• 17 hours ago


00:00Ready, set, go!
00:03Let's go!
00:07Which team will eat the most?
00:10The big eater derby begins!
00:14The battle stage is a tuna plate of 110 yen.
00:18Kappa sushi, which is very popular for its low price.
00:21There's no doubt about it.
00:23The time limit is 70 minutes.
00:25You can enjoy more than 90 dishes for 3890 yen.
00:30The cost performance is the best.
00:32You can eat as much as you want.
00:33The winner is the team which has eaten the most.
00:37What is the first order of each team?
00:42Mr.Zong is already lining up the sushi on the table.
00:46What is your strategy?
00:48First, I'm going to attack the big eater tuna.
00:51Second, I'm going to order the tuna series.
00:56It must be delicious.
00:59Mr.Zong starts with the tuna festival.
01:02He orders 9 plates of tuna.
01:06There are many kinds of tuna.
01:09He eats two plates at once.
01:12He eats two plates at once.
01:15He eats two plates at once from the beginning.
01:19I have eaten two plates of tuna.
01:22I think it's a luxury.
01:24I wonder if I can feel the taste on this side.
01:27It's very delicious.
01:30I want you to try it once.
01:32The big eater tuna is delicious and fresh.
01:36The secret to the deliciousness of tuna is a thorough temperature management.
01:42It is kept in a super low-temperature freezer at minus 50 degrees.
01:50It is the king of the popular ranking.
01:54I will definitely order it.
01:58What about the entertainer team?
02:01First of all, I eat what I like.
02:06I eat shrimp.
02:08He eats a lot of shrimp.
02:11He eats a lot of shrimp.
02:15He eats a lot of water.
02:17I'm hungry now.
02:19If you eat rice when you're hungry, your blood sugar will rise.
02:22You should eat vegetables first.
02:24He eats cucumbers.
02:26He is a gym trainer.
02:31He eats 3 kg of steak.
02:33He lifts 180 kg of bench press.
02:38He has a strange way of lifting.
02:41He is a muscle entertainer who is on a break.
02:45They are both fire fighters.
02:51They are close enough to compete in the M-1 Grand Prix.
02:58I eat this.
02:59He eats cucumbers.
03:01He eats cucumbers.
03:03His blood sugar will rise.
03:07He cares about his health.
03:11I want him to eat sushi.
03:14He can eat more if his blood sugar doesn't rise.
03:18He orders 3 plates of cucumbers.
03:24They are different strategies.
03:28What about the former professional baseball player team?
03:31I eat this.
03:34He eats cucumbers.
03:38This is better.
03:44He eats a lot of salmon roe.
03:50He eats a lot of chicken skewers.
03:57He is a superman.
04:00He eats more.
04:02He eats a lot of corn.
04:06I was happy to eat sushi when I was in elementary school.
04:11I eat a lot of corn.
04:16I eat a lot of corn today.
04:22He eats a lot of corn.
04:25He is a baseball legend.
04:30This is a performance after a home run.
04:33It's hot.
04:36He is a hot guy.
04:43He looks happy.
04:45He eats more than 3 kg of MOTSUNOBE.
04:50He eats a lot of tuna.
04:52They ordered a large amount of his favorite food.
05:00How do you feel?
05:02I'm very impressed.
05:05I feel like I ate this 30 years ago.
05:09He is impressed.
05:12He eats a lot of oranges.
05:16He eats a lot of oranges.
05:21He eats a lot of oranges.
05:28He is eating a lot of caviar.
05:33He is eating a lot of caviar.
05:37I love salmon roe.
05:40I'm impressed by salmon roe.
05:44A superman eats a lot of salmon roe.
05:47He is impressed.
05:51It looks fun.
05:54These two are a good combination.
05:57This is the best.
05:58This is also delicious.
06:01This is very exciting.
06:04Are you okay with AOKI MATSUDA?
06:07ZO, did you finish all the 9 dishes you ordered?
06:15ZO is a big eater.
06:18He finished 9 dishes and 450 grams in 30 minutes.
06:22ZO, how is the start dash?
06:25I'm still a beginner.
06:27Are you a beginner?
06:30I'm a beginner.
06:31Let's move on to the next dish.
06:33All three teams have finished all the dishes they ordered.
06:40This is a three-car start dash.
06:43Which team will win the big eater derby?
06:48Which team do you expect to win?
06:53I think ZO is strong.
06:57He has a strong will to win.
07:00The rest of the team is a comedian team.
07:05I want to support ZO.
07:12I want to support ZO.
07:14ZO is a big eater.
07:18He is fast and has a lot of strategies.
07:21He is wearing the same clothes as me.
07:25You are wearing the same clothes as him.
07:28I'm wearing the same clothes as him.
07:30I'm wearing the same clothes as him.
07:33I'm wearing the same clothes as him.
07:37Baseball players have a lot of stomachs.
07:41They eat anything.
07:42He is not a big eater.
07:48But he is strong.
07:50I want to support him.
07:53Do they meet expectations?
07:58ZO has arrived.
08:00What did you order this time?
08:01This is TOROSAWA.
08:04I can only eat TOROSAWA.
08:07I don't usually eat TOROSAWA.
08:09I will eat TOROSAWA this time.
08:14The second order is TOROSHIMESABA.
08:21This is a delicious meat.
08:23This is a light taste.
08:26This is a 10-stroke IKEJIME KANBURI.
08:31What about the entertainers?
08:34This is EBI MAYO.
08:36EBI MAYO?
08:37I love EBI MAYO.
08:40I was called EBI MAYO SHONEN.
08:46I was called KANDO KON SHONEN when I was in elementary school.
08:51Did you have KANDO KON SHONEN at that time?
08:53That's a lie.
08:54It's strange in terms of time.
08:56What about AOKI MATSUO?
08:59This is a salmon.
09:02This is a salmon.
09:04This is all muscle.
09:07This is a salmon that is popular for its oily sweetness and moist and smooth texture.
09:12I ordered a total of 10 dishes.
09:16I eat salmon one after another.
09:19What is good about salmon for muscle?
09:21This fish has a lot of protein.
09:24This fish has a lot of fat.
09:26This fish has a lot of fat.
09:28I want you to be excited.
09:32AOKI MATSUO is a gym trainer.
09:35His strategy is to eat a lot and build muscle.
09:40What about the former professional baseball team?
09:45Scallops have a lot of protein.
09:50Scallops are also good.
09:53This is delicious.
09:54This is delicious.
09:55This fish has a lot of protein.
09:57This fish has a high absorption rate of muscle.
10:01He is coming.
10:04He is coming.
10:06He is in a good mood.
10:09The former professional baseball team has a theory that it is absorbed by muscles, not by the stomach.
10:16They ordered a total of 12 dishes.
10:23Your body is amazing.
10:26I have a lot of talent.
10:31I trained with him.
10:34I also trained with him.
10:37It's hot.
10:39My body is like a Gundam when I run without a T-shirt.
10:44That's right.
10:47I saw AOKI MATSUO today.
10:52He is angry.
10:57He is angry.
10:59That's not a play.
11:03He is angry.
11:08Shokan is fast.
11:11ZO has changed from chopsticks to hands.
11:15He eats a can.
11:17This is delicious.
11:20He eats a lot.
11:22He still has time.
11:24I'm impressed.
11:25This is delicious.
11:28ZO is also impressed by IKEJIME KANBURI.
11:34The secret of its deliciousness is freshness.
11:38The water is not frozen at all.
11:43The freshness is kept to the maximum.
11:47He continues to eat a can while enjoying the taste of KANBURI.
11:54You can't lose.
11:56I won't lose.
12:00Wait a minute.
12:02What is that?
12:05He eats three cans of KANBURI.
12:11He eats a lot.
12:13He eats three cans of KANBURI.
12:16Can you eat this?
12:18Can you eat this?
12:20This is painful.
12:22Please ignore me.
12:29This is delicious.
12:31This is amazing.
12:33The two entertainers ate three cans of KANBURI.
12:36ZO, you ate three cans of KANBURI.
12:39I want to eat this.
12:42Don't ignore me.
12:44Don't ignore me.
12:46Don't ignore me.
12:5115 minutes have passed.
12:53I will announce the results of the three teams.
12:58First of all, the third place.
13:00The first place is the former baseball player team.
13:04The third place is the second place.
13:06The second place is the team that eats 950 grams of KANBURI.
13:11The third place is ZO.
13:13Is that true?
13:15The first place is the team that eats 1015 grams of KANBURI.
13:22Wait a minute.
13:24Wait a minute.
13:28The entertainer team is currently in the first place.
13:35Is it okay to eat at this pace?
13:38The difference is only 65 grams.
13:41Can ZO eat KANBURI?
13:45The former baseball player team.
13:51Are you going to eat four cans of KANBURI?
13:53That's right.
13:54Don't overdo it.
13:56He is determined not to lose.
13:58The former baseball player team is a weak team.
14:00That's why I can't eat two or three cans of KANBURI.
14:04Four cans of KANBURI.
14:06Can he eat four cans of KANBURI?
14:09He ate four cans of KANBURI.
14:12He ate four cans of KANBURI.
14:14He is strong.
14:16Let's decide this.
14:18That's right.
14:22He ate four cans of KANBURI.
14:25He ate four cans of KANBURI.
14:28He is a strong opponent.
14:32Everyone eats a lot.
14:35I'm a little impatient.
14:40ZO is very impatient.
14:46I ordered all kinds of KANBURI.
14:49This is a luxury.
14:51This is the most popular KANBURI.
14:54I ordered all 16 kinds of KANBURI.
14:57I will eat this.
15:00This is amazing.
15:04I have a question for the two guests.
15:08In NAGANO, the birthplace of KAPPA SUSHI, there is a menu that is the most popular.
15:18What is that?
15:27NAGANO should like eggs.
15:31It's egg yolk TORORO.
15:34The correct answer is.
15:48In NAGANO, the birthplace of KAPPA SUSHI, there is a menu that is the most popular.
15:55What is that?
16:01NAGANO should like eggs.
16:05It's egg yolk TORORO.
16:08The correct answer is.
16:14The correct answer is.
16:19This is delicious.
16:21NAGANO is an inland prefecture.
16:23NAGANO people have no habit of eating raw fish.
16:26NAGANO people often eat vegetables.
16:30NAGANO people love SALAD GYOKAN.
16:39A large number of GUNKAN continues to eat GUNKAN.
16:45What about the former professional baseball team?
16:51Before I get sick, I want to improve my intestinal environment.
16:56Squid, Okra, Mekabu, GUNKAN.
16:59Okra improves the intestinal environment.
17:02Itoi's GUNKAN menu.
17:04MATSUDA added his favorite ENGAWA.
17:08I ate a lot of GUNKAN.
17:12Are you okay?
17:15I was excited.
17:19I want to go to the next restaurant.
17:22The shrimp tempura is hot.
17:24It's hot because it's freshly fried.
17:28The shrimp tempura is hot.
17:35I'm getting sick.
17:38I'm fine.
17:42It's cold.
17:44It's like ATSUO.
17:48It's the opposite of ATSUO.
17:51It's cold.
17:55ATSUO has a strong personality.
17:57ATSUO has a strong personality.
18:00ATSUO has a strong personality.
18:02ATSUO doesn't just eat.
18:08This is AIGAMOROSU.
18:13This is chicken.
18:15AOKI wants to eat a lot and build his body.
18:19He ordered AIGAMOROSU, the only chicken menu.
18:26This is the last NEGITORO.
18:28This is the last NEGITORO.
18:29This is the fourth dish.
18:31Wait a minute.
18:33This is amazing.
18:35This is amazing.
18:38This is sucked in.
18:40This is amazing.
18:43This is the fourth dish.
18:46This is amazing.
18:48This is amazing.
18:51MATAMOYA's team is moving.
18:55What is this?
18:58This is the fifth dish.
19:03What are you doing?
19:05Look at this.
19:07This is ENGAWA TOWER.
19:09This is ENGAWA TOWER.
19:14I will eat this.
19:15This is the fifth dish.
19:20This is amazing.
19:22This is amazing.
19:24This is a big dish.
19:26This is amazing.
19:28This is amazing.
19:30This is a dish.
19:32This is a dish.
19:34This is a dish that can be eaten a lot.
19:38After that, the former player's team ate the sushi they ordered.
19:47The player's team's dishes are lined up.
19:52I'm scared.
19:54If I eat five dishes at once, the number of dishes will increase.
20:00I can't read the number of dishes.
20:04What did they order to change this situation?
20:10What is this?
20:14I ordered four types of noodles.
20:17What does this mean?
20:19This is ramen and udon.
20:22This is ramen and udon.
20:26ZO orders shrimp tempura udon and fox udon.
20:33ZO orders salt ramen.
20:40ZO orders a total of four dishes.
20:45ZO will eat this.
20:49This is amazing.
20:55This is amazing.
20:57This is amazing.
20:59This is amazing.
21:01This is amazing.
21:03This is amazing.
21:05This is amazing.
21:12The player who eats the most is the large-sized dish.
21:17This is a large-sized dish.
21:20This is a large-sized dish.
21:22This is amazing.
21:25This is a large-sized dish.
21:27ZO will eat this.
21:32I ordered four types of noodles.
21:35What does this mean?
21:37This is ramen and udon.
21:40This is ramen and udon.
21:44ZO will eat this.
21:50This is amazing.
21:52This is amazing.
21:54Udon is sucked in.
21:56This is amazing.
21:57I ate half of the noodles in one bite.
22:00This is amazing.
22:03This is very attractive.
22:06This is amazing.
22:08I ate almost one bowl of udon in three bites.
22:13This is amazing.
22:15This is amazing.
22:17This is amazing.
22:23Udon is sucked in.
22:30I ate this in three bites.
22:34This is amazing.
22:35I ate this in two bites.
22:38This is amazing.
22:40I ate this in two bites.
22:42This is amazing.
22:44This is amazing.
22:47I ate two bowls of ramen in one bite.
22:52ZO ate four bowls of ramen in one bite.
23:01ZO ate four bowls of ramen in one bite.
23:0530 minutes have passed.
23:08I will announce the results of the three teams.
23:11The third place is 2.2 kg.
23:17The third place is the former HAKUTEN team.
23:24The second place is 2.3 kg.
23:39The first place is 3.1 kg.
23:43The second place is 3.1 kg.
23:48The third place is 3.1 kg.
23:53The second place is 3.1 kg.
23:59ZO is in the first place.
24:03The former HAKUTEN team is still in the lead.
24:07I want to eat Katsudon.
24:10I want to eat Katsudon.
24:13ZO, did you add a lot of noodles?
24:17I recommend noodles.
24:19There are a lot of noodles.
24:21Let's eat noodles.
24:25Let's eat noodles.
24:29The food has arrived.
24:32The food has arrived.
24:34The food has arrived.
24:37The food has arrived.
24:40The food has arrived.
24:45The former HAKUTEN team is aiming for a reversal.
24:49The former HAKUTEN team ordered UDON and ramen.
24:53If they eat four bowls of ramen, it's the same as ZO's noodles.
25:00Then we can't win.
25:02Five bowls of ramen.
25:05Professionals can eat four bowls of ramen.
25:08We can eat four bowls of ramen.
25:11We can catch up with what we eat.
25:15The entertainer team is in the second place.
25:19What is this?
25:21Chawanmushi has arrived.
25:23What is Chawanmushi?
25:25I want to eat Chawanmushi.
25:29Everyone orders ramen and UDON.
25:31Chawanmushi has a lot of weight.
25:34Chawanmushi has a lot of protein.
25:37The entertainer team will eat Chawanmushi.
25:43What is this?
25:45Is this a dessert?
25:47I ordered three kinds of cake.
25:50Is this a cake?
25:51If you change the taste, you can eat it again.
25:53I see.
25:55I eat sweets.
25:57Can you change the taste?
26:01Can you change the taste?
26:03I don't know if I can eat it again.
26:06I eat this.
26:08This is a cake.
26:10This is a cake.
26:12This is ZO's cake.
26:14ZO is in the first place.
26:16This is a dessert.
26:21However, the professional baseball team is losing.
26:27The professional baseball team is losing.
26:29Did you finish eating ramen?
26:31It was delicious.
26:33He is still smiling.
26:36Itoi looks relaxed.
26:43Something came to Itoi.
26:45It's a pattern to eat noodles and take a break.
26:49I see.
26:51Let's cool it down.
26:54This is an icing.
26:57I've never heard of it.
27:00ZO changes the taste of dessert.
27:04ZO finished eating the cake.
27:08ZO, what did you eat?
27:10Is this a fried potato?
27:12This is a fried potato.
27:14He changed the taste of dessert.
27:17He changed the taste of dessert.
27:20It's hot.
27:22Something came to Itoi.
27:24This is a fried potato.
27:26This is a fried potato.
27:28He added fried food and rolled food.
27:31This is a dish that seems to gain weight at once.
27:36I see.
27:37Is this a strategy?
27:39This is amazing.
27:40The professional baseball team has finished eating ice cream.
27:43Itoi, what are you going to do next?
27:45I go back to eating noodles.
27:49Eating noodles?
27:51He wants to eat noodles at once.
27:53I agree.
27:54The order has arrived early.
27:58In order to aim for the first place in the big game, he adds more noodles and gains weight.
28:0740 minutes have passed.
28:10There are 70 minutes in total, but you can order up to 50 minutes.
28:14So there are 10 minutes left.
28:17Please calculate what to order in 10 minutes.
28:21I understand.
28:23This is dangerous.
28:25Chawanmushi is delicious, but it contains a lot of noodles.
28:30I don't feel heavy.
28:33Is this okay?
28:35Is this okay?
28:37Where can I rest assured?
28:39Is this okay?
28:42He ate six bowls of chawanmushi.
28:47He is raising the bowl.
28:49He has four bowls in his hand.
28:52Four bowls?
28:54This is a roll.
28:56This is a roll.
28:59He looks like KAMON.
29:01He looks like KAMON.
29:07He has no choice but to eat this.
29:10The former professional baseball player's team ate udon and ramen.
29:1850 minutes have passed.
29:20The last order is half way through.
29:23ZORAN PAKPAK and the big eater team are lined up.
29:30The former professional baseball player's team is in the middle of the game.
29:35I did it.
29:40Thank you very much.
29:42This is the power of the former WBC Japan representative.
29:46They eat ramen and dessert repeatedly.
29:49And they are in the first place.
29:53This is a big difference of 900 grams.
29:5850 minutes have passed.
30:01This is the last order.
30:04There are 20 minutes left.
30:06How much do they eat?
30:08Will the former professional baseball player's team be able to escape?
30:11Or will there be a reversal?
30:13This is the last 20-minute game.
30:15Let's cool it down with coffee.
30:17The former professional baseball player's team is in a hurry.
30:23This is a big eater team.
30:26What did they order?
30:28This is miso soup.
30:30Why did they order miso soup?
30:32There is a lot of food in the stomach.
30:35They put miso soup in a narrow gap.
30:40There is also asari.
30:43This is a miso soup and coffee jelly that are easy to swallow.
30:48This is a strategy to fill the gap in the stomach.
30:51Will it work?
30:53They are thinking about the game.
30:55What did the former professional baseball player's team order?
31:00Pudding, chocolate cake, cheese cake, and vanilla ice cream.
31:04This is KANDO corn.
31:07They don't care about other teams.
31:10They eat this and escape.
31:16The former professional baseball player's team is in a hurry.
31:21Will they be able to win?
31:25The former professional baseball player's team is in a hurry.
31:32What did the former professional baseball player's team order?
31:42This is a big eater team.
31:44He is amazing.
31:46This is a shocking order.
31:50This is a big eater team.
31:54I will definitely win.
31:57I think I can win if I swallow this.
32:01Let's do our best.
32:02This is the most painful part for both teams.
32:05This is the most painful part for both teams.
32:09This is a family panic horror.
32:14This is a shocking 11th episode.
32:16This will be broadcast at midnight.
32:19This is a shocking 11th episode.
32:24What did the former professional baseball player's team order?
32:27This is a salmon grilled in salt.
32:29This is a salmon grilled in salt.
32:33How many plates did you order?
32:35This is 55 plates.
32:36This is 25 plates.
32:39This is a lie.
32:42This is a lie.
32:44If you finish eating this, you will be in a good mood.
32:47This is good for your throat.
32:50You will be in a good mood at this point.
32:53The last order is a professional salmon grilled in salt.
32:56This is 25 plates.
32:59Will they be able to turn the tables?
33:03I will definitely win if I eat this.
33:07This is a leading order.
33:09I will eat this little by little.
33:12I'm not in a hurry at all.
33:14I think both teams feel the pressure.
33:18I will definitely win.
33:22You look very happy.
33:24I think I can win if I finish eating this.
33:28I will do my best.
33:29I believe in you.
33:31I believe in you.
33:33He said he believed in him.
33:35If he finishes eating this, he will turn the tables.
33:38ZO is eating very vigorously.
33:44ZO is still eating at a high pace.
33:47Is he okay?
33:49He is a little hungry.
33:53They are both suffering.
33:55It's dessert time.
33:56They are in the bottom of the 9th floor.
34:01Will they be able to beat the previous team?
34:04Will they turn the tables?
34:07There is only one minute left in this game.
34:12These three teams have been fighting for 70 minutes.
34:17They are in the last part.
34:20ZO is still eating.
34:24He is still eating at this stage.
34:28He is chasing ZO.
34:31ZO has already eaten more than half of it.
34:36This is a good game.
34:38This is very strong.
34:42There are only 30 seconds left in this game.
34:46These three teams have been fighting for 70 minutes.
34:51They are in the last part.
34:55There are only 10 seconds left in this game.
35:07The game is over.
35:11These three teams have been fighting for 70 minutes.
35:19I will announce the results.
35:22ZO is 5.4 kg.
35:26He is a former professional baseball player.
35:28He was defeated.
35:33Who will be the first place?
35:37ZO, who gained weight by eating four bowls of ramen.
35:44ZO, who ate three pieces of sushi.
35:47ZO, who ate miso soup for the last meal.
35:51ZO, who ate miso soup for the last meal.
35:54The first place is.
35:57I ate all kinds of sushi.
36:04He ate three pieces of sushi.
36:07Will he win or lose?
36:12The 30th anniversary of ADMATIC TENGOKU will be held.
36:17Tomorrow at 6.30 pm.
36:20We will look back at the 30th anniversary of ADMATIC TENGOKU.
36:26We will look back at the 30th anniversary of ADMATIC TENGOKU.
36:31If you want to watch the program again, please go to TVER U-NEXT.
36:36The first place is 5.9 kg.
36:39He is a big entertainer.
36:41He won by a huge margin.
36:43He is amazing.
36:45He is amazing.
36:47He is amazing.
36:50In the last 20 minutes, the entertainer team, which was in the lead by 900 grams, ate a total of 74 dishes, including six cups of miso soup.
37:00He won by a huge margin.
37:04It was delicious.
37:05Thank you for your hard work.
37:06Did you go up to this point?
37:09I stopped.
