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Luka's instagram to follow in Japan -
Judah and Katie's channel -
They have not started posting their vlogs yet but will very soon!!!
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Our parenting book! -
Interested in our grain mill? Get 5% off your MockMill purchase!
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Check out Azure Standard for excellent products! -
Some of our most-asked-for videos...
How we met -
Our favorite bread recipe -
Granola recipe -
Ranch recipe -
To sponsor a child through COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL, visit
Thanks for watching!
Judah & Katie
Belle (Isabelle) - 19
Luka - 18
Micah - 16
Tori (Victory) - 14
Eli - 12
Noelle - 10
Hope - 7
Destiny - 6
Seth - 5
Peace - 3
Want to see more from another perspective? Our family has channels!
Judah and Katie Mwania (our oldest son) -
The Papa's Kitchen (Sarah's parents) -
Camp David Adventures (Sarah's Brother and Family) -
Kenya Reese (Sarah's Niece & Luke and Jill's daughter is a recording artist)
For business inquiries...
Luka's instagram to follow in Japan -
Judah and Katie's channel -
They have not started posting their vlogs yet but will very soon!!!
Want to be email friends?
Our parenting book! -
Interested in our grain mill? Get 5% off your MockMill purchase!
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Check out Azure Standard for excellent products! -
Some of our most-asked-for videos...
How we met -
Our favorite bread recipe -
Granola recipe -
Ranch recipe -
To sponsor a child through COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL, visit
Thanks for watching!
Judah & Katie
Belle (Isabelle) - 19
Luka - 18
Micah - 16
Tori (Victory) - 14
Eli - 12
Noelle - 10
Hope - 7
Destiny - 6
Seth - 5
Peace - 3
Want to see more from another perspective? Our family has channels!
Judah and Katie Mwania (our oldest son) -
The Papa's Kitchen (Sarah's parents) -
Camp David Adventures (Sarah's Brother and Family) -
Kenya Reese (Sarah's Niece & Luke and Jill's daughter is a recording artist)
For business inquiries...
00:00Hi guys welcome back to another video happy Thursday probably today I'm gonna
00:11share some huge news with you it's Saturday here right now when I'm filming
00:16and we're getting some stuff done today so those doing a couple house projects
00:20we'll catch up with him see what's happening I'm besides sharing our big
00:24news and this morning I've just been cleaning and making mayonnaise I'll
00:31show you what I made making sour cream I didn't milk the cows last night cuz we
00:35had a really big storm during the time I would have locked up the calves but it
00:39worked out fine it's good to have day off we had enough milk so the calves
00:42were just with their mama but this is some sour cream I've been doing really
00:45good with sour cream it'll be done at 3 30 today and go into the fridge so it's
00:50just sitting there and then in here you made a couple batches of mayonnaise which
00:54is good we have a little sour cream left we have heavy cream I have one we're
00:59working on and one new one I got some ranch dressing and I made some yogurt
01:03last night my mom's kefir over here I need to start making kefir but yogurt is
01:08straining out some milk I've got some more milk over here but I guess the
01:14newest biggest thing I'm doing is I'm canning a bunch of potatoes so I'm on
01:19that whoa I'm in the rinse phase rinse them a few times get the starch out so
01:24maybe one day I'll make a video of it but I'm just doing a little every day
01:28can a bunch of potatoes so they're nice and convenient and we have they last a
01:33long time on the shelf canning for me is kind of twofold I like to do it for
01:37convenience but I think my biggest motivator is generally for food prepping
01:42purposes just to have some shelf stable food so if for some reason we can't shop
01:47or we there's no food at the stores or we just need stuff for some reason it's
01:52very convenient to just heat it up and go or not heat it up and just eat it out
01:57of the jar need be so I do like both purposes but I think having I've canned
02:03potatoes a few times not very successfully I'm gonna do it a lot more
02:06now until I get it right you know but I think having a lot of canned potatoes on
02:12the shelf will be very convenient because for us we could put a couple
02:14jars in a canned stew quickly the kids also a lot of them love to fry up
02:20potatoes for lunch and it can take a long time to have them pre-cooked to
02:24make some really easy to fry up so lots and lots of benefits to having potatoes
02:28around here so I'm just gonna try to do a batch a day my electric canner which
02:33is really just like push buttons and walk away I love it if it's for wide
02:38mouth quart jars so I'm just doing like a batch a day for a while so I get
02:43through all the potatoes I want to can and bought a bunch of organic ones which
02:46you'll see in my next video I kind of don't usually get videos backward but
02:50this time I am and you'll see them in my haul they're organic they're really good
02:55quality so I love when I get good quality I like to preserve them it's
02:59good practice for when I have a big garden my comments are just full of
03:03people telling me I need to garden and guess what I don't like to grow things I
03:10can grow children cannot do that with plants very well I'm not good at it I
03:13don't enjoy it solo has always been the better gardener and he's been really
03:17busy the last couple years and just unable to do it so Judah and Katie are
03:23moving in the little house so which is right next door that's our oldest son
03:27and his bride if you missed our last couple videos they are moving in it's
03:33very exciting but Judah actually does not like doing the animal care at all
03:38it's not his forte he he does strongly dislikes it so I love the animal care
03:44don't like the gardening so he's like I want to do the gardening he's been
03:48studying all these things he's gonna do Katie also really likes it but she likes
03:51the animals too I'm like great that works great for me if you guys can do
03:55some gardening we'll share milk and eggs with you you share garden produce with
04:00us and so everybody's happy but yeah I'm more happy with the I'm more comfortable
04:05rather in it with the growing the protein and taking care of the animals
04:11the animals are a little more my jam I can do real good at a garden for a
04:15little bit I don't love getting my hands dirty though and I don't mind getting
04:20them dirty and mucking cows and all of that it's a different kind of dirty it's
04:26so funny Sola does not like the animals as much either getting dirty that way he
04:31takes care of them but to him the garden is not getting dirty the animals is and
04:40to me it's opposite isn't that funny how people are so anyway so many comments in
04:44our video about the cows last couple videos we've been mucking out stalls
04:49they look great I don't have the confidence to show you sometimes the
04:53internet can be mean but it's looking better all the time I'm getting a good
04:58workout every morning when I milk I spend an hour mucking out the stalls
05:01while I hook up the milk machine which somebody told me on the internet I'm not
05:05really milking cuz milking is when you milk out with your hands and I was like
05:09good for you that you milk the right way because I love my milk machine and I
05:14muck out stalls and it's all good so everybody's like we use that for your
05:17garden we know it's a good fertilizer for the garden in fact I have several
05:21families at church that have told me can I come get some of your fertilizer and
05:25I'm like yeah you just pull your car up with your buckets get back up your truck
05:29take all the fertilizer you want we are swimming in it so anyway I'm gonna keep
05:35soaking my potatoes here stop yapping look at Nessa she got a haircut she looks
05:39so cute she was looking pretty shaggy when you're living the country life and
05:44you love to be outside playing in the mud you can look pretty bad and her hair
05:48was getting pretty long she had a lot of hair in her eyes now we can see her eyes
05:53a little better she's so cute we just had some friends over last night and we
05:56were telling him how we're new to country life and we used to just two
06:01years ago we had only one little dog in a couple years a year before that maybe
06:06a year and a half we didn't have any animals all this time and now we have a
06:10property full of animals we even have five cows right now we got so many ducks
06:16and guineas and chickens and dogs and it's crazy and we were saying that still
06:21the most work is our little dog she's the most work of all of them not really
06:28well kind of yeah she's a little more high-maintenance but she really really
06:32served her purpose well our kids a lot of our kids were afraid of animals
06:36before we got Nessa and so all of our animals I always say that every one of
06:39them we have with a purpose they all have their purpose that they serve and
06:45Nessa's purpose really was to help our our children not be afraid of animals
06:52they would see an animal in the neighborhood a dog or squirrel or
06:55anything and they were just so scared oh yeah you're so cute they were so scared
07:00of animals and so after we got her it really helped to change things
07:05completely and so I will forever be thankful to Nessa for that but she is a
07:10small dog and it can be a little more finicky and yappy barking but she's good
07:16at letting us know when people are coming around that are not familiar to
07:19her so that's also good and sometimes she she does some things that can be
07:24annoying like if you don't let her out right away she just goes and finds a
07:27place to do her business inside still sometimes if we're not paying good
07:32enough attention or she'll grab food if really everybody's walked away from the
07:36table and we haven't cleaned it up she'll grab something off the table she
07:39definitely prefers our food to her kibble and so lately we've really been
07:44enjoying the pets table the pets table is a personalized pet food service
07:49brought to you by hello fresh they believe that pups deserve the same high
07:52quality food that humans enjoy and let me tell you Nessa believes she deserves
07:56the high quality food that humans enjoy as well so it's been a really good
08:00switch for us we really like the pets table because they have great variety
08:04you get to pick exactly what you want and they have a lot of options in human
08:09grade fresh food or air dried options and if you're not sure what kind actually
08:13is going to work the best for your dog you can get a combo of both to see what
08:17works best they have a hundred percent money-back guarantee on their two-week
08:20trial box which is really awesome and their air dried food is very affordable
08:25that's the kind we chose and it's shelf-stable too so you don't have to
08:30keep it in the fridge there's no prep involved at all you just open and pour
08:33their air dried food is 40% more affordable than most fresh frozen
08:37options Nessa is loving this new food compared to the kibble we were getting
08:42her before and it's a lot healthier for her better for her so it makes us feel
08:47better about it too if you want to help your dog live its best life with high
08:51quality food they have an exclusive offer right now for our channel they are
08:55offering 55% off for your first box and 20% off for your second box using the
09:01code our tribe of many 55 so you can click on the link in the description box
09:06below or you can go to the pets table calm and again use that code our tribe
09:11of many 55 okay so our big news is Luca Luca your life is changing drastically
09:19all of a sudden you want to tell them what you're doing
09:25just kidding that is not true okay what are you really doing Luca is going to
09:35Japan like right away how long are you gonna be there no I'll be there for nine
09:46months nine months okay Nessa so last year our church was a part of a team
09:52planting a church in Japan Hokkaido up north and Luca's going on a team to go
09:59help that church plant so he's going with a couple other guys that you like
10:04yeah friends guys a guy and a girl it's gonna be awesome when do you leave I
10:11leave in a month from now and I'll be back at Christmas yes yeah I'm so sad
10:18hasn't quite hit me it's very very sudden information decided about a week
10:26and a half ago uh-huh yeah have you considered it when we were first putting
10:32the team together me not really maybe I thought about it a couple times but not
10:37seriously and they were supposed to leave before you were done with high
10:40school mm-hmm yeah so anyway there's some circumstances that happened we lost
10:46one team member who's who may go at a different date but it's not going with
10:51this team they really wanted it to be three people and then they've been
10:55delayed so he realized he could finish school so he actually only has one more
11:00thing he's doing it's a huge research paper so he's trying to hurry up and get
11:05done so I guess in the next month we have to have a going away party slash
11:10graduation party and we don't have a pool for you to jump into like all the
11:15other graduation parties you're gonna jump in that pond yeah you are you're
11:21gonna come out quite muddy yeah so all of a sudden our lives have become like a
11:25whirlwind of how do we get Luca ready to go to Japan so you need to shop yeah he
11:32needs more clothes need uh someone to take my car are you renting it to one of
11:39your brothers when Judah went to Japan for nine months he was part of the first
11:44team he rented his car to Luca can we say you destroyed it and now he's like I
11:53don't want to rent to my brothers they're gonna destroy my car maybe
11:58Judah do you trust Judah more or Micah probably Judah more oh have you thought
12:06about that the weather's getting nice people like convertibles well that's a
12:12good idea then you'd have some cash yeah so anyway he's had to stop making money
12:19as much because he's got a finished school and you won't make money for a
12:23while so it's nice to get some cash are you excited overall where's your
12:31Japanese yeah do you think you'll finish that this weekend no really a
12:50week so you got your outline done have you started filling it in he did change
12:57his research topic so he's writing on some about the Christianity in Japan
13:01history of Christianity in Japan are you gonna be online while you're gone like
13:14are you gonna be posting anywhere Judah did not do a great job of posting while
13:18he was gone maybe I'll start a YouTube channel surprise you all yeah one of the
13:25team members he's he does pretty good at posting on YouTube and giving up
13:28dude yeah so all right you could do that too yeah yeah yeah we'll see if he has
13:38some do you have an Instagram we can link yeah you'll maybe post that on that
13:43for sure yeah okay we'll link it below are you nervous about being gone a long
13:49long time are you gonna miss us no what are you gonna miss the most the property
13:59oh yeah it's like concrete city over there you don't see trees grass a little
14:04few trees yeah he's been there though he did go visit last year so you know what
14:11you're getting into yeah and you know the team leaders mm-hmm
14:15family mm-hmm you love the kids there yeah yeah my friends yeah that helps and
14:28you'll call us every Sunday night for nine months okay this is like real
14:37deja vu for us here this is what goodness elements this car you're gonna
14:46miss your car more than everything maybe one other person in this world you miss
14:51more than your car it's probably not me I'll miss all of you it will be you'll
15:01cry a lot many tears I'm at the little house remember this red door all our
15:11kids now our oldest three are all spending time in the mission field Judah
15:15was in Japan for nine months now went to Sri Lanka for a few months and then now
15:20Jude or Lucas going for nine months to Japan so I don't know it's becoming a
15:24little tradition around here but I do love that they get that experience it's
15:28so great while they're young still free you know go to another part of the world
15:35it's awesome I'm in the little house and Katie has been doing some remodeling and
15:42they're filming it too she's blogging and so I don't want to show you too much
15:47because it's very cool you need to check out Judah and Katie's channel you got a
15:54lot lots of fun things happening and not so fun things happening we never got
15:59this bunk bed out of here and we need it we're needing it the screws were
16:05stripped so that's what Sullivan's doing hey guys don't you love taking down bunk
16:14beds it's like the story of our lives putting up bunk beds taking them down
16:17this is a triple bunk it's going to be quite helpful we haven't taken it out
16:22yet because the screws were stripped but he found a drill bit right that
16:28takes care of that yeah is it working mostly that's great I need something to
16:36help me you need me to put the camera down well he got some of them out that's
16:40great okay am I picking it up from this side yeah oh never mind you won't be
16:45able to oh yeah it's partly taken off that was super easy this won't take any
16:52time at all how do you feel about Luca leaving for nine months I'm actually
17:05just now starting to process the reality of that and that's kind of how I feel I
17:14think I've been in denial for a little bit mm-hmm not really thinking about I'm
17:20sending my 18-year-old to across the world yeah it's hard I'm sure it'll be
17:34hard to me it hasn't really sunk in at all but I know the last few times we did
17:39it it was hard I low-key hated it but it was so good for them so that's the nice
17:46thing is you know it'll be great for him but he's working we got a good load
17:55of stuff to get out of here okay I told Seth that crackers with sourdough
18:01crackers with goat cheese is life-changing and he said it doesn't
18:06really change my life but it's pretty good oh you're spreading it around on
18:12there oh you get in there mm-hmm that's some good stuff right is it
18:18life-changing thumbs up what do you think on a scale of one to ten ten is
18:28the best food you ever had one is the worst food you ever had okay I'll make
18:36you more whoa this child wanted to stay in her PJs today and I don't blame her
18:43it suddenly turned cold after very warm weather she's got the right idea I
18:48should have stayed in mine too so what do you think is it good does it does it
18:55change your life is it life-changing mm-hmm do you want to say anything to
19:08the camera today okay I understand my mom is still in town and she took Tori
19:18Noel hope and destiny today to visit my grandma shop at Walmart get lunch I
19:28don't know what all they're doing they're playing a game right now I
19:30think so they're having fun it feels super quiet here too there's the bunk
19:48oh you got grandma's balloons all right these guys are making we have no light
20:13these guys are making what pad Thai are you the sous chef the helper yes looks
20:22good did you have fun visiting grandma what else did you do and you got some
20:36new shoes those are cute they're brand-new Wow that egg mixture looks
20:46good it's all looking very good they're gonna use
20:56okay that's assistant number two so what are you gonna do what are you gonna
21:02help lollipop is he teaching you how to stir noodles yeah here's the pad Thai
21:10that might get it and Eli and Seth me it looks so good so when I are gonna go out
21:16on a date night my mom said go out while I'm here
21:20thank you this is good food tonight mmm it tastes just like a restaurant better
21:36all right guys it's the next morning we just came from church and last night was
21:42great so when I went out someone had given us a gift card for a sushi place
21:45and it was so good it was wonderful so it's fun nice of my mom to babysit got
21:50piano background I wanted to show you I was having trouble with my canner
21:54yesterday I have an electric canner never have trouble but I figured out the
21:58solution for it so I didn't get it going until late last night but the nice thing
22:04about an electric pressure canner is that you can just walk away for the
22:07night so and this morning I woke up to some potatoes but because I was having
22:13trouble they got a little over can probably so I'm gonna keep going I have
22:17about eight batches to do what if I do a batch every day we'll be done in a week
22:21about and it's nice to have some shelf-stable potatoes you probably can't
22:26see cuz it's so bright so yeah thanks for watching today we are it's gonna be
22:30hard to send Luca off for the year we were just talking about like we want to
22:34do a Florida vacation we haven't gone in a couple years all of us to Florida
22:38together and we'll do it without him I don't like that maybe without Jude and
22:42Katie too obviously because I don't know if they'll want to go along or do
22:46their own and yeah it's just hard when your kids are growing up but you got to
22:51keep doing the things because you got a lot of other ones around but it'll be so
22:56good for him so I'm we're excited for him we're excited for him aren't we
22:59yeah yeah but we're gonna have to say goodbye soon probably in that probably
23:14in about a month three weeks we tried some out there they taste great took
23:21about five minutes to fry them up man they are incredible that way so quick
23:26and easy we'll talk to you guys later bye