• 2 days ago
The Rookie - Season 1 Episode 14


00:00Previously on The Rookie.
00:01Detectives Wolfe and Vestry, this has the potential of being a very dangerous operation.
00:07Multiple gunmen, officers down.
00:12You got the tab.
00:13You're gonna be one kick-ass detective.
00:15I'm not ready to give up patrol yet.
00:19He swooped in like a bat out of hell and crashed into my car.
00:22You hit me.
00:22Whoa, whoa.
00:24Let's just start at the beginning, starting with you.
00:27I had engine trouble.
00:28And if I wasn't such a good pilot, I would have crashed instead of making a controlled
00:32emergency landing.
00:33So I deserve a little more gratitude than attitude.
00:36Sir, can you step over here, please?
00:39Those look like bullet holes.
00:41No, those are, uh, those are bird strikes.
00:43Oh, let me guess, the elusive brass jacket at hollow point?
00:46Is that why you had engine trouble, sir?
00:48Because someone was shooting at you?
00:50Why would anyone do that?
00:59Control, 7 Adam 15.
01:01Check in with OCPD.
01:03See if they have a 211 at Orange County Savings and Loans.
01:067 Adam 15, the advised bank was robbed an hour ago.
01:09Suspect escaped in a blue helicopter.
01:13So hands behind my head?
01:15Hands behind your head.
01:24100 shifts.
01:25So not a lot of rookies make it to this point in their probationary year.
01:28It's a reason to celebrate.
01:30But not too much.
01:31For your first 100 shifts, your training officers have been there to guide the way.
01:34Not today.
01:35Plainclothes day.
01:37That's right, Officer West.
01:38Very good.
01:38I'm sorry, what is plainclothes day?
01:41Your TOs will be out of uniform, riding with you in a strictly observational capacity.
01:46They will not advise, assist, or help you in any way.
01:49Every decision will be yours to make.
01:52Does this mean I finally get to choose where we eat for lunch?
01:54Yes, Officer Nolan.
01:56For all intents and purposes, today,
01:58you are alone.
02:00And that should scare the hell out of you.
02:02This will be a true measure of where you are in the learning process.
02:06And your performance today could have a profound impact on your career path in this department.
02:11So, any questions?
02:13Uh, yes, sir.
02:14What happens if we get into real trouble?
02:17Deal with it.
02:19And if you can't, your TO will step in.
02:21Don't make no mistake.
02:23If that happens, you will be judged.
02:26That's it.
02:27Good luck, Arthur.
02:29Are you guys as excited about this as I am?
02:31We finally get to call the shots.
02:32I know, right?
02:33Whoa, slow down.
02:34You two realize that 20% of probationary officers that wash out of the program
02:38do it during plainclothes day?
02:40Don't tell us that.
02:41Why would you tell us that?
02:43They grow up so fast, don't they?
02:45Please, they're just as green as they were yesterday.
02:47What are you looking at, boo?
02:48I'm not even here.
02:50Let's go get our gear.
02:52My washout number's three.
02:53What about you?
02:54I bet Simms is up in double digits by now.
02:56Damn straight.
02:57Had 11 rookies bounce from the program during plainclothes day.
03:00Looking to make it an even dozen today.
03:02Do not listen.
03:03They're just trying to psych us out.
03:05Already making a mistake.
03:06If we're not here, why get two kit bags?
03:09We're supposed to have two bags, just in case they have to take action.
03:13First mistake avoided.
03:15So many left to make.
03:20This is going to be a very long day.
03:24Hey, I didn't know you were back.
03:26Restricted duty.
03:28I'm on my house mouse, pushing papers, catching calls, you know.
03:31It's good to see you.
03:32It's good to be seen.
03:34What are you doing wearing civvies?
03:36Plainclothes day.
03:40I remember mine.
03:41I got in a fistfight with a 300-pound woman.
03:45Who won?
03:46The orthopedic surgeon who had to fix my shoulder.
03:48That's who won.
03:50I heard you put a pin in that detective's exam.
03:53What happened?
03:54Realized I still had a few things to accomplish as a P3.
03:58Especially after what happened to you.
04:01And Bestry.
04:06It was a nice funeral.
04:11So how long before you're cleared for regular duty?
04:15I'm not rushing it.
04:16No shame in taking a beat when something like that happens.
04:19None at all.
04:29I wouldn't be here without you.
04:40What are you doing?
04:41Filled out your evaluation.
04:43But we haven't even left yet.
04:46I already know it's a deal.
04:47I'm just trying to get in my head.
04:49But it won't work.
05:17Don't open it until end of shift.
05:29Whatever you wrote in here, I'm gonna prove you wrong.
05:34I knew you'd say that.
05:36It's in there.
05:41Is it true playing close day determines the track of our career?
05:47That's right.
05:48I get it, sorry.
05:49You're not here.
05:50It's not that I'm worried or anything.
05:52Just don't want to be stuck with some lame assignment like front desk.
05:57Oh, you think front desk would be a perfect fit for me, don't you?
05:59Lots of people to talk to about their problems.
06:01No, thank you.
06:02I did not join the force to be a receptionist.
06:05Matter of fact, I spent the last few months figuring out exactly where I want to be assigned.
06:11Robbery, homicide.
06:14I know.
06:15Making detective in five years, that's unheard of.
06:17And I'd be 50, so that just means I'm gonna have to buck the odds.
06:22Battle to the middle.
06:24And when I do it, you're gonna eat your words.
06:34We're the last ones out.
06:36I need reading materials.
06:37Okay, you should know that I've been waiting for this day my entire life.
06:41Wow, that's sad.
06:42Did you know that my dad had an epic playing close day?
06:44I don't care.
06:45Made four felony arrests, wrote seven traffic violations, and talked a woman off a ledge.
06:49So you see, I can't just...
06:50So you're gonna break your father's records like you broke his academy records because
06:54you have daddy issues and the cats in the cradle and all that crap.
06:58I don't have daddy issues.
07:11All this can't be happening.
07:15Oh, come on, come on.
07:19First time you've let me drive.
07:21I'm not here, boo.
07:22Right, of course.
07:28Why would a guy from the power company need a video camera?
07:44That sick bastard.
07:50He's filming her.
08:01LAPD, stop!
08:10Hand behind your back.
08:14I didn't do anything!
08:16Well, your camera says otherwise.
08:17Do you even work at the power company?
08:21Yeah, you're gonna need one.
08:22Seven Adam 19, show us one in custody, third in Arden.
08:25Did you include this arrest in your evaluation, Officer Bradford?
08:30Watch your head.
08:31Get in.
08:34Seven Adam 15, RP heard sounds of an assault, 7944 Serrano Avenue.
08:40Control, show me code 6.
08:46Sir, we have another unit, 9944 Serrano.
08:53You think you're gonna rip off my stash, and I'm just gonna take it, I.O.U.?
09:02Hey, police, let him go!
09:09All right, watch him.
10:03Drop the bike!
10:06Hand behind your back.
10:10Control, show me with who in custody.
10:16Where did he go?
10:18My second suspect.
10:19Oh, him?
10:20Well, he ran off.
10:21Well, hobbled, really.
10:23I told you to watch him.
10:24I'm not here to watch suspects, Officer Nolan, just you.
10:27So you let him get away?
10:28Of course not.
10:29I would never leave a suspect unattended, allowing ample time for his escape.
10:33But you did.
10:40I can't believe you did this just to have a teachable moment.
10:43That's right, Officer Nolan, keep blaming me for your lack of situational awareness.
10:46I had to go after him.
10:48Yes, but not before you secured your first suspect to something immobile.
10:51Instead of dreaming about becoming a detective, how about you try and just get through today?
10:55Yes, ma'am.
10:58Damn it, this guy could be anywhere.
11:00Relax from the crunch your suspect's knee made when you whacked him.
11:03I doubt he got very...
11:09It looks like you cracked the case, Detective.
11:20Just got off the phone with dispatch.
11:22My suspect, Todd Collins, is on parole for a 2-6-1.
11:26He's a Tier 3 sex offender and a 2-9-0.
11:29Violent habitual.
11:30That's a pretty good arrest, huh?
11:35Okay, uh, let's see.
11:38I've got my victim's statement.
11:40Seized my suspect's phone.
11:42Canvas for witnesses.
11:45Yep, good to go.
11:49Didn't say anything.
11:50But you're giving me the look.
11:52What look?
11:53That look.
11:53Am I missing something?
11:54Wait, don't answer that.
11:55Wasn't going to.
11:57Because I made a solid pinch here.
12:07All right, let's go.
12:13This is ridiculous.
12:14Two hours to change a dead battery.
12:16I could have been on my second arrest by now.
12:18Look on the bright side,
12:19I bet your dad doesn't hold a record for longest automotive delay.
12:23Okay, we're good to go.
12:24Finally, back in business.
12:26Lopez, I need your booth for a word detail.
12:28Sure thing.
12:30No, sir, it's my plane close day.
12:32Oh, I didn't know.
12:34In that case, I need you for a work detail.
12:38Evidence from a homicide.
12:40Catalog every single piece.
12:42Got it?
12:44Yes, sir.
12:46Lopez, you got to get me out of this, please.
12:48No, I don't.
12:49The job's the job.
12:50Nothing in the rules says you have to spend plane close day out on patrol.
12:54Hey, you think I look cute in this?
12:58I bet you're wondering what I am doing.
13:01You're running all the plates in the lot,
13:02hoping to find one registered to a felon with a warrant.
13:05Am I detecting a tone?
13:07No tone.
13:08What's wrong with running plates?
13:10It's one way to do the job.
13:12Make it all about you, beef up your felony arrests.
13:14Okay, definitely detecting a felony.
13:16No, not at all.
13:17I'm not even here.
13:18If there's a call from dispatch, I'll take it.
13:20But all's quiet on the western front,
13:21so why not see if there's a felon I can get a hold of?
13:24I'm not even here.
13:26Why not see if there's a felon I can get off the streets?
13:28That's self-initiated policing.
13:30That's pretty effective.
13:31Or you could patrol your beat, engage the community,
13:33which deters crime from happening in the first place.
13:35That's proactive policing.
13:37Less felony arrests on your scorecard, but far more effective.
13:40Well, it's a good thing I'm making the decisions today.
13:42I just got a hit on that red expedition.
13:44Control, 7 Adam 15, send backup for an ATO on a Marcus Quinn Cannon.
13:48Felony arrest.
13:50Arms trafficking.
13:51Copy that.
14:07I know everything you're going to do, but
14:09it's like I knew you wouldn't process all your suspects' property.
14:12What are you talking about?
14:14I took everything Todd Collins had.
14:16Wallet, camera, phone, keys.
14:19So tell me, how did Peeping Todd get to where you arrested him?
14:23He drove.
14:24Like I said, I have his car keys.
14:25But not his car.
14:27Look, most child sex offenders have a network with other offenders.
14:30They share videos of their sick desires, which leads to other victims, other suspects.
14:35What do you think they keep as cornucopia of evidence?
14:37In their cars.
14:38That's right.
14:39In case parole officers search their houses.
14:42His car is a treasure trove of evidence.
14:44Other crimes.
14:45Other crimes.
14:46His car is a treasure trove of evidence.
14:48Other crimes.
14:49More victims.
14:50Evidence we may never have obtained otherwise.
14:52And you just left it in the street.
14:56He was fiddling with his phone the entire time he was running.
15:07Cops got me.
15:08Get my van.
15:09You recall seeing a van boot?
15:12There was that blue van.
15:14That work van.
15:15It was right there.
15:32Control, we need a reverse directory on a vehicle registered to Todd Collins.
15:387 out of 19.
15:3998 Econoline E350 van with California plate 6.
15:43Call Charlie Ida 0903.
15:46It shows the vehicle was impounded from your location an hour ago.
15:54You had the van impounded?
15:56Once it was clear, you overlooked that detail.
15:58But then why did we race over here?
16:00So you could discover your own mistake.
16:02That's what today is all about, boot.
16:03And it's just a bonus that you get to humiliate me?
16:05Don't blame me for the fact that you let yourself get rattled by one dubious look.
16:09Now you make it out here, find yourself riding solo.
16:11These streets will test you in ways you didn't think possible.
16:14The only way to survive is to control your environment at all times.
16:22You're pretty talkative for a silent observer.
16:26All right, boys.
16:27Listen up.
16:28The felon we are after is one Marcus Quinn Cannon.
16:31Intel's led me to believe he's currently in room 104.
16:34Here I've drawn a detailed layout of the motel room.
16:38As you can see, there are four walls and a toilet.
16:40Like every other motel room in the world.
16:43We really got to take orders from your boot.
16:45He's in charge today, Smitty.
16:46Trust me.
16:47I've got this all worked out.
16:48I'm going in first.
16:49Jensen, you're going to be covering C-side containment.
16:51Smitty, you'll be breaching.
16:54I'll come in straight.
16:54I want you to come swing around the open side.
16:56If I call trailer, trailer, you come from C-side to A-side, trail in behind us.
17:00Textbook dynamic entry.
17:02Okay, let's do it.
17:02All right, I'm green and go.
17:04Yeah, green and go.
17:15LAPD, open up.
17:17Go away.
17:18Breach, breach.
17:21Clear hands.
17:22Oh my god, what are you doing?
17:25Bathroom clear.
17:26Room clear.
17:27Where's Marcus Quinn Cannon?
17:30The owner of the red expedition outside.
17:32Motel manager said it belonged to the person in this room.
17:35Yeah, me.
17:37I bought it from some guy on Craigslist like three days ago.
17:40I was just filling out the DMV change of type.
17:43She's telling the truth, Officer Nolan.
17:45Your gun runner was never even here.
17:49Uh, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry.
17:51Obviously, there's been a mistake.
17:53Do you know how long it took me to get Liza down?
17:56You woke her up?
18:03You can put her back to bed.
18:16LAPD, anyone home?
18:20Hey, girl, it's okay.
18:23Not exactly what I meant by control your environment.
18:26That dog barks all the time.
18:29Ma'am, do you know if the dog's owner is home?
18:32Shut up.
18:33Shut up, missy.
18:37Hey, whoa, there's no need for that.
18:40Honey, she's my dog.
18:42I can treat her however the hell I want.
18:45Sir, we've received a complaint about your dog.
18:48And I wonder who made it.
18:50Emma, you call the damn cops?
18:52Your dog's a menace.
18:53It bark, bark, bark all day long.
18:56It's a dog.
18:56It's kind of their thing.
18:58Uh, ma'am, just step aside.
19:00I'll handle this.
19:02Sir, you need to try to keep your dog from barking.
19:05No problem.
19:07I'm good at making bitches shut their mouths.
19:13Have a nice day, sir.
19:19Hey, stop kicking dirt at the dog or else.
19:24Or else what?
19:26If I have to come back here or even get a whiff that you were abusing this animal,
19:32I will make you my personal project.
19:35Do you understand?
19:43I'd say I controlled that environment.
19:48This is a complete waste of time.
19:50It's part of the job, Boop.
19:51I did not become a police officer to do clerical work.
19:53Yeah, well, if you don't, then whoever murdered Richard Ochoa
19:57might get off on a technicality at trial.
19:59Yeah, I get all of that.
20:01But I should be out on the street.
20:02We only have one plainclothes day.
20:04The only thing stern about this job is that it's unpredictable.
20:08You're not helping.
20:20Hi, officer.
20:22Do you have a moment?
20:23A quick one, yes.
20:24What is it?
20:25So this might be a silly question, but I was wondering,
20:28how hard is it for someone to track your credit card purchases?
20:32You mean like identity theft?
20:33No, not like that.
20:34Like a regular person, but for a card that's in another name.
20:38Like, do the charges post immediately or...
20:41Tell you what, on the bottom of that card is the non-emergency number
20:44for the Mid-Wilshire Police Station.
20:45You give them a call, they'll have time to answer all your questions.
20:48Who should I ask for?
20:49Front desk, which is where I'm going to wind up if I don't get moving.
20:52You have a nice day.
20:54So, good news.
20:56I taught the mother a swaddling method.
20:58Baby Liza is sleeping soundly.
21:00I'm glad something positive came out of your time here.
21:03Hang on, I wouldn't call what happened here today a total failure.
21:05You told us we can't predict outcome, only do our best to control it.
21:09I developed a strong, credible lead, and I commanded a flawless, dynamic entry.
21:14Where you terrorized a mother and her newborn child.
21:17Now, if she was terrorized, would she have given me the address
21:20in Simi Valley where she purchased the car?
21:22Simi Valley PD is sending a unit to arrest our gunrunner.
21:25They told me they'd give me a call as soon as he's in custody.
21:31Sir, dispatch says you wanted to see us.
21:33Yeah, shut the door.
21:37You know, I remember my plane closed down.
21:39It was a long time ago, but I remember it.
21:43Desperate to make an impression, my T.O. watching me like a hawk.
21:46But the pressure got to me, and I made all kinds of mistakes.
21:50Stupid ones, too, and completely out of character.
21:54Which is why, Officer Chen, I sympathize with your situation.
22:00I got a rude conduct complaint against you from a...
22:06A Rodney Acker.
22:10Said you verbally threatened him to get his dog in line or else.
22:13Any way to cool this guy off, sir?
22:15I tried, but he's pretty dug in.
22:17He wants to make it formal.
22:19So, internal affairs has been notified.
22:22Captain Anderson is in meetings all day, but she wants to talk to you at the end of shift.
22:27Sir, what kind of disciplinary action am I looking at?
22:30Don't get ahead of yourself.
22:31She should know.
22:33Threatening a civilian is a serious offense for any officer.
22:36But to do it as a probationary employee, even a minor infraction,
22:41can have a serious impact.
22:43How serious?
22:44Worst case scenario, he'd be my twelfth rookie to wash out on plainclothes day.
22:55You see, they are not going to kick you out of that program over this.
22:58I don't know.
22:59I mean, you should have seen Sergeant Gray's face.
23:01It was utter disappointment.
23:03He gives me that look every day.
23:04I'm still here.
23:07If Chen threatened the guy, why would he do that?
23:10Why didn't you step in and sort it out?
23:12It's plainclothes day.
23:13That'd be cheating.
23:14You know I'm a man of principles.
23:15Yeah, but they could terminate her.
23:17Come on.
23:17I'm not going to let that happen.
23:18I thought you were a man of principles.
23:19And contradictions.
23:23You think he's back too soon?
23:25No such thing as too soon.
23:27Chen dropped the macho act.
23:29The guy lost his partner in the line.
23:31Some cops never recover from that.
23:34I'll be back.
23:40Is the seat taken?
23:42Hey, no.
23:43Sit down.
23:44How's plainclothes day going?
23:46So far, so good.
23:48How are you doing?
23:48So far, so good.
23:52You're not buying that?
23:57We're trained to be vigilant, you know?
23:59The cop eye is always scanning for trouble.
24:02But we never saw it coming.
24:04One second, we ride in the elevator.
24:05The next, we're shot to hell.
24:07There's nothing you could have done differently.
24:14I should grab a drink sometime.
24:17Are you asking me out on a date?
24:22That's not what I meant.
24:24I would never date you.
24:25I mean, I would date you.
24:28But you know what I mean.
24:32So I'm going to get back to work.
24:35Thanks for checking on me.
24:40All right.
24:41Enough of this pity party.
24:42This morning was a disaster, which means the rest of this day can only get better.
24:46Did I just jinx us?
24:47A little bit, yes.
24:48Listen, Lucy, a cop as good as you, they're not going to let you go down over this.
24:53You know what really pisses me off?
24:54It's not that I might lose my job.
24:56It's that dog.
24:58It's just stuck with that monster.
25:01I know.
25:03Anyway, see ya.
25:07Detective Wolfe, nice to see you back.
25:10Yeah, yeah, thanks.
25:12You're Natalia's boot, right?
25:14How's your plainclothes day going?
25:16I won one and I lost one.
25:19How would you like to win another one?
25:23You know what?
25:23Losing half the day presents an interesting challenge.
25:26I'm not following.
25:27What if I can match my father's record in halftime?
25:32Come on, Lopez.
25:33Let's roll.
25:34You did not just say that.
25:36You two on the Richard Ochoa murder?
25:38No, he just cataloged some evidence.
25:39Well, the widow of the victim is at the front desk and she wants to talk to someone.
25:43Ask Wolfe.
25:44I can't find him, but I found you.
25:45So take care of it, all right?
25:49Oh, my gosh.
25:51You're moving with purpose.
25:52I got a hot lead.
25:53Let me guess, a methadone clinic to look for drug addicts.
25:56A little hotter than that.
25:59This is a warrant for a 211 suspect.
26:01How'd you get this?
26:02Detective Wolfe gave it to me.
26:03Detectives hip pocket these type of warrants.
26:05They don't give them away.
26:06He said he had to make amends.
26:09What did he do?
26:11Seven Adam 15, suspicious circumstance at Pico Arms Motel.
26:15Pico Arms?
26:15That's your favorite motel.
26:17Control, is there a room number on that?
26:19One zero three.
26:21My mother and baby were in 104.
26:24Seven Adam 15, are you accepting the call?
26:28We've got a felony warrant to serve.
26:29We take that over with this, right?
26:32Your call.
26:32I'm not here.
26:37Control, show me attached to the Pico Arms Motel.
26:41Copy that.
26:47Mrs. Ochoa?
26:50I'm sorry, but the detective covering your husband's case isn't available.
26:53I can have him call you.
26:55Can't you help me?
26:57With what, ma'am?
26:58I'm forgetting him.
27:03My husband, Richard.
27:05He was murdered in our bedroom by home invaders.
27:08I was out of town.
27:12The detectives came and took everything.
27:14His Bible, jewelry, clothes.
27:17They left me nothing.
27:18That's procedure, ma'am.
27:20Everything inside of the room is evidence.
27:23It's not just evidence.
27:25They're memories.
27:27And that's all I have left of him now.
27:30I beg of you, give them back to me.
27:34I'm sorry, Mrs. Ochoa.
27:43Your husband's property must be held until after the trial.
27:46There's nothing I can do.
27:59That was awful.
28:02Making a few arrests ought to cheer you up, right?
28:05Let's go.
28:07Is there a problem, Boo?
28:10I'm making the decisions today.
28:14So what do you have in mind?
28:20When housekeeping came to service the room, they found this.
28:35Control, notify the sergeant missing persons on a possible 207.
28:38Copy that.
28:39Why are you calling in Sergeant Gray?
28:42I met that woman.
28:45She's the one who asked me for help.
28:52She was asking about tracking credit cards or something.
28:55I'm not sure.
28:56It was a very quick conversation.
28:57The victim's name is Lynn McDaniels.
28:59She lives in Van Nuys with her husband, Chris.
29:01A truck driver.
29:02She lives in Van Nuys with her husband, Chris.
29:04A trucker with a serious history of domestic violence.
29:06There's a bolo out for him now.
29:08Detectives are reaching out to friends and family.
29:10He should probably get back on the street.
29:11Sergeant, if it's all the same, I'd like to stay attached to this.
29:14I know.
29:14But standing here crossing fingers helps no one.
29:18When I hear something, you'll hear something.
29:19This man filed a complaint against me.
29:32We shouldn't be back here.
29:33You're right.
29:33You shouldn't be here.
29:34I'm fine.
29:36Aren't I supposed to be making all the decisions today?
29:38You are.
29:39And right now you decided to let me save your job.
29:42Sir, it means a lot that you care about my future as an officer.
29:46Relax, boot.
29:47I simply believe that if you're going to get fired, it'll be because of me.
29:49Not some asshats reconduct complaint.
29:52Stay here.
30:00What do you want?
30:01Here's the thing, Mr. Acker.
30:04Officer Chen got a little overzealous.
30:06You call it overzealous?
30:07I call it a threat under the color of authority.
30:10We'll see what a jury decides.
30:11Hey, look, you're upset.
30:13That's understandable.
30:14So perhaps we can work this out.
30:16Go on, keep talking.
30:17Look, is there anything I can do for you?
30:19Anything you might need a police officer's assistance with, you just—
30:23Watch commander, please.
30:25Why are you calling my boss?
30:26Because I'm going to make a harassment complaint against you too, pal.
30:31Have a good night, sir.
30:33I will.
30:36I'm not so sure.
30:43How'd it go?
30:45Uh, hold on.
31:00Is that blood?
31:04Could be blood.
31:04Could be something else.
31:06But it could be blood, which gives me PC.
31:08I could search that garage.
31:10Look, if you're wrong, he'll claim you're retaliating against him.
31:12You'll definitely be fired and he'll just add another zero to a settlement check with the city.
31:16Smart move here is to walk away.
31:19So what's it going to be, boot?
31:21It's your call.
31:43Let's see what's going on in there.
31:45No, don't open that!
31:51It was an accident.
31:52See, if she got in my face, she just wouldn't—
31:54Shut up!
31:55You're under arrest.
31:57Get on the ground!
31:58Get on the ground!
31:59All right.
32:01Okay, all right.
32:01I'm going to find your back.
32:02You're under arrest.
32:08Shut up, Missy!
32:09That's a good dog.
32:10Seven out of fifteen possible GPS hit on motel suspect's cell phone,
32:14alley adjacent to 27419 Hayward Avenue.
32:20Control, show me code six.
32:43Okay, I know you're not here, but you have to wait for backup.
32:45Screw that.
32:45Let's go.
32:49You like that?
33:08Shut up!
33:12Grant, please!
33:17Drop it!
33:20Drop it!
33:22You good?
33:26Give me back!
33:28Don't do that again.
33:29Seven out of fifteen shots fired requesting backup.
33:32Code three.
33:33Then you're gonna be okay.
33:35No, she's not.
33:41Just wait outside.
33:42Me and the missus got some things to sort out.
33:45Then I'll turn myself in.
33:47We wait, he kills her.
33:48If we expose ourselves, he'll shoot us.
33:51Can you drive a rig?
33:52That's a bad idea.
33:54Then I'm going now.
33:55He shoots me, you shoot him.
34:06Hey, Chris, how about we talk?
34:08You and me.
34:09What's there to talk about?
34:10You letting your wife go?
34:16In position.
34:16Standing by.
34:17She promised forever.
34:19Then left!
34:20Chris, I know how you feel, man.
34:23I was married too.
34:2520 years.
34:26One day I come home, there's a note on the table tells me it's over.
34:30It hurts.
34:32Don't patronize me.
34:34You don't know me.
34:35What she's done to me.
34:37She never been in my shoes.
34:39You're right.
34:40Start the countdown.
34:42You're right, I haven't been in your shoes, Chris.
34:44My marriage ended because we drifted apart.
34:48Your marriage failed because you're a low-life domestic abuser.
35:04Get off of me!
35:10I thought this was it.
35:11I thought he was finally gonna kill me.
35:13It's okay.
35:14You're safe now.
35:15Okay, come on.
35:16I got you.
35:17I got you.
35:21Control, one in custody.
35:23Send an RA unit.
35:24Show us code four.
35:27Thanks for coming back in.
35:29Well, while cataloging your husband's effects,
35:31I discovered one item not in the actual crime scene.
35:35It was in the hallway, so you can have it back.
35:38What is it?
35:39Unfortunately, it's just a broken watch.
35:44It's not broken.
35:46Just cheap.
35:52When we got married, we were broke.
35:56I scraped together a few dollars and bought Richard this for our first anniversary.
36:01He wore it every day.
36:04Later, in better times, I bought new watches.
36:06Expensive watches.
36:08But no, he only wore this.
36:11Officer, thank you for getting it back to me.
36:23Shift's over, Boop.
36:24No arrests, not even a parking ticket.
36:26What's your daddy gonna think?
36:29Honestly, I don't care.
36:33Oh, really?
36:36Today was a good day.
36:41End of shift, Boop.
36:43Don't you want to open your evaluation?
36:47Captain's probably gonna fire me, so what does it even matter now?
36:51Just do it.
37:02I'm sorry, Boop.
37:03I didn't mean to.
37:04I'm sorry, Boop.
37:05I'm sorry, Boop.
37:05I didn't mean to.
37:06I'm sorry, Boop.
37:07I didn't mean to.
37:08I'm sorry, Boop.
37:09I didn't mean to.
37:09I'm sorry, Boop.
37:11I'm sorry, Boop.
37:18Officer Chen second-guessed every decision she made.
37:22The whole point of me doing this was to get under your skin.
37:26Clearly you did, sir.
37:27Yeah, until the end.
37:28Because when it really counted, you didn't hesitate.
37:31You put it all on the line, and you made the right call.
37:34Which really pisses me off, because now I gotta rewrite the damn thing.
37:41Damn, what's gonna happen to me?
37:44Officer Chen, step inside.
37:51You told Mr. Acker, and I quote,
37:54I will make you my personal project.
37:58Kind of retro, very 1990s rampart scandal.
38:01I'm sorry, ma'am.
38:03In today's LAPD, especially my house, we don't threaten people.
38:07Not even the murderers.
38:08Yes, ma'am.
38:09Those words do not reflect the officer I am or the one I wish to be.
38:18You may go.
38:22So I'm still on the program?
38:25Internal Affairs reached out.
38:26They wanted my take on this complaint.
38:29I'll recommend that they close it out based on the circumstances.
38:33Thank you, ma'am.
38:34Because if you ever let this job down again,
38:36I will not hesitate to put you on a career path far away from the LAPD.
38:40Do you understand?
38:46Officer Bradford, your turn.
38:52Got three more, thank you.
38:55Can I get two drafts, Mickey?
38:56You got it, pal.
39:00Hell of a day.
39:03And I really should have stopped and talked to that woman
39:06instead of brushing her off with a business card.
39:08I was just so focused on being seen as a man of action
39:11rather than some cop halfway out the pasture.
39:14You want my advice?
39:18Stop trying to be like the other rookies because you're not.
39:21Jackson is 20 years from having his first colonoscopy
39:24and Lucy has never even owned a pet, let alone raised a kid.
39:27You're a grown man.
39:28Fully formed.
39:29So stop treating it like it's a liability and treat it like what it is.
39:33A strength.
39:34Sure, you can be annoying and you talk way too damn much.
39:39But you also listen to people's troubles, to their complaints.
39:45And that type of empathy can't be taught.
39:48Only earned.
39:50So if you really want to make a detective, the only way to do it is to be you.
39:57So what you're saying is I've got a shot at being a detective?
40:02Good night, Officer No.
40:03Good night, Officer Bishop.
40:04Court is up.
40:10I messed up at lunch.
40:12You sure did.
40:14You were just being kind and I hit on you and I apologize.
40:17It's just you were there with Vestry Dive.
40:20The guy had three bullets in him and all he cared about was helping me drag my ass to cover.
40:25And while I'll never know if the stress of him doing that
40:27is what pushed that bullet the last quarter inch into his heart.
40:31He did that because you were in trouble and he was your partner.
40:35And it's only natural for you to need to connect with someone who shared a tragedy like that.
40:42So you forgive me?
40:45I mean, I don't blame you for being attracted to me.
40:52So it's like that.
40:55If you ever need to talk, I'm here.
40:59No strings attached.
41:01Look at you.
41:02Court is up.
41:03Save my ass one more time.
41:06What can I say?
41:07I'm a giver.
41:12Sucks you didn't get a crack at your father's record.
41:14It doesn't matter.
41:16Yeah, breaking records and making the most arrests.
41:18Not why I became a cop.
41:22Me? I'm in it for the wool pants.
41:25Now it is time for our to me toast.
41:28To me, no longer being crushed by my father's shadow.
41:31To me, not having to apply to be a mall cop in the morning.
41:35To me.
41:38Honestly, guys, I got nothing.
41:39Unlike you, I had a perfect day.
41:47All right.
41:47If you excuse me, I got something I gotta do.
41:52Before I leave Officer Bradford, I just wanted to give you this.
41:55It's my evaluation of you.
41:57It's not how it works, boo.
41:58Yeah, well, if you don't want to read it.
42:05You gonna open it?
42:08Get your stuff together.
42:09We gotta go.
42:10Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
42:11Come on.
42:14What is it?
42:15Their bar tab.
42:17Do you keep a book?
42:19Back a little.
42:58Damn it.