• 4 hours ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 9


00:00Previously on The Rookie
00:01Where are your keys? I need a car!
00:02Drop the gun!
00:07Is he going through anything in his personal life?
00:09Breakup? Interpersonal conflict?
00:13Well, if I can't get past this, Lois,
00:14I won't ever do the job again.
00:16Your wife made a deal to be a confidential informant.
00:18What? You want me to wear a wire?
00:20He's on to her. He knows she was a cop.
00:23David, go! Go! Go!
00:24They must have gone out the back.
00:25You did this!
00:28You know who I am?
00:30Kyle Montgomery. You're Alex's brother.
00:58John, are you okay?
01:11I knew it was a mistake.
01:12Nothing you could have done to stop it.
01:14I could have blown the operation early before she went in.
01:16And then you would have gotten yourself fired.
01:18Torturing yourself isn't going to help us find her.
01:19She's dead, Angela.
01:21Vance killed her the second they got free of our surveillance.
01:23You don't know that.
01:24Yes, I do.
01:26Just like I always knew I'd end up looking for her body.
01:30We found her.
01:31Alley on Prince John near the tent. Get here now.
01:50She's alive, but it's not good.
01:52They shot her in the head.
01:57I'm here. I'm here, baby. I'm here.
02:08This is Officer John Nolan.
02:10I was just attacked in my home.
02:11The suspect is in custody.
02:13He's unconscious but breathing.
02:15Requires an ambulance.
02:16In 54 to 39 Chautauqua.
02:20This is bad.
02:22But he attacked me.
02:23Yeah, and in five minutes this place is going to be flooded with cops
02:25who will instantly know that you and I slept together.
02:28Well, who's to say this wasn't just a friendly hangout?
02:31At one in the morning?
02:34I didn't tell investigators about us when they interviewed me after your shooting
02:38and they asked me point-blank about your relationships.
02:41That's a lie they could fire me for.
02:42Yeah, then just go.
02:44Go before they get here.
02:45He knows someone was here.
02:48He has just suffered a fairly serious head injury.
02:51Odds are he's not going to remember anything.
02:53And even if he does, he didn't see you.
02:56It's a harmless lie, Lucy.
02:58It doesn't change anything about what happened here.
03:01Just go.
03:03You sure you don't need to go to the hospital?
03:05No, I'm fine.
03:07Good thing you got that gun away from me.
03:09Yes, ma'am.
03:10Officer Nolan!
03:11I did not expect to see you again so soon.
03:14Me neither, sir.
03:15Well, can you brief me while it's still fresh in your head?
03:17Yeah, of course, sir.
03:18Thank you, sir.
03:31Is it still fresh in your head?
03:32Yeah, of course.
03:33I couldn't sleep.
03:34Went to the kitchen for a bite to eat.
03:36I noticed the sliding door was open.
03:38I went to investigate.
03:39That's when he hit me with the bat.
03:41Why didn't he just shoot you?
03:42I think he had something he needed to get off his chest.
03:45He was clearly feeling guilty about what happened with his brother.
03:48He said that?
03:49No, not exactly, but that's what he meant.
03:51How did you overpower him?
03:53I knocked him off balance when he fired the gun.
03:55A bullet hit the floor over there, and we fought, and I threw him through the glass.
04:02And who lives in the big house?
04:04My friend Ben.
04:06We were college roommates.
04:07He's away traveling.
04:08So, you were home alone?
04:14Yes, sir.
04:15I was alone.
04:25So, what are you doing here?
04:27Why aren't you at the hospital?
04:29Because I can't do brain surgery.
04:31But I can catch the guy who put that bullet in her head.
04:39Are you okay?
04:43I'm fine, compared to her.
04:47She survived surgery.
04:49Doctor says she might have a chance.
04:52She strikes me as a fighter.
04:56She's definitely that.
05:02Wolf and Vestry were doing their jobs with Isabel.
05:06Making what happened personal is not going to get you what you want.
05:10You understand?
05:21You know what Vance did to your girlfriend?
05:25You sent Isabel Bradford out to make a bag for you last night.
05:28And Marcus Vance shot her in the head.
05:36Today is not the day to screw around.
05:38Where can we find Vance?
05:41No way.
05:43I tell you that, they'll put a bullet in my head too.
05:45Son, you don't have a play here.
05:47If you don't give him up, every cop in this building will make sure word gets back to Vance that you ratted him out.
05:58Officer Nolan, come in.
06:02Is everything okay?
06:03Have a seat.
06:05You've officially been cleared in the Alex Montgomery shooting.
06:07It was deemed a justifiable homicide.
06:10That's a relief. Thank you.
06:12I thought you were calling me in here for bad news.
06:14Well, there's more.
06:16A new investigation has been opened into your altercation last night.
06:21Kyle attacked me. What is there to investigate?
06:24It's pro forma. It shouldn't take about a day or two.
06:27As long as you've been truthful, there shouldn't be an issue.
06:29You'll be restricted to the station while we get this straightened out.
06:32But I'm sure you could enjoy a day of quiet after everything you've been through.
06:36Just go ahead and check in with Officer Yamada at the front desk.
06:47What happened?
06:48Don't put me on desk duty until they investigate.
06:50What if they find out the truth?
06:52They won't. Don't worry. You'll be fine.
06:54Are we okay?
06:57Yeah, why?
06:59Oh, right.
07:01Look, hooking up was a heat of the moment thing.
07:04We just need to make sure that we don't do it again.
07:08What's going on at roll call?
07:09Oh, Wolf Investor got a couple possible locations on the dealer that shot Tim's wife.
07:14So, we're getting ready to hunt the guy down.
07:18Be careful.
07:19Yeah, you too.
07:22So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in Southgate at this address.
07:29Alright, Detectives Wolf and Vestry will stake it out with patrol units from that division.
07:35While you guys will head over to Bronson Estates where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cecilia Olivo, lives.
07:44But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors.
07:49Shari, listen up.
07:51This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation.
07:54Vance is a heavy hitter.
07:56He has a well-armed crew, so he won't go down easy.
08:00Alright, watch each other's backs out there. Be careful.
08:06Hey, I'm so sorry about Isabelle.
08:10Yeah, thanks.
08:12Go kit up our shop. Ask Mike for the Bradford special.
08:15What is that?
08:17You'll see.
08:20One of these.
08:22Officer Yamada?
08:23John Nolan. I've been assigned to your watch for the time being.
08:26Didn't think they made rookies my age.
08:28Well, with age comes wisdom, right?
08:30My wisdom's about to retire.
08:32In two weeks, I'll be drinking mojitos on my houseboat in Havasu.
08:35Sounds very nice.
08:36So, what do we do here? Just help people who walk in off the street?
08:40Well, this may look like reception, but we're really the front lines.
08:43We get all sorts of people coming in here with all kinds of complaints.
08:46So what do we do?
08:47You fill out one of these. Stamp it right here in the uppermost right-hand corner.
08:52Give the complaint filer a copy.
08:54The limo?
08:55That's all. Give it a try.
09:07Not bad, but it's important that the stamps stay within the confines of their designated area.
09:12You got some line crossage.
09:14Do it again.
09:18Heard you were tasked to the shooting of that C.I.
09:20Yes, sir.
09:21You here to tell me to be careful?
09:22That goes without saying.
09:24I want to ask you about your friend Nolan.
09:27Heard he was cleared on the shooting.
09:29He was.
09:30It's just, uh, most officers never face a fatal shooting or a violent home invasion.
09:36Nolan's had both in a 48-hour span.
09:38Look, if you're concerned about his headspace, don't be.
09:41He was the guy at the academy talking to everyone else off the ledge.
09:44Did you say some bad luck?
09:47You don't think so?
09:49No. Let's just say something feels a little off.
09:54Be careful out there.
09:57Are you deaf?
09:58I said Shakespeare stole my talk.
10:01The Shakespeare?
10:03Is there more than one?
10:04I don't know. You said your name was on the list.
10:08Is there more than one?
10:09I don't know. You said your name was flawless.
10:12I'm just trying to roll with it.
10:17Can I help you?
10:20Can you arrest someone for being incompetent, uncaring, self-centered, unfaithful, and pathologically late?
10:26I wish. What's this about?
10:28My husband. Ex-husband.
10:30Soon-to-be ex-husband.
10:33We have our custody exchange scheduled for now, and he's late, as usual.
10:38Scheduled for here at the station?
10:40Yes. Here.
10:42Court ordered. What are you, new?
10:44Actually, yeah, I am.
10:46You seem kind of old to be new.
10:47Uh, thank you.
10:49Wendell's father and I hate each other with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
10:53So the judge thought the police station would be the best place for us to make our switch.
10:57Makes sense.
10:58Only I am going to get fired if I'm late for work again.
11:01So can I leave him with you?
11:02Oh. Um.
11:05Yeah, of course. Just make sure he has your number.
11:07Thank you. Wendell, I've got to go. Your dad will be here any minute, officer.
11:12We'll look after you until then, okay?
11:14I love you.
11:20How's it going?
11:22Donald's going to soccer practice.
11:24Instead, I'm stuck in the lobby of a smelly police station.
11:27I feel your pain.
11:29Just when you, just when you, just when you thought it was safe.
11:32Hey, yo, don't let your homeboy in on the scoop, scoop.
11:35Yo, but now you're like me, brother.
11:43Gear up.
11:46Got your backup piece?
11:47Uh, yeah, of course.
11:53What's this?
11:54Trauma plate for your vest. A little extra protection.
11:57Oh. Bradford special. You really think we're going to need this?
12:01Why call this place the Bronson Estates?
12:03Because a guy named Bronson built it?
12:05No. Back when you were in sharp hands, there was a movie called Death Wish, star Charles Bronson.
12:09Yeah, for a long time, responding to a call here meant that you had a death wish.
12:13But it's better now, right?
12:15It's no longer the Wild Wild West. Lots of low-income families live here, but it never hurts to be cautious.
12:23Hey. What happened at Nolan's last night?
12:27How should I know?
12:28Thought you might have talked to him? Is there more to the story I haven't heard?
12:32Uh, no. I mean, I don't know. Why?
12:37No reason.
12:42Let's go.
12:43A little extra shocking, huh?
12:45Damn straight.
12:46We're here to talk to people, not scare the hell out of them.
12:48Speak for yourself.
12:50All right.
12:51Let's do this.
12:52This will go faster if we split up.
12:54You all right riding solo?
12:55Have you met me?
12:56Okay, Chen and I will start on three.
12:58Take two. Jackson and Lopez will ground floor it.
13:00Stay in constant radio contact.
13:03What a gentleman.
13:08All I could find were these.
13:11I thought maybe you could color them.
13:15I thought maybe you could color them.
13:18Cool. You got crayons?
13:20Um, maybe. Let me check.
13:31Looking for something?
13:32Uh, yeah. Crayons. Long story.
13:36You got a minute?
13:37Yeah, what's up?
13:38Maybe we should go somewhere a little more private.
13:54You seem serious.
13:55Not at all. It's just something's come up that I need to get clarity on.
14:00Kyle Montgomery, the man who attacked you, he claims that you lured him to your house in order to kill him.
14:07That's ridiculous. Why would I do that?
14:09That's what I thought. But I have to ask.
14:12You didn't do that, right?
14:21Oh, you know, he also said one other thing.
14:24He insists there was someone else at your house.
14:28Says he heard a voice before you knocked him out.
14:31You said you were alone, right?
14:35Are you lying to me, Officer Nolan?
14:39No, sir.
15:07Something bothering you, Officer Nolan?
15:10Uh, no, I'm fine.
15:15I just had, uh, an intense couple of days, and I'm not quite sure how to talk about it yet.
15:23As long as you're clear with yourself, there's no reason you have to share anything.
15:29Taking the kid for a snack.
15:31Mind the fort.
15:33Yes, sir.
15:44How can I help you?
15:46I'm, uh, Jeff Turner. I'm here to pick up my son, Wendell.
15:51Right. Obviously, Yamada just took him to the break room for Dorito's run.
15:54He shouldn't be a few minutes. Do you have any photo ID?
15:57Oh, yeah.
16:12Mr. Turner, have you been drinking?
16:13No, no, not really. Just a little eye opener.
16:19That's not a thing. How'd you get here? Did you drive?
16:22No. No, I'm Uber.
16:27Why don't you come with me?
16:33We'll let you sober up in here for a little while. I can't let you take your son home in this condition.
16:37And I don't think you want to let him see you like this.
16:39I'm fine.
16:40Or I can arrest you for being drunk and disorderly, and you can see how much fun L.A. County Prison is.
16:53Who's there?
16:54Gas company.
16:58Tassia Olivo. Just the woman we're looking for.
17:00Marcus isn't here.
17:01Yeah, we're gonna need to be sure.
17:02Hey, you can't...
17:08When was the last time you heard from Vance?
17:09Yesterday. He was supposed to come over last night. He never showed up.
17:15You know who he is? What he does for a living?
17:19And you're okay with that?
17:20No. But I was pregnant by the time I found out. And he made me move in here so his guys can keep an eye on me.
17:26Make sure I don't go anywhere.
17:27Is he your prisoner?
17:28No. But he had a son who died in a car accident. He needs to make sure nothing happens to our baby.
17:34You want out, we can get you out.
17:37Only if I give him up. Forget it.
17:40Tassia, do you really want a guy like that taking care of your child?
17:45There's no guarantee that he'll keep you around after this baby is born.
17:48All you have to do is call him. Say you're not feeling well. You're worried about the baby.
17:53I can't.
17:56It's one call. We get him out of your life for good. Make sure you and the baby are safe.
18:03You promise?
18:04He hurt someone I care about. He's going away forever.
18:30It's me.
18:31Why are you calling?
18:32You need to come over. I don't feel right. I'm worried that there's something wrong.
18:36I'm sure everything's okay. You're probably just overreacting.
18:40I'm not. What if there's something wrong with the baby?
18:43Okay, okay. Stay put. I'll come over as soon as I can.
18:47Are you friends with people in the building?
18:49I talk to myself most of the time.
18:51So you haven't seen this girl?
18:53Sorry. Never seen her before.
18:55Who is she? Did she do something bad?
18:59She's a person. Are you sure you haven't seen her?
19:07What about this guy? You seen him?
19:15Anybody else here?
19:18Okay. Thanks for your time.
19:40Seven out of nineteen. Shots fired at Bronson Estates.
19:43Tim, we're hearing gunshots. What's your status?
19:49Talia, are you there?
19:51Control, respond.
19:53Marcus has a frequency jammer in the basement. One of his guys borrowed it back from Iraq.
19:59No signal.
20:19Radio's not working. Try yours.
20:22Look out!
20:28Come on!
20:38We need to get out of this hallway!
20:44We don't have time for packing. We gotta go.
20:46I need things for the baby. I can't leave here without them.
20:48It's okay. We're gonna get you to a safe place. When are you due?
20:51A week ago.
20:52A week ago.
20:56Boyfriend's here.
21:04To the police officers inside. I'm here for Stacia.
21:09She walks out, you walk away. Otherwise we're gonna come in and take her.
21:13No you're not. But you can't risk her getting hit in the crossfire.
21:17You give up, we'll make sure she goes to the hospital when the baby comes.
21:20Forget it. I'm not leaving here without my kid.
21:23Then I'd say we're at a stalemate.
21:24What are you doing?
21:25I bought us a little time.
21:26Look, they're coming through that door soon enough and I'm not sure we can stop them.
21:34I think I know what happened.
21:36I had the TV on.
21:37Back of the house. Sports center.
21:39Kyle must have heard that and got confused.
21:43Yeah. Could be.
21:45Let me ask you this. When I was there, I noticed the shower was wet, but you weren't.
21:53Caught me.
21:55I'm an East Coast guy. I cannot get used to this desert L.A. air.
21:59I sometimes use the shower as a makeshift humidifier.
22:04You know there's a drought.
22:05Yes, sir. I'll stop doing that.
22:08Um, I should get back to the front desk.
22:12You have a son, don't you?
22:13Yes, sir. His name is Henry. He's 18.
22:16The biggest sin for my kids was lying.
22:19I told Jackson from an early age, I can forgive anything but dishonesty.
22:27I told my son something similar.
22:30You have till the end of the day to amend your statement.
22:34After that.
22:44What do you want?
22:45I'm sorry, but I need to come in.
22:47Are you here alone?
22:48No, my husband's here. What's happening?
22:51There are at least three active shooters in this building.
22:53I've lost comms and four of my fellow officers are in danger.
22:58Oh, I stopped paying the bills months ago.
23:00My husband has cancer and all of the money goes to his treatment.
23:03Look, he can barely get out of bed anymore, and you are putting him in jeopardy by just being here.
23:08I'm sorry, but until I think of a better option, you're stuck with me.
23:11Now, if you could find some medical supplies, I'd love to take care of this arm.
23:15Oh, God. Of course, if I have anything, I have medical supplies.
23:22The phone doesn't have a signal either. It must be a jammer.
23:39Police! Drop the bag! Show me your hands!
23:41Show me!
23:47Which one's your apartment?
23:49You don't want to find out. We need to get out of this hallway.
24:09Hey. Hey, what are you doing?
24:11You don't have a warrant and I didn't invite you in, so you can't conduct a search.
24:21We're stuck.
24:23You think the other's all right?
24:24I hope so.
24:28You okay?
24:30Contractions. Really big ones.
24:32Maybe you should sit down.
24:38How long until somebody knows we're missing?
24:40It might be a while. We're on a special assignment here.
24:42They don't expect us to check in regularly.
24:47They blocked the pay pool.
24:48What, so we're blind?
24:52No. We're not.
24:53Find me some tape.
24:55Do you have any tape?
24:56Front. Front. Just...
25:01Give me your body cam.
25:04Put the tape right here.
25:06There's a body cam app on your city-issued phone.
25:08Open it.
25:19They're getting ready to come in.
25:20Help me barricade the door.
25:24My water just broke.
25:31What are we going to do? If they break through the door, we're going to get overrun.
25:35Got to get to them first.
25:58Stop! You're going to hit Cecilia!
26:01Get them out of here!
26:02What the fuck?
26:04Boss, we need to go.
26:05At some point, the cops are going to send backup when these guys don't report in.
26:08I'm not leaving without my kid.
26:10Then you need to find a way fast.
26:14Should we move her to a different room?
26:17Looks like we're clear for now.
26:18Well, I need to go to the hospital. The baby's coming.
26:20Yeah, I know. I know, but that's not possible right now.
26:25Wait. So what? You're going to deliver my baby?
26:32Yes. I guess I am.
26:37These cops forced their way into my apartment and they refused to leave.
26:39We're trying to stay alive. You got a problem with that?
26:41Yeah, my brother's doing 20 years for something he didn't do.
26:44Yeah, I got a problem with that.
26:45Look, I appreciate where you're coming from, but we're not here to cause trouble.
26:47We're here because somebody's trying to kill us.
26:54You know him?
26:55Yeah, enough to steer clear. He's got a dozen guys living here.
26:57He walked into a buzzsaw.
26:58No kidding. We need to call for help, but he's jamming our signals.
27:01Any idea how we fix that?
27:02Shut the power from the building. The jammer should go off.
27:04How do we turn off the power?
27:05Main circuit breaker's in the basement.
27:07I know this because I see it every time I'm doing my laundry.
27:09It's not going to be easy getting to the basement.
27:11I only have two magazines left.
27:13Me too. And those are going to go real quick if we get into trouble outside.
27:21What are you doing?
27:24Why are you knocking on my wall?
27:26Maybe we don't need to go outside. It gets to the basement.
27:32Will my dad be here soon?
27:35Yeah. He should be along any minute.
27:38You think maybe he forgot about me?
27:45Wendell, your dad's actually here already.
27:47He was only a few minutes late, but when he arrived...
27:49He was drunk.
27:51Yeah. I'm having him sleep it off in one of the cells.
27:56He's drunk a lot. That's why they're getting divorced.
27:59But my mom says it doesn't mean he loves me any less.
28:02Well, she's right.
28:06I'm sorry I lied to you. I should have been honest.
28:08I thought I was protecting you, but I...
28:11I see you deserve the truth.
28:13It's okay.
28:14My folks lie to me a lot these days.
28:18I know they mean well, but...
28:22It just makes things a lot worse.
28:25You know?
28:26You know?
28:31Oh, come on. Come on.
28:36Hey! Come on! What are you doing? You're breaking my kitchen!
28:39Who's gonna pay for this?
28:42And if they don't, send the bill to me.
28:44Next stop, basement.
28:49Control, show us out of our car.
28:51Bronson Estate. Any word from the officers inside?
28:54If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
28:58Control, show us out of our car.
29:00Bronson Estate. Any word from the officers inside?
29:03If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
29:27Come on.
29:50Shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him!
29:58You good to walk?
29:59Yeah, I'm not.
30:01Come on.
30:14Can you get some towels, please?
30:15Yes. Hold on.
30:19Help me take off his vest.
30:28Oh, my God. Is he dead?
30:34Just breathe. I know that sounds cliché, but I promise it does work.
30:40Have you done this before?
30:42No. No. But I aced it at the academy.
30:47I know, your birth plan didn't involve a cop and your couch,
30:50but I promise you, I will protect you and your baby.
30:54I assume this is another test?
30:56They don't stop just because we're pinned down.
30:58And let's face it, you'd think less of me if they did.
31:24Are you sure about this?
31:26We can't let him bleed out. Just don't let it turn white.
31:28If it's too hot, it'll do more harm than good.
31:31Identify, isolate, repair, or close.
31:35Are you talking to me?
31:36No. I'm just trying to remember how they taught us to cauterize an artery.
31:45You ready for this?
31:47You ready or not.
31:49It's okay.
31:50No, it's still bleeding. I got this. I got this.
31:52I have faith.
32:02You did it.
32:03It won't matter if we can't get him out of this building soon.
32:18Secure the back hallway.
32:49Three minutes!
33:01Seven Adam 15, officer needs help at Bronson Estates.
33:04Officer's down. Multiple gunmen.
33:06Send airships, SWATs, RAs, everything you got.
33:09Seven Adam 15, roger that. Help is on the way.
33:12Commander Wesson, if you have a moment, there's something I'd like to tell you.
33:15A distress call just came in. Citywide tactical alert.
33:18Percy, come with me.
33:20Your son is one of the officers involved.
33:25Why are you standing there? It's all hands on deck.
33:46Good job, boot.
33:51What's wrong?
33:55Something's not right.
34:00Look out!
34:10Come here.
34:48You have the right to remain silent.
34:50Aiding or abetting is against the law.
34:52You have the right to an attorney, President.
34:54You cannot arrest me.
35:02On your knees, put your hands behind your head.
35:12Come on.
35:15I'm out of here.
35:16Me too.
35:24Get down!
35:25Get down on the ground right now!
35:27Get out! Show me nothing you got!
35:29Hands behind your back!
35:30Give me your hand! Right hand!
35:32Don't you move.
35:37Get up.
35:59We're going to take you to the hospital.
36:01Make sure everything's okay.
36:03Then what happens?
36:04Whatever you want.
36:05You're free now, Cecilia.
36:06You and your baby.
36:07I'll check on you later.
36:12You're going to be okay.
36:23I just want a second with him.
36:24I can't think of a worse idea.
36:31Don't let me regret this, Dad.
36:34Don't let me regret this, Dad.
36:46The woman you shot and threw in the dumpster,
36:49her name is Isabel Bradford.
36:52She's my wife.
36:55I don't know what you're talking about,
36:57but a dead cop's wife always makes me happy.
37:04She's not dead.
37:06And when she gets on the stand,
37:07she's going to put you away for the rest of your life.
37:30Hey, you okay?
37:33Can we talk?
37:34Can it wait?
37:35I have so much paperwork to do.
37:37I'm afraid this is a little more important than paperwork.
37:41Commander West knows there's something off with my story.
37:43I think I should just come clean.
37:48I think he's going to understand that you're being there.
37:50John, John, no.
37:53He will not understand.
37:55We lied.
37:56We'll both get fired.
37:57And for what?
37:58So you can feel better about yourself?
37:59The truth matters.
38:02Listen to me.
38:04The world isn't black and white,
38:06and it won't be better with us off the force.
38:08We're out there making a difference.
38:11Think about everybody you have helped.
38:14Now think about what would have happened if you weren't there.
38:18Don't throw it all away for a false moral moment.
38:32Come in.
38:35We wanted to update you on the Kyle Montgomery investigation.
38:39I'm clearing you for active duty, Officer Nolan.
38:42Meaning case closed?
38:44I believe Kyle Montgomery attacked you in your home,
38:47and you acted appropriately, using non-lethal force to subdue him.
38:51Also, your bravery and competence today
38:54proves to me that you're ready to return to the field.
38:57Officer Nolan, you don't seem happy.
39:01I am.
39:02I am.
39:05Becoming a police officer has been one of the most meaningful things I've done with my life.
39:09It's just been a long couple of days.
39:14That's understandable.
39:16Why don't you go home and get some rest?
39:18Tomorrow's a new day.
39:38Hey, I'm here.
39:42I didn't know there was a rock bottom
39:48at a basement.
40:06I was out trying to clear my head.
40:08I kind of just drove here on autopilot.
40:11I'm glad you did.
40:23Tough day.
40:27I got cleared for duty.
40:29Commander West closed the file.
40:32It is.
40:35Can I admit something?
40:37Of course you can.
40:39I didn't drive here on autopilot.
40:43I don't know.
40:45I've had a really tough day,
40:47and I know things are complicated between us,
40:50but maybe we could talk.
40:55As friends.
40:58I would love that.
41:11I delivered a baby.
41:12That's amazing.
41:13Then I got shot.
41:14In the vest.
41:16It still counts.
41:18You should see the bruise.
41:19It's just like...
41:22I'm good.
41:23I got enough bruises on my own.
41:25You gonna share that beer?
41:26Uh, no.
41:35So, should we get some pizza?
41:38I already did.
41:40It should be here any second now.
41:42Wow, that's...
41:46More like hope.
41:48You are a sucker for pizza.
41:50Officer Chen, you know me too well.
41:52Officer Chen, you know me too well.