Hiiii :) Happy Sunday! This weeks vlog includes a few of our favourite Brighton food spots, our new dinning table & a big clear out, a Homesense haul and a day out with the family.
Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website - https://www.poppydeyes.com
Up To No Good - https://www.poppydeyes.com/shop/
LTK - https://www.shopltk.com/explore/poppy...
Where to find me:
Instagram - / poppydeyes
Website - https://www.poppydeyes.com
Up To No Good - https://www.poppydeyes.com/shop/
LTK - https://www.shopltk.com/explore/poppy...
00:00Hello welcome back to another video, we are out for lunch today and I thought I would bring you
00:07along because this is one of our favourite restaurants, there's a school behind where
00:13we're sitting and they are having a great time, so I hope you can hear me because we can hear lots
00:18of laughing and screaming and footballs being kicked at this wall, it's kind of sweet. We're at
00:25a pub called The Urchin and they do the most incredible seafood ever, like it is our favourite
00:32place to come, we always come on new year's eve don't we? Didn't this year because we were in bed
00:36at like 4 p.m, but yeah so we have just ordered, what have we gone for? I'll show you the menu,
00:43so this is like their classic menu that they always have and then these are the specials
00:47today, I don't know if you can see them, there you go, so we did, did we do octopus? Yeah,
00:53we did shrimp and sourdough as well and I will show you because you need to come here,
01:00if you're coming to Brighton this summer you need to come, well actually it's home isn't it?
01:05This is our favourite little pub garden, yeah it's only tiny and Dottie is fast asleep which is
01:12perfect, got a little lime soda, feels a bit like spring, like it's a really nice day today,
01:17I feel like spring is in the air, oh I thought you were showing me one, okay everything has
01:23arrived, look how beautiful it all looks, also they do the best chips, honestly these are my
01:32favourite chips in Brighton, oh no Dottie has woken up, also the mussels, oh my gosh I am so
01:40excited and the reality of coming to lunch with a baby is we're just rocking her constantly because
01:47she has woken up after a 17 minute nap, which isn't ideal but it's fine, food is done, it was
01:54delicious and we thought we'd pop into this little antique shop, it's actually where I bought Dottie's
02:00sideboard in her nursery which I love, so yeah I thought we'd come for a little mooch.
02:07It's not cold, it's not, I'm really warm!
02:31That must be so lovely out there, I don't know if you can hear me, Dottie's got my noise on and I'm very close to it and also it's really busy here but it is the loveliest day in my life, it feels like summer, the beach is just like perfect and I think the last time I was vlogging at the beach was when I was like
02:59really really pregnant, literally sat on this bench and we got an ice cream and I think fish and chips
03:06that Shaun has just gone to get us an ice cream, obviously from Morocco, if you're from Brighton at home
03:12you'll know that Morocco is like the place to go and this is turning into like an unintentional
03:19food vlog, also we just brought a table and chairs, I have no idea what's going on today,
03:26I'll explain when we get home but we just found like the most perfect table and chairs in the
03:32antique shop, I swear that antique shop just always has, yeah it always just has exactly what
03:39we want just by chance. It can't be cold, it's freezing, it really not, it's literally like summer.
03:47I hope this angle is all right and the lighting, it is the next day today, I was meant to film
03:53yesterday but got home and went into full like dot bed bath routine, so didn't end up filming
04:03but wait, is she licking her bum? No she's all right. Ended up buying a dining table, so this was not in
04:10the plan but we have been looking for one for I'd say like the last couple of years, we've just had
04:16like our eyes open whenever we go into like an antique shop because I really wanted like a big
04:24old school farmhouse style table that we could like not be super precious about, it wouldn't
04:31matter if we like got stains on it, I could just imagine like a big bunch of flowers on it in the
04:36spring, yeah I just had this like vision in my mind but have never been able to find what I wanted
04:45and then we walked into this shop which honestly does just have exactly what we want every time,
04:51I'll link them below, it's the shop in Hove, I've vlogged them before, I think I said that already
04:55and last time we went in they had the perfect sideboard for Dot's room, this time we go in,
05:00not expecting to even be shopping and find the perfect table and it came with chairs,
05:05super reasonable and they're delivering it on Monday, so I'm very excited. Now we need to switch
05:11up that room today so that we're ready for when it arrives and I just hope it fits because we
05:18didn't even take any measurements, we were just like that's the one, it's gonna work, it's totally
05:23fine, yeah I think we're gonna have to move the sideboard that's in there already to the back
05:30kitchen, so that is now the plan today is to basically get that area organised so that it's
05:37Saturday today so that on Monday it could come and we can put it straight in. Also talking of
05:43homewares, just whilst we're here I went to HomeSense a couple of days ago with Zoe which
05:49was a great success, oh my god they are like absolutely smashing it at the moment, they always
05:56do but I feel like at the moment it's very like Soho home vibes for like a tenth of the price,
06:02I ended up buying a chair and a footstool as well which hasn't arrived yet, but yeah let me
06:08show you the smaller bits that I got because they're just so nice, a bit of a colour theme
06:13with this, I'm very much enjoying this blue at the moment and it works, well you can see it works
06:19quite nicely in this room but also in Dot's nursery, so I picked up this cushion, I've taken the tag
06:26off but I think it was £20 and they're just so like big and full, it's just yeah the value for
06:34money is amazing. Then a couple of picture frames, I thought this one was so sweet and I might
06:41actually put, I don't know if it'll fit actually but I was thinking about putting Dot's footprint in there but
06:46maybe it won't fit, it's quite diddy but nice little shell frame, this one as well but I did just
06:52realise it's actually broken, I think that must have been me putting it in the car which is
06:59annoying but I feel like you can't really tell so it's fine. Realising these are all for Dot,
07:06this throw, how beautiful is this, it's got little snails on it as well which I thought would match her
07:13wallpaper and then flowers, butterflies and it's really weighty and like huge, just thought it
07:20would be so nice in her bedroom so we got the same one, actually I think she got the same cushion
07:24as well, we just always end up buying the same stuff. This would be the loveliest gift, I feel
07:29like they had so much stuff I was like I would love that as a birthday present, so I'm definitely
07:34going to be going and looking for presents that I've got coming up. Oh this, this was £7, this is a
07:41little floral garland which again just thought for birthdays or even just in the nursery hanging like
07:48on her wardrobe or something, thought that was so cute. Got this which I've not seen before but it's
07:55just an old tea the toy for Dotty which I thought was really good because she can hold it and
08:01squeeze it, then also this basket which I think I'm going to use as a little bin. So plan is now
08:09to move this room around and I'll show you where we're at with it once it's done. So the table is
08:15gone, it's now there but we've now just decided to start sorting all of the cupboards, so this
08:25cupboard is having a big rejig, look at this drawer, my favourite drawer, all of my table cloths,
08:34anyone else have a table cloth obsession? I feel like this is one of my most askable
08:40questions on Instagram is where are my table cloths from and 99% of them are Zara. We've now also decided
08:47to sort out this cupboard because I think what we're going to do is put this cupboard in this
08:52space or in this part of the room and then probably say goodbye to this one, we have had it for
08:59years and we just don't need that many, so yeah get in there. I was not planning to do this today
09:06but here we are, the cupboard is now filled with everything, other one is empty, we've got someone
09:12to come and collect the other table in the next hour, we are steaming ahead. My work downstairs
09:20has paused because somebody has woken up, somebody has woken up, sorry baby voice, we're playing with
09:28this which is from her most recent Love Every box and she loves it, she loves all of this stuff
09:37actually, oh cool, what about you? Do you want to see you? Anyone else's almost four month olds just
09:48want to sit up the whole time, like she just wants to sit up, she tries to sit up constantly, oh what's this?
09:58What is it? Are you trying to blow bubbles? That's your new favourite thing isn't it?
10:03Oh yeah and chatting, what are you saying? What are you saying? I bought her this when we were out
10:11yesterday and tried it this morning and she actually really understood what it was, so she
10:17holds on to the little bar and then was chewing in her mouth, look at her frowny little face, her hair is like
10:26a pineapple today, do you look like a little pineapple? You're just chilling, we just go from
10:33room to room playing with different things every wake window now, she just needs to be entertained
10:38all the time, don't you? Don't you? I'm not sure that's how you're meant to use it, I'm not sure, well
10:48are you frowning? Oh a smile, are you going to talk? Can you see you?
10:56Can you see you? What are you saying? I'm gonna get them, you can't still be tired.
11:06You look just like your dad, oh cool, cool. Okay please ignore the way I look,
11:22it's very end of day vibes, but we have had the most unexpectedly productive day today,
11:31we've managed to get rid of our old table, someone came and collected that,
11:38yeah we've made space for the new one, it better fit because now we don't have a table and chairs,
11:42we've organised all the cupboards, I'll show you in a second, we've moved that piece over there now,
11:46Dottie's had great naps, it's been a very successful day today, this is where the back kitchen is at,
11:54this piece is now over here, which I've tried to like make look cute, basically this room,
12:02you will know what's up with this room, we need to get this wall sorted, do we? I really like it,
12:08no you don't, we need to sort out this wall and then we need to basically have the room painted,
12:14so it's a bit of a like make do for now situation, we need a rug, we need a new sofa in this space,
12:22so there's like lots to do, but I just want to make it look as nice as possible whilst we kind
12:29of sort all of that out and then this is the piece that we are gonna get rid of as well,
12:38to change things up and then hopefully the new table is gonna fit here.
12:43Funny bunny, here's a funny bunny, shall we see her dance, she kicks her legs into the air,
12:51watch her twirl and prance, little elephant waggle your nose, little elephant flap your ears.
13:01Good morning, it is another day, we have come to Lewis this morning, we're meeting Alfie and the
13:08girls, we're gonna go and get some food, I think there's a new place they said that's really good
13:14for a croissant or something, I haven't eaten yet so I'm very hungry, he laughed at the photos,
13:21there's a new place that's really good specifically for croissants, well sweet treats apparently,
13:28bakery, a new bakery guys, oh my brain, my brain doesn't work anymore, but you'll probably know
13:37Lewis is one of my favourite, favourite places to come for a little mooch, we have not been here,
13:42we've just worked out for over a year, I didn't come once in my pregnancy because let's face it,
13:49I was pretty much in bed, so yeah very excited to have a little wonder, the sun is shining,
13:55what is with this, like this weather is ideal, so this is the new bakery which apparently is
14:01very good, we basically end up doing mini bakery crawls over here, because there's so many good
14:06ones, Sean is 100% gonna get a cheese straw, look at that, sorry excuse me, what's happening, we double film it,
14:17apparently walking to a tiny little bookshop, I think it's actually just a kids bookshop that's
14:35at the end of this road, but isn't Lewis just the loveliest little place, if you come to Brighton,
14:42it's literally a 10 minute train away, so I feel like you should all come, so this was the bookshop
14:48that we were going to go to, but it is closed unfortunately, but look how lovely all of the
14:55streets are in Lewis, they're so like quaint and the houses are just beautiful, the plan is there's
15:03two interior shops up here that we're going to go to, the interior, yeah one's like a gifty kind of shop,
15:11they sell like homey bits and then like little nice bits and bobs of presents,
15:18yeah they're quite posh, yeah they've got a beautiful kitchen, chocolate bars and sardines,
15:25yeah they do always have chocolate fish, sorry guys these cars are probably so annoying as I'm
15:34talking, probably going to cut half of this out, this is one of them, are you open, are they shut,
15:42I think they're shut, what is happening, okay so like 80% of the shops are closed today,
15:49but closet and box is open thankfully, which is one of our absolute favourites.
16:50She's smiling at you, and there's a little froggy frown,
16:58right we are home and I just had to show you her outfit today, because she's literally been
17:03asleep in a pram the whole time, this was a little Zara purchase off of Vinted, just obsessed with
17:10Vinted guys, and then this vest, how cute is this, it's so soft, this is from Baby Suzanne, which I've
17:18never bought anything from before, but they kindly sent a package, and this was one of the pieces
17:25that I picked, and look at the colour, like how gorgeous, she keeps trying to kind of cuddle it,
17:31I think she thinks it's a comforter, because it's so soft, you're right there dribbly girl.
17:36Dottie is down for a nap, I've taken advantage and come upstairs and taken all my makeup off,
17:49Shaun has put in a food shop that's just arrived away, I've just done a bit of skincare,
17:55I used my favourite little face oil, is the camera gonna let me show you, there we go,
18:02it's the cow shed one, if you like a kind of really light oil then you'll love this,
18:07and oh it just feels so nice to be in comfies, today was so nice, it was so lovely going to
18:13Lewis, and the sun just makes such a difference, I really hope it's sunny this week, I need to
18:19check actually, but yeah I thought I'd leave this part of the vlog, this day in the vlog,
18:26what are we now, day three I think, here, and then I'm going to pick up the camera tomorrow
18:31when the table arrives, can we all just cross our fingers right now, because the fact we didn't
18:38measure this table is so unlike us, I just feel like it has to work, we don't have a table anymore
18:47and surely it's going to fit in the space, it'll be fine, let's just cross our fingers
18:51and I will see you in the morning when it arrives, okay so it is the morning, the table has arrived,
18:59it's here, it was a success, it's in the room, but it's so sunny that I can't actually like show you
19:06it properly, so we're gonna head out and then when we come back hopefully Dot would have had a nice
19:12sleep, look how cute she looks, is that a Cardi, new Cardi, hi, I've got sunglasses on so she's laughing at me, yeah she did,
19:23um what am I even saying, hopefully she would have had a sleep and then we'll come back and then
19:28I'll show you, have you told them about the bagel place, basically we're gonna go to this bagel
19:32place, it's new and it's absolutely smashing it and everyone wants the bagels, they keep selling
19:38out every day, so we're gonna try and go and get a bagel, I need to just show you as well this
19:42cardigan that Dot's wearing is from Claude and Co and they send matching ones, so I have the same one,
19:50why aren't I wearing it, it's the cutest thing and this little hat, I love her so much, okay so this is the place but
19:58we just arrived and I realised that they don't open today, so this is where we're gonna try,
20:06we've not been here before, it's a taco place, it looks amazing, where, what have they got,
20:17drinkers just arrived and then we're just picking from the menu, I think I'm fancying either the
20:23mushroom or the cauliflower and then definitely some refried beans as well, guys I'm getting my
20:30nails done tomorrow, I literally pulled all my nails off last night, why I did that I have no
20:35idea, but I'm very excited to get them done tomorrow, also gone for one of these which is absolutely
20:43delicious, a Mexican cola, now just waiting for our tacos, what did you go for, did you get chicken, I got
20:49traditional mole, what's that, chicken or beef, oh yeah it's chicken, food has arrived and it looks
20:57unreal, so these are the mushrooms, refried beans, rice and a little dip and then Sean's chicken, we
21:06like this green sauce so much, I asked if they had any that we could buy, so we've now got these
21:11little pots to take home and then this is the hotter version, do you want to try it first, no you go,
21:18tell me how hot it is, I'm scared,
21:22how hot, not that bad, no, okay maybe I'll like it then, oh okay so it's got like an after kick, yeah
21:34yeah, okay I'm only gonna do a tiny bit, is that a little bit or is that quite a lot, no that's fine,
21:42it's really nice but that is spicy, I prefer the green, oh my god, oh my god, we are home,
21:47my hair is wild, I've just been editing some of this vlog and realised how food heavy it is,
21:54so I hope this gives some inspo for coming to Brighton and Hove this summer because I feel
21:59like there's some good spots in this video, right let me show you this table, ta-da, obviously I
22:06haven't like styled it up or anything properly but this is where we're at right now, I just think
22:13that works so much better than the last one, we need a rug underneath it, I need to trial some of
22:19my tablecloths just to check they fit but it is literally exactly what we've been looking for for
22:26honestly years, I just love the idea of it being like a proper family table, like not precious
22:33about it, it can get stained and have drawing on, not that we're gonna encourage that but you know
22:39and it just works so nicely in the space, I think it opens it up loads and feels more like
22:44a proper dining space, so any ideas how else we can make this space look nice let me know in the
22:52comments, we did used to obviously have something here so I don't know if these make sense anymore
22:58because they were like on top of it, got obviously Dottie's little chair there and thinking maybe
23:04some new art, I don't know I just want to switch it up a bit, definitely a rug so I'll be on the
23:10hunt for a rug but yeah let me know what you think, right I think I'm gonna leave this video here
23:15otherwise I'm just gonna keep adding and adding more random segments but I hope you've enjoyed it
23:20let me know if there's anything you want to see in particular in the next one and I will see you very soon!