• 2 days ago
My fav tallow balm with scent - https://amzn.to/3F8dhE3

My fav unscented tallow balm - https://amzn.to/41GVgVY

Rendered tallow to make your own - https://amzn.to/3F8cV0b

Amber glass jars - https://amzn.to/43kz6KF

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Our favorite bread recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyFmqXzmPUo
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Judah & Katie
Belle (Isabelle) - 19
Luka - 18
Micah - 16
Tori (Victory) - 14
Eli - 12
Noelle - 9
Hope - 7
Destiny - 6
Seth - 5
Peace - 3

Want to see more from another perspective? Our family has channels!

Judah Mwania (our oldest son) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1bZYgOAVp_UUXMhg5U2mYw

The Papa's Kitchen (Sarah's parents) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3TQ2l21JgqzXOBoqlCCbRQ

Camp David Adventures (Sarah's Brother and Family) - https://www.youtube.com/c/CampDavidAdventures
Kenya Reese (Sarah's Niece & Luke and Jill's daughter is a recording artist)

For business inquiries...
00:00Hello and welcome back to another video. My name is Sarah. If you're new here, my
00:07husband and I have 11 children and we'd love to share our large family life, the
00:11fun and the chaos of it all, and also how we try to keep our life healthy and
00:17affordable. And today I want to show you how we have replaced all of our family's
00:22lotion. We replaced it with Tallow Balm and Tallow is really good for you. It's
00:27an animal fat, it's beef fat actually, and because it's an animal fat it works
00:32really well in conjunction with our own skin. And so not only is it really, really
00:38good for us, the way we do it, it is much more affordable than the lotion we were
00:44buying before. Lotions are full of a lot of ingredients that are actually not
00:48very good for us and so this way we can control exactly what the ingredients are.
00:53It's very few ingredients and we can make it smell the way we want to. So today
00:57I'm going to take you through that. It's actually probably going to take me a few
01:00days to film this video. We've done it before about nine months ago. We made all
01:04our lotion, our own Tallow Balm rather, and the only thing about it is it was a
01:11little bit on the beefy smelling side. So even after the scents we put in there, it
01:18smelled a little beefy to us. And so I've done a lot of research in the last nine
01:21months and I'm excited about this because I'm going to make it without
01:26that smell and I'm confident that we can get it done. So this is a little bit of a
01:30science experiment today. We do a lot of science experiments basically in our
01:34kitchen all the time. Always learning, which I think is awesome because my kids
01:38are learning along with me. First I'm starting out with a bag of tallow. We buy
01:42a whole cow at a time. If you buy any portion, like a quarter of a cow or half
01:46a cow, you can ask them for the tallow or the fat to be included with your order.
01:53So for us, I think we pay from this butcher, we pay a dollar a pound just
01:57because they grind it up for us, which is super super helpful. We have another
02:01butcher that we get fat from. I think it's from our pigs that we got and that
02:05would be lard and they don't chop it up quite so tiny. So I really do appreciate
02:10that and as you can see it's a lot of little pieces so it will melt down very
02:15easily. There's a couple ways you can get your own tallow. First of all, you could
02:18ask a butcher, even if you're not buying some beef because often they have extra
02:23and they'll sell it to you. Another way is I heard that you can actually buy
02:26tallow already rendered down at Costco, which would probably be pretty
02:30affordable too. So definitely check that out. I know you can get it from other
02:34places like Amazon and different places that are expensive, but I would definitely
02:37check out the Costco price on that tallow if you're interested in skipping
02:42this first step. But I'm gonna start all the way from the fat just because that's
02:49all I got. So I have a crock pot here. Crock pots are really nice for this job
02:53because it cooks it just slow and that's what we want. When it cooks too
03:02fast you can burn it. I have done that before and then it becomes chicken food
03:06at our house. So I'd much rather not do that. That smell is hard to get rid of. So
03:13I'm just going to turn this on low and I'll keep checking back and checking in
03:16with you as it cooks down and becomes liquid form. It's been about an hour
03:22still melting down. We don't have much liquid yet. This is not a hard thing to
03:27do at all. It's just a slow process. So I like to pick a day or two when I'm
03:33around the house a lot. But even if I'm leaving a lot, it's not a big deal
03:37because it's just gotta keep checking in every few hours or so. Checking back in a
03:43couple hours later. We got a lot of action in our house today because it's a
03:46birthday. Lots of excited voices. See the much more liquid has come out and it's
03:52leaving a little brown in some parts. So I'm gonna let it go a little longer.
03:59It's just still just set on low. You remember when I told you I'm trying new
04:05things? Well I decided to go ahead and add the water now. I was gonna add it on
04:08the second step but I don't know. I just was sitting here watching more videos
04:14and I'm like I think I need to just add it for the first one. So this may add a
04:17little time here as that comes to the same temp and gets warm with it. But the
04:22wet rendering I think is really gonna help me get that beef smell out and
04:25starting from the beginning might might help. I didn't really measure anything. I
04:30just used a quart jar because it was it's like a third of my crock pot. Not
04:38measuring but I just know I need some water in there I think. Which is
04:41something I have never done before. You can dry render it or whatever they call
04:45it and just strain out the fat and that's great for cooking. That's what
04:50we've always used and we obviously used it for our lotion before but I'm really
04:55trying here to get some pure clean smelling talabum. Oh hold up I'm gonna
05:02add salt too. I think this helps purify it even more. Not measuring once again.
05:10All right a little while later it's all boiling slowly together again which is
05:15great. I am encouraged by the fact that the water and salt made it look more
05:20murky at the top like that black stuff and the impurities so to speak have
05:25risen to the top. So I think this is gonna help us accomplish our goal. Okay I
05:30left the house for a while it was Noelle's 10th birthday. I can't remember
05:33if I said that or not but um we took her out to lunch my husband and I and it's
05:38looking nice and murky now. So I'm gonna go ahead and turn it off and start
05:42straining it although I might give it just a minute to cool down. Okay here we
05:47go I just didn't have like a scooper can't find it but I'm just putting this
05:53into a strainer with cheesecloth and I'm going to go through all of this. I should
05:58probably keep some of the
06:02fat pieces out so I have a lot of room
06:07and then those leftover pieces which I think some people call
06:12crackles. I can't remember. I will give to the dogs. I have saved before. Let them
06:18dry out a little bit and put them on salads. They're pretty good but this time
06:24the dogs are gonna get a treat. So I'll go through all of this and strain it all
06:30out and then I'll show you the next step. It does smell very beefy in here and
06:33I've made tallow like I said before tallow balm with that beefy smell. It
06:38doesn't last long once it's on your skin but at first it can be a little off
06:42putting. I've always put a lot of smells in it that flavorings that help that
06:47but it's gonna be great to have some that does not smell like beef so I'm
06:51excited about this. Here's my final product nice and yellowish brownish
06:55right. I'm gonna cool this just slightly because I don't want my bowl to break
06:59but then I'm going to put it in the fridge. So last night it was very soft.
07:03This is out of the fridge and I put some fingerprints in it but it was too soft. It
07:08wasn't like a hard disk. This morning I can't even loosen it so I'm gonna leave
07:14it for a few minutes. It's so hard but as you can see it's white at the top and
07:18dark at the bottom which is exactly what we want. I just need it to be able to come
07:24out. Loosen up here. It is good usable tallow right now although it still
07:29smells beefy when I rub it on my own hands. I've been using tallow now for a
07:33year on my skin and my skin honestly honestly has never been so good. My hands
07:39never crack anymore. I used to have cracking bleeding hands every single
07:42winter because it's very dry and cold here in the winter and my skin on my
07:46face everything is way better. Initially when you put tallow balm on and you're
07:51used to other kinds of lotions and balms it feels a little greasy but it
07:55soaks in right away and you just get used to that. It's like greasy initially
07:59and then you keep rubbing it in a little and your skin soaks it in very very well.
08:04So there are a whole lot of benefits to tallow on your skin. I won't go into all
08:10of them but you can look them up yourself but it is by far a superior
08:14product for your skin when you see all the vitamins that you get from it and
08:20it's supposed to be anti-aging too so. Okay just while I was talking to you it
08:25softened up enough that it was able I was able to push it out so pull this
08:31right on out. As you can see the whole thing is a disc. I'm gonna scrape this
08:36this part is real soft underneath anyway it's where the water is like jelly and I
08:42want to scrape all of the non-white off. I want it to be pure so you see how it's
08:53white under there under that brown. I will give the leftovers to the chickens.
08:58We gave everything to the chickens. Chickens are dogs. I'll scrape it without
09:03the camera here so I can get a pure white. Okay that's what I had left. My
09:07product is pretty clean right now. Now I'll cut it up and put it back in the
09:11crock pot with a little more water this time and more salt.
09:20Tella makes such a great cooking fat we use it all the time but I think I'm
09:24gonna start doing this process just to make it an even better product that
09:28doesn't have any flavor compared to having the fat that tastes a little like
09:36beef. We're gonna set it back on low in the crock pot as we melt this down.
09:48We brought this back up to boiling and now I'm going to do the same thing as
09:52yesterday where I just strain it through this cheesecloth and a colander and put
10:00it back in the fridge and now we'll get that back to the fridge. All right guys
10:04it's the next day. I probably could do this whole process faster especially if
10:08I put it in the freezer instead of the fridge and I just stayed on top of it
10:12more but I had the time. I don't care if it takes days. I'm saving so much money
10:16here. I love that. Okay so I just pulled this out of the fridge. It was a little
10:20easier to break the seal right away. One thing I noticed okay I had put more
10:26water so there's a lot of water at the bottom you can see it's nice and white
10:29on top but I noticed last night when I had just kind of pet it a little got
10:35some of that tallow that it does smell still a little like beef so we're gonna
10:39do the process again just do it again and each time in between I have cleaned
10:44my crock pot well. I've cleaned everything I've used well so we're
10:48starting fresh each time. I'm not sure how many times it will take but it's
10:52totally worth it to just get all of that smell out. I believe that if I were to
10:56use just leaf fat from the cow that it would probably only take these two times
11:03and I'd be done but I'm not sure what kind of fat I've got that I'm working
11:07with and that's fine with me I just might have to clean it more times
11:10because of that so the leaf fat is a little easier I think to get it nice and
11:14clean smelling as in no smell at all with just a couple of times of this
11:19process. Here's what it looks like underneath just a little bit of brown
11:28the water looks much clearer I'm gonna scrape off all the brown and we'll put
11:49it back in the crock pot. Round three this part takes very very little time so
11:57it's easy to do it over days just when you have a few minutes I'll get it
12:01melting down with the water and salt again until it's boiling so just a
12:06couple hours on low then I'll strain it into the bowl once again and we'll keep
12:10going. The smell of that tallow is much much less than the first time though I
12:15will say and even the smell that second round of cooking in the crock pot the
12:19whole house smelled a lot less so I know we're making good progress. Okay guys I
12:23have just been looking at this for about 10 minutes a day maybe less and so
12:28this is day four yesterday I noticed that it still smelled quite beefy I was
12:32surprised at how much for the third time of course I'm not using the best of the
12:36fat but it should I should be able to get it out I know that from all the
12:40research I've done so what I did is I actually just let it boil for a lot
12:43longer I set it before church and I didn't deal with it so we got home so it
12:47was like four or five hours in the crock pot on low and it didn't burn or
12:51anything but you can see there's a lot bigger spot on it and it's smelling much
12:56much cleaner but it's not quite where I want it's not odorless yet so I'm going
13:00to do it one more time and I'm also just do water and salt again but do it a lot
13:05longer so that it's at that low boil for a couple hours at least two or three and
13:11I think we'll probably be done after this. Then we can move on to making a
13:15beautiful whipped balm using the scents I love. Okay I have done the whole
13:20process a couple more times since I showed you it was a fun experiment just
13:24to see how long it actually takes I just popped it out of a water bowl right now
13:28this last one I did not add salt just the water we dug into it last night as
13:33you can see to put on our hands but there's just a little bit left and it's
13:42smelling very good so very clean. So I scraped off that little bit of sediment
13:47this is a great cooking fat that is tasteless and odorless at this point but
13:53we're gonna go ahead and make it into lotion for our whole family, face cream
13:59even some of my kids use it for chapstick a good all-around product that
14:04is much healthier than cheap lotions and much much cheaper than the very very
14:08clean things you could find on the market. So next up I'm melting my tallow
14:12down once again I don't really know how much I have so I'm gonna try to measure
14:16it before I add the oil but then you need to add a liquid oil about 1 4th a
14:20cup per 1 cup of tallow. So I'm gonna use olive oil and I'm using this double
14:26boiler method that's Jimmy rigged here just because I don't want to burn it in
14:30any way. I measured it into here and realized it's about 5 cups so I will do
14:351 and 1 4th cup of olive oil in there. Alright it's done it's all melted
14:41together at this point I could just put it in a small jar it would solidify and
14:46then you have some nice lotion however and you could add a scent too however I
14:52like to whip it up that's what I've done every time so I'm gonna put it in a bowl
14:57and transfer it to the fridge to get it closer to the solid stage quicker but
15:03then we're going to do another step. Okay I had it in the fridge just an hour or
15:07two and this is a consistency I'm gonna put it in my food processor you could
15:10use a blender you I've used a hand mixer I think the higher power the
15:14better probably because sometimes I've had a little oil separation later over
15:20time but this food processor is gonna do a good job we're gonna do about half
15:26almond extract with it I love that smell and then we'll do half vanilla extract
15:31the vanilla is great for repelling mosquitoes oh it's still a little bit oh
15:37there's some water the vanilla is great for repelling mosquitoes in the summer
15:41so we're doing some of that too and some of my kids like this smell better and
15:45some like this smell better I've done essential oils before not a big fan I'm
15:50making sure that I got there was some water in here I've never wet rendered it
15:54before so I'm not used to that and I know the water will make it go bad
15:57quicker so I made sure I poured off as much water as I could
16:07turns out the this thing the good old-fashioned one would work the best
16:13for whipping it up nicely it smells so good I've got all these little jars that
16:18I'm filling and it's perfect it smells like cookies so they all agree all the
16:23kids that have come and tried it it's very good with that almond extract there
16:28are all those bottles I made plus a couple of my kids Chuck even a couple
16:32more up here they don't really need to be refrigerated I'd never had tallow go
16:36bad but I do like to just keep it in the fridge until someone takes it to
16:39their room to use it to open it so it just keeps it nice and solid that's it
16:44it is very easy it took me so little time each day I love the process of
16:49cleaning it because I think we'll like the product so much better my kids are
16:53very impressed with the smell if you're like me you know the health benefits of
16:57tallow you just are not sure you want to tackle that project I am gonna link down
17:01below that was me the first year I just bought it and it a little bit goes a
17:05long way so you can buy a little bottle and it'll last you a long time I'll link
17:09a couple of my favorites that I've tried down below if you just want to buy it
17:13and see if it's even worth it to you to put in that kind of effort otherwise
17:16like I said you can buy tallow in the last five days I've definitely seen
17:20where people are getting it at Costco so check that one out if I find one on
17:24Amazon I'll link that too but I will also link the little jars we use I have
17:28done just little glass mason jars just fine as well both work but I got those
17:33jars off of Amazon and I think there were 35 of them so that was a great
17:37deal it's such a great money saver and I love it when it actually saves money and
17:42it's a much better for us so for me it's a big win-win I would love to say that
17:47I'm selling some of this and I'll send it to you but I'm not there yet thank
17:51you guys so much for watching today if you've tried it out or if you have some
17:54tricks that you love for making tallow balm that I didn't do that you would
17:58think I might like love to hear from you we'll talk to you in the next video
