• 2 days ago
Eye test, new glasses, Mummy Daughter car Mukbang and a special surprise for Esmé. Her reaction was the best!

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#surprise #shopping #mukbang


00:00Good morning iphone welcome to today's vlog. I told you she's utterly buzzing with that baby in a basket. You got your dolly
00:09You got your baby in a basket
00:17Anyway today me isla and isabel are heading out. We're going to see nana today and I think
00:30I think we're going to white rose
00:35No, she's not she's got to go home
00:37Um, i'm going to drop off isla's friend who had to sleep over here last night. We ended up getting back really late last night from
00:44Meadow hall and mila didn't even get chance to open
00:49Lol dolls, so I told her while we if you didn't watch yesterday's vlog. I had a little special day with wait
00:54No, that footage is going in this vlog
01:00With esme and when we got in the house last night
01:02She tried on one of her dresses that she'd got to show everybody
01:05She went into the living room sat down and fell asleep on the sofa. So she fell asleep. No, you can't get in the trolley
01:11You can't she was trying to
01:15She's trying to get in the trolley
01:17Um, so she went to sleep very quickly didn't even get chance to open her lol dolls
01:22we got up this morning
01:25We've just been having
01:27In a sec esme is going to do them with you we've just been having a
01:32Slowish morning because isla's got a friend here
01:34Usually when I go to my nana's I get up I leave straight away get ready and leave
01:38But isla's got a friend here and isla wants to come to nana's
01:41But I didn't want to wake a friend up and be rushing her off home like, you know first thing in the morning
01:45So we've just been slowly
01:47waiting around
01:49For her to just have a bit of time
01:51Chill and things like that. I think we're almost ready to go
01:54Is isla almost ready?
01:57Is she in the car? I haven't heard her speak. No, she's not she's in the bedroom. Oh, she's in the bedroom
02:03So i'm going to drop isla's friend off back home and then we're going to head up to nana jeans
02:07But before we do i'm going to insert a bit of footage from yesterday
02:11From me but we didn't we couldn't include it in the vlog because how long is a vlog?
02:15The vlog from yesterday would have been like an hour and a half long
02:17I don't know how I managed to film so much. Oh, I need to send you those links as well. Don't forget
02:23It's what I mean the links for tonight's vlog
02:27but me and mila went on a little
02:29Fun gaily day out yesterday, but we went to smith's toys to choose out some presents for jace's birthday
02:34And we actually got him some really cool presents there yesterday, which i'm so chuffed about
02:44So many
02:54I didn't even think about the fact that mila's probably gonna tell jace everything i'm going
03:00Um, but yeah, i'll insert that footage now mila rosemary, where are we
03:08What we're here for
03:13Pick jay something for his
03:19Mila's just looking at play-doh
03:20And I was just looking at these for isla because I know some of you guys are probably thinking isla's going to be 13
03:25My nine-year-old sister play-doh
03:29But genuinely isla really likes these top model books or just any type of like
03:34Sticker dress me up books and I completely get where she comes from because I absolutely loved
03:41I'm, not even in focus. I absolutely loved playing
03:45Playing creating stickering with these when I was younger and they've got some absolutely gorgeous ones
03:51It's probably to do with isla not being in like a school
03:54And being able to grow at her own pace while she still likes those
03:58Um, maybe if she was in school, she'd be strong-willed and she'd still like them either way. I don't know sometimes children are
04:05By school, I don't know whether I would be or would be yes darling
04:10What have you got in your hand?
04:15I'm buying that for isla
04:19I'm, not sure. I should like i'm not sure if she'd really love these ones
04:24She does love nails, but i'm not sure she'd love those ones
04:29You think jace would definitely love that
04:33I mean, I think we've had that before I think not last christmas just gone but the one before we got that somebody did anyway
04:41Probably like these play-doh things
04:44We've got lots of play-doh don't we but we don't have any in dubai
04:47So I think i've got a few of these sets actually for christmas
04:50That one down there and then this one
04:53I think I got him another one as well. So maybe we won't go with play-doh or she's off. Anyway, no worries. Mila
05:00What are these
05:03These make something
05:05What's this
05:09Foams foamy balls
05:12It looks funky doesn't it
05:14They're not beads they're foamy. Oh my gosh. I love these
05:17these are
05:19So cool. I tried to get this for
05:22One for jace and one for mila for christmas
05:25because they come in different
05:28They come in different variations
05:29Basically, you can get like an animal one a princess one all sorts of different ones
05:33And I tried to get them the smaller set for christmas, but they weren't in stock in
05:38the more
05:39Boy one the more boy one that jace would have liked
05:42So I didn't end up buying any but they're so cute
05:45For like a child like I don't know seven eight nine ten
05:50Uh, they're like pens. This is a highlighter version. So you make your own highlighters
05:55Well, you don't make the pen but you know
05:56You make the actual pen part with all the different accessories and the gel and stuff that you can put inside
06:02and then there's obviously
06:04pen ones
06:06Up there as well. I just thought they were such a lovely creative gift. I can't well I can't wait
06:10I was about to say I can't wait till mila's
06:13Into things like that. She's a bit too young yet. So I definitely can't wait because I love the age
06:17She's at but um
06:19I'm, definitely looking forward to that era
06:22We've got so much stuff here. What's that sweetheart?
06:25That looks like a storage box for maybe crafts or something
06:30I bet mila would love these
06:32Do you like these mila i'm gonna get ideas for mila's actual birthday as well, even though we're not buying for mila today
06:37What's this?
06:40Some animals and you get to color on them and then when you've colored on them they put them in the bath
06:45Make them all clean give them a shower and then you get to color again
06:52It's crafting things I think let's have a look
06:59Oh, it's centos it's pens basically
07:04And that's a bit bulky so we won't buy that yes darling
07:10Oh, you're definitely getting that for christmas i'll make a mental note to tell santa
07:17Do you think a game?
07:19Actually when we were in norway and we went to stay with his friend
07:23They had a traditional game of jenga, you know the wooden block things and he really liked playing with that
07:29I wonder if he'd like this game
07:31I wonder if he'd like a jenga
07:38What the heck fart yoga what on earth that's actually called fart yoga
07:47Not gonna find out what that game entails mila's absolutely loving her life right now talking to herself
07:53She's pointed at about 800 things and said jace will definitely love that
07:58Oh, what about some pool toys mila? Actually, there's not much here
08:03Maybe not
08:04Yeah, hey mila. Should we try we can't get bikes, but should we go have a look at them?
08:09See what size you'd need
08:12Should we go have a look?
08:13Come on, let's go see which bikes you like
08:19Aurora yeah, but we're not shopping for aurora
08:23Come on
08:25Let's see. Oh, there's a frozen one there, but I think that's too small
08:30Frozen one
08:40It's too small it's it's only 12 inch
08:44I think you're gonna need 14 or maybe even 16. Come on. There might be more frozen ones
08:50There's a princess one mila
08:5314 is it's a princess one
08:57You want to try that one
09:00Want to try it
09:03I'm gonna go see if it's okay for you
09:16Can you do it push push really hard that's it really strong that's it that's it keep going round and round
09:25Mila thought that was perfect, but the lady said it's too big
09:28So we're going to try 12 inch instead maybe maybe you get that frozen one after all
09:33Let's try it
09:40Thank you
09:42See how that one feels
09:44Is that one better?
09:46Yeah, if you raise the seat just slightly. Yeah, she would be on tiptoe. Yeah, okay
09:52Yeah, perfect, okay 12 inch it is
09:54Remember really fat wrong way. That's it. That's it. Keep going around
09:59Wow, oh, yeah, she rides that one much better doesn't she
10:03Right. Come on then miss
10:05Back to looking for jace
10:07What do you think jace is gonna like?
10:11I definitely like cars
10:13So many cars
10:17You do you've got that home haven't you?
10:21Nerf guns this is so cool
10:24This is another thing jace loved playing with although these are massive boxes
10:28Aren't they?
10:30It's really little ones. Look at that one. That's only 7.99
10:34What age is that? Oh, that's from eight that's from age eight
10:38All right, we found this and mila mila actually spotted it because jace and I uh, sorry jason isabel playing minecraft sometimes
10:45So jace is obsessed
10:47But I don't understand how this works. I just got a worker to come over and ask because it just says literally on the back
10:55To pull the bow you should literally pull the bow and the arrow flies out, but I don't understand how that works
11:00Yeah, I don't understand how it works
11:03And I need to know how it works to be able to determine whether it'll be suitable for jace or not
11:06I want to know the speed it comes out like how strong it's going to be how hard it's going to be etc, etc
11:12And I can't work it out
11:13So if anybody has this or has a child who's got it and knows if it's easy to work knows how it
11:18Because no air is coming out and the worker did just try and do some research as well
11:22And he said i've got no idea how that works
11:25Um, but if anybody knows then let me know because I do actually think jace would really like that
11:30but i'm not about to spend 20 pound on it if
11:33It's not gonna work or jace won't be able to do it. I think we may be in luck mila
11:38We've got we've got a few things here
11:40But we found a whole minecraft section
11:44And I know that jace would utterly like freak out with anything minecraft, what's that?
11:51Bow and arrow
11:54Oh my gosh, okay. We're definitely definitely definitely gonna leave happy with something
12:00Look at the outside
12:01Oh, you know, you know, you're gonna be guys. I just washed my hair straightened my head
12:05Look really cute. This doesn't even have a hood. I forgot so I grabbed his coat on the way out
12:09Oh like a big puff
12:11Uh, what are we doing is it going to get my glasses
12:14Sunglasses. Oh, i'm going for an eye test because i'm due on but i'm also getting some sunglasses
12:20Back to the by sunny sunny sunnies. I know I can't wait. All right, man. Cool. Well, let's go get wet
12:24I'm, sorry, but look at that. Yeah, we're gonna get really wet
12:27Okay. Okay. What are we doing? What are we doing? What's happening?
12:30So i've had my test and she said my left eye is gone up by 0.2
12:35Because my left eye is weaker for some reason. Um, but it doesn't mean I need to change my glasses prescription
12:40Which is a good thing. I didn't want to have to buy a little bit more new glasses today
12:44um, but
12:46I'm sold on these ones. Okay
12:49They're really nice. It's two for one. So obviously they're just the more expensive pair I'll have to take
12:54But these are so nice. Yeah, they're really nice
12:57Like they really suit you. Yeah, they really suit your face really really nice shape last time. I got these ones and I did like them
13:03But they're like quite bulky. I think yeah
13:06Like they're quite big. Oh, yeah, they're still really nice. They're still nice, but i've waited for those other ones
13:12Um, but obviously you can pick two pairs
13:15Then you should do
13:21Oh, they're cool they'll suit your face
13:27Yeah, they're pretty cool actually yeah
13:32Any what now
13:38Wait, what do you do with them then just put them on your nose wait might just put them on your nose
13:46I'm, it's like an alien
13:53I was looking at glasses, right?
13:54And I took one off the shelf to try on
13:56I mean I ran the work lady came over and she put new glasses in the slot that I just took glasses from
14:02So I just took over my sunglasses like where do I put them now because there's no slots left
14:06So I have to just put them on here. Look, that's them ones in your pocket
14:10I'm, joking
14:16But you could get two of the same then if you lose if you lose or break one then you've still got them maybe
14:23She's treating herself. She's going for the emart spending ones
14:33But I really like them
14:35You're all good
14:37Yeah, yeah, but just don't lose them
14:41I could be buying both if you didn't have a sale on yeah, I could be so it'd be so it'd be 200
14:48I'll let you work that out. No
14:51So it'd be double it'd be almost double
14:54But you're getting it for cheap cheaper because you're only paying the one 130 and you're getting the 90 pound one for free
15:00So, that's all right, so it could be
15:05That's favorable maths, it's fine
15:09It's all good instead of spending over 200 pounds. Yeah, 130. Are you getting the boss two boss classes that you're going to really like as well?
15:16and one of them is
15:18Karen miller, however, that is
15:20Thanks, karen. Okay. Thanks karen
15:24That's the only time on the internet where everyone anyone's thanks to karen
15:29I'm, only joking. I don't mean to insult all karen's watching this video. Karen's a lovely name
15:33I just knew a person called karen and she was awesome. Okay. Bye
15:38What a joke what are you doing guys
15:40Winter coupons, right? I went to costa to get a white hot chocolate
15:45And dad was like, oh, i'll buy you something around girlfriends. I was like, oh i'll have a chicken pasty whatever it's called and then um
15:52And then I came out and it's flat cold
15:55Sausage rolls are also flat cold. So i'm sat here trying to eat it up with my costa like this
16:00But either next to you don't go they give them
16:03And they just sit in that hot plate. They get made and then they just sit in that cabinet until somebody buys them
16:09My sausage rolls are flat cold you enjoy your pistachio cookie. Oh, you've got a pistachio cookie as well
16:18So I just
16:19Dropped isla's friend off. We actually met at the
16:24Petrol station because her mum was at a her appointment or something or another
16:29So she was passing the petrol station and we we were too
16:32So I said should we just meet there?
16:34But we were stood at the side of the cash machine just chatting just I was just like having a chat with her mum
16:38Um, and it's like beeping so i'll just it was beep beep is constantly my eyes
16:42I looked and there was a debit card come out and I don't know why I did this
16:45Because I know if you leave it just goes back in and it's safe, but I automatically pulled the card out
16:51and then I was like
16:53Because obviously not meant to do that
16:54You're just meant to let it go back in but then I knew that somebody had just been stood there like a young lad
16:59So I went into the petrol station
17:02Expecting just to see you know, one young lad there or something. There's like eight all queueing to pay for petrol
17:07So then i'm like, oh man
17:09I've got this debit card now in my hand. I don't know who it belongs to
17:12So anyway, i'm just in the petrol station and it's a good job
17:15I'm, not an anxious person because I literally just had to go. Does anyone just use the cash machine?
17:20And everyone just turned around and then this one lad was like, yeah, I did and I was like
17:24Oh, you left your card and he went. Oh, I thought it had swallowed it. Did it pop it out?
17:28And I was like, yeah, yeah, so he took it and it was fine
17:30um, i'm probably really grateful because it's so frustrating when a
17:35Card a bank swallows your card a cash machine swallows your card and then you've got a mess about
17:40Waiting to get a new one, which is probably why I pulled it out
17:43I don't even know why I pulled it out. I should have just I could have just left it
17:47But um, he was grateful anyway
17:49But yeah, I was just laughing at my own self because I did have to shout a little bit loud
17:53Does anyone just use the cash machine?
17:57Everyone just turned around right, um
18:00I'm sat waiting because isabelle and isla have decided to go in and buy themselves a drink or something
18:07For the drive to nana's isla just came back and said mom isabelle's got you something. So she wants you to film her
18:15Wanted to film she wants my reaction or to film her
18:20Is she coming what's going on with her?
18:28You little beauty you yay, thank you. There you go. So kind is thank you
18:37That is very kind isla lunchable and a milkshake isabelle's the most honestly
18:43Generous person with her money like I don't even know how you've got money because you spend so much on everyone else
18:49I don't know how you even have money
18:51You spend money on everyone else all the time
18:54I know it's only a coffee, but that I don't you know, she's always buying people this and that little bits and blah blah blah
19:00Yeah, even yesterday. Although yesterday because she got in the car this morning. She's like, oh look how nice show me a biscuit
19:07Oh because of this look i was gonna eat this yesterday, but i was like nah
19:10She's gonna save it
19:14Look at that biscuit from costa pistachio, it's like a whoopee a whoopee biscuit. It's a whoopee biscuit thing
19:23Whoopee biscuit, I don't know if that's a thing
19:25That looks like a whoopee biscuit to me
19:28But um, she was saying I was like, oh, did you have a nice costa? What did you get?
19:31She went oh, I just got a white hot chocolate. I said, what did dad get?
19:34She went oh, no, I told him i'd buy him one
19:36I offered to buy him a chai latte, but he was having none of it
19:38He wouldn't have one because i'd spent 150 pound on sunglasses
19:41So he wouldn't let me buy him one. He's like you've already spent too much money today
19:45So I don't want you to waste money on me and costa
19:48I probably would have said the same if you'd have said do you want one more?
19:50I'd have been like no, no, no, i'm fine, but i'm glad that you got one. Right, let's get to Nana's
19:55So it turns out Nana were a little bit too, um
19:58Tired for the white rose today. She didn't fancy it. So instead we've come to Tesco's
20:05We've just come to have a little quick look in the children's section and I actually came up to look in the children's section
20:10Purposefully, yeah
20:15Oh, they've just gone Crocs. Oh my gosh, just ordered Mila and Aurora. I can't cope with the Crocs. I've just ordered them
20:21Oh, no, they're rings. Um, i'd reckon they're probably about fiver
20:25Seven pounds
20:36Seven pounds. Anyway, I came here
20:39Purposefully on purpose because I saw on somebody's tiktok these really cute dresses that I wanted to buy for Mila
20:46Um, and they only showed a blue one and like a washed out pink colour
20:50And a purple. Sorry
20:52Um, so that's why we're here for and i've just found them and they've got them in more colours than
20:58I even knew they did. So let me show you guys. Okay, first up
21:04This let me just
21:06Try and get one. Oh
21:08There we go. How
21:10Blooming nice for five pounds. I'm, sorry what?
21:13Look how pretty that is on the sleeves
21:16Like for holiday
21:18Like a night time
21:19How pretty is that?
21:21Five pounds
21:22Absolute bargain. So they've got it in that pink, which is not the washed out pink. I saw
21:28So I actually really like that one
21:30And then they've got it in this orange
21:34Which is gorgeous really nice
21:36It's like a um a neon orange doesn't look as bright in on the camera as what it looks in real life
21:43This purple which I utterly love purple on Mila. It suits her so much
21:48And then they've also got
21:51This blue I do like blue on Mila, but I don't like that blue. It's like a gray blue
21:55Looks a bit washed out. So it's been worn too many times and then there's this um
22:00Cream color as well, which I do really like the cream
22:04But that's not staying cream for very long
22:07Guys, I've just found the nicest looking sushi
22:10platter look at that
22:13nine pounds
22:15Nine pounds I might buy them that for lunch. Although they can share it because that is huge
22:20Humongous, I've got myself a smaller pack of sushi avocado rolls and this which looks so
22:29How gorgeous and crunchy and juicy does that look
22:32Oh, yes, but yeah, Isla and Isabel are currently looking at books
22:38Although they went to find the book aisle ages ago, and they're still there
22:44I'm looking to find them because we're all done. I'm ready to go. Nana's not feeling great
22:48Um, well, she's not it's not that she's ill or anything. She just wants to leave
22:52She's like i'm done. I need to go sit down
22:55So i'm going to find
22:57The girls and then we're going to head back
23:04I knew i'd find you there
23:07Two of the Jo the Elfane books the Karen Prince Karen and Jukebox which she loves. I found the other two of them
23:14And four and I found
23:16I mean and on Karen we found this one as well because she wants to buy them all
23:20She's gonna get two of the Elfane ones for her and everything. Yeah, she's gonna buy everything there
23:25On Storm one, but it's hard to find
23:27It's also like
23:28I think so. Are you buying her a book?
23:31Yeah, I'll buy her own books
23:33So I was gonna get a different one. I just found this. I've just picked that up to show you
23:37I think it'd be fun to film on tiktok train. We've got some
23:41Well, it looks like seaweed but it's called queso salad, right, don't you think you'd be best just back on that
23:48Oh my gosh
24:01It's nine pounds but how good for all of that?
24:06And then i'm gonna get one of these to try it's a korean style chicken
24:25Do you want this isla for lunch, but i'm probably too big for you, but yeah
24:29Well, i'll just buy it and we can just share it all over. Go on then. Okay
24:32Well, so me and esme have both read the corporate series, right?
24:35We've only read these three and she loves it and it's three other books
24:38She even told me the other day I feel emotionally attached to them
24:42Okay, so I found these right yeah
24:45She told me today to look for this book for her like the what in this size. Yeah
24:50But we couldn't see it anywhere, right? So I picked these two and I was like, oh my god, i'll buy myself two
24:54Yeah, and esme one and she can buy this one if she wants. Okay, so me these two. Yeah
25:01All right, but then i'm getting lost we're walking right. Yeah, I found that sneaky on the shelf
25:07Oh, and she really wants it. Is that like she said how much is that?
25:1214 14
25:13It's very nice. It's like 800 pages. It is really cool. It's a hardback one. So she'll really love it
25:19and yeah
25:22But it's two for 950, okay, so it's not these aren't that's 500
25:27This should be 12
25:29Right, we've got to go. Anyway, nana's done
25:32Even though i'm not buying a present i'm going to get a siri action because I know she really loves off and the card and books
25:37Oh, you're so sweet you lot
25:39Come on, let's go play
25:41No, it's not the salad was mine. I bought seaweed salad. No, not the seat. She didn't say the seaweed salad. She had the salad
25:47We don't have a fork
25:49We don't have a fork. I just dropped nana off guys. We went
25:52Let's come in the front. We went and
25:55Spent a couple of hours with nana
26:01She was on one today bless wasn't she? Yeah, she was she was telling us all about stories
26:07She's a bit confused
26:09She seemed to think she was only married to my granddad for four weeks
26:12We kept having to say nana you were married for over 30 40 years
26:16And then she tells the story again and say but we've only got to be married for four weeks
26:20We kept having to remind her but it's so nice
26:23To hear some childhood stories i'm not sure what was actually accurate or not, but she loved reminiscing didn't she she did
26:30Yeah, it was really nice actually
26:32Um, and i've told her i'll take her up next week and take her out for a carvery and she was very happy about that
26:37Thought so we're gonna do that next week. Also
26:41I don't know quite a lot. Also
26:43Leah was there so we got to spend some time with her. She came to tesco's with us as well
26:46So that was really really nice
26:49You've not seen her for a long time either
26:50But it was really nice to be able to see her and spend some time with her as well
26:53Right. We're in the car now and we are going to be heading around to my sister's
26:59Anyway, um
27:01We'll go around to my sister's but before we go we're doing a car muckbang. Oh, it's cold in the car
27:06Are we doing it on the I don't know. Are you cold isla? Yeah, let me put the engine on are you cold?
27:11Are you insane? Well, I got my nice little fleece on right. We're gonna do a car muckbang, but isabel's filming it for tiktok
27:17So that looks so good. Yeah can't film it here. We can film one of mine here. This is what we've got
27:23This is the worst camera angle
27:26Two seconds, right. This is what we've got guys for our little lunch. It's actually a massive lunch. So we've got
27:32How do you pronounce that?
27:41Right, we've got that these were all reduced as well well some of them were
27:45This one what that one was three pound this one was two pound fifty for some grass
27:54We've got this one that was
27:56five pound spicy salmon
28:00Chew avocado crunch roll. That's a raw one. No
28:05Yeah, it'll be raw salmon
28:07Yeah, but you can eat raw salmon. That was however much I just said and then this one was nine pound but look how big
28:14Thanks to these
28:15Oh, it smells so good. Is that everything? Yeah. Yeah. Did you want to get the the one thing in the
28:21You didn't only get the one in there. I did the thingy
28:26No that I bought that one
28:29I don't think I think you got another one
28:33You did you got an avocado
28:35I did. I got a crab and avocado one. See we would have left that in the back. It would have ended up going bad
28:41I love crab and avocado. It's my favorite sushi. How much was that one fiver? That's quite an expensive lunch actually
28:47Actually, no, not for three people. Right. Let's just try one
28:50Okay, and then I can't I don't know
28:53But I look
28:57I love them. I don't know why we have cravings
29:00No, it actually is. No, it actually I know I am 100% not pregnant
29:04But but it is really weird because when i've been pregnant like i'm not pregnant
29:09But when i've been pregnant in the past, hi, oh, here we go. Hello
29:16Oh, thanks
29:19Oh, yeah, of course, do you wanna come over to the window?
29:22Oh, she's cute. That was sweet
29:25Are you sure I bought it?
29:29What was I just talking about? Didn't I go? Oh, there's no soy in it and then I put it back down
29:34Whatever. I don't know. I can't find it. Is it different on the floor?
29:37We'll never know what we've got what we're just talking about on the camera
29:41Craving jet. Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's a good job
29:42You just reminded me isla because i'm definitely to finish that conversation
29:46So i'm not pregnant for the third time, but whenever i've been pregnant in the past I have really craved
29:53crispy things like crunchy salad and I am
29:57Craving that at the minute. I'm not that's why I turned out to look like a cabbage
30:01Because you ate cabbage with me a lot so i'm now round cabbage, you definitely don't look like a round cabbage is about
30:07What the heck?
30:10Well, it turns out isabel's actually not bought what she thought she'd bought. I'm sure you did. I'm so confused because
30:16Should I just check my revolute?
30:18Because it'll oh wait
30:20I've got the receipt. I've got the receipt
30:22I just went and got the receipt because we couldn't find this sushi that isabel sure she bought
30:26She didn't even buy it
30:28So isabel's saying I bought some stuff for a tiktok. All she's bought is a bowl bun and some grass
30:33I put it in but i'm also taking it back out took it back out. Are they good?
30:37She's putting me off this rock. It's so yummy. Oh my god, please. I need food
30:43I'll try the same one at the same time. I got this one
30:47It's cracking
30:49It's cracking
30:51Isabel, isabel
30:59No, this is um a tuna and cucumber one it's got like onion on the top onion
31:05Onion and some sort of sauce. Have you took two?
31:09Um, I kind of split that after okay. Okay. Let's go
31:20To be honest
31:23A little spicy. I don't like tuna and sushi, you know, I feel like
31:32Well, that's so spicy
31:35No, it's not it's spicy but
31:37Not that bad
31:39No, I've got a really spicy bit. That's the top back of my throat get some water
31:44Oh, oh god happen. I don't want too much
31:48It'll be the next one
31:50I didn't get no spice on that. Oh my god, like really?
31:56Oh, yeah top back of my throat like the sauce went like smudged on the back of my throat
32:06I really like that one. I got no sauce
32:09Spicy, is it? I didn't get no sauce. I got a really saucy one
32:16Oh, yeah
32:18Yeah, don't dip it in the that's a carrot dip it in the crispy onions because that's what makes it so good
32:25It's kind of juicy. Ready? Three, two, one. Oh god
32:29That's gonna kill me
32:32Wasn't it
32:43I don't like tomato you got onion on your chin
32:48Um saving that bit for later
32:51Right isabel's filming a tiktok filming the rest, uh tasting the rest so i've got this bao bun
32:57I'm calling it a bao bun, but i'm aware. I might be wrong and my tiktok guys is isabel official 18
33:04There's the one you want to watch the rest of
33:07the bao bun
33:08I was trying everything which is
33:11These three. Oh, so we've got five. We've got grass and we've got a spice of salmon
33:15And avocado so we're gonna try this on tiktok i'm intrigued about that right come back come back come back come back go tiktok
33:23Right, so I tried to buy you something today. Okay, but they didn't have it right because I wanted to get you it as a treat
33:31um, but instead
33:34I thought i'd just get you
33:37Can I have one?
33:42Thank you so much
33:45I'm happy. Oh my gosh
33:53It's the next book in the fourth wing
33:59And i'm planning on I know like I said i've never heard it's a waste of money
34:02But now that i've probably gotten to reading I don't think it's a waste of money and I want to buy the pick the hard
34:07Cover versions of the two books. I've already got and there's that is a waste of money. Yeah
34:11It's not
34:13What did the guy say
34:16What no, he said what do you do when you've read the book though, what's the point
34:19I was like, are you joking? My children buy double books just so they can put them on the shelf
34:24This isn't for you just before
34:27No, but i've got these and i was gonna buy you even these
34:31Have you got them? I have no, do you know the cool prince thingy right that got me into like fantasy reading? Yeah
34:37It's still my favorite book i've ever read. Yeah, um
34:40They're like this next two books to it, but
34:45Did you just say sorry to you
34:52So either so what I was gonna do was I was either gonna buy myself two two one more there's three one books
34:57There's three. Yeah, no, that's that's like an um, and wait, hang on
35:01Because I know you have the first three the next two, but I think there's one more that you don't have
35:05That's like a it's like a novella like it's like a little next thing about kind of but basically so there's someone in
35:12Wait, but have you got those books? Oh, he's the next two books
35:24Right by the way, he's got he's got he's got reindeer legs
35:30Wow, that sounds like a thrilling book to read
35:36Either I was going to get these two for me and then that one for you because these were on offer
35:59Imagine getting this excited over a book
36:06They are nice
36:07lovely books
36:09As men literally as I turned the car off almost fell to the floor. She went no. Oh, oh my gosh
36:15What what what she went? Look the cover
36:18That is really beautiful. Is there anything at the front like maps or anything?
36:22No, I meant the front inside. Yeah, I'm gonna come and look
36:26Oh, it's in the front
36:28That's really beautiful. I love that
36:40Oh my goodness
36:42I've just got home
36:44And look at the absolute state of this kitchen
36:49What have you guys done today?
36:52It's such a mess
36:54Oh my god
36:56I don't know how this has happened, but we've got a bowl missing jace
37:00Where's the veggie the salad bowl gone?
37:04Yeah, where's it gone and we've also got
37:08That missing it just took me about 20 minutes trying to find
37:11Those two cups that were in the trolley that they were playing with this morning. I'm a little meal of rosabelle's up here making me
37:18A delicious cup of tea. Do you know what those are sweetheart?
37:22Those are tea bags
37:24So you put the tea bag watch like this. That's the flavor. So this one's strawberry
37:29So we put the tea bag in the cup and we leave the strawberry at the side so we know what the flavor is
37:35How cool is that?
37:37You've got lots of flavored tea bags there
37:41So cool
37:44Oh, that's a nice mixed fruit tea
37:48Thank you jace
37:49Gosh, i'm such a lucky man to come home to all this
37:53Probably wasn't my brightest idea to clean up the
37:56whole kitchen before
37:58Settling down with a little three to play in the kitchen
38:01And then i'll pull it back out, which is fine. You don't mind
38:11All right, you're definitely sure yeah
38:13It's fine. I'll show you next time. Okay. Anyway, it's been a lovely day today. So thank you all so so much
38:20We'll see you back
38:22You haven't
38:23A new green one. Oh for christmas. Yeah, you did. We'll see you all back here tomorrow at 5 p.m. Good night guys
38:34Make sure it was so cute
