Join me for some very slow progress getting the house ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year! We have decorated the shelves and sorted some of Alfie’s clothes out but there is still a long way to go! I hope you’ve enjoyed watching along xx
*This video contains an AD*
I’m still loving my airup bottle and they’ve given me a discount code to share ❤️
#AD Air up discount code is LYDIA10 for 10% off everything on the website excluding bundles
Jenn’s vinted-
* Please SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more of my Vlogs!
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* I try and read all of your comments so they’re always much appreciated!
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Lydia & Alfie
PO Box 418
SK14 9DN
I appreciate you guys so much “Lydia’s Legends” are truly the best family on the internet. Join us next Wednesday at 6pm for the next weekly vlog. Love you all 😘
*This video contains an AD*
I’m still loving my airup bottle and they’ve given me a discount code to share ❤️
#AD Air up discount code is LYDIA10 for 10% off everything on the website excluding bundles
Jenn’s vinted-
* Please SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more of my Vlogs!
* Leave me a like if you enjoyed the video ❤️
* I try and read all of your comments so they’re always much appreciated!
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Lydia & Alfie
PO Box 418
SK14 9DN
I appreciate you guys so much “Lydia’s Legends” are truly the best family on the internet. Join us next Wednesday at 6pm for the next weekly vlog. Love you all 😘
00:00picking this week's vlog up from last week's end of vlog. So last week you'll
00:07have seen that I made this pile of clothes on the bed and then I was like
00:10yeah I need to put all that away now but then I had a mad panic to edit the vlog
00:15so I had to go and edit the vlog and then it was time to pick Alfie up so I
00:19went down to pick Alfie up then I came home it's time to cook tea so I cooked tea
00:22then I bathed Alfie then I put him to bed and we're now at... what time is it?
00:28let me check my watch we're now at half past 10 and guess what I'm doing putting
00:37this pile of clothes away. So thanks for all the nice comments on last week's vlog
00:43because I've sat and scrolled those while I was getting Alfie to sleep and
00:46everyone was like we love the content of decluttering and so many of you guys were
00:52like you're inspiring us to do the same so I love that and I've obviously
00:56started very small but it's gonna be a process I'm gonna do another draw and a
01:02wardrobe next week when Alfie is with Karen and then I've got downstairs to do
01:09and my mum's house someone made a very good point that I shouldn't even go in
01:12mum's house I should just let all the clothes go but it's hard work that because what if I've just been missing them for the last five
01:21years but let's make this disappear it's now like 20 past 11 and me and Tom
01:32always say this we are definitely night owls because I've got some kind of
01:37second wind and I'm just hanging everything that I can find up and so it's
01:43ready to go in my wardrobes but I don't want to put anything back in my
01:46wardrobes until I've gone through my wardrobes because then I'm kind of doing
01:50the same job twice because all this stuff's been approved and that stuff's
01:55not been approved so I think I might hang all of this up and then just like
02:00lay it on the side for now and then when I get some more time I'll start going
02:04through my wardrobes and then put stuff back in in a way that makes sense okay
02:09so I've got a huge pile of things that I've hung up and then I've got leggings
02:15joggers kind of this thick kind of leggings but they're like leather leggings these are
02:21thermal pants and then these are skirts and when I've been through this part of
02:28my wardrobe I'm gonna put it all in there which honestly I could start doing
02:32right now but probably shouldn't start this task at midnight no I think I'm
02:41gonna get in bed and watch Severance I'm so motivated at this time of night
02:45like tomorrow morning I will not be motivated I don't know what's wrong with me but I
02:50definitely will regret doing it now because Alfie went to bed at like 10 o'clock
02:57so he's going to be up at 9 o'clock so I really should get some sleep and not
03:03stay up till 4 in the morning putting clothes away it's Sunday morning I've
03:10been to church and now I'm lying on my own sofa she's built me a fire she's cooking
03:16me breakfast and she's looking after my child because I am so tired because I
03:22feel like we just can't catch a break Alfie has had thing after thing after
03:25thing he's now coughing he's fine in himself but he's had that massive rash
03:30he's now coughing and snotting all night long he's sleeping but I'm just like
03:36watching him like aww because he coughs until he's like bleh I'm like oh and so yeah I'm
03:43exhausted so I've come to the place where someone looks after me I did ask
03:48Tom if he was up and he didn't reply so you snooze you lose mmm so good just
04:01eating my breakfast in peace while mum feeds Alfie his breakfast I think this
04:07is what dreams are made of so I've just had a nap looking all disheveled Tom
04:15arrived you smell food how good was it how good was it so good I'm gonna show
04:37you mom's Christmas tree which she keeps every year and redecorates for Chinese
04:42New Year and it's absolutely stunning and it's kicked me up the bottom cuz I
04:47need to do our shelves so this is my mom's repurposed Christmas tree made
04:53into the lunar new year tree this year it's the year of the snake how cute is
05:00this I am gonna make our house festive I'm saying it here right
05:12you ready giddy up giddy up giddy up giddy up we have to get one of those
05:22hobby horses giddy up giddy up giddy up giddy up giddy up giddy up is it your horse yay
05:35or is it a snake year of the snake where's Luna she in this way
06:05slowly good boy that was nice and gentle he's a cat cat cat good boy
06:30cat cat goodbye Oh Alfie you cool dude you cool yeah
07:00thank you for having us right I'm not sitting down I'm starting on these
07:19shelves they still got like bits of Christmas up so that needs to go but the
07:23first thing I'm gonna do is pull all the Valentine's books and all the Chinese
07:27New Year books and see what I'm working with okay these are my Valentine's books
07:31I've got love guess how much I love you plant a case more than a little love
07:37monster love I'm sticking with you Sylvia and bird I've got stick and stone
07:44actually need to find that one as well slugging love in my heart peekaboo love
07:49Alfie loves this one he's chewed it he actually loves it and I love you more
07:54Tash bought me this one and then these are my Chinese New Year books baby's
07:58first Lunar New Year dim sum for everyone the big book of festivals I
08:03think Lunar New Year is in here so I can open it to that page yep it's on page 40
08:08I've got this the lucky red envelope book and then this is another festival
08:13book and it's also in here I'm actually on my first full rotation full year
08:19rotation of doing my shelves so I think I'm right in saying this box here is all
08:28the Chinese New Year stuff so I'm going to get that out now and see what I've
08:32got yep so I've got another book I've got the jellycat Chinese dragon it's so
08:39cute and they brought a lantern out this year which I haven't got I've got a box
08:43of things oh my goodness this is a card that Phoebe made him oh look Chinese
09:00dragon what else have we got in here oh I've got some some decoration bits these
09:08gorgeous things from crocheted by Chloe little lantern and bunny because Alfie's
09:14the year of the bunny white rabbits oh these are his clothes from last year oh
09:21my gosh I wish he was still no I don't look how small it is I can't believe he
09:27was that small oh so cute here he comes to help what's mummy got out she got all
09:39the books I found two more Chinese New Year books but I've lost stick and stone
09:49can't find it anywhere and I want it what it's like Oh wreck it's here can you peekaboo
10:02whoa who's there is it Alfie can you make it go
10:19good boy right if you can see in the corner there I started my Valentine shelves then
10:27I realized I didn't have anything to put on this side I needed some clear fishing wire
10:31so I ordered some from Amazon and then I stopped doing anything because I just lost all productivity
10:38so we're on the next day my fishing wires come I think so I'm gonna do that later but
10:42me and Jen are just eating the homemade soup I made last night it's delicious it's really good
10:49really good I just literally roasted some peppers tomatoes onions with a bit of garlic
10:55blended it all together and then just like kept tasting it I put a bit of curry powder in there
10:59salt and pepper a little bit of double cream I think I'd splash of Worcestershire sauce because
11:07Tom was obsessed with Worcestershire sauce but I don't think he desperately needed that it's
11:11really good Alfie's loving it Ada's loving it and we're gonna go out in a minute well I'm gonna
11:17go out in a minute I'm gonna leave the babies here because I'm going picking Albie up I've secured the beads
11:24shall we go see your friends?
11:27who's here?
11:29yay your friends are here, run!
11:37she's coming!
11:39the A-team are together!
11:43our days are quite, I mean to the outside world this is quite boring but how blissful is it?
11:50so nice
11:52we're just sitting chilling watching the babies well they're just taking care of themselves Ada's found a food
11:59packet she wants to play with Albie's doing some hammering Alfie's having a little chill watching
12:04the Smurfs so good fun! Albie do you like that? I'm interrupting this vlog to tell you about AirUp if
12:15you've been following me on Instagram you'll know that I've been working with AirUp this year so my
12:20New Year's resolution is to drink more water and this little baby is helping me do that so if you
12:28don't know about AirUp it's super clever a it's a beautiful bottle and you all know how much I love
12:34a drinks bottle but they have these little pods on the top and I've been trying out all the different
12:39flavors peach is my favorite so far it uses the science of scent to make drinking water more fun
12:45so as you drink it you smell the ring and the water tastes like peach it's honestly incredible
12:54and it's meaning like I can drink this whole bottle so quickly and I'm constantly filling it
13:01up but not only did they send me one they also sent Alfie his own little mini sipper and he
13:07absolutely loves using it he likes all the scents he's not fussy in the slightest but the thing I
13:14love the most about these bottles the thing I struggle with with all the other cups that I've
13:21got is these are leak proof so I can literally take these out without any risk of them leaking
13:28and for Alfie that's a game-changer because 90% of the time I just want to shove it under his
13:33pram and go so this comes everywhere with us it is such a handy bottle but I'm just reminding you
13:39guys I've still got a discount code with air up it's 10% off everything on their website apart
13:45from their bundles and their reset bundles have already got a massive discount on them so if you
13:49want to buy from them you're gonna save anyway but my discount code is Lydia 10 and it's applicable
13:56to all the bottles and you can try different flavors out so if you've already got a bottle
14:01you can get different flavors but yeah code Lydia 10 if you want to try it out off you go back to
14:07the vlog. I've got Alfie on the air up. Hi! Have you got the very hungry caterpillar? Alfie's vlog! Kisses, that's nice!
14:21okay so my fishing line has come so I'm going to make a little garland for this side but with
14:31Chinese lanterns. Ta-da! Now I don't know what I should have done. Lanterns in that bit and done
14:44Valentine's, Valentine's, Chinese New Year in the middle. Yeah I've got enough hearts but it's not
14:55really good display space there. I know but I've got nothing for the middle. A team carnage! Alfie why are you naked?
15:18Yay! Yay! Oh! It's a love affair! Shabba! I've had the best idea ever ever ever. Have you seen it yet? You might have seen it. What was that? No, what? Hold my phone. Hold my beer, okay. I've had the best idea ever ever ever.
15:47Oh you guys didn't. Like and subscribe.
15:55Alf's going through the Chinese New Year. She's coming back, yeah. For my display. Yeah. Look at this.
16:01What am I looking at? Alfie's 100 day cardigan. That's not what he wore. I put it on earlier. I didn't click what it was. No, that's his outfit. How cute is that? Little Weisheng. To go on a display. That's really cute. How cute is that?
16:30That's really sweet. It's two minutes to midnight and I'm like I really should do my shelves because I've been trying to do them all night but I've like cooked tea, put Alfie to bed and now I'm like. Alfie tired. When are we ever going to get done? You should just get the job done. Okay. Night then. Tomorrow.
16:54Oh my gosh I've made it even better Tom. Come look at him. Was he really that small? Yeah. So cute.
17:07Okay Chinese New Year's done. I've got my lucky red envelope basket. All of these had money in last year and they've got no money in this year. Yet.
17:18These are for my dimsums. I really really want to have a go at making some felt dimsum. Don't know if it'll work but that's what's going to be there and I've lost one of Alfie's chopsticks. That's unfortunate.
17:31I've also put the booties on the bear now. How cute. I've got these two little books. This is like my little dimsum area. Red envelopes and then up here. Ta-da. All my books that tell you about the Lunar New Year traditions.
17:48I've got a dragon up there. One of the traditional concertina ones. These are my gorgeous little crocheted by Chloe rattles. And yeah. This is the first bit of my shelf. Yes the Christmas thing is still out. I need to sort that.
18:06And I think that's all we've got time for folks because I can hear Alfie crying on my camera so I'm going to turn this light off and run upstairs. False alarm. He's gone back to sleep. Great success.
18:25Okay my next side is as done as it's going to get right now. It's very book heavy. I've realised I don't have any Valentines toys per se so I need to get scrolling the internet tonight and see if I can find anything.
18:42I normally get them like a stacking train that's on theme or blocks that are on theme but it's been a bit tricky trying to find stuff for Lunar New Year especially but Valentines Day as well without it being super girly. But this is my best effort for right now.
19:01I have lots of love books and these are all kind of, I mean obviously these ones are love books but the story in these is very love. My little cuddle bug. And the engagement ring that I'm still waiting for.
19:21That only actually took me half an hour so I'm going to go to bed now and probably scroll for another hour looking for stuff for my shelves. I don't know what to put up here. It's always just a really, it's a rubbish sized shelf. Nothing fits up there. Do you know what I'm considering doing? Putting some oasis in there and making like a little flower display.
19:46Comment, let me know what you think. What could go up there? I need some creative inspo. I'm going to tidy up the mess in the morning. Hopefully.
19:56Good morning. We're getting ready for the day and we're very talkative today.
20:04Are you ready for this? It's really quiet. It's using the toilet seat as a drum.
20:11Lovely. Such a peaceful morning getting ready. And I'm ready. And what is this destruction guys? What's going on? What is going on? Who's opened all the cupboards, taken everything out and got themselves a snack?
20:39Shall we do it? We should do it. So we've got alter egos here. I got some feedback last week from the vlog. Not harsh enough. So Jenny Kwando is here today. We are getting it done.
20:52I'm not sure I'm going to like Jenny Kwando, but I'm having a brief hiatus from my clothes because Alfie's here today and he's not in the mood for me to go upstairs and try things on. So we're going to veto some of Alfie's clothes. Look at this. This is a big pile of stuff that doesn't fit him.
21:08So I'm going to have a look through it, see what I love and that I'm going to keep in case I have another baby boy slash girl. Some of it's quite neutral and some of it that he has loved and worn but I'm not desperate to keep. He can't keep everything so I am going to have to be a bit harsh. Wish me luck.
21:31Oh, oh, filming's going well is it? Which ones of your clothes have you not won? Alfie can I have the tripod please?
21:42Okay, we're going to do this strategically. I think most of this is the same size, but if I'm deciding to keep it, we're going to fold it and put it in piles of age group. So like a three to six pile, six to nine pile. I think most of this is from the last two calls of his wardrobe. So I think it's three to six, six to nine.
22:03So this is mostly vests and I already can feel myself saying I'm going to keep most vests because you can never have enough vests. I can never get enough. I literally just buy more and more and more. Have you seen this? It's like a full blown snuggle party going on here. How cute. This is my least favourite job by the way, going through stuff.
22:27I know, but it's better when we do it together at least we can chat.
22:31Some people actually messaged me saying that I've inspired them to go through their stuff. I think it's a really good time of year to do it because everybody feels...
22:40Do you know what? It's actually, when this vlog goes live, it's Chinese New Year. So kumquat pie choice for you all. But one of the things that you're going to do is do like a spring clean to get rid of all of the bad energy. So I mean, it's not going to be done by tomorrow, but I'm starting.
22:57Are we having a cuddle?
23:04Are you attached to any of your clothes?
23:07Oh, this is an easy job with you and me.
23:12Don't ruin my piles.
23:14He's just figured out he can move this bike. He's moved it all the way from back where the lamp was.
23:22Yeah, riding baby.
23:26This was Jen's idea to do it today.
23:29In what world?
23:31It's like one step forward, 55 steps back in it. You put one thing down and they like fling it. She keeps shoving these leggings in my face.
23:42We'll get a little bit done, but I don't think this is all getting done today.
23:46We'll give it a go.
23:48Maybe we'll go out for some lunch or something.
23:50Okay, while we're riding the bike quickly, right?
23:53I'm going to, I'm in being, you can be harsh with me and I'm being decisive.
23:59I'm going to get rid of these.
24:01I don't know where they came from. They just appeared and they're so lovely. I really love them, but they're 12 to 18 months, which is what he's in now.
24:10And there's just no way that you can wear short rompers. So when I found them at the time, he was probably like three to six months.
24:15So yeah, we love them, but they didn't fit you in the right season.
24:21Okay. T-shirts.
24:24Do you know what I'm going to say?
24:26At this age, like now he wears T-shirts a lot.
24:30But in my experience, having after buying loads of T-shirts, at three to six months, he didn't actually wear that many T-shirts.
24:38He wore vests all the time.
24:40So I'm going to get rid of these ones.
24:46I'm going to contemplate this one.
24:52Are we in agreement that that is the impossible task with two children?
24:57Yeah, I take it all back.
25:00Look at what they've done to the playroom.
25:03They're like the Tasmanian devil.
25:08So yeah, my lounge now looks a thousand times worse than it did before because it's now filled with clothes.
25:14Every time I fold these vests into a pile, Alfie or Ada come and knock them all over.
25:21So yeah, I'm sitting down. I'm over it.
25:24It's going to be a really interesting vlog this week, guys.
25:27Okay. I've created myself a job because I've decided that this is what I'm keeping, which is a lot.
25:33But I'm just not ready to get rid of it yet.
25:36But I've also got a big pile of stuff that I did love on him, or that I didn't manage to get to wear, that I really think could go to a new home.
25:45It's really nice stuff. So I've not really put anything in there that's a bit grotty and he wore loads.
25:51But I've got some gorgeous White Company stuff that he maybe wore a couple of times that I think could go to a really nice new home.
26:00Paddington stuff, I've loved him in that. But he only wore it a couple of times because of the time of the year.
26:08He had loads of these fleecy, what are they called?
26:13Like, pram suits. So I've just got rid of a handful of them.
26:18This Sarah one we actually got twice. So one of those.
26:23This is like a Mrs. Hinch one. It's gorgeous.
26:26I think this one's Tesco.
26:29And then this is a DKNY one here. So there's loads and loads of stuff.
26:34Yeah, hopefully you guys can get some bargains.
26:37Shall we get out of the house for a bit?
26:39Yeah, let's go.
26:41I feel like I'm going stir crazy here.
26:44Let's do what we like to do. Have a poodle around.
26:47We've made it out of the house.
26:53Alfie's asleep.
26:56For now.
26:58So we've come to Stockport because it's got everything.
27:00So we're going to start at Hobbycraft because I want to get some felt to try and make my dim sum.
27:04Then we need M&S. Maybe a quick TK Maxx look.
27:09And then there's B&M across the road so we'll see how we feel by the time we get to that, shall we?
27:14Because that's just for a mooch.
27:16It's just nice to be out the house, isn't it?
27:19I just needed a bit of fresh air.
27:22Alfie needed a sleep. He's gone to sleep in the car because he won't go to sleep when Ada's with him, will he?
27:28He fights it at all costs.
27:30She might have been going either.
27:32I think Ada's going to go.
27:34Right, I'm going to pick some felt to make my dim sums.
27:37I'm thinking this is a good colour.
27:41Yeah, I think this is a good dumpling colour.
27:44Like a watered kind of dumpling.
27:47Right, I've chosen an array of colours. I'll show you when I get home and I'll tell you my plan.
27:52I'm going to get some felt glue.
27:53I might be being wildly optimistic with how simple I think this is.
27:58I think it's probably going to be much harder.
28:01But I'm going to give it a go. I'm going to give it my best go.
28:04I'm 15 laps around Hobbycraft later.
28:07Ada's asleep.
28:09Done my steps for the day.
28:11And I've got hopefully everything I need to try and make some felt dim sum.
28:17Wish me luck.
28:19And now we can shop in peace.
28:22Which one's next?
28:24A little poofling.
28:26Oh yeah.
28:28Well, that was short-lived.
28:30He's awake. Do you know what we should do, Jen? Seriously.
28:33Have you seen that trend?
28:35Where people are like...
28:37Do you know what I've been looking for? Have you got anything like...
28:40Right, we'll do it now. Are you ready?
28:42I'm looking for kind of like a sea creature.
28:46Sea creature, but no head because the head is more of a golden orb.
28:52Oh, wait. I've got just the thing.
28:55Sea creature ornament, but the head is just an orb.
28:59There you go.
29:03It'll look great in our bedroom.
29:05Excuse me. I'm just looking for an ornament.
29:08I want it to be like a bulldog.
29:14Come with a free outfit.
29:16Like a bulldog.
29:18Full paisley, 70s vibe.
29:21Brightly coloured, wearing a crown.
29:24Have you got anything like that?
29:26Do you know what? I've got just the thing.
29:32Look at that. It'll look lovely in Alfie's bedroom.
29:36Do you know what I've been looking for?
29:38I'm thinking like a big shark.
29:42You know me. I don't just do like boring shark.
29:44Like full sequined shark.
29:47Have you seen anything?
29:49I've not quite got sequined, but I've got mirror.
29:51Like a mirrored shark. How about that?
29:56What have you found Alfie? Some lumpy vases.
29:59They're vases. I don't know why I said vases. They're definitely vases.
30:06Alfie's pushing the pram.
30:09Apparently we're taking some of these cars home as well.
30:15How many do we need?
30:19Oh my goodness. I love that clock as well.
30:21How cute.
30:25What have you got?
30:29Right Alfie. I know. Should we go and pay for that?
30:32Are you taking that one home?
30:34Are you paying Alfie?
30:36Beep, beep, beep.
30:38All done.
30:40Can you get the receipt?
30:42You got it.
30:45Good boy.
30:47Off we go.
30:49Well that was a nice little mooch.
30:51I'm hoping he's going to go back to sleep.
30:53Fingers crossed.
30:55Got her in like this and then she went.
30:57Okay, great.
30:59I'm going to take this off so I'm not driving with a pouch on me.
31:02Love you.
31:04Good luck for tomorrow.
31:06Tomorrow will be okay.
31:08It'll be next Wednesday.
31:09Ada's starting nursery tomorrow.
31:12We're both at the hairdresser's together next week.
31:15Yay, have our hair done.
31:17Oh, I didn't tell you.
31:19How do you feel about me going like red?
31:24What do you guys think?
31:26Should I have a full change or no?
31:31Let's have a think.
31:33I'm home and Alfie's asleep.
31:36My phone's dead so I've not filmed the first part
31:39but I'm actually making a dim sum.
31:42Look how cute this is.
31:44I'm just going to finish this bit now.
31:46I'm actually in shock that this is kind of working.
31:49This might be for display purposes only
31:52because I'm pretty sure it's not going to stand an Alfie test.
31:57But I tried fabric glue by the way
32:00which is what they recommend in Hobbycraft
32:02and it did not stick it in the slightest.
32:04Oh my gosh.
32:06I think one more fold.
32:07And we're finished.
32:09So cute.
32:12You guys, thanks for subscribing to watch this
32:17that is my life.
32:21So basically the story behind these is
32:24I wanted to buy some
32:26and they all were in Canada
32:29so A, it wasn't going to come in time
32:31and B, they wanted like 50 quid postage
32:34so I was like
32:36you know what?
32:38I'm going to have a go at making that myself.
32:41And here she is
32:43making it herself with hot glue.
32:45I wonder how many burns I'm going to get from this.
32:54Is that cute or is that just me?
32:57How cute is that?
33:00It's coming undone already.
33:02We're doing well guys.
33:04Right, I'm going to try and make a shumai next.
33:07So I've got these three colours for shumai.
33:10Wish me luck.
33:12Okay, I've cut two circles so far.
33:15I'm going to try and make a little ball out of this one first
33:18and then wrap this one round it.
33:20Okay, dinner arrived halfway through me
33:22trying to make this
33:24little ball that I've made.
33:26Well it's not really a ball, I've made a little shape
33:28and I've stuck it to the yellow circle.
33:31It's going well.
33:34So I'm going to try now
33:36to kind of wrap these bits up like
33:39like this
33:41I think.
33:43So it's going to be a shumai
33:45like a little shumai dumpling, hopefully.
33:48I really should be waking Alfie up
33:51because it's half past seven
33:53and it means he's not going to sleep tonight
33:55but I'm going to eat this kebab in peace first.
33:59This is actually so good.
34:01I can't remember the last time I ate a kebab.
34:03This was Tom's idea.
34:11He woke up!
34:13Are we having some dinners?
34:18Do you want some more?
34:21Alfie's not got a kebab.
34:23He's got cheesy tomato pasta.
34:26Yum, yum, yum.
34:28Is it delicious?
34:30Can't go wrong with a bit of lemonesque, can you?
34:34Yum, yum.
34:36So I fast forwarded about four hours.
34:39I've done dinner with Alfie,
34:41played with him,
34:43we went down to see Tom and gave him a brew.
34:45We went up, we had bath time
34:47and now Alfie's in bed
34:49and I'm finally back to my dim sum.
34:51This is my shumai.
34:53I'm just putting the toppings on.
34:55How cute is that?
34:57It's half past one in the morning now.
34:59I've been making dim sum for
35:01an hour and a half.
35:03And I've been killing zombies in Godry.
35:05Yeah, I'm a bit tired now but
35:07I've made lilon bowls.
35:10Three of them.
35:13I want him to be able to play with them tomorrow.
35:16But this is amazing.
35:18That actually looks like something you buy from a shop.
35:20And that is such good quality.
35:22One, two, three.
35:24Tom's going to have a go at making one now.
35:26I don't want to ruin it actually.
35:28I really want to have a go but
35:30that looks so good.
35:32I don't think you'll be able to do it.
35:34I don't.
35:36Thanks for letting me.
35:38Can I just, I'll press the blue button once.
35:42Trust me.
35:44Why are you pressing it?
35:46You're not pressing it near my fingers.
35:48I've not burnt myself yet.
35:50No one can do this.
35:52Is it hot?
35:54Go on.
35:57It had a delay.
36:00It had a delay.
36:02Why did you let me do that?
36:04Why did we do it?
36:06I thought about you.
36:08It's like when you're at high school
36:10and you're trying to impress the girl.
36:12I'll touch it.
36:14That's what I was trying to do.
36:16It wasn't very impressive.
36:18Shut up.
36:20You know you're impressed.
36:22You're right.
36:24No but really.
36:26That is something
36:28that I would actually buy from a shop.
36:30Would you want to have a go?
36:32No it's alright.
36:34If I actually went shopping and I saw
36:36these cute handmade things like that.
36:38You'd probably try and eat it.
36:40If I saw them like that in a little park
36:42I would totally buy them.
36:44Do you know how much money I saved you?
36:46How much were the supplies?
36:48I can see a Hobbycraft bag behind there
36:50and I bet that weren't cheap.
36:52You're asking me how much were the supplies?
36:56Let's have a seat.
37:03No way.
37:06700 pounds.
37:08Oh shit.
37:17Well that's no good is it?
37:19There's nowhere near your eyes.
37:21What's wrong with you?
37:23My eyes are here.
37:24Do you know how I can tell you can't see?
37:26You're standing behind me.
37:30What are you saying?
37:32Do you know how I can tell you can't see?
37:34You're standing behind me.
37:36Yeah my eyes are there.
37:41How on earth did you think that was going to be
37:43where your eyes were?
37:45I don't know.
37:47It's like a destination.
37:50Do you want to be a bit louder in my cabin?
37:52I am the Hobbycraft man
37:54and I need a glue gun.
37:57I am very tired.
37:59It is 2.20 in the morning
38:01but look at my dim sum.
38:07are these?
38:09Kung Hei Fan Choy!
38:11Kung Hei Fan Choy!
38:13It's the morning after staying up till 2am
38:15making dim sums.
38:17Oh it was actually nearly 3 I think.
38:19I was tired.
38:21But we've come
38:22to Wing Yip
38:24to buy some Chinese food for tonight.
38:28Because it's Chinese New Year.
38:30And I'm going to buy everything.
38:32Oh glad you're paying.
38:34It's the year of the snake
38:36and there's a dragon dance on Saturday
38:38at 3 o'clock.
38:40I think the one in
38:42the City City Centre
38:44is actually on Sunday.
38:46I found the goods.
38:48White rabbits.
38:49Sad news.
38:53Sold out of Lucky Candy.
38:59Wait I've got a backup one.
39:01Fortune cookies!
39:03How about ginger in a jar?
39:05That's well good for you.
39:07It's a drink.
39:09A ginseng drink with root.
39:11I think so.
39:13Wow let's get it.
39:15Oh my goodness look at these lumps of meat.
39:17Feel it.
39:19Oh my gosh.
39:21That is literally half a cow.
39:24They've got king durian fruit.
39:27Oh my gosh the stinkiest
39:29cat wee fruit.
39:31It's a delicacy.
39:33It's not for me.
39:37What have you found?
39:39A can of wang.
39:43Have you seen what they call the chicken's feet?
39:46Chicken paws.
39:48Chicken paws.
39:50Look at the nails.
39:54Sorry there's a random guy in the shot there.
39:57When I first met Lydia's dad
39:59we were like going for Chinese food
40:01and I was ordering all my stuff like
40:03salt and pepper chicken this and this and that
40:05and he was like that's white guy food.
40:07I was like alright cheers mate.
40:09Said like what's proper food
40:11then he ordered his food
40:13and he just started sucking on a chicken's toe.
40:15Sorry chicken's paw.
40:19Don't get me wrong.
40:21Whatever float should go but
40:23that does not float my
40:25boat not go.
40:27Right we need some pancakes.
40:30And this is what I've been looking for
40:32the frozen crispy duck.
40:34I know it's so easy.
40:36Just bung it in the oven.
40:38And it tastes delicious.
40:40But there's so many to choose from
40:42so shall we do ip dip day?
40:44That one in the black bag looks good.
40:45That one's quite good.
40:47That one's more expensive
40:49therefore more better right?
40:51This one's authentic from Asia.
40:53More better.
40:55That one?
40:57Not the authentic Asia.
40:59That says made in the UK?
41:01The one time you're like
41:03you know when people go
41:05should be made in England and all that
41:07and it says made in China in the back
41:09we've come here for a duck from a Chinese
41:11wholesaler and it says made in England.
41:12Where's this say this from?
41:14Taste the true Chinese culinary art.
41:17Produced in Thailand.
41:19So it's Thai.
41:24Fake news it's all of it.
41:26Asia is Thailand as well to be fair.
41:28We came here for the full Chinese experience.
41:31We need three.
41:33Yeah no we need.
41:35How many are in there? 300?
41:39Okay I'm back home with my fortune cookies
41:40so I'm going to end the vlog here
41:42so I can get it edited and uploaded
41:44ready for tonight because
41:46hopefully I'm making a little Chinese
41:48feast and I'll do a little Chinese table
41:50and mum's going to come round for dinner
41:52so I'll try and film a little bit of it
41:54and it'll go in next week's vlog
41:56but I'm pretty sure it'll be in Tom's vlog as well
41:58so yeah I hope you've enjoyed this vlog.
42:01It's been a bit of a random
42:03array of days
42:05and I didn't ever manage to get
42:07to go through my clothes
42:08so sorry if you were waiting for that series
42:10I will continue it at some point
42:12but not this week.
42:14But if you have liked the video
42:16please press the like button
42:18please subscribe if you want to see more
42:20and leave me a comment
42:22because I love reading your comments
42:24but for now I'm going to end the vlog
42:26and leave you to be attacked by kisses
42:29from Alfred.
42:31What you doing?
42:33What you doing?
42:35Who's making all that banging?
42:36Who's making all that banging?
42:38Oh kisses.
42:42Oh man.
42:44Oh kisses.
42:49Kissy kissy kissy.