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Some of our most-asked-for videos...
How we met - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_4-j1pMsoc
Our favorite bread recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyFmqXzmPUo
Granola recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1NPPNFX7kY&t=1s
Ranch recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LEwsqyxAyI&t=8s

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Thanks for watching!

Judah & Katie
Belle (Isabelle) - 19
Luka - 18
Micah - 16
Tori (Victory) - 14
Eli - 12
Noelle - 10
Hope - 7
Destiny - 6
Seth - 5
Peace - 3

Want to see more from another perspective? Our family has channels!

Judah Mwania (our oldest son) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1bZYgOAVp_UUXMhg5U2mYw

The Papa's Kitchen (Sarah's parents) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3TQ2l21JgqzXOBoqlCCbRQ

Camp David Adventures (Sarah's Brother and Family) - https://www.youtube.com/c/CampDavidAdventures
Kenya Reese (Sarah's Niece & Luke and Jill's daughter is a recording artist)

For business inquiries...


00:00hi guys big day here in our world today is my grandma's 98th birthday that is
00:10quite a milestone to get to 98 and my mom is in town my uncle's in town and
00:16we're gonna head to her place to celebrate with her today the kids are
00:20really excited everyone's here so I think everyone's gonna be able to come
00:24as far as my family so yeah we're gonna have a good time are you ready to go to
00:30grandma's yeah are you excited mm-hmm my grandparents lived a long time in
00:37Detroit that's where they're really from well there's several other places they
00:41live but then Danville for a while Illinois they planted a church and then
00:47they were missionaries all around the world and then at some point when my
00:50kids were little they decided to kind of just retire in Lincoln which is where
00:57we live in Nebraska because my mom lived here and she's the oldest of their four
01:01children and the only girl and so you know how that goes and so they moved
01:06here and then they ended up we all ended up living my parents my grandparents and
01:13even my aunt Sharon ended up living within doors of each other and that that
01:19was like 10 years of our life and we always look back at that time is like
01:23the best it was basically a family compound with other neighbors involved
01:28my kids would run to my parents house my kids would want to run to grandma and
01:32grandpa's house one year it snowed so much it was like up to our waist at
01:36Christmas the whole city shut down church shut down everything shut down
01:40and we put all like this food and presents on sleds and got it all to my
01:45grandparents house because my grandpa couldn't get out and had Christmas
01:50together even though we were snowed in and we just have the best memories from
01:53that time I think we're always solo and I always think one day it will be great
01:57if we have a compound on our own house on our own property like that because we
02:01just love kids growing up together with family in our last house in Lincoln our
02:09neighbors were like family and so that was pretty good too but we love the
02:13multi-generational thing to happen so anyway it because of that my kids
02:19they're close to grandma my grandpa went to heaven a while ago Eli was a baby and
02:24he's 11 now so that was 11 years ago but yeah they know he's 12 12 years ago I
02:34start asking me the ages of my kids and it gets a little sketchy anyway that
02:40it's a blessing that she still has so much life about her she reads books
02:46several books a week like big novels and all kinds of books she's always telling me
02:50what book I should be reading and books about heaven all kinds of books and yeah
02:56she's just amazing her mind is like very very sharp so she hasn't been to our new
03:02house though because she had a big fall right before the wedding in September
03:06and just hasn't been able to get out and winter has made it a lot less
03:10motivating to try but I have faith that this spring or summer one time when my
03:15mom's visiting
03:18everybody's home from piano and voice lessons and we're gonna leave
03:22Thank you so much
03:24How old are you?
03:26Only 98
03:28Only 98
03:32She says 52
03:34She got stuck at 52
03:42Best thing that ever happened to you in your life so far
03:49And don't say coming to Jesus because we know that's the main one
03:53Second best
03:55What's the second best?
03:59I guess
04:01I was just amazed
04:03I didn't know what a great
04:05husband I was getting when I got a call
04:07Aww that's so sweet
04:09Like you wouldn't believe it
04:11He was so good
04:13That was the original
04:15He was handsome too
04:17You know what? He grew up
04:19in an ordinary
04:21home in Cleveland, Ohio
04:23He went to the Navy
04:25the day before he was
04:2718 he joined the Navy
04:29and in my room
04:31they have a big beautiful picture
04:33of him in his Navy uniform
04:35but I
04:37had no idea of all the things
04:39that were in him
04:43the ministry and the love of God
04:45and the love of Jesus
04:47and the love of people
04:49and wanting to help people
04:51I had no idea that was all in him
04:53I didn't know
04:55it was all in me either
04:59That's probably the best second thing
05:01and the next third thing
05:03is that of course
05:05all the kids God gave me
05:07that was also a blessing
05:09a big blessing
05:11They couldn't have come without the husband first
05:13That's right
05:17Remember this kids
05:21You gotta get a husband first
05:25So I hope that makes you understand
05:27about my first
05:29That's good you got your priorities just perfect
05:31Those are great priorities mom
05:33They're so pretty those little girls
05:35Aren't they though?
05:38Vitality oh God
05:40Even in this coming new year
05:42in our life
05:44Now we pray that you bless the food
05:46Happy Birthday
05:48Dear Grandma
05:50Happy Birthday
05:52to you
05:54to you
05:56Thank you
05:58Happy Birthday
06:00Dear Grandma
06:02Happy Birthday
06:04Dear Grandma
06:06Happy Birthday
06:08Dear Grandma
06:10Happy Birthday
06:12Happy Birthday
06:14to you
06:16Happy Birthday
06:18Dear Grandma
06:20May you have
06:22so many many many
06:26so many many
06:32so many many
06:34Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear grandma!
06:44Hot dog cake is sweet!
06:48Hot dog cake is sweet!
06:57Thank you, oh my goodness!
07:00What does it say?
07:02It's a part of me, oh, it's not.
07:04What does it say?
07:06Tell her what it says.
07:07Happy birthday.
07:08Oh, that's awesome.
07:10Have a great birthday.
07:12I love you so much.
07:14Love, Hope.
07:16Oh, is that me?
07:19You messed it up a bit.
07:21That is so sweet.
07:22Oh, that's beautiful.
07:23That's good.
07:24Isn't that great?
07:25It's got a great smell.
07:26I wish I looked that good yet.
07:28You do.
07:29You just open it by pulling it apart.
07:30Oh, what is it?
07:31Oh, is it empty?
07:32No, I have candy in it.
07:35Girl, look up!
07:37Isn't that cute?
08:01It's the next day here, and look at this amazingness.
08:16Just kids outside playing in the sand.
08:21They packed a big picnic, as usual, by the pond.
08:25It's beautiful.
08:26We still have some snow lying around, but not too much.
08:30My hairdresser daughter is doing my hair.
08:34She's crimping it for me with a crimper.
08:38Have you used this before, the crimper?
08:40No, I didn't even know you had anything like this
08:43until I picked it up.
08:43No, when I showed you a few days ago.
08:45Yeah, that was when I first saw it.
08:49So for her birthday, she got a couple dolls
08:50that have hair that you like, their heads,
08:55doll heads, what do you call them, mannequins?
08:58And for doing hair, so one has black hair,
09:03one has hair like mine more, Caucasian hair,
09:08and so she experiments on them.
09:11And then she has sisters, and then she has me.
09:15You could crimp my hair.
09:18You could barely get the crimper.
09:19We need to get a tiny crimper, that would be funny.
09:23That would be actually really funny.
09:24That would be funny.
09:25Here, I'll move it back a little bit.
09:27Go and grab a clip so I can clip your hair off.
09:30Oh, fancy.
09:31My mom and I were just talking about gray hair,
09:34because see, I have some.
09:36I've got my strands.
09:38I see people in the comments once in a while comment.
09:42And I'm really basically, I think I would color it,
09:46except I'm lazy and cheap.
09:50And it takes a long time, and it costs a lot of money,
09:54and those two things keep me from doing stuff.
09:56That's why I went gray, lazy and cheap.
10:01She used to color her hair.
10:02I was just asking her, I remember when she was talking
10:05about, should I just go to my natural?
10:07But I was about your age when I stopped, wasn't I?
10:10When you got married, how old was I?
10:14How old were you when I was 23?
10:17So, I was 20, let's see.
10:21What year did you get married?
10:22That's the easier way to put it.
10:252002, and now it's what?
10:32It doesn't make any sense.
10:34How do I figure it out?
10:35I'm 72, so, 2002.
10:40I was born in 52.
10:4252 to 2002 is what?
10:45I could just subtract how many years I've been married,
10:47but then I'd have to know that.
10:51I've been married 22 years.
10:5323 years in this summer, so.
10:56So, 22 years ago, I was 52.
11:00I wasn't quite your age.
11:01Yeah, I'm not ashamed of my age.
11:03I'm not afraid of growing old.
11:05I'm 46, I have 11 children to show for it.
11:08I was 50, because I had 50.
11:11And I only have a little.
11:13I've done highlights a couple times in my life
11:16a long time ago, and then I did lowlights
11:18a couple times in my life, more recently.
11:21I like the lowlights better,
11:22but she tried to aim for the gray a little,
11:25but that was years ago still.
11:27So, I don't know.
11:28I think I'll just leave it.
11:30What do they call reverse frost?
11:32That was lowlights.
11:34That's what I did to eventually grow it out.
11:38So, you had been coloring, and then you grew it out?
11:40No, I didn't color for years.
11:43I was a blonde when we got married.
11:46And then I stopped coloring, probably.
11:49So, you didn't let it just go gray, though?
11:52So, why'd you put streaks in it?
11:53It was starting to go gray,
11:54and I didn't like it all gray.
11:56So, you'd made it dark?
11:57So, they said, well, to keep it from looking so gray,
12:02put some dark streaks in it,
12:05so that there's gray, but not all gray.
12:08And then that made my scalp show up,
12:10because my hair, I didn't have a lot of thick hair
12:15like you do, you have tons of hair.
12:18Okay, that's interesting.
12:20I've been talking about lately some of my videos,
12:23like some of the videos that Instagram serves me,
12:27and mostly they're funny, because I love funny videos,
12:29but I have been seeing a lot of women in their 30s
12:33with very gray hair, like fully gray.
12:35And it's women who went gray very young, like in their 20s,
12:41and then have been coloring for a long time,
12:43and so they're growing it out.
12:45So, then they're like fully gray
12:47by the time they're 38 or whatever,
12:50because they grew it out.
12:51And they're beautiful, they're actually beautiful.
12:55And then I was telling her, I don't know,
12:56sometimes you think they're just beautiful people.
12:59Like, they're not average people, I don't think, maybe,
13:03because they look so good with their gray hair,
13:06but I'm definitely solidly average.
13:09I'm not saying that badly,
13:10but I don't know if I could be all gray yet.
13:13I don't want to be gray.
13:14No, you're not, you don't have enough gray to go gray.
13:18Will it be like three years from now?
13:20No longer than that.
13:21With how much I have?
13:22You don't have much.
13:23Unless it just only comes in gray from now on.
13:25You have, like, sparkly,
13:27it's like somebody sprayed your hair with sparkles.
13:32It's fun.
13:33It's shiny, though.
13:34I would maybe try some other.
13:35It should go pretty shiny.
13:37Thank you, dear.
13:38Like, pretty white.
13:40That's the thing, some people's hair goes gray-gray.
13:44I feel like if I wasn't so cheap and lazy,
13:46I would probably try eyelashes.
13:50Here, I just pulled a gray.
13:51There you go.
13:52Thank you very much.
13:54And, like, a permanent, not permanent,
13:57but what do they call it?
13:58They're not permanent, but they.
13:59Ah, thank you!
14:01That's cute.
14:01Look, it's totally gray, it fell out.
14:03Did you get all of it that quick?
14:06Oh, that's great.
14:08You did better than I do.
14:09Okay, you got a job now.
14:13Thank you so much.
14:14I actually have a friend who wants to do this, too,
14:16sort of thing of starting a business together.
14:18Oh, that's so fun.
14:20That would be, that's a great way.
14:22Have a friend that also is interested.
14:24She did a very good job, from what I can tell,
14:27compared to when I do it.
14:29I'm also not very good at doing hair, like curling.
14:32I should let you try the wand, too.
14:34I'm terrible at the curling wand.
14:36Okay, that's awesome.
14:37It's new levels unlocked when your child can do your hair.
14:41I love having so many kids,
14:42because they all have different.
14:46They all have different talents, gifts.
14:47And desires.
14:48Yes, like I was telling Belle, she does musicals.
14:52She's in plays all the time.
14:53Musicals, specifically.
14:55I hated musicals.
14:57She knew it, everybody knew it.
14:59And now I've gone to so many.
15:01Like, I'm really liking these musicals, it's so fun.
15:04I'm excited when she has another one.
15:06Okay, let me show you what else I've been doing today.
15:09I've been making bagels,
15:10and these are all like salted bagels.
15:12There are about 16 over here.
15:14But then I tried for the first time
15:16putting cinnamon and sugar on some bagels,
15:19and they were so good.
15:21There were 16 of them.
15:22We basically all had a bagel, and they were amazing.
15:26They were wonderful.
15:27They were wonderful.
15:29I'm definitely doing this again soon.
15:33Okay, what else did we do?
15:34That's the water I did the bagels with.
15:36We've collected a bunch of eggs today, as usual.
15:39We've been eating a lot of eggs.
15:41For right before, or last year,
15:44we got this egg thing, an egg thing.
15:47It's like one of those hard-boiled egg cookers,
15:50but it does a really good job with soft-boiled eggs,
15:52which we're all obsessed with, most of us.
15:54And so we've been making those a lot, which is good.
15:57I also made some artisan bread this morning.
16:00I milked almost six gallons of milk,
16:02and Luca was my helper today.
16:05Luca and I mucked out the barn for like,
16:08in an hour straight, we made so much progress.
16:11So my mom thinks I need to switch my pictures.
16:13There's someone else on your channel, I think.
16:16Okay, she reads my comments, a lot.
16:22Say hi to my mom in the comments.
16:27Oh gosh.
16:30I've just been ignoring her when she says this,
16:32but maybe she's right.
16:34Daddy, that's not right.
16:35Oh, you might not even have to move a nail.
16:39I guess the frame's meant, oh yeah,
16:40definitely would have to move a nail down a little, I think.
16:43Move it down a little?
16:44Well, I don't know.
16:46Just move this one.
16:46I might be too lazy for that.
16:48Oh, there you go.
16:49It doesn't look that bad, actually.
16:51She thinks the bigger, darker one.
16:53And it matches your green chair.
16:56Oh, okay.
16:57Look at this.
16:59There you go.
17:01Maybe she's right.
17:04I'm lazy about some things I recognize about myself.
17:08This is decorating.
17:11Can be one of them.
17:13Look, those colors go together better.
17:18That color, it's not straight.
17:21Let's see.
17:22Wow, I hate to admit it, but I think you're right.
17:26Say it really loud.
17:28I think you're right.
17:30It is because the colors just pop.
17:34Yeah, definitely.
17:35It's a village scene, which I love.
17:36And they match the chair, the green chair.
17:39That chair I got from Amazon.
17:41I'll link it.
17:42If you just need a little sitting chair,
17:43I have one in my room in white to linen, too.
17:46And this one.
17:47It is so comfortable.
17:48We all love that chair.
17:50What's your random nails there?
17:52We had some there at one point.
17:54Let's see.
17:55This one could go down a little,
17:57but I don't think anybody will look at it and go,
17:59that needs to go down a little.
18:00Someone definitely will on the blog.
18:04It looks, I can't believe you're right.
18:08Look it.
18:09It just goes together better.
18:10It does.
18:12Hey, your father liked your baskets.
18:14Oh yeah, he hasn't been.
18:15He's never seen them.
18:15You saw him on FaceTime.
18:17He obviously doesn't watch my videos.
18:19No, he doesn't watch your videos.
18:21I love those, too.
18:22And then I have these spoons I bought
18:24in Kenya this last trip.
18:26I haven't been sure what to do with them.
18:28I was gonna maybe just hang them here.
18:30I got them at a grocery store for like 50 cents each.
18:33They were so cheap.
18:35But they're really cool.
18:36Hand carved.
18:38I don't know what to do with those.
18:40Maybe the wall here.
18:41But then it's a lot of the same baskets and spoons.
18:44I don't know.
18:45It's okay, it's the basket corner.
18:48My mom has this face app.
18:49I wanted to see if it had gray hair.
18:52It does not.
18:53You can make your hair other colors,
18:54at least in the free version.
18:55But you can be cool old.
18:56So I just took my picture, cool old.
18:59It looks like he gave me Botox.
19:02I look better than I do now.
19:04That's terrible.
19:08It's the eyelashes.
19:10Okay, oh my gosh.
19:13Why do I look better than now?
19:14Do they add eyelashes these days?
19:16That's how I look.
19:17I look like my grandma, David.
19:18The one that just went to heaven.
19:20I promise you, that's what I look like.
19:22Only with black hair.
19:24That's original.
19:25Okay, let's try Noel.
19:26I think it's only aging you 10 years instead of 20.
19:29The old?
19:32You don't look that old.
19:33That's the old.
19:34This is the cool old.
19:36The cool old looks better than I do now.
19:41Okay, wait, hold on.
19:43There was an app I had that made you 20 years old.
19:45That's now.
19:46See, they hardly change you at all.
19:49Okay, let's try Noel.
19:54Hair's messy.
19:56That's all right.
20:00That's awesome.
20:01That could be her as an adult though.
20:03That's the cool old.
20:04Oh yeah.
20:06That's so, you look, you're gorgeous.
20:09Look at that.
20:13Let's save that just to see how accurate it is later.
20:17There's my mom after a while.
20:20Cool old.
20:21I love the cool old.
20:22It's so cool.
20:25There's the not cool old.
20:27Let me see.
20:29That one's beautiful.
20:30It doesn't change me that much.
20:32Yes it does.
20:33Does it?
20:36The cool old is cool.
20:38It is cool.
20:38It's like so cool.
20:40Okay, let's try some of these kids.
20:41See what they'll look like as adults.
20:44That's Destiny.
20:48She has blue eyeshadows.
20:49It put makeup on her.
20:53All right, let's do that.
20:55We're just saving the cool old for,
20:58for research purposes.
21:01Can you do me now?
21:03All right, here's Hope.
21:04Let's try hers.
21:06Okay, Hope.
21:07What's it gonna be?
21:12Wait, I don't see the old old.
21:14Oh, wait.
21:15Let's do it on my cup.
21:16Old old.
21:16No, do it on my cup.
21:18Okay, wait, we're saving Hope's.
21:22Okay, so here's Peace.
21:27Peace, do you think you'll look like that
21:28when you're an adult?
21:29I don't think they got yours right.
21:32Maybe not.
21:33Wait, wait, wait, just save it.
21:34Just save it.
21:34Let's see.
21:37Okay, here's Tori.
21:38Let's see how cool old looks.
21:41Oh, that's, oh, you are gorgeous, Tori.
21:45I still look like I'm wearing like a Gallant makeup.
21:46Wait, can we check?
21:48I don't know.
21:49We did it on Micah.
21:50He wouldn't let us show it,
21:51but it was very cool.
21:52He had a big beard.
21:54Okay, my mom took off.
21:56That was fun.
21:57And now I'm making a really quick dinner
21:59because I didn't have meat thawed.
22:01I have a bunch of meat out thawing,
22:02but I didn't pull it out earlier.
22:05I wanted to get it in quick
22:07because I have some people leaving early.
22:09So I got one casserole in fast.
22:11Now I'll show you the second.
22:13I didn't have time to film the first one.
22:15But it's a meal that I make.
22:16I think I made it for you guys before,
22:18but I make it.
22:22When I don't have meat thawed,
22:23it's one of the things.
22:25And I want something really fast.
22:26So it only takes 20 minutes in the oven, about-ish.
22:29I'm breaking a broccoli, frozen broccoli,
22:31if you're wondering what I was doing.
22:33We're having broccoli.
22:34We're having broccoli.
22:36My kids love broccoli.
22:38It takes 20 minutes in the oven
22:39and like 10 minutes to whip up.
22:43So I just put a bunch of bro,
22:44I don't really measure either.
22:45So let me show you.
22:46So I use canned chicken.
22:48I like this big can from Sam's Club.
22:51I actually only have a few more of these.
22:52I'm using up my store-bought.
22:54I also have home canned chicken, which I prefer.
22:57But I need to use up the old stuff first.
23:00So I put in the canned chicken
23:02and I need some chicken broth too.
23:05The canned chicken usually has all this water in it,
23:08but I'm not a big fan.
23:09So I'm using my homemade bone broth.
23:11Just about a cup of that for that big can.
23:16All right, I need two hands.
23:17It's the rest of that jar.
23:18It's not very brothy.
23:20It's very jello-y, which is great.
23:22I love it.
23:23And then I'm gonna use a couple of bags of this broccoli,
23:28which these are 16 ounces each, one pound each.
23:31I never measure this and it always turns out wonderful.
23:34I always throw in some bacon crumbles.
23:38Just gonna finish off the bag there.
23:40I'm gonna throw in some cream cheese,
23:42some mayo,
23:45and some sour cream, which is also homemade for me.
23:48I just finished that one off, but I have a new one.
23:51I did about a cup of the cream cheese,
23:53about a third or two thirds,
23:56a half cup maybe of mayonnaise.
23:57It's just what I happen to have left over
23:59finished off that jar.
24:01I threw in some sour cream too.
24:03May add more of that if it doesn't mix up well.
24:06I have more of that.
24:09Garlic and onion powder.
24:10I'm very generous with garlic at all times.
24:13I can't remember if I usually put salt in this.
24:15So the first one I did not.
24:16We'll see.
24:17That's a mistake.
24:19And then sometimes if I have shredded cheese,
24:20I put that in,
24:21but I don't have a lot of hard cheese right now to shred.
24:24So I'm just skipping that.
24:27It makes it just extra cheesy, but it's fine without.
24:30Okay, let me mix this up and get back to that.
24:32There it is.
24:33I ended up just putting in a little more cream cheese.
24:35No regrets.
24:36Took a little bite of that chicken.
24:38It was good.
24:38Spray down my pan.
24:42I just made bagels in this with parchment paper.
24:45It's still basically clean,
24:46except a little piece of bagel stuck there.
24:49And now I'm going to use my onion powder as a camera stand.
24:56Why not?
24:57Actually, my first casserole usually takes like 20 minutes,
25:01but I think I normally put this
25:03into two different casserole dishes.
25:05And since I put it all into one,
25:08the same amount for the first one,
25:11it was not quite heated through.
25:12And I start with frozen broccoli,
25:14which doesn't help compared to fresh.
25:18So I added 15 more minutes on that.
25:23And now I'm going to have another huge one.
25:26My kids love this every single time.
25:31Everyone I think has come in here since I started
25:33and asked, what are you making?
25:34And when I say like broccoli chicken casserole, oh, yum.
25:39Hey, did she just lick that?
25:41That's disgusting.
25:43Don't put this in the sink, please.
25:45I promise you, we don't usually keep our dogs
25:48near the counter.
25:50Actually, oh yeah, no.
25:54Alrighty, into the oven we, oh no, sorry.
25:57One more step.
25:59I already cleaned these.
26:04Green onion on top,
26:05because everything's better with green onion on top.
26:08I keep these growing on my kitchen windowsill,
26:11I always have a lot of green onion put on top of things.
26:17Here we go.
26:32Tomorrow we're having a big group of Kenyans
26:34over for dinner, which is fun.
26:35We're going to cook a lot of Kenyan food.
26:37My Uncle John's here from,
26:40he lived in Kenya for most of his life, adult life,
26:43and so we'll have a grand old time.
26:45So it's nice to have an easy dinner tonight.
26:47Chicken what?
26:48Chicken, broccoli, casserole.
26:50Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:52Guys, we're gonna run outside.
26:53We're losing daylight quick.
26:54I just realized it's 6 p.m.
26:56We gotta lock the cabs up for the night.
26:59And I like to do it before it's dark.
27:02So we're gonna run.
27:03Tori's gonna keep an eye on these casseroles.
27:05Thank you guys for watching today.
27:08And we'll talk to you in the next video.
27:12I think we have big news in the next video for you.
27:14We have a lot of big news happening here all the time
27:16because we have young adults.
27:20And big things happen when you have young adults.
27:22That's what I'm realizing.
27:23Like every time we turn around, there's big news.
27:27It's a lot.
27:28Wouldn't you say, Solo?
27:30It's a lot.
27:35It's a lot.
