11:347 Adam 15, we have priority dispatch for you.
11:37Call Sergeant Gray. Details to your box. Not for broadcast.
11:42What does that mean?
11:43Nothing good.
11:46It's Bishop. What's up?
11:48Hold on. Put me on speaker.
11:52I heard you were with Jeremy Hawk last night.
11:55Yeah, at a bar. Everything okay?
11:57He could be in some trouble.
11:59I said no criminal charges yet, but he had an incident with his wife.
12:02You know where he is?
12:03I know where he's staying.
12:04Good. Bring him to the captain's office immediately.
12:06Yes, sir. We're en route.
12:08I knew something was wrong.
12:19There he is.
12:27Do you mind if I do the talking?
12:29He was a little upset last night. I'd like you to be able to break it to him.
12:32Okay, but he's got a very short leash.
12:37I got a call from the watch commander about an incident last night. What's going on?
12:40The administration has it out for me. That's what's going on.
12:43Anyway, Sarge sent us to come get you.
12:45Yeah, yeah. No, I got his messages. I'll get there when I get there.
12:49Yeah, but Hawk, he told us to come get you.
12:53What? I'm not under arrest, right?
12:55No, it's just administrative.
12:57Enough. You have a direct order.
12:59See the captain immediately. That means now.
13:03What? Are we doing this?
13:06No, we're not doing this.
13:08We're not doing this.
13:11What? Are we doing this, Bishop?
13:15Ask me, tell me, make me?
13:17You're going to go there?
13:18No, no one's going anywhere.
13:20All right? We're just following orders here, Jeremy.
13:23And you always taught me, confront my problems head on.
13:25So let's just go get this taken care of.
13:29All right.
13:30I'm sorry.
13:32No, no, I'm sorry. You're right.
13:33Hold on a second.
13:34Actually, hold on a second. I just had to grab my wallet.
13:42Hawk, what are you doing?
13:44Hawk! Hawk!
13:46What are you doing? Don't do it!
13:49Hawk! Hawk!
14:00He knew just how to disable us.
14:07Yes, sir. I understand.
14:08Yes, sir. I understand. I has been notified.
14:10I will let you know as soon as he comes in.
14:13Yes, I understand. Okay.
14:16Chief is concerned. He wants us to take care of this quickly and quietly.
14:21You still think it was a bad idea for me to block Hawk from getting assigned here?
14:24He's a veteran cop who gets the job done.
14:26Hell, he's earned 46 letters of commendation.
14:28And 21 civilian complaints.
14:30When you do proactive police work, you're going to get complaints.
14:3221 of them.
14:3321 of them.
14:36Wait, look. I know we haven't worked together that long,
14:38but I know for a fact you would never let one of your cops become this reckless. Am I right?
14:42No, I wouldn't.
14:44Look, Hawk is not coming in.
14:46He ran from Bishop and Nolan. They lost him.
14:49Judge should show the guy a little dignity for the good work he's done.
14:52This is how he thanks us.
14:54Hey, we just left the hospital.
14:55The man Hawk hit, Mike Gabriel, has a butt sitting on, has lost a tooth.
14:58Judge signed the arrest warrant. It's in the system now. No bail.
15:01You put out a bolo on Hawk and his truck.
15:03Notify the CHP. Ping his cell. Monitor his bank cards.
15:06You let patrol know that they need to be careful.
15:08He has clearly gone over the edge.
15:10We'll need to interview the wife.
15:11Yeah, and Hawk's buddy, Nolan.
15:13Do it.
15:17Dispatch pinged his phone. Shows his location as 10 yards in front of us.
15:227 Adam 19, show us code 6 at Riverside and Woodman.
15:26No sign of suspect Hawk's vehicle.
15:28Check Utah plate 6, Mary. Ocean 17, Adam.
15:32Can't believe we're hunting Jeremy Hawk.
15:34Man bleeds LAPD.
15:36I was first on scene when the guy was taking 223 rounds using the curb for cover.
15:50It's Tim.
15:52We're gonna get to the bottom of this.
15:53Come out, let's talk.
15:55Hey, sorry.
15:56No Hawk here.
15:58We met back at the motel though.
16:00Did he do something wrong?
16:01Was he ever inside your vehicle?
16:27He really is running.
16:29He knew we'd track his cell, so he planted it on someone going anywhere he's not.
16:33He's thinking like a criminal.
16:36Like a criminal cop.
16:38He knows how we do things and what we expect.
16:40He's always a step ahead.
16:47I can't believe Hawk is a fugitive.
16:49You ever arrest a cop before?
16:50Yeah, first year as a P2.
16:53Did you feel bad?
16:55Hooking a fellow officer up?
16:57Having a badge means you're held to a higher standard, not a lower one.
17:00You had Hawk at the academy, right?
17:02Between you and me, he was a lousy instructor.
17:04All he did was talk about his glory days and give us questionable advice that pretty much boiled down to be a badass.
17:10I was in this situation, he didn't come down.
17:12Mr. Campbell?
17:13I'm Officer Lopez.
17:14This is Officer Lopez.
17:15I'm here on behalf of the LAPD.
17:16I'm here on behalf of the LAPD.
17:18I'm here on behalf of the LAPD.
17:19I'm here on behalf of the LAPD.
17:21Officer Lopez, this is Officer West.
17:23We understand that you were a victim of a shooting.
17:25You want to tell us what happened?
17:26Man, the neighborhood's full of gangs.
17:28And you people, you ain't gonna do nothing about it.
17:31That's what happened.
17:32Sir, if we could just hear from your son.
17:34Nurse said detectives handle stuff like this.
17:36But we come out first to assess.
17:42It was a drive-by.
17:43Car came right at me.
17:44I got hit.
17:45They took off.
17:46Just one shot?
17:47I think so.
17:49I mean, it all happens so fast.
17:51Where did the shooting take place?
17:52It took place in front of the house.
17:54That's where it took place at.
17:55That's what happens when you hang around the wrong people.
17:57Are you saying you know who did this?
17:58No, I'm saying he need to listen to his father.
18:00That's what I'm saying.
18:01Sir, I understand your anger.
18:02But we need to finish questioning your son.
18:04I'd like to be able to do that with you in the room.
18:06But I can have Officer West take you into the hall.
18:09Will that be necessary?
18:13Nah, man.
18:16Can we see your injury, please?
18:27I just feel like I could have done more.
18:29Like what? Fix Hawk's marriage?
18:31No, just meet him, come with me, talk some sense into him.
18:33It wouldn't have made a difference.
18:34The guy's clearly been on edge for a while.
18:36Last night, he fell off.
18:37You know what saved everyone a lot of grief?
18:38If you had hooked Hawk up back at the motel.
18:40That's not helpful, Sanford.
18:41We just have a few questions to ask.
18:43He'll be back on the street before you know it.
18:45Who do you want to talk to first?
18:46What do you think?
18:49I hate this guy.
18:58Take it to go.
19:03Have a seat.
19:04You need anything? Some coffee?
19:05No, thanks.
19:06Am I in trouble here?
19:09Well, that clears it up.
19:11How well do you know Jeremy Hawk?
19:13He was my tag instructor at the academy.
19:16We became friends.
19:17Went out for beers a few times.
19:19I hadn't seen him in about a month.
19:21Until last night.
19:23You tell you he was going to scare the wife and assault the boyfriend?
19:26Of course not.
19:27No, he was...
19:29He was drunk.
19:31I tried to convince him to come crash on my couch.
19:33He insisted on going back to his motel.
19:34I thought he was just having a bad night.
19:37A bad night?
19:38His career was going nowhere.
19:39His marriage was over and he was drinking too much.
19:41That doesn't sound like a bad night.
19:42That sounds like a desperate man.
19:44Yes, well, I see that now.
19:47I wish I had last night.
19:48Is that why you let him escape?
19:50He was feeling guilty.
19:59Look, um, Bishop and I went to pick him up.
20:03He ran.
20:04End of story.
20:05Do you have any idea where Hawk might go?
20:09Would you tell us if you knew?
20:17You okay?
20:18Yeah, but they better hope I don't get them for Secret Santa.
20:21Don't sweat it.
20:22You did everything right.
20:23I'll tell him that.
20:32John Nolan, I met you at Hawk's birthday party.
20:35Yes, of course.
20:36Hawk talked about you a lot, actually.
20:39He said you were an inspiration.
20:41Oh, kind of worst kid on the team finally gets a chance to play kind of inspiration?
20:46Because you did it.
20:47You changed your life.
20:49I mean, Jeremy talked about leaving the department,
20:52but deep down he knew that he needed to be the legend.
20:56I mean, my uncle offered him a job last year.
20:59Great money, selling security gear.
21:01But then, Jeremy wouldn't be the Hawk anymore.
21:04You know, he didn't know who he was without that.
21:07We're going to bring him back, safe and sound.
21:09I doubt that.
21:12If I learned anything about Hawk in 15 years of marriage,
21:15it's that he is too stubborn to ever say he's sorry and too proud to ever give up.
21:21How am I supposed to tell my son about this?
21:24He idolizes his dad.
21:27Excuse me.
21:28I'm sorry.
21:29I have sent a unit to pick up your son.
21:31If you need anything, just ask.
21:34Just a moment.
21:38Did you speak to Paige and Moda?
21:39Yeah, Bishop's in there with him right now.
21:42She's done.
21:43You get back out there.
21:45Find this guy.
21:46Yes, ma'am.
21:52Don't let the detectives get under your skin.
21:54Do they really think I let him escape?
21:55Not after I was done with him.
21:57Seven out of 15 respond to an ATM head for suspect Hawk near your location, 9455 Lake Christian.
22:03He picked that ATM for a reason.
22:05There's three freeways near here.
22:07He could be on any one of them and in the wind in less than a minute, so...
22:11Which one do we pick?
22:12None of them.
22:13He's trying to trick us.
22:16Make a right here.
22:19He won't take the freeway.
22:20He knows police tactics.
22:21He knows we'll set up on it so we can catch him.
22:24He'll use surface streets.
22:28There he is.
22:30I'm gonna start calling you Yoda.
22:31No, you're not.
22:32Light him up.
22:33Seven out of 15 in pursuit of suspect Hawk heading east on L.
22:42Hang on.
22:50Is that a grenade?
22:51Smoke grenade.
23:03Where is he?
23:10Where did he go?
23:11Did we lose him?
23:14There. Right there.
23:15Seven out of 15.
23:16We've got an eastbound horseman approaching Riverdale.
23:18He's not yielding.
23:24He's speeding.
23:25Speed's climbing.
23:26Northbound now.
23:27He's burning lights.
23:34Two mere misses.
23:35We have to end this.
23:36Hawk is gonna get somebody killed.
23:37He can roll if they pin him at this speed.
23:39Yeah, we have to risk it.
23:41You tell them to find the right spot and do it.
23:50Hit Hawk's car. I'm giving you permission.
23:52It's top-heavy. It could flip.
23:53Hit it hard and get out of the way.
23:55Got it.
24:04Oh, no.
24:15Seven out of 15.
24:16Negative on any pit.
24:17Hawk's son is on board.
24:19How did this happen?
24:22How does he take my son?
24:27He went straight to the school after he fled the motel.
24:30Listen to me. I'm telling you, I'm gonna get your son back.
24:33I promise.
24:35Hawk was terrified that I would get full custody.
24:40As messed up as you think my husband is, he loves our son.
24:45He will not give him up willingly.
25:09I think they're both lying.
25:10Tell me why.
25:11Okay, he said the head wound was back to front.
25:13But the car drove at him, so the wound should be front to back.
25:17Good. What else?
25:18See the slip ring around the wound?
25:20That suggests that the gunshot was at close range.
25:22Not shot from the car.
25:24You minor in forensics in college?
25:26Nope. Just looked at a bunch of crime scene pics of my dad.
25:30So, what are we gonna do now?
25:32We're supposed to call detectives and stand by to stand by.
25:35But we're not gonna do that?
25:37I don't like being lied to.
25:40I hear that.
25:41Let's track him up.
25:45Seven out of nineteen, we're on intercept course with Hawk's truck.
25:48Three blocks out and closing.
25:50Is this safe with Hawk's kid in the car?
25:52Hawk thinks we've fallen back into tracking mode.
25:54He doesn't know we blocked the streets.
25:55Turned the lights green to funnel him towards us.
25:57He won't see the roadblock coming.
25:59To him, it looks like we've fallen back.
26:00Yeah, but won't all the green lights look suspicious?
26:02He won't notice.
26:03What appears to be nothing, remember?
26:07You're dear method incarnate.
26:09You've got a tactic for every situation, don't you?
26:13What if you get robbed? At gunpoint?
26:15Easy. Deception.
26:17I carry an empty wallet.
26:18If I ever got robbed, I'd drop my fake, pull my piece, and good night, nurse.
26:22So, where do you keep your cards? Money?
26:25Money clipped behind my belt?
26:29Okay, you're officially weird.
26:31Get ready. It's going down.
26:33Seven out of 19, about to intercept.
26:35Make sure you block him in.
26:36Seven out of 15, copy.
26:41He just did a hard left turn.
26:43Looks like he knows what we're going to do.
26:44The SOB must still have his radio.
26:53Hawk, I know you can hear me. You need to pull over right now.
27:03Not good at calling it quits, Nolan. You know that.
27:05A lot of boys at Pelican Bay can attest to that.
27:07So what, you're going to join them?
27:08That is never going to happen.
27:11What's your endgame here, Hawk?
27:13You just going to escape the pursuit and live happily ever after?
27:15Didn't you learn anything in class, Nolan?
27:17This is a tactical situation, not a strategic one.
27:20Long term isn't about the conversation.
27:22The initial obstacle is the pursuit. Once I lose that, just focus on the next step.
27:26What about Logan? Are you prepared?
27:28What about Logan? Are you prepared for something to happen to him?
27:30You leave my son out of this.
27:31Don't use me against my dad.
27:33He said you'd try that and that you'd lie about everything.
27:36But it won't work. We're in this together.
27:38Whatever happens to him, happens to me.
27:41I'm not lying, Logan. Your father is. He's lost control.
27:46We're done.
27:52He's done talking.
27:58What's the latest?
27:59Hawk avoided the spike strips. He's command to running.
28:01And his kid's a willing participant.
28:03What do you want us to do?
28:05Russ wants us to proceed with caution now that it's all over the news.
28:08The more time we give Hawk, the more chance he'll have to figure out a way to escape.
28:11Can't risk that. Not with this kid in jeopardy.
28:15First chance we get to end this, take it.
28:19Mr. Campbell, do you have a minute?
28:22Shouldn't you be out there chasing that guy?
28:25I thought you wanted us here investigating who shot your son.
28:28You said it was the detective's job.
28:30They're a little busy.
28:32So they asked us to stay here, dig a little deeper.
28:35It's not a problem, is it?
28:39Earlier you acted like you knew who shot your son.
28:41Now you're acting like you don't.
28:43I don't.
28:46Earlier you acted like you knew who shot your son.
28:48Said he was hanging out with the wrong people.
28:50Who were you talking about?
28:52No one. It was just in general, you know.
28:55No, I don't know.
28:57He's been acting differently for the last year or so.
28:59Talking back, not listening.
29:01He's a teenager.
29:02Are you saying he's to blame for getting shot?
29:04That's not what I said. Don't put words in my mouth.
29:07We'll have a clue who shot him, okay?
29:10End of story.
29:15Is it just you and your dad?
29:18My mom took off when I was little.
29:20That's tough.
29:22Especially with a dad like yours.
29:24What's that supposed to mean?
29:26Let's just say that I know a thing or two about parental expectations.
29:33Yeah, my father was always pushing me to be better, to work harder.
29:37Take everything he said as gospel.
29:40It can be a lot.
29:42Especially if you disappoint him.
29:46It was a drive-by.
29:49No, it wasn't.
29:51The gun was close when it went off.
29:53Your ear on that side is probably still ringing.
29:57Look, let me help you.
30:02It was a drive-by.
30:12Why is he going this way?
30:16What's his plan?
30:17We were just trying to figure that out.
30:19How would you get away?
30:20Job number one would be to lose air support.
30:22No way to escape the eye in the sky.
30:24What about you?
30:25Go somewhere packed with people, overrun with resources.
30:27Switch cars.
30:28Does every cop have an escape plan?
30:31Hawk and I worked a car one summer.
30:33We were a two-man record crew.
30:35Took down some heavy hitters.
30:36We talked about how we'd run from the cops because it made us better.
30:39We talked about how we'd run from the cops because it made us better hunters.
30:48Covered parking, tons of people. He's going to the mall.
30:50We need to get him now.
30:58Suspect headed for the Bear Street mall.
31:00Additional units, code three.
31:10Head on down to the next floor. Let's go.
31:20Do it!
31:22Left way!
31:23Get back!
31:25Get back! Get back!
31:26Don't do this!
31:32I'll go get a key from the security guard.
31:36Don't do this, Hawk.
31:37This has escalated way out of your control. You know that.
31:40Yeah, well, that's what happens when they push a man too far.
31:43Yeah, they.
31:44Who's they?
31:45They didn't do anything.
31:46You got drunk and you went to your wife's house and assaulted her boyfriend.
31:50And then you ran away?
31:51There's nothing honorable in that.
31:53You go, you go, Dex.
31:54No, no, no. Let him stay.
31:55Logan, you stay.
31:56He has a right to know what you're running away from.
31:58What he's risking his life to protect.
32:00Your son idolizes you.
32:02You are letting him down.
32:04You told me you teach by example. Tell me what you're teaching him right now.
32:07Teaching him?
32:09My wife wants sole custody of my son.
32:10I went there. I'm the one who tried to reason.
32:13And she's in there with a naked man in my slippers in my bed? Huh?
32:16What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
32:18Deal with it.
32:19Deal with it?
32:20Like a grown up.
32:21No, Dad, we gotta go.
32:23Listen, Hawk.
32:27You will never forgive yourself if anything happens to him.
32:30It's time to be a father and do the right thing.
32:34I'm a...
32:44You know what? It's alright. He's right.
32:49He's right, son.
32:50It's where the end of the road is. Right here. We're done.
32:52No, Dad. I don't care what you did.
32:54I'm going with you.
32:55You said we were in this together.
32:57You know what?
33:01But you...
33:03You're just gonna slow me down.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:07I love you.
33:08Dad, are you kidding me?
33:11Dad, stop!
33:17Come on, perimeter!
33:20Back it up, folks! Back it up!
33:21Back it up!
33:22Back it up!
33:23Back it up!
33:24Back it up!
33:25Back it up!
33:26Back it up, folks!
33:27Back it up!
33:28Mr. Block, there was something.
33:29Where does this door lead?
33:30Interior hallway.
33:31From there, you can go anywhere in the mall.
33:32Places the public can't access.
33:34You made him leave me behind!
33:37It was safer with me.
33:48Logan's safe.
33:51We got him away from Hawk.
33:52Oh, my God.
33:54Officers are bringing him back now.
33:57He's not hurt.
33:59But he's angry.
34:01Your husband lied about what was happening.
34:05So Hawk blames me.
34:06I think he blames everybody.
34:09Except himself.
34:17You've done nothing wrong.
34:20You have a right to be happy.
34:23To be in a healthy relationship.
34:25To not live in fear of saying something or doing something that is going to set him off.
34:32Sounds like hard-won knowledge.
34:37My ex wasn't exactly Hawk.
34:40But he wasn't healthy, either.
34:45Where is my husband now?
34:48He's still in the loose.
34:52But we're going to get her.
34:54Make sure it's secure.
34:55Time element since we had the visual.
34:56Four minutes.
34:57Four minutes?
34:58Dan, but we have units moving in at every exit.
35:00We'll have full containment in a few minutes.
35:01If I were him, I'd head back to the parking garage and just steal a car.
35:04Get lost in the stream heading out.
35:05I'd change clothes, pull the fire alarm, blend in with the fleeing crowd.
35:08Sewer system. That's the way to go.
35:09Dogs can't track him.
35:10Good current. Be in Chinatown in 15 minutes.
35:12All units, be advised.
35:13Man with a gun at Lowington Financial, Code 3.
35:15That's six blocks from here.
35:17Description on gunman.
35:18No, sir.
35:19911 call cut off before we could get more information.
35:22That's how I do it.
35:23Call in a false report.
35:24Pulls manpower away, divides our resources, and frees up an exit.
35:28That call's not real. That's Hawk.
35:30And if it's not?
35:31If the call's real and we don't divert units over immediately?
35:34What happens then?
35:42What did you do?
35:44Get the hell out of here.
35:46I have every right to be here.
35:47You can't stop me from seeing him!
35:48You're the reason he's like this!
35:51Hey, make it out of here!
35:53Hey! Stop!
35:58Everett, don't!
36:01Who the hell is he?
36:02He's my boyfriend!
36:217 Adam 14, 7 Adam 25, respond to active shooter at Willington Financial.
36:39It's over, Hawk.
36:44You know the drill.
36:45Slide the gun over here.
36:47Get on the ground.
36:48That's not going to happen.
36:51You already made a mistake.
36:54There's no clear line of fire in here.
36:57You want to shoot me?
36:58You can shoot him.
37:00But I'll tell you something.
37:08That doesn't concern me.
37:09Easy, boot.
37:11He's not going to shoot you.
37:13He's trying to suicide by cop.
37:14How many times did we run this scenario in the academy?
37:16And what do you always say about guys who go down like this?
37:20That they're cowards.
37:21That's how cops are going to talk about you.
37:22You want me to go down without a fight?
37:25Nobody's saying that.
37:27I was.
37:34Oh, this is going to be good.
37:41Oh, this is going to be good.
37:45Oh, this is going to be good.
37:47Not really a fair fight, but it's going to be good
37:48because I trained both of you.
37:49One in the field and one in the classroom.
37:52And I know your strengths and I know your weaknesses.
38:01Where's your bladed stance, huh?
38:02Always come in with your head.
38:07Get off me.
38:09You were supposed to arrest him, not get in a brawl.
38:12We had him.
38:31How's Everett?
38:34He's heading to jail.
38:36You know, it's interesting you asked about him first.
38:38Not your dad.
38:43How is he?
38:44Out of surgery.
38:46He'll pull through.
38:48You know, we had his hands tested for gunshot residue while he was under.
38:53Found trace amounts.
38:58We found a lot more on you.
39:02See, at first, I thought you might have tried to attempt suicide.
39:06Your dad was on you so much about being gay that you couldn't take it anymore.
39:11He tried to stop you and you ended up in here.
39:14That's not what happened, is it?
39:15It was a drive-by.
39:17I have a new theory.
39:19See, I think that you snapped.
39:22With all his bullying and derision, I think that you tried to kill him.
39:27You struggled for the gun and it went off.
39:29And you got hit.
39:31You can't prove any of that.
39:33It's not my job.
39:35Detectives will be here shortly.
39:37You know, maybe you'll walk away.
39:39Maybe you won't.
39:41Either way, you need to understand that his actions don't excuse yours.
39:47You could have asked for help.
39:49Or left home.
39:52You know, instead, you might have just destroyed three lives.
39:58See, that's what happens when you choose a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
40:07We can't choose our fathers.
40:11But we can choose how we let them shape us.
40:27Buy two next time.
40:29Oh, that's awesome.
40:34Hey, are you headed home?
40:35Uh, yeah. Were you coming to see me?
40:37No, I... well, yeah.
40:41I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay after everything that happened.
40:47You're thinking I may be feeling a little responsible for rejecting Hawk's application to get back out on the street.
40:54I don't.
40:56Look, what Hawk needed wasn't here.
40:58It's easy to let this job define you.
41:00It's a lot more difficult to make it only part of your life.
41:05I'll remember that.
41:07You have a good night.
41:12Hawk admired you for reinventing yourself.
41:15The thing he didn't understand is how much work you had to put into it.
41:19In fact, you did it at the lowest point in your life.
41:23It's something to be proud of.
41:28Does that mean I'm off probation?
41:30Get out of here.
41:46It's for you.
41:47Thanks, Charlie.
41:50Yeah, Bradford.
41:51Never tell a crook where you hide your money.
41:55You told me to think like a criminal.
41:57After you got your ass kicked, I grabbed your money clip.
42:01I wonder how you're going to pay for your bill.
42:04You are in so much trouble.
42:07You know what, maybe you could wash the dishes.
42:10But you might want to glove up.
42:14Good night.
42:23How's my credit here?
42:30Damn it.
43:00Thanks, Charlie.