Morning in my life! Spend a busy mom day with me around the house, running errands, and talking about my upcoming 10k race!
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About Sierra and Stephen IRL
I’m Sierra Schultzzie and on this channel you'll find my husband Stephen & I sharing our daily life, navigating parenthood, finding adventures wherever we can, and of course some Disneyland trips (we did meet there, after all). After almost ten years of vlogging, we love that we still get to share our lives with you as we continue to grow and enter new phases of life.
6am morning in my life & trying to actually get stuff done with the kids
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Hoka running shoes
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This video was edited by Rachel Resnick
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About Sierra and Stephen IRL
I’m Sierra Schultzzie and on this channel you'll find my husband Stephen & I sharing our daily life, navigating parenthood, finding adventures wherever we can, and of course some Disneyland trips (we did meet there, after all). After almost ten years of vlogging, we love that we still get to share our lives with you as we continue to grow and enter new phases of life.
6am morning in my life & trying to actually get stuff done with the kids
00:00Good morning! Welcome back to another vlog. It is 6 a.m. I think I'm gonna need a
00:11Celsius today, but I'm up. I'm gonna get changed, go out to the garage and get a
00:18workout in before the kids are up, so let's go.
01:00I'm in the nursery with the kids now finishing the stretches for my workout,
01:05my little cool-down with Miss Alice crawling all over me, and Grace is doing
01:11the stretches with me too. I got my little workout buddy. Butterfly stretch.
01:16All right, our last one. We're gonna do a tricep stretch. Steven was with the kids
01:22and he had to go get ready for work at 7.15. I don't know why I thought I was
01:26gonna have time for a workout and a shower before then, but honestly I kind
01:30of thought the kids would still be sleeping. Good morning. But they got up
01:36kind of early today, so it worked out well enough though because I was almost
01:39done with my workout. So I came in here with the kids to finish up and now the
01:44only thing is I'm not sure what my strategy for showering is gonna be.
01:50Showering when I'm with Alice right now is a little difficult, so I usually try
01:55to make sure I do that before she is up, but that is not what happened today, so
02:00I'll either figure something out or I'll just wait to shower until she naps.
02:04Yeah, I'll be a little sweaty. Let's go have some breakfast and get a load of
02:09dishes going for the morning. All right, breakfast is served. Toast and a protein
02:16shake for me, and I thought of a strategy for my shower. Sometimes after Alice
02:21eats, she'll just like be happy, giggly, sitting in the high chair for like 10
02:25minutes, so I'm thinking when she finishes breakfast, I can move the high
02:29chair into the bathroom, like right in front of the shower, and she can like see
02:34me, I can talk to her, I can like put some toys on the tray, but then she's like not
02:39just loose in the bathroom while I'm showering because she's in this stage
02:43right now where... Oh, did you drop your toast? There you go, my love. Um, but yeah,
02:47very much in the stage right now of like cannot turn my back. She is exploring and
02:53getting into everything, which is great for like, you know, her learning and
02:57growing, but not very conducive to me showering, so that's my plan. We'll see if
03:02it works, but for now, I'm gonna go sit and enjoy my breakfast with the kids.
03:06There you go. Oh my gosh, you guys, it actually worked, and now I'm dressed. I've
03:13got on the new old navy jeans, and then this vest is from Abercrombie, but yeah,
03:20it actually worked out really well. I think because Grace was out there, too,
03:24and like she was kind of keeping Alice entertained. She was bringing her toys. I
03:28would totally do that again. Like, I don't know, I kind of thought it was
03:31gonna be a disaster. I also contemplated setting up the pack-and-play in the
03:35bathroom, but yeah, I also know that this is like very temporary, you know? We're
03:40just kind of in that in-between time where like she's outgrown the bouncer
03:44and the jumper, any of those things, but also still learning not to try to climb
03:49into the bathtub or play with the dog water, even though those things seem
03:53super fun. I get it. But yeah, I am ready for the day. I'm gonna go get the kids
03:58ready, and then Grace has school today, so. You giving me little back pats?
04:04Alright, it's about an hour later now. The kids are dressed and playing, and in a
04:09little bit, we're gonna head out for a walk before Alice's nap, and then later
04:15today, Grace has school, so. I want to make sure that I get Alice down for her nap
04:18a little bit earlier. You trying to grab that? Um, so that she's got time for a
04:24solid nap before we go take Grace to school. Alright, walk, walk, walk.
04:32Beautiful day. It's a frog and a duck. Quack, quack. We're having a little bit of
04:39play time. I've got Alice's bottle on the warmer. She's gonna go down for a nap
04:43in just like 15 minutes here. Our walk was lovely, and I wore these jeans on
04:50the walk, which usually I would change into leggings or bike shorts, but these
04:54jeans are just so comfortable. I was like, you know what? We'll give it a try, and
04:57honestly, zero complaints. They're so comfortable. If you missed the last vlog,
05:01I went shopping at Old Navy, and these jeans that I'm wearing today are one of
05:05the things that I got. Um, but honestly, cannot recommend them enough. They're so
05:09comfortable. This is my second time wearing them, and I actually think I like
05:13them more. Duck! That's right. I like them even more now than I did in the
05:17dressing room, and that's saying something. Two ducks. Quack, quack. Duck and a dog.
05:22Can you give her some gentle pets? Good job. Yeah, that's your dog. Alright, I just
05:29put Alice down for her nap, and I have something exciting to show you. Look at
05:35the sprouts! Oh my goodness. Everything has sprouted. It's all looking so healthy.
05:43This butternut squash especially. These just really popped up strong. So we'll
05:49give everything some water. What we planted outside is sprouting too, but
05:55I'll have to show you that later, um, because I told Grace that after Alice
05:58goes down for her nap, I would cuddle up on the couch with her. We could watch
06:00some Super Kitties. So that's what we're gonna do now.
06:05Alright, I am gonna try to get some stuff done during Alice's nap. First things
06:12first, Grace and I are gonna go out to my car, and I've got this bin for all the
06:16stuff that needs to come inside, and a trash bag for all the trash, and I'm
06:20gonna get my car cleaned out because I want to take it for a car wash while
06:24Grace is at school. Tomorrow... You want to go out? Pull that pot. There ya go.
06:29Tomorrow we're going to the Safari Park, and my grandma's coming, which is a big
06:34deal because she hasn't been in like 10 years, but she used to go there with us
06:37all the time when I was a kid, and like we have so many special memories there.
06:40And when we went a couple weeks ago with my mom, my mom was like, we have to get
06:45your grandma back here. We could rent her one of the like mobility scooters so she
06:48can get around and do everything. So we made plans for what is now tomorrow, and
06:53I'm driving my grandma. We're gonna be picking her up. So yeah, my car is not in
06:58the current state where I would really want anyone else in it. I literally, I
07:01literally cleaned it out a week ago. I feel like this just happened so fast
07:06where suddenly my car is filled with junk and gets so messy. So I needed to do
07:11this anyways, but I definitely wanted to do this before tomorrow. So I'm thinking
07:16if I clean all the stuff out now, then while Grace is at school I can take it
07:20for a car wash, and I'm gonna take it to one of the ones where you can like
07:23vacuum your car. So then I'm gonna get it like a really really clean. So I want to
07:26get that done during the nap. I need to pack Grace's school lunch, get her all
07:31ready for class, and then I'd like to tidy up the kitchen in the living room a
07:35little bit because they are cluttered. So afternoon productive-ish montage, let's
07:41go. Come on. Good girls. Go Brizzy, go. Good dogs.
08:12Cleaning this all out was one thing, but now I have to put it away? Oh it's so
08:19much junk.
09:12Popping in to Trader Joe's on our way home, literally just for two things. I
09:19want to get Grace a bouquet of flowers because she has her theater performance
09:23tonight for her theater class, and then I want an avocado to have with my lunch.
09:30Which one for sister? Beautiful. All right, just got home and we are gonna have, we're
09:41gonna have a leftovers lunch. We got black beans from yesterday, some sauteed
09:47onions, and the like Gardein veggie beef. We have quinoa too. I gave Grace most of
09:56the veggies that were in here in her lunch, but there's some quinoa left for
10:00us. Yes. For Alice, I'm gonna make her a quesadilla with the beans and onion and
10:08cheese of course.
10:11Is that Indiana Jones? Into the skillet. There we go. I'm gonna, I think I'm gonna do like a little taco
10:20salad moment, because we do have lettuce. We've got lettuce, we've got some plant-based
10:29beef, we've got quinoa, and I was gonna put cheese, but I just used the last of
10:36the cheese for Alice. Oh avocado. Yeah, that is gonna be tasty. Quesadilla just finished looking good.
10:43There you go girlfriend. Nice. Got my avocado all diced up, although I do wish
10:50that it was more ripe, but I literally bought it 10 minutes ago, so can't
10:54complain. Okay, it is looking pretty good. I'm trying to think what else I should
10:58add to it. I could put in some of the beans. Maybe I'll do that. Oh, you know
11:02what? For a little bit of crunch, I don't have tortilla strips, but we have chips.
11:07I'm like, if I like crunched those up, that could be good. And then for a
11:11dressing, I'm gonna mix together some sour cream and Tapatio. Okay, let's give
11:19it a try. Oh my gosh, that's actually so good. Oh my gosh. I also forgot I made the
11:27Gardein beef last night. I forgot how well I seasoned that. That's really good.
11:31Yes, and I was so hungry. Alright, I'm gonna go sit with Alice and enjoy my
11:36lunch, and I'll check in with you guys later. Just finished our lunch, which was
11:41delicious. Yes, and I was gonna try to unload and reload the dishwasher, but we
11:50only have like 30 more minutes until we have to go pick up Grace, and I kind of
11:53feel like we've been going non-stop today, so just having some chill playtime
11:57with Alice sounds really nice. Yeah, we got some toys out. We're laughing
12:02together. The dishes, dishes can wait. Alright, we are just about to head out to
12:09go pick up Grace, and then like I said, she has her performance tonight. So I've
12:12got a few last things. Hello. A few last things I'm throwing in my bag. Also, I'm
12:19filming this on my like little tiny camera that I usually only use when
12:23we're out on the go, but the battery on my other camera died, so hopefully this
12:27looks fine. I've got the flowers for Grace. Aren't those beautiful? There's pink,
12:34purple, yellow. So beautiful, and then I also got her this little Moana 2 surprise
12:44character, because the show that they're doing is Moana 2, and Grace loves this
12:49kind of stuff, so I thought that would be a fun little, yeah, a little
12:52congratulations gift. Then I have an Uncrustable for Grace, because we have a
12:57little break in between school and the show. She can snack on that, and then
13:02Alice's leftover quesadilla wedge, in case she wants that. Alright, we are ready.
13:07Stephen's meeting us for the show. He's coming straight from work, so we'll be
13:12seeing him there. Yeah, da-da. And I think my parents are coming too, and then we're all
13:16gonna go out to dinner after, so it'll be fun, and I'll see you guys later. Let's
13:21go. Alright, Alice and I are actually on a little walk. We ended up getting here a
13:26little early to pick up Grace, so I figured we could enjoy a nice little
13:30stroll. I've got Alice in the stroller getting some fresh air, playing Pokemon
13:36Go, which, by the way, I meant to talk about this at the beginning of the vlog,
13:40and then, you know, day gets going with the kids and everything else in my brain
13:43just disappears. But over the weekend, my dad and I went to Pokemon Go Fest, or
13:48sorry, Pokemon Go Tour. It was in LA, and we just had the best time. It was so much
13:53fun. I caught so many shinies, and it was just really fun to go and do that with
13:58my dad. We went together last year, and I was heavily pregnant, and it was super
14:04fun. Like, we had a blast, but I was very pregnant and tired, and doing all of that,
14:08you know, walking around nine months pregnant was a lot on my body, whereas
14:12this year, not being pregnant, it just couldn't have been better. We had so much
14:16fun, and if it comes back again next year, I will absolutely be going again. But all
14:21of this to say, Pokemon Go obsession, which never really leaves me, it does
14:26ebb and flow, but it's always there. It is strong again now. So yeah, gonna enjoy
14:32this little walk, catch some mons, and it is a beautiful day. Sun is shining, and
14:38it's like 75, so it is actually starting to feel like spring in San Diego. Oh, it's
14:44so nice. Just slayed this rocket battle. Now we're gonna catch it. I need my, like,
14:51stroller phone mount that I used to have on here back on. That was the best. Got it.
14:55Might as well catch this guy while we're walking. Yay.
15:00Uh-huh. The irony, I have to keep in that first part, because the irony of that
15:09last clip, like, backstory. Uh, Grace, I'm trying to put Grace to bed. We're down
15:14for a nighttime snack, which, uh, isn't that always the case? They're just
15:18always hungry right as it's time to go to bed. But, you know, we're sitting down
15:22here. Stephen's down here. We're all just chatting. It gets quiet for a second. I'm
15:25like, all right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna film a clip real quick, and as soon as I take a
15:29breath to start talking. Hey, Mommy? And if that isn't my life. But yeah, it is now
15:35almost 9 o'clock. We had a wonderful evening. Grace's performance went great.
15:41We are so proud of her. I am. I am so proud of you. We went out to dinner after,
15:49had lots of fun family time, and yeah, that was the rest of our day. So now,
15:55Alice is in bed. We are in the process of getting Grace to bed. Oh, I got to take a
16:00bath tonight, and that was everything. I felt like I really, really needed that.
16:06Oh, it was a long day. I'm like, I know. Stephen just saw how much the sprouts
16:11have grown. I was just showing that on the vlog this morning. You want to come
16:14say hi? A rare Stephen has been spotted. A shiny Steve. All right, that's gonna be
16:20it for tonight, but I think we'll pick this back up tomorrow. So I'll see you
16:24then. Good morning. Hello. It is 6 a.m. Here we are yet again.
16:29Actually, it is now 636, and I am here pulled up at my running spot. I'm doing a
16:35run this morning, and I'm really excited for it. Like, I had no problem getting up
16:40today. I've been looking forward to this, getting outside, getting some movement in
16:44my body. I feel like it's just the absolute best way to start the day. I
16:48think if I could get out every morning for maybe not a run every single day, but
16:54like a run or a walk just like outside, fresh air in the morning when it's still
17:00like kind of cold and crisp, that that would be my like ideal morning every
17:05morning if I could. But today I actually can make it work because Stephen, he
17:11works hybrid. So like yesterday, he went into the office and he was working in
17:15the office, but today he's working from home. And when he's working from home, he
17:19can help more with the kids in the morning since he doesn't have the
17:21commute. Which means days like today, I can do an early run. So I need to be back
17:28and on with the kids at 8. So ideally, in my perfect world, I'm gonna be back home
17:33by like 740. So I have time to like shower, get dressed before I'm with the
17:38kids. But yeah, excited to get out and get to my run. And I will be able to make
17:43that timeline happen if I can stop yapping. So let's get to it. I want to
17:47show you my outfit before the run. Okay, so I'm now a little over a week out from
17:53my 10k. So I've been like doing kind of outfit trials for my last few runs,
17:58trying to figure out what I want to wear for the race. So here is the outfit today.
18:03Jacket is Fabletics. The shorts and top are Popflex, as well as the matching
18:10headband. You saw the previous vlog where they sent me this. They were able to
18:14exchange it. So I'm now wearing it in the XL, which I feel like fits me really,
18:19really nicely. And the shorts, I've already worn for a run and they worked
18:24out great. So I think I'm probably gonna wear these for the race. The only thing
18:28is, these built-in shorts underneath, there's just like the tiniest, tiniest
18:35little bit of my thigh that gets some friction and isn't covered by the shorts.
18:39So what I wanted to try today is just putting a little bit of Body Glide
18:43right there and see if that fixes it. Because it really wasn't a big deal. But
18:47for my race, like I'm doing 6.2 miles. I'm trying to like really push myself and
18:52set myself up for success. So I don't want to have even the slightest thing
18:56bothering me that's in my control. So we've got some Gold Bond Friction
19:02Defense. If this works well, I think these are gonna be the 10k shorts. Oh and then
19:08the top, I forgot to say, I have a bra underneath it too. I'm wearing the SheFit
19:12bra underneath. This top is really supportive. It has a built-in bra, but
19:16it's just not enough for me on its own. So I definitely want to wear a bra
19:20underneath, but I haven't tried that yet. So that's kind of the other thing that
19:22I'm testing out on today's run. Also, I left my headphones in Alice's nursery
19:28and she was still sleeping when I left. So bringing out the AirPod Max's again
19:31today. It's been a while since I've ran with these. All right, someone just pulled
19:35up next to me and now I'm embarrassed to be filming myself. So let's go run.
19:38Oh, and my glasses are from Amazon. All right, let's go.
19:42All right, done. That felt great. And the shorts worked out really well. Definitely
19:56an improvement with the friction stick. The only thing is, even though now
20:00there's no discomfort where my thighs are touching, I can still like feel them
20:05touching, which isn't my favorite. But everything else about these shorts is so
20:09perfect and I feel so cute in them. I'm undecided if I want to wear these or my
20:14Skechers shorts, because definitely still a preference for my Skechers shorts in
20:17terms of comfort. And that's just what I do like all my training in, but they're
20:21not cute. So I don't know. I have to figure it out. But yeah, that went great.
20:24Wake up little bunnies. Hop little bunnies. Hop, hop, hop. Hop little bunnies. Hop, hop, hop.
20:30Hop, hop, hop. Woo!
20:33Yay! This is what I just walked into. Good morning.
20:38Good morning, team. Well, I did not make it back in time for a shower. Are you sure? I guess you did already log some hours today.
20:47Yeah, I was up at 1 a.m. with a call in from Europe. All right, I'm going to the
20:54shower then. Thank you. I love my family. So glad I got a shower in. And now I am
21:01ready for the safari park. Quick little OOTD. Tank top is one of my new pieces
21:05from Old Navy. And then the flannel around my waist is also Old Navy, but
21:10it's been in my closet for an eternity. Leggings are Lululemon. And then I just
21:16got on my comfy hokas since we're probably gonna be doing a lot of walking
21:20today. But yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and end the vlog here. Thank you guys so much
21:23for watching and we'll see you next time. Bye!