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00:00Good morning, guys. Welcome to today's vlog. I'm sat here doing TikTok hauls this morning,
00:06and I've had loads of people asking me if I'll do... You okay?
00:11Oh. I've had a load of people asking if I'll film clothing hauls and things like that,
00:16so I've just finished filming that. Oh my gosh, guys, have you ever seen...
00:19I've seen nicer shoes. Croc Mary Janes. Like, what? Mary Jane Crocs. They are so cute.
00:32So these ones are Miele's. Aurora's haven't arrived yet. In fact, they're out for delivery,
00:37so they'll be here at some point today. But these are Miele's in a size eight,
00:40and they are just the cutest things I think I've ever, ever seen in my whole life.
00:44Um, yeah. I did get some little bows to attach on, and I have put two bows on this.
00:52But I've also ordered some pearls and flowers, so I don't know if I like them better than the
00:56bows. That red's a bit... It's a bit out there, isn't it? Seriously. How cute! I keep seeing
01:03these on TikTok, and I was fully influenced. Everyone kept saying in the comments, like,
01:07oh my gosh, I wish we could get these in the UK. You can, guys. You can get them in the UK.
01:12The cheapest place I found them was Office, and they were £40. But unfortunately, they didn't
01:16have my girl's size. It's typical. So I had to get mine on Veri, and from Veri, they were £45.
01:22So I was a bit annoyed, but still, they're most adorable shoes. And I will say, so far,
01:28from what I can see, they are true to size, because I also bought Miele and Aurora these
01:34fake Crocs. Oh, my Nana's calling me. She's just ended it. I'll call her back in a second.
01:40These fake Crocs from River Island, which I absolutely love, but these are massive on both
01:46girls. So they're huge. Miele's are also a size 8, and they're way too big for her,
01:52but these are a size 8, and they fit really well. So these come up big, or these come up just right.
01:58Who knows? Anyway, how's everyone doing today? We're having a bit of a... Now that we've got
02:05the flights booked to Dubai, I'm feeling a bit stressed. Like, I always feel like this when
02:08we've got something coming up, like a van trip, or we're going back to Dubai, because I feel like
02:14I'm going to... I don't know. I feel like I need to get stuff done before we go, but I don't really
02:19know what we've got to do. I've got a few friend meetups coming up in the next few days, and
02:28aside from that, we don't have much time left. Obviously, I want to go see my sister, my Nana
02:32again before we go. We're going to go and see Prinny as well, and we've got like one. In fact,
02:39is today the only free day we've got? And then in a few days, Isla's having a sleepover with a group
02:44of friends. I don't know if there's three. I think there's three girls coming for a sleepover,
02:48and usually at this time, when I'm feeling like this, I'll be like, oh no, let's arrange it for
02:52another time, because we've got so much going on. I'm going out as well. Sorry? I'm going out. Yeah,
02:57Isla's going out with her friends as well. Do you need a lift for that? I'll get the train. All
03:01right. It's really annoying because you look really nice today. I accidentally double booked.
03:07No, no. Double booked. Like I'm booking people in. No, but listen, listen. It's because I thought
03:12one of my friends could see me on Wednesday, right? Yeah. So she was like, oh, not Wednesday,
03:17Thursdays. So I was like, oh, right, that's fine. I'll get my other friend that I arranged to see.
03:23Yeah. I'll see her on Wednesday. I'll see her on Thursday. Yeah. Then my other friend thought I
03:29said Thursday to her, so she got Thursday off. She tried to switch her shift for Wednesday,
03:34but she couldn't. So now I've had to be like, oh no, I have to pick one. That's sad. And it's
03:41really sad. So I said, I'm going to try, you know, like figure out what I'm doing with my days and
03:45try and see if I can see them both. Another day. Or both in the same day. Or both, yeah,
03:49or both in the same day. You could probably do both in the same day. I said that's where I said
03:52it depends. It depends how early, because. The one that lives close. The one that lives close.
03:56That would be easy to see her in the night. In the evening. Yeah. You can just see her in the
03:59evening. But the other friend's a bit further away, so I don't. You should go do the Leeds day
04:03with her. Yeah. And then the other friend in the evening. You could probably do that.
04:06Yeah. But that's what I'm getting them both to see in one day, hopefully.
04:12Yeah. But so I'd usually say that Twyla, like, let's just do it another time. But
04:15obviously I'm aware that we're going to Dubai for months and she's not going to see these
04:19friends for a few months. So it's not really fair to say no. So I'm always trying to accommodate
04:24them seeing their friends when we're here. So we've got friends coming over anyway for a sleep
04:28over in a few days. We've got our friends who stay at our house whilst we're away.
04:33They're coming over for dinner just to see us as well in a couple of days time.
04:42And yeah, we're just trying to sort out our lives and get everything packed and organized
04:46and see friends and family. And I know that's first world problems. I know, you know, some of
04:50you guys are going, wow, big deal. You know, try doing this or try doing that. But I'm just, you
04:55know, just telling you how we're feeling at the minute, um, which is not bad at all. Hello,
05:01princess Mila. Oh, you've done a hair lovely Isla. Did Isla do your hair? Come here. Although
05:11cause I just washed it all last night. I was trying to keep it nice and
05:14It's not wet. It's just wet. You look like a princess. Look at Mila's beautiful hair.
05:36Yeah. So I'm trying to get a list on stuff that I want to get done today because this week,
05:39this is, this is what I mean as well, because every day this week I felt like
05:44a failure soldier. It sounds dramatic, but every day this week I felt like, what have I even done
05:49today? What have I got done? And then when I start to think about what I've actually got done,
05:53you know, it's not, it's not like yesterday, for example, I packed, um, I did a load of jobs. I
05:59needed to get done. I did loads of washing and I put loads of washing away. That was like weighing
06:02on my mind. So I feel like if I start my day, instead of thinking, I've got this, this, this,
06:06this, this, this, this, this all to do before we go away. It makes me feel overwhelmed. And like
06:11at the end of the day, I feel like because I've not done it all, I feel like I've not
06:15accomplished anything. So instead what I'm trying to do is give myself like four tasks that I need
06:20to get done today. Like one of them was filming the Tik Tok haul of clothes, which I know probably
06:25sounds, wow, what a big deal. But because so many people wanted to see the haul and I'd not got
06:30found a chance to sit and film it. That then meant that I couldn't pack the clothes because if I
06:34packed them, I couldn't do the haul. So it all kind of has a knock on effect. So I managed to
06:39do that this morning. I've got the packing cubes out through some more packing. So all of the
06:44younger girls clothes will be packed. Jase's is all done. All the footwear's done because I wanted
06:49to film a little shoe haul. So I've just filmed that. So I can go get all that packed now. The
06:53swimwear's all packed. Um, my stuff, I'm not really taking much new because I left all my stuff
06:59there last year. You alright Ayla? What do you want me? Um, yeah, I was just wondering if these
07:02both are okay. Yeah, they're fine. Totally fine. And I went to get some bras the other day from
07:08M&S. Well, I didn't end up going. I forgot about it completely. So I want to go and do that today
07:12as well. Let's go and get some food shopping. They're my tasks for today. If I can end the day
07:17with some new bras, with my cupboards full of food for the next few days and with the packing
07:22completed and with these toys, storage boxes all done, then I'll feel good. Does anybody else make,
07:31oh, oh, try again. Does anybody else make their children random concoctions for lunch sometimes
07:38because today my younger three are having pasta with some cream of chicken soup. We're out of
07:45bread, actually we're not out of bread, we're out of butter and the older three girls have all eaten.
07:51So just the younger three to make dinner for and this is what they're having, lunch should I say,
07:58and this is what they're having. Sometimes nothing can cut it quite like a cucumber can.
08:04It's taken me back to my childhood when I used to eat cucumbers for fun.
08:10Right, now that the little ones are happy and fed, I'm heading out to the supermarket.
08:19Although we did just have a few Amazon packages on the drive so it'd be very rude not to sit and
08:22open them. Massive box, a little tiny thing. These are, did I film on here, the crocs? Because I
08:31filmed so much this morning on TikTok and the vlog that I can't remember what I filmed where,
08:36but I think Aurora's crocs have arrived so if not I can just show you them here anyway.
08:40But these are, how adorable, how adorable. These are to go on their new Mary Jane crocs which I am
08:49completely obsessed with, I cannot lie. They are the shoes of summer for me.
08:55Oh, look at the size of the box! Did I order them in a four? I did. I've ordered them in a four. I
09:01was so umming and ahring about whether to order them in a size four or to get them in a size five
09:08and I almost ordered the size five because I feel like crocs come up big. I ordered the four but
09:16Mila's come up small. Mila's crocs come up small so now I'm thinking I should have ordered,
09:21I should have ordered the five. Let's have a look. Oh my god, I'm literally,
09:32stop it, stop it.
09:40Oh, get away guys, get away.
09:43Look how cute they are. Did you ever see a more adorable shoe for a little girl? Did you ever?
09:53And can you imagine they've got a few little flowers and pearls in the front?
09:56I'm here, I'm here for the crocs. I can't believe that just two years ago I would never wear crocs
10:04and now they're like my favourite shoe. They are blooming gorgeous. I can't say I could pull them
10:10off. If they came in adult sizes, which I think they do, I don't know, I'd like to think that I
10:15could but wow. I'm so happy with those and then this box has also arrived and I've got no idea
10:24what this is. So let's open it and see. Oh my god, I'm so excited.
10:34I'm just going to M&S. I might have a little look in a food hall. I haven't had a look in there for
10:38ages and then the lingerie section because, oh no, that's boring because that's not a fun package
10:50to show because the, yeah, because I like the strap, the wireless brands from there. Also guys,
10:57I need some advice. I want to buy a pram for Aurora. Now you're probably all sat there thinking,
11:02want to buy a pram? She's like a year old. Why are you buying a pram for an 18 month old?
11:07Hear me out. I want a pram that I can take on board aircraft with us because now that Aurora's
11:14walking, I kind of feel like it's easier when they're like a baby or a six month old or a nine
11:18month old even. When they decide they're mobile and they can crawl or walk, it makes everything
11:25so much harder because they often don't want to be carried. They want to be independent. They want
11:28to walk on their own. So that's obviously where she's at right now. And when we get off aircraft
11:36in an airport and everyone's rushing through and trying to get through and you want to get to
11:41baggage and claim your bags and passport control and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
11:47I know it's going to be hard work this time because I know she's going to want to walk.
11:50It's quite a long way and I know she's going to be walking at one mile an hour. Not only that,
11:56but Aurora does this thing where she just stops. She decides she doesn't want to walk, but she
11:59doesn't want to be picked up either. So I just feel like if I had a pram that I can actually
12:04take on board with us and then when we get off, you know, something just go over your shoulder
12:10and then when we get off the plane, I can just pop her in the pram and we can whiz our way through.
12:15Not only that, but the pram that I'm using for Aurora, which I absolutely love from like a baby,
12:21is the Stalker, which I actually bought six years ago. So it's not like I'm going through a
12:26load of prams. I got this when I was pregnant with Jace. I do really, really love that pram,
12:32but it comes in two pieces and it is quite big and bulky. Now, not only is that a nightmare when
12:37you're in an airport and you're having to send it all through twice, you know, in two parts,
12:41separate bits, and you're always thinking, oh God, I hope both sides of the pram come back through.
12:46It's also just a nightmare when you're in, you know, a car and it's taking up the whole boot.
12:51So I really want just a really small, compact pram that is going to be easy, lightweight,
12:56I can pop in the boot when I go out shopping with Aurora or when we're going, you know,
13:00wherever we're going in the UK, but I can also take it on an aircraft with us in the hold.
13:05So it has to be small. So I've done a bit of research and I found two. One of them is a
13:09Stalker. I didn't actually realise the Yo-Yo was a Stalker. And the other one is the Bugaboo
13:16Butterfly. I love them both. I prefer the look of the Bugaboo Butterfly, but that one says it's
13:25two centimetres outside of the limit. It advertises it as being, you know, cabin friendly,
13:32so you can take it on board on cabins, on aircraft, sorry, and put it in the overhead lockers.
13:37But from the dimensions that I've looked at, it looks like it's two centimetres
13:41out of the range, whereas the Yo-Yo is two centimetres under. So that's definitely fine,
13:48but I prefer the look of the Bugaboo. So has anybody got the Bugaboo Butterfly
13:52and can you take it on board? And is this worth it or am I just being stupid?
13:56Okay, just finished in H&M. H&M M&S. We've got quite the haul, well, not really a haul.
14:03I am a little bit annoyed. I don't know what that accent was, so don't ask me.
14:08But I just bought myself some lunch, well, late lunch, because other than that cucumber,
14:14I've eaten nothing today. So I got this chilli and coriander king prawns. Oh,
14:20look how good that looks. And I also got, because I'm a pig,
14:26roasted butternut and goat's cheese couscous. Is it couscous that, would you say? It looks
14:32so yummy. And then for my dessert, which I've already started tucking into, I've got some
14:38blackberries. Well, I've started tucking into the blackberries, guys, because I can't eat the other
14:42two things because I don't have a fork. I'm just going to have to sit and look. In fact,
14:47could I eat the king prawns? I bet I could eat the king prawns, wouldn't I? I can't eat the couscous,
14:52but I think I can probably eat the king prawns. And then I also thought, you know what,
14:56I'm just going to buy an Easter egg to try. I keep seeing TikToks of people trying Easter eggs
15:03and people seem to love them. I probably know nobody will love mine, but anyway,
15:07I'm going to do a TikTok with the girls trying this outrageously chocolate biscuity egg.
15:16Doesn't that look good? I've not had chocolate in about a week.
15:26So I am definitely looking forward to trying that with the girls. I'll probably save it until
15:31tomorrow. What else did I buy? I got my bra, but you guys don't need to be seeing those.
15:37I called into Boots and I got some dry shampoo. These were all on sale, 20% off the dry shampoo.
15:45I got some bedtime shampoo. This is my favourite. I just love the smell. And this was on sale for
15:51£2.66 or £2.44. I can't remember. It was half price and it's a big old bottle. So I got the
15:57shampoo and then I also got the bedtime wash because my younger three, oh, I just love the
16:04smell of that. I got a few things for Isla for her birthday from Boots, just like, you know,
16:12bath products basically. Oh, and from M&S, I also got, hide in the bottom of the bag,
16:19Esme will be absolutely buzzing because she's been asking me to get this hazelnut syrup for
16:25ages and I keep forgetting. Well, no, I don't keep forgetting. I'm not being in the country.
16:30So yeah, I got Esme that as well. Is that everything I just bought? I think that's
16:35everything. I really want to eat this lunch. I wonder if I can just scrape out the prawns
16:40with my fingers. Esme will be freaking out right now. She'll be like, you don't be so ridiculous.
16:46Probably half of you guys are too, but I'm not pussy. Oh my gosh, it smells so good.
16:53Get my hair out of the way because this is serious business.
16:56Sort myself out. Right, here we go. Oh, guys, look at that.
17:03Oh, and we are back home. Time for dinner. Chicken fajitas is on the menu for today.
17:19Also, do you know how much I bought in Aldi to take back to Dubai with us?
17:24Which I requested because I love it. I requested chicken fajitas tonight.
17:29So when you're in Dubai, you can get spices and things and seasonings and things like that. You
17:36can. I'm sure if you sauce them, but it's not easy. Like how much did we struggle just to
17:41get smoked paprika? Did we all? No, we don't. What do you mean? Well, we stupid. It weren't
17:46in careful. It weren't in that one that were like a similar one to Aldi. Yeah, it went in.
17:54Yeah, Lulu wasn't in Lulu's. It loads of stuff, but not smoked paprika. So I won't really say
18:01we're just being stupid. Anyway, you probably can get in Dubai, but they're not easy to find.
18:08And aside from that, they're like quadruple the price that you pay from Aldi. So that's also why
18:14I got this much. Oh, did he say no? She's running back to you. No, no, no, no. Yeah. So we've got
18:22a massive selection. Look at those barbecue chicken bake things, shaking a bag type. I got
18:29loads and loads and loads of these like flashy things. I just got so many. And also they're
18:39like 59 P some of them. And also look at that salt and pepper chicken. Do you think that was
18:43good? So nice as well. And then I got you a present. Thank you so much. I knew you would
18:57love that. Well, I just bought four packs between you all. She's found her new shoes.
19:13I love
19:25these. So sweet. Let's see if this little Crocs fit. I hope they do.
19:35She's not taking those off all day. Those little gold ones.
19:38She's absolutely, and they haven't rubbed it at all. So I'm so chuffed with those.
19:42They're so soft as well. Say no, no, no.
19:54Oh my gosh. They fit good.
19:57It is like a princess. Stand up.
20:06They are so adorable. They feel good.
20:14I want to just make sure at the back. Yeah, there's room. There's space in them as well.
20:19Oh my gosh. Oh, come here. Let's take the tag off. Let's take the tag off. Come here.
20:24Come here. We'll take the tag off.
20:27Let me get some charms on them.
20:29Come on, let's take the tag off and put some, look. Rodney, look. Aurora.
20:36She won't answer to us, but if she hears a packet rattling, she'll come back.
20:39Look, we're going to put these on your shoes.
20:43Let's put these on your shoes. Sit down.
20:45Look at your little cheesy toes. What do you think? Like one there and then one there.
20:51Oh my gosh, that's adorable.
20:54Can I put one on?
20:58Excuse me.
21:03Thank you. Where did you put yours?
21:06Oh my gosh. Yeah, so like there and then one at the front.
21:12Guys, look how cute they look.
21:16Oh my gosh, I love them.
21:17I can't do it.
21:20What about a pearl as well? No, I reckon that's too much.
21:24They look so sweet.
21:26There we go.
21:27Mama's got your other shoe.
21:29Very, very sweet indeed. There you go. Let's put that one on.
21:39They're very cute.
21:40They are sweet.
21:41I love your shoes a lot.
21:43I found what you're having in your chicken fajita. We are having a wrap.
21:46We're having soured cream.
21:48We're having sweet chili sauce.
21:50We're having cheese, chicken fajita with onions and peppers.
21:54I'm like the smoky barbecue seasoning and lettuce.
21:58Oh yes.
