• 2 hours ago
what’s in the box 👀


00:00In this box is the most colorful lobster species in the entire world.
00:06This is a giant painted crayfish right here.
00:09This species has many different names because of the different colors that it has.
00:12So here in the Asian countries, right now I'm in Vietnam, it's called a flower lobster.
00:16But if you go to Australia, they call all lobster species crayfish.
00:20This is technically a giant crayfish.
00:22When you're looking at it, you see that it has velvet on the tip of its antennas.
00:25It has blue all throughout it.
00:27It kind of looks like a zebra on its legs.
00:29This thing is pushing three kilograms.
00:30Or if you're from the western world, about six pounds almost.
00:33There's going to be three parts to this video.
00:35First, we're going to butcher this crayfish up.
00:37After that, we're going to cook it.
00:38And then lastly, we're going to give it a taste test.
00:40To butcher this guy, we're going to go ahead and flip him upside down.
00:43So I'm not going to execute this lobster on camera because it's pretty graphic.
00:46But I want you guys to learn how to do it so that if you are ever cooking a lobster,
00:50you know how to do it humanely.
00:51Get a super sharp knife, just like this.
00:53And you're going to put it right in the center of their body.
00:55You're going to hit it down.
00:56And then after that, you're going to cut up just like this.
01:00If you guys want to be sure on how to do it,
01:02you're pretty much just cutting directly through his head like this.
01:04If you were to just twist this lobster open like so,
01:07you would actually miss a lot of the tail meat because it's still connected to the body.
01:10So what you're going to do is take a knife and you're going to cut around
01:13so that all of the tail meat is fully disconnected.
01:16The stuff that you want to get.
01:17And now when you twist like this, you're going to get all the meat inside of the head.
01:21And I mean, you see that the tail is massive.
01:23It's bigger than my entire face.
01:24My favorite part of any crustacean is always the liver that's in the middle of the head.
01:28I would hate to throw it out.
01:29If you were to throw this out, I would, oh, my heart would just break.
01:32So what we're going to do is take a spoon.
01:33Make sure it's big and long.
01:34You're just going to go ahead and scoop the liver out and all of its insides out.
01:38Now you might think to yourself, okay, now you're done with the head.
01:41You'd be wrong.
01:41The knuckles right here have a significant amount of meat in them.
01:44So we're actually going to pull them off and cook those as well.
01:48They have spikes all over their freaking antennas.
01:51Like really, really sharp spikes.
01:52So we're going to go ahead and cut into his knuckle.
01:55Take a paper towel and you're going to twist.
01:59And then after you have this, you could actually remove the antenna part of it.
02:03Now you have a perfect knuckle.
02:04Do the same to the other side.
02:07This is everything that we're going to be cooking.
02:08The first thing I want to do is cut this lobster tail in half.
02:11Obviously, it's massive, but we want to make it so that as we're cooking it,
02:14the heat actually touches the meat.
02:16We're going to flip it upside down.
02:19Go ahead and flip it.
02:20This is what it looks like once it's completely cut.
02:23The poop shoot is right there.
02:25This is where all the feces of the crayfish is going to be.
02:28Give it a little cut.
02:29At this point, you throw this out.
02:32There are two lobster species in the world that I really like as sashimi.
02:35This is one of them.
02:36Absolutely gassed.
02:37So what we're going to do is take a little piece.
02:39Look at that.
02:39Perfect meat.
02:43That is so good.
02:44Now we're going to throw some seasonings on it.
02:45We only really need three.
02:47Salt, pepper, and chili powder.
02:48I wasn't able to find normal salt anywhere.
02:50So I got lime leaf pepper salt.
02:52Season it generously because we're not going to be able to season the other side of the lobster tail
02:56since it's going to be cooked in the shell.
02:58Now we're going to go in with the pepper.
03:00We're going to get a second cutting board.
03:02Take an onion.
03:04Whoa, I'm going to start to cry.
03:08Okay, beautiful.
03:08Now we have our nice diced up onion.
03:10Get a clove of garlic.
03:11Put your knife on top of the clove of garlic and there we go.
03:16First thing you're going to do is put a big old dollop of butter in your pan.
03:19Once your butter is melted, you're going to put in all of your other vegetables.
03:22Spread your vegetables around in the butter so that it starts to simmer.
03:25You're waiting for your vegetables and your butter to start browning.
03:28Up next, we're going to go in for the lobster.
03:30The first thing you're going to do is put the meat side down.
03:33That way you get a nice cook on it.
03:35And then put the knuckles in on the side.
03:37So you want to make sure that it's at a low heat because a lot of seafood and lobster
03:40cooks pretty fast.
03:41I'm keeping it at five out of ten.
03:43When someone asks how fresh I like my seafood, this is the standard, all right?
03:46It has to be kicking in the pan.
03:47So right now you see how the bottom of the lobster is really white.
03:50That means it's like pretty much ready to be flipped.
03:52Get your favorite tongs.
03:53Go ahead and give it a nice flip.
03:56That looks so good.
03:57Let's go ahead and flip all of the knuckles as well.
04:00This might be a power move.
04:00I'm kind of improvising at this point.
04:02Putting little patches of butter on top of the lobster so that it melts into it.
04:06I'm going to let it sit and steam in the butter here for a while because I really want the
04:09shell to become a vibrant red.
04:11This lobster, it speaks for itself right now.
04:13The liver and stuff was just for the flavoring as it evaporated and on top of that, a lot
04:17of the garlic and onion is really burnt.
04:19A lot of people would actually like this, but I'm not going to eat this.
04:22So I'm just going to leave this in the pan.
04:23If I did this right, which I hope I did, put your fork at the base of the tail.
04:28Look at that.
04:29And do the same thing to the other side.
04:31People always forget about the knuckles, bro.
04:34It's actually a crazy amount of meat in here.
04:36For the record, this is all the meat that I was able to get out of the knuckles.
04:39It's essentially like entire king crab legs.
04:41Like, that's a lot of meat.
04:42I'm seeing right now, it's perfectly cooked.
04:44That's a good sign.
