The Rookie - Season 2 Episode 6
Short filmTranscript
00:00All jewelry must be removed by the arresting officer, do I have your permission to proceed?
00:30Hey, happy half year anniversary.
00:58That's not a thing.
01:00Well, maybe not for cynical police officers, but for tender-hearted lawyers, it's totally a thing.
01:05But, hey, if you don't want to go to En Naka tonight, eh.
01:09You got a reservation? You need to make those like six-
01:11Six months in advance, I know.
01:13I'd love your confidence.
01:17Wait, we've only been dating for five months.
01:23Yeah, well, technically, but-
01:25Did you make that reservation for someone else?
01:27And hope I wouldn't remember exactly when we hooked up?
01:33If I say yes, are you going to say no?
01:35Are you kidding? I have a kill to eat there.
01:37But I'm going to require some serious shower time for you to make amends.
01:51We've got a problem. I just got an invitation to a wedding.
01:55Yeah, I don't do weddings.
01:57I don't know what that means, and I wasn't inviting you.
02:01Lucy got the same invitation.
02:03The couple getting married is her ex-boyfriend and her ex-best friend.
02:07Let me guess, they hooked up while Lucy was still dating him?
02:09Living with him.
02:11She's obviously devastated, so maybe take it easy on her today?
02:15Look, Chanda's my rookie, not my friend.
02:17My job is to train her, not help her through her messy social life.
02:26Fine, I'll dial it down, like, two percent.
02:29That's my guy.
02:34It is hot as the surface of the sun out there.
02:36Yep, going to be like that all week.
02:38Good thing we're all in short sleeves now.
02:39The uniforms are still wool.
02:41Today's going to be a nightmare.
02:43I'm just saying I don't get out of the car for less than a felony when the needle hits 100.
02:48Your commitment to protecting and serving is admirable.
02:50As long as I can do it in comfort.
02:52You know the front row is for the rookies, right?
02:55You hoping I sit by you?
02:57I'm just telling you how it is.
02:58The day I need that from you is the day I hang on my spurs.
03:02You know you're losing, right?
03:04Good morning. We got ourselves a heat wave, which means what, Officer West?
03:07Studies show that a one percent loss of body mass due to sweating decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels.
03:13Translation, tippers will be short, drug and alcohol use up, so stay hydrated and stay sharp.
03:18Now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, Officer Nolan will be flop sweating in his very first preliminary court hearing.
03:26Oh, no flop sweats here, sir. I have reviewed the arrest report repeatedly.
03:31I am 100 percent ready to testify on all the facts.
03:36When did you graduate the academy?
03:37Oh, that was September...
03:39Exact date, boo.
03:40What's your weapon serial number?
03:41I don't know the...
03:42You need to know the number by heart.
03:44For a DOI arrest? I didn't even drop my weapon.
03:46If you don't even have your personal information squared away, how could you possibly know the facts of the case?
03:50A defense attorney's job is to screw you up on the stand by any means necessary.
03:54Which means everything that connects to your experience on the job is in bounds.
03:59Got it?
04:00Yes, sir.
04:05You're driving today, boo.
04:07You heard me.
04:09Look, if you don't want to...
04:10No, no. I do.
04:20What's the catch?
04:21Why does there have to be a catch?
04:22There's always a catch.
04:23Not today.
04:34Now that can't be legal.
04:35It's not. Light him up.
04:47You're not coming?
04:48It's a low-risk misdemeanor. You got this.
05:07What are you doing here?
05:08Well, it's your first time in court. I thought you'd...
05:10You'd appreciate a friendly face in the gallery.
05:12Well, thank God. At roll call this morning, Gray had me freaked out.
05:15He told me this was predetermined to be a disaster.
05:17The first one always is.
05:19Was yours?
05:20Ugh. Especially mine.
05:22Good morning.
05:23Wesley! Whoa, you got a case on the docket today.
05:26I'm glad you're here.
05:27I'm glad you're here.
05:28I'm glad you're here.
05:29I'm glad you're here.
05:30I'm glad you're here.
05:31I'm glad you're here.
05:32I'm glad you're here.
05:33You got a case on the docket today.
05:34Yep. Yours.
05:35Defense counsel ate some bad lamb last night.
05:38Asked me to step in.
05:40Not about the lamb, but that it's you.
05:43He's a little nervous. It's his first time in court.
05:45Yeah, I get it.
05:46My first time was disastrous.
05:49Look, I'll try to make it as painless as possible, okay?
05:51Thank you very much.
05:52Hey, just remember, whatever happens, it's not personal.
05:59What does that mean?
06:00That I'm the only friendly face here.
06:14That's my guy.
06:15The one with the ponytail.
06:1723-152 DUI drugs.
06:23How do I know the guy next to him?
06:25Oh, that's Oscar Hutchinson.
06:29He was one of the prison bus escapees we tracked down.
06:32It's kind of the reason we're together.
06:35How romantic.
06:36Good morning.
06:37Got a lot of cases to get through today, so let's just jump right in.
06:42Mr. Hutchinson, you've been in my courtroom enough to know that this isn't a Q&A.
06:45Yes, Your Honor. I just wanted to say, I don't mind going last.
06:49I think these men beside me deserve to be heard from first.
06:52And you're in no hurry to go back in the hole.
06:54Interrupt me again and I'll have you gagged.
06:56Call the first case.
06:57People of the State of California v. Jonathan Ryland, homicide in the first degree.
07:20Is everything okay?
07:22That man killed our son.
07:28I'm so sorry.
07:34Thank you, sir.
07:35The color's all off, ma'am.
07:36It's not even the right color green.
07:37What's up, Amari?
07:38Ma'am, this fool took a counterfeit hundred without even checking it.
07:43They must've spelled it hundred.
07:45Don't get me started.
07:46You got a description for us?
07:51Come on.
07:52You took a hundred dollar bill from this clown?
07:54How long ago was he here?
07:55Thirty minutes or so.
07:56That was sad couples counseling.
07:58Everything all right with you and Serena?
07:59You know how it is.
08:00Baby's teething, we're not sleeping, I'm working long hours.
08:04Yeah, well, hang in there.
08:07All right.
08:08Look, we'll put a bolo out, cruise the neighborhood, hopefully we spot him.
08:12Oh, hey, I'm still at a hundred, though.
08:15Uh, unfortunately, yes.
08:18You should've gloved up when you touched the counterfeit bill.
08:20In case we needed to pull prints.
08:21You're right.
08:22I spaced.
08:23I'm sorry.
08:27Why didn't you say anything when we were inside?
08:30No reason.
08:32You always call me out in front of people when I screw up.
08:35First you let me drive, now this?
08:37Why are you being nice to me today?
08:39I'm not.
08:41Did Rachel talk to you?
08:45Did Rachel talk to you?
08:48She did.
08:49I told her not to.
08:51Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't want her to either.
08:53Look, this isn't a big deal.
08:54You know, I'm over him, and I'm happy for that.
08:57So, I don't need any special treatment from you, okay?
09:02And I'm driving.
09:03What? But...
09:12Hey, you called 9-1-1?
09:13Yeah, I was hooking up the car,
09:14and I caught a whiff of something really bad
09:16coming from that warehouse.
09:17All right.
09:18I'll check it out.
09:287-0-14, possible DV at location.
09:31Stand by for confirmation.
09:48Hey, can I call you right back?
09:52You said visitation was set.
09:53I changed my schedule.
09:55I haven't seen my daughter in over a week.
09:58Look, I don't want to play nice.
09:59I want my kid.
10:03I gotta call you right back.
10:447-0-14, DV on scene.
10:47I need homicide and a forensic team.
10:50But first, I need animal control.
10:53Officer Nolan, did you have training
10:55at the academy for DOI suspects?
10:57Uh, yes, sir.
10:5840 hours of alcohol intoxication recognition.
11:00Did they test you on that training?
11:02Of course.
11:03And did you score 100%?
11:07No, but I...
11:08Okay, so, on the date in question...
11:10No, but I...
11:11Okay, so, on the date in question...
11:13March 16th.
11:14Yes, that date.
11:15Did you see my client behind the wheel?
11:18Your client was already out of the car
11:19by the time we arrived on scene.
11:20But the driver of the vehicle he hit...
11:22Allegedly hit.
11:23And please, only answer the questions that I ask you.
11:25Now, did you get fingerprints from the steering wheel
11:27to prove that my client was the driver?
11:30Uh, no, but the other driver...
11:32But the other driver, as you call him,
11:33suffered a head injury.
11:34Are you telling me that you identified my client
11:36based solely on that man's say-so?
11:43Your client owns the car.
11:45Your Honor, can you please instruct the witness
11:47to answer my question?
11:49Yeah, uh, yes.
11:50I ID'd your client as the driver of the vehicle
11:53based on the witness statement.
12:05How could I have known he wasn't wearing pants?
12:07Not just pants. Bottoms of any kind.
12:09I'll never be able to unsee that.
12:12Whoa, my man! Close it up!
12:18You think I'm being stupid,
12:19letting that invitation bother me.
12:21You said it wasn't bothering you,
12:22and I was relieved we didn't have to talk about it.
12:24Why the hell would they invite me to their wedding?
12:26To further humiliate me?
12:29Maybe they're trying to make amends.
12:31By making me starve myself for a month
12:33so I can fit into a drop-dead sexy dress and...
12:36Hey, up ahead.
12:37That's the counterfeit guy.
12:40Hands on the hood. Let's go.
12:43All right.
12:44Spread your legs apart.
13:09This can't be real.
13:30What's happening?
13:38Stay out of it.
13:39I'm trying to help.
13:41This is awful.
13:52Go, go, go!
13:53Come on!
14:02What do we do?
14:03Let him go. I'm gonna get back to the station.
14:09Come on!
14:13Order in my court!
14:18Everyone be still.
14:20Clearly we can't continue,
14:21given the missile alert.
14:23Deputy, take the prisoners back to holding.
14:25Let's go. Come on.
14:26Screw that. There's a nuke coming!
14:29You got anything?
14:30The lines are already jammed.
14:32People are panicking.
14:33We gotta help them out.
14:34Should we evacuate them?
14:36Hey, hey, everybody.
14:38Excuse me.
14:39Everyone, if I can have your attention, please.
14:41I'm Jessica Russo, Department of Homeland Security.
14:44Now, I haven't gotten in touch with my office,
14:46but there is a good chance that this is not real.
14:50That's right. That's right.
14:51There was a false missile alert out of Hawaii just last year.
14:54There's no need to panic.
14:55What if it's not fake?
14:56Well, then you got about 28 minutes
14:58until you find out what hell feels like.
15:00Okay, that kind of talk isn't helping anything.
15:02The DHS has scenarios.
15:04Okay, the DHS has scenarios planned for this situation.
15:08We have. Yes, we have.
15:10And, um, the most likely target is downtown.
15:15Where we are...
15:17Wait, wait, wait.
15:19The blast radius is likely between 10 to 15 miles.
15:23And with an impact expected in 27 minutes,
15:26there isn't enough time to get far enough away,
15:29which is why we need to get underground.
15:32Judge, sir, is there a bomb shelter in this building?
15:36No, but the holding cells are downstairs.
15:39Let's go.
15:40I hate to break it to you, but those cells leak when it rains.
15:43They're not going to do squat in a nuclear attack.
15:47Now, come on. Let's go.
15:48Come on. Come on.
15:49Come on. Come on.
15:53Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
15:58Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
16:05Damn it.
16:11There's nothing.
16:15There's nothing.
16:32Listen up.
16:33LAPD has not been able to verify the alert is real.
16:36However, real or not, everyone in the city is panicking right now.
16:39So I don't care if you've been off the street for 20 years.
16:42You got a badge. Get out there.
16:44First priority, to secure sensitive targets.
16:47Next, protect the community.
16:49Ignore petty crimes. Focus on people, not property.
16:52Look, I know you're scared. I'm scared, too.
16:55But people out there are counting on us, and we will help them.
16:59Okay, let's get to work.
17:01All right.
17:10What can I do?
17:11Stay here. If this is real, there's a place to seek shelter in the parking garage.
17:14Stay with me?
17:15I can't. I'm the guy that catches the nuke.
17:18It's actually a pretty prestigious assignment.
17:21You're an idiot.
17:30The world could be ending. I don't think anybody's gonna begrudge you a little PDA.
17:39I'll see you later.
17:40You better.
17:44Why is everyone running around, Mommy?
17:46We're having a drill, like we were having at school when I picked you up.
17:49But then why does everyone look so scared?
17:51Because they're good actors, baby.
17:53Detective, why aren't you on the street?
17:55Because I need to take care of my daughter.
18:03Hi there.
18:05I'm Sergeant Gray.
18:07Nice to meet you, Lila.
18:08Do you mind if I talk to your mom for a minute?
18:11Go get a snack from the machine, baby, okay?
18:14I can help her.
18:17Of course.
18:21Is it real?
18:22I don't know.
18:23Tell me, how's the traffic coming in?
18:25Any chance of people getting cleared?
18:39I don't know.
18:41I don't know.
18:43Why don't you just let us go, man?
18:45It's the end of the world.
18:46Give us a few minutes of freedom and don't make us die in these chains.
18:48Shut up, Oscar.
18:49You're not getting out of those cuffs.
18:50We ain't asking.
18:51Back up.
18:52Back up.
18:53Right now.
19:00Hey, um, I can't get ahold of Angela.
19:02Can I use your radio?
19:04Sending out an 07.
19:05Go to channel 15.
19:06Just turn the dial on top.
19:10Angela, it's me.
19:12Hey, how's it going?
19:14Oh, you know, pretty good for the end of the world.
19:16I'm bummed we're gonna miss our reservation.
19:18Look, we're not.
19:20This is just a false alarm.
19:23Hey, you alright?
19:24There's a bomb shelter at the public school two blocks west.
19:27Head there.
19:28Where are you?
19:29I'm at the courthouse with Nolan and Jessica and a bunch of scared people.
19:31Two blocks west.
19:32Head there.
19:33Are you going down to the bomb shelter?
19:35Judge Steven said there isn't one.
19:38Criminal courthouse on Spring.
19:41There's definitely a fallout shelter.
19:42I was down there once as a rookie.
19:49Angela says this place does have a bomb shelter.
19:53Are you safe where you are?
19:57Angela, are you still there?
20:00I'm heading underground.
20:05I love you.
20:07I love you too.
20:13The judge is gone.
20:15So is the ADA, the bailiff, and a bunch of other people from the gallery.
20:19What's happening?
20:22Judge lied to us about the bomb shelter.
20:30Whoa, whoa, whoa.
20:31Wait, wait, wait.
20:32Wait a sec.
20:34What'd I have to?
20:39Back up.
20:40I'm closing this door.
20:41And what about the rest of us?
20:42If she's right about the nuke, then this is ground zero.
20:45Won't be safe to go outside for weeks.
20:47We don't have the supplies in here for all of you.
20:49So you're gonna kill a cop and all these others just to save yourselves and the rest of you?
20:54You're all good with that?
20:55I'm not gonna tell you again.
20:56Back up so I can close this door.
20:59Okay, fine.
21:00You win.
21:01I give up.
21:03Pretty cool, right?
21:04Tell me that at the academy.
21:07Come on.
21:08You're making a big mistake.
21:10And you're under arrest.
21:11Sit down right there.
21:12Get cozy.
21:13Here we go.
21:14Come in.
21:18No, no, no, no.
21:19Not him.
21:20Hey, hey, hey.
21:21They're human beings with rights.
21:22He killed our boy in cold blood.
21:24You better back up, mommy, or you'll be next.
21:27You made this.
21:28You made this.
21:29Hey, hey, hey.
21:30All right, we're not leaving anyone outside.
21:32Everyone, back up.
21:33Here we go.
21:34Come on.
21:35Let's get these prisoners over to the back here.
21:36We can sit and get them on the benches.
21:37Here, take that.
21:40Folks, in this way.
21:41Keep moving.
21:42Go ahead and sit down, sir.
21:45Is that everyone?
21:47All right.
21:50It'd be a lot more comfortable without this chain, you know?
21:53We can keep the cuffs on.
21:54Don't push your luck, Oscar.
21:55Well, that's all I know how to do.
22:02Let's go.
22:19There's barely any air moving in here at all.
22:21Well, the judge was right about one thing.
22:23With this many people in here, these supplies won't even last a week.
22:26I'm surprised we haven't gotten an update.
22:28Control, 7 out of 15, come in.
22:35No bars.
22:36All right.
22:37So we know radio frequencies and mobile signals are blocked by the shelter.
22:42Let's hope it does as well against radiation.
22:52This thing hasn't worked since the Reagan administration.
22:57So now all we can do is wait.
23:03Just 13 minutes.
23:05Stop checking the time.
23:06Are you serious?
23:07We're about to be burned up by a giant fireball.
23:09A, no we're not.
23:10That's a false alarm.
23:11And B, counting down the minutes wouldn't accomplish anything, even if it was real.
23:15So what?
23:16You just want me to think about something else?
23:17Pretty much.
23:18Can't be done.
23:23How would you sabotage that wedding?
23:26Don't tell me you didn't lie awake all night fantasizing about it.
23:29I didn't.
23:30Lying to me in your last moments on Earth is a bad look.
23:33You said it was a false alarm.
23:37I cancel the rehearsal dinner, change the registry to a bondage web store,
23:41pay a gang of clowns to storm their wedding,
23:43and hire a chopper to fly over their outdoor reception.
23:45See how well their wedding cake stands up to the rotor wash of a Sikorsky helicopter.
23:50Didn't think about it, huh?
23:52How is revenge what we're focusing on right now?
23:55It's tangible.
23:56Okay, you can hold on to it.
23:58Imminent nuclear death is totally unrelatable.
24:00Now, speaking of revenge, I have a friend at USC who slays cockroaches.
24:04I'm sure he could loan you a few hundred to release on the wedding.
24:08Menu one clear.
24:10Unit 14 clear.
24:19Mommy, what's really going on?
24:21I told you, honey, it's a drill.
24:23Please don't lie.
24:25Daddy says that's why we can't see you anymore.
24:28Don't you want to tell the truth?
24:33Of course I do, honey.
24:36I just...
24:38My previous job, I had to lie a lot.
24:41To fool criminals, so...
24:43Why do you want to fool me?
24:45Are you mad at me?
24:46Of course not.
24:47No, honey.
24:48I, um...
24:49I love you.
24:50I'll make you a deal.
24:51I'll stop sleeping with a nightlight if you tell the truth, okay?
24:57I'll make you a deal.
24:58I'll stop sleeping with a nightlight if you tell the truth, okay?
25:27That's a good one.
25:33In here, I thought the most stressful part of my day
25:35would be going to court.
25:37At least we're together.
25:43Thank you for coming to support me.
25:44You're welcome.
25:45Um, can I, um, can I confess something?
25:57You were already here for a meeting.
25:59You knew?
26:00Yeah, but it didn't matter.
26:0910 minutes.
26:10We still have time to get to the fallout shelter
26:11at the courthouse.
26:12Hook up with Wesley.
26:14Yeah, maybe we should, just to be safe.
26:21We're not going to the shelter, are we?
26:40Hey, how about you come down from there?
27:02OK, so you're saying the missile-
27:14So if they're clearly crazy, can we go now?
27:22You can, but I'm not leaving until I get
27:23them down off that ledge.
27:25Yeah, but if the missile's real,
27:26it won't matter if they jump.
27:27And if it's not?
27:35OK, I'm in, but if they're true believers,
27:39how are we going to get through to them in nine minutes?
27:40I'm open to suggestions.
27:44Get out!
27:45Get out of here!
27:46Put it down!
27:47Get out!
27:48Put it down!
27:49Put it down!
27:53I'm all right.
27:54It's Tim.
27:57You all right?
27:58Yeah, but Lewis took a bottle to the head.
28:00All right, just put down the shotgun.
28:02They're robbing me.
28:02I got to protect my store.
28:04We're here now, so put it down.
28:07Put it on the counter.
28:08Put it down.
28:09OK, all right.
28:11I know we're coming in.
28:14Check him out.
28:17Hey, let me see.
28:20OK, you're going to need stitches,
28:21but it's nothing life-threatening.
28:23Keep pressure on it.
28:23Why don't you take him around the corner of your house?
28:25No, I can't leave my store.
28:27It's just stuff.
28:27Amari, the missile is coming, all right?
28:29You should be with your family.
28:30Yeah, but if it's not, I'll lose everything.
28:32No wonder you need counseling.
28:33What the hell is that supposed to mean?
28:34It means that nothing is more important
28:36than the people you love, and they need you right now.
28:40We'll take care of your shop.
28:45Come on, let's get him up.
28:46OK, you're right.
28:46You're right.
28:50Let's go.
28:58How much time we got left?
29:09I'm not a whiskey girl.
29:15To the end of the world.
29:17Whenever that may be.
29:21This shelter was built in the 50s.
29:24Now, nukes are 10 times as powerful today.
29:28Odds are good that this building collapses
29:29when the blast hits.
29:30Shut up, Oscar.
29:31It's basic science, my man.
29:33Try not to sound so happy about it.
29:34What can I say?
29:35I'm a happy guy.
29:36Not like mommy over here.
29:38So sad.
29:40Don't you worry, Oscar.
29:41So sad.
29:43Don't you laugh at our grief.
29:45He's trying to provoke you.
29:46Don't let him.
29:47You got me all wrong, counselor.
29:49What we have here is a cathartic opportunity.
29:53Two paths.
29:54Forgiveness or revenge.
29:57Joel, three.
29:58Three paths.
29:59I forgot.
29:59I forgot about the missile.
30:01Oh, I ain't looking for forgiveness.
30:04A little papi over there can try for revenge if he likes.
30:08But he'll just end up in the ground like his kid.
30:10Come here.
30:12Come here.
30:13Come on.
30:14Sit down.
30:15Shut up.
30:15Sit down now.
30:16Sit down.
30:17It's OK.
30:18He's not worth it.
30:19One more word out of any of them, we're gagging them all.
30:21Happy to.
30:22One more word.
30:22Well said.
30:26You OK?
30:28I'm here.
30:39Today, the saviors will gather our souls.
30:42All hail the holy star.
30:45The worthy will ascend into the heavens.
30:47All hail.
30:48Excuse me.
30:49I hate to interrupt.
30:50I just have a question.
30:51Time for questions is done.
30:55I just.
30:56Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
30:57Wait, wait, wait.
30:58Hold on, hold on.
30:59Who's Jedediah?
31:00You mentioned him earlier.
31:01He is the prophet who helped us cast away our earthly
31:04possessions and see the truth.
31:10But the aliens.
31:11They're not aliens.
31:12They're spirits from another universe.
31:15And where is he, Jedediah?
31:17He's joining us in the heavens.
31:18Does that mean he's on another rooftop?
31:20No, this is the one true spot where the chosen will ascend.
31:23And yet he's not here.
31:25What's your name?
31:28How old are you, Aurora?
31:33It is the age of the chosen.
31:34Aren't you scared?
31:36No, I'm at peace.
31:37It's just.
31:40I don't like heights.
31:42I don't blame you.
31:42It's a long way down.
31:44So why do you have to step off the roof to ascend?
31:48Because that's the way it must be.
31:51This is the way it must be.
31:52That's the way it must be.
31:54The spirits love you.
31:55Oh, yes.
31:56And they're traveling all this way to save you.
31:57Do you think they really care how you meet them,
32:00as long as you do it with open arms?
32:06It's a test of our faith.
32:08There is no doubt you have faith, all of you.
32:11So come down now, and we'll wait for them
32:13together on solid ground.
32:20I promise it'll be OK.
32:23I promise it'll be OK.
32:41Attention all units.
32:43Missile alert is a false alarm.
32:44I repeat.
32:46What does that mean?
32:47It means they're not coming.
32:52Does that mean Daddy will be here soon?
33:01Uh, you know what? Honey, I will be right back.
33:06Hi. Um...
33:08Thanks for watching my kid.
33:09Oh, my pleasure. She's super cute.
33:12Thanks. Uh, hey, listen.
33:14You work for social services, right?
33:16Yeah, I do.
33:17Can I ask you a theoretical question?
33:20Okay, say, uh, there's a divorced couple,
33:23and, uh, the dad has sole custody
33:25and the mom has supervised visitations,
33:28and an emergency comes up,
33:30and she can't get in touch with him.
33:33So she picks her super cute daughter up from school
33:36to keep her safe.
33:39Is that bad?
33:42To the court, it's not good.
33:45You know that technically it's a parental abduction.
33:48Yeah, but even given the circumstances...
33:50I'm not saying a judge wouldn't take it into consideration,
33:53but if the factors that led to the visitation restrictions
33:56are serious enough, it won't matter.
34:00You could lose all access to her.
34:03Harper, have you heard from Nolan?
34:05He's the only cop that hasn't checked in.
34:08Officer Nolan, your rookie.
34:10Have you heard from him?
34:13No, sir. I-I haven't talked to him since this morning.
34:23One minute.
34:26Will we know when it hits?
34:28Will we feel the shockwave and likely some heat?
34:31Hopefully not too much heat.
34:4130 seconds.
34:4230 seconds.
35:26Prisoner secured.
35:31Everybody be calm.
35:35Thanks for the diversion, buddy.
35:37Let the judge go.
35:38Sure I will, just as soon as I'm outside.
35:40What about the missile?
35:41Well, if it's real, I'm not going to feel it anyway.
35:43It's going to wink right out of existence.
35:45I don't want to spend the rest of my days in solitary.
35:48If you even twitch, I'm going to cut your carotid.
35:54No! Don't open it!
36:09Looks like you'll be spending some time in solitary after all.
36:13So no missile?
36:14False alarm. Heatwave causing malfunction at Edwards Air Force Base.
36:22Where's Wesley?
36:23I don't know. He was just here.
36:36All right.
36:44Get an ambulance!
36:45Oh my god.
36:46It's okay, baby.
36:47I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
36:48Stay with me, stay with me.
36:5335-year-old male in hypovolemic shock.
36:55Stab wound to the left chest.
36:57Possible pneumothorax.
36:58Alert the OR.
36:59This guy's jumping the line.
37:02We've got him from here.
37:03Is he going to be okay?
37:04Depends on the extent of the internal damage, but we're going to do everything we can.
37:07Sorry, I've got to go.
37:16You can't really blame a guy for trying.
37:18To commit a felony?
37:19It's literally what I do for a living.
37:22Is it all just a game to you?
37:24Do you feel any fear at all?
37:26Honestly? No.
37:28Guys like me are wired differently.
37:29I don't really do fear or anxiety.
37:32On the flip side, I have really poor impulse control.
37:34Hey, you think I could get a soda?
37:38Is my daughter here? Where's my daughter?
37:39Where is she?
37:42What's going on?
37:43My daughter, Lila, please tell me she's here.
37:49Are you okay, baby?
37:51Mom picked me up at school because of the missile.
37:53But it's not real.
37:54I was trying to get in touch with you.
37:56You had no right!
37:58You showed up and she was gone.
37:59School was closed, I had no idea where she was!
38:01Sir, I understand your fear, but your child was safe.
38:04You don't understand. She has no custody rights.
38:06She kidnapped my kid!
38:07I did not!
38:08No, no, no. I want her arrested.
38:12Daddy, no!
38:13Sir, with all due respect, I think you're overreacting.
38:16On what?
38:17When you consider everything that happened to me.
38:18I don't care. This is the last straw.
38:20She said things had changed, that she had changed,
38:22but it was just another lie.
38:23No, it wasn't.
38:26How the hell would you know?
38:27Because she's here.
38:29Back in uniform, training me.
38:31And I couldn't figure out why until just this moment.
38:34I mean, she had a golden ticket.
38:35She could have gone anywhere in the department.
38:37Anywhere she wanted.
38:38So why the hell would she get back in blues
38:40and spend her days training a guy like me?
38:42I knew whatever the reason was, it had to be primal.
38:45Powerful enough to overcome her inherent arrogance.
38:51And now I see your daughter,
38:53and I see exactly why she's willing to sacrifice
38:56what she does best for the person she loves most.
39:00Please, Daddy, I made a promise.
39:03No more lying.
39:07It's true.
39:12I am trying here, Dawn.
39:14I have been lost, and I am trying to find my way back.
39:19And I am going to make mistakes.
39:22And I'm going to fall on my face a lot.
39:24But when that alert came in,
39:26the only thing I could think about
39:28was making sure that she was safe.
39:30That is the only thing that matters to me now.
39:46Let's go home.
39:47Let's go.
39:54Go hug your mama.
40:10I love you.
40:17I love you.
40:25Seems like a great kid.
40:29She is.
40:39Sure I can't get you something?
40:41I'm fine.
40:43What's taking so long?
40:45So, you want to talk to my buddy about the cockroaches?
40:48No, thanks.
40:50After today, I've decided that I'm okay with the wedding.
40:53I know they seem really happy.
40:54And truth be told, I was only with him
40:56because I couldn't afford to move out.
40:58She knew that, so...
40:59Does that mean we're going to the wedding?
41:01No, but I might get them a present.
41:05With a roach in it?
41:07You are a bad influence.
41:10Love you, too. Bye.
41:12So, Henry says hello
41:14and that I should move the hell out of Los Angeles.
41:17That's a smart kid.
41:18What'd you tell him?
41:19That there was never any real danger
41:21because you have my back.
41:22And you're fine.
41:29I hope it's okay that I'm here.
41:31How's Wesley?
41:32We're waiting to find out. Join us.
41:34Why did you not join us?
41:41Is he okay?
41:42Surgery went well.
41:43The doctor repaired his lungs.
41:44As long as there are no complications,
41:46he should make a full recovery.
41:49They'll move him into ICU in a few hours.
41:51I'll come get you so you can see him.
41:56You're gonna be okay.
42:04I love you.
42:05I love you.
42:06I love you.
42:07I love you.
42:08I love you.
42:09I love you.
42:10I love you.
42:11I love you.
42:12I love you.
42:13I love you.
42:14I love you.
42:15I love you.
42:16I love you.
42:17I love you.
42:18I love you.
42:19I love you.
42:20I love you.
42:21I love you.
42:22I love you.
42:23I love you.
42:24I love you.
42:25I love you.
42:26I love you.
42:27I love you.
42:28I love you.
42:29I love you.
42:30I love you.
42:31I love you.
42:32I love you.
42:33I love you.
42:34I love you.
42:35I love you.
42:36I love you.
42:37I love you.
42:38I love you.
42:39I love you.
42:40I love you.
42:41I love you.
42:42I love you.
42:43I love you.
42:44I love you.
42:45I love you.
42:46I love you.
42:47I love you.
42:48I love you.
42:49I love you.
42:50I love you.
42:51I love you.
42:52I love you.
42:53I love you.
42:54I love you.
42:55I love you.
42:56I love you.
42:57I love you.
42:58I love you.
42:59I love you.
43:00I love you.
43:01I love you.