• 4 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 10


00:00Yeah, all right. I am just parking right now, and I will meet you at the baggage claim.
00:14Nonsense. Come on. I want to come in. Yeah. Get ready for a big, embarrassing hug. Okay.
00:20See you in a minute.
00:28No! Shoot!
00:43Come on, buddy.
00:47Police! Step away from the vehicle! Show me your hands!
00:52Oh, actually, this is my truck.
00:54Get on your knees. Lock your fingers behind your head.
00:56Okay. A little embarrassing. I'm actually a cop, too. Three months on the force. Just my ID is locked in the cab.
01:02You're a rookie? Yeah.
01:04Now I know you're lying. Get on your knees! Do it!
01:18Welcome to L.A.
01:20Ow! That's tight. That's tight.
01:30Oh, it's a good thing I still had your spare key, or you'd be in jail.
01:33Airport jail.
01:35So, you're sure you're okay Ubering home from here?
01:37Yeah, of course. I mean, you can't be late for your shift, but I'm not leaving until I see you in uniform.
01:42Yeah, this isn't the kind of job where we can hang out a lot, you know?
01:46Oh, I know. If you don't want me here, I can go.
01:49No, not at all. I'm just a little under the microscope. They literally evaluate me at the end of every shift.
01:53Are you worried I'll make you look bad?
01:54No, that's... Okay, let me get a fresh start here. Obviously, the threat of airport jail has me a little off my game.
02:01I am thrilled to have you here, okay?
02:05Just maybe don't tell any embarrassing stories about me.
02:07That's gonna be hard. There are so many.
02:09Really, there's not, though.
02:10Yeah. My sixth birthday, Easter 2009, the turducken.
02:13Do not tell that story.
02:15What story?
02:16Jackson and Lucy.
02:17Hey, Henry. What's up, bro?
02:19Hey, nice to see you.
02:20You guys know my son?
02:22Yeah, on social media.
02:23Yeah, I followed them after you guys started hanging out together at the academy.
02:26They followed me back.
02:28You know what? That photo that you posted earlier from the plane was horrifying.
02:32Dude, I literally almost puked.
02:33Okay, the guy in the next aisle over straight up cleaned his dentures on the tray table.
02:38It's bad.
02:39Wait, how come you didn't tell me you were friends with my son on the Insta thing?
02:42What? Didn't seem like a big deal.
02:44It's 2019, Dad. I'm good with the times.
02:46Yeah, Dan.
02:53All right, look alive, look alive.
02:55Officer Nolan, you ready?
02:57Yes, sir.
02:58Good. Now answer me this.
02:59What is your favorite part about the job? And don't say to make a difference.
03:02I wasn't going to.
03:04But it is.
03:06What's your least favorite?
03:07Oh, that's easy. Paperwork.
03:09Imagine how I feel.
03:11All right. Most of what a captain does is paperwork.
03:15Because of that, I feel like I've lost touch with what being a cop is really about.
03:19People. It's not only the citizens that we serve and protect.
03:23It's every single one of you in this room.
03:26So to remedy that, I've decided Sergeant Gray and I are going to ride patrol today.
03:32No. We're each going to ride with a rookie and their respective TOs will pair up.
03:35Ma'am, I'd be honored if you'd ride with me.
03:39That is sweet, Officer West, but today I'm riding with Officer Chen.
03:44Sergeant Gray, I'd be honored if you rode with Officer West today.
03:48That's cute, Officer Nolan.
03:51But you know my heart belongs to you.
03:55Look at me.
03:57A lot of weight on your shoulders today, boot.
03:59What? What do you mean?
04:00Riding with the captain is a huge responsibility.
04:02If anything happens to her, well, I don't even know how to finish that sentence.
04:06I do. Anderson gets a scratch.
04:08You'll be working motor pool in Selmar until you die of carbon monoxide poisoning.
04:14Why do you think Lucy and Nolan got picked over me?
04:16Two words. Body odor.
04:18I'm serious.
04:20But it means something, doesn't it?
04:22Anderson's clearly playing favorites riding with Lucy.
04:24Maybe, but do you really think Nolan is Gray's favorite?
04:28Then stop worrying so much.
04:30Leave me alone.
04:31Okay. Dropping it.
04:32Not you. My phone. Or rather, my mom.
04:35What does she do?
04:36She wants to know if I'm bringing a date to my brother's wedding.
04:38That sounds reasonable.
04:41Not when there's extras on it.
04:44If I don't bring a date, she'll spend the whole night trying to set me up with the best man.
04:49I'm guessing Hugo's not your type.
04:51He smells like kitty litter, and I don't even think he owns a cat.
04:53He spent my niece's baptism bragging about how much he squats.
04:56Maybe he squats kitty litter.
04:58You're not helping.
05:06Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting.
05:08What do you think?
05:10That belt looks super uncomfortable, though.
05:12Yeah, I have a bruise where the gun digs into my hip.
05:14You made a friend?
05:15Yeah. Dominique was just giving me the scoop on this place.
05:18Her dad works here.
05:19Oh, really?
05:20Yeah. He's the watch commander.
05:22Your dad is Sergeant Gray.
05:23Officer Nolan.
05:24Why aren't you getting our gear?
05:27I was just getting my son squared away.
05:29He just flew in this morning from college.
05:31Hey, Dad.
05:33You forgot I was interning here today, didn't you?
05:37I intern at different divisions on Saturdays.
05:39Oh, for college.
05:40High school.
05:41My daughter's a senior in high school.
05:42Wait. Why did you tell Henry's dad to get your gear?
05:46Are you riding patrol?
05:48Captain's orders.
05:50Does Mom know?
05:52Haven't told her yet.
05:53Well, I'm happy not to tell her, too.
05:55As long as you don't tell her about that C.I. guy in microbiology.
06:01You know that's not the way we do things in our house.
06:03So that's a no?
06:04We'll talk about it later.
06:05Officer Nolan, let's go.
06:07Yes, sir.
06:08It's 12-hour shift, so I'll probably be late.
06:10Oh, he can stay here with me if he wants.
06:13That way you two can have lunch together.
06:15If that's okay. Right, Dad?
06:22Yeah. You can tell me all the things my dad doesn't want me to know about his new job.
06:27Great. Great.
06:29Give me some of these.
06:31I'll help you.
06:37So you didn't get the gear?
06:38Neither did you.
06:39Do I look like your boots?
06:40You were once.
06:41For two weeks. A long time ago.
06:43So unless you have a time machine, it looks like we're at an impasse.
06:50I have an idea.
06:53Hey, hey, hey, hey.
07:00What are you doing?
07:01Oh, uh, Officer Bradford told me to set up their shop as well, so I'm just...
07:06Bradford! Bishop!
07:12Yes, Captain?
07:13Officer Chen is my boot today. Is that perfectly clear?
07:16Yes, ma'am.
07:17Get your gear.
07:22Let's go.
07:38You want to quiz me on procedure?
07:40Do I look like a game show host to you?
07:43Go find some crime. Make a difference in our community today.
07:53Maybe we should head for a rougher part of town.
07:56Are you saying only crime happens in low-income neighborhoods, Officer Nolan?
07:59No, sir.
08:03Ah, all right. There we go.
08:05Vehicle code violation.
08:07Where's your PC?
08:08Uh, well, take your pick.
08:10We have a broken taillight, obstructed view, traffic all over the place.
08:15Blower over?
08:17Are you asking me or telling me?
08:20Control, this is 7-11-15.
08:22We are on a car stop.
08:23Tamuka Lake and Ponca.
08:25California plate.
08:26Tom, Minion, Frank, Jordan, Robert, Adam, Laura, Yellow.
08:29How close are you supposed to park to a suspect vehicle, Officer Nolan?
08:32Oh, um, one car length, more or less.
08:35That's fine.
08:38Is this the family stop yet?
08:40No, sir. Sorry.
08:44Still probably a little too...
08:51This is embarrassing.
08:52I'm feeling a little nervous.
08:55Are you happy with your positioning?
08:59Shouldn't I be?
09:00It's non-tactical.
09:02The engine block should be positioned at an angle, just in case we have to take cover behind it.
09:06Sir, she's an elderly woman.
09:09You don't agree?
09:10I think you should plan for the worst.
09:12But if you're happy with it, fine.
09:20Hello there, ma'am.
09:21Uh, looks like you were swerving around the street a little bit and noticed you have a broken taillight.
09:26Can we talk on the sidewalk?
09:28I don't like you standing out there on the street like that.
09:32It's so dangerous.
09:33Of course.
09:34Give me your hand.
09:38Nice and easy, nice and slow.
09:41You know, I haven't had a ticket in 25 years.
09:45You seem like a nice man.
09:48Can you just let me off with a warning, just this once?
09:52Make a decision, boo.
09:56I don't see why not.
09:57Just do me a favor, get that brake light fixed,
09:59and if you're going to pick a side of the road, make sure it's the right side.
10:02Officer Nolan, have you identified everyone in the vehicle?
10:06Oh, that's just my son.
10:08He's sleeping.
10:10He's sleeping?
10:12Oh, that's just my son.
10:14He's sleeping.
10:17Sir, can you step out of the car?
10:19He wasn't even driving.
10:20Why do you need to talk to him?
10:21I just need to identify everyone in the vehicle.
10:25Step out of the car for me, would you?
10:30Oh, whoa.
10:33Must have been hell.
10:34Sir, I need your name and date of birth, please.
10:37Don't tell him a damn thing.
10:39Ma'am, he's required by law to give me that information.
10:42Ryan Bryce!
10:43Let me think about it.
10:45Hands over your head.
10:47You too, Grandma.
10:51Officer Nolan.
10:53How you doing?
11:23I'll call for an interpreter.
11:40Our marriage is over.
11:41I made a mistake of telling him he could come by and get a few things.
11:45Then he starts destroying the whole house.
11:49We shared matters to her anymore.
11:51I love you.
11:52Why are you throwing us away?
11:54I cannot keep doing this with you, don't you?
12:00Sir, clearly you're in a lot of pain, but what you need to do is get a lawyer, see a judge,
12:04and they will help you to divide your property.
12:10My wife is leaving me.
12:12My life is over.
12:13Ma'am, do you want to press charges?
12:16I just want him out.
12:17Officer Chen, can you escort Mr. Corbony outside, please?
12:21Come on.
12:32He's got a gun in the master bedroom.
12:33Officer Chen, there's a gun upstairs!
12:35Stay right there.
12:39What do we do?
12:40Straddle the door.
12:41Talk him out of there.
12:42Try not to get shot.
12:47Mr. Corbony, I need you to come out now.
13:16Ah, so it's just all the way up the stairs and straight back.
13:23All units be advised, we're code four here.
13:25Situation is under control.
13:29I'm so sorry.
13:31Is this my fault?
13:34Should I have given him another chance?
13:38I didn't know that he was going to react like that.
13:40There's no way.
13:43My mother is still in Iran.
13:46She told me to work things out.
13:49That marriage is sacred.
13:51But we were so unhappy.
13:57You know, my mother said the same thing to me when my marriage ended.
14:02She lives in La Cunada.
14:05You can't control how people are going to react.
14:08I wish we could.
14:26Captain, reinforcements just showed up.
14:31Captain, anything we can do to help?
14:34You can get your ass back out on the street and handle some calls.
14:37We heard there were shots fired.
14:39Did you also hear Officer Chen put out the all clear?
14:41Did you think you were going to pop by for a little moral support?
14:44Did you want to come inside? Maybe check the fridge?
14:46No, ma'am. I just figured...
14:48The woman inside just watched her husband take his own life.
14:50I don't think she's in the mood to host the party.
14:52What do you think?
14:56We'll go back out on patrol.
15:01I think they were just trying to help.
15:03We didn't need it.
15:05I let the guy get upstairs.
15:07Yes, you did.
15:10He's not dead because of that.
15:17That lady is crazy strong.
15:19And who would have thought she'd have more outstanding warrants than her Sasquatch kid?
15:24By the way you're walking, I say she can kick field goals for the Rams.
15:27Don't remind me.
15:35She does this on purpose.
15:37Just to push my buttons.
15:38No, that's what kids do.
15:41So why would she want to be happy with you riding patrol?
15:43My wife is not your concern.
15:45And after your performance this morning?
15:47I say you need to focus on the job.
15:49Yes, sir.
15:50Let's go.
15:53I mean, how can we not respond?
15:55It was a shots fired call.
15:56Did the captain ask for backup?
15:58No, but...
15:59But nothing.
16:01She's not a damsel in distress.
16:03She's not a damsel in distress.
16:04If that were Bray, would you have insisted we ride in like the cavalry?
16:08And now you create a real problem instead of the fake one you made up in your head.
16:12Stop that guy. He's getting away.
16:14Hey, stop!
16:16Let go of me.
16:17Calm down.
16:18Calm down? I was just chasing the guy that stole my briefcase, but you let him get away.
16:21And by the way, you're supposed to identify yourself before you engage a suspect.
16:25A, I had no way of knowing you were the victim here.
16:27And B, I didn't have time to identify myself due to the immediacy of the situation.
16:30Try that on someone who isn't a lawyer.
16:32Are you going to file a report on your briefcase or keep telling me how to do my job?
16:35Well, I don't have all day, so I guess I'll file a report.
16:38How about I take care of the report and you go enjoy your coffee?
16:41I have a locator in my briefcase. If we go now, I can track him.
16:43Yeah, we can't just wander around on a scavenger hunt.
16:46Okay, can you give us a second, please?
16:50Look, maybe we should help him.
16:52Otherwise, I bet he'll file a complaint.
16:55Fine, but if he gives me any more attitude, he's going to taste pepper spray.
16:58Let's go!
17:00Yeah, this is going to go great.
17:04Alright, I'll be contact. You be cover.
17:06Oh, you don't trust me to be contact?
17:08Fine, you be contact. I'll be cover.
17:10Don't do me any favors.
17:12What's going on?
17:14Now, you said...
17:16Never mind.
17:17Go ahead.
17:18What's the problem?
17:19We had some recent break-ins. We had one last night.
17:22I went to do laundry just now, and someone's hiding in the basement.
17:26Are you sure it's not a tenant?
17:27Yes, I shouted, and they didn't say anything.
17:29But I know he is still down there.
17:31Okay, we'll check it out.
17:33Go wait in your apartment.
17:42Downward facing stairway, open to...
17:44I'm calling this.
17:45Of course you are.
17:46I do have more experience.
17:47You take point, Officer Bishop, I'll hook you up.
17:49Now it's Officer Bishop, huh?
17:51Fine, after you.
18:00It's clear so far.
18:02Just keep holding point.
18:03It's a box, Tim. There's no one here.
18:05Stick to the SOP just like I taught you.
18:07Standard operating procedures also means use common sense.
18:10My T.O. after you is big on common sense.
18:12Officer Belgrave, safety tactics are for crap.
18:15Here we go, the great SWAT debate.
18:17There's no debate. There's a right way and a wrong way.
18:20He's in there.
18:21You breach the door, I'll take point from here.
18:23Dynamic entry, and remember to get clear of the fatal funnel.
18:25You breach the door, I breach the last one.
18:27And we should use the wedge and slow search technique.
18:37Behind the panel.
18:44LAPD, we hear you in there.
18:46Slowly open the door and show us your hands.
18:49Control, 7 out of 15.
18:50We have a possible 459 suspect at our location.
18:52Send us another unit.
18:54Why'd you call for backup?
18:55If we can't handle one mope, we shouldn't be doing this job.
18:57What if it's not just a mope?
18:58If it's not a mope, he wouldn't be hiding in there.
19:00Now breach that door.
19:01What for? He's not going anywhere.
19:03Time's on our side.
19:04Officer Bishop, do I need to remind you I'm senior officer on scene,
19:07which means I'm in charge.
19:08Now breach that door.
19:21What? What?
19:22Hey! Stop! Stop!
19:24Oh, hell no!
19:30You don't even have a parking permit. Move your car.
19:32What do you mean? Make me pay?
19:33I gotta make you what you want.
19:34Don't look at me. What's your problem, man?
19:36Take my keys.
19:38The police is here now.
19:41Hey, hey, hey. What seems to be the problem?
19:43This is my spot.
19:44Screw that. He stole it from me.
19:46Man, the hell I did. I got here first and he cut me off.
19:50Okay, I don't understand. It's a parking spot.
19:52Just get another one.
19:53My daughter is having a party.
19:55I have the cake in the trunk.
19:57All right, the game's about to start.
19:58I got the beer already.
19:59Screw your daughter.
20:00Hey, hey, hey, hey!
20:02Get on the ground. Get on the ground right now.
20:04Hands behind your back.
20:14I got him.
20:18Left foot on the right knee.
20:21Let's go.
20:23How was I supposed to know there was a skunk in there?
20:25If we had have done a wedge and a slow search,
20:27you would have seen from a safe distance.
20:29Give me the keys. Let me drive.
20:30Let's get us there faster.
20:31Forget that.
20:32There's no way I'm letting you in my shop smelling like that.
20:34What the hell am I supposed to do?
20:36Now you want my advice.
20:37Well, here it is.
20:38Call a cab.
20:44What's in the briefcase that's so important?
20:46Handwritten depositions.
20:47If I lose them, my client could go to jail.
20:49Maybe your client belongs in jail.
20:51Why handwritten?
20:52Protects my client's privacy.
20:53I don't trust the cloud with anything important.
20:55Wait, wait.
20:56We should be right around the corner.
21:03Police! Stop!
21:07Hey, hey, take it easy.
21:10You don't have to be so rough.
21:11You're criticizing my arrest?
21:13Because I was expecting a thank you
21:14for getting your briefcase back.
21:15The law defines excessive force as a use of force
21:17greater than that which a reasonable officer
21:19would use under the circumstances.
21:21He makes a good point.
21:22Nobody's talking to you.
21:23Are you going to read him his rights?
21:24I will if you shut up for a minute.
21:26I'll do it.
21:28What the hell is your problem?
21:29For starters, you're blading disregard
21:30for the man's civil rights.
21:31That man is a criminal I apprehended
21:33based on your description.
21:34You're a police officer.
21:35Why am I describing due process to you?
21:37You don't need to describe anything to me.
21:39Three words, protect and serve.
21:40Two words, shut up.
21:41I'm not going to shut up.
21:42If you do something dumb, I'm going to call you out on it.
21:44They really dig each other, huh?
21:46Are you crazy?
21:47No, no.
21:48Look how close we're standing.
21:49I don't want to slap you in the face.
21:51My ex and I used to scream at each other just like that.
21:54It was hot.
21:58Wilshire units, 415 possible assault
22:00at 7293 Citrus, apartment 601.
22:03How much of the job do you share with your family
22:05only because the social aspect of being a cop
22:08is a vital part of education?
22:10I share what I can.
22:11It's a lot easier now that I make it at the station.
22:13What do you mean what you can?
22:15What we do isn't normal, Officer Nolan.
22:18Situations we find ourselves in,
22:20sharing too much can be counterproductive.
22:23For them or for you?
22:25Here we go.
22:26It's about time.
22:28It's like World War III next door.
22:30The arguing, the fighting.
22:32Ma'am, I don't hear anything.
22:34Well, not now.
22:35Probably killed each other.
22:36Okay, we'll check it out, ma'am.
22:38If you don't mind going to your apartment, please.
22:49Open up! Police!
22:55You want me to kick it in?
22:57What are you saying? I can't?
22:58No. I mean, yes. I'm...
23:00Step aside.
23:20The neighbor wasn't kidding.
23:22Check his pulse.
24:01Get your hands...
24:06What the hell was that?
24:07That's my baby brother, man.
24:11The classes are the easiest part of college, it's the other stuff that's hard to get used
24:20Like the fact that there's nobody to do your laundry.
24:24Independence is a double edged sword.
24:26Seriously though, if you have any more questions I'm happy to give you the scoop, anytime.
24:31I just might take you up on that.
24:36So why is it such a big deal that your dad's out riding patrol?
24:43He got shot when I was in middle school, almost died.
24:51Took him a few months to get back on his feet, even longer than that to feel like dad again.
24:59So I'm assuming having our kids see us like this would be counterproductive?
25:03I just hit the locker room to get cleaned up first.
25:09Too late.
25:13If I hadn't seen you like this, would you have told me about the fight?
25:19Look, it's not a big deal, it was a little scuffle.
25:25And my job is to protect you from the bad things, which includes some of what I do on
25:29the job.
25:30I'm not a kid anymore, dad.
25:32I'm going to college in a few months, are you going to shadow me across campus?
25:35Don't think I haven't considered it.
25:38Look, I'm trying, okay?
25:41But to me you're still my baby girl.
25:43No, I'm not, dad.
25:45It's just how you want to see me.
25:47Well, you wanted to see me in uniform.
25:53No, it's not funny.
25:55You were literally covered in blood.
25:57It was somebody else's blood.
25:59This job, Henry, it's hard to talk about.
26:02Harder even than that birds and the bees conversation.
26:05I'm on the outside of your new life.
26:08Part of it is because I went to college.
26:10But you're the one who changed everything.
26:13My whole life growing up, you got up and you went to work and you came home every night
26:17and I never had to worry that you wouldn't.
26:20But now you're a cop.
26:22And every time the phone rings, I panic and think something's happened.
26:29Henry, I'm sorry I didn't know.
26:31Because I haven't said anything.
26:33Because you're happy.
26:35For the first time in a long time.
26:38Hey, that's not true. I was happy.
26:40No, you weren't.
26:42The last few years with mom, you both thought you were protecting me.
26:45But I could feel it.
26:48I hated that I was the one responsible for you both being so miserable.
26:52Hey, now, your mom and I had our share of problems.
26:55But we were always on the same page about you.
26:57You were the one thing we did right.
27:06How about I change uniforms and we go get something to eat?
27:08No, I'm not hungry.
27:18I shouldn't have ducked.
27:20Relax, it was instinct.
27:22You should have been the one to duck.
27:24I guess I'm a little rusty.
27:27Stuck in your office most of the day.
27:30Actually, I didn't always push the desk.
27:32I was in the Marine Corps.
27:34MOS 5803.
27:36Military police.
27:38Where I learned how to speak Farsi.
27:40I didn't know you were in the Marines.
27:42I thought you were just from another department back east somewhere.
27:45Did a year as Pentagon Police.
27:47Criminal Investigation Director.
27:49Then I moved back home, joined the LAPD.
27:51Moved up quickly because of my experience.
27:53But that means I didn't move to the ranks with these guys.
27:55He's a cop, only as a boss.
27:57You should tell people about that.
27:59You sure as hell wouldn't have cops flying in to rescue you.
28:01You don't tell people that you're a badass, Officer Chen.
28:05Just gotta show him.
28:07Enough of nothing, lady.
28:09Yeah, Shannon's pretty badass.
28:11Shut your mouth.
28:13Don't say anything without your lawyer present.
28:19You're doing this to mess with us, right?
28:21The guy robbed you.
28:24The force you used to apprehend him are two separate events.
28:26The wonderful thing about our legal system is,
28:28we both have rights.
28:36Captain took a shot to the face.
28:38Alright, alright, show's over.
28:40Everybody get back to work.
28:44Bad news?
28:46I just gotta get these stats to the Chief.
28:48Actually, do you mind processing our friend?
28:50Until I get this done and then we'll head back out.
28:53Well, I'm fine if you need to stay here, ma'am.
28:55I've got plenty of paperwork to do.
28:57I appreciate that, but
28:59I've made a practice of finishing what I started.
29:03You need to go wait out in the bullpen.
29:05What happened?
29:07I ducked.
29:09Until his regular cancel shows up?
29:11Yeah. Is that a problem?
29:13What's going on with Lopez and that guy?
29:15It's been a weird day.
29:19How you doing, Miller?
29:21Can I get your walk-in reports?
29:23I gotta update the stat sheets.
29:25I've got a question.
29:27Somebody will be with you in just a minute.
29:29I need some information regarding prison sentencing.
29:33What's your question?
29:35How much prison time for a bar fight?
29:37Depends on the severity of the
29:39injuries and your previous record.
29:41Why are you asking?
29:43Is a murder really the only guarantee for a life sentence?
29:45Did you just get out?
29:47Yeah, a couple weeks ago.
29:50I guess. You were in there a long time.
29:52You having trouble
29:54adjusting on the inside?
29:58I'm good.
30:00I'm good.
30:02You walk into a police station asking questions about murder.
30:04You most certainly are not good.
30:06I strongly advise you not to do anything stupid.
30:08Don't worry about it.
30:10I know exactly what I'm doing.
30:14I kill her.
30:16I go back inside. Forever.
30:20I kill her.
30:22Look at me.
30:24You don't want to do this.
30:26You don't have to do this.
30:28I told you.
30:30I'll do anything to go back inside.
30:32Trust me. You're going back in.
30:34I'm not looking to do a short fall.
30:36I can't handle it out here.
30:38Okay. I get that.
30:40You got a little too much freedom.
30:42I felt the exact same way after I left the Corps.
30:44I'm used to being told where to go, what to do,
30:46when to eat, when to sleep.
30:48I don't want you to suffer because you're going through a crisis.
30:50She didn't sign up for that. Put the gun down.
30:52Bitch! I don't care what she signed up for.
30:54You pull that trigger.
30:56I got half a dozen cops who are going to light you up,
30:58and I know you don't want that.
31:00Shut up!
31:02Okay. Okay.
31:04I just... I have one more question.
31:06Your previous crimes, did you...
31:08use a gun?
31:10What? Why?
31:12You got your safety on.
31:18Get the gun.
31:20I got it, Captain.
31:22Come on.
31:24Holy crap.
31:28It's a Glock. There's no external safety.
31:30You charged a live weapon.
31:32Told you Captain could take care of herself.
31:34What the hell happened here?
31:38Um, did you get skunked?
31:44I don't know what to do.
31:47Look at the look on his face.
31:49Trust me, I saw a version of it in my office.
31:51At least your daughter has lived this her whole life.
31:53I mean, I just threw Henry into the deep end.
31:55I had no...
31:57I never thought once
31:59about how my choice was going to affect him.
32:01It was so much easier when she was younger.
32:03Tell me about it.
32:07Let this be our one and only
32:09heart-to-heart moment, Officer.
32:13Officer Nolman, it's fine.
32:19What the hell was that?
32:217-9-15. Explosion on Walton
32:23between 29th and 30th.
32:25Need backup. Airship RA, LAFD.
32:27Send the works.
32:39That's gas.
32:42Looks like the main's blown.
32:44I'll be venting into that house.
32:46You all right?
32:48Is there anybody left inside?
32:52Hey, Nolman, without a mask,
32:54you won't make it 10 steps.
32:56You okay? You got him? Thank you.
33:04Give me one.
33:06What was your wife's?
33:08Man, give me the damn rag.
33:12Check upstairs.
33:18Is anyone here?
33:38I got you.
33:41Is that everyone?
33:43I don't think so.
33:45I saw two backpacks in there.
33:47Wait here.
33:49Let's go.
34:11Let's go.
34:37You're the police officer. Did he come out?
34:39No, he didn't.
34:57Gray! Come on, man.
34:59You've got to wake up.
35:02Come on.
35:08Come on, Gray.
35:12It got real important that you get up, buddy.
35:20Come on.
35:22Come on.
35:32Come on.
35:52Let me guess.
35:54You have another complaint you'd like to file?
35:56I promise.
35:58Look, I graduated from Whittier Law School.
36:00And I'm trying to find my own way.
36:02Needless to say, there was never going to be a
36:04fancy downtown firm at the end of that rainbow.
36:06This feels like another thing you're trying to blame on me.
36:08Not at all.
36:10No, I like renting an office above an Ethiopian restaurant.
36:12Look, I'm scrappy, okay?
36:14I really love representing the little guy.
36:18Today, my tenacity...
36:20It clouded my judgment.
36:22Are you trying to argue an apology?
36:24No. I'm sorry.
36:26You were trying to help me, even though you really didn't want to.
36:29So thank you for getting my briefcase back.
36:33You're welcome.
36:35And I'd like to take you to dinner.
36:37Let me guess. Ethiopian?
36:39God, no. That place is a dump.
36:45Do you own a nice suit?
36:47No, a nice suit.
36:49Yeah. Why?
36:51I need a date for my brother's wedding
36:53next Saturday.
36:55It's bold for a first date.
36:57Maybe it should be our second.
36:59Buy me a drink?
37:01I would love to.
37:03All right.
37:05You sure you're feeling okay?
37:07Yeah, yeah.
37:09But maybe you can help me explain
37:11what happened to your mother.
37:13Yeah. But we should probably stop for flowers on the way home.
37:15I'm driving.
37:19And you're macro-biology grade?
37:21Definitely should save that conversation
37:23for another day.
37:29I'm not talking to you.
37:31I shouldn't have left you.
37:37You should have.
37:39I was an ass.
37:41Yeah, you were.
37:43Go on.
37:47I still see you
37:49as the rookie I trained.
37:51And I still see you
37:53as the rookie I trained.
37:56But you're not that anymore.
37:58You're gonna be one kick-ass detective.
38:02But I'm gonna take a beat on that last part.
38:04Since when?
38:06You got the tap.
38:08No, it's just I...
38:10I'm not ready to give up patrol yet.
38:12And I still have things I want to accomplish
38:14as a P3.
38:16And a rookie to train.
38:18And you'll miss the streets.
38:20Yeah, maybe I would.
38:22Don't tell me
38:24I just passed
38:26some ridiculous Tim Bradford test.
38:28I won't.
38:30But you did.
38:34Tomato juice.
38:36You still smell
38:38really, really bad.
38:57Is this a bad time?
38:59No. Come in.
39:03I just wanted to say
39:05I really enjoyed riding patrol with you today.
39:07I learned a lot.
39:10And it wasn't just about police work.
39:14I'm really sorry if I let you down.
39:16Officer Chung.
39:18You know why I chose to ride with you today?
39:20No, ma'am.
39:24Because you impressed me.
39:26Don't get me wrong.
39:28You've got a lot to learn.
39:30But I'm proud to have you under my command.
39:32And I'd ride with you any day.
39:40See you tomorrow.
39:48I love my job.
39:50I mean, I truly love my job.
39:52And I believe in what I'm doing.
39:56Henry, I love you more.
39:58And if you can't handle my job...
40:00Dad, stop.
40:02I would never ask you to walk away from this.
40:04I'm not asking for specifics.
40:06But I need to know you're okay.
40:10And the son becomes the father.
40:12Like a real-life Cat Stevens song.
40:16Before your time.
40:18How about this?
40:20At the end of every shift,
40:22I send you a text to let you know I'm okay.
40:24So, like a safe word?
40:28No, wait.
40:30How do you know about safe words?
40:32You really want to know?
40:34No, abort.
40:36All right, then what's our word going to be?
40:46That poor cat.