• 22 hours ago
Candace Owens, a right-wing American political commentator and regular guest on Uncensored, continues to blaze the trail for MAGA thinkers and modern women alike.

Silver-tongued and whip-smart, today she talks to Piers Morgan about her controversial support for the Tate Brothers, her skepticism on the guilt of Harvey Weinstein and Derek Chauvin and the general breakdown in male-female relations; which she blames directly on Hollywood, the MeToo movement and the likes of Lena Dunham.

There are still many things on which Piers and Candace still don’t see eye to eye, but as with every conversation that happens on Uncensored, you’ll always learn more through confrontation than consensus.

Our last video with Candace Owens: https://youtu.be/Ve3ozQywb60

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00:00 - Intro
00:55 - KK-Kanye
06:36 - Is Harvey Weinstein a victim of MeToo?
11:49 - Andrew Tate and 'toxic femininity'
17:37 - Candace defends Mahmoud Khalil against Trump
22:08 - Should Derek Chauvin be pardoned?
26:43 - Surviving Michael Jackson
30:40 - Piers v Candace on Brigette Macron
32:00 - What sandwich would Candace make Piers?

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00:00Kanye West launches another anti-semitic rant to promote his new single which apparently features Diddy
00:05I'm just not gonna partake in this sort of like Judas culture
00:08The Tate brothers continue to divide Magga and go Florida's governor on the sanity. He's not welcome here. What does that mean?
00:14He's not been convicted of a crime
00:16Ben Shapiro was the George Floyd's killer Derek Chauvin to be pardoned. This was never a case that was about race
00:23It was really about you know fentanyl a new Michael Jackson documentary repeats claims that he was an abuser
00:30You will suddenly see the news
00:32Conspire to smear these people whether it's a pedophile whether it's as an anti-semite
00:37That's what I got when I let we know when I left an organization
00:40There's also be recently taking a closer a controversial look at the case of Harvey Weinstein
00:44He was wrongfully in my belief wrongfully convicted and should be free sounds like it's time for the return of Candice Owens to uncensored
00:53Candice how are you?
00:55I'm doing well Pierce. How are you? You've been very busy
01:00Have been busy indeed much too busy, but it's always a blessing. So I'm grateful
01:05Oh, look, it's good to good to have you on so much to talk to you about
01:07I want to start with with yay Kanye West
01:11You know, I've got to say first
01:13I know that you've had a good relationship with him
01:15You've talked to him and so on as I have done I interviewed him
01:20Try to give him a bit of benefit of the doubt over various things. I gotta say he's sort of brazen
01:25Stuff now on a daily
01:27Sometimes minute-by-minute basis on X with the swastikas the Nazis and so on
01:33I just find it utterly repellent as everything he's been doing in the last two three weeks
01:39Changed your mind about what's going on here with him
01:42Okay. So first I just want to say that I definitely told your producers
01:46I didn't want to speak about yay, but it totally fine if you want to ask me the class
01:51I didn't know that wasn't communicated to me. But if you don't mind, I'll just be curious about your view
01:57Yeah, sure
01:58So my view has been pretty consistent in that when you have a real relationship with someone you shouldn't be lashing them in the public
02:04for anything
02:04There's something about the entire world having commentary about Kanye when he tweets and that exact same part of the world
02:13Telling us that we have to remain mum when BB net and Yahoo literally goes DEF CON 3
02:18but Kanye tweets something about DEF CON 3 that just makes me uncomfortable and feels really disingenuous and
02:24Like I said when you have an actual relationship with someone if you have anything to say to them
02:28you should say that to that person directly and so I'm just not gonna partake in this sort of like Judas culture of
02:33Stabbing people in the front when you have a real relationship with them and I've maintained that consistently and I'm not gonna break that code
02:40Today, I mean some would say let's play this clip and get your response to this. I
02:45Mean this is him doing, you know, Klu Klux Klan imagery with swastikas
02:51And so it's so brazen. It's so
02:54Taunting and you talk about people who are directly attacking people
02:58He's directly attacking Jewish people when he does this and making them feel extremely
03:03Uncomfortable extremely threatened by this because he's got 32 million people following him on X alone
03:09You know his social media firepower to galvanize
03:12Hate against the Jewish people is being laid bare, isn't it? And we in in real time
03:18Just a question for you when you saw the Klansman hoodie, why did you say taunting against Jewish people?
03:24What did it matter swastika on it?
03:27Yeah, but it's just interesting that of the two things you chose to lean into Jewish people and not to speak about what the Klansman hood
03:34Represents both. Let's say both. I mean they're both
03:37The Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan were both despicable people who targeted
03:43Certain members of society and wanted to cause them enormous harm if not kill them and that's and that's
03:50That's like when I when I saw the image
03:52I thought you were going to say something about black america and maybe speak about the fact that Kanye is black
03:56But you just instantly went to
03:59You know accusing or speaking about how Jewish people felt about it. I think that's interesting. I just find that
04:04Literally selling swastikas
04:08Yeah, if you'd like to provide commentary on
04:11Yeah, if you want to provide commentary on yay, I have maintained i'm not going to participate in juda's culture
04:16I don't believe in the emphasis that has been placed on me knowing that I have a
04:22Personal relationship with him to throw him under the bus publicly
04:25It's not the person that I am spiritually and i'm just not going to partake in it and i've not moved on
04:30That one inch and in fact as time goes by I feel stronger and stronger
04:34That I should not participate in that culture because there seems to be something sadistic about the entire world condemning someone
04:41And then an individual saying well, I need you to do it candace because you have a personal relationship with him. It's strange
04:47We're gonna move we're gonna move on and I wasn't even aware you didn't want to talk about any person in the entire world
04:52That will come onto your platform and you're not going to be able to talk about it
04:56And I wasn't even aware you didn't want to talk about it in the entire world that will come onto your platform and say something
05:01about yay
05:02You know, I'll just say it's not that
05:05To you. No, no, I've got loads of things. I want to talk to you about it's not all about yay
05:08But anyways, I just know you know him and I know him a bit and i'm horrified by what i'm seeing
05:14And I just think I mean, I think it raises a lot of issues one of which is just on a wider point
05:18Whether anyone who's got that kind of following should be able to be so brazenly
05:24Anti-semitic putting swastikas on saying he's a nazi. So whether anyone should be allowed to do that
05:30Actually because by x's own rules, he breaks almost every rule they have most people would be suspended long time ago
05:38Well x allows pornography
05:42Well, they don't they do they actually took him down last time for posting pornography legal pornography, which was ironic. There is
05:49There is pornography allowed on x it's been something that we've been speaking out about and wondering why they allowed pornography
05:55And it only becomes a discussion when kanye shares the pornography
05:58But we've been speaking about that for I mean since elon musk took it over
06:02I think it's ridiculous that pornography is allowed
06:04But we don't need to get into a discussion about x's policies and things of that nature because i've already given you my response
06:09On yay. It's just not a relationship that i'm i'm gonna burn publicly because there are people who are sadists
06:15I respect your right to do that. I do entirely down to you
06:18You don't have to you don't have to comment. I only asked you because like me you pretty well comment on everything else
06:23I normally have very strident views and i'd actually quite tell you what i'd love to know privately what you think
06:30Why don't we leave it on that? I'll call you
06:33You can let me know that's fine. I'd actually be really genuinely fascinated. Um, let's turn to harvey weinstein
06:38You know, I again somebody else I knew for a long time. Um
06:42Disgraced shamed imprisoned and so on you've launched a big public defense of him. Why?
06:50Uh, it was actually I got in touch with him kind of quite accidentally
06:54There was a mutual party who felt that I was the only person despite me and him having
06:58Very varying views very strongly varying views. He's on the left. Obviously i'm on the right
07:03uh that I was the only person that would look at his case fairly because I have been a vocal critic of the me too movement and
07:10To be completely honest before he and I got on the phone. I believed he was guilty because well he was found guilty
07:16And also because the media had even done a number on me in terms of there were just so many allegations
07:21It was difficult to sift through or to not reasonably assume that something had to be true
07:27And so I took a look at the case and was positively shocked at what I discovered
07:32I believe harvey weinstein was wrongly convicted and the reason that he is sitting in prison is because of the media
07:38It was a trial by media and not a trial based on the facts now
07:41I want to be very clear here
07:42This does not mean that I think harvey weinstein is an upstanding citizen or a moral person. He was completely immoral
07:49That's why he found himself in this circumstance. He was cheating on his wife and and and by my regard therefore cheating on his children
07:56that's not
07:58You don't put somebody away for rape because you think that they're immoral that they abuse their power
08:03Um hollywood has operated the same way for a very long time
08:06It is a a world in which people will prostitute themselves women will prostitute themselves for parts for a chance at becoming famous
08:14and it is
08:16rightfully, uh, new york just overturned the
08:20decision and is sending it back down to the lower courts because
08:23They had the appellate george's the appellate judges pardon acknowledge the fact that it was essentially a kangaroo court
08:29They were convicting him on character and not based on any of the facts
08:33No, I mean over 90 other women came forward to say or to make allegations of sexually criminal behavior against him
08:41Does that not give you pause for thought the sheer volume of people all with similar stories?
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10:13That is exactly why I believed it because there were so many women and then I hadn't even and i'm sure you didn't
10:18Realize who actually put him away how many of those women put him away and the answer is three
10:23So it went from 90 accusations, which the media kept hammering into our minds and it came down to the testimony of three women
10:30Who had consensual sex with him after their alleged rapes according to their very own testimonies
10:37The two women in new york in particular had consensual relations with him thereafter
10:41And when you see the email sent to him the text messages sent to him asking for parts asking for
10:47You know tickets here tickets there one women in particular one woman in particular brought her mom to meet him
10:52It just your brain kind of comes undone and you recognize wow this what happened here was wrong
10:59And like I said, it doesn't condone his behavior
11:01It doesn't condone recognizing your power in hollywood and recognizing that women will sleep with you
11:06Simply because they think that you're a conduit to their success
11:10But wrong is wrong and harvey and I don't have to agree on politics or agree on moral character or agree on theology
11:17In order for me to say that he was wrongfully in my belief wrongfully convicted and should be freed
11:22I spoke to him, uh for over an hour when he went to the sex clinic after the scandal first blew up
11:27But before he'd been committed of any crimes and he told me a lot of stuff there, which was certainly fascinating
11:33I don't know how much of it was true or not. I'd known harvey a long time
11:36He'd stood in for me actually my show at cnn for a week, you know as my stand-in
11:40He was me for a week. Um, and and it really he was very distressed at the time
11:45I spewing out all this stuff which if even half of it was was true
11:50Certainly gave a different perspective about his interactions with a lot of actresses that it was in his estimation
11:57Very transactional and that was clearly what he felt which is clearly what he's communicated to you
12:02I mean, he's been in prison quite a while now. He's had a lot of health issues. How did he seem to you?
12:09He's still harvey I mean he's
12:11Powerful and that was something that also caught me off guard that he's been sitting in a prison cell. He's genius
12:16There's no question. I mean, obviously he's made a mark in hollywood, uh, because he's a creative genius and he's writing scripts right now
12:24He believes that he will be freed one day because you have to have that perspective. You have to have that positive perspective
12:31Um, or you would become I think probably mentally unhealthy and so it's interesting. We are so different in many ways
12:38but uh, i've grown to understand the business side of harvey and
12:44You can definitely
12:45Sense that he's optimistic about
12:48You know the court having overturned it and I think the same will happen in los angeles, which to me was the most egregious
12:54I mean the most egregious
12:57Uh verdict in all of it and the new york ones are pretty hideous and it really just shows you the power of these
13:02social justice movements that pursue social justice not true justice
13:06Which means they just need someone to hang at the end of the day after a movement grows too big and harvey was the person
13:13That they moved to hang. Um for me, too
13:16I mean that dovetails neatly with andrew tate who was on your show
13:21After he left romania recently again. I've interviewed him a number of times. Um
13:26The tate a lot of people think here. Let's play the clip from andrew on your show first and i'll ask you a question about it
13:33Let's pretend this is about law and order and they're truly concerned for the citizens of florida
13:38Then follow me around with secret police and investigate me in quiet and if you find something arrest me
13:42Why the song why the dance why the press why the public?
13:47Why are you doing all of this if you're not trying to divert people away from the important things?
13:51The important things like all the actual crime and corruption that's happening
13:55I mean, do you feel they are also him and his brother?
13:59Unfairly targeted by if you like the all embracing me too movement
14:06Yeah, so I can tell you I objectively took a look at their romanian case in their romanian case only and
14:11Years before everybody else years before it got sent back down
14:14I said that there's nothing in this case like I mean this this case is just not going to pass and it seems to me
14:19To be like over judicial and I was proven correct on that and people were angry at me because they said well look at these
14:25Videos they made 10 years ago. Do you agree? No, I obviously don't agree with that
14:30But again, you you can't convict somebody on character
14:32we have to actually take a look at the cases that are before them and
14:36I look i'm I have three sons now or i'm soon to have my third son in a couple of weeks and
14:40It's just not something that I can get behind if we're going to put men in prison
14:43It has to be on the basis of the allegations that are against them in romania
14:47I knew that case would fall apart extremely disappointed in what ron de santis did
14:51uh, because ron de santis did is exactly what the left did when the
14:55Ag attorney general letitia james said I don't like trump and I will therefore find a crime, right?
15:01I think what happened that day and this has been a remarkable level of cowardice that de santis has displayed over and over again
15:06Is that he listens to his donors? It's why I never supported him
15:10I never supported him over trump for this very reason
15:12My suspicion is he got word very late in the day that andrew tate was landing
15:16A bunch of neocons texted him a lot of them live in florida and said this can't happen
15:21This can't happen and you he he bristled and you see that in the first press conference, you know, he's not welcome here
15:27What does that mean? He's not been convicted of a crime
15:31What do you mean? He's not welcome here. He holds an american passport. He's not been convicted of a crime the correct
15:36Position of strength to have on that would have been I hate everything about this andrew tate character
15:41I hate what he represents. I hate the culture that he's bringing but he's an american citizen
15:45And he's going to be treated as such instead
15:47They said we'll find something and then they began the fishing expedition, which I just stand against whether it's trump
15:53Whether it's tate whether it was you pierce morgan
15:56If it was you pierce morgan, my platform would be used to say this is wrong
16:00This is not the way we shouldn't be running america like a soviet regime show me the man and i'll show you the crime
16:05Um, he should do something and then we should look at the evidence as pam bondi said in her hearing for confirmation
16:12That's the way the judicial system is supposed to run we are aware of a crime and we are investigating that crime and that crime
16:17Has led us to this person
16:19You've got three sons. I've got three sons, you know when I interview tate and see other interviews with him
16:25You know, there's a lot I would agree with about how young men
16:28That's why they gravitate to him right about taking care of yourself working out, you know, clean living
16:34All that kind of stuff that's all fine and the sort of empowering language. He's that's all fine
16:38The big problem I have with him putting aside all the
16:41Allegations, which I just don't know the truth of them. Honestly, I just don't know
16:45Um, but putting on that side the the sort of brazen misogyny that he comes out with
16:51I don't like that aspect at all as a mom of three sons who has you know, strong personal principles
16:59What do you feel about that side of it if they started when they're older?
17:03Watching andrew tate and he's saying women should stay at home and they should do this and do that
17:06How do you feel about that?
17:09Well, i'm not offended by the idea that women should stay home. I think that's great
17:12My grandmother stayed home when I told you i'm not i'm not a modern feminist
17:15So that doesn't offend me
17:16But to your other points, I know I know what you're referring to and what i've always maintained
17:20Is that andrew tate and his brother were actually a response to a misandrist culture women that hated men before andrew tate?
17:27There was lena dunham. There was lena dunham saying terrible things about the patriarchy about men
17:32Ain't this there were beyonce albums?
17:34They were taylor swift albums and people want to pretend that that's not relevant
17:38Men were getting beat over the head over and over again for just being men being told your tail needs to be
17:44Between your legs at all times. There's just something wrong with masculinity
17:47There were all of these fruity terms toxic masculinity
17:50And finally you get some guys that stand up and they say you know what?
17:53No, the girls suck. The girls are actually this the women are not anything and suddenly the culture goes
17:58I don't know where this is coming from. Well, it came from
18:01Toxic femininity actually is what bred this and that's exactly
18:06Um, actually one of the things that i'm bringing up in in my book, which is is publishing in a couple of months
18:11Make them a sandwich it gets into the history of exactly
18:15What we're speaking about. How did we arrive at this culture women women produced it?
18:20So you can thank lena dunham's if there's something that you don't like about what andrew tate says
18:24And why young men are following him?
18:26We've got to go backwards and take a look at the the women who brought forth this
18:30Modern feminist movement, which was really just about hating men. I actually agree with you
18:35I think you make a very good point there. I do think it was toxic femininity
18:39that led to the fight back and
18:42It's tricky with the tates because I do think some of the stuff they do strays into
18:47Toxic masculinity by that definition and it's just the misogyny stuff
18:51If they if they cut that out a lot of what they say
18:55About how young men should
18:57Conduct themselves i'm fine with so no problem with it. It's just when they get into the
19:02Treating women like doormats and stuff. I don't like it
19:04Anyway, let's move on to somebody else who may or may not have visa issues currently has one uh, mahmud halil
19:12It's a complicated one here because you and I are big supporters of free speech
19:16Uh, this guy is married to an american woman
19:20Who's eight months pregnant with their child? He's a permanent u.s resident with the green card
19:25He was leading
19:27These protests on the campus, but he doesn't seem to have engaged directly in illegal acts himself
19:34But I thought marco rubio had a good point when he said had he put down his support for hamas, for example
19:42Which this group have definitely done being very vocal and supportive. How do you put that on his application?
19:48For the green card it probably would have been rejected on that ground
19:52And so why wouldn't they have the right now to kick him out?
19:57Given he's on a green card and he you know hid these views until he made them public
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21:29So I would just ask you the question I did hear marco rubio say that
21:33But it's he said if any person puts down that they support hamas then we would get rid of them
21:38No one yet has produced any evidence that he supported hamas
21:42And well the organization
21:45Well, the organization debunks the organization has the cuad the ap debunked that yeah
21:51Um, the the ap I don't know if you know this up into the minute, but the ap has debunked that he was actually not
21:56a part of the organization cuad and in fact
21:58The video is now making the rounds of him from april of last year
22:01When he comes out and speaks to the press and says i'm not a member or affiliated with cuad. I'm actually here just trying to
22:08facilitate negotiations between the university and
22:12the cuad organization
22:14So thus far and this is at least up to the minute from the ap
22:19And also from his own mouth before he could have possibly known he was going to be arrested one year later
22:25He's not affiliated with this organization
22:26So there's a lot of lies that we're kind of have to sort through of people that are warring
22:30I'm, very open as i've said from the beginning
22:33If it is proven that he was a part of any organization or if he personally
22:39Handed out a pamphlet that was about violence. You would have me on board
22:42I am consistent on the fact and I don't know why they didn't just pick there were plenty of students
22:47Who got violent who broke the law who were arrested? Why did we make him the poster child for this?
22:52This was to me just an unforced error
22:55There were so many students to choose from they chose this person
22:58who hasn't been arrested for anything doesn't appear to be a part of cuad and also isn't here on a
23:06Short-term visa. He has a green card. He is a united states
23:10Resident and that upsets me obviously because I am married to a brit
23:15He is here on a green card. And so it is important for me to know
23:19What was the determine why was this decision determined?
23:22What are the actual facts because if you don't think we're going to get bit by this
23:26When the democrats have power we almost did we did get bit by this with january 6th
23:31If I had been there that day when my husband had just been deported because while she's here
23:36We don't like these viewpoints that are being espoused on january 6th. So we're just going to deport and ask no further questions
23:42I need them to provide us with something concrete as to why they pursued him and not the many other students
23:48Who were actually breaking the law that day?
23:51I certainly it's interesting about the cuad because I didn't know that update on that and that does change it because
23:56It seems to me all the reasons to deport him
23:59They've been putting out there are to do with him fronting this organization, which has been very vocal
24:05In espousing pro hamas sentiment in talking about violence being the answer and so on if he genuinely is not
24:12A paid up member of this group and has you know, never been that's a very different situation
24:19Right and and not even marco rubio said that he was member of the group
24:23So all we had were a bunch of zionist accounts that were saying he was a leader of this group
24:28And I was just going I don't need to listen to
24:31Twitter chatter. I actually just need the facts and people that are saying. Oh, we're not we shouldn't be privy to them
24:36Let's be very clear. The white house chose to make him the poster boy. Yeah, the white house chose to post shalom
24:42So now we're all interested and we want the facts and people are going well
24:45We don't have them or we're not ready to give them that to me doesn't pass the sniff test
24:49and again
24:50The reason why i'm angry about this is only because i'm fired up about it rather
24:53It's only because I I can just see us getting bit by this
24:57The democrats are in power. I think inevitably that's what's going to happen
25:01Just quickly ben shapiro who he used to work with obviously, um, we won't relitigate all that as to why you're not but
25:08Derek chauvin. He wants him pardoned. Let's take a look
25:12If we are issuing pardons, however
25:14There is one person that president trump should pardon from federal charges forthwith
25:18It would be incredibly controversial, but I think that it's absolutely necessary that person is derek chauvin
25:24President trump should in fact pardon derek chauvin. He should he should pardon him his federal charges
25:28Do you agree?
25:31I disagree, uh for several reasons the the first reason is
25:36Because I don't believe derek chauvin would want that
25:40I was kind of surprised to see that obviously because I worked on an entire documentary
25:44Uh when I was at the daily wire and I had communication with derek chauvin's family his friends
25:50and to my knowledge
25:51They did not reach out to them before doing this and it seemed to be
25:55You know sign up and we'll get we'll get this over to trump or whatever which is you know
25:58Email gathering so to speak and if you are going to be passionate about this issue
26:03You should know the facts are
26:05That he's finally in a good prison the first prison when his mother was crying to me on the phone that he was in
26:11was something like nine by nine and he was
26:14Basically confined to solitary for 23 hours per a day and she broke down the phone crying with me about this
26:19That was the state's prison because he's got charges. He was charged found guilty at the state level and the federal level
26:26So once they removed him from there and he was found guilty on the federal level. He was brought to a
26:31Prison in arizona where he was stabbed and that was I think it was medium
26:37And then they moved him where he is now, which is a low-level security prison that's based in texas
26:43And he's much happier there if you revoke the federal if he pardons him on the federal
26:50He will get transferred back to the state
26:52And so I would just like to know what guided that I would have appreciated if you're going to get involved in that
26:57I think you have to speak to the family and make sure it's something that they actually want and
27:03My imagination having spoken to his mother again
27:05That was years ago is that they would much prefer a pardon on the state level to happen which would mean
27:11That any organization that's trying to do this because it's the moral and right thing should be getting behind someone
27:17Who can make that state pardon happen a gubernatorial race so to speak in michigan
27:22But ultimately do you personally feel?
27:25He was wrongly convicted of murder. Absolutely, and that was the whole
27:30thesis of my entire documentary looking into the case that was another one where like
27:35Harvey Weinstein he was hung because of a social movement and people didn't know the facts regarding that case
27:42And they didn't know anything about his pensional levels
27:44They didn't know they still thought that he cried out to his mom
27:48And said mama mama
27:49That was actually what he called his girlfriend and when you look at prior arrests because he was arrested all the time in that
27:54Area, he says I want mama. I want mama
27:57And so, you know
27:58it's it's a sad case drug addiction is sad on its face and I was happy to speak with his roommates about that and
28:03Understand the struggle that he was going through
28:06if the media hadn't gotten involved this should have been a case to bring americans together because of the opioid crisis something that
28:12Black white no matter who you are in this country
28:14You would understand what drugs does to families in general and instead they went the racial route and the media
28:23Particularly. I'm, sorry. I said michigan before I meant to say minnesota particularly minnesota the attorney general
28:28Withheld information from the public that would have made them realize this was never a case. That was about race. It was really about
28:35You know fentanyl
28:37And it's a case of a police officer who knelt on someone's neck for way too long. I mean we can accept that can't we?
28:45That's actually not a fact either. You should watch my documentary
28:48So the angle from darnella's from darnella's cell phone if you look at something from the front it looks like they're on
28:54That he's on his neck his right knee's on his neck
28:56But actually what he has him in is just under his neck
28:59Which is what the police officers are taught to do when you put someone on the ground and I also want to be clear
29:04They tried to peaceably arrest him. They had him in the back of a cruiser
29:06If you actually watch the full arrest tape
29:08He begs to be taken out and he begs to be put on the ground
29:12George floyd asked to be put on the ground and so the standard police procedure is to put the knee
29:17Just below the neck here
29:19Which even right now if you're looking at me from the front it might look like i'm i'm holding on my neck
29:23But i'm not i'm actually holding my back
29:25So there's a lot of stuff that the public should be ready to have that conversation about and maybe on the anniversary of the george
29:31Floyd riots
29:32I'll do something on my podcast to show them the full arrest tape because it changes everything when you see it one of the other
29:37Uh ongoing massive talking points about whether he was guilty or not of what people thought he was guilty of michael jackson
29:46Let's watch a clip. This is you talking about michael jackson
29:50He wanted to stand up for these small guys and say we cannot allow these sorts of things to go on anymore
29:58Take a listen
30:00Record companies really really do conspire against their artists. They steal they cheat they do whatever they can
30:06Especially the black artists sony tommy mottola. Tommy mottola is the president of the record division
30:14He is a mean he's a racist
30:18And he's very very very devilish
30:23That clip was from 2002
30:25His declaration of war on the industry of people who he was alleging was intentionally stealing and selling artists short
30:32And who he no longer wanted to work out work with because he wanted to be a free agent
30:35He wanted nothing to do with these people and as ian said, he was fighting this war privately and he was winning
30:41At least he was winning it in the courtroom
30:45I mean, it's a fascinating case. I mean I I
30:47interviewed jackson once um
30:50You know a lot of people feel very strongly both ways about michael jackson
30:54That there's no doubt. Uh, this new bombshell documentary coming out
30:58Uh this week leaving netherland too. It repeats the allegations that jackson was a paedophile
31:04It all got covered up and bought off and so on
31:07What do you feel about that I mean jackson to me he was a very strange guy
31:11He was pretty creepy in the way that he went about his life
31:15At best he's openly sharing his bed with 13 year old boys or younger again and again and again and again and again
31:23That's not normal behavior for a you know a guy in his 40s 50s
31:29But it doesn't necessarily mean
31:31That he was sexually abusing them. Where do you sit with this?
31:35Um, I was someone who similarly believed the allegations against him until I looked into it and I what I said
31:42My podcast holds he was somebody who was going to war with the record labels and was winning
31:47And then suddenly there were all of these allegations that he was a paedophile and when you look into
31:52Uh the genesis of those allegations
31:54It was a father who drugged his son literally drugged his son to make him say that michael jackson molested him
32:02And that ends up being a really tragic story
32:04you have his sister who was married to a
32:07sort of russian immigrant gangster who forced her to say that the allegations were true latoya jackson and
32:14It's it's quite stunning what happened to him
32:16But it's something that we see happen a lot when you have artists who are talented
32:20Who seek to go out on their own this still happens today, whether it's in the news business
32:24Whether it's in podcasting or whether it's in music you will suddenly see the news conspire to smear these people
32:31Whether it's a pedophile whether it's as an anti-semite
32:34That's what I got when I let we know when I left an organization and suddenly
32:38I I had a squeaky clean record and the media came after me. So I think we are understanding
32:43Now what the media beast is and it tends to be when people cannot be controlled
32:49It thinks that it can whip them like it can just kind of lash at them and come after them and we will destroy
32:54You if you are not a voice that we can control
32:56And so I am not somebody that is moved by the press making allegations
33:01It's almost the contrary when the press really attacks someone i'm inclined to believe them
33:06Uh that that's how it works now because i've just seen so many of these cases where they just lie blatantly and it's about taking
33:12Down somebody who they can't control whether that be tucker carlson who's going through it this week
33:17God forbid you have a conversation that people don't like
33:20Um, and it's because he can't be controlled whether it's joe rogan tucker carlson
33:25Um or michael jackson
33:27He was just a little bit before his time and I I wish I could have been older when that was happening because I would
33:31Have been a voice for clarity and showed people the things that the media wasn't showing them
33:35I mean some would say come off it can just look at what you're doing to bridget macron
33:39The first lady of france, you know telling the world. She's a man now tucker's repeating that. She's a man
33:45She's not a man. She's a woman. You're waging a campaign against her to denigrate her in the public eye
33:52What do you say to the charge of hypocrisy?
33:55I think people have been asking me to get back onto your show because you owe me some money now that my series has
34:01Completed and it's gone worldwide and that's how the truth works. I'm certain you haven't watched it because
34:07the majority opinion is that she was born a man now and that's because rather than
34:13Allowing people to just say it was crazy
34:15I just took the time and showed them all of the overwhelming evidence that it was true
34:19Look, we live in a time where there are transgendered people brigitte macron just happens to be one of them
34:23You know, it's as big of a deal as as emmanuel macron wants to make it by trying to go after people and silence them all
34:30As tucker said he thought it was crazy and then he looked into it
34:33And that's kind of what my series does and we took great pains to go through it
34:37Because I know at the end of it I was going to get a hundred thousand dollars from pierce morgan
34:41So I dotted my eyes and I crossed my t's and i'm willing to collect that money the next time i'm in the uk
34:46Yeah, you just have to produce some actual evidence and then we can have a conversation
34:50You're gonna have to watch this series
34:53We're being wrapped up by your excellent team quite rightly they told us you had a set amount of time
34:58But finally you raised the issue of your book
35:01The sandwich question on the cover if you were making me a sandwich, which sandwich would you make me candace?
35:09Oh gosh, that's a tricky one. I feel like I should say roast beef
35:12Yes roast beef sandwich. I think that's the right way. Is that right? I felt like that was right
35:17Yeah, roast horseradish horseradish and you don't toast it you have just bread like sourdough bread
35:24with roast beef horseradish
35:27Fabulous. What a choice
35:29Yeah, i'm married to a brit. That was easy. Exactly. I made it too easy for you
35:33Candace great to have you back. Love to talk to you. And by the way, best of luck with your impending birth. How long to go?
35:40Six and a half weeks great you excited
35:44Yeah, i'm always excited expanding the family that's what it's all about, you know faith and family you and elon musk
35:50reversing the world's population problems
35:54Well, it's slightly different but i'll allow it do you know what you're having
35:59And a boy this is the third boy I have a girl too, but this is my third boy. Oh great
36:03Well, listen best of luck to you. I hope it all goes really well. Appreciate you coming back in a sense. So, thank you
36:09Thank you so much pierce. Take care
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