• 7 hours ago
In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10, Mumbo designs the brain for his everlasting life machine. This Minecraft artificial intelligence has moving eyes, and will have mood functions. Mumbo also builds up extra modules for the survival mega base build, has some fun with Geminitay and does some shop restocking.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo
00:00I should be arrested. The popo should be coming for me right now. I'm literally the worst. I'm here
00:04I I was just looking at my shops and I have not stocked them
00:07They have been completely out of stock and I don't know
00:10For how long my hair blending in too much of this cobblestone. Is that distracting for you?
00:14This makes it look like i'm wearing a very large hat as you can see from my levels
00:17I've been at my gold farm for a little while and i've also spent the night at the iron farm. So hopefully
00:23Oh gosh, is this a small enough problem that it can be a future me problem? Yes
00:28Okay, this is excellent inventory management is my passion and we go into the mines
00:34That should do the trick for a little while
00:36It's not much but it's something and the reason it's not much is because I was actually targeting leather from bartering trades
00:44Now not only does this mean I can restock my item frame shop, but it also means I should be able to do a little
00:49bit more
00:50Armor stand action. We do not actually
00:54Have a huge amount though
00:56We just got tons of other stuff
00:58I won't complain about getting loads of quartz and gravel and things but I kind of wanted more leather with that being said three shulker
01:03Boxes worth of gravel for course that is extremely cool. Nice. Nice. Nice. Um, it's remember, please don't buy this stuff
01:10It's time to get to work on my bulbous creation. That is what i'm referring to this thing as the bulbous creation
01:15I think it is pretty fitting and I gotta say now that i'm back here
01:20It's been it's been a couple days since I was last over here
01:22I've spent the past week on some scottish winter mountains and being horrifically ill just horrendously ill coming back after some time away
01:30It still looks cool. It looks in proportion with the town. I think it fits in with all the surroundings and things. I like it a lot
01:37I'm excited to start getting the modules in so first things first
01:40We need to get a little bit of inspiration and to do that. I looked up a bunch of film stills featuring retro technology
01:45Or old machinery or sort of older science fiction stuff and there's lots of little gauges and dials and displays
01:54I really really like in this selection. So i'm going to be trying my best to draw from this
01:58So without further ado, let's get the ball rolling
02:00I'm going to ease myself into this with this bottom one, which I would say looks quite structural initially
02:05I was going to put it out of tuff
02:06But actually I think deep slate is probably the way to go
02:09I really like the way the bottom of the factory looks do I actually have any deep slate?
02:13I don't know if I do, you know, no
02:15Okay, that's very typical. I guess this is my life for the next little while. Oh, that's a nice bonus of the job, right?
02:20So i've started placing in some blocks and i've started placing in some basic pipes and things and I think this is a solid start
02:26It's only a tiny little module. It looks like something that is kind of holding up the rest of the machine
02:30So this small amount of detail I think is more than enough
02:33I think the one thing that I might add is just an extra pipe on this side just to make sure that the build isn't
02:39Completely two-dimensional at this point in time and I would say that has gone fairly smoothly, right?
02:44Let's move on to module number two except first. I really really need to wax some of this copper
02:49Oh my goodness. How have I not noticed that willies?
02:52Willies is fully oxidized. This is terrible. Gosh, that looks so much better and that looks infinitely better
02:58I'm, really not sure. I like that orange and red together
03:00I'm gonna decide later on if I can tolerate it now we move on to this module and
03:05oh, I kind of like the idea that this is like a
03:08a corner
03:10Screen type thing. Okay
03:13Okay, this is interesting now. We need to work out how to do the stuff
03:18in this gap and
03:20Honestly, I don't really know we don't have too much space to work with
03:23I want to get the impression across that there is some form of information being displayed
03:27I'm playing around with this idea, which of course we could animate with redstone. I think it looks pretty good
03:32I think once it's covered with some form of glass
03:35It will help it looks a little bit too high contrast right now. Definitely definitely definitely. Okay, let's get something on there
03:42I originally I was thinking green
03:46But I actually think
03:48I'm gonna try and and imagine hues here
03:52Not only are we going to try and do a sort of general dark to light gradient on this build
03:58but also I think go from
04:02Sort of cyan-y shadowy colors
04:06To then the more pastel-y colors towards the top with the saturation
04:11Peeking towards the middle as you can tell I feel incredibly confident about this plan. This is feeling like it looks incredibly cool
04:17Yes, I was right. Okay that fits right in for the time being
04:20I am just going to toggle some of these on eventually they will get redstoned up and that marks this part of the build
04:26All done and dusted. So let's move on to the next one
04:29In fact, let's move on to a few more and I think i'm going to do it in the form of a time lapse
04:33And progress is going remarkably
04:34Well, I managed to speed through this section and I think it's because this is probably the easiest section of the build
04:39You see if I imagine this build segmented into three different areas
04:43I would say the bottom section is the area dedicated to power
04:49so this is where a lot of the power for the build is coming from, you know, you've got like
04:54Electrical signals running into the base of the build. We've got vents
04:58we've got
05:00Pistons and things moving. This is where the actual energy for the build
05:05Is kind of coming in and then I would say the middle section is where a lot of the computing elements are going to be
05:11So that's going to be a little bit more complicated
05:13And I think some of those modules are going to have to be a little bit more detailed
05:16But that's where almost the brain of the operation is and of course
05:19We've got the screen in the center, which literally is the brain of the operation
05:24And then the final segment is going to be dedicated to I guess networking
05:28So there'll be sorts of antennas and little satellite dishes and things like that
05:32So let's take a look at what we've done and I gotta say I think it's really interesting
05:36How well this actually fits in with the town it almost feels like an extension of the town going upwards
05:43Which wasn't initially my plan, but i'm kind of on board with it
05:46I was really worried when I started building this thing that it would mess up the proportions of what we already had but actually
05:52Breaking up this mega build into a bunch of smaller builds has kept the feeling of correct scale for this area
06:01Simultaneously adding like a big focal point up at the top. I think this is working quite well
06:06And i've done it by accident now. I really don't know what to do next
06:09You see here's the thing. I am super excited to build the rest of the module. So i'm in a very
06:14Module building mood and these modules are starting to be the most exciting ones because these are more of the computery ones
06:21I want to get like all the switches and all the different like electrical
06:26Electronic looking bits added in but simultaneously
06:29I'm kind of thinking that I want to do a little bit of redstone and actually try and work out how i'm going to
06:34Do the brain of this thing. So
06:37Yeah, I think i'm gonna pop into the redstone testing world quickly gosh the factory looks cool from up here, doesn't it?
06:41I'm gonna give myself a few hours and then we'll get back to building
06:44But I guess there are some major aesthetic considerations to make here
06:48Like what do I actually want the display to look like? Do I want it to be a face?
06:52Do I want it to have letters and numbers purely information being displayed?
06:56I was watching back this big ron's promo and
07:00I do absolutely love
07:01the little grumbot inspired robot screen
07:05I kind of feel like this might be the way to go. It's time to do a little bit of experimenting
07:09I've spent the best part of an hour working on the front of this thing
07:14It dawned on me how important it is that I actually get the look of this thing, correct and
07:20I think this is a solid start now
07:23If I just do some mock powerings of a lot of the lights and things
07:28These are the lights that will be on all the time
07:30And i've just realized this kind of gives it a vibe as if it's looking down
07:36I honestly i'm not sure
07:39I'm, not sure if that's good or bad. It's kind of got those eyeballs that sort of follow you wherever you walk
07:44All right. I'm playing with some ideas here. I had not initially imagined this
07:49but these are sort of looking like pupils and
07:54I think we can animate the pupils
07:57In a way that is really satisfying
07:59And it will give this thing a ton of life
08:02I guess this would be the sort of default state and then we could have it look down
08:06We could have it look from side to side. We could make it do eye rolls
08:10We could make it go cross-eyed. We could make it do all sorts of different things
08:16at different intervals
08:17He could blink
08:19He could do some crazy ones like his eyes could roll over the top and then come back to the start that could be creepy
08:24I don't know
08:24You can tell how long i've been staring at this by the fact that a bunch of the bulbs are now starting to weather
08:30I really
08:31Should start making decisions here. Okay, here is the plan of action
08:35I'm, just going to see if I can do it
08:37And then we'll see how it feels like that. It's probably the best way to go, right?
08:42I'll see if I can actually make these eyeballs do interesting eyeball things and if I can
08:48Then we decide if we actually want it in the base
08:51So the first thing that I have to do is make sure that I can actually power all of these
08:58various different bulb positions and I should be able to use
09:03The blocks next to the bulbs to be able to toggle them on and off now
09:06I'm extremely curious if I can actually make these
09:11all fully independent of one another
09:15It could be quite difficult and i've just realized I probably want all of these to toggle on
09:21And then off again
09:23So on the rising edge the the lamps toggle on and then on the falling edge they toggle off
09:27So that means we need two pulses per pulse
09:30Which I think I could just do using regular pistons and that should do the trick. Oh my goodness
09:36This is potentially going to be a little bit more complicated than I was expecting
09:39I'm going to try my best to plan out all of the different eye positions. So side to side
09:46Up, I'd like cross-eyed
09:49I guess blink would be good and having written out that list
09:53I've split up the segments of the eye into various different chunks and we have got one
09:59two three four five six seven eight nine ten different segments
10:05That we can power or depower
10:07Well actually make that 11 because I need these two to be separate and I also need to be able to make sure
10:13That these two eyes can go directly next to one
10:17This is gonna be difficult
10:18So i'm thinking having the eyeballs do random things like having a random sequence of events with animations
10:25It's just going to prove to be way too difficult
10:27So instead i'm going to have a sequence that the eyes run in and i'm going to store that sequence using piston feed tapes
10:34So the first task is to create a decoder and I think
10:39This should be the final stage of that process. This means that every single one of these comparators
10:47Corresponds to a different segment
10:49Of our eye displays and they are all on a different y level
10:54So let's just quickly make sure that this is working if I flick this lever
11:01Is it really only doing one light bulb
11:04Have I gone that granular with it as far as I know this should switch on the light bulb next to it
11:10yeah, okay it does and then
11:12We should have this one here and this one here
11:17Should be the other light bulbs around it. Okay
11:21Yeah, and then when I flick all of those off all of those should switch off again
11:27Nice i've tested all of the different segments and all of them seem to be working which is fantastic
11:31Now if you're wondering why they're all on different y levels is because our piston feed tape
11:36Oh, how do I explain this our piston feed tape is like a strip
11:39Of glass and blocks if there is glass then the bulbs are off if there are blocks
11:45Then the bulbs are on each layer
11:48of our piston feed tape
11:50Corresponds to a different segment of the eyes. For example, this top layer here corresponds to the top section of the eyeball
11:58This bottom one corresponds to the bottom one and then all the ones in between do all the ones in between now
12:03Our piston feed tape will be made of a bunch of these slices that cycle around in a circle
12:09And you have to think of each one of these slices as being like a frame of the animation
12:14So as each slice moves along we get a different assortment of glass and blocks
12:20Which means we get a different assortment of bulbs being on or off which hopefully should lead to some satisfying animations
12:27I don't know if i'm being overconfident, but I genuinely feel like that made sense
12:30So now we should be on the home straight and in plain sailing territory
12:34However, I have no clue how i'm going to power these pistons here
12:39without disrupting all of this
12:41Remember, I know you probably think I could put some redstone here, but no
12:45We need another one of these
12:47On this side directly next to this machine
12:50Which i've just realized isn't actually going to work because this block here would also power these pistons
12:58This needs to be dropped down. Hopefully this doesn't break anything major. Okay, that's all fixed
13:04I've also done some extra jiggling around of the redstone and as far as I can tell
13:10I should now be able to run a redstone line up here
13:14Without it connecting to anything
13:18Yeah, that doesn't look like it will cause any issues and there's only one issue on this side, which I think
13:26Should now all be resolved
13:28So then this here is going to be the size of our piston feed tape and this is how many frames we're going to have
13:34For our animation cycle. We've got 12
13:38Okay, so this is a 30 frame animation
13:41Now i'm also going to add an extra section to our piston feed tape, which is going to contain a single block
13:47And this is so we can tell what state it's in because I want to have a default off state
13:53Off state so if we switch the machine off it will go to the default state
13:57Which will be the pupils in the center just so it doesn't get stuck somewhere weird
14:01So that's all in place and all of the circuitry connecting up our banks of piston should be in place
14:06And now as you can see our piston feed tape is working
14:09So this block is gradually making its way around now
14:13It's time for the fairly dull and fairly painful task of programming in all of the animations
14:20This just involves repeatedly placing blocks inside of here in the correct place and hoping it does what I expect it to
14:27And I thought this would work well in the form of a time lapse and here you can see the absolute trial and errorness
14:32That is this part of the process
14:35I just gradually placing in blocks seeing which part of the eye lights up working out animations working out sequences
14:41And generally just forgetting what part of the sequence that you should be in
14:47yeah, it's
14:48There's nothing worse than when you skip along and then you forget what the eyes were meant to be doing
14:54But after a lot of playing about
14:56I have got a working sequence
14:59Now, is it the sequence that i'm going to stick with? Probably not
15:04But as a proof of concept it's working incredibly well. So let's take a closer look. Here we go
15:10Here it is
15:12I am very very much enjoying just sitting here watching this thing
15:17Like there's something incredibly satisfying about it, so it's currently looping through it's going to look down again
15:22And then we should get a little bit of side to side action as well
15:28I don't know. It just it feels like it has a lot of life
15:31I feel like
15:32This is worked out quite nicely and I think from a distance as well, especially
15:38there's something about this that is just
15:41Fun, it's just really really fun. Uh, there is one that I really don't like which is the blink here it is
15:47Dreadful, it's almost it's like demonic. I don't like that at all. But all of the eye movement stuff
15:53I think is perfect. I did not have this planned by the way. I did not have this planned for today
15:58I was
15:59I didn't have any idea of doing even a face and then it was just by chance that I ended up with some pupil looking things
16:06But I think this is really cool. So I think in terms of eye animations
16:10I'm, definitely going to have the look down look side to side i'm going to add in the cross-eyed animation
16:15I'm also going to then have the looking up and then I think having some form of silly one
16:20Like a full eye roll would be kind of fun, even though it could look horrific
16:25I'm, not sure so with all the logic worked out. Let's pop back onto the hermitcraft server
16:29I really really like this thing this strand this little rope that scar has created here has perfect shape
16:37It's like it's so well executed by the way
16:39I'm, almost 99.9% certain that scar has added an audacious number of big trees
16:46Like I swear this forest has tripled in size
16:49But i've been spending the past few days working on this area and looking over occasionally at this piece of rope here and i've been thinking
16:59Like how cool would it look?
17:01If this build was almost tied down it's like being held together by rope
17:06Would I be able to create such a perfect piece of engineering?
17:09I don't know. I honestly don't know but i'm i'm going to give it a whirl
17:13I'm, not entirely sure why but I just have mangrove in mind for this and i'm going to get things started
17:19over here
17:21How how how does one do this? How would it work? I guess so it starts from a point
17:28Of sort of slack-ish this definitely feels like one of those times
17:33Where having some form of camera account online would be incredibly useful
17:40I feel like i'm i'm missing the mark already
17:44Scar has added dangly bits and I think that has actually done a lot to hide the shape i'm getting close. Oh, no
17:50No, no, this is so bad
17:54What has happened to me i've created like how did I not notice that was happening?
17:58How did I not notice that this is potentially the worst thing i've ever constructed in my entire life
18:05I don't even know what to say and it's so annoying to remove
18:08This is something that I think we have done too early. I think
18:12This is a cool idea
18:14That currently doesn't fit in with the completion level of the bills. I've gone ahead of myself
18:19I've got a little bit too excited. I think i've placed something in it's like a final detail when in reality
18:25I should be working on some of these modules here. It is time for the copper module
18:29I don't know why I just always envisioned the one underneath the head being made of copper
18:34With that being said with this current color scheme. This guy's pretty bluey, right? Like if I add another blue module underneath
18:42That might be too much of one color and weirdly enough just as I was thinking about colors gem came over with a question
18:47What's your favorite color?
18:51Don't panic. It's
18:53Oh my goodness
18:54No, i'm panicking now. You've put you I can't even think of a color
18:58I literally can't even think of a color think of a color mumbo. No, it's just like I um
19:03probably like uh
19:04cerulean blue
19:08No, cerulean blue cerulean is very important. Yeah. Okay. It's very specific. Yeah. All right
19:15All right
19:16Is it is that is that all you need?
19:19Yeah, well
19:20I the research i'm asking everybody and so far three of you have all said
19:26A form of blue. Look gem. We need to be very clear here. Cerulean blue is very different blue
19:31I know. Yeah, I got it because we're just going for primary colors then it's probably it's going to be something different
19:37But wait, okay say a primary color
19:40Oh my goodness
19:41Oh my goodness
19:42Well, I guess like if we're not talking we're not talking like primary colors because then there's only three of them and that's
19:47That's a small number but we're talking like just no you can go to the secondary colors as well. Oh my goodness
19:54I've got a lot of options now. I I do like green like six options green
20:00i'm kind of like in green but look but this is the problem my brain is just because i'm surrounded by like
20:05Like my view is pure green at the minute. I feel like if i was facing any other direction
20:10It probably i'd probably say something different
20:12Well, that's sort of the research that i'm conducting right because I tried to guess based on looking at the hermit's base
20:17And for you, I guessed red and now my brain is completely frazzled and I don't even know what color I like anymore. I think
20:24And then this will be white with blue in the middle
20:27Reddish tones here and this will be some kind of birchy color. I reckon this will be orangy
20:33This will be something else and then and then this will be
20:36Some other thing. Oh and these pipes running down the front. I think these should be copper
20:40So it'll be red with a little bit of copper white and then blue copperiness in here. Okay
20:46I have got that in and it looks very weird in contrast with this don't get me wrong
20:50But I do think this will work out once we get this screen in place
20:54Oh, i've just had a completely ridiculous idea, but I kind of like the idea of it
20:59I wonder
21:00If I create almost a heart shape down here
21:04What do I like? How would that look? Oh my goodness. That's a that's a ridiculous heart. Okay
21:09I I is it too much? I honestly don't know now. I just don't know
21:15I do kind of like it
21:17I do kind of like it. I think with some extra details and bits and pieces kind of covering up
21:23A lot of the border and things and then getting the copper pipes in and then getting the background in
21:29I think this will actually work and if I still conclude that I don't like it by the next hermitcraft episode
21:34We can always remove it and change it out for something else
21:37I'm playing around with ideas for what goes behind the hearts and I kind of imagined honey
21:44because honey kind of looks like oil being pumped around and then
21:48Yeah, almost a system a bit like this
21:50So they'd be stacked up like that would have walls on each side like this and then lines of honey almost snaking around
21:57Does that look cool?
22:00I I kind of feel like it looks cool, but I don't know I think it is safe to say i'm absolutely flying by the seat
22:05Of my pants at this point in time. I am just placing blocks and freestyling and seeing what happens
22:10Goodness me skiz is having a rough time. Okay, i'm feeling pretty happy about where this is as like a base
22:18I'm, not sure how I feel about the tough
22:21I I kind of want a different type of block but then there's not really that many wall variants in the game
22:26And definitely not that many that would look good with red
22:29So I think the issue that i'm having is this thing is surrounded by tough
22:33Once all of the tough is removed
22:35Then it will look less toughy now
22:37It has crossed my mind that I could absolutely animate this heart and there is potential for me doing that
22:41But I think for the time being I just need to add some details to this build because right now
22:46It is looking very flat and very bland
22:48so I need to add some bits and pieces a bit like what i've got going on in the factory just
22:52Stuff i've almost completely lost track of how many copper blocks i've bought but I definitely think I'm owed another statue now
22:58How many was it? How many is it for the extra one copper golem five purchases exposed?
23:08I mean maybe goodness gracious me these pipes
23:13These pipes cost me 18 diamonds. Is it worth it?
23:17Yeah, I mean they look cool as
23:19Like that's definitely worth it. My only criticism at this point in time is that it looks kind of dark back there
23:24So I wonder if I could place a few light blocks behind
23:28Our honey blocks. All right, let's think if we place one back here. I mean, I don't even know
23:34Will it even shine through I genuinely don't know it does seem to be that looks significantly better
23:39Although my honey blocks keep disappearing and reappearing i'm gradually adding in more and more details
23:44I've been adding some more wiring
23:46I'm, just trying to get some texture into this build and I think i'm almost done
23:52I've got a few extra bits of wiring to add in I just need a few extra grindstones
23:56And i'm feeling pretty happy about how this looks and feeling pretty happy in general
24:01About all of the extra bits and pieces i've added
24:04I think the one thing that I would like is a little bit more texture
24:09On these pipes here and to be honest when in doubt just add some trapdoors
24:12I think some copper trapdoors on these will look great. Okay, fine right now
24:16They look terrible, but eventually when they oxidize they'll look great. Okay
24:21We have got that. I am really really happy with everything that we've done in this area
24:25It has taken me a very long time. It has taken a lot of brain power and frankly i'm a little bit frazzled
24:31So it's time for me to spend the night with a ton of piglins that was grumbly smelly and generally unpleasant
24:36But I do now have 403 levels
24:40I don't know if i've ever had this many levels before. Oh my goodness
24:43And I almost immediately lost them. I was just about to jump off the edge when I remembered i'd taken off all my stuff
24:48I am incredibly curious
24:51How much I managed
24:59What that seems so low
25:05That doesn't make any sense all these chests seem to be full
25:10Did I accidentally leave on the bartering section
25:14No, I didn't leave on the bartering section
25:16Genuinely might need to increase the price of gold because i'm too stupid to keep it stocked
