• 1 hour ago
In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone video we explore What if Minecraft had vertical redstone? The Minecraft redstone pen mod gives us the ability to put redstone on walls. This giant Minecraft redstone update makes a bunch of new builds possible, and I experiment with the new redstone features today.

REDSTONE PEN MOD: https://modrinth.com/mod/redstonepen

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00:00What if we could place redstone on walls?
00:01Well with the redstone pen mod we can and I'm extremely curious to find out how useful this actually is
00:07Let's start off with an obvious one a two wide piston door with the ability to place redstone on the back of pistons
00:13We should now be able to make really big piston doors without having to think about them too much with the catch being of course
00:19They can only be two blocks wide now in terms of how this mod actually functions
00:24You kind of have to put each element of the dust in and then place a little dot
00:28If you want it to power the block that it's on which in of itself
00:32Could be pretty useful like the fact that we can have redstone lines that don't actually power things
00:38That might be more useful than the verticalness. I'm making a bit of an assumption here
00:42I'm assuming if I power this block it will power the redstone on the back of it
00:46Right like that that totally makes sense
00:52Oh does it have to
00:55Okay, that's actually really interesting so it has to have the dot to interact with the block that is on that is again
01:03That is customizability that could be incredibly handy. This is quite cool. Well, what happens here like does this work?
01:10Oh, this feels illegal, but I kind of love it. Oh
01:15even more illegal feeling
01:18What I think i've just about worked it out. Okay, so the redstone lines run along like this
01:24And make their way across
01:27Power this redstone torch and that allows us to have a pretty much instantly activating bar the delay from the redstone torch
01:34two wide piston door and it is
01:39It's weird. I'm essentially having to rewire my brain to think of how this could work. But look how cool this is
01:44Look, there's nothing there is nothing underneath this
01:47The redstone can just run along the side of blocks and this dot feature is unbelievably useful being able to
01:53Choose whether or not you want this block to power this piston or not
01:58Pardon me wonders if there's a way to implement that in real redstone now
02:01Although the focus of this video is vertical redstone
02:03There are a few other components in the mod one of them being this which is an inverted redstone relay
02:09Which effectively acts as a redstone torch but with slightly less delay on the off
02:14There's a few other components as well, which i'll cover in a bit. But for now, let's talk about redstone decoders
02:19I know it feels a little bit ridiculous to go from two wide piston doors to redstone decoders
02:22But here we are first things first. I'm going to build up a red coder and
02:26Now that I think about it
02:28There's a way to make this smaller i'm not a hundred percent certain but I feel like
02:34I could have redstone going into this block here, but then have an inverter underneath
02:40I I don't know what's going on anymore. I actually don't know what's going on anymore. I think this is working
02:46This is such a weird thing
02:48I'm, not even sure this is actually smaller than a regular red coder, but it just
02:52It looks so odd and it is it's fully functional like look if I change the page of the book
02:58We're on page three. We've got torch number three page four torch number four
03:03I mean
03:05It is fully functional. Oh my goodness. I think i've come up with something even more cursed
03:09What on earth is this? I didn't really like where the torch output of that red coder was so i've created this
03:19It's I don't even know how to explain it like there's inverters underneath and then we have redstone signal strengths and things
03:27It actually works
03:30this is
03:31This is I don't even know what to say. It's so strange. No way
03:35Have I just made something smaller and even more weird?
03:37I don't know why I can't seem to stop playing around with these red coders
03:40But I just I can't stop improving the designs. So this one came with the realization that I can effectively have
03:45Two redstone lines in one block
03:48I've got one down on the bottom and one at the top and they're separate from one another and despite the fact that this
03:53Redstone torch is underneath this redstone dust. It doesn't actually power it which is kind of weird
03:58But very useful in this case
04:00So that means we end up with a redstone contraption where 90 of the redstone is actually on the underside of the blocks, but it works
04:07Absolutely perfectly
04:09I can flick on through page number five fifth torch. We can go back page number two three
04:14One we've got ourselves a working red coder australian style. So now that i've made the smallest red coder possible
04:21Let's see if we can make a seven segment display
04:24Now, I don't know why i'm gonna set myself this arbitrary goal
04:26But I do feel like we might be able to achieve this within a three wide space. I may come to regret
04:34This decision, but I can fit a lot more information in my redstone lines than usual
04:38I can choose whether or not I want my redstone line to be powered just by redirecting the redstone signal. I can also
04:45have multiple
04:48Oh, no
04:49Oh, no, this is a disaster. This is a big disaster. Oh, oh, it doesn't always connect up
04:54It doesn't always connect up. Maybe it didn't realize that I had removed this piece of redstone dust
04:58I think we might be in the clear potentially maybe
05:02Yes, my build is saved. Oh, except it totally isn't saved because obviously
05:07To decode this we then need to have lines that kind of connect up and then it's going to
05:12It's going to reconnect all over the place
05:15Oh, that's that's a big thing that I hadn't thought of. Oh another heartbreaking blow is that
05:19Transparent blocks don't prevent redstone signals going downwards in the redstone pen mod
05:24Which is something that we use quite a lot in vanilla
05:25It may be time for us to return to this design
05:28The good thing about this design is that the redstone torches are in the middle and I feel like that is probably easy for us
05:34To manage yes
05:35Yeah, because I can have one redstone line under here one redstone line under here one redstone line there one redstone line there
05:41One here one here one here
05:43Now I spent a bunch of time fiddling around with this before realizing i'd run into the same issue that I had before
05:48But it's because I wasn't thinking upside down enough
05:51I I was I was running into issues of redstone lines connecting up because we had them running back into blocks and
05:56And redstone relays being triggered that shouldn't have done. I won't go into it
06:00But all I had to do is cram
06:02more redstone lines in the same amount of space and then you only need
06:06One block to be powered and a couple of redstone torches underneath to take seven outputs
06:12Seven independent outputs in this space what so that means we should now be able to program
06:18Our seven segment display. So if I right click here, okay, that is the bottom of the zero and then if I
06:26Right click this this block is powered buddy
06:30this blocks powers
06:34No, apparently I need to do this. I think we're still safe
06:36Do need to somehow think of a way to get this redstone line to here though
06:40I don't have much space to do it. Oh, oh but flipping them around and changing which segments
06:45They control has actually made it work. And now the build is finally complete and I gotta say
06:50It's pretty magical
06:52Like the fact that this fits within a three by three space
06:55And I can just I can just flick through this book and I can choose a number
07:00And it will be displayed on my screen incredibly quickly
07:06I mean, I don't I don't really know what to say
07:08I'm kind of being a bit converted here like at first when I when I first started playing with this mod
07:12I was like this does not feel vanilla in the slightest. It will make life too easy. It will ruin redstone, but
07:18There's more to think about with this
07:20All right, and it kind of feels super weirdly vanilla
07:23I don't know like if I put this in the context of 2012 me seeing this
07:27And comparing it to redstone contraptions these days where we're pushing boats and armor stands around and using powered rails and observers
07:34And slime blocks and honey blocks. This feels closer to vanilla redstone
07:37Okay, let's try the most vanilla redstone contraption double piston extender. We have some pretty nice double piston extenders
07:43Thanks to observers, but I wonder if I can convert this to a solid double piston extender. See if I use a lever with this
07:51Uh, it doesn't quite work, but I think with our weird vertical redstone
07:56We might we might be able to do something here. I'm already realizing this could be quite hard. I've done the first stage
08:02I've i'm extending this. Oh my goodness. This is really hard
08:05Oh, i've made a mistake trying to make something already. Absolutely tiny and incredibly good
08:11Better is quite hard
08:14Nope. Oh my goodness
08:16I've managed to make something work but the input is in the most stupid location and it still uses a bunch of weird redstone
08:22And all sorts of relays and funny stuff. Oh, no. Yes
08:26No, have I come up with something? No
08:29I've come up with like a convoluted version of the original. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
08:34No, hey, hey, hey, wait, wait. No, this is causing me physical pain
08:39Nothing. This is it. This is this is the last one. Oh, that was so close. Hang on. Maybe
08:44Maybe there's hope. Oh
08:46This could be it. Yes
08:49Yes, maybe
08:56Oh my goodness, oh I almost dislocated my shoulder I threw my arms up so hard
09:03I almost I think i've injured myself. This probably isn't even smaller than vanilla minecraft designs, but i'm so pleased with it
09:10It's it's so strange
09:12Gosh two hours two hours. It took me to create this thing. I'm incredibly proud of it
09:17Let's give a button selector panel. Oh, i've just thought this is actually going to be pretty easy at least
09:24I hope it is
09:24So normally we take the redstone signal strength from the button selector panel and you have to do all sorts of awkward decoders
09:33I guess I could just make like a snaking line of redstone out the back
09:38And that kind of is the decoder right now will be slightly out of order
09:42But regardless we do now have meaningful outputs from this you can see redstone signal strength is gradually increasing
09:50As we make our way around here
09:52So of course I could hook this up to our red coder which looks a little bit like this
09:56And i've also put all of the numbers in in their button order
10:00You can see it's a little bit jumbled, but it is all working properly
10:04So I hit the button number two lights up
10:07I hit this button number four lights up now if you wanted your outputs to be permanent
10:10Then you could hook this up to some rs
10:12Nor latches that self reset every single time you hit a button and of course with a few tweaks
10:16The decoder of the seven segment display you could get a number display for your button selector panel, which would be fancy
10:23Let's take a look at item sorters. Oh, come on. It's too easy
10:27It's it's actually too easy. Look at this hilarious little thing
10:32That is so ridiculous looking oh it could be even smaller than that
10:36Hang on because these never connect up with one another you can actually just have a signal strength of two
10:41Yeah, this this will work
10:44There we go
10:44If I put some items in there, they will gradually filter out if I try to put any other items in here
10:50They will not go
10:51But if I try to put some wool in here, it will be picked up. This thing's working. Let's take a look a dropper vators
10:57I'm incredibly curious what the update order for these things are if it goes upwards
11:03Then we should be able to send an item from the bottom dropper up to the top immediately
11:08Nope, and because the relays activate instantly, we actually can't change the update order of this
11:13So this is a rare moment where vertical redstone isn't useful
11:16I'll tell you where it could be useful though in my 4x4 volt door
11:19I haven't built one of these things in a very long time
11:22Now there's no way for me to get my design any more compact
11:25But I do think I might be able to make it marginally faster
11:29All right
11:29Let's get the ball rolling by just starting to connect up the pistons
11:32And of course we can direct redstone signals straight into these we could even power the side
11:37To be honest. Oh things are getting kind of tricky as per usual
11:40Yeah, i've spent about an hour on this so far and i've got absolutely nothing to show for it
11:44I think the problem is i'm trying to think of ways to integrate the vertical redstone, but
11:50Like this design kind of just lends itself to not having that it was time for me to keep quiet
11:55Stop talking and lock in and finally. Oh my goodness. Uh, I have come up with something
12:00I ended up flipping everything around i've got the slime blocks and things on the top and bottom
12:06Which I would say
12:08Leads to quite a clean animation not that there is much of an animation because everything
12:15does happen
12:16Pretty fast originally. I was making this two blocks wide
12:19Then I thought i'd give it a three block wide base and now i've just realized I put the redstone on the wrong side
12:23Of the pistons so it is just three blocks wide, but that's not the point. I like this thing
12:28It's rapid and this among all the other things has made me realize that vertical redstone is it's pretty interesting, right?
12:36like having having what
12:39Two more dimensions to place redstone in I guess they're probably not dimensions two more planes to place redstone in funnily enough
12:46Opens up a large number of opportunities. This probably isn't the last time I play around with this stuff
